Can a child have green tea, at what age? Healthy drinks for children: is it possible to give green and black tea to a child. Tea for children: pros and cons - is it possible for his baby

Tea contains not only substances useful for the child (magnesium, potassium, calcium), but also harmful ones. The latter includes, first of all, caffeine. Its content in tea is no less than in coffee. Such a substance can disrupt a child's sleep pattern. This is due to the fact that caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, which is completely undesirable for young children. It must be borne in mind that caffeine is contained in green tea even in greater quantities than in.

Therefore, with the use of green or black tea, you should wait up to 3 years. A child older than this age can drink a weakly brewed drink (using a small amount of tea leaves) and with the addition of milk. Instead of milk, it is allowed to add lemon, a leaf of lemon balm or mint to tea, but it is advisable to refrain from sugar. It is better to sweeten the drink with a little honey if the child is not allergic to it. It is also worth remembering that children should not be offered tea before bedtime.

As for babies aged 6 months to 3 years, they can be given baby tea.

What kind of tea can children drink under 3 years old

Relatively recently, special teas for children appeared on the domestic market. They can be given to a child from 6 months, weakly brewed and in small portions.

Such a drink has a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, promotes good relaxation and sound sleep. The composition of children's tea includes natural extracts of linden, chamomile, and as a flavor it uses an extract of lemon grass and lemon balm. This drink does not contain any sugar or preservatives, because their use is contraindicated for babies.

Also, a child can make herbal tea from fennel, mint, lemon balm or chamomile. It has a calming effect, helps with digestive problems, intestinal and colds. Tea should not be prepared on its own, not strong, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the child.

In addition, young children can be given linden tea. It has a calming effect and a slight antipyretic effect. This drink is usually liked by kids, as it has a wonderful smell and taste. It is important to remember that you can collect lime blossom only away from roads and industrial areas.

As you can see, children's herbal teas are good for the child's body. However, you can give them to your baby only after consulting a pediatrician.

Herbal tea has always been considered in Russia the surest remedy for all diseases, but they also drank it just like that: to warm up, quench their thirst or pass the time. They also often brewed herbal tea for babies and gave them to very young children. Now many doctors are skeptical about such a practice, considering it rather useless and unnecessary. Others, on the contrary, advocate the introduction of this drink in the diet of very young infants. That is why special children's teas are increasingly appearing on store shelves, and an increasing number of parents note their undoubted benefits for the crumbs.

So what herbs can be brewed for a baby? What is the difference between "adult" tea and children's tea? When can you give your child an herbal drink? Let's try to find answers to these and many other questions.

Why drink tea to the baby?

As a rule, tea is given to newborns not to quench thirst or an additional source of vitamins, but as a medicine. In the first three months of a baby's life, abdominal pain caused by intestinal colic can often disturb. In such cases, one of the main (and safe) methods of treatment is fennel or dill decoction.

Later, when the child begins to suffer from insomnia, parents can give him chamomile tea for babies or linden decoction to calm the nerves and prepare for sleep.

But it is worth remembering that tea is not water, it contains many trace elements and substances that are undesirable for a baby in large quantities. That is why you should not independently prescribe such treatment to a child, and even more so you should not replace water with tea. Before introducing any herbal preparation into the baby's diet, you should consult a doctor.

Herbs for babies and their benefits

Of course, not all herbs are allowed for babies, but only some of the most harmless ones. For children, you can brew the following plants.

  1. Dill - it is great for colic and stomach pain.
  2. Fennel - on its basis, the famous "dill" water is made, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Fennel has a mild laxative effect and promotes gas in newborns.
  3. Cumin - eliminates bloating and fights intestinal colic.
  4. Chamomile - It makes a soothing tea that relieves stress and prepares for sleep. In addition, chamomile infusion has a good effect on the activity of the baby's digestive tract.
  5. Linden - soothes and relaxes before going to bed. Lime decoction is also used for colds, it acts as a mild antipyretic.
  6. Mint is an anti-cold and soothing drink. Mint also helps with bloating and flatulence.
  7. Raspberry - This plant is often included in vitamin teas.

