Arrangement of pictures on the wall. We select the most successful arrangement of paintings for your interior

After the completion of the repair, the selection of furniture and decor elements, the question arises of decorating the walls of the room. Often, for the completeness of the design of the room, additional details arise and, of course, the paintings in the interior of the living room play one of the most important roles. With their help, it is easy to create the right atmosphere, give a special style, complement or emphasize it. Sometimes paintings are used to hide minor flaws in the interior or to visually correct the linear dimensions of the room. In addition to the usual pictorial images, the living room can be decorated with various posters, posters or photos.

Selection of paintings in the living room
Classic style
Favorite pictures on the wall
Wall decoration
contemporary painting

All details of the design of any room, including the living room, must be carefully thought out. In order to correctly select images for the living room, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • Room size;
  • The size and color scheme of the walls;
  • Color and style of furniture;
  • Rhyme with other interior details.

Floral motifs
We decorate the walls

How size affects

The principle of selecting paintings for the living room in size is simple - a large image requires placement in a spacious room, in the interior of a small living room one or more small paintings or photos would be more appropriate. Large images make the room visually cramped, small ones large area just get lost.

If there is a need to visually increase the height of the room, you can place a large canvas with a vertically arranged pattern on the wall. To increase the space in width, use large horizontal images.

With the help of paintings, you can adjust and maintain the proportionality of the elements of the situation, for example, a large sofa will look smaller if you hang one or more canvases above it.

large canvas
Long narrow canvases
Modules on masonry
Painting elements different size

Selection by color

When choosing the color scheme of the home “gallery”, you need to take into account the color scheme of the room furniture, as well as the color of the curtains, walls, floor, ceiling. The wall on which the paintings will be located will become the background for them. You can pick up canvases or photos made in the same color as the wall, framed with a baguette in a contrasting color, or, on the contrary, play in contrast, emphasizing bright colors the pictures have a muted background color. If the walls in the living room are decorated in bright colors, you should not use images made in light colors for decoration, as the background will visually “crush” the paintings. You need to try to match the baguette to match the color of the wooden furniture parts.

The background color for paintings should be soft, solid. Bright color walls diffuses attention and distracts it from the images.

The image of a deer in a modular picture AT wooden house Above the sofa
Stylish two paintings

Rhyme with interior colors

Modern interior designers have such a thing as rhyme. We are talking about the combination of all elements of the decor with each other in color, shape, style and the possible repetition of these parameters. For example, in a room where a picture or photo of flowers hangs, it is very good to put a vase with the same fresh flowers. If there is an aquarium in the living room, a photo will look good next to it. underwater world. Geometric abstraction on the canvas can be repeated in small decorative details: vases, coasters. Sometimes a few decorative sofa cushions made of fabrics that repeat the color of fragments of images in the paintings.

style matching

A single stylistic solution is the basis of a successful interior design, part of which is various images hung on the walls. The photo shows several examples of a successful stylistic solution for living rooms. In addition to the compatibility of paintings with furnishings in size and color, it is necessary to take into account the coincidence of images with interior details in style:

  1. The design of the living room in a modern style allows you to dream up plenty. Classics, vintage, modern, and almost any direction in painting will be appropriate here. It all depends on the design of the furniture and other furnishings of the living room;
  2. Minimalism implies the artlessness of details and the absence of bright colors. For this style of living room, monochrome images or black and white photos are well suited;
  3. Classical English style It is distinguished by an abundance of expensive decor and accessories. Particularly suitable for such an interior are paintings of the Pre-Raphaelite era, which was distinguished by the denial of blind adherence to academic art. If the room big size, then it is very good to place one or two large canvases in the center. Appropriate in the interior of the English living room will be images of the owners, made in the genre of a palace portrait;
  4. Pop art, replete with bright colors, involves the design of the same bright posters, posters and photos. One of the advantages of this style can be considered accessibility for those who are looking for budget solutions;
  5. For the Art Deco style, the creations of the Expressionists are perfect. Oil paintings, watercolors, photos, graphics and even posters will also be quite appropriate here, since this style involves a variety of interior details;
  6. Eco style, which is a kind of country style, suggests the presence of a botanical theme in the design of decor elements. One of the subspecies of this style is French country or Provence style. Here, flower still lifes will be indispensable;
  7. The basis for the ultramarine style is a turquoise blue background. In the interior of the living room, decorated in this style, there should be seascapes hung on a plain wall.

