What are everyday fairy tales definition and examples. Fairy tales

In everyday fairy tales, a different view of a person and the world around him is expressed. At the heart of their fiction are not miracles, but reality, folk everyday life.

The events of everyday fairy tales always unfold in one space - conditionally real, but these events themselves are incredible. For example: at night the king goes with a thief to rob a bank; the priest sits on a pumpkin to hatch a foal out of it; the girl recognizes the robber in the groom and convicts him. Due to the improbability of events, everyday fairy tales are fairy tales, and not just everyday stories. Their aesthetics requires an unusual, unexpected, sudden development of the action, which should cause surprise in the listeners and, as a result, empathy or laughter.

In everyday fairy tales, purely fantastic characters sometimes appear, such as the devil, grief, share. The meaning of these images is only to reveal the real life conflict underlying the fairy tale plot. For example, a poor man locks his Grief in a chest (bag, barrel, pot), then buries it - and gets richer. His rich brother envy releases Grief, but now it is attached to him. In another tale, the devil cannot quarrel between a husband and wife in any way - an ordinary troublemaker woman comes to his aid.

The plot develops due to the hero's collision not with magical forces, but with difficult life circumstances. The hero comes out unscathed from the most hopeless situations, because he is helped by a happy coincidence of events. But more often he helps himself - with ingenuity, resourcefulness, even trickery. Everyday fairy tales idealize the activity, independence, intelligence, courage of a person in his life struggle.

The artistic sophistication of the narrative form is not characteristic of everyday fairy tales: they are characterized by brevity of presentation, colloquial vocabulary, and dialogue. Everyday fairy tales do not tend to triple motives and generally do not have such developed plots as fairy tales. Tales of this type do not know colorful epithets and poetic formulas.

Of the compositional formulas, the simplest beginnings of lived-were as a signal of the beginning of a fairy tale are common in them. By origin, it is an archaic (long-gone) tense from the verb "to live", which disappeared from the living language, but "petrified" in the traditional fairy-tale beginning. Some storytellers ended everyday fairy tales with rhymed endings. In this case, the endings lost that artistry that was appropriate for completing fairy tales, but they retained their cheerfulness. For example: The tale is not the whole, but it is impossible to instruct, and if I had a glass of wine, I would tell it to the end.

The artistic framing of everyday fairy tales with beginnings and endings is not mandatory, many of them begin right from the beginning and end with the final touch of the plot itself. For example, A. K. Baryshnikova begins the tale like this: Popadya did not love the priest, but she loved the deacon. And here is how she ends up: She ran home with a telesh (that is, undressed).

The number of Russian everyday fairy tales is very significant: more than half of the national fairy tale repertoire. This huge material forms an independent subspecies within the fairy tale type, in which two genres stand out: anecdotal tales and novelistic tales. According to a rough estimate, in Russian folklore there are 646 plots of anecdotal tales, 137 short stories. Among the numerous anecdotal tales there are many plots that are not known to other peoples. They express that "cheerful cunning of the mind", which A. S. Pushkin considered "a distinctive feature of our morals."

Zueva T.V., Kirdan B.P. Russian folklore - M., 2002

The story has always moved with the times. The fairy tale put once and for all a sharp line between good and evil. She is a severe accuser, being able to simply, bluntly talk about what is really good, and what, on the contrary, is worthy of merciless condemnation. The fairy tale “gives” all its love and sympathy to good, and evil tries to destroy it by any means available to it.

Fairy tales are folklore (a genre of written and oral folk art) and literary.

Literary tales have one or more authors. The characters of literary tales, as well as folklore ones, are fictional. The text of fairy tales of this kind is unchanged, fixed in writing.

Folklore tales are the creation of the people themselves. They are passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. In these fairy tales there is a reflection of popular ideals.

A folk tale is often characterized by a certain dimensional warehouse - "and I was there, I drank honey, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth." The poetic nature of the fairy-tale language is also expressed in ordinary epic repetitions, usually up to three times - the hero's feat, an important saying, a key meeting are repeated. There are often three heroes in a fairy tale - three brothers, three sisters.

