Where was Alexander Maslyakov Sr. Office romance of Alexander Maslyakov life-long

It is said that nature rests on celebrity children. You can't say the same about Maslyakov Jr. He inherited from his legendary father, the leader of the beloved Club of the cheerful and resourceful, the ability to work with the public and surprise the audience with professionalism. For the father, the main business of his life was the creation of a number of programs for young people: “Come on, girls!”, KVN, “Funny Guys”, etc., which later became the most popular. From childhood, Sasha lived among the film crew and, as they say, with his mother's milk absorbed the love of various kinds of entertainment programs.

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Maslyakov Jr. was born in Moscow on April 28, 1980. The parents of Alexander Maslyakov are famous people. Father, everyone famous Alexander Vasilyevich, is the permanent host of KVN, Svetlana Anatolyevna - the mother of our hero - worked as a television producer. She was the permanent companion of her star husband and worked on the releases of KVN programs. While studying at school, Alexander Maslyakov, Jr., did not particularly show interest in all types of sciences. He easily coped with mathematical problems and read poetry perfectly, pleasing teachers in all subjects. But he did not like to attend an educational institution. By the end, he decided to enter the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. He successfully passed the exams, moreover, in 2006 he defended the degree of candidate of economic sciences. But he did not work in his main specialty.

At the age of 20, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. repeatedly flashed on the screens as a regular viewer or host of KVN. Many were sure that Alexander Vasilyevich saw in his son the main contender for the presidency. And they were right, since Sasha already in 2003 became the head of the KVN Premier League. This project allowed to grow a whole galaxy of talented participants in the popular program. Moreover, the young presenter, without leaving the league, created the programs “Planet KVN”, “First League”, “Outside the Game”. Maslyakov Jr. was often seen at regional competitions, after which he was called the most active and energetic member of the club. In 2013, Alexander Alexandrovich appeared on the stage of the next competition as a guest star for the number of one of the best teams- Team of the Kamyzyak Territory. Thanks to his wit, the guys emerged as the winners of the season, and Maslyakov Jr. grew up in the eyes of critics. But still, he was repeatedly attacked by colleagues on TV. Known to everyone, Maxim Galkin openly expressed the opinion that Sasha does not have such talents as his star father, he builds his career due to the popularity of Maslyakov Sr., etc.

But offspring talented Alexander Vasilyevich decided to ignore unnecessary conversations and never entered into conflicts. This manner once again proved a good upbringing. And Sasha continues to work at the club, successfully leads the Premier League, and his reputation as a professional is growing every day.

Personal life

While studying at the diplomatic alma mater - the Institute of International Relations - Alexander Maslyakov met charming girl. Her name was Angelina Marmeladova. Before that, the guy did not have a serious relationship and reasons for gossip in yellow press. With the beautiful Lina, he constantly encountered within the walls of the university, in the dining room. Soon she decided to transfer to the group where Alexander studied. At first it was friendship, the girl helped him curb science. With time friendly relations grew into a deeper feeling, the couple began to meet more often. The guy tried his best to make a good impression on Marmeladova, invited him to a cafe, then to a restaurant. Lina was particularly pleased with the invitation to the next season of KVN, where Sasha felt like the master of the situation. After that, the strict girl gave up and agreed to marry Maslyakov Jr. The scale of the celebration amazed the worldly restaurateurs, and as a gift, the newlyweds received the keys to their own apartment. Thus, Alexander finally became a completely independent person and found happiness in his personal life. Do not assume that Angelina is somehow behind her star husband. She was a successful student, has an amazing knowledge of literature and journalism. Now Marmeladova famous writer, has released three novels that have become bestsellers, works in various publishing houses. In 2006, she gave her husband a daughter, Taisiya, which also made her father-in-law, Alexander Vasilyevich, very happy. Together with her husband, she works on television, directs theater studio"Fidgets", and Alexander Maslyakov, Jr., spends time with his beloved Club of the cheerful and resourceful.

Online publications and newspapers recently blew up last news that Alexander Maslyakov was fired from KVN. According to the latest information, the event took place after the verification of the Prosecutor General. What was the reason, and what fate awaits everyone's favorite program, which no Russian can represent without Alexander Vasilyevich?

Reason for leaving

The investigation by the prosecutor's office was initiated by Transparency International. Alexander Vasilyevich was accused of combining two positions, which was contrary to the law. He simultaneously served as head of the State Unitary Enterprise "Planet KVN" and commercial enterprise"AMIK".