High tech
Large image
Sectional paintings

How to properly hang

When locating images in a room, you need to remember that they not only decorate the room, but can also serve as a tool for solving small problems. For example, a darkened wall will become much fresher if you hang a picture in bright colors on it. If there is a need for zoning a room (for example, for a studio apartment), this problem can be solved with the help of images hung on the walls. A boring living room will become much brighter and more interesting if you decorate it. unusual picture. If there are any flaws in the interior of the room, the emphasis on the bright canvas will help divert attention from them.

Thanks to the unusual placement of canvases, you can give a special style to any, even the most unprofitable design solution. For example, the location of the images above the sofa or cabinet corner will be successful. It is fashionable and interesting to completely hang one of the walls with paintings from floor to ceiling, creating the so-calledartwall.

Gallery Different types of images Large image in the center
black and white compilation Photos, paintings, posters

Composition rules

A composition is called several images, which, being completely independent works, at the same time form a certain common group. There are several rules for creating such compositions in modern interior living room.

Pictures of the same author are best hung next to each other. You can combine several images by decorating them with the same baguette. Combinations of canvases of the same size or made in the same color look good. Based on the overall storyline, you can also make an attractive composition.

Thoughtlessly hung canvases or photographs, instead of decorating the living room, can, on the contrary, disfigure it. Therefore, when choosing the location of the paintings, you should remember a few rules:

  1. Canvases and photographs of large size should be located at some distance from each other so that the viewer can evaluate the image on each of them. Well, if they hang asymmetrically. The same rule applies to modular paintings;
  2. Hanging images of different sizes along non-matching lines will create a sense of dynamism. If the goal is a strict classic, then the canvases should, on the contrary, be of the same size and hung on the same level, aligned along the bottom line;
  3. To create symmetry in the interior of the living room, paintings are hung in the center of the walls. For zoning the room, the paintings are placed in certain places. For example, a landscape over a seating area, a still life over a dining area;
  4. Three images of the same size, placed in a row on the wall, will relieve the feeling of emptiness.

To match the furniture
On shelves
baby photos
Photo printing

Pictures above the sofa

Habitual location paintings in the living room in a modern style is the wall above the sofa. There are several ways to decorate this wall with images. A large oil painting will look very good above the sofa. Do not hang small canvases or photographs next to it.

Another good option is several images of the same size, hung above the sofa in a line. At the same time, it is desirable that the canvases hang at a small distance from each other, and the total length of the composition repeats the length of the sofa. Most often, triptychs (compositions from three paintings). It goes without saying that the images that make up the composition must be united by a common storyline, colors and decorated with the same baguette.

Several paintings of different sizes with a common plot, style or color base can be hung over the sofa, making up an ordered composition. In the center it is better to place the most big picture, and place smaller images around it.

If you do not want to spoil the wall with holes, a good way out is to place images and other interior details on a shelf. It can be the length of the entire wall or even around the entire perimeter of the living room. The material for this shelf should match in texture and color with the material from which the furniture is made.

An experienced decorator or artist at a glance understands whether the wall is suitable for placing paintings, how many will be optimal and how they can be arranged. But among our readers, for sure, there are many who are far from this. And pictures are hung in the house for two reasons: either they especially like something, or because “it’s customary”.

Indeed, the paintings perfectly decorate the interior, especially if they are in harmony with the style. And it is also very important to hang them correctly on the walls or place them on a different plane, for example, on shelves. That's exactly what we'll be addressing in this new guide for wall decorating enthusiasts.

To help us in such a difficult issue will be professional artist Cedar Lee, who has been working in the gallery for more than 10 years, and her own paintings are present in many vernissages of major cities in the US and Canada.

