What are modular paintings. Modular paintings, what is it, modular paintings in a modern home interior

A modular painting is a painting consisting of several separate parts that together make up a single work of arts and crafts. The integrity of the perception of the image is achieved due to a single plot and the overall color scheme of the picture, as well as due to the lack of frames in the fragments. The depth of the composition is given by the presence of "air" - the gaps between the edges of the modules.

Depending on the number of parts into which the artist decided to divide the canvas, diptychs, triptychs and polyptychs are distinguished.

The word diptych in Greek means "folded in half." In ancient Greece, this word was called folding tablets for records. Now a diptych is a picture of two modules that can give coziness to the interior of a small room.

Triptychs are well known to connoisseurs of the history of Orthodox icon painting. Paintings, where the central canvas dominates, and the side modules complement the plot, can be found in churches and museums. Three paintings in harmony with each other have long become a classic solution for decorating a living or working space. If there are more than three parts of the picture, then you have a polyptych.

Fashion trends allow you to split the drawing into many separate pieces and arrange them in a variety of ways. Most often, the fragments are rectangular, but this is not a dogma. Placing a picture from several large fragments requires a large area of ​​​​the wall and a considerable space in front of it - in order to be able to see the work of art in its entirety.

  • The standard method involves mounting the modules next to each other at the same height.
  • A variant has become popular in which the size of the fragments decreases from the center to the edges, and the central parts are on the same horizontal line.
  • In the case of a diagonal arrangement, the central parts are on the same slope relative to the floor.
  • The placement of the "ladder" gives even more opportunities to move the modules on the wall for maximum expressiveness of the composition.
  • Geometric arrangement (sometimes called a puzzle) collects fragments into a single symmetrical figure: a square, a circle, a polygon.

This list cannot be complete, because each designer can come up with his own version of the layout of the modules, guided by his own sense of style and imagination. Composite paintings can not only decorate the space in the room, but fundamentally change its perception.

  • Vertical compositions make the room visually taller.
  • Horizontal - wider.
  • Large bright details of the picture visually reduce the room.
  • Landscapes expand the space and fill it with "air".
  • A full-color canvas enlivens a monotonous interior.
  • The monochrome drawing is soothing.
  • Abstract compositions with unexpected combinations of colors invigorate and tone up.

Our consultants know that the plot of a painting is no less important than its proportions and color scheme, and will help you choose the best option for each specific case.

  • Still lifes with fruit would be appropriate in a cafe, restaurant or home kitchen.
  • Posters with heroes of fairy tales and cartoons will entertain a small child.
  • Collages with your favorite music bands will please a teenager.
  • Cityscapes and nature views will decorate the spacious living room.
  • Delicate outlines of flowers and bouquets will harmoniously fit into the interior of the bedroom.

An ordinary photograph can also become the basis of a modular picture. Using personal photos allows you to create a unique work of art, make an original gift to a loved one, preserve the memory of the wonderful moments of your life.

All this is easily done with the online store "KartinuMne!".

The modular picture is the brightest accent and the main decoration of the room, setting its main tone and mood. This type of decor leaves no one indifferent. The play of colors, rhythm and forms attracts attention, sometimes surprises with its unusualness and even extravagance.

Modular paintings - what is it?

A modular picture is an object consisting of several parts (modules). It can be one work, "split" into parts, or a series of paintings, united by a single plot, color, style. The number of elements, in principle, is not limited, but usually there are two (diptych), three (triptych) or four (quadryptych). If there are more parts, the picture is called a polyptych.

Parts of the picture can be the same in size, or they can differ significantly from each other. Depending on the artist's idea, they are placed on the wall in different ways: in a traditional rectangle, in steps, with a shift, or even more intricately. But always a small space is left between the elements, creating a feeling of lightness and dynamics.

Modular paintings are usually large in size, occupy a significant part of the wall and play the role of the main decorative element in the room.

Images may vary. Often these are flowers, still lifes, landscapes. Urban plots and abstractions look good in such an unconventional design.

