To each according to his superpowers: Films about children with special talents. The development of superpowers in children: myth or reality

The existence of people with superpowers is direct evidence that human body has more potential than we can imagine. Who are they - the result of evolution or isolated cases natural anomaly?

Man Magnet - Lew Tou Lin I try my best not to call him Magneto, after all, that movie villain, and Lew Tou Lin - a real man. But with an unrealistic ability to attract metal (and not only metal) objects to your body. As if some kind of force is holding them from the inside - despite the fact that each object can weigh up to 2 kg, and in total a magnet man is able to hold 36 kg. Scientists from the Malaysian University of Technology came to the conclusion that Tou Lin's skin has a certain unique "grip" property, which helps objects "stick" to the body - as if under the influence of magnetic field. What is most strange is that this ability is inherited in the Tou Ling family, and his three grandchildren can boast of the same ability.

Supernatural Memory - Daniel Tammet

People with phenomenal mathematical abilities and powerful memory are not uncommon. They can solve complex mathematical equations faster than a computer or reproduce in memory some event of a decade ago with an accuracy of a second. However, Daniel Tammet is the first to describe how his brain works while doing this.
For Daniel, every integer from 0 to 10000 has its own image and distinctive characteristics such as texture, shape, color and feel. For example, the number 289 looks very ugly, the number 333 is much more attractive, and the number Pi is almost perfect. Daniel has Asperger's Syndrome and his method allows him to memorize numbers and events with incredible accuracy. For example, he can reproduce pi up to 22514 decimal places, which he did as a demonstration in 2004. It took 5 hours and 9 minutes.

Eagle Vigilance - Veronica Seider

In the cinema, we have repeatedly seen heroes that have “super vision” and are able to see even a fly that is a kilometer away from them. Famous shooters Eagle Eye and Legolas are just one of them. But also in real world such a person exists, and this is Veronica Seider - the world champion in looking at the smallest objects at long distances without the use of binoculars or any other optics. It has been proven that she is able to distinguish people who are at a distance of 1.6 km from her. Her vision is 20 times sharper than her eyesight ordinary person.

Sonar Vision – Daniel Kish and Ben Underwood

Do you know how to "see" the bats? With the help of echolocation: they make special sounds, and then their auditory system picks up reflections of sounds from obstacles. Ben Underwood had the same ability: he used sounds to "see" despite losing his sight to retinoblastoma, an eye cancer. It is not clear how, but he managed to develop an extraordinary ability to echolocation. By making sharp clicks of his tongue, he "saw" objects so well that it greatly improved his quality of life. Sadly, Ben Underwood died in 2009 due to a recurrence of cancer. Ben was the brightest of Daniel Kish's students. Daniel is blind and also navigates the world using echolocation (called "sonar vision"). He is so good at it that he helps other blind people by teaching them to "see" the world around him the way he does.

The Beast Charmer - Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a South African behavioral zoologist who studies animal behavior. He understands them so well that several lion prides and some packs of hyenas literally accepted him into their membership. He eats, sleeps and plays with these animals like they are his family. When communicating with wild animals, Kevin trusts intuition more than book rules. He is known for treating lions as highly evolved creatures, showing them his respect and emphasizing a sense of community and family rather than harshly repressing and training them.
But Kevin warns that his work is dangerous and advises no one to follow in his footsteps without proper training. He communicates and makes friends only with animals that have grown before his eyes. Still, the beasts had scratched and bitten and wounded him many times... although they had never done it on purpose.

The Man Who Sees Music - Arthur Lintgen

Some people are not able to learn a second language, but the American doctor Arthur Lintgen can read the language of records: by the pattern of grooves and their color, he determines which musical composition it's written there. But Arthur doesn't claim to be a superhero. He explains his skill with musical erudition and says that it applies only to classical music from Beethoven onwards. More early works, according to him, are too similar in structure and difficult to recognize. And when they gave him a record that contained an Alice Cooper album, Lintgen said that it looked like a jumble of sounds and sounded like gibberish. However, Arthur Lintgen's ability is unique in its own way.

Computer Man - Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013) is a clear proof that the human brain is capable of extraordinary things like incredibly complex and fast arithmetic calculations. Once, a Berkeley professor asked Shakuntala to calculate the cube root of 61,629,875 and the seventh root of 170,859,375. To the professor's surprise, Shakuntala gave the answers (395 and 15, respectively) in just a few seconds. In 1977, at the University of Dallas, she managed to extract the 23rd root of a number of 201 characters in 50 seconds! The university computer confirmed the correctness of the results shown, but it took more than a minute to work.