At what age can tea be given to a child?

Usually, on the packages of ready-made children's collections, they write at what age this product is recommended. If you decide to use ordinary herbs rather than ready-made tea, then remember a few rules.

  • Fennel tea and dill tea can be given as soon as the baby is one month old;
  • Chamomile infusion allowed from four months.
  • Soothing teas based on linden and lemon balm it is also better to leave it until the baby is four months old.
  • Vitamin collections with berry leaves and fruit trees can be introduced at 5-6 months.
  • Mint and ginger drink do not give before six months.

It is better not to give tea to newborns unless absolutely necessary. The introduction of this drink into the diet can be started from 4-6 months, that is, during the introduction of the first complementary foods.

Can I give my child black or green tea?

All pediatricians and nutritionists give an unequivocal answer to this question: NO! Black (like green) tea contains a lot of caffeine, but there are very few substances that are useful for the child's body. In addition, modern tea, as a rule, has a rather mediocre quality, so it is doubly unsafe to give it to a baby.

Do-it-yourself fees for children

Despite the fact that many doctors forbid giving babies herbal drinks made from plants collected in the country, it does not always make sense to buy a ready-made collection. If you are confident in the ecological purity of herbs, then you can make a drink for your baby from them.

Calming tea

To calm down the baby after active games, as well as relieve stress, for example, from going to the doctor, such a calming collection will help:

  • melissa - 1 spoon;
  • lime blossom - 1 spoon;
  • chamomile - 1 spoon.

Pour the herbs with a glass of water and bring to a boil, but do not boil, but turn off the heat and leave the tea to infuse. It is best to give the baby such a drink before bedtime.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile can be given to a baby during an attack of colic, and when the child has a cold, and just to calm and relax. Preparing tea with chamomile for babies is very simple.

Pour one spoon of inflorescences with a glass of hot water and insist for half an hour. Before giving the child an infusion, it must be diluted to a pale yellow color.

tea for stomach pain

Tea for babies from colic can be prepared from both dill seed and fennel fruit. You can make a mix by taking both plants in equal proportions.

One tablespoon of fennel (or dill seed) pour a glass of water and leave for about an hour. During this time, the drink will have time to cool. You need to give a drink to the baby little by little - 1-2 tablespoons. It is advisable to do this before each feeding.

Popular brands of children's teas and their composition

If you do not trust your own hand-picked raw materials, then in pharmacies and children's stores you will find entire shelves filled with children's teas. Most popular brands:

  • "Grandma's basket";
  • hipp;
  • Fleur Alpine;
  • Heinz;
  • Humama;
  • Baby Premium.

Teas from Fleur Alpine, Babushkino Lukoshko and some Hipp products are sold in bags, which is very convenient and allows you to quickly and easily brew the right dose. The composition of such fees includes only dried and ground herbs.

Instant teas from Humama, Heinz, Bebi Premium and Hipp. They are made in the form of granules of light yellow color and have a sweetish taste, which the baby will surely like. These drinks often include:

  • lactose - natural milk sugar;
  • maltodextrin - a plant compound of sugar, glucose and oligosaccharides;
  • dextrose - or glucose - sugar extracted from the juices of some berries;
  • sucrose is a sugar obtained from beets or cane.

All substances are obtained, as a rule, from vegetable raw materials and are not harmful to the child's body.

Instead of whole herbs, instant teas use extracts (sometimes essential oils), which allows the mixture to dissolve in water without residue.

The most neutral option for babies is a drink with chamomile and fennel.


Herbal teas can be given to children from a month old, but it is better to wait until the baby is six months old.