Modular paintings in the interior

Not every style of interior is suitable for decorating with modular paintings. The classic, for example, is more in line with traditional framed paintings. But for modern styles, with their bold decisions and a departure from the usual images, such a design will come in handy.

As already mentioned, the modular picture in the interior is a rather large object, out of place in a cramped and overloaded space. Usually such a picture is placed on a free wall in a spacious room. The wall, of course, should not be motley and multi-colored; the best background for a picture is discreet, monophonic, not distracting.

What will be shown in the picture depends on the preferences of the owner. But the color scheme is necessarily selected for the environment. The color of the picture is the main thing that will allow it to harmoniously fit into the interior. It should neither merge with the color of the walls, nor conflict with it.

For an interior in monochrome, you can choose a picture a few tones lighter or darker than the walls. You can choose it to match the furniture, in which case it will be less conspicuous. But often modular paintings in the interior serve as a bright contrast, a color accent.

Modular paintings and images are becoming more and more popular. The peculiarity of such products lies in the variety of options and structural features of the paintings themselves.

With their help, you can visually enlarge the room, make it deeper, higher, give the room a 3D effect.

What are modular paintings and where are they used?

A modular painting is an image printed on canvas. The picture is divided into different parts, due to which several canvases are obtained at once - pieces. By combining them as you like, you will get an interesting effect that is suitable for any room in the interior.

It is a mistake to think that this design option is used only in living rooms, because an appetizing modular picture in the kitchen will only awaken the appetite, and a fresh composition in the bathroom will give a feeling of relaxation and tranquility, depth and height to the room.

Moreover, such a picture will become a bright accent of any room. With its help, you can divert the attention of guests from minor repair flaws or uneven walls. This is a wonderful color accent, especially if the room is made in soft pastel shades.

How to choose the right color and composition of a modular painting in the interior?

The color and pattern of a modular picture depends entirely on its location. It is worth considering each room of the house in turn to explore the best ideas for interior design:

  1. Bedroom. To decorate the bedroom, it is better to choose calm colors that do not excite the brain. For example, beige, green or deep blue. These colors will set you up for relaxation and tranquility. With the choice of ornament, the situation will be more difficult, because among all the modern abundance it is very difficult to choose something specific.

    Editorial tip: keep in mind that a modular picture is an accessory that will be used for a long time and can get boring. Choose non-caustic drawings that will be interesting to consider and study.

    For the bedroom, abstract images are best suited, which make you think, at the same time relax and distract from the fussy everyday problems.

    You can also use floral series or landscapes, depending on the owner of the house.

  2. Children's. Placing a modular picture in the nursery is a very good solution, because the space will be occupied, and the child will be interested in looking at the image.

    It is better to choose bright colors, but not neon ones. The colors of the rainbow will do. For example, an abstract painting made using them.

    You can also purchase a bright picture depicting your child's favorite characters.

    So, the child will be more willing to sit down for lessons if such a “bonus” is located above his desktop.

  3. Bathroom. Of course, the best colors for a bathroom are white, beige, brown and all shades of gray. But this is not at all necessary! So, if the bathroom is done in light pastel colors, can you add red or purple? Why not?

    Take note: to visually expand the area of ​​​​the bathroom, select the size of the picture in proportion to the size of the wall. Consider the material of the picture, because water can get on it.

    The drawing can be anything, be it flowers or animals, to dew drops or the sea.

  4. Guestbook. This room is the most significant, because it is here that all visitors to your home gather. Given the overall design of the room, focus on the modular picture.

    It can be bright or in soothing colors with different inscriptions, whatever you like.

How to place a modular picture in a room?

Choosing the right modular painting will help you "model" any room as you wish. You can adjust its size, dilute the boring color and more.

For example, using the image of distant horizons (sea, mountains, forests), you can create a 3-D effect and visually the room will appear larger.

Also, in order to avoid incidents, before buying a painting, you need to “try on” the size of the future modular painting to the wall on which it will be placed. So, if the wall is large and empty, then an appropriate accent is needed.