Transparency International asked the Prosecutor's Office to check for a conflict of interest. According to the legislation, heads of state unitary enterprises cannot simultaneously manage commercial enterprises.

The fact of the combination happened back in 2014. During this period, Planet KVN and the creative association AMiK formed Dom KVN LLC. The whole story began after a gift for the anniversary of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Anti-corruption officials pointed out that the building donated by KVN for the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was owned by the city of Moscow. It was a cinema building. It is located on Sheremetyevskaya Street and its cost is more than 100 billion rubles. This figure does not include the cost land plot. As a result, it turned out that the property was owned by a private company.

The gift was made so that the Club would have its own building. Since the revival of KVN, they have always had to rent halls, since they do not have their own premises.

House of KVN in Moscow

Many call this situation "laughter through tears." Maslyakov was fired because of a gift from the President. Alexander Vasilievich was credited with resourcefulness in a different sense.

Alexander Vasilyevich himself did not comment on the situation. According to his family, he made the decision to step down on his own. It has been brewing since the beginning of the year.

The International Union of KVN reported that Maslyakov was not aware that a prosecutor's check had been launched against him on a complaint. In addition, at the time of the audit, he no longer held the post of head. The dismissal procedure was initiated by Alexander Vasilyevich personally.

Alexander Maslyakov fired

Corruption allegations

According to the latest news about Alexander Maslyakov, it is known that accusations of the cheerful and resourceful father of corruption rained down. He is considered one of the richest presenters on our television - earnings are based on the created back in Soviet times KVN system. The income of Alexander Vasilyevich is more than 3.5 million dollars a year. For performance in KVN, each team must pay a fee of 20,000 rubles, regardless of the level of the game. There is information that teams must transfer amounts for each trip on tour in the amount of up to 20% of the fee, but this information does not find its official confirmation.

Alexander Maslyakov and Vladimir Putin

What will happen to KVN

The life of Alexander Maslyakov is closely connected with KVN. And no viewer can imagine the program without him. The latest news that Alexander Maslyakov was fired from KVN is exciting. What will happen to the program, will Alexander Vasilyevich remain its host?

The club of the cheerful and resourceful is one of the brightest pages in Maslyakov's life. He is the leader, director and host of this humorous project. Several times he was on the jury at road performances.

In 1974, KVN was closed. For Maslyakov, this was a personal tragedy. Only after 14 years was it possible to achieve the resumption of the program.

He even met his wife Svetlana Smirnova at KVN. She worked as an assistant director. The couple have been living happily for 40 years.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov with his son Alexander

The son of Alexander Vasilyevich did not plan to knit his life with KVN. He dreamed of being a politician. But the atmosphere in the family played a role in choosing a profession. Alexander did not become a diplomat. For a long time now, he has been leading the KVN Planet and the KVN Premier League.

Fans of the humorous project have no reason to worry. According to the latest news, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov does not leave KVN for good, he remains its host. And he will delight the audience with his radiant smile for a long time.

Name at birth Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov
Date of Birth November 24(1941-11-24 ) (77 years old)
Place of Birth Sverdlovsk, USSR
Occupation television presenter, television producer
Father Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996)
Mother Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (1911-1999)
Spouse Svetlana Maslyakova
Children Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov
Awards and prizes
Website kvn.ru/pages/president
Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov at Wikimedia Commons


Father - Vasily Vasilyevich Maslyakov (1904-1996), originally from the Novgorod region, military pilot, navigator, participant in the Great Patriotic War, after the war he served in the General Staff of the Air Force.

Mother - Zinaida Alekseevna Maslyakova (1911-1999), a housewife, in November 1941, on the way to Chelyabinsk for evacuation, her son was born.

In 1964, while still a fourth-year student at MIIT, he began working on television. He explains his arrival on television as follows:

One day, Pasha Kantor, the captain of the team, ran into me in one of the audiences and said: “Listen, let's be one of the five!” And he explained that the workers of the youth editorial office of the Central Television were going to film a funny program. And the leaders should be five students of the institute that won the last game KVN. That is ours. “You will be one of the five,” Pasha repeated, and I dutifully agreed.

For currency fraud, he was forced to leave television, in one of central newspapers a feuilleton appeared about it.

He was the chairman of the jury of the TV show "Minute of Glory".

In 2014, he became a member of the jury of the TV show "Sense of Humor" along with Julius Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the creative association "AMiK" filed documents with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation for the registration of the trademark "Alexander Maslyakov".