Photographic Memory – Stephen Wiltshire

If you have not seen the work of this artist, then you should definitely do it. Steven is an autistic artist who can reproduce from memory the most detailed landscape of any city that he happens to see from a height. All it takes is a brief helicopter flight over the city and Stephen will use his photographic memory to create a panoramic image of it with amazing accuracy.

Iceman - Wim Hof

While ordinary people, trying to climb Everest or Kilimanjaro, are properly insulated, the Dutch daredevil Wim Hof ​​does such tricks in nothing but shorts. Extremely cold-hardy, Hof says he uses the tantric tummo meditation technique, a method of developing inner warmth used by Tibetan yogis, to help regulate body temperature. Wim Hof ​​is the absolute world champion in bathing in a bath filled with pieces of ice. An ordinary person cannot stay in such a bath for more than 15-20 minutes. Hof's record is almost two hours.

Super Samurai - Isao Machii

Japanese master martial art Iaido owns the techniques of real samurai. He can predict the trajectory of an object with such frightening accuracy that he calmly cuts the object in half with his sword - and can do this at least every second. He is fast man with the sword not only in Japan, but all over the world. Machii can cut through plastic bullets flying at a speed of 300 km/h. Looks like he really is a superhero.

Jaws of Steel - Radhakrishnan Velu

It is impossible to imagine what strength a person must have who is able to drag a train of several cars with his own teeth, as Radhakrishnan Velu, a native of Malaysia, does. For such strong teeth, he is called the "Tooth King". And it's still not clear - how can you drag a train weighing 260.8 tons over a distance of 4.2 meters, excuse me, with your teeth? The Tooth King claims that when he was 14, an Indian guru taught him to use his teeth to control all parts of the body.

The Man Who Never Sleeps - Thai Ngoc

Have you ever tried not sleeping for more than 48 hours? Bad experience. Even one sleepless night has a very bad effect on the well-being of an ordinary person, but with the Vietnamese peasant Thai Ngok, everything is different. He hasn't slept since 1973. He himself believes that the fever he suffered then became the cause of insomnia. All these years, this man has been trying to sleep - with the help of drugs and even alcohol, but to no avail. Surprisingly, doctors do not find any abnormalities and serious diseases in him and say that everything is in order with his health.

Super Endurance - Dean Karnazes

There is the endurance of an ordinary person and there is the endurance of the American Dean Karnazes. Dean is a long-distance runner and super marathon runner. And if he is fed and watered in a timely manner, he can run endlessly, literally until retirement. In other words, his stamina level is so high and his energy regenerates so fast that he can run without stopping. Among his achievements are, for example, the following: running on a treadmill for 80 hours (560 km) and 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days.

Stomach of Steel – Michel Lotito

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950 - 2007) had an insatiable appetite for completely inedible objects. It is clear that with such abilities a direct road to pop artists. At his performances, "Monsieur Eat Everything" absorbed objects made of metal, glass, rubber and plastic, and even indigestion did not torment him later. And he is also known for dismantling and gradually eating (over two years) an entire plane. The walls of Lotito's stomach were twice as thick as they should be, and his stomach juices were also working unusually hard and allowed him to digest everything.

Electric Man - Raj Mohan Nair

Electricity is dangerous, everyone knows that. An electric shock of even one tenth of an ampere can be fatal... but not for Raj Mohan Nair. A current of up to 10 amperes can be passed through his body and this will not cause him any harm. The only one side effect- momentary blindness The story of how Raj Mohan discovered his superpower is tragic. When he was 7 years old, his mother died. Unable to cope with grief, the boy tried to commit suicide by climbing a power line pole and grabbing an exposed wire. To his surprise, he survived and realized that he had an extraordinary ability. The resistance of his body to electric current is 10 times higher than that of an ordinary person. Therefore, he can take bare wires in his hands and pretend to be an electrical circuit.

Experts are sure that the presence of superpowers can be detected in any child. To date, there are a large number of different methods for developing reading speed skills, improving memory. Also, with their help, you can identify the creative or mathematical inclinations in your child. The information received will be the basis for the development of the baby spiritually and intellectually.