What types of folklore tales exist?
Magical, everyday, about animals, annoying.

Fairy tales, in which a wonderful beginning, supernatural events and persons predominate, are called magical. In them, the characters are Koschei the Immortal, the Sea King, Morozko, Baba Yaga, the Golden-Maned Horse, the Firebird, Sivka-Burka, Mumps - a golden bristle. We also find wonderful objects in them - living and dead water, a flying carpet, an invisibility hat, a self-assembly tablecloth.

It is believed that all this is the personification of the forces of nature. So, for example, Koschey the Immortal, a dry and angry old man with white hair, this is winter. The king of the sea is the sea, his daughters are the waves of the sea. The Firebird is the sun, Sivka-Burka is the horse, from which the earth trembles, smoke from the ears, and flames from the nostrils - thunder and lightning. Dead and living water - rain, flying carpet - wind ...

The hero of a fairy tale, acting among these creatures and objects, is an ordinary person, most often Ivan Tsarevich, or simply Ivanushka. The hero of a fairy tale struggles with various forces, suffers, but, in the end, emerges victorious, most often he is helped by mythical characters.

The hero of a fairy tale is often at first humiliated, despised by others, reputed to be a fool, but then he rises above those who neglected him. This is already a moral element in the tale, it probably appeared later.

There are fairy tales in which the moral idea is imperceptible. And, for example, in the tale of Koshchei the Immortal, who kidnapped Princess Marya and imprisoned her in the walls of his castle, Ivan Tsarevich, the bridegroom, defeats the enemy with his moral virtues: firmness of will, patience, kindness.

We also see the moral principle in the tale of Frost, who rewarded the good girl-stepdaughter and punished the evil stepmother's daughters.

In some fairy tales, in addition to wonderful people and events, there is an image of modern life. So, in the fairy tale about the Boy with a finger, a peasant life is drawn: a woman is engaged in farming, a man plows in the field. The son brings his father lunch in the field and helps him to plow. This picture of agricultural life is a late stratification in a fairy tale, the mythical basis of which, perhaps, was formed even before organized agriculture.

In a household fairy tale, wonderful events and characters are relegated to the background, and the main place is occupied by showing a person with all his advantages and disadvantages. Such tales belong to a later period than fairy tales. The main thing in these tales is the image of characters and moral thought.

Everyday fairy tales are closest to real life, there is some kind of fiction in it, with the help of which negative sides are revealed, or, conversely, the ingenuity and kindness of the characters are shown. In everyday fairy tales, we can observe pictures of real, everyday life.

An important place is occupied by fairy tales about animals. These tales originate from ancient times, to those times when people looked at animals as beings like themselves, gifted with reason and the gift of words. Until our time, these tales have come down in a fairly unchanged form. Fairy tales of this kind are fun for children, although there is a moralizing moment in them.

The heroes of fairy tales about animals are animals that are found in the country. In our Russian fairy tales, the main characters are a fox, a bear, a wolf, a cat, a rooster, a ram. Fairy tales of this kind are distinguished by their artistry, both in language and in characterization - each animal with its own original appearance is described briefly, but often versatile.

Boring fairy tales are the subject of a special conversation. They are small in size, have the character of a joke. Boring tales are built on a play on words. In fairy tales of this kind, light humor and irony are certainly present.

Krestnikova Marina
Russian folk household tales, their role in the development of preschool children


children's letter


folk tale enters the child's life very early and remains with him throughout childhood, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate its influence on developing personality. The popularity of this genre children explained by its characteristic features.

Firstly, story offers to be transported to a fictional world: this is how they perceive everything that happens in fairy tale and storyteller, and the listener. This means that in everything is possible in a fairy tale what is impossible in reality - miraculous events, magical transformations, unexpected reincarnations. That's why story responds to the child's inclination to fantasy and belief in miracles.

