Working hours for pregnant women. Labor law for women "in position"

Prejudice against pregnant women at their employment or already at work is one of the forms of discrimination. It is widespread enough, a rare employer will gladly take or keep an employee who, for one reason or another, cannot work to the fullest. That is why many women, when pregnancy is discovered, have a fear of how such a joyful event will affect her career.

Rights of a pregnant woman at work

The rights of a pregnant woman under the Labor Code are regulated by some articles from 254 to 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Their essence is reflected in the following aspects:

  • maternity leave is paid by the employer in full, regardless of how much time was worked;
  • the exit of the employee on maternity leave retains her current job at the same salary level, at the same time, the length of service continues to be accrued in full;
  • the employer does not have the right to dismiss this employee on his own initiative, in this regard, only dismissal by agreement of the parties or dismissal of employees in connection with the termination of the organization's activities is available;
  • if the employment contract is fixed-term, and its period ends during pregnancy, the woman must submit an appropriate application for its extension, while the employer may not remind her of this, but she also has no right to refuse;
  • for dereliction of duty, a pregnant woman also cannot be dismissed under Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in this case it is protected by article 261 of the Labor Code;
  • during the probationary period, an employee also cannot be fired in case of pregnancy.

You can download the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the latest edition with comments at the link:

Rights and obligations of a pregnant woman at work

It is quite difficult to combine such concepts as pregnancy and work in the current realities - the rights of pregnant women under the Labor Code, although they protect against too overt discrimination, do not guarantee normal working conditions. In fact, with pregnancy, the duties of a woman at work do not change in any way. However, she has every right to demand loyalty to her position:

  • reduction of working time;
  • transfer to lighter working conditions, excluding heavy lifting, contact with harmful substances and other aspects that are harmful to health;
  • appropriate working conditions, implying a comfortable ventilated and bright room, the absence of a large amount of equipment and other points.

At the same time, the woman will have to write all the necessary statements herself, as well as provide the relevant certificates. The employer is obliged to keep her position and the established salary, but at the same time, she can offer vacancies that are more appropriate for her condition.

According to the Labor Code, a woman herself, in connection with pregnancy, may well count not only on concessions, but also on a complete failure to fulfill her duties. Many use this in a way that is beneficial to them, since the maximum that an employer can do in this case is to deprive her of bonuses. However, do not forget that the pregnancy will end in any case, and then you will have to show the maximum return if the employer is ready to fire the negligent employee at the first opportunity. Therefore, the best option would be to perform your duties as well as possible in the current position.

Can a pregnant woman be fired from her job?

Do they have the right to dismiss a pregnant woman from work - this moment becomes one of the most relevant when pregnancy is detected. And not only for the employee herself, but for the employer too. The legislation of the Labor Code gives a clear definition that pregnant women cannot be fired in any case. It is also impossible to recall her from vacation, even with her own consent. In fact, there are only three reasons why such a worker can lose her job:

  • the position held is related to incompatible working conditions during pregnancy, in this case the employer is obliged to provide all available vacancies that meet the required conditions, and only if the woman does not agree to them, she can quit;
  • mutual agreement of the parties is also an opportunity to stop working;
  • organization or individual entrepreneur ceases to operate.

Protecting the rights of pregnant women at work

In case of dishonest actions of the employer, it often becomes necessary to protect their rights. An important point in this case is written evidence that the pregnant woman applied for the right questions, but these appeals were either rejected or ignored.

A complaint against a company in case of discrimination can be filed with the labor inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the courts. For infringement of rights in accordance with the Labor Code, in this case, one can incur not only administrative, but also criminal liability.

Infringement of the rights of pregnant women at work

The question of whether they have the right not to take a pregnant woman to work is quite in demand, especially considering that organizations very rarely voice the reasons for refusal. It should be understood that no one needs a pregnant employee - this is an unpleasant moment, but it is real.

Therefore, in this case, you can require a written certificate of refusal. If the applicant has all the necessary skills for a vacancy, and she was refused for some trifling reason, this option may well be a reason to go to court.

Also, pregnant women should be aware that, under the Labor Code, they are not required to disclose their position when applying for a job, just as no one has the right to demand such recognition from them. However, at work, pregnancy must be reported in order to obtain all the necessary working conditions.

It's no secret that many employers prefer to hire men. The reason why they do this is simple: such an employee is unlikely to go on maternity leave. It is he who “scares” many leaders, forcing them to refuse young women. Or force them to quit of their own free will when reporting a pregnancy. Let's try to figure out whether the decree is so terrible for the employer, and whether a woman can protect her labor rights in such a situation.