On July 21, 2017, the Moscow government dismissed Maslyakov from the post of director of the MMC Planet KVN. This happened after an investigation by Transparency International, in which it turned out that he, on behalf of the Planet KVN center, transferred to his own creative association"AMIK" cinema "Havana" in Maryina Roshcha in Moscow. Initially, the Moscow prosecutor's office did not reveal a violation. However, Transparency International challenged this decision with the Attorney General's Office. On December 1, 2017, the KVN press service denied the dismissal, stating that Maslyakov had left for own will.

public position

In January 2012, he became a member of the "People's Headquarters" (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

In January 2018, he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

Awards and prizes

Ratings and criticism

Philosopher, culturologist and sociologist P. S. Gurevich believes that:

Alexander Maslyakov has long gained popularity. He led a variety of programs - "KVN", "Funny guys", "Come on, girls! ". In the frame he is free, resourceful, sometimes striking with a witty remark. Shows tact. At the origins, as it were, embodied social portrait young Soviet man. This is exactly how - resourceful, light, contact - he seemed to the viewers.
But time passed. The criteria have changed. There were new requests. The appearance of the leader remained unchanged. Maslyakov did not try to find new facets of the image. Skill grew, professionalism was enriched. But in general, today on the screen, Alexander is perceived as a Komsomol functionary slightly out of age ... No, you can’t always use the once found image. The image needs to be changed or filled with new content.

Alexander Maslyakov successfully operates the KVN brand, the creation of which he was involved in Soviet years. The system that he created - in fact, the factory of pop stars - is aimed at obtaining the maximum possible income before its participants grow to the level of free swimming.

This person should be in the Guinness Book of Records. For almost 50 years he has been on the television screen. Club of cheerful and resourceful - unique phenomenon in world television, like Alexander Maslyakov. Joking for half a century is a serious matter, not everyone can do it. Maslyakov - on forces. As soon as the KVN workers did not call him behind his back - Barin, the Guardian, AlVasMas. Loving, of course. For them, he is an indisputable authority, an absolute monarch. FROM light hand Monarch KVN game has turned into a real factory of stars. And today, many television celebrities can say: "We all left KVN."

A family




  1. Maslyakov Alexander Vasilievich Archival copy dated May 11, 2015 at the Wayback Machine // Who's who in contemporary culture. Exclusive biographies. - Issue 1-2. - M.: MK-Periodika, 2006-2007.
  2. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 N 1895 "On the assignment of honorary titles of the Russian Federation to creative workers of the Russian State Television and Radio Company Ostankino" Archived on January 4, 2014.
  3. Kabanov, Peter Alexander Maslyakov was awarded the distinction "For Merit to the Sverdlovsk Region" (indefinite) . Regional newspaper (November 10, 2016). - Culture. Retrieved December 5, 2016.
  4. "Vzglyadovtsy", the beatles of television
  5. Alexander Maslyakov thought about turning his name into a brand
  6. How Maslyakov was fired from KVN
  7. The press service of KVN explained the departure of Alexander Maslyakov
  8. List of members of the "People's Headquarters" on the website putin2012.ru
  9. Celebrities from the list-2012 became Putin's confidants Polit.ru, 12.01.2017
  10. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1994 No. 1895 "On the awarding of honorary titles of the Russian Federation to creative workers of the Russian State Television and Radio Company Ostankino"
  11. Protocol Decision of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS "On awarding the Diploma of the Commonwealth of Independent States" (Adopted in Minsk on June 1, 2001)
  12. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2006 No. 1298 "On awarding the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree Maslyakov A.V."
  13. Decree of the President of Ukraine dated December 14, 2006 No. 1077/2006 "On awarding A. Maslyakov with the Order of Merit"
  14. New Knights of the Order
  15. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 12, 2011 No. 1489 "On awarding the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree Maslyakov A.V."

According to recent news reports, Alexander Maslyakov, who for many years led the state unitary enterprise Planet KVN, resigned in early December 2017. According to the press center of the organization, the departure of the head of the popular show from the post of CEO was initiated by himself, back in the spring of this year.

The reason for this decision was the desire to bring their own labor activity in accordance with the requirements of the legislation adopted in the Russian Federation. Now Alexander Vasilievich Maslyakov, according to the latest news, will only host all episodes of the program, remaining the media face of the project, but he will not be able to resolve property issues.

As already reported in all open sources information, in early autumn 2017, a scandal erupted due to Transparency International checking the activities of a unitary enterprise, long years ruled by the firm hand of the founding father of the popular entertainment show.

Then this non-profit organization to identify corruption components in all unitary enterprises published documents stating that the TV presenter, respected by all, was involved in a major fraud.