Supernatural abilities of children

When a child has superpowers, it is called differently: indigo, rainbow child, etc. However, all these names mean that such a baby, unlike his peers, is more developed and smart. Some of them are endowed psychic abilities- they often dream prophetic dreams others predict the future quite accurately.

There are cases when children with superpowers can contact the souls of deceased relatives or remember the details of their past lives to the smallest detail. By the way, the stories of children about how they lived in past life who they were and what they did shock most parents. Usually this happens very early and when the child reaches the age of seven, memories of this kind disappear.

Detailed information about children's superpowers, as well as ways to develop it, can be obtained by visiting our School. You can also learn from us how to protect yourself and your loved ones from various negativity, including damage, evil eye, curses.

Healing abilities of children

The baby perceives the world at the level of the information field. Those who think that the child does not perceive what is happening around are mistaken. Newborn babies are endowed with a unique beauty, which is why they are often called angels. After all, while they are not familiar with the laws adulthood and do not obey their rules, their life is connected only with the Universe.

Children in whom this connection is not broken over time are able to receive a large amount of information - this is the phenomenon of their healing abilities. This power is the result of a unique device thin bodies, as well as the energy system of the child.

It is advisable to protect extrasensory abilities in children from those who have lost faith in modern medicine and those who want to get rid of the disease non-traditional methods. A growing organism, of course, has a huge energy potential. However, these energy shells are too fragile. That is why a child healer, using his gift to heal people, can deal a serious blow to his own physical and mental health.

Therefore, if there is a problem that traditional medicine or the authorities are unable to solve, one should turn to a psychic with experience who, while helping a sick or deceived person, does not harm himself and knows how to restore lost energy. He can also help in getting rid of damage and the evil eye, using reliable and proven methods for this.

Indigo children

Many are mistaken, believing that indigo children are distinguished exclusively by superpowers. There are several explanations for this phenomenon. Some say that these geeks, others consider them simply unusual, and still others are sure that such children have mental problems. How are things really?

Among the features of the development of such children, one can distinguish a very slow “maturation” of their brain. That is why indigos begin to speak much later than their peers. As a rule, the speech of such a baby appears unexpectedly, and the child speaks in sentences. And the information that he gives out very often leads parents into a stupor.

Many do not know how indigo children differ from ordinary children. Signs by which it is easy to understand that the child is not quite ordinary are as follows:

  1. Independence appears very quickly. Such children take on important issues without fear.
  2. Indigos are very unbalanced, it is difficult for them to restrain emotions. They always say their thoughts aloud, although they can do the opposite - for a long time to withdraw into themselves.
  3. They have high self-esteem and self-esteem.
  4. They are very active - it is very difficult for them to sit in one place.
  5. Their way of thinking is non-standard, it is sometimes difficult for others to understand some statements. As a rule, they have high intelligence.
  6. For them there is no authority. Having their own point of view, they are always ready to defend it.
  7. They have many interests, as a rule, are creative individuals.

More information on this and other topics can be found by visiting our website page or by looking.

The Indigo Children Phenomenon

Do not panic if it turned out that most of the listed signs can be attributed to your child. Of course, raising a child who is not like the others is quite difficult. Many call these children "uncomfortable." A calm and obedient child who does not require constant attention and not taking away a large number energy and time, much easier to educate. However, you should be patient, in particular when it comes to training indigo.

A huge problem for such children is to learn to be attentive. Therefore, they need to be interested. Both teachers and parents should understand that this is not a difficult student, but a very talented and multi-talented student. To suppress the hyperactivity of such children, some neurologists recommend taking special drugs that inhibit nervous system. Some parents, following such recommendations, can only do harm. After all, such a “treatment” delays natural development.

Therefore, it is best to consult on the upbringing of an indigo child from professionals with extensive experience. The indigo phenomenon has not yet been fully explored. The abilities of these children are impressive, but they need to be constantly developed. An indigo child needs to learn to accept it for who it is. To think that it can be somehow altered is a big mistake.

Developing your child's abilities is not an easy task. Both parents should participate in this gradual and versatile process. Become a strong support and reliable friend your child, and then you will never cease to be amazed at his abilities and rejoice at his success!

Every person in the world has the makings and abilities, but much less people that have unlocked their potential. Especially it concerns young talents. It is always harder for children to decide what will be easy for them. interesting hobby, and what is the purpose. Children with unique abilities will always stand out from the background of millions of talented adults, our article will be proof for you.