Labor rights and obligations of a pregnant woman

Strictly speaking, any employee, regardless of his marital status, has two main duties: to personally perform the work provided for by the contract concluded with the employer, and also to obey the internal rules and regulations of his organization or enterprise. For this, he has the right to provide a workplace that meets numerous rules and regulations, the work specified in the contract, as well as to receive wages in full and on time.

At the same time, the legislator establishes a number of special rules for women in general and for pregnant women in particular. They begin to operate from the moment you contact your future employer for employment:

  • Deny a job naming the sex or state of pregnancy as a reason, the employer has no right, this is discrimination, which is expressly prohibited by law. The basis for refusal can only be business qualities or non-compliance with qualification requirements.
  • There are a number of professions in which female labor is prohibited in principle. There are about 500 specialties on the list approved by the Government Decree. They are associated with difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as underground work. Pregnant women are not allowed to work at night.
  • The law also requires the employer to take into account the health status of employees. If there are medical indications for reducing production rates or eliminating any adverse effects, then, according to the woman, she should be transferred to lighter work.
  • If the employer does not yet have the opportunity to transfer to light work, then before it appears, the employer is obliged release a pregnant woman from work, but pay this time as worked.

The average salary for a pregnant employee is:

  • during mandatory visits to doctors;
  • after transition to light work.

That is, all the time before receiving it will be the same as in the old place. As for medical examinations, their passage must be confirmed by a certificate from the clinic. Otherwise, the absence may be regarded as being late or absenteeism and cause a penalty.

The right to maternity leave

What else are pregnant women entitled to at work? They have special leave associated with the birth of a child. The familiar term "decree" actually combines two different holidays: for pregnancy and childbirth and for caring for a child under 3 years old. Both of them are provided at the request of a woman, but are issued and paid differently. During this time, the employee retains her position. But instead of a salary, she will receive Social Security benefits.

Reason for maternity leave, in addition to the application, there will be a disability certificate (). To care for a child, any parent or even grandparents can take a vacation. They can use it either in full or in parts. During this leave, a woman can work from home, remotely or part-time. At the same time, she will receive both an allowance and a salary.

Relying to her regular annual leave, a woman can add to maternity leave. Moreover, both before its start and after. According to his application, the employer is obliged to arrange the next vacation for the father in such a way that it coincides with the wife's pregnancy leave.

Can a pregnant woman be fired from her job?

Labor legislation establishes a direct ban on the dismissal of employees on vacation. This fully applies to maternity leave. The law also establishes for the employer a number of prohibitions on the dismissal of a woman in a state of pregnancy. This creates the erroneous idea that such an employee cannot be fired in principle. However, it is not.

There are few cases when the dismissal of a pregnant woman is legal, but they are:

  • liquidation of an employer organization, that is, a legal entity and individual entrepreneur (clause 1, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code) or a branch of a legal entity (part 4, article 81 of the Labor Code);
  • agreement of the parties, drawn up in writing (clause 1, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code);
  • the woman's own desire (clause 3, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code);
  • the end of a fixed-term employment contract (clause 2, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code);
  • the refusal of a pregnant employee to work with the new owner (only for the director, his deputies and chief accountant), in changed working conditions or to move with the employer (paragraphs 6, 7 and 9, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code, respectively).

Protecting the labor rights of a pregnant woman: where to turn?

Labor legislation provides for several possibilities for a working pregnant woman to protect her labor rights. First of all, this is an appeal to the primary trade union organization or to the commission on labor disputes(KTS) directly at the place of work. The appeal must be in writing, indicating which rights were violated.

In case of illegal dismissal, it can be challenged in district court. You can also contact him in other cases, bypassing the KTS and the trade union. The court will require a statement of claim, to which it will be necessary to attach documents that serve as evidence of the employer's wrong.

You can also complain about the illegal actions of the employer in prosecutor's office or the State Labor Inspectorate. The complaint must be in writing and contain both information about the employee who applied, and a description of the violations of labor rights committed by the employer.

The first and main recommendation of gynecologists to all women bearing a child is the absence of unrest and rest at the first sign of fatigue. However, the reality is that most women combine pregnancy and work, but not all have the opportunity or desire to adjust their schedule or responsibilities to changed conditions. Someone is afraid of the sidelong glances of superiors and colleagues, some give all their strength to their favorite work, forgetting about sleep and rest, others focus on making money so that after childbirth they can recover calmly and take care of the child.