According to the members of the inspection commission, the head of KVN transferred the ownership of the Havana cinema to the ownership of the company AMiK, once established by himself. And by law unitary non-profit organizations they have no right to do so. Moreover, after checking permits by Transparency International, it turned out that such a scam became possible with the approval of the mayor's office of the capital. The members of the inspection organization had to apply to the State Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation with a corresponding statement, which initiated a new collapse of all kinds of checks.

Alexander Maslyakov was fired from AMiK

In other words, according to the latest news, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov Sr. sold the premises to himself.

As a result of the prosecutor's investigation, it turned out that the TV presenter was not involved in anything criminal, so the owner of KVN will not be held criminally liable.

In defense of the head of KVN, his colleagues took part in the game as members of the jury. So, for example, Valdis Pelsh said in an interview with reporters that without Alexander Maslyakov, who was fired from the post of head of KVN, the program would be different, so he would remain its permanent host for many years. At the same time, the head of the program will lay down some formal duties. did not stay away from the scandal, saying that he did not see a big problem in the scandal, artificially inflated by unscrupulous media.

Prohibition on the use of abbreviations

Does not lag behind in scandalous fame from famous father and his son - Alexander Maslyakov Jr. As it became known in the latest news of December 6, 2017, the successor of the TV presenter as director of AMiK forbade the creators of the film about the history of the program to use the word KVN.

According to Russian law, the abbreviation has long been considered intellectual property association belonging to a popular family. Therefore, the authors of a documentary film do not have the right to introduce it into their works, without the official permission of the owners of the "trademark".

The filmmakers are outraged by such close observance commercial rights"cheerful and resourceful" owners of AMiK, especially since they had to incur additional expenses to change the name and to replace the posters.

Facts from the biography of the presenter and the background of KVN

Alexander Maslyakov was born in Yekaterinburg in 1941. In more detail about the childhood of the 76-year-old popular TV presenter, nothing is known yet.

After school, the young man went to conquer the capital and entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. While still in his fourth year at the university, the student became interested in creating KVN, which received such a name from the brand of the TV, which became the first product of the domestic industry. Therefore, Maslyakov decided to retrain as a TV journalist and graduated from a specialized university with the appropriate specialization.

The very idea of ​​creating fun program belonged to Sergei Muratov, who decided to air the program "Evening of funny questions", the plot of which was copied from the Czech prototype of the show. The program survived only three broadcasts, after which it was closed due to a misunderstanding related to the oversight of the TV presenter.

As soon as the hype subsided, the creators of the program released new project, calling it "KVN", in which 5 presenters participated, insuring each other in different unpleasant situations associated with live broadcasts.

Gradually, the number of entertainers was reduced and only Maslyakov and Svetlana Zhiltsova remained on the stage. Then the whole country was sure of a happy family life this famous couple. And no one knew that Alexander had long and happily married another Svetlana, who became the director of the program and gave birth to his son.

For the first 7 years, KVN went out exclusively "live", which terrified the heads of television - students were not shy about live joke about shortcomings in the USSR, which at that time was severely persecuted.

As a result, the transition to recording the program in the studio affected the management’s ban on the performances of bearded jokers - one of the censors saw in such images a mockery of the great ideologist communist party Karl Marx. The unpredictability of the speeches of the program participants led to the State Security Committee becoming interested in their work. Soviet state and the program was closed in 1971.

A lot of rumors are connected with this story, which claim that the permanent host of the funny program was in prison for "currency fraud". Alexander Vasilyevich himself, in response to such accusations, only laughed - to work for Central television leading with a criminal record was impossible. Moreover, all channel employees underwent a tough selection under the all-seeing eye of the State Security Committee for reliability.

For 15 years, the transfer was banned. The state of affairs on Soviet television has changed in connection with Perestroika. In 1986, the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful again appeared on television. The extraordinary popularity of the program is evidenced by the fact that literally after a few years of its return to the list of television programs, wit competitions crossed the borders. Soviet Union- competitions with international status began to be held in Israel and Poland, in the UK and the USA.

KVN became a kind of cradle of many pop humorous groups, which later became independent units in the country's television spaces.

The most famous of them: Ural dumplings”and“ Kvartal 95 ”, which currently have their own show programs and even release films under the registered trademark of teams that once won various festivals of a humorous competition. Great amount young talents consider their starting point to be the work in the KVN teams, which gave them the opportunity to become stars of modern show business, popular and famous.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the favorite TV presenter of millions of viewers of the Soviet Union, Russia, near and far abroad is popular and in demand today just as it was forty years ago.