Remember that tea is not just a tasty drink and should not be used as a source of liquid. All herbal preparations contain essential oils, extracts, trace elements, which can adversely affect the health of the child. Therefore, before introducing crumbs of any tea drink into the diet, you must obtain the permission of a doctor.

Sometimes parents don't even bother asking at what age children can be given tea. It seems that a less harmless drink is difficult to come up with. Make it weak - and pour the baby. Experts, on the contrary, are not inclined to simplify the situation: useful for an adult, tea can adversely affect the state of a young organism. We will assess the risks and find out if there are teas that are safe for the child.

We have previously discussed the topic of how old children can drink coffee -.

Is tea good for children?

Tea for children, unlike plain water that quenches thirst, is part of their diet, a complete product with a set of various substances that can be useful or harmful to a child of a certain age.

Depending on the nature of the impact on the child's body, teas can be preventive and therapeutic. The first group includes drinks that strengthen the baby's immune system. Teas from the second group can be prescribed by a pediatrician:

  • in the treatment of colds (teas with licorice extract, thyme);
  • as a sedative for severe excitability (with mint);
  • with colic and intestinal disorders ().

The benefits of these drinks are undeniable. However, only a doctor should give recommendations on what kind of tea, in what volumes and for what purpose a baby can drink.

How can it be harmful?

It is forbidden to give black and green tea, beloved by adults, to the youngest children, because they contain dangerous components:

  • tannins - make it difficult for the body to absorb iron, and this is fraught with anemia;
  • caffeine - leads to overexcitation, heart palpitations;
  • oxalic acid - destroys teeth;
  • alkaloids - have a diuretic effect, which is not useful for the child's body;
  • purine compounds - lead to the accumulation of uric acid in the body, which the baby's kidneys cannot cope with.

The listed substances, which are toxic for children, sometimes become a kind of "time bomb" - they gradually accumulate in the tissues of the body and can later cause a child's hyperactivity, inability to concentrate, poor memory, tendency to restless sleep. At the same time, parents are likely to remain in the dark about where all these problems come from.

From how many months can you give tea to a child?

The very first teas that infants receive:

  • fennel (they can drink a child who is 1 month old);
  • with linden flowers (not earlier than 4 months);
  • ginger and mint tea (starting from six months).

As for classic black tea, it is advised to give it only from 2-3 years old, little by little and not strongly brewed (0.5 teaspoon of tea leaves per 200 ml of water, brewing time - 2-3 minutes). Green tea is introduced into the menu of boys and girls even later - from 10-11 years old, because it is in it that the content of tannins and caffeine is especially high.

Consumption rates

The appearance of black tea in the child's menu does not mean at all that now he can drink it as much as he wants and whenever he wants. For children 2-3 years old, the recommended norm is 50 ml, it is allowed to drink it no more than 3-4 times a week.

Children 3-6 years old can drink tea every day, the norm is 100 ml.

After 7 years, the rate doubles, up to 200 ml, while tea can be brewed more strongly.

Children's herbal teas

Granulated and in bags, these teas are represented in the distribution network by products of such brands as "Grandmother's basket" (you can learn about it from the article), Hipp, Heinz, "Bayushki-bayu". Despite the fact that all the ingredients of these teas are absolutely safe for children, when buying, you need to focus on the recommendations of the pediatrician - he will advise the drink that will bring more benefits, taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby.

Herbal teas include not only plant components, but also extracts of berries, fruits. Especially for children, they select fees that strengthen the heart, blood vessels, and bone tissue. The age of the baby is always taken into account. For example, from the first weeks of life, a baby can receive tea that stimulates the stomach if it suffers from painful colic and bloating. In such a drink, for sure, there will be not only synthetic dyes and flavors, but even sugar and gluten.

Here are the types of herbal teas (some of which you can make yourself from medicinal raw materials purchased at a pharmacy) that support the health of a child at different stages of his life:

What can be added to tea?