Sherwin Sarabi

Sherwin Sarabi

The story of this young guy will impress even the most indifferent people. At the age of one, Sherwin not only learned to speak, but also to read, write, independently learned the names and locations of 194 countries of the world, disassembled and assembled an Apple tablet without the knowledge of his parents. Now the young child prodigy wants to get the most prestigious universities world such as Oxford, Stanford, Harvard, Yale and Princeton universities. The mother of a gifted boy does not yet want to spoil Sherwin's childhood. She is sure that he still has his whole life ahead of him in order to become a great person.

Giuliano Stroe

Giuliano Stroe

This strong Romanian kid is more like the Hulk. A muscular and strong body helped five-year-old Giuliano get into the Guinness Book of Records in 2008. A little boy walked 10 meters on his hands, holding a rubber tire weighing 16 kg between his legs. The guy chose athletics at the age of two, then he started with gymnastic exercises and power load. Stroe became interested in this sport when he visited his father's gym. After what he saw, Giuliano decided to become the strongest boy in the world.

Aelita Andre

Aelita Andre

The little Australian girl has great talent. Aelita Andre became a famous abstract artist at the age of seven. The girl created her first masterpiece by accident, at the age of 9 months, when she could not even walk. The father (also an artist) left his canvas for a while, little Aelita crawled up and tried to squeeze the paints out of the tube and draw a picture with her fingers. Since then, she has been painting almost every day. Andre's first full-fledged exhibition took place when she was only two years old.

Akrit Yaswal

Akrit Yaswal

The story of this young doctor amazed the entire world community of scientists in the field of medicine. Akrit for the first time performed a complex surgical operation at the age of seven without assistance. The boy's eight-year-old friend suffered severe burns in the area of ​​his hand and fingers during a fire on the playground. Akrit, with surgical precision, independently divided the victim's fingers and processed them. At the age of 12, the young man entered the medical university, and at 17 he received a master's degree in applied chemistry. Now Akrit is developing a cure for cancer.

Julian Pavon

Julian Pavon

Julian entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest professional drummer. The boy first picked up drumsticks at the age of ten months. Sitting in his father's arms, Julian tried to hit the drums, it came out quite rhythmically. Now the musical prodigy is 11 years old, he plays superbly on drum set from 23 parts. The guy is invited to various TV shows and programs around the world.

Ethan Bortnik

Ethan Bortnik

Ethan Bortnick is another gifted musician, but the nine-year-old chose the piano. At the age of three, Ethan's favorite toy was a small children's piano. The kid demanded from his parents to send him to music school and buy real musical instrument. Now Bortnik is not only talented musician but also an excellent actor and composer. He travels the world with tours and gives interviews for the most popular TV shows and programs. AT concert halls, where Ethan performs, gathers from 30 to 80 thousand guests.

Every child is special and talented in their own way. The main task of parents is not to let the very spark that appears in a small talent go out. If the child does not know what he likes, then it is better to try everything and give the opportunity to develop the inclinations and abilities laid down from birth.

Wizard Tim Burton has prepared for us a new, fairy tale with the usual spices: darkness, horror, transformations, miracles and freakish protagonists. Strange children are rare guests on the screens, and we decided to recall the most wonderful and memorable ones.

Demons June/ June, 2015 If we were the main characters of such a horror movie, there would be no horror movie. We would say: “What? Adopt this creepy little girl? Never!". And let her levitate as much as she likes in her shelter and fight the dark forces inside herself, away from our cozy house. But it's not us - the main characters, these - they took it and brought it. Infection in the house. Day Watch, 2005 Boy Yegor, rescued in " night watch”from the vampire played by Ilya Lagutenko, continues to take the dark side. What was flowers in the first part became fruits in the second: Bekmambetov so saturated the shots of this picture with events that the flickering in the eyes does not calm down even after the credits. And Dmitry Martynov played his hero perfectly: you hate the boy sincerely. Aerobatics / Sky High, 2005

Frame: Gunn Films Superhero is not just for adults! At the dawn of the popularity of comic book adaptations, the authors made a mashup of everything that came to hand: love and betrayal, rivalry and the problem of fathers and children, enmity and setup. The packaging, of course, is a little puppy, but the content is quite armor-piercing. And the plot is simple: the son of superheroes is NOT a superhero. But you have to go to school. Yes, for superheroes.