Stress, unhealthy work, night shifts, getting up early and rushing are undeniably detrimental to the health of the mother and unborn child, while working with normal conditions and a schedule that allows for breaks helps to distract from the anxieties and fears common during pregnancy. How to build a relationship with the employer so that you do not have to choose between pregnancy and work? What rights and obligations do expectant mothers have, and what do employers have?

The Labor Code provides for special guarantees for expectant mothers to protect this category of workers, not very beloved by employers. This applies not only to employees, but also to those who are just starting a new job, since pregnancy cannot be a reason to refuse admission. Such women cannot be placed on probation.

Many employers insure themselves by writing a condition about this in an employment contract, however, for pregnant women, this item will be illegal. This also applies to cases where the employee is in a position at the end of the probationary period.

With regard to leave at work, the Labor Code guarantees women during pregnancy the following rights:

  1. The next leave can be granted according to the schedule either immediately before the maternity leave or immediately after it. Moreover, it can be taken by those women whose experience at the enterprise is less than six months, while in the general case, employees can go on vacation only after 6 months of work.
  2. It is impossible to recall an employee from vacation even if she agrees to this.
  3. It is unacceptable to compensate for unused vacation with money, a pregnant woman must fully realize it.
  4. Maternity leave is granted for 140 days (in the general case), 156 (if ), 160 (if living in a radioactive territory) or 184 (if ) days. It starts 70 days (in general), 90 (for those living in a radioactive area) or 84 (for multiple pregnancies) days before delivery. The duration of the leave does not depend on the length of service, position, salary or other similar factors. During pregnancy, it is paid after the provision of a sick leave in accordance with federal laws, based on the average daily earnings at work, and the source of funds is the Social Insurance Fund, and not the employer. If a woman decides to work even at 8-9 months of pregnancy, she receives a salary, but not a benefit - it is accrued only after going on vacation.

Working conditions

The Labor Code provides for the possibility of mitigating the requirements for the results and mode of work when confirming the pregnancy of an employee, this includes a reduction in production rates or a transfer to another job while maintaining average earnings. If such a transfer took some time, for this period the woman is released from work with the preservation of the average wage. The basis is a medical certificate or a statement from the employee herself.

Another common cause for concern is safety. As for the specific influence of technology, scientists do not have an unambiguous opinion about the action of radiation and electromagnetic fields, but various eye diseases due to constant voltage are a very real problem. According to the law - SanPiN of 2003, the time of working at a computer during pregnancy is limited to 3 hours per shift, however, few people know about this.

Features of work during pregnancy

During pregnancy, laws provide for getting rid of a heavy work schedule.

Such employees should not be involved:

  • in nighttime;
  • overtime;
  • shift method;
  • on holidays and weekends;
  • on business trips.

Not a single pregnancy can do without regular visits to the antenatal clinic and other medical examinations. The employer is obliged to release the employee to visit doctors and take tests, and the average earnings for this period are maintained.

If everything is clear with physical activity and harmful working conditions, is it possible to perform sedentary work during pregnancy? Given the changes in the body, this can be fraught with stagnation of blood in the pelvis and an increase in the load on the intervertebral discs. These consequences of sedentary work during pregnancy can be avoided by choosing the right chair, taking breaks for 15-20 minutes every hour and forgetting about the cross-legged position.

At the request of the employee, she must be assigned a part-time or part-time schedule. Under normal conditions, such a regime is established by agreement of the parties, but in the case of a pregnant woman, her unilateral demand is sufficient.

When do I need to bring a pregnancy certificate?

Evidence of pregnancy for the employer is a certificate from the antenatal clinic. This document is obtained only if necessary. If an employee does not have, for example, overtime, night shifts, harmful conditions, and the employer lets her go for medical examinations without any problems and does not plan to fire her, then you can do without a certificate.

On the other hand, for transfer to other conditions or working hours, as well as in case of disputable situations, it is necessary as soon as possible. At work, a certificate of pregnancy must be registered immediately after receiving it.

Pregnancy changes a woman's attitude towards herself and work. Not everyone can withstand the previous pace of life, the body is rebuilt, which leads to drowsiness, memory problems and poor health, and physical work during pregnancy becomes especially difficult. On the other hand, pregnancy is not a disease, and the expectant mother may well continue to live as she is used to, but with some nuances.

