The body of anime characters are general principles. Drawing the Human Body How to Draw an Anime Body with a Pencil

How to draw an anime body?

The body in the anime style is drawn according to the same principles as the body in realistic drawings. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this: the human body has a complex shape, but it can be divided into a number of geometric shapes.

Wireframe creation

Before you draw an anime body, you need to draw an ordinary vertical line on paper - the axis. This is necessary in order to portray a person standing straight in front or to the side. Apply three short strips on top, bottom and in the center of the axis. Then break each half of the vertical line into four identical sections: a total of eight equal segments should be obtained.

Draw a small oval so that its center is on the third strip from the top. Its edges should not go beyond two adjacent lines. Below the oval, create a small circle, resting its ends on the fourth and fifth lines from above - it will become the pelvis.

To learn how to draw an anime body, draw a smaller oval between the topmost line and the second stripe from the top - the head. From the median line passing through the center of the axis, lower down two strips - the legs. They should be parallel to each other, in the area of ​​​​the third line from the bottom there will be knees - for convenience, mark them in small circles. In principle, this is how you can draw an anime female body and a male one.

To draw the hands, draw two straight lines from the navel through the nipples. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe imaginary neck, draw a strip perpendicular to the axis: where the lines coming from the navel intersect with it, the points of the collarbones are located. Remember this before drawing an anime human body with a pencil. At the points of the collarbones, the arms are attached to the body. Nipples, by the way, are exactly on the third line from the top of the central axis.

Note that the shoulder part of the arm has a length approximately equal to two sections of the main axis. The elbow together with the brushes is one and a half segments, and the brushes themselves end just below the groin. Lastly, draw the feet - two small triangles. Frame completed.

Drawing detail

To properly draw an anime body, you cannot detail the drawing at the wireframe stage. The lines will serve as the axis for the cylinders, and if you can't draw a cylinder, just draw an elongated oval. Draw circles or spheres at the joints of the bones - it all depends on your skills. Pay attention to the fact that the limbs and the body itself have many irregularities: the legs and arms are somewhat thicker in the middle than at the ends. Your task is to give volume to the body using simple geometric shapes. Before you draw an anime girl's body, pay attention to the fact that women have hips wider than shoulders, while men have the opposite.

So, when you finish drawing the figures, take care of the face: create "anime" eyes, a mouth with a dash or crescent, and a nose in the form of a "corner". Hair tends to be triangular: be careful that the character is not disheveled. Next draw the clothes and other details.

When you try to draw without knowing the basics, everything seems very complicated and even unrealistic. Many people even attribute it to talent. But the secret of success lies in the phased approach to the execution of the drawing. Consider in detail how to draw a male body in anime style.


You should start the sketch with a vertical line, its length should be no less than the height of the character and pass through its center. The line will help to save And you need to keep in mind that the "weight" of the character is equally distributed on both sides of this line.

Then determine the proportions of the body: the length of the legs and arms, the size of the torso and head. What should be the proportions? Only experience can answer this question. Especially when you have to draw a fantastic creature that does not exist in the real world.

If the character will be drawn multiple times or from different angles, its proportions must be preserved. To do this, use straight lines from one figure to another (horizontal lines in the figure), allowing you to transfer the proportions.

After that, all these lines and proportions will have to be turned into an articulated little man (dummy) with the addition of such details as ears, hands, elbows. In other words, the proportions are detailed. If the lengths of the arms were previously determined, now it is determined where the arms will have shoulders, elbows, hands and fingers.

Of course, here everything is done in stages. As a rule, artists begin to form an articulated man from the head due to the known laws of drawing. Continue with the torso, arms and legs. At this stage, nothing should be drawn in detail. Focus only on proportions.

Just like in the real world, in anime you can observe certain human proportions. For example, the width of the body of an average adult person is approximately equal to twice the width of the head, and the height of the body is approximately seven head heights.

Sketch cleaning

After creating the articulated man, it should be "cleaned up". What does it mean? This stage consists of two steps:

  1. Removing auxiliary lines (you should not completely remove them, leaving them along the edges of the character).
  2. Defining and outlining the contours of the character.

