The ethereal subtle body of a person, its functions and development. How to restore energy bodies

There are many ways in the world to influence a person, and it is obvious that they affect different components of a person. And this, in turn, suggests that a person consists not only of the physical body.

There are also many models of the "device" of a person.

For example, the Christian model is BODY, SPIRIT and SOUL.

Eastern esoteric schools offer a more complex model: the physical body and seven different subtle bodies that we do not perceive due to the limitations of our senses. Together, the subtle bodies of a person form his aura. Each subtle body has its own name and performs a strictly defined function. There are various names for these subtle bodies, but we will use those that are more common in our literature.

And we'll start with essential, or human energy body. This body is an exact copy of the physical body. It exactly repeats its silhouette, going beyond the limits of the physical body by 3-5 cm. The etheric body has the same structure as the physical body, including its organs and parts. It consists of a special kind of matter - ether, which occupies an intermediate position between the dense matter that makes up our world, and even more subtle matters.

Such heroes of fairy tales and mystical literature as ghosts, brownies, gnomes, trolls, elves, etc., consist of this matter. A person who develops the appropriate vision can answer the question, do such entities exist in reality? But do we believe his stories?

Since the etheric body completely repeats the physical body, it is sometimes called the ethereal double of man. The etheric body forms the so-called energy matrix of the human body, which corresponds to the organs of our physical body. The etheric body of a person has a weight of about 5-7 grams. In practice, only the etheric body has weight, since the rest of the bodies are too incorporeal.

Some people are able to leave their physical body in the etheric body (etheric projection), remaining conscious and remembering their sensations. G. Durville's book "The Ghost of the Living" describes experiments in which people in etheric bodies left their physical bodies and performed pre-agreed actions (they stood on sensitive scales, illuminated photographic plates, passed through walls, closed bell contacts, etc.). The physical body at that time was in the chair completely motionless. Interestingly, the physical body completely lost its sensitivity and did not respond to pain. That is, without the etheric body, our entire system of receptors does not work - there is no life in it. It was the etheric body that endowed the physical body with consciousness.

Feeling your ethereal body

Stand straight and calm, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slowly and thoughtfully raise your outstretched arm to the side so that it is parallel to the floor. Lower your hand as slowly and thoughtfully. Do this movement several times. At the same time, try to fully concentrate on the movement of the hand and feel every bone, every muscle, every cell. Lower your hand and, continuing to stand motionless (arms lowered down along the body), repeat the same movement mentally. Call up in yourself the same sensations that you experienced during the actual movement of the hand: here the hand rises, now it reaches a position parallel to the floor, now it slowly lowers ... Although the material hand is motionless, and the action is only imaginary, you will be amazed at how clear the sensation is moving hand.

Well, how did it work? Congratulations! You have just made a conscious movement of your “subtle” body for the first time in your life!

And now let's complicate the exercise a little. Stretch your hand forward, straight in front of you - for example, towards the opposite wall (if you are in a room) or the nearest tree (if you are outside or in the country). And now feel that your hand is stretched forward a meter, two, three - as much as it takes to reach a wall or a tree. Feel it - how your hand is extended. Here she is stretching, stretching, now she is already reaching her goal, now she is feeling this object. Here, under your fingers, you clearly feel the smoothly painted texture of the wall, or the warm, rough bark of a tree heated in the sun. But your material hand of bones and muscles lacks a few meters to really feel all this.

And you know, after all, you have already done all this many times, although now you don’t remember it. You did it unconsciously when you were a baby and lay in a cradle. And, of course, it was impossible for you to reach a wall, a ceiling, a closet or a table with a weak little hand. And you explored the world around you like this, at a distance, with the help of your energy, which you then knew how to control very easily. And then you grew up and forgot these feelings, you forgot about what you once knew how to do. But now it is very easy for you to remember these skills of yours, because for you it is “well-forgotten old”. The projective, energetic element of sensations is subtle, but quite distinct.