This guide is divided into several parts:

  • The 6 most important rules for hanging paintings from Cedar Lee - short and easy to remember;
  • 10 examples of placing a different number of paintings in the space of two rooms;

Let these rules and little tricks help you place your favorite paintings so that they really decorate your home! And don't forget to read our detailed article about paintings in the interior from a designer's point of view, as well as see other galleries on similar topics, links at the end of the publication.


tip 1:

Start with modeling. If you liked some picture in the salon, do not rush to buy it, at least until you find a worthy place for it. Measure the dimensions of the picture, and at home make its layout out of cardboard. Apply to different walls, adjust the height, you may even need to move the furniture a little. Then step back and see what happens. Repeat until you get the best impression.

tip 2:

The proportionality of the size of the picture relative to the furniture over which it is located. This is one of the most important rules. The picture should neither dominate nor be lost. The best option is the extreme vertical lines are slightly shorter than the length of the furniture. This applies to chests of drawers, and consoles, and sofas. The same applies to a composition of several paintings, unless you decide to fill the entire space of this wall in the manner of a gallery. But in this case, the remaining walls should be free. Look at the examples:

tip 3:

Never try to fill the entire space of the wall with paintings, or even all the walls in the room. You don't live in a museum, do you? Around each picture there should be a certain "buffer" - a free part of the wall, necessary for the eyes to rest. The size free space should be proportional to the size of the picture. It is this rule that will help you enjoy your favorite collection or even one painting to the fullest, and the interior will become harmonious.

tip 4:

Focus on the center of the picture. Its horizontal center line should coincide with the focus of vision. If you have high ceilings, choose the middle of the wall for this point. The same applies to the composition of several paintings.

It is desirable to tie the format of the composition to the style of the interior: for the classics - more stringent rules and symmetry is important, for modern style more free methods can be used. See it in pictures:

how to determine the correct height big picture: the focus of the person standing next to her should be in the middle

elegant classic solution: use the space between windows, create a central axis of symmetry

for originals: dissimilar paintings can be combined with other elements of wall decor, fitting into an imaginary rectangle

tip 5:

Try to avoid hanging pictures next to high cabinets and never lower them below 60 cm from the floor, unless you deliberately place pictures on the floor - only modern paintings are suitable for this purpose.

Also use visual effects: vertically arranged paintings perfectly increase the height of the wall on which they are placed, and horizontally located - its length.

tip 6:

Do not forget about the backlight, it makes the picture more spectacular and draws attention to it in the evening. And one more thing about the pattern of the walls themselves: monotony or a not too colorful pattern is optimal.


10 options for hanging pictures

2-3 pictures:

on examples you will see how you can place 2 paintings. For 3 paintings, the techniques are similar, but it is necessary to take into account their size and proportionality relative to the furniture standing next to them (see tip-2 from Cedar Lee).

4 paintings:

if they are of the same format, we advise you to observe symmetry, as in the left figure, and if they are different, you can play with the frame turns by 90 degrees, the main thing is to choose a horizontal axis, relative to which the upper and lower edges of the composition will be at the same distance.

5 paintings:

stricter placement - fit into an imaginary rectangle, more free - grouped around the largest picture, observing a single line above or below.

6 or more paintings:

if you have almost a vernissage, and of a heterogeneous plan, the pictures can be placed more freely, however, do not forget that some element should be unifying (color or frame material, plot, painting style). And another option is to put everything on the shelves in a neutral color.

If we are not talking about paintings, but about a collage (lowest photo), all elements can be placed in the original frame, this will create the necessary order and harmony.

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In stylish designs, paintings are increasingly used: photo galleries, one large canvas or a modular version. Images are selected according to the style of the interior: classic, romantic, etc. Such design ideas give a special charm and aesthetics to modern interiors.

Rules for posting pictures

For a beautiful placement of paintings or photos, there are a number of rules so that they fit organically into the interior.

How to choose the best places for paintings (panels and photos) on the wall?

To make a painting stand out on any wall, you need a room with good lighting, but avoid direct sunlight. Colors may fade over time.

In a dark room, it is better to make a backlight for the picture (preferably with a halogen lamp). Lighting choose uniform, and not too close to the canvas.

Choose the height where the canvas will hang on your own. The best location of the canvas is just above the eyes.

In the house, the frame is attached close to the wall, parallel to the floor. Details for fasteners can be different: chains, nails, cords, glue, buttons, etc.