But the greatest value fairy tales- this is an indispensable triumph of goodness and justice in the finale. World fairy tales are a perfect world, the image of which lives in the soul of not only a child, but also an adult. However, as already noted, the child tends to see reality in bright colors, and therefore fairy his view of the world is unusually close to him.

Household fairy tale is simply a storehouse of knowledge, because first of all it contains a description folk life where its name comes from. Since these works are created for children, then everyday folk tales contain a lot of humor and exciting adventures. Hero everyday fairy tales - this is not a hero, but an ordinary person, for example, a soldier, a peasant or a blacksmith. He does not perform feats of arms and does not have magical talents, however, he overcomes all difficulties with the help of his ingenuity and dexterity. Also, often the main motive is a love theme - a wedding, a wedding or life after marriage.

This variety fairy tales appeared not so long ago. Household fairy tales children are best at aged 2 to 7 years, so it is worth reading them more often during this period. You should also pay attention to the fact that for a certain age suitable for certain types fairy tales.

1. Views fairy tales

It should be noted that household tales may be the result of folk art and individual authors. So, for example, Charles Perrault or Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote a lot fairy tales in everyday life.

Fairy tales have a division into 3 subgroups, which allow you to more accurately determine what is everyday fairy tale:

social household("The Talkative Old Woman", "Shemyakin Court",

satirical household("The Man and the Pop", "The Master and the Man",

magically- household("Frost", "Cinderella").

However, it is worth noting that fairy tales can only be divided conditionally, because the same work can contain different elements: and satire, and magic, and just life.

What is taught household tales?

Household fairy tales were told and are told to children in order to to point them in the right direction in life, to teach them to make the right choice. After all, what is everyday fairy tale if not teaching and admonition to future generations? She teaches us the kindest and best, because good always triumphs over evil, people who are ready to help do not get lost in trouble, and our heroes are always ready to defend their homeland. Household fairy tales usually carry the idea that one must be industrious and skillful. Such people succeed in everything. And the inept and lazy in these fairy tales are usually ridiculed and they are left with nothing. Yes, in everyday fairy tales with a negative attitude towards gentlemen and priests. They are usually presented as greedy and lazy, and these qualities are always unpleasant to people. Moreover, it can be said that everyday fairy tales the social inequality of the heroes is clearly visible. Moreover, people of the lower classes have much more nobility and kindness than the richer ones. The role of everyday fairy tales is to denounce lies and show exactly the social difficulties and problems that exist in society.

Story all its content claimed: whoever works, he must have wealth. It is interesting that, having become rich, a man does not stop work: story does not represent his hero outside of work.

ridicule in the social everyday fairy tales, how in " Tale of Ersh Ershovich"," Crow ", was subjected to the legal proceedings of medieval Russia and even the tsar himself. Unreason; unfairness of court decisions people explained by the stupidity of judges, bribery, but in fairy tales he seemed to restore justice. The poor man leaves the Shemyaka court unpunished (“Shemyakin Court”, thanks to the ingenuity of his daughter, a peasant fights off the unjust court of the voivode, who solves riddles better than his narrow-minded but rich brother (“Sevenletka”, etc.).

In all this people's optimism, his belief in the possibility of peace and harmony in society and the family, his dreams of a happy future. Been tied for a long time people affirmation of justice on earth with the name of the king. It was believed that the tsar was surrounded by dishonest, conceited, stupid boyars and close associates. AT fairy tales they are ridiculed, ridiculed evil and sharp (for example, in fairy tales "The Gorshenya", "Spruce Cones", the king is depicted as a wise man, punishing fools and rewarding a smart man. But in fairy tale "The Tsar and the tailor"The king is shown already the same as his approximate: despising the common man, stupid and funny.

2. System of images everyday fairy tales

So called everyday fairy tales are fairy tales, which reflect folk life and everyday life, reality, without any miracles, without any magic.

Household fairy tales- these are the real satirical folk art.