X-Men 2/ X2, 2003 Perhaps one day the X-Men franchise will give birth to a children's version, but for now, in these films, children are so, in the background. In the second installment, directed by Bryan Singer, the mutant kid hideout is attacked by Stryker's team. And the miracle children in Professor Xavier's school are for every taste: a siren girl, a remote control boy passing through walls and a child with a black forked tongue. Dumb, it seems. Fifth Dimension/ Push, 2009 It is not clear why this film was unlucky: it was released at the wrong time, it was trampled " Avatar"Or something just went wrong (and the director, meanwhile, put on the Sherlock series and the killer thriller" Lucky number Slevin"). The Fifth Dimension failed miserably, although the idea seems intriguing. A certain organization decided to catch the mutants in order to use their powers for their own insidious purposes. Ender `s game/ Ender's Game, 2013 They are all unusual children, but it is Ender who is the most gifted. Future. People are at war with an army of giant insects that are available high tech. To prevent new round battles, people want to strike a sharp first blow, for which they train children whose logic and reactions are different, not stagnant. The film is violent, though the story is flawlessly told; the dissatisfaction of the fans did not yet play in favor of the film (this is a film adaptation of a series of books, which was in vogue recently). Generating fire / Firestarter, 1984

frame: Universal Pictures No classics - nowhere! Little Drew Barrymore in a horror film based on the cult novel by Stephen King. Charlie is a cute little girl who better not be pissed off or she'll burn everything to hell with just one look. A girl with a terrible gift is trying to be saved from the special services by her father, but he alone cannot resist the whole system of catching fugitives. But Charlie can. By the way, they wanted to give this picture to direct John Carpenter, but after the box office failure " Something”decided to go for a surefire, and“ Generating Fire ”was filmed by the director“ Commandos»!

The Omen/ Knowing, 2009 In this mystical-fiction thriller, children do not play the main roles, but they are important: everything will start with Lucinda, a girl who, back in 1959, will predict all global catastrophes and cataclysms, and will continue with the hearing-impaired boy Caleb, who will get a letter with mysterious numbers. Darkness, gloom, horror and despair - a great set for such a movie. Shine/ The Shining, 1980 Another film adaptation of Stephen King's novel (he generally likes to write about children with paranormal abilities), this time chamber, aesthetic and monstrous in its inevitability. Danny Torrance is the son of Jack and Wendy. The three of them spend the winter at the Overlook Hotel, covered in snow and far from civilization. Danny's dad slowly goes crazy, and the hotel comes to life and pulls its tentacles to the gifted boy. By the way, this is not obvious without a book: there are opinions that the great Kubrick spoiled the novel. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children/ Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, 2016 The basis for the "House of Peculiar Children .." also became a series of books. Whether the film adaptation was successful or not, we will soon find out, but even from the trailer it is clear that Tim Burton has returned to the familiar world of a fairy tale with a gloomy bias. Transformations, battles and abductions await us, as well as mysteries surrounded by the strangest creatures that can fly, control water and plants, and also hide. October 6, 2016

On the eve of the premiere new era Z» KinoPoisk decided to recall what superpowers are common among the youngest movie characters.

With a difference of one week, two films about special children were released in Russian distribution at once. AT new job Tim Burton's "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" (at the box office October 6) has a whole group of children of different ages, endowed with different (sometimes not very useful) abilities. For example, they can grow giant carrots in half a minute, eat food with the back of their heads, and serve as a hive for hundreds of bees.

New Age Z (opening October 13) also features a lot of kids, but the story centers on 10-year-old Melanie with a sky-high IQ. But not intelligence is her main gift, but a genetic mutation that allows the girl to be both a human and a zombie at the same time. She and all those children who are stuck in the wombs of women who have become victims of a planetary epidemic. The virus has claimed hundreds of lives, and the survivors are covered in scabs, standing on the streets of London and acting like the very fast infected from 28 Days Later. Without Melanie and her unique ability the existence of this new world is impossible.

On the eve of the premiere of "New Era Z" (about this film KinoPoisk from the festival in Toronto), we decided to recall what other superpowers distinguished young heroes From the movies.

magical powers

Here you live as an ordinary sad orphan until the age of 11, and then it turns out that you are a star magical world and that you are welcome at the school of magic with open arms. This is already a pretty impressive plot twist in the life of any child, although he had previously suspected that “something was wrong” with him. In any case, the unkind Uncle Vernon regularly reminded him of this. However, Harry Potter from the eight-episode Warner Bros. endowed even for a wizard special talents. For example, he can talk to snakes, reflect deadly spells with his forehead and fly like a god on a broomstick, but still his main superpower is to get into trouble with enviable constancy.