Various additives can make tea tastier and healthier. Let's consider several options:

  1. Bee honey makes it possible to refuse the use of sugar, which is contraindicated for some children. With colds, such an additive to tea will contribute to a faster recovery.
  2. Berries and fruits supplement the drink with vitamins and minerals. For example, a finely chopped apple will enrich it with iron and ascorbic acid. Strawberries will help improve metabolism, and raspberries are an effective antipyretic.
  3. Milk reduces the concentration of tea in a cup and reduces its stimulating effect on the nervous system, helps to preserve tooth enamel. Small children (up to three years old) receive tea with milk in a ratio of 1:1.
  4. Ginger is good for strengthening the immune system. Grated root, added to tea, makes the drink curative for colds, helps to feel better with headaches, nausea.
  5. Lemon is a good prophylactic against colds, it is rich in vitamin C.
  6. Thyme tea is useful in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. In the article, we talked about the beneficial properties and contraindications of tea with thyme.

In order for tea to be beneficial, and not create problems, pediatricians give parents a number of recommendations.

Babies from birth to two years old are not advised by doctors to give "adult" teas - you need to buy those that are created specifically for children. They are made on the basis of medicinal herbs and do not contain caffeine. The labels always indicate what age the drink is intended for children, and the instructions that come with the product explain in detail how to make the tea correctly.

Acquaintance with "adult" teas is more correct to start with black varieties, you can - with fruit additives. It is advisable not to use packaged products, since they always contain artificial components, which are especially harmful to the child's body. There are no such additives in loose tea.

Like any new product introduced to the children's menu, tea can have an undesirable reaction.. In order not to let the situation get out of control, parents should, firstly, start with small (preferably morning) portions, and, secondly, observe the well-being and behavior of the baby: how his mood changes, whether he began to fall asleep worse . If no problems are found, the portion of the drink can be increased, and the time of use can be extended, giving tea not only in the morning, but also, for example, after a daytime sleep.

Herbal teas, which have a lot of advantages, are best given to a child after consulting a doctor, since even the most useful medicinal preparations that have helped adults more than once in a difficult situation can provoke an allergy in a child. In addition, with the wrong dosage, herbal medicinal raw materials can cause poisoning of the body.

If herbal tea is prepared in the home kitchen, then the "brewing" should be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared with all the necessary precautions - within the time recommended by experts, in an environmentally safe area. In no case should you buy herbs from random grandmothers in the market or near supermarkets.

The point of view of Dr. Komarovsky

Known for television programs and online consultations, Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky speaks of “drinking in general” for a child, as an opportunity to quench their thirst, and not to enjoy the drink. The list of "optimal drinking", as the pediatrician calls it, includes herbal and fruit teas. Komarovsky believes that they should be at room temperature. If the child has been accustomed to the fact that tea is drunk warm, the intensity of heating should be gradually reduced - it is more useful.

The pediatrician is sure that tea is useful for the child's body, however, he warns parents about observing a sense of proportion. Komarovsky allows starting to introduce the baby to his favorite Russian drink during the first complementary foods (from 6 months of age), giving 1 teaspoon of tea, no more. If symptoms of an allergy are found, the tea should be discarded.


The fact that tea is not the most harmless drink for children is evidenced by a number of contraindications associated with the general condition of the child and diseases of individual organs. It:

  • the presence of food allergies to any products;
  • caffeine intolerance;
  • baby hyperactivity;
  • poor sleep, difficulty falling asleep;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • kidney problems;
  • heat.

In addition, age restrictions should always be taken into account - what kindergartners and schoolchildren are allowed to drink can not always be consumed by a one-year-old child without risk to health.

“Every cup of tea drunk ruins the pharmacist” (Chinese proverb).

You will probably be surprised, but on the topic of the issue that we will try to consider in this article, many copies have been broken by children's nutritionists. Let's study the most common and diverse opinions on this matter, and find out for ourselves - is it possible for a small child to drink tea?