Remember, your main task is to bear the child, and stress, overwork, lack of sleep bring complications for the health of the mother and fetus. Do not overexert yourself - physically or mentally. Feel free to relax, eat, get outside. Ask for a reduced work day or other working conditions if necessary. This can be problematic, for example, when working in a kindergarten during pregnancy, you may only be offered a reduced shift with all duties retained, however, if necessary, you can ask the gynecologist to send you on sick leave.

Pregnancy itself is not a contraindication to work, but in some cases the gynecologist may insist on the need for inpatient or outpatient treatment. , like spotting, pain, lack of movement - this is a reason to quit all work matters, no matter how important they may be.

When to tell at work about pregnancy, each woman decides for herself, taking into account all the pros and cons. If you do not want attention from colleagues, are afraid of problems, or work involves maintaining your appearance, you can hide your condition with clothes for the first 3-4 months, however, then it will be difficult to do so.

If you announce your pregnancy in the first weeks, try to keep a balance between the changing capabilities of your body and professional requirements. Simply put, if under the pretext of pregnancy you shift all your work to colleagues in the office, you are unlikely to maintain good relations with them, and your reunion with the team after maternity leave will be greatly complicated.

Employers are usually reluctant to hire pregnant women. For this reason, they do not have the right to refuse a position, but the motivation may be different. If you get a new job, it is better to hide the pregnancy, instead, try to prove yourself as a competent specialist and responsible employee - this will help maintain relations with the employer and give you the opportunity to calmly return to this position after maternity leave.

Dismissal and reduction

Many people know that a pregnant woman cannot be fired or laid off. Even if the employer did not know about the condition of the employee at the time of the decision, she can easily recover through the court. However, this statement is valid only when an open-ended employment contract has been concluded with her.

Situations when a woman can still lose her job:

  1. Liquidation of the organization or termination of the IP.
  2. Fixed-term employment contract. If it is concluded for the duration of the absence of another employee, the employer is obliged to offer other vacancies suitable for working conditions. If the transfer is not possible, the woman will be fired. If a fixed-term employment contract is not “tied” to the return of another employee to work, then it is extended until the end of pregnancy or maternity leave, and the employee must provide confirmation of her condition (certificate from a gynecologist) at the request of the employer.

Returning to work after having a baby

The application for maternity leave or parental leave indicates the duration of the period of absence of a woman from work, and after it ends, she has the right to return to work in the same position. A woman can interrupt her vacation and leave early by writing a statement from her employer. She retains her benefit and is entitled to a shorter day.

Most often, two main problems become - the presence of a small child and the need to get used to work again. For young mothers, the laws provide for some concessions - reduced working hours, vacations, sick days, but the restoration of professional qualifications and adaptation will have to be given time and effort.

It's no secret that not everyone follows the laws. If you come across an unscrupulous employer, do not conflict and calm down. Your task during pregnancy is to save your nerves and strength, and the labor inspectorate, the court, the prosecutor's office, or in some cases a higher organization will deal with violations at work. In most conflict cases, the law is on the side of pregnant women.

Useful video about work during pregnancy and maternity leave

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Good day my readers. Everyone remembers the first time they saw two cherished stripes on a pregnancy test? What have you experienced? Excitement, joy, happiness, but also anxiety, right? Now life will change dramatically, and you need to tell the good news to one person. Here's how he takes it...

It's not about the future daddy. He will undoubtedly share your emotions and begin to make plans for the future. But your boss at work, perhaps, will not be happy at all, and will begin to plot intrigues in order to get rid of the “uncomfortable” employee as soon as possible. After all, it will be necessary to pay maternity leave, make all kinds of concessions, it is easier to fire a pregnant woman and take someone else in her place.

Unfortunately, such cases happen all the time. And we, who know little about the laws, cannot protect ourselves from the arbitrariness of employers. Stop it, I tell you! The rights of pregnant women at work are clearly spelled out in the Labor Code and we are obliged to know them and not to offend ourselves and the baby.