Agree, hanging a small picture, it will look ridiculous? The same thing can be observed if a large picture clings to a small wall, which steals the area at least twice.

Equally important is the size of the furniture located in the room. If there is a large weighty closet in it, then a small card in the same room on the wall opposite will look dubious. Remember the main principle: the picture should never exceed 75% of the width of the furniture installed in the room.

Worth considering: When buying a modular painting, think about its combination with the interior. Abstraction, surrealism is best suited to the modern design of the room, something homely and cozy to the formal.

How best to place a modular picture in the interior?

Modular paintings are:

  • vertical
  • horizontal
  • diagonal.

The first option will help make the room higher, the second - wider. Diagonal modular paintings are ideal for sloped walls. For example, for arranging an attic or placing such a picture along a flight of stairs.

Considering the style and design of your interior, think it over so that even after a few years the picture does not seem boring and faded to you. Here it is important to pay attention to the quality of the material. Paper paintings lose color faster.

Where can I order a modular painting?

The popularity of this product is growing rapidly, so points of sale are expanding every day. Modular paintings are presented in various shopping galleries, building arcades, home accessories stores and others.

You can buy a modular painting, the cost of which will be the most pleasant, in the online store. As a rule, in such stores a very wide selection of goods is presented, so you can order any option you like.

The price is indicated directly on the site, but you can check with managers how much this or that product costs. You can pick up a picture in accordance with the size, pattern, color and wallet.

A modular picture is an accessory that will help brighten up even the most boring and austere interior, cheer you up or, on the contrary, calm you down. By choosing the right option, you can achieve an original effect due to texture, color and ornament.

See interesting video about modular paintings in a modern interior:

Modular paintings will allow you to create a special, unique interior style in the room. A series of elements merging into a single composition looks fresh and dynamic. Today we will figure out how to make a modular painting with our own hands in order to be able to express our own individuality. Detailed master classes will help you learn the basics of creating real masterpieces, and as a result, you will become the owner of an unusual decor decoration.

What are modular paintings

For a long time, beautiful canvases have replaced Soviet carpets. This is a modern way to quickly and inexpensively decorate any room, whether it's a discreet office or a cozy bedroom. The main difference between segment paintings and ordinary ones is that they are divided into several elements that visually merge into a single whole.

The range of sizes will allow you to fit a beautiful decor into a room of any size. In addition, the constituent elements can be shifted relative to each other vertically or horizontally, arranged symmetrically or randomly.

Interesting! A special group consists of works on a glass base, but their creation requires special paints and printers.

Functions of modular panels

Wall decor performs a number of interesting functions:

  • creating the illusion of movement in the room;
  • attracting the attention of guests;
  • displacement reception - expansion of the boundaries of the room;
  • creating a stylish interior with taste.

Types of modular canvases

Depending on how many separate particles the canvas consists of, there are such types of them:

  • diptychs are an option consisting of 2 segments that fit perfectly even into the interior of a small room;
  • triptychs - contain 3 segments that are most common among users, and from this they began to be considered classics of the genre;

  • penaptihi - consisting of 4 pieces, freely located on the wall;
  • polyptych - from five and more elements of a solid canvas.

Remember! To decorate small rooms, you should not use compositions from many segments, so as not to overload the area.

In order to arrange a room, you can not adhere to strict rules. With the possibilities of today's printing industry, you don't have to be a professional artist to create modular paintings at home. Isn't this a challenge for a true creative mind?

How to choose canvases for different rooms

Before you learn how to create modular canvases with your own hands, you need to figure out which room this or that canvas model is suitable for.

  • Bedroom. To decorate the walls of this cozy and secluded place, you should remember that this is a room for privacy and relaxation. That is why in the images you should not choose aggressive or sharp lines, bright colors. For the bedroom, a muted, calm landscape or a beautiful abstract image is most suitable, which must be in harmony with the rest of the rest room, as a sharp resonance will draw all the attention only to the wall element of the interior.