It should be noted that the second step can be difficult for inexperienced artists. Therefore, it makes sense to postpone it until the next stages.

Drawing details

Now the fun begins. Detailed study of each part of the character and filling the articulated man with flesh. Where to start - to decide for each artist himself. Most often they start with the head, hairstyle and face. At this stage, things like muscles, scars, etc. are drawn.

At the same time, this step is the most interesting in the lesson "How to draw a male body", it is very complex. And it consists of many separate stages. There are lessons for every part of the body. For example, "How to draw a face", "How to draw legs", etc.

Dressing up the character

As we have already found out, it is very simple to draw the male body in stages. And in the same way, clothes are drawn step by step. There are many tutorials on how to do this. For the time being, we will limit ourselves to shorts, so as not to complicate things.

In principle, the character looks quite clear. But something is missing... Isn't it?

Coloring and shading

At the last stage, the colorization of the character and his clothes takes place. As well as giving the character volume by overlaying shadows. As a rule, in anime, the style of shadows "cel-shading" is used. In short, this is drawing approximate shadows or not completely realistic.

In fact, there is another important step to mention when creating a character. This is the final edit. Removing the remaining extra lines, improving details and fixing bugs.

Thus, we have gone through the main steps on how to draw a male body in It is obvious that each step has not been considered in great detail. It is impossible to fit so much information into one article. The main lesson to learn: in drawing, everything is done in stages. And of course it takes a lot of practice.

Many beginners start learning drawing from the anime style. Such drawings look simple and attractive. However, in order to draw an anime character from scratch, you need to know the proportions and understand how the body works. And to draw anime people from imagination, you need to know the basics of anatomy. So this is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance! But in this tutorial I will show you how to draw in anime style.

You will learn the basics of drawing bodies. I will also teach you how to choose a pose and observe proportions. In the first part we will draw a simple "skeleton", and in the second we will draw the muscles.

The lesson is very detailed and designed for beginners, so you should not get confused.

Body proportions in anime

Anime characters do not have strict proportions and each artist has their own style. It is almost impossible to write a perfect set of rules for building bodies. However, there are some universal techniques that will help create a harmonious character:

  • As a rule, the body of an anime character can be divided in half exactly at the level of the crotch. Sometimes the lower half is made larger to make the legs appear longer, but very rarely the opposite is done - shorter (A).
  • The length of the arm (above the elbow) is equal to the length of the forearm + palm (B).
  • The distance from the crotch to the middle of the knee is equal to the distance from the middle of the knee to the ankle (C).
  • Men are taller than women, and men's chests and hips are the same width. In women, it is a little different - the hips are wider, and the chest is narrower.

Remember these simple rules! Believe me, it is much easier to draw with them than to calculate the height with your heads every time. How are you going to start drawing in anime style if you only know what the final result should look like? Start with the head, then add six and a half more heads and somehow turn it into a dynamic pose? As for me, this method of measuring proportions looks ridiculous. Let me show you my easier way!

Step 1

To draw an anime character, we need any reference. Even professionals use them, because it is very difficult to draw a realistic pose using only imagination. You can use a special puppet for drawing or pick up a photo on the net. I used the picture of two fighters, but Envato Elements ( has many other options.

Having picked up the reference, determine the main lines that set the dynamics of the pose. If you need to simplify the entire character to a single line, what would it look like?

We draw a line with a light and quick movement.

Step 2

Easy, isn't it? Let's complete the first lines with new ones. Usually, the legs go further. Again we draw quickly and easily, without dwelling on the details.

Step 3

Now hands! Don't think about their length now. It is much more important to "catch" the dynamics of the lines.

Here you may encounter the first problem - where to draw the shoulders? Actually, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that there is some distance between them, and we will fix everything else later!

Step 4

Now we draw the head. We place it next to the main line of the pose. The size of the head will allow us to adjust the size of other parts of the body.

Step 5

Remember the rule about body halves? We roughly know where the head and legs end, so we can outline the middle of the body - this will be the character's crotch. Of course, you can freely adjust the proportions depending on your idea!

Step 6

In the form of an hourglass, add the chest and hips. Here you can play with proportions and create a more stylized character. One of the heroes will be a pumped-up man, and the second will be a young athletic woman. Pay attention to how the hourglass shape already hints at the figures of heroes.