Satire consists in a pronounced mockery of the greed, stinginess, stupidity of people, mostly the rich.

These qualities are ridiculed by a gentleman, a merchant, a priest, they do not even spare the king himself.

Since childhood, everyone knows the hero household tales Ivanushka the Fool.

Even in the names of many fairy tales featured this name: "Tale of Ivan the Fool"," Ivan the Fool "," Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo "," How Ivan the Fool guarded the door.

Usually this hero is despised by everyone, or rather to tell, is despised by those who consider him stupid, unreasonable among them, "reasonable". But in fact, this simple-minded fool turns out to be almost the only rational being.

He is not stupid at all, but simply naive, good-natured, disinterested. Around him, people deceive each other, are cunning, greedy, want to amass wealth by all means, amuse their pride, and Ivanushka lies on his stove, dreams, he is happy with a little - a red shirt and a kind word. And happiness - then comes to him, and not to those who aspired to wealth, to a high rank. The fool marries some beautiful princess, he himself becomes a handsome hand-written.

AT everyday fairy tales selflessness takes precedence over greed, stinginess, intelligence and ingenuity - over stupidity, real honor - over arrogance.

And this is the deep meaning of such fairy tales.

Of course, the heroes of such fairy tales besides Ivanushka, there are ordinary peasants, an old man with an old woman, brothers, a worker, a peasant, a soldier.

For example, tales of a servant: "Porridge from an ax", "Soldier's overcoat", "Soldier and the devil", "Soldier's school".

At Russian people have a lot of fairy tales, collections were published more than once Russian fairy tales.

Give the whole list even just household there is no possibility.

Many people from childhood remember such fairy tales, for example: "Hot Pot", "Lutonyushka", "Woe", "Salt", "What Doesn't Happen in the World", "Good Pop", "Turnip", "Hidden Treasure", "Wise Servant".

In all fairy tales funny joke, an ironic joke is intertwined, interspersed with serious assessments of human affairs.

3. Genre features fairy tales

Children's consciousness, which goes through the first stages of its formation precisely due to the perception of realistic stories much more sensitive than an adult. And despite the fact that the very concept fairy tales exists for several hundred years, kids receive their first knowledge in this life, like many centuries ago, thanks to such stories.

The most common Russian folk household tales teach kids to correctly perceive life values, and also teach to believe, love. Fairy tales give insight into that good is always there, and miracles can happen to us every day and in the real world.

Often in stories everyday fairy tales of different peoples There are both good and evil characters. Of course, good always wins, despite all the vicissitudes of the fate of the heroes. And this pattern is not accidental. Indeed, it is this perception development of the fabulous The plot helps the child strive for the best, and do good deeds in real life.

And here are the life tests that fate throws at the characters everyday fairy tales teach kids humility and patience. But at the same time it is very important that the title and plot fairy tales were able to convey to the mind of the child that a happy ending will definitely come, you just have to try a little.

Of course, household tales far from the fantasy genre, but they also have magic. After all, when the situation that the characters find themselves in turns out to be hopeless, its solution necessarily appears. Such miracles give the baby not only a subconscious sense of security, but also stimulate his curiosity and independent development.

household(satirical) story closest to everyday life and, not even necessarily, includes miracles. Approval or condemnation is always given in it openly, clearly expressed grade: what is immoral, what is worthy of ridicule, etc. Even when it seems that the characters are just fooling around, amusing the listeners, their every word, every action is filled with significant meaning, connected with important aspects of a person’s life.

Constant heroes of satirical fairy tales are"simple" poor people. However, they invariably prevail over "difficult"- a rich or noble person. Unlike the heroes of the magical fairy tales here the poor achieve the triumph of justice without the help of wonderful helpers - only thanks to the mind, dexterity, resourcefulness, and even fortunate circumstances.

Household satirical tale for centuries absorbed the characteristic features of life people and his relationship to those in power, in particular to judges and officials.