Childhood, family

The biography of Alexander Maslyakov - the elder - originates in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1942. Sasha was born into the family of a military pilot and a housewife. The father of the future TV star - Vasily Maslyakov was born in the suburbs of Novgorod. His life was closely connected with aviation. He fought on the fronts of the Second World War, was a military pilot and navigator. Later he served in the Air Force General Staff. Mom Zinaida Maslyakova took care of the household and raised her son.

In his youth, Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography will forever be associated with television, did not even suspect this. In 1966 he graduated from the Institute of Transport Engineers in Moscow, and two years later became a television and radio broadcaster after completing special courses. I did not play in KVN at the institute, but participated in various student productions and was not at all afraid of the stage.

At this time, the team Student team MIIT in KVN gained weight and in 1963 won the final of the TV game. The team captain offered the handsome and charming Alexander the role of host. He did not refuse, and the next day after his first transmission he woke up famous throughout the Soviet Union.

TV presenter career

Alexander Maslyakov was noticed on television and began to actively invite this talented

young man to work as a host of various youth programs. Any program he hosted instantly became super popular. All of them today make up the golden fund of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company - “Addresses of the Young”, “Jolly Guys”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, etc. Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography was now inextricably linked with television, in those years he was so in demand that without his participation it was impossible to imagine a single youth program.He led brilliant reports from world youth festivals in Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Moscow, Pyongyang.For several years he led song festivals in Sochi, the program " Song of the Year” and other entertainment youth programs.

Why Maslyakov disappeared from the screens

In the late seventies, Alexander Maslyakov suddenly disappeared from the screens. The biography of the famous presenter made a sharp turn. As they say gossips, Alexander Maslyakov ended up in a colony in Rybinsk for illegal currency transactions. In those days it was a serious crime, but after a few months, Alexander Vasilievich was free. However, he himself categorically denies this fact of his biography.

The disappearance of Alexander Vasilyevich from television coincided with the unexpected closure of the KVN program. As the presenter himself explains, the program was closed without explanation. Probably someone did not like sharp student jokes. After all, the program was originally conceived as entertaining, but students can expect not only jokes about their college life, but also sharp political remarks.

After 14 years, Alexander Vasilievich again took over as the host of KVN. His first and only partner, Svetlana Zhiltsova, refused to return.

On the question of age

You can often hear the question: “How old is Alexander Maslyakov, does he change at all over the years?” On November 24, 2013, the popular presenter turned seventy-one years old. According to Alexander Vasilyevich himself, communication with young people and good humor give him strength and energy.

At the celebration of the seventieth anniversary, which was held behind closed doors, many famous and popular people in Russia gathered. On this day, everyone wished the hero of the day creative longevity, and the question of how old Alexander Maslyakov was did not arise. He is always young, and young people can envy his sparkling humor.

Alexander Maslyakov: biography, KVN today

To date, our favorite presenter is a permanent leader and director the most popular program KVN Association AMiK. Today it is the main ideologist, censor, and now the main one of the International Union of KVN. In addition, Alexander Vasilievich is the chairman of the jury of another popular show - “Minute of Glory”.

Personal life

Maslyakov Alexander Vasilyevich, whose biography knows the ups and downs and

consists not only of one work, for forty-two years he has been happily married to Svetlana Maslyakova, who has been the director of her favorite program for many years.

son and successor

On April 28, 1980, a boy was born in the Maslyakov family in Moscow, who was named Alexander.

The close connection of his parents with the Soviet, and then Russian television predetermined his fate. FROM early age he was closely associated with his parents' main project. In his youth, Alexander dreamed of becoming a policeman, the career of a TV presenter was not included in his plans. Then there was a desire to engage in politics.

After leaving school, Alexander graduated from MGIMO, defended his dissertation, became a candidate of economic sciences, but did not start a career as a diplomat. Today he is the leader of the Premier League. Married to Angelina Marmeladova (now Maslyakova). A daughter, Taisiya, was born in the marriage.

Interesting Facts

  • An asteroid discovered by the Crimean Observatory is named after the permanent host of KVN.
  • Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcohol at all.
  • Once Maslyakov hosted the Vzglyad program.

Future plans

Alexander Maslyakov, whose biography is inseparable from the famous comedian club, dreams of opening the KVN House in Moscow. And the TV presenter also plans to live up to a hundred years without parting with humor.

Alexander Vasilyevich is popular and loved not only by viewers. His merits are marked by the state. In 2006, he was awarded the Fourth Class Order of Merit for the Fatherland for his contribution to the development of television in Russia.

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