Can a cup of freshly brewed tea be harmful to the baby.

Types of tea. Children's tea collections and drinks

Conventionally, all types of tea that we will discuss can be divided into three large subgroups:

  • Actually, the tea itself, in its traditional sense (black, green, red, etc.).
  • Children's herbal teas.
  • Fruit and berry decoctions.

What kind of tea is most preferable for the very youngest?

It is the first group that causes the most controversy - ordinary, in our understanding, tea. At what age can this “adult” drink be offered to the baby? How undesirable for the little man is its tonic effect? Is it possible to drink his baby? What do you prefer, black or green?

So, in order.

Ingredients in tea leaves. Their effect on the baby's body

As you know, a large number of bioactive components have been found in tea leaves. And if for an adult the effect of a freshly brewed, aromatic drink is a balm for the soul, then for the crumbs everything is not so simple.

Most pediatricians agree that for babies, with enough milk from the mother, before the introduction of complementary foods, it is not necessary to give any liquid. The only exception can be ordinary water in the hot season.

Mom's milk is much tastier than some tea!

Introduce traditional tea for your family into your baby’s diet, no earlier than one and a half to two years of age. Of course, this should not be a drink from my mother's (and even more so - my father's, "chifir") mug. Tea leaves for children can only be weak (no more than 1-1.5 g per glass). Given the tonic effect of tea, we give it only in the morning(you don’t want to spend the night later with an overexcited offspring, do you?). By the way, although green tea is considered more useful in terms of the content of many vitamins and flavonoids, it also contains more caffeine.

Well, of course, we remember the folk wisdom: "Fresh tea is medicine, old tea is poison."

Tea with milk for children's menu

Remember, in kindergartens, hospitals and schools, on the "third", this drink relied on just such a combination? Why?

Tea with milk has a number of significant benefits.

So, indeed, all the beneficial properties, vitamins and microelements of the tea leaf are better preserved, and at the same time, all the risks for the child's body are significantly reduced:

  • When tea leaves are diluted with milk, its concentration decreases;
  • Milk binds the tannins contained in it and prevents irritation of the stomach;
  • The coloring pigments of tea diluted with milk have less effect on the baby's tooth enamel;
  • Milk neutralizes the action of oxalic acid salts, preventing it from binding calcium.

Seagulls with milk - safe and healthy.

If your child does not drink tea, this is a great alternative. This drink has a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system as a whole. Along with compote, children are given a decoction and infusion of dried fruit.

Another useful drink is hercules decoction. This drink has a calming effect on the body of the child, helps to fall asleep. How to prepare a decoction of hercules read in.

Is there an alternative to sugar?

If the little “tea-loaf” is quite satisfied with the natural taste of the drink, you are in luck. Sugar is really evil in this case.

A little sweet tooth will surely want to sweeten the drink.

  • First: the prospect of caries.
  • Secondly: it destroys a good half of the usefulness contained in the tea leaves.
  • Thirdly: it contributes, according to modern scientists, to the wrong formation of taste.

But if a young gourmet still requires a "sweet life" - we are looking for an alternative.

The most popular substitute for sugar, since the time of our grandmothers, has been honey. Useful, natural, harmless. But ... With the last statement, be careful! It is true only if the baby is not allergic to honey.

A spoonful of honey will brighten up all the freshness of tea.

Also, to sweeten tea, you can add pieces of fruit and berries to it. With that, let's move on to the next group.

Fruit and berry children's teas

How is fruit tea different from compote? Regardless of whether it includes a tea leaf, or it consists entirely of fruit and berry raw materials - tea, unlike compote, is not brewed, but brewed! Do you remember how disgusting the taste of coffee boiled on the stove? Here, and here, the principle is the same.

Probably the most famous fruit teas are rosehip and raspberry infusions, familiar to everyone since childhood, which were poured into us by caring mothers and grandmothers in liters.

A storehouse of vitamins in one mug.