AT everyday fairy tales sometimes animal characters appear, and perhaps the appearance of such abstract characters as Truth and Krivda, Woe-Misfortune. The main thing here is not the selection of characters, but a satirical condemnation of human vices and shortcomings.

Sometimes in fairy tale such a specific element of children's folklore as a changeling is introduced. In this case, a shift in the real meaning arises, prompting the child to the correct arrangement of objects and phenomena. AT fairy tale the changeling is enlarged, grows up to an episode, is already part of the content. Displacement and exaggeration, hyperbolization of phenomena give the baby the opportunity to both laugh and think.


Story- one of the most interesting genres of oral creativity. The struggle of good against evil, faith in the triumph of justice, a bright future - all this is reflected in folk household tales.

Household tales are short. In the center of the plot is usually one episode, action develops rapidly, there are no repetitions of episodes, the events in them can be defined as ridiculous, funny and strange. In these fairy tales are widely developed comic, which is determined by their satirical, humorous, ironic nature. Also, there are no horrors in them, they are funny, witty, everything is focused on the action and features of the narrative that reveal the images of the characters.


1. Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale/V. P. Anikin - M .: Education, 1977 - 430s.

2. Children's literature. Textbook for pedagogical schools. Ed. E. E. Zubareva - M .: Education, 1989 -398s.

3. Nikiforov A. I. Story, her existence and carriers/A. I. Nikiforov - M .: Education, 1930 - 105s.

4. Pasternak N. Fairy tales a child needs like air / Preschool education. - No. 8-2008. -23-35s.

5. Propp V. Ya. Russian fairy tale / V. J. Propp - L .: Lenizdat, 1984 - 263 p.

6. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of magic fairy tales / V. I.

7. Propp - L .: Lenizdat, 1986 - 415s.

8. Yudin Yu. Fool, jester, thief and devil (historical roots everyday fairy tale) . Publisher: Labyrinth-K, 2006-336s

Household fairy tales

household Fairy tales are different from fairy tales. They are based on the events of everyday life. There are no miracles and fantastic images here, real heroes act: a husband, a wife, a soldier, a merchant, a gentleman, a priest, etc. These are tales about the marriage of heroes and the exit of heroines a gentleman, a rich owner, a lady deceived by a cunning owner, clever thieves, a cunning and savvy soldier, etc. These are fairy tales on family and everyday topics. They express accusatory orientation; the greed and envy of its representatives are condemned; cruelty, ignorance, rudeness of the bar-serfs.

With sympathy in these tales, an experienced soldier is depicted who knows how to craft and tell tales, cooks soup from an ax, can outwit anyone. He is able to deceive the devil, the gentleman, the stupid old woman. The servant skillfully achieves his goal, despite the absurdity of the situations. And there is irony in this.

Household tales are short. There is usually one episode in the center of the plot, the action develops quickly, there is no repetition of episodes, the events in them can be defined as ridiculous, funny, strange. Comic is widely developed in these tales, which is determined by their satirical, humorous, ironic nature. There are no horrors in them, they are funny, witty, everything is focused on the action and features of the narrative that reveal the images of the characters. “They reflect the way of life of the people, their home life, their moral concepts and this crafty Russian mind, so inclined towards irony, so simple-hearted in its cunning,” wrote Belinsky.

One of the household tales is a fairy tale"Evidence Wife".

It has all the features of a household fairy tale. It begins with the beginning: "An old man lived with an old woman." The tale tells about ordinary events in the life of peasants. The plot develops quickly. A large place in the tale is given to dialogues (the conversation of an old woman with an old man, an old woman and a master). Her characters are everyday characters. It reflects the family life of the peasants: the characters "hook" (i.e., remove) peas in the field, set up fishing gear ("zaezochek"), fishing tackle in the form of a net ("muzzle"). The heroes are surrounded by everyday things: the old man puts the pike in the "pesterek" (birch basket), etc.

At the same time, human vices are condemned in the tale: the talkativeness of the old man's wife, who, having found the treasure, told everyone about it; the cruelty of the master, who ordered a peasant woman to be whipped with rods.