Examination. Extend the ethereal hand and touch the rough surface with it. Move your hand relative to this surface. Remember phantom sensations. Now enlarge the palm of the etheric body, make it as big as a frying pan. Move, remember your feelings. Now reduce the palm to the size of a matchbox. Move again and remember the sensations. What is the difference between the field sensations of a rough surface in a large and a small ethereal hand? If you were able to notice that a large hand feels rougher than a small one, then you did everything right. The field of the hand has a limited sensory density, therefore, with an increase in the ethereal palm, the concentration of sensations decreases.
Changing the size of your ethereal body

We will now learn to handle those same sensations more freely, to deepen and expand them. Treat it like a fun game.

Take a relaxed posture - sitting, standing or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Now feel how the boundaries of your etheric body begin to slowly expand. You become bigger and bigger - and now your body has become as big as a house. Your body has filled the entire space of the house in which you live. How do you feel like a giant? Now start decreasing slowly. Decreasing, decreasing - now they have already decreased to the size of a grape. Be a little grape, look around, feel what big objects surround you. Now go back to your normal size.
Give free rein to your imagination. Play, fantasize, experiment. But remember that you are now playing with the real world. Well, woke up your childish imagination? But children do this sort of thing all the time. Because they feel the possibilities of the energy-informational field much better than adults - as long as, of course, they are not yet as strongly influenced by the attitudes of society as adults.

Move on. You are back to your normal size. Now move in space a few meters from your current location. For example, you are standing in the center of the room. Without moving, feel that you are taking a step, another, a third - and now you are already standing in the corner of the room. And you, standing in the corner of the room in your invisible ethereal body, look at your physical body in the center of the room. Now return to yourself.

And now mentally leave your body again, you can move away, walk around the apartment, go into the next room ... And all this without moving.

Really amazing feeling? And if you think that you walked around your apartment only in your thoughts and imagination, then you are mistaken. You moved around the apartment in your subtle body. This is reality. What you have just done is often referred to by psychics as traveling in the lower astral plane. The lower astral, as the name itself says, is one of the lower and coarsest layers of the energy-informational field, but it is already less coarse than the material world where our physical body lives. The next layers of the energy-information field, higher in relation to the astral, are more and more thin energy layers.

It must be said that most of the energy connections between people in modern human society are concentrated precisely in the lower astral plane.

It is wrong to imagine the etheric body from the outside, expect the same powerful sensations as from the physical body, and focus not on the exercise, but on the mental block (I can’t do it). The feeling of an enlarged etheric body is easy to catch if you increase in it - and open the eyes of the physical body. There is a specific feeling of the duality of your location - you look at the world through the eyes of the physical body and at the same time perceive the perspective from the level of the eyes of the etheric body. This feeling is a sign of correctly performed actions.

Examination. Increase in the etheric body. Remember your phantom perception of the environment - what you see with the eyes of the etheric body, how it itself is felt. Reduce yourself in the etheric body and remember your sensations again. How do sensations of a large etheric body differ from sensations of a small etheric body? If you were able to notice that the perception of a large etheric body is more blurry and vague than a small one, then you have done the exercise absolutely correctly.
Feeling energy-informational changes in space

Sit on a chair in an empty room, relax. It is not necessary to close your eyes. Imagine that the boundaries of your etheric body grow to the size of a room. The boundaries of the room are the boundaries of your body. Feel your oneness with the room. Feel like air filling it. And the air, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the floor are all inside you, these are all parts of your body. Or vice versa: your body is now made of air, of the light that fills the room, of its walls, floor and ceiling.

Now imagine that the door to your room opens. Feel the difference in sensations that your body picks up - the difference between open and closed space. Now imagine that a person has entered the room. Again, feel the difference. Isn't it true that the sensations are somewhat different now? It is not surprising, because the energy-information structure of your room has changed. Return to the feeling of an empty room again. Feel the difference? Return again to your ordinary perception, to the ordinary boundaries of the body. The sensations that you have now experienced are at first glance very subtle and barely perceptible. And at the same time, these sensations are quite recognizable and distinguishable, and the consciousness easily recognizes them.
Examination. Settle in a room where doors open and close. It can be a reception, a lobby, a railway station. Unite energy with space. Track the sensations for some time. Then close your eyes. As soon as you feel a change in sensation, look at the door - and with the right exercise, you will see how it opens or closes. Thanks to the experience gained with the help of these exercises, you felt how the energy of space at the level of the lower astral contacts with the internal energy of a person.

If you have successfully completed all these easy tasks, then you now have the basic skill necessary to regain normal energy circulation and a correct, undistorted perception of the world. The sensations of this class are very useful - they will help you merge with the surrounding space and feel the slightest changes in it. It is these sensations that underlie the instinct for danger among representatives of wild tribes or animals.

The perception of the lower astral is only the first, the simplest step on the way to learning the perception of the energy-information field. It is in the world of the lower astral that we find ourselves in a dream. There we travel in our subtle bodies and meet fellow travelers.

One of the subtle bodies of a person is the etheric body or the energy body of a person. It exactly repeats the physical body, or rather its silhouette, while going beyond its limits by 3-5 centimeters, therefore the ethereal body is called the ethereal double.

American scientists have found that the weight of the etheric body is about seven grams. Like the physical body, the etheric body includes all of its parts and organs. The etheric body consists of a special substance called ether.

This substance in its properties occupies an intermediate position between dense and very thin types of matter. Ether forms the bodies of many entities, which are very often mentioned in fairy tales and mystical literature.

According to psychics, the color of the etheric body changes from light shades of blue to gray. In a person with a sensual nature, the blue color of the etheric body predominates, and in people of a strong physique, gray tones predominate. Violations in the energy body lead to various diseases. Any disease initially appears in the form of some kind of disturbance in the etheric body and after a while manifests itself in the form of diseases of various organs.


In what state is the etheric body, it is possible to carry out prevention, diagnosis of the body and diseases. Many psychics have the ability to use their hands to feel the distortions of the energy body and correct them. With the right impact on the energy body, you can get rid of the disease or facilitate the process of its course. You can cut off the vampire channels, saturate the etheric body with the necessary energies - cleansing (upper flow), energy (the sun), taking away the negative (earth flow). You can arrange pumping as a bodybuilder. You can injure - a bad option.

In the etheric body, there are various types of energy flows that are part of the energy meridians. It is these meridians that are affected by acupressure or acupuncture.


After the onset of death, all types of subtle bodies leave the physical body, approximately on the 9th day after death, the etheric body also dies.

You can hear such an expression “No strength, hands drop”, this is a sure sign of a lack of energy in the etheric body. The powerful energy of the etheric body provides good protection for the physical body. Energy enters the etheric body from neighboring bodies: physical and astral, from the environment, in the form of etheric bodies of products, plants, animals, water, stones, as well as elements - Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Ether and all their derivatives.

The ability of the physical body to resist diseases and infections is also determined by the energy state of the etheric body. By the state of the etheric body, one can judge the state of the other six bodies of a person.


The etheric body performs several important functions: it is an exact copy of the physical body, and also reflects all the changes that occur in the body under the influence of the environment.

When a person cannot go around the table without hitting it; hold dishes and other small items in your hands; makes awkward and clumsy movements - all this indicates that this person could not find contact with his etheric body, i.e. lives in harmony with it. The etheric body has the ability to leave the physical body, to leave its limits, this is most noticeable during sudden movements.

In cases where a person has smooth movements, this indicates a complete coordination of the physical and etheric bodies. In such cases, a person acquires the ability to make quick movements and at the same time the physical body does not go beyond the etheric. But movements are not the main indicator of the contact of the etheric and physical bodies. Its absence is indicated by frequent dislocations of the joints.

A well-developed etheric body steadily transmits through itself flows of etheric energy, on which mental, astral and other subtle types of vibrations fall.


The Etheric Body is the densest of the invisible Bodies and is directly involved in controlling all the elements of the Physical Body. The Etheric Body is the energy Matrix.
The ethereal shell is formed around the Physical Body in the period from the moment of birth to puberty, and most intensively at the age of 4 to 8 years.
“His vital essence is the fetus in the spleen. From the spleen, the Etheric Body emerges as ghostly whorls and a spiraling essence like smoke gradually takes shape.”
Until the Etheric Body is fully formed, the Astral Plan manifests itself more fully, since the protective functions of the etheric energy do not apply to it. Therefore, during this period, children can see the inhabitants of the Astral Plane. When the Etheric Body is formed, then most of the manifestations of the Subtle World are denied access to the sphere of Consciousness, but the Subconsciousness retains the ability to perceive them. The ethereal body (the name comes from the word "ether", denoting a state intermediate between energy and matter) consists of the thinnest lines along which energy flows propagate. The body is like a "sparkling network of light rays" that can be compared to the glow of an empty television screen.
The network structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The Etheric Body is visible mainly around the hands, steps, head, and a little near the shoulders. The skin has a black field, and immediately behind it begins a field of bluish Light. It is a field of soft whitish-blue Light. Around the entire Body, it usually protrudes at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm from the skin and pulsates at a frequency of 15 to 20 times per minute. The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to grey-violet. Bright blue is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a delicate body is likely to have a blue first layer of the aura, and a tougher person, an athletic person, is gray.
Observing a person's shoulder in twilight light against a white, black or dark blue wall, one can see the pulsation of the etheric body. The pulsation starts at the shoulder and undulates down the arm. If you look closely, you can see the empty space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After that comes a layer of bright light that spreads out, gradually weakening as it moves away from the physical body. It should be noted that at the moment of fixing the gaze on this cloud, it immediately disappears, since it moves very quickly. The pulse will move down your arm as you keep your eyes on your shoulder. Try again. Then you may be able to catch the next pulse.

The Etheric Body is an integral part of the Physical Body, and its division into parts is conditional.

Flying over the meadow

And seeing people from above,

Chose wooden

You are an inconspicuous pipe,

So that in the freshness of the morning,

Visiting human habitation

Chastely poor matins

Meet my morning.

N. Zabolotsky

Health. The rapid descent through the subtle bodies brought us to the realm of phenomena and effects, on the one hand, well known to every person, and on the other hand, being the subject of speculative interest of the general public, gravitating towards a miracle, and looking for it primarily in relation to the problems of their own health.

What is health? Before discussing this issue, you need to decide for yourself what is primary: health or illness, that is, whether health should be considered as the absence of diseases, or, conversely, illness as a violation of health. In general, the author stands on the second point of view: health should be called such a state of (any) subtle body, in which it withstands the loads that fall on its share in the body without significant damage, and does not cause a significant imbalance and damage to other bodies.

Thus, the concept of the health of the body includes not only the normal course of its own processes, but also a satisfactory relationship with other bodies. The author, it should be emphasized, discusses the problem of health and disease not academically, but practically, that is, from the point of view of prevention and treatment, and then the definition of the disease is as follows: "A disease is such an imbalance in the body that requires the adoption of special measures (that is, a certain treatment). From this point of view, an increase in pressure and pulse rate in an athlete who has run a hundred meters is not a symptom of the disease, unlike a person experiencing a hypertensive crisis - with which, by the way, not everything is clear either.

The energy of the etheric body is perceived by a person as a vital (animal, vital), as well as physical force. “No strength, hands down” is a typical description of a sharp lack of aetheric energy. Interestingly, the ritual of meeting two acquaintances requires questions, the meaning of which is an interest in the level of energy and the general state of a particular subtle body ranging from buddhial to ethereal; questions about the atmanic and the physical (except for close relationships) are taboo. Examples:

- How are you doing? (buddhial body)

- How are you? (causal body)

- What are you concerned about? (mental body)

- How are you feeling? (astral body)

- How are you feeling (health)? (etheric body).

The vitality, endurance, resistance of the physical body to various infections is determined by the general energy level of the ethereal; diseases of physical organs and systems are necessarily preceded by malfunctions with their ethereal counterparts. Good ethereal energy means excellent protection of the physical body: such people do not freeze, they can, with some effort, walk barefoot over coals or hold their hand in a candle flame without harm to themselves, so that even small hairs do not burn out. On the contrary, a rupture of the etheric body gives rise to an incurable disease of the corresponding physical organ, and in fact the efforts of doctors are directed, directly or indirectly, precisely to the etheric treatment, otherwise the disease quickly recurs.

The quality of the skin is determined by the intensity of its ethereal protection; when the latter is weakened, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes flabby and wrinkled, thus compensating for the loss of its former elastic qualities: it is important for the skin to have a certain mobility around the muscles and bones, which, when elasticity decreases, is compensated by folds. When the etheric energy of the intervertebral discs is weakened, they also become less elastic, but here the compensation is different: osteophytes grow around - special bone processes that strengthen the weakened spinal column; True, from this it ceases to bend, but its integrity is preserved, that is, it does not crumble into pieces.

The culture of the etheric body in the average modern man is very low; we feel it only in the case and in the place when and where strong ethereal disturbances occur, for example, breaks, usually accompanied by severe physical pain - then you will inevitably listen. At the same time, it is very important to feel the ethereal structures on oneself in a healthy state - both the well-being of all organs and the efficiency and beauty of all human movements depend on this. But still, even the most ethereally ill-mannered person at certain moments clearly feels his etheric body; this is:

- a state of intense hunger and thirst and, conversely, pleasant satiety after a delicious meal;

- severe drowsiness, fatigue after hard physical work and cheerfulness after sleeping in the open air;

- a state of severe nausea, when the physical body is preparing to expel from itself an etherically unsuitable product;

- physical contact with a loved one or, conversely, an unpleasant person, regardless of the presence of sexual sensations;

- sensations on the beach, in a warm bath or an ice hole.

Clumsy, awkward movements, inability to go around the corner of the table without hitting it; dishes and other small objects that constantly slip out of a person’s hands and break on the floor - all this betrays a person who has not found contact with his etheric body and therefore lives in disagreement with it.

Life of the etheric body . In general, the etheric body can essentially go beyond the limits of the physical; this is especially felt with sharp, angular movements, to which a person is unusual or unprepared. On the contrary, smooth movements, like those of mimes, creating the illusion of moving in a dense environment, mean the exact coordination of the etheric and physical bodies. When they are well coordinated, a person is also capable of fast movements, during which the physical body does not go beyond the etheric - this art is mastered by good dancers and martial arts masters: karate, kung fu, etc.

However, external movements, so to speak, are far from everything and not the most important thing.

Does the reader imagine how his wrist is arranged inside? Does it look like an elbow joint? In fact, between the hand and the forearm there are eight small bones of a rather complex shape arranged in two rows, packed in articular capsules so as to provide the hand with a much greater range of motion than the forearm relative to the shoulder. With any movement of the hand, these bones move relative to each other, the bones of the metacarpus, ulna and radius, and if they are strongly displaced relative to their ethereal shells, trouble can occur - for example, a tendon will stretch; a very gross displacement can also lead to dislocation (the so-called "habitual" dislocations always signify an ethereal weakness of the joint).

Thus, one should learn not only visible, but also movements hidden in the thickness of the physical body; this includes tension and relaxation of muscles, sprains, movement of bones in joints and many other things that an ordinary person never thinks about until he feels, for example, a sharp pain in the spleen or a burning sensation in the urethra. The culture of the etheric body includes the ability to treat all the etheric internal organs carefully and politely, watching their spatial correspondences with the physical ones, in which both bodies are interested.

However, the functions of the etheric body are not at all reduced to its interactions with the physical: the astral body, which is connected with the etheric in the most direct way, plays an equally important role in its life, but more on that below.

A developed etheric body capable of steadily transmitting powerful flows of etheric energy through itself is necessary for a good actor and singer, lecturer, orator and animal trainer. Etheric energy is like the sound of a double bass in a symphony orchestra - it is the basis, the foundation on which astral, mental and more subtle vibrations lie. Small children are predominantly controlled by the etheric body: they are tempted with food, spanked and shouted at; a weak fight (that is, without self-mutilation) is nothing but a crude ethereal meditation.

The boundaries of the etheric body are changeable; if a person is healthy and feels well, it goes beyond the limits of the physical by several centimeters or even tens of centimeters. There is a social taboo on the contact of etheric bodies, except for strictly ceremonial moments: a handshake or a kiss on the hand of a lady upon meeting. To approach a half-familiar person so close as to feel his etheric body with your own means to directly express your frank interest in him, most often perceived as a direct invitation to intimacy.

Essential culture . Where does the education of the etheric body begin? We will talk about proper nutrition a little lower, but, of course, the beginning is not here. Probably, this is, first of all, developing in oneself respect for the dense reality and one's own physical body. All things and objects have etheric bodies, and when a person comes into contact with them, a kind of ethereal meditation arises, the nature of which largely depends on the person: how a cat can be stroked along or against the coat, and depending on this, it begins to purr or releases its claws, so any thing can be handled in such a way that it is pleasant or not, and this largely determines not only the ethereal environment around a person, but also his own etheric body and energy.

You don't have to be "psychic" to feel the ethereal body of a sofa cushion: if your palm does not feel its "field" at a distance, lightly run your hand over its surface, and most of your tactile sensations will relate to the ethereal body of the pillow. If the touch seemed pleasant to you, repeat it and leave your hand slightly pressed to the matter. If you feel a pleasant warmth or a sort of living resilience, it means that the pillow has accepted you and ethereal meditation has begun.

The objects that surround a person constantly, gradually get used to and adapt to him - except for completely careless personalities and outright ethereal vampires and sadists who strive to disrupt and destroy the ethereal field of any thing. Usually these people smell bad, and their touch causes a shudder of disgust: a defensive reaction of the etheric body, trying to free itself from an unpleasant intrusion.

Strong ethereal meditation causes a sticking effect (for example, a spoon applied to a person’s chest in a vertical position does not fall down), which should not be confused with telekinesis: in the first case, there is ethereal interaction, in the second - mental. However, strength, as always, is not the main indicator, more often the quality of meditation, that is, its level, is much more important. Does your etheric body enjoy the posture in which you sit? Does the chair or armchair like where you sit, how do you do it? Usually people do not ask such questions, not noticing that their elementary inattention grossly violates the energy of both the surrounding ethereal medium and their own.

For example, the most intimate moment is meeting with your own bed. We can safely say that a person who lies rudely and inattentively into it will turn out to be a worthless lover! With the right attitude to his chair, armchair, table and sofa, a person feels their joy and opening ethereal embraces at the mere approach of him to them and regret at parting; they literally help him to rest and work, normalizing and strengthening his ethereal energy.

A similar role is played by comfortable and beautiful clothing: it is an amplifier of personal etheric radiation, and its importance in this should not be underestimated. In general, the impression of human beauty is achieved not so much by physical as by ethereal means - although, of course, the harmonization of the etheric body entails an improvement in the appearance of the physical body: the nose lengthens or shortens by a millimeter, the line of the lips, posture, gait slightly change, and it seems that a miracle happened: the former ugly girl becomes, if not a beauty, then at least a spectacular person.

The technique of sex, if at all it is permissible to use such an expression, lies primarily in the ability of a couple to perceive the spontaneously arising paired etheric meditation, adequately responding to it with their physical bodies. For every physical gesture (not only in sexual contacts) one must have an etheric sanction, that is, the readiness of the etheric body to accompany the physical; much better, however, if it is the etheric body that shows the initiative, dragging the physical along with it