Classic ways to hang a picture

Traditional methods are nails (screws) that are driven into the wall. But wall materials can be different, so classical techniques are not always suitable.

Brick wall

Brick walls are more common than others, they are the most durable, but the material is fragile and requires special attention. Instructions on how to hang a picture:

  • You can drill holes in brick for nails or screws, hooks. To do this, you need a dowel, you can do without it, but be careful.
  • First you need to drill a hole of the right size, where to pour the cement mortar. It prevents the formation of cracks in the brickwork.
  • Then a dowel (hook) is inserted. You can use special brackets for bricks, they are attached at the right distance for a particular picture.

Concrete wall

For a concrete wall, you will need a puncher or impact drill to securely fix the picture, especially large ones. A hole is drilled (usually 6 mm), then a plastic dowel is inserted. Then the desired screw (hook) is screwed in, on which the canvas is hung.

Drywall wall

Drywall is not resistant to heavy loads, so you can only hang small light pictures or photos. For strength, a special dowel called a "butterfly" must be inserted into the hole in the drywall. Its spacers will securely hold the mount.

wooden wall

The best material in which it is easy to fix anything. Drive an ordinary nail at the required height, any canvas is easily hung on a twine or chain.

Modular pictures

To understand how to hang modular picture, you must first determine the material of the walls. Measure the wall, choose the height and distance between the sections, make notes with a pencil.

How to hang a picture (panel, photo) without drilling?

Many live in rented housing or a newly renovated apartment. For those who don't want to disturb the neighbors or just don't have their husband around, there are excellent methods that you can use to hang any picture, photo or panel.

We will analyze various ideas on how to hang pictures beautifully in the house.

Liquid Nails

A special glue technology called liquid nails. They must be applied with a strip (dots) on reverse side picture frame, then press well against the wall for a minute.

polymer adhesive

Such glue perfectly connects any surfaces, like the previous one. Applied similarly liquid nails applied around the perimeter of the product, if the picture is small, then you can drip glue only on the edges of the frame. For good adhesion, it is necessary to firmly press against the wall with something for a day.

Clothes hook or paperclip

With wallpaper, you need to make a small cut and fill it with superglue. Bend the paper clip with a hook or place the hook for things and close it with trimmed wallpaper.


The method is similar to that described above, only the “hat” acts, which can withstand a rather difficult picture.

Spider Hook

This is a special hook, it is sold in construction stores. Perfectly fixed on the wall 4 sharp ends with a hammer. This mount can withstand weight up to 2 kg.

Pins for tailors

For light small-sized pictures or photos, you can use pins with “ears” or “head”. They are inconspicuous, the hole in the wall will practically not be visible. The needles (pins) are made of steel, so they are quite durable. But from the bottom, you can secure it with 2 more pins for complete confidence.

Velcro Command

Hanging a craft, photo or picture up to 2 kg on any surface will help Velcro Command. it great idea, they will not leave marks and there are kits for sale, where there are several stripes: the I-I is glued to the frame, the II-I - to the wall. The greater the weight of the photo or picture, the more stripes.

2 sided tape

To place a photo (picture) on a plasterboard partition or on a wall with paper wallpaper, double-sided tape is suitable. It should be noted that it can leave a mark, so it is better to hold it at an angle of 90 in relation to the wall when you shoot the picture.

Wine corks

It is easy to glue a cork from ordinary wine to the wall using Moment glue (BF-2). When the glue dries, drive a small nail into the cork, then hang a frame with a photo or picture.

Molding (ceiling plinth)

it best method who wants to do art gallery on 1 wall. You can glue the molding to the ceiling (wall). Fix the forest on it and hang pictures on it.

You can get acquainted with each method in more detail in the photo instructions on how to hang a picture quickly and without nails.

Photo of paintings on the wall

If you like a painting in a store, don't rush to buy it until you've found the right place for it. Measure the dimensions of the painting and cut out the layout from cardboard or paper. After that, attach this layout in different locations - above the sofa, or. Calculate the height and be ready to even move the furniture before you find the right place for the picture or composition of pictures.

2 Choose proportions

The picture should be proportional to the furniture in the living room: this is very important for overall composition interior and visual perception. It should not be lost against the background of furniture or take all the attention.