Progress does not stand still, and now the baby food counters are crammed with packages of vitamin fruit concentrates for brewing. Most often they are dry matter granules, which include extracts of the same raspberries, strawberries, black currants and many others.

Most well-known manufacturers, such as Hipp, Semper, Heinz, do not include crystalline sugar in their composition, but replace it, if necessary, with dextrose, fructose, etc., sweeteners that are more easily digestible by babies. Also, these mixtures can be additionally enriched with vitamins and prebiotics.

Special children's teas to help mom, for the benefit of the child.

Whether they will become a worthy replacement for the infusions of our childhood is up to you, well, and your doctor, of course. The undoubted convenience of vitamin teas is the ease of their preparation. For a busy mother, dissolving drink granules in water, or pouring boiling water over a filter bag is a significant saving of time and effort.

Stomatitis causes discomfort to the child. As soon as you see white sores on your baby's gums, see a doctor immediately. Read more about the disease on this page.

Therapeutic herbal teas

Despite the fact that herbs, unlike chemistry, are considered harmless among our people, remember that most of the plants on the basis of which children's herbal teas are produced are biologically active substances. That is, without fanaticism!

Each member of the family has a drink to taste.

With the help of herbal preparations, many children's problems can be solved without resorting to medical treatment. But here you will need the advice of a pediatrician, and of course, your maternal intuition.

Most often, herbal teas are used as sedatives. But with their help, you can cure the crumbs from many other sores:

Most children's herbal preparations are now sold in pharmacies in the required proportions and dosages. Or, you can use granular herbal teas for children with the advice of a doctor. Some of them (for example, based on chamomile and fennel) are used to solve the problems of babies from their first months of life.

Tea is one of the main drinks in Russian cuisine. Most Russians drink it daily without even thinking of replacing it with something else. If a baby is growing up in your house, you are probably looking forward to when you can treat him with a fragrant drink with a cake. At what age can tea be given to a child and how to properly introduce it into the children's diet?

Is it possible to drink tea for babies?

Folk wisdom and scientific studies prove the benefits of tea. This drink is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. However, it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. For babies, any drink is food. For this reason, in the diet of the youngest children, drinks should be as nutritious and healthy as possible, as well as safe. Some baby food manufacturers offer new parents special teas for babies. Usually these are adapted and enriched drinks based on extracts of medicinal herbs, berries and fruits. When can a child be given this type of tea? Focus on the manufacturer's recommendations. Many drinks in this category are suitable for consumption by babies over 6 months old. If the child is prone to allergies, it makes sense to consult with the observing pediatrician. When buying, do not be too lazy to study the composition of the product. A drink rich in preservatives and dyes is best left on the store shelf.

Black tea for babies over 2-3 years old

After the second birthday, regular black tea can be introduced into the baby's diet. Parents will have to resist the temptation to sip an invigorating drink for their child from their own mug. Children's tea should be very weak, light brown in color. Be sure to purchase loose tea leaves: inferior to it in quality. At what age can tea be given to a child if it contains additives that improve the taste? Pieces of fruits, berries and healthy herbs in small quantities may be present in the first children's tea drink. Be sure to study the composition - there should be no chemical additives, as well as tannin, caffeine.

milk tea

Is it okay to give milk tea to small children? Most baby nutrition experts agree that this drink is very healthy for children over 2 years old. The most important thing is to prepare such tea correctly. The correct ratio is 50/50, respectively, half the glass must be filled with milk. Why is milk tea considered the most beneficial for children? Milk reduces the concentration of tea leaves and improves the taste of the drink. Milk tea is less dangerous for the baby's stomach and tooth enamel. In addition, milk neutralizes the effects of oxalic acid on the child's body.

How to make tea for a baby?