Accept can't be denied

It is not uncommon for women to find out they are pregnant when they are looking for work. Let's say you worked as an ordinary seller, and then you were offered a place in another store already as a deputy director. You quickly quit, and then suddenly you find out that you are expecting a child.
If the employer intended to accept you, but upon learning of the pregnancy, refused, know that this is illegal! The reason for the refusal may be a lack of experience, medical contraindications, inappropriate education, but not the “interesting position” of the employee. By refusing to work for a job applicant, the employer can be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, compulsory work or an impressive fine. Please note that the boss does not have the right to establish a probationary period for you. (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

It is also legally illegal when, when applying for a job, an employee is required to sign an agreement that she will not become pregnant in the next few years. You can not sign such papers, because this is a violation of privacy (according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Bad job and bad boss

If you are already working, then the employer must fulfill a number of conditions:
Free the pregnant woman from harmful and dangerous work that can harm her well-being. When registering, tell the gynecologist about your work, and if the doctor considers that your activities and bearing a child are incompatible, she will write you a certificate. On its basis, the boss will be obliged to transfer you to a less dangerous position, or to significantly reduce the production rate. (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

During the transfer, the salary should remain at the same level, even if the new vacancy provides for a lower salary compared to the previous one. If the employer is not able to find an easier job for the pregnant woman, he will pay the forced “simple” expectant mother out of his own pocket.

What kind of working conditions are considered harmful? In order not to guess, we turn to the “Hygienic recommendations for the rational employment of pregnant women” approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. They were developed back in 1993 and are still active in the current year, 2017.
So, pregnant women are not recommended:
- stand or sit for a long time at the workplace
- lift weights
- contact with radiation
- be in too noisy rooms (for example, a factory floor with loudly working equipment)
– work with toxic or chemical substances
- breathe too humid or dry air.

The shift method of work for expectant mothers is also prohibited (Article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employer asks you to go on a night shift, go on a business trip, or just work overtime, feel free to refuse and refer to the same Labor Code (Articles 96,99,113,259).
Surely, your work is connected with sitting at the computer. Try to reduce "communication" with the monitor to 3 hours a day, or even refuse to contact him at all. In this case, sanitary and epidemiological standards are completely on your side (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03).

To release a pregnant woman for a scheduled or extraordinary examination to the doctor at any time of the working day. At the same time, there can be no talk of any working off of “lost” time or deductions from wages. (Article 254 of the Labor Code)
At the request of the pregnant woman, the employer is obliged to shorten the working week or day. For example, you worked according to the schedule 6/1 for 10 hours a day. Now, in your position, such a schedule is simply unacceptable, and every month it will be more and more difficult to maintain such a mode of work. Go to your boss and put your requirements in writing. Do not be afraid, the cut hours and days will not be compensated by the next vacation or your seniority. (Article 93 of the Labor Code)
Attach another vacation to maternity leave at the request of the employee. According to the labor code (Article 260), it does not matter whether the pregnant woman “deserved” a vacation by this time (that is, whether she worked the prescribed 6 months or not). If a woman decides that she wants to take a vacation before the decree simply because she is not satisfied with the pre-set vacation schedule, then she has every right to do so.
Do not call a pregnant woman from the current regular vacation. (Article 125 of the Labor Code)
Provide prenatal leave in the amount of 70 calendar days. Usually the gynecologist calculates when the future woman in labor can already be released from work. At the 30th obstetric week (not calendar!) A pregnant woman can temporarily leave the workplace. If the pregnancy is multiple, then you can start resting 2 weeks earlier.
Postpartum leave in the amount of 70 days is also provided with the preservation of the workplace and salary. For this, a sick leave and a statement are required from a woman. Births with complications give the right to take 84 days of leave, and for the birth of 2 or more children - 110 days.
Upon the expiration of the postpartum period, issue all documents, benefits and state payments that the employee will receive on parental leave (up to 1.5, and then up to 3 years).

You don't work for us anymore

Given the widespread infringement of the rights of pregnant women, when employers do not want to make concessions for employees in position and simply fire them, we will also touch on this issue. Do leaders have the right to do this? Definitely - no! Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the employer does not have the right to terminate the contract with a pregnant woman. An exception is the complete liquidation of the organization or the woman’s own desire to quit.

You can not fire a pregnant woman for violation of labor discipline and absenteeism. In this case, softer "punitive" measures are applied: a remark or a reprimand.
Many work on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract. If it has expired, and you are expecting a child, then the boss must extend it until the date of birth.

Unfortunately, there are situations when the protection of the rights of pregnant women is the work of the pregnant women themselves, and not the state and its laws. I'm talking about those who have unofficial jobs. Here, employers are extremely reluctant to fulfill their duties in relation to employees, and salaries are not always paid on time, and here you have to mess with a pregnant woman. Get fired - that's the whole conversation.