It is considered that the picture is placed optimally if its side borders are slightly shorter than the furniture on which it is located. The same applies to compositions from paintings or photographs. The exception is when the designer fills the entire wall with paintings on the principle of a gallery (now this is a fashionable microtrend), but at the same time the rest of the walls should be completely free.

3 Think about the background

If you do not act on the principle of the museum described above, then around each picture you need to create some kind of “buffer space” to relax visual perception. This technique will allow you to most organically fit the pictures into.

4 Make up a story

Figuratively highlight the center of the picture or composition so that the middle horizontal line the picture coincided with the focus of the gaze. The easiest way is to hang a picture or several pictures in the center of the wall. Choose the image and style of the plot to match the style and concept of the interior: for example, classics are friends with symmetry and more strict lines, but are combined with bolder colors and images.

Avoid placing pictures near high cabinets and below 60 cm from: if you want low, it's better to just put the picture, leaning it against the wall. Keep in mind that large vertical images can visually increase the volume of a room or wall, and paintings that are too small will not look very organic on an empty wall.

5 Scale composition

If you have enough wall space to place a large number of small paintings or posters, it is better to approach this hadache with preparation. Take your time and assemble the perfect art composition in different styles. Ideally, you need to experiment with future hanging, laying out the composition on the floor and choosing an asymmetric scenario, in which large images gather small-format illustrations around them.

6 Group of paintings in the corner

Corners are a weak point in many apartments, but if there is a small empty wall after the corner, this is your case. It will also have its own line of symmetry - the junction between the walls: in this case, the composition will stretch in one direction horizontally, and on the other it will take place in the wall.

7 Pictures on the shelves

One of the most simple circuits, which allows you to harmoniously arrange photos in frames - organize them into several . For example, fill in a niche or the distance between cabinets in this way. You can arrange pictures one to another or even overlap.

8 Gallery hanging

This museum technique, in which images are attached to fishing lines, is often used in cases where it is not possible to drill walls in ten places. For an apartment there is a simpler and original reception- stretch the fishing lines in the space of a large frame, and hang the pictures symmetrically in it.

9 Floor to ceiling

This vertical strategy can also be adopted if bold experiments do not scare you. Obvious Advantage such an approach - the collection can be supplemented and modified according to one's mood, without fear that the scheme will fall apart if any fragment is removed from it.

10 Above the door

Usually photographs and paintings are advised to be placed at eye level so that they are convenient to look at, but the design world knows more tricky tricks. For example, too high ceilings in the living room (and this happens!) Can be visually lowered by hanging images just under the ceiling - above the line of cabinets or doorways.

How to arrange pictures on the wall? Wall decoration with various posters, paintings and photos has become fashionable in the modern world.

Works of great artists, photographs of loved ones look beautiful in the interior. In addition, they hide the disadvantages of the room, emphasize its positive features. But in order to achieve this, it is necessary to correctly place the pictures on the wall, and the article will tell you how to do this.

Tip: To make several paintings look beautiful, they need to be made a little similar. For example, with the same frames. In this case, the images will take on an ideal look that will delight the eyes of the owners and their guests.

How to place pictures on the wall?

You can hang them in absolutely any order:

  • Chaotic. It's always in fashion.
  • Distribute images more clearly, which may even reflect the nature of their owner.

The layout of the paintings on the wall is chosen by the owner himself, some of their options are shown in the figure:

What are the rules for choosing paintings in the interior of the room

Tip: To find paintings with ideal sizes, good quality and a suitable image style, you should get acquainted with the offers advised by modern magazines, visit museums or art galleries. This will help to more accurately determine the technique of decorating the room.

First of all, the dimensions of the picture for placement are selected. In modern dwellings, large canvases are practically not installed.

There are several reasons for this:

  • A picture on the entire wall will not look very nice.
  • To mount such art, rather powerful and complex structures should be used.
  • The price of such paintings is quite high.

Modern large compositions consist of several small or medium sizes art canvases, posters or photos. At the same time, the design can be on the entire wall, and look easy and at ease, creating the opportunity to constantly bring something new into it.