The fairy tale contains elements of the unusual: a pike in the field, a hare in the water. But they are connected with the real actions of the old man, who in a witty way decided to play a trick on the old woman, teach her a lesson, punish her for her talkativeness. "He (the old man - A.F.) took a pike, instead of it he put a hare in the face, and carried the fish into the field and put it in peas." The old woman believed everything.

When the master began to inquire about the treasure, the old man wanted to keep silent, and his talkative old woman told the master about everything. She argued that the pike was in the peas, the hare got in the face, and the devil tore the skin from the master. It is no coincidence that the tale is called "The Proving Wife". And even when she is punished with rods: "they stretched her, the heart, and began to regale; you know, she says the same thing under the rods." The master spat and drove the old man and the old woman away.

The tale punishes and condemns the talkative and stubborn old woman and treats the old man with sympathy, glorifying resourcefulness, intelligence, and ingenuity. The tale reflects the element of folk speech.

Magic tales. Heroes of Russian fairy tales

AT fairy tale before the listener there is a different, than in fairy tales about animals, a special, mysterious world. Unusual fantastic heroes act in it, goodness and truth defeat darkness, evil and lies.

"This is a world where Ivan Tsarevich rushes through a dark forest on a gray wolf, where the deceived Alyonushka suffers, where Vasilisa the Beautiful brings a scorching fire from Baba Yaga, where a brave hero finds the death of Kashchei the Immortal" .. 1

Some of the fairy tales are closely related to mythological representations. Such images as Frost, Water, Sun, Wind are associated with the elemental forces of nature. The most popular of Russian fairy tales are: "Three Kingdoms", "Magic Ring", "Finista's Feather - Clear Falcon", "The Frog Princess", "Kashchei the Immortal", "Marya Morevna", "The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise", " Sivka-Burka", "Morozko", etc.

The hero of a fairy tale is courageous, fearless. He overcomes all obstacles in his path, wins victories, wins his happiness. And if at the beginning of the tale he can act as Ivan the Fool, Emelya the Fool, then at the end he necessarily turns into a handsome and well done Ivan Tsarevich. A.M. drew attention to this at one time. Bitter:

"The hero of folklore -" fool ", despised even by his father and brothers, always turns out to be smarter than them, always the winner of all worldly hardships." 2

The positive hero is always helped by other fairy tale characters. So, in the fairy tale "Three Kingdoms" the hero gets out into the world with the help of a wonderful bird. In other fairy tales, Sivka-Burka, the Gray Wolf, and Elena the Beautiful help the heroes. Even such characters as Morozko and Baba Yaga help the heroes for their diligence and good manners. In all this, people's ideas about human morality and morality are expressed.

Always next to the main characters in a fairy tale wonderful helpers: Gray wolf, Sivka-Burka, Eatelo, Opivalo, Dubynya and Usynya, etc. They have wonderful means: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisibility hat. Images of goodies in fairy tales, helpers and wonderful objects express folk dreams.

The images of women-heroines of fairy tales in the popular imagination are unusually beautiful. They say about them: "Neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen." They are wise, possess magical power, possess remarkable intelligence and resourcefulness (Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, Marya Morevna).

Opponents of goodies are dark forces, terrible monsters (Kashchei the Deathless, Baba Yaga, famously one-eyed, Serpent Gorynych). They are cruel, treacherous and greedy. This is how the idea of ​​the people about violence and evil is expressed. Their appearance sets off the image of a positive hero, his feat. The storytellers did not spare colors to emphasize the struggle between light and dark beginnings. In its content and in its form, a fairy tale bears elements of the miraculous, the unusual. The composition of fairy tales is different from the composition of fairy tales about animals. Some fairy tales begin with a saying - a playful joke that is not related to the plot. The purpose of the saying is to grab the attention of the audience. It is followed by the beginning, which begins the story. It takes listeners to a fairy-tale world, designates the time and place of action, the situation, the characters. The fairy tale ends with an ending. The narrative develops sequentially, the action is given in dynamics. Dramatically tense situations are reproduced in the structure of the tale.