In this case, lawyers unanimously say: you can’t count on paying maternity leave, and they can kick you out with complete impunity, but you are officially unemployed anyway. You can, of course, fight for your rights by contacting the prosecutor's office and the labor inspectorate at the place of residence. The chief is subjected to checks, including representatives of the tax and pension fund.

In general, they will arrange a “sweet life”, only in this case nothing is guaranteed to you. It is better to leave the unscrupulous boss and go to draw up all benefits from the state. And after the decree, look for an official job.

Where to complain

If you work at a state-owned enterprise, but your rights as a pregnant woman are not respected, then you have every right to contact the following authorities:
- labor inspection (if you are forced to quit)
- to the district court (if you have already been fired)
- to justices of the peace (on other controversial issues)

To hold the employer accountable and file a claim, prepare: copies of the employment contract, dismissal order, work book, salary certificate.
And remember, although the law on the protection of pregnant women in our country does not exist as such, women's rights are regulated by other documents, and their violation is punished with all severity.

Discrimination against the weaker sex, and so often harassed in hiring and other situations, is an unacceptable phenomenon, and here the state is completely on our side. I hope I was useful to you today, and now you can defend your rights and avoid disagreements with your superiors. May your pregnancy be easy and may it not be overshadowed by hard work and malicious employers.
For further discussions of the topic, I am waiting for you, as always, on the forum. Tell us about your difficulties in the workplace, and how they were resolved. We'll listen with pleasure. And you will hear from me very soon. See you right here!

The provisions that guarantee the work of pregnant women are enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This law provides for a number of norms establishing special working conditions for these categories of employees. Female workers have the right to maternity and childcare leave, benefits and social benefits.

At the same time, during the specified period, they receive the right to reduce the total working time. This means that pregnant women may work less hours than all other categories of workers. However, similar provisions apply to employees who are under 18 years of age or who have a disability.

Working hours for pregnant women

The Labor Code of Russia establishes the same working hours for all categories of employees. The standard rule defines it as 40 hours a week. Such time exists for state and budget employees. However, for a pregnant employee, this time may be reduced. Specified The abbreviation has some features that should be specified in more detail:

  • The law does not establish a specific limit on the reduction of time for such employees. Therefore, the reduction is determined by the employer in agreement with the employee. This is a general compromise solution that should not infringe on the interests of the employer and employee;
  • This is the employee's right. Therefore, the employer or organization cannot restrict it. The employer is obliged to provide a reduction in time at the request of the employee;
  • The employer cannot, on his own initiative, establish a reduction in time. This is the same restriction as the refusal of an employee to satisfy her application. Reduction is possible only if there is her application and not otherwise;
  • The only reason for reducing working time for a pregnant employee is the very fact of her condition, certified by a medical certificate.

Thus, reducing the length of the working day or shift is the unconditional right of the employee and cannot be limited by the organization.

Working hours of a pregnant woman - Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Working hours for pregnant women are set in the same way as for all other employees. Its reduction is possible only at the request of the employee. It becomes the basis for the employer to limit the length of the working day.

In this case, the period does not matter. The medical condition of her health also does not matter. Therefore, the law does not link the reduction in the length of the working day to these concepts. The key and only basis is a medical fact. Nothing more is required.

Working hours for pregnant women

As mentioned above, the law does not establish specific restrictions. It fixes only their types:

  • Reducing the length of the work shift. At the same time, the work week remains the same;
  • Reducing working days while maintaining the same shift duration.

The choice of one or another option depends on the employee and on the characteristics of her professional functions.

Visiting a doctor by a pregnant woman during working hours

The question of whether the employer is obliged to let the pregnant woman go to the doctor during working hours is very relevant, because visits to the doctor and hospital are required regularly. And often it is simply impossible to postpone them.

The law requires employers to let women go to a doctor or hospital. However, they must provide supporting documents. That is, a visit to a doctor or hospital must be supported by relevant medical certificates.

Application of a pregnant woman for a reduction in working hours

Such a statement is mandatory for execution in any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form. At the same time, it must be understood that a reduction in working hours will inevitably lead to a reduction in wages Therefore, this right should be exercised with caution.

Practice shows that employers reduce the working day by 1 hour. As a rule, this suits both parties. The woman gets extra time with a slight loss in wages. She has such a right from the moment of medical determination of the state of pregnancy. In order to exercise the right, you should apply with a statement to the management.

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