Before you hang pictures on the wall correctly, you need to get acquainted with a few rules:

  • Ensure mutual harmony:
  1. form pictures in groups closer to the furniture, creating mutual harmony or a square;
  2. in a room with a high ceiling, it is appropriate to place a rectangle that includes four paintings. You can hang six or eight, depending on the size of the room;
  3. the integrity of the canvas creates the placement of paintings closer friend to friend;
  4. use thin bezels bright image, this will create a window effect.
  • How to properly arrange paintings on the wall using symmetry and asymmetry.

In this case, compositions are built by mixing sizes and shapes:

  1. asymmetrically. With this arrangement, paintings with different sizes are used, united by a common plot. For the unity of the composition, the distance between the posters should not be too large. This option in the room adds dynamics;
  2. symmetrical. In this case, the overall style or content of the paintings is taken into account. Can be used:
  3. contrast options;
  4. paintings with the same size, which perfectly balances the interior of the room, making it strict and stable;
  5. in the form of a swarm, when the images line up around the main picture.
  • Choose the right frame and passe-partout.

For the visual alignment of the picture and its better perception, the type of frames or baguettes, mats used in the formation of compositions should be taken into account. It is better to arrange them in such a way that the bottom of the passe-partout field is slightly larger than the top. This is the most successful option for vertical placement.

  • Fix room imperfections. Wherein:
  1. correct placement of posters allows you to highlight a recreation area above the corner sofa;
  2. for a visual increase in the height of the ceiling, images must be placed vertically;
  3. the horizontal position of the paintings visually increases the length of the wall;
  4. larger paintings in massive frames are appropriate over voluminous furniture; against this background, small pictures will be lost;
  5. above the table in the study, black and white canvases, placed in an asymmetrical order, look good.
  • Create the joy of contemplation.

Tip: When hanging any images, you should follow the basic rule: works of art or posters should be conveniently located for viewing them.

In this case, you can:

  1. use the museum version: place the exhibits in such a way that the distance to the middle of the picture from the floor is 1.6 meters;
  2. you can not hang pictures on the walls - as in an artist's workshop, but rearrange them according to your mood, without spoiling the walls with nails;
  3. at enough large sizes canvases, it is better to put them directly on the floor;
  4. smaller paintings can be rearranged, swapped on a dresser or console;
  5. use a shallow, but rather long shelf, and place the exposition on it according to your taste, you can install figurines and art objects between the paintings.

Tip: Do not hang pictures with your own hands in small rooms traditional way: by aligning the paintings along the lower horizon in one line, it will be difficult to trace it.

How to create a composition on the wall

To create a composition, you need to collect a group of images that are suitable for certain parameters, which are often:

  • Color scheme or color. When choosing paintings, you need to pay attention to the coincidence of the colors of the works or they complemented each other.
  • Meaning. The motives of the paintings or their semantic content should be intertwined.

The instruction suggests doing it this way:

  1. use the same frames for images;
  2. add a similar element when decorating each picture.

In addition, to create a composition you will need:

  • Choose the form in which the pictures will be placed. To better represent the end result, you can first draw a sketch to scale. This will help in the future to place pictures and other elements of the composition correctly. In addition, before placing the pictures on the wall, you can place them on the floor in the correct order.
  • Usually the composition of the paintings is located:
  1. in regular geometric shapes. This is suitable for paintings with the same dimensions or specially placed in the same frame. They can decorate cabinets (see) and office space;
  2. in complete chaos.
  • If the paintings color scheme or similar in content to each other, but completely different in size, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of the composition: its “weight” must be distributed evenly:
  1. a large picture located in one of the corners should correspond to a composition of several small ones in the other;
  2. if you place a rather dark picture on one side, you should not place light ones on the other - everything needs to be balanced.

How to create a series of paintings

Quite often there are paintings consisting of several parts.

So original genre in art, you can create a feeling of lightness in the paintings with a fairly large overall size and integrity of the canvas, although in fact they are separated. by the most simple option is a triptych, which is quite often found in the design of various premises - office or residential.

Such a picture consists of a series of episodes that are placed together and hung in approximately the same way as a puzzle is assembled. How to place pictures on the wall, choose the best option for your room will tell the video in this article.

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