Step 7

It's time to remember the rest of the rules. We outline the ankle, then the crotch and in the middle we put a mark for the knee. We also determine the place of the elbow and mark the end of the palm.

Step 8

We connect the marks and draw the "bones". Don't try too hard, the lines don't have to be perfect.

How to Draw Anime Style: Body

A simple "framework" is already half the work. Having decided on the proportions, then you are unlikely to make a mistake. But a proper character skeleton is just a skeleton. It needs to be filled with muscles to create a complete body.

The body in anime can be depicted using simple shapes - spheres and ovals. But it is important not to forget that these figures are also three-dimensional objects that are distorted in perspective.

Let's look at each part of the body separately. The torso still looks like an hourglass. Most importantly, do not forget about the slope of the chest in relation to the hips.

The limbs look more complicated, but you just need to understand their structure and then it will be easier for you. Don't forget your joints!

Step 1

Now let's move on to practice. First, draw the body. Carefully adjust the perspective to the poses of the fighters. In anime, such dynamic poses are rarely drawn in a normal front or side view.

Step 2

Step 3

In the form of ovals add muscles. Customize their shape and size to suit your character's style. A male character will look like a big pile of muscles as opposed to a slender woman.

Step 4

At the end, add the buttocks, crotch and chest.

Draw the torso and chest of the character

Having finished with the base of the body, we can start drawing the details. Even if you don't plan to show certain muscle details, anatomy still affects the look, so let's take a closer look at the structure of anime bodies.

The torso is the easiest to draw because it has large and well-defined muscles that do not deform much when moving. Be sure to outline the cubes on the press and pectoral muscles.

Step 1

Let's try to simplify the muscles to basic lines. To begin with, with smooth lines, draw a waist. In women, it is narrower.

Step 2

The chest can be divided horizontally into several sections: the upper and lower parts of the pectoral muscles, the lower part of the ribs and the navel.

Step 3

The center vertical line only looks straight in the front view. From other angles, it outlines the shape of the muscles. Immediately below the navel there is a small elevation, which is more pronounced in women.

Step 4

We draw the abdominal muscles. The pectoral muscles go under the armpits and slightly overlap with the muscles of the arms. This is reflected in their form.

Step 5

The position of the nipples can be determined by drawing diagonal lines down from the center of the collarbone. The lateral muscles also create relief that can be conveyed by following the direction of the ribs.

Step 6

The neck is quite straight: from the center of the collarbone, draw a line up to the level of the ears, then add volume. Don't forget the shoulder blades on your back.

Step 7

The muscles of the back are quite large and simply arranged. The upper one is shaped like a kite and supports the neck, while the lower one is V-shaped and connected to the arms.

Below is a simplified version of the torso with all the guide lines. As you can see, despite the simplification, they clearly demonstrate the muscles of the body.

Step 8

There may be some difficulty with breasts. Instead of drawing balls attached to the chest, we will draw a soft mass that is affected by gravity. The chest does not have any particular shape. It changes depending on the position of the body.

We start drawing with simple spheres of the desired size. For a more natural effect, we place them within the chest at a small distance from each other.

To make the chest look symmetrical from any angle, imagine that it is held on the neck with the help of "braces".

Since in my drawing the woman has one arm bent at the elbow, I lifted the corresponding chest, as it is slightly pressed to the body.

Step 9

We place the nipples in the same way as for a male character. But we lower them a little lower and closer to the center. Lines from the center of the collarbone and to the nipples will help to create the correct shape of the upper chest.

Step 10

To more clearly see the volume of the chest, let's add two lines under the nipples, forming a triangle.

This is what a simplified drawing with auxiliary lines looks like.

Above, I said that the chest can change shape depending on the position, and this is important to consider in the drawing. In a natural position, the breasts are extremely rarely rounded, unless they are specifically lifted or pressed against each other, as shown in the figure below.

How to Draw Anime Legs

The legs are made up of many muscles of different shapes, lengths and directions. They are very difficult to remember, but, fortunately, we do not need to. You just need to know how they affect the overall shape of the legs.