In fairy tales, episodes are repeated three times (Ivan Tsarevich fights with three snakes on the Kalinov Bridge, Ivan saves three beautiful princesses in the underworld). They use traditional artistic means of expression: epithets (good horse, brave, green meadow, silk grass, azure flowers, blue sea, dense forests), comparisons, metaphors, words with diminutive suffixes. These features of fairy tales resonate with epics and emphasize the brightness of the narrative.

An example of such a tale is the tale "Two Ivan - soldiers' sons".

Tales about animals.

One of the oldest types of Russian fairy tales - fairy tales about animals. The world of animals in fairy tales is perceived as an allegorical image of the human. Animals personify the real carriers of human vices in everyday life (greed, stupidity, cowardice, boasting, cheating, cruelty, flattery, hypocrisy, etc.).

The most popular animal tales are those of the fox and the wolf. Image foxes stable. She is portrayed as a deceitful, cunning liar: she deceives a peasant by pretending to be dead ("A fox steals fish from a sleigh"); deceives the wolf ("The Fox and the Wolf"); deceives the rooster ("Cat, rooster and fox"); kicks a hare out of a bast hut ("The Fox and the Hare"); he changes the goose for a sheep, the sheep for a bull, steals honey ("The Bear and the Fox"). In all fairy tales, she is flattering, vindictive, cunning, prudent.

Another hero that the fox often encounters is wolf. He is stupid, which is expressed in the attitude of the people towards him, devours kids ("Wolf and Goat"), is going to tear a sheep ("Sheep, Fox and Wolf"), fattens a hungry dog ​​to eat it, remains without a tail ("Fox and wolf").

Another hero of fairy tales about animals is bear. He personifies brute force, has power over other animals. In fairy tales, he is often called "everyone's fawn." The bear is also stupid. Persuading the peasant to harvest, each time he is left with nothing ("The Man and the Bear").

Hare, frog, mouse, thrush act in fairy tales as weak. They perform an auxiliary role, often being in the service of "large" animals. Only cat and rooster act as positive characters. They help the offended, are true to friendship.

An allegory is manifested in the characterization of the characters: the depiction of the habits of animals, the peculiarities of their behavior resembles the depiction of human behavior and introduces critical principles into the narrative, which are expressed in the use of various methods of satirical and humorous depiction of reality.

The humor is based on the reproduction of the ridiculous situations that the characters find themselves in (the wolf lowers its tail into the hole and believes that it will catch the fish).

The language of fairy tales is figurative, reproduces everyday speech, some fairy tales consist entirely of dialogues ("The Fox and the Black Grouse", "The Bean Seed"). In them, dialogue prevails over the narrative. The text includes small songs ("Kolobok", "Koza-dereza").

The composition of fairy tales is simple, based on the repetition of situations. The plot of fairy tales unfolds rapidly ("The Bean Seed", "The Beasts in the Pit"). Tales about animals are highly artistic, their images are expressive.

It doesn't necessarily mean thrilling action with magical transformations, where glorious heroes defeat mythical monsters with the help of amazing artifacts. Many of these stories are based on events that could well have taken place in real life. These are household stories. They teach goodness, ridicule human vices: greed, stupidity, cruelty, and others, often contain an ironic basis and social background. What is a household story? This is an instructive story without any special supernatural miracles, useful for children, often making even adults think.


It is not necessary to look too far in search of an example of such a tale. They can be served by the well-known story about the turnip, which my grandfather planted in the garden. The old man did not expect that she would grow too big, so much so that he could not pull her out of the ground alone. In order to cope with a difficult task, the grandfather called for help from all members of his family. They turned out to be a grandmother, a granddaughter and animals living in the house. Thus, the turnip was stretched out. The idea of ​​a simple plot is easy to understand. When everyone works together, together and unitedly, everything is sure to work out. Even a small mouse - and she took part in the described action.

In this example, it is easy to understand what a household fairy tale is. Of course, the mentioned story contains some fantastic facts. For example, a turnip can't grow that big, and animals aren't smart enough to do that kind of work. However, if we discard these details, the moral of the story is very useful and can be useful in real life.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales

The features of everyday fairy tales are that most often they contain healthy satire. Naive innocence turns out to be wiser than the most sophisticated cunning, and resourcefulness and ingenuity repel arrogance, vanity, arrogance and greed. Here vices are ridiculed, regardless of faces and ranks. In such stories, the stupidity and laziness of almighty kings, the greed of hypocritical priests are mercilessly scourged.

Ivanushka the Fool often turns out to be a wonderful hero of Russian fairy tales. This is a special character who always emerges victorious from all, even the most incredible trials. You can understand what a household fairy tale is by remembering other interesting and vivid characters created by the imagination of the Russian people. They are a cunning man who is able to circle around the finger of all his offenders from among the greedy rich, as well as a soldier whose resourcefulness will delight anyone.

"Porridge from an ax"

Among examples of everyday fairy tales in which the above-mentioned characters are involved, one can name "Porridge from an ax". This is a very small but instructive story about how easy and fun it is to overcome life's difficulties and hardships if you treat everything with humor and have an approach to people.

The resourceful soldier, having come to stay with a stingy old woman who pretended to be poor in order not to treat her guest with anything, decided to use a trick to achieve his goal. He volunteered to cook food with an axe. Driven by curiosity, the mistress of the house, without noticing it herself, provided the soldier with all the products necessary for cooking and allowed him to take away the ax, which allegedly had not yet been cooked. Here, the sympathies of all readers and listeners, as a rule, turn out to be on the side of the resourceful serviceman. And interested persons are given a chance to laugh merrily at the greedy old woman. This is what a household fairy tale is at its best.

literary works

Many great writers also worked in fairy tale genres. A striking indicator of this are the works of the nineteenth-century genius Saltykov-Shchedrin. Imitating folk art, the author assigned the characters a certain social status, which conveyed his political ideas to the readers.

Most of his stories should rather be classified as animal tales. They contain allegories, the purpose of which is to reveal social vices. But this does not exhaust the list of works of this writer, consonant with the genres of folk tales. Everyday fairy tales created on a social basis, for example, are reminiscent of "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." This peculiar narrative breathes with subtle humor and inimitable satire, and its characters are so reliable that they are relevant for any era.


Anecdotes are also examples of everyday fairy tales. The attitude to this kind of folklore, of course, is far from clear for everyone. But in this colorful genre, folk identity, the concept of morality and various vicissitudes of social relations are clearly expressed. In addition, this form of creativity is always relevant and constantly evolving.

According to the data of modern folklore, everyday jokes in different areas have their own characteristics and features, which is of interest for scientific study. This also applies to the general patterns of formation and development of this genre, which have become a topic for research and presentation in many scientific works and dissertations. At all times, an anecdote has proved to be an excellent way for the people to respond to the arbitrariness of the authorities, to phenomena and events that contradict their concepts of justice and ethics.

Other genre forms

It is not difficult to understand how a household fairy tale differs from a fairy tale. Of course, stories about sorcerers and fantastic adventures are always interesting and find their fans. But capacious, witty stories that reveal the full depth of social and human relations simply cannot be irrelevant. Among other varieties of the genre of everyday fairy tales are riddles and ridicule. The first of them is an allegorical description of some object or event and is given in the form of a question. And the second is a clearly satirical short work, which especially gives a reason to have fun over the vices of unworthy people. There are also boring tales. This is a very interesting genre. In such stories, a certain set of words is deliberately repeated, there is no plot as such, because the action essentially develops in a vicious circle. A striking and well-known example of such a story is the Tale of the White Bull.

All of the above works constitute a treasury of folklore, a storehouse of his wisdom, sparkling humor carried through the centuries.

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