And what should be added to it? In Russia, it is traditionally customary to sweeten. Most adults are accustomed to drinking, but kids are encouraged to try giving a drink without additives. All children love sweets. But we must not forget that regular consumption of sugar can cause tooth decay and the formation of the wrong taste. Experts managed to prove that sweetened tea is much less healthy than "unleavened", without additives. If your baby enjoys drinking unsweetened tea, you can rejoice. But what to do when the child requires sugar? Look for a decent alternative. Most often, sugar is replaced with honey. This option is suitable for children who do not suffer from allergies. At what age can tea be given to a child with honey? It is advisable to wait three years. For the first time, put quite a bit of honey in a mug and try to track the reaction. Children under three years of age can put pieces of fruit or berries in tea to improve its taste. Some mothers dilute children's tea leaves with compote.

The chemical composition of conventional welding

Plain black tea is an incredibly healthy drink. But some substances contained in it have a beneficial effect on the adult body and are completely useless for the child. What is in classic black tea? The tannic substance tannin invigorates no worse than caffeine and binds salts of heavy metals such as lead and mercury. For children, it can be dangerous, as it destroys iron. It is also highly likely that tannin will negatively affect the fragile mucous membranes of the digestive system. Black tea contains purine bases that stimulate the production of uric acid and oxalates. These substances can be dangerous for the kidneys of a very young child. The oxalic acid present in tea leaves is dangerous for baby's milk teeth. Theine is an alkaloid found in black tea. This substance has a tonic effect and can interfere with the production of vitamin D. Asking the question "at what age can you give your child coffee and tea", remember that these drinks affect the nervous system. Caffeine is generally not recommended for children under adolescence. But in some babies, even drinking weakly brewed tea can cause hyperactivity and sleep disturbances. When introducing this drink into the diet of a child, be sure to monitor the behavior and psycho-emotional state of the baby. If you notice any changes, stop giving the tea or try diluting it even more.

How to choose and brew tea for a child?

For baby food, tea should be of high quality and natural. It is advisable to use whole-leaf welding. For one cup of tea, brew no more than 1-1.5 grams of the dry mixture. Folk wisdom says: hot tea is medicine, cooled tea is poison. And this statement is supported by scientific research. When cooling, some of the beneficial substances in tea are destroyed. It is recommended that children be taught to drink warm, freshly brewed tea. If the drink is cold, you can not warm it up. Deciding to warm the tea, you will only increase the concentration of harmful substances in it. Don't force your baby to drink a drink if he doesn't like it. You can replace tea in baby food with compote, a drink made from prunes is very useful.

Exotic teas

In our country, black tea is considered classic, but what other variations of the drink exist? Green varieties are considered the strongest and most invigorating. It is in them that the concentration of tannin and caffeine is the highest. Some types of green tea surpass even coffee in their tonic properties. It is advisable to start giving such a drink to a child only in adolescence. Many parents are wondering: at what age can you give your child hibiscus tea? This drink tastes more like compote. Hibiscus is rich in vitamins and citric acid. If the baby is not allergic to citrus fruits, he can be treated to this tea from the age of 2. Herbal teas, for example, from linden, mint and rosehip, can be given as a drink only from 6-7 years. At an earlier age, such drinks are medicine during a cold. If the child likes the herbal taste very much, you can add medicinal plants in a small amount to the usual black tea leaves. Now you know what kind of tea and at what age you can give your child. Try to follow these rules and do not forget to track the individual reaction of the child's body to new drinks.

Start introducing tea into your child's diet gradually. Let first it will be one cup during breakfast. Can children drink tea on an equal basis with adults? At about 5-6 years old, you can pour a drink to a child as often as he wishes. And yet you should not give it right before bedtime. Remember: the tannins contained in tea can accumulate throughout the day. If the baby "suddenly" became nervous and hyperexcitable, perhaps the whole thing is too much of an invigorating drink in his diet. From what age you can give tea to a child is an individual question. Make sure that the baby is absolutely healthy and develops normally, and only after that start introducing this drink into his diet, but provided that the child is already 2 years old.

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