Relationship with Greek gods

In the film adaptation of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, the titular character, Percy, a slightly autistic teenager, learns that he is the son of the god Poseidon. This explains why he was always able to hold his breath underwater much longer than usual. True, like Harry Potter, he has to train his magical abilities, which Percy does in the first act of the film in a special camp for demigods. AT climax he will especially benefit from his ability to control water masses.

Relationship with Satan

Damien Thorne from The Omen is the most important juvenile fiend on the screen, who later spawned a whole subgenre and followers in the person of Joshua from the film of the same name, Lilith from Case No. twist). In fact, the nature of his talents is not fully spelled out, but he is very competently able to make sure that all objectionable people die due to an accident. Damien is the son of the Antichrist, and he has birthmark of the three sixes, and this is already enough for no one to question his mysterious superpowers.


From Kirsten Dunst in Interview with the Vampire to Saoirse Ronan in Byzantium and Lina Leandersson in the Swedish version of Let Me In (Chloe Moretz in the American version) there are plenty of young vampires in the history of cinema. Their superpowers are of little use. It's more like a curse, because they have to feed on blood, and for this you need to either kill yourself or make others kill for you. There is also little fun in the fact that you constantly remain a child, do not grow up, do not grow old, do not die, and do not change at all. That is why young vampires most often turn out to be touching, but battered emoji.

Alien origin

Of course, including the most popular superhero in history here would be a little unfair, but was Superman once a child, too? A boy raised on an American farm learns that Clark Kent is not his real name and Earth is not his real home planet. As befits a normal Kryptonian, Superman can do just about anything, has incredible strength and the ability to fly with his hand outstretched forward, and also surprisingly knows how to make sure that his hair does not get disheveled even in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

Gift of Telekinesis

The ability to move objects with the mind is also a fairly common (and useful) skill among children from films of various genres. In Brian de Palma's horror "Carrie" based on Stephen King main character, for example, with the help of telekinesis, she killed almost all the students of her school when she was humiliated at the graduation ball. It also went to her despotic pious mother, who believed own daughter fiend of hell. In the comedy "Matilda" by Roald Dahl, the intonations are completely different, although the title character uses telekinesis for about the same purpose as Carrie, that is, to try to cope with her parents, and at the same time with the nasty headmistress. The gift of telekinesis is also possessed by mutant children in the Akira anime, who can also extend their abilities to other people.

Telekinesis from the future

In Rian Johnson's Looper, telekinesis is a fairly common ability that, due to a genetic mutation, many young people have. But the 5-year-old boy Sid, who is hunted by Bruce Willis, is especially strong in terms of moving objects in space by force of will. His uncontrollable fits of anger lead to unintentional murders, and in the future he becomes the all-powerful mafia boss Shaman, responsible for the death of Willis' wife. The feeling of injustice is caused by the fact that while he is an innocent child who simply has not yet learned to cope with his power.

Gift of Pyrokinesis

Another heroine of Stephen King is eight-year-old Charlie McGee from "Generating Fire". She can ignite objects with her mind, and the bonus is the foresight of the near future. Such useful child he immediately finds himself in the field of view of a government organization, from which he hides with his father, who has the gift of suggestion. In the cathartic ending, Charlie will certainly set off a big cleansing fire, where he will burn all his ill-wishers in one fell swoop.

Call from another dimension

In the new film by Jeff Nichols, praised by critics Midnight Special (which, by the way, was never released in Russian distribution), we are talking about an eight-year-old boy, Alton Mayer. He can only function at night, speak languages ​​he never learned, learn secret government codes, shoot beams from his eyes, and cause meteor showers. While the police and religious fanatics are trying to catch him, a direct sunlight helps Alton see another dimension - as he claims, his home world. There he will try to return, and no one will condemn him.

Ability to see ghosts

At first, The Sixth Sense seemed like just another horror movie about a child with demonic powers, but the impressive ending - known to be the worst spoiler in the history of cinema - quickly turned it into a drama. 9-year-old Cole claims to his therapist that he sees ghosts walking among the living without even knowing they are dead. As it turns out, this is also quite a useful ability, because how else can you get a whole course of free psychotherapy sessions?

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