Step 1

Our task is to find the rhythm in the movement and posture of the legs, and then display it with a smooth curved line. Let's start with the S-shaped line, which is clearly visible in the side view.

Step 2

Add a couple more mirrored lines:

Step 3

The front and back views have a slightly different rhythm, which we outline with new lines:

Step 4

Draw a long line in the shape of the number 3.

Step 5

Almost done! Add the buttocks, draw the lower leg ...

Step 6

...and other additional details. I think it's also important to outline the basic shape of the knee, ankle and lower leg bone. You can stop there. Or continue if you are drawing a superhero with muscles on every inch of the body.

Below is a simplified diagram with auxiliary lines.

How to Draw Anime Hands

I won't lie, the arms are the most difficult part of the anatomy because they are made up of many muscles that are very mobile and form a large number of postures. But they can also be simplified!

Step 1

First you need to pay attention to the forearm. Its shape changes depending on the rotation and position of the hand. To better understand what I'm talking about, turn the inside of your palm up and look at your forearm. Between the thumb and the outer part of the biceps there is a slight rounding, and between the little finger and the elbow - the hand is more even. This is the basic shape that does not change, regardless of the rotation and position of the hand.

Step 2

The muscles of the arm cover part of the shoulder blade at the back and part of the pectoral muscle at the front, like a cover.

Step 3

Biceps and triceps are on opposite sides of the arm. The elbow is visible on the side of the triceps.

Step 4

When it comes to drawing the forearm, we only need two major muscles to get the right shape. The first one is the one that goes on the side of the thumb and creates rounding...

Step 5

... and the second one starts at about the same place on the upper arm.

And a simplified diagram with auxiliary lines.

When finished, draw the final outline. The advantage of using auxiliary lines is that you can notice mistakes even at the stage of working out the figure and correct them immediately. Then you don't have to spoil the clean final outline and change something.

Now you know how to draw in anime style. You have learned how to determine the dynamics of a pose, work with proportions, and “build” a full-fledged character step by step with the help of auxiliary lines. That's all! Happy creativity!

Just imagine how many lessons about anime have already come out, but their style, as always, does not change. Here I'll show you how to draw anime body step by step, as well as in full growth step by step with a simple pencil, it is drawn simple, and you do not need to use any new lotions.

The character's name is Yune, she is an excellent fighter, she is only 19 years old and has two different colored eyes. She owns an excellent staff and two powerful pistols, which can all be seen in the picture below.

With a simple pencil in stages and colored pencils.

Draw an anime body in stages:

Step one. We start drawing a sketch of the girl's body, after that we draw a large oval for the head, then vertical lines for , body and lines for pistols.

Step two. We turn to drawing hairstyles on the head and the back of a large braid, then draw the hands with pistols and slightly straighten the legs with the dress.

Step three. We improve the face and hair with a pencil, then add small details to the weapons, legs, dresses and torso.

Now we will take a detailed look at how to draw an anime girl with a pencil step by step for beginners, let's see how to draw an anime face and how to draw anime eyes, as well as an anime body. Our girl will be a teenager, a schoolgirl.

Step 1. Draw a circle and guide curves for the position of the girl's face. Then we draw the face, ear and part of the neck, then we start drawing the nose and mouth, then we draw the eyes. Anime eyes are different, in this version, first we draw the upper part of the eye, then an incomplete oval with a notch for a glare, then we draw an arc inside the eye, it resembles a horseshoe, then a glare and something similar to a heart.

Step 2. We paint over the eye, as in the picture, then draw a bang on the anime girl.

Step 3. We draw a contour of hair, then we draw a skeleton at the girl, a pose in which she costs. We will draw the anime girl to the knees. Joints are marked with black circles, the circle is approximately the palm.

Step 3. Now we draw a simplified outline of the body of the anime girl, in the next steps we will detail it.

Step 4. We detail the upper part of the dress, draw brushes on the girl.

Step 5 We continue to detail the dress.

Step 6. We draw the lower part of the dress (skirt) of the girl, we draw stripes on the cuffs and on the collar.

Step 7. We draw eyebrows, draw a strip on the skirt, erase all unnecessary lines, you can color the anime girl with a pencil, as in the picture.

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