  • The living room is a place for joint rest of the whole family, therefore it is a testing ground for bold experiments and combinations of light or bright colors. The dimensions of the canvas should be related to the dimensions of the room. Huge wall compositions will look ridiculous in a small living room, and small images will simply get lost in a large space.

  • In the design of children's rooms, bright, saturated colors are often used, and their number can be the most numerous. If a wide palette has already been used in the decor, then it is better not to choose active tones for additional decor. Few children will appreciate abstraction, so it is better to pay attention to images of animals, cartoon characters and fairy tales.

  • If a teenager's personal space is being designed, it is better to involve him in the choice of design. It is better to find out in advance what kind of decoration a teenager wants to see in his room. You can invite an older child to use photos with his friends, favorite musicians or actors for a collage.

  • For the hallway, choose simple canvases. This is due to the fact that guests and residents do not stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending a lot of effort and money on decoration. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the entrance hall is the beginning of the house, so the image should set the tone for the overall impression of the home.

  • Before you start making a decorative element for the kitchen, you need to find a place for it where it would not get dirty later. If the footage of the walls allows, then it is better to choose a still life or any other “delicious” motifs for wall paintings.

The process of making modular paintings with your own hands

When you have decided on the location of the future location of the work, you need to choose a topic. We do not recommend choosing a portrait, as a divided face does not look quite appropriate.

You can simply download any high-resolution image you like from the Internet and print it on fabric, paper or canvas.

Modular pictures from photo wallpaper

To your attention, a master class is not a topic: a modular picture from photo wallpapers. For work you will need:

  • printed drawing;
  • wooden blocks or 2 cm foam panels;
  • furniture stapler or glue gun.

Segmented wallpaper canvases require special preparation of the image chosen for implementation in the interior. In many photo salons, you can be offered for review already selected catalogs of options. You can also apply with a downloaded image or even draw your own personal pattern. It will be competently divided into parts in a graphic editor and printed on the necessary material. If desired, you can purchase at any hardware store.

  1. First, a frame for a modular picture or a foam base is made. Take wooden blocks with a section of 2 x 2 cm, and build as many frame frames as you want to create a canvas from. Or cut foam sheets of appropriate sizes. Remember that the dimensions of the foam base should be slightly smaller than the area of ​​​​the pieces of wallpaper, since the pattern will also have to fall on the side of the segment.
  2. Cut out the images, leaving a small allowance for the sides and a small twist on the wrong side of the frame.
  3. Lay all the cut-out elements from the wallpaper face down, put the appropriate wood frames or foam base on top.
  4. Fix the pieces of photo wallpaper with a hot glue gun, first bending the edges to the wrong side of the wooden frame. For a foam base, hot glue may not be suitable, as it can melt the material, so it is better to use special glue or a furniture stapler. It is important that it is better not to fix only those parts of the picture that are on the wrong side when wrapping, otherwise the entire surface of the photo will wrinkle.

Interesting! In the same way, you can create modular paintings from photographs by printing them on photographic paper of the appropriate size.

Fabrication of modular fabrics

Another material that is commonly used for handmade art is fabric. For this type of decor, you can use a variety of bright patches, which are many in any home.

The main advantage of this method is that you do not have to try to match the edges of the modules. In this regard, the work will go much easier and more fun.

The step by step instructions are as follows:

  1. First you need to decide on the future number of modules and their size. For fabric material, it is better to prepare not polystyrene, but wooden frames.
  2. Cut the cloth according to the size of the modules, not forgetting about 5-6 cm for the next bend.
  3. Attach frames to the inside of the finished cut elements.
  4. Using needles or pins, temporarily secure the fabric to the frame.
  5. Turn over and check the correct location of the fabric, consistently fasten the allowances to the frame using a construction stapler. It is better to start with the long sides, gradually moving to the short ones. At the very end, the corners are fixed.
  6. The wrong side can be closed with a stretcher made of a piece of chipboard or plywood.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in a modern interior. Choose images that complement and emphasize the stylistic direction of the room, adding comfort and creativity to it. Do you have experience in creating segment paintings? Share your secrets in the comments.

Video: Simple modular paintings with a wooden base

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