Protein harm and side effects. Features and benefits of protein: who can use it? Recommendations for taking protein without harm to the body

Those who are faced with sports or weight loss are wondering: will protein intake hurt? Due to the harm of anabolic hormones, the inhabitants equated the entire sporpit with dangerous and harmful, but this is far from the case. In order not to harm yourself, you need to know the rules for buying and using proteins.

The vast majority of those involved in sports sooner or later wonder about taking sports supplements. Probably everyone already knows about the dangers of anabolic steroids, but the protein is harmful or not - the question.

Protein powder is the most popular and sought after product among fitness enthusiasts. The product contains a high concentration of protein and a low content of carbohydrates and fat.

Protein is an easily digestible protein, and this is the reason for the demand and popularity of the product among people involved in sports. This product is an ideal helper for the muscles, as they need building material and nutrition during physical exertion. But, like any product, protein has advantages and disadvantages.

Protein is a necessary component of a healthy diet for every person, since it takes part in almost all life processes:

  • Maintains hair, nails and skin in good condition;
  • Transports oxygen in the circulatory system;
  • Regulates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Is a source of energy and strength;
  • Protects the body from disease-causing organisms and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Responsible for the construction of muscle and bone tissues of the body.

Protein powder is made from natural extracts of products that contain vegetable or animal protein:

  • peas;
  • meat;
  • dairy products;

The raw material undergoes several stages of drying and purification, resulting in a natural protein concentrate, which is used in sports nutrition for regeneration and muscle building, and is also an additional source of energy.

Impact on the human body

There is a lot of controversy as to whether protein is bad or not. According to doctors, the rational use of high-quality protein powder does not have a detrimental effect on the human body.

Is protein harmful to the health of men and women? When used in reasonable doses, protein helps men gain muscle mass and girls get rid of excess weight, as well as strengthen hair and nails, and get rid of skin defects.

Every parent should be aware of the importance of protein for the growing body of the child. Protein powder in an age dosage begins to have a positive effect on children who are 3 years old. Therefore, if it is difficult to feed a child with cottage cheese or meat, then it will be much easier to give him a protein shake, it will only have a positive effect.

Protein deficiency in the human body entails the following consequences:

  • the development of various diseases;
  • fragility of nail plates and hair;
  • dry skin;
  • slow regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • weight gain;
  • regular violations of the chair;
  • decrease in the immune system;
  • irritability and depression;
  • sleep disturbance.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and malnutrition can be considered the main factors that contribute to the development of protein deficiency in the body. Athletes are unable to meet their daily protein intake, which is why protein powder is a must.

Daily protein intake

The daily norm in the protein is individual and depends on the physical activity of a person, gender and age. The World Health Organization says that the norm of protein intake is 0.8-1 g / kg of body weight. This is a relative indicator for an adult with moderate physical activity. For pregnant women and children under the age of 18, the protein dose is 2 g/kg of body weight.

People who engage in heavy physical labor or athletes should consume about 2.5 grams of pure protein. Girls who want to keep fit should take 1.5 g/kg of body weight.

Types of Protein Powder

Before heading to specialized stores, you need to figure out which protein powder is right for you. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the individual characteristics of the body (chronic diseases, allergic reactions, intolerance), and also take into account the purpose of use:

In order for protein powder to be useful and not dangerous, you must rely on the advice of your doctor and trainer when choosing, who will prescribe the type of product that will suit your needs.

Based on herbal products

Protein products based on vegetable proteins are a vegetarian version of proteins, but despite this, they are useful and complete for the human body. They include polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and amino acids.

There is protein based on peas, brown rice, flaxseed and hemp. These types are a rarity on store shelves, as a rule, they are part of a mixture with other proteins.

The most common product is soy protein. In terms of digestibility, quality and content, it is closest to the animal powder. It contributes to the rapid increase in muscle mass, and also quickly restores it after physical training.

Animal Based Products

Protein harm and benefit are due to its chemical composition and correct use. Animal protein powder is more popular among athletes. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

Powder proteins of animal origin consist of 100% natural products, the composition includes easily digestible amino acids. They are absolutely safe for women, men and children. People with individual intolerance should adhere to the recommended doses in order to avoid harmful effects.

The Harmful Effects of Using Protein Blends

It has been scientifically proven that proteins have a positive effect on the human body. The harmfulness of protein can occur in the following cases:

  • irrational use;
  • incorrectly selected type of protein;
  • individual protein intolerance.

Symptoms of overt protein intolerance are:

  • discomfort in the digestive system;
  • intoxication of the body (fever, vomiting and nausea);
  • lacrimation and redness of the sclera of the eye;
  • skin itching and rash.

It is also worth noting that it is quite difficult to find good quality pure protein powder in the domestic sports nutrition market. As a rule, attention is paid to protein mixtures, which include additives to improve the taste of protein and increase its nutritional value.

When purchasing a product, it is necessary to carefully study the quantitative and qualitative composition. The following components should alert a person:

  • Synthetic sugars: maltodextrin and dextrose are important ingredients in sports nutrition that affect the rate of recovery after intense physical exertion, but their abuse increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, contributes to obesity. Quite often, high doses of synthetic sugar cause indigestion.
  • Thickeners: carrageenan and xanthan copper. Thanks to these components, it is possible to obtain the optimal consistency when preparing a cocktail, but their regular use leads to the occurrence of cancer and stomach ulcers.
  • Synthetic sweeteners - adversely affect the body, because they are not absorbed by it. They can cause irreparable damage to health in case of vascular and heart diseases, phenylketoncria, and kidney failure.
  • Taurine is an amino acid found in all energy drinks. In small doses, it has a positive effect on the human body, but the excess forces the body to work for wear and tear, increases the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Rules for the purchase and use of protein

It has been scientifically proven that the rational use of protein has an extremely positive effect on the body. But you should pay attention to the following rules:

That is why the protein must be taken in courses, taking into account all the recommendations of competent specialists. Uncontrolled long-term use leads to serious health problems.

Recently, the interest of modern people in a healthy lifestyle has increased significantly. Today, everyone wants to live happily ever after, so the benefits of a balanced diet and physical activity are constantly discussed. Therefore, many people who begin to play sports intensively are concerned about the question: is protein harmful to their health?

Most professional athletes and doctors dealing with this problem claim that the protein is special, which cannot be replaced by any other component. For the development, as well as the growth of muscles and body cells, protein is the main building material. Therefore, professional athletes who strive to achieve high sports results in a short time regularly consume protein shakes. Moreover, the volume and mode of protein intake directly depend on the severity of physical activity and the tasks set in sports.

However, to date, the question of the benefits or harms of protein remains open. The fact is that many athletes take this protein in excessive amounts, in which side effects often occur. With all the positive effects of protein on the human body, one should not forget that it should be taken only under the constant supervision of a sports doctor or personal trainer. Moreover, the dose of protein for an athlete is selected on a strictly individual basis.

Sports doctors note that the standard daily intake of protein is the level at which there is 1 gram of protein per kilogram of human weight. If protein is consumed in excessive quantities, then due to an overdose, the body experiences an overabundance of it. At the same time, the content of microelements increases, which will not be slow to affect the general well-being of a person. As a result, many vital systems for human health suffer, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and even vision deteriorates. The human body is not always able to adequately perceive the additional intake of proteins and other dietary supplements.

Some people believe that proteins are steroids. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion. Protein is a protein of natural plant or animal origin, and steroids contain chemical elements. The artificial structure of steroids has a direct effect on the increase in muscle mass, and quite often they negatively affect the health of the athlete. If natural proteins are made by a reliable manufacturer, then they are not of synthetic origin, but are made from soy, meat, chicken eggs, casein, or whey derived from cow's milk. These natural sports nutrition products are highly purified and are almost 100% protein free.

However, if the intake of any substance is not observed, side effects may occur that can cause significant harm to the body. This also applies to protein. Considering that, by their nature, proteins are large organic molecules, this protein can cause an allergic reaction in people predisposed to allergies. In addition, some people experience individual intolerance to proteins. This can occur when there is a lack of enzymes in the body that are responsible for the breakdown of protein. Another reason is the imbalance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria of the microflora of the large intestine (). As a result, pain in the abdomen, bloating, and diarrhea may occur.

Therefore, when deciding whether a protein is harmful, it is necessary to take into account the individual state of the body of each individual person. You should first consult with a specialist and carefully study the composition of the biological additive. If a person is distinguished by good health, has no contraindications for taking proteins and is under the regular supervision of experienced sports doctors, then this form of supplementary nutrition is quite possible. Otherwise, you can expect any trouble. Health to you!

In terms of cost and content.

Soy. Stimulates the production of the hormone thyroxine in the body, which improves metabolism. Amino acids, glutamine increase and maintain muscle mass. Some scientists claim that isoflavones, which are found in soy protein, are a preventive measure against heart failure and cancer.

Casein. Included in the group of milk proteins. It has a high content of glutamines, which contribute to the normal functioning of the body. Due to the fact that casein is digested for about 7 hours, it supplies the muscles with essential amino acids. If you use casein before going to bed, the muscles will receive nutrition all night.

It is the most popular among bodybuilders and lovers of an active lifestyle. The high biological value of this type of sports nutrition lies in amino acids such as leucine, valine and isoleucine. Whey protein is quickly and easily absorbed, thereby contributing to rapid intracellular protein synthesis. It has become the most effective stimulant for building lean muscle mass.

Whey concentrate is the cheapest on the market. But it should be remembered that lactose and fats can be included in its composition, from which the stomach often leaves gases.

Protein harm

Even the most useful substance, if taken incorrectly, has side effects. The protein consists of protein organic molecules that are quite large in size. That is why in rare cases it can cause allergies.

Some people have an individual intolerance to common foods, which can also occur in relation to proteins. Two factors influence this:

Dysbacteriosis (violation of the microflora of the large intestine);

Insufficient number of enzymes involved in the breakdown of individual substances.

To prevent side effects, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the selection of proteins and carefully study the packaging. It is also important to remember that concentrated protein leads to dehydration.

Also, intolerance to concentrated protein can be caused by putrefaction of undigested molecules in the intestine. The main symptoms of such intolerance are bloating, abdominal pain.

Sometimes it becomes harmful to use proteins from unknown manufacturers. Such sports nutrition often contains heavy metals in high doses that adversely affect the body.

There is a possibility that the protein will provoke kidney pathology. But this is the case if a person had kidney pathology even before taking concentrated protein. Some people have a genetic predisposition to such a pathology, it just does not manifest itself in any way, and during

Hello everyone, dear subscribers of our blog dedicated to a healthy lifestyle!

Most recently, we conducted our own study on the topic “Is it harmful to use sports nutrition? ”, arguing his opinion with scientific facts and considering various options for solving the problem with Start-health readers.

In the comments to the article, there were “polar” points of view in terms of meaning. Some subscribers are negative about any nutritional supplements, other blog visitors are positive about high-protein mixtures.

Is sports nutrition based on polypeptides really that useful? What are the contraindications for taking protein powder? Is protein harmful to the body?

Today we will find out how safe the most popular type of sports nutrition is for human health. So, I propose to start. ?

Classification of protein by type of raw material

Guys, protein is a nutritional supplement that is in demand by both men and women, regardless of age and training experience. A similar nutrition appeared by separating milk protein into casein and whey mixture.

However, if the first version of the sports nutrition is absorbed for a long time and not completely, then there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract with the second complex of polypeptides.

Modern powders are used mainly for making cocktails, adding yogurt or milk to the consistency. Convenience and simplicity are the two main reasons for the popularity of protein in the international arena.

You can take a high-protein drink with you on a trip and drink throughout the day, adhering to the right diet. According to the raw materials used for the manufacture of such sports nutrition, supplements are traditionally classified into 2 groups:

  • soy proteincomplex of plant polypeptides.

Harm: The food supplement is made from genetically modified raw materials, so this mixture has not earned confidence on the international market. The presence of inhibitors in the composition of soybeans - substances that slow down the functioning of internal enzymes that process proteins.

The presence in the protein of plant elements - phytoestrogens, structurally similar to female hormones, causes a decrease in testosterone in the body of a man. Such an effect is fraught with a lack of potency and sexual dysfunction in a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Benefit: The affordable cost of sports nutrition determines the high demand for the product among novice athletes. Lecithin, contained in the soy supplement, slows down the aging process of cells and muscle tissue.

The structure of the substance allows people with pathologies of the urinary system to take a similar mixture, because the powder has less effect on the functioning of the kidneys. In the body, the level of thyroid hormones increases, contributing to the loss of excess weight.

  • Whey protein is a natural food supplement.

Harm: With excessive intake of a high-protein mixture, an athlete may experience dizziness and migraines, vomiting and nausea. Some athletes are characterized by individual intolerance to whey polypeptides, so taking such a consistency is invariably accompanied by pain in the stomach, diarrhea and bloating.

Benefit: The composition of the powder contains a high content of BCAA amino acids, which contribute to a set of muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. An increase in glutathione (a powerful antioxidant) in the body is the reason for the acceleration of the recovery process after training due to the rapid regeneration of cells and tissue fibers. The level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced, and the immune system is strengthened.

Friends, the properties of a protein directly depend on the components present in the structural composition of the substance. A nutritional supplement can be indispensable on the way to the desired goal (for example, a lean body) or become a prerequisite for the onset of chronic diseases. Which powder base is preferable to choose in accordance with the above characteristics?

Personally, I decided to try whey protein. Of course, while I only train at home, but still I wanted to experience it myself. Especially since I use it quite a bit. Only after a workout. ? Let's see the result later. ?

There are also other types of protein that are less in demand among professional athletes and are suitable for solving certain anatomical problems:

  • casein- made by curdling milk; it contains a large amount of animal protein; slowly absorbed by the body (3-5 hours).
  • Lactic- a complex food supplement in which whey is combined with casein; part of the mass is absorbed quickly, and the other half slowly.
  • Meat- is made on the basis of animal protein and has a distinct taste of meat, so cocktails from such protein are not in great demand.
  • Egg- isolated and dried egg white; has a specific taste (not everyone likes it) and a rather high cost.
  • Wheat- made from the germ of a grain crop; in composition it is close to a soy food additive, therefore it is not widely used.

Friends, the properties of a protein directly depend on the components present in the structural composition of the substance. A nutritional supplement can be indispensable on the way to the desired goal (for example, a lean body) or become a prerequisite for the onset of chronic diseases.

Which powder base is preferable to choose in accordance with the above characteristics?

Advice from Start-health: “Protein, like any nutritional supplement, is important to take in combination with healthy food, while devoting enough time to exercising in the gym. Only in this case you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Contraindications to the use of a protein mixture

Guys, I note that regardless of the raw materials used in the production of protein, there are contraindications for the use of high-protein powder. Before starting the course, it is recommended to contact the medical center to be examined. Although I will immediately make a reservation that, of course, I myself did not do this, but in general it is necessary. You will have to refuse such a mixture if you have the following diseases:

  • Renal failure.
  • Individual intolerance to certain components of the protein mixture (at the genetic level).
  • Problems with the bladder.
  • Malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • predisposition to liver disease.

It is simply not advisable to neglect contraindications, because the course of taking a protein mixture is designed for a long time. In a given period of time, you can significantly worsen your health.

Memoirs of bodybuilders: “In the 20th century, high-protein mixtures were not yet so in demand by professional athletes, so athletes improved their daily diet on their own. Powdered milk formula, which is intended for feeding children, has become a natural alternative to protein.

Harm and benefit of protein supplements

In order to draw a constructive conclusion and answer the urgent question about the dangers of protein, I propose to systematize our knowledge gained while reading the article. Benefits that come with regular high protein supplementation include:

  • Maintaining physical fitness.
  • Regeneration of cells, fibers and muscle tissues after training.
  • The ability to adhere to diets that correspond to the rhythm of modern megacities (a container with a protein shake can easily fit in a bag, glove compartment or bag).
  • Restoration of work and acceleration of metabolic processes.
  • Increasing the performance of an athlete.
  • Improving the quality of muscle tissue that is resistant to increased stress.

The negative impact of the protein mixture on the body is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Allergic reactions caused by intolerance to individual ingredients of the “storehouse” of polypeptides.
  • Bloating, flatulence, nausea or vomiting.
  • The appearance on the skin of the face of acne, irritation and black spots.
  • Increase in body fat.
  • Possibility of developing diabetes.
  • For men, the danger of protein intake lies in sexual dysfunction.
  • Removal of calcium from the body (weakening of the bone skeleton).

It should be noted that all negative consequences become relevant only in in case of incorrect course completion. If an athlete overuses a powdery consistency or uses a low-quality mixture to make cocktails, deciding to save money.

Statistics: "If a professional athlete refuses to use whey protein, replacing the protein from the mixture with natural products, then he will have to eat about 30 chicken eggs per day."

Summing up, I note that the choice of a protein mixture must be approached with all responsibility.

The raw materials used for processing, the expiration date of the product and the reputation of the manufacturer, the reviews of professional athletes and the structural composition of the nutritional supplement - consider all factors, because sports nutrition is designed to help, not harm.

If you adhere to the correct intake of whey protein, then such a powder becomes absolutely harmless.

With a soy supplement, the situation is much more complicated - it should be recommended only to female representatives, for whom the hormonal composition of the product is optimally suited. Men, in order to eliminate the risk of problems with potency, should opt for whey powder without worrying about the consequences.

And here is what Dr. Agapkin says about protein.

If you have had a negative experience with a high protein formula, be sure to share your knowledge with us. Guys, are you sure about the benefits of protein? Argument your opinion in the comments to this article.

We value useful information based on personal experience - this is an especially rare "artifact" that is relevant for both beginner athletes and professional athletes.

Until then, friends! See you soon on the web pages of Start-health!

It has many side effects with a negative impact on health. Some believe that the use of protein develops addiction, reduces potency, spoils the kidneys and liver. In reality, all this is not true, with the exception of a few cases.

Proteins can be taken from any age and this will not bring the body any trouble, because the protein is made from food raw materials. Protein protein of natural origin and absolutely physiologically corresponds to the human body. The use of fast food, saturated fats, confectionery and other unhealthy foods has a much worse effect on the body than protein.

But due to the presence of individual protein intolerance in some people, protein can not be consumed by everyone. If after eating any protein products you experience allergic reactions or digestive disorders, then you naturally need to refrain from eating protein in its pure form. Signs of protein intolerance are: flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain. If the symptoms are not severe, then you can additionally take enzymes for better protein absorption or reduce the protein dosage.

Studies on the harmful effects of protein.

Protein and skeletal system.

At present, the extent of the negative effect of protein on the health of the human skeletal system is not reliably known. On the one hand, the use of protein in large volumes causes an increased excretion of calcium from the body, on the other hand, incoming protein from the outside improves the absorption of calcium and enhances its bioavailability. Also, the likely negative impact of protein intake is mitigated by an increase in the level of the growth factor IGF-1.

Protein and cardiovascular system.

The dependence of mortality from cardiovascular diseases due to the high amount of protein coming from outside is also not 100% confirmed.

Protein and coronary heart disease.

Studies on health problems have shown a link between the amount of protein consumed, including animal protein intake, and the risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Protein and arterial hypertension.

An inverse relationship was also found between the level of hypertension and the amount of vegetable fats consumed.

Despite this, it is still not entirely clear whether this effect is specifically related to the consumption of vegetable fats or if it is only due to the consumption of co-nutrients (potassium, fiber), which can also affect blood pressure.

In addition, a meta-analysis of 2 randomized controlled trials found an inverse relationship between daily consumption of approximately 25-30 g of soy protein (for 1-2 times a day) and LDL-cholesterol levels.

In people who had high baseline LDL-cholesterol levels, this effect appeared greater than in people with normal LDL-cholesterol levels.

Protein and coronary heart disease.

The results of studies on the relationship between coronary heart disease and the level of protein intake did not give significant results, so we can assume that protein intake does not have a strong negative impact on the development of coronary heart disease.

The carcinogenic effect of protein intake.

Breast cancer and protein.

Analysis of information on the degree of influence of the amount of protein consumed on the development of breast cancer suggests that protein intake does not contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Ovarian cancer and protein.

Various studies have also found no relationship between the development of ovarian cancer and the amount of protein consumed.

Prostate cancer and protein.

Canadian scientists investigated the relationship between the occurrence of prostate cancer and protein intake, but no connection was found.

Laryngeal cancer and protein.

Researchers from the United States have found a link between protein intake and the likelihood of developing laryngeal cancer - with an increase in animal protein intake, the risk of developing laryngeal cancer increases, and with the use of vegetable protein, the risk decreases.

Cancer of the esophagus and stomach and protein.

The association between protein intake and cancer of the esophagus and stomach is based on a US case-control study. They found a statistically significant increase in risk with increased intake of total and animal protein, and a decrease in risk with increased intake of vegetable protein.

Pancreatic cancer and protein.

When Canadian scientists determined the relationship between protein intake and pancreatic cancer, no statistically significant values ​​were found.

Kidney cancer and protein.

The association between protein intake and kidney cancer risk is based on an analysis of 13 prospective cohort studies. The researchers found no statistically significant associations of total, animal, or plant protein with kidney cancer risk.

Colorectal cancer and protein.

When studying the effect of protein intake on colorectal cancer, no statistically significant values ​​were found. Also, there was no effect of protein consumption exclusively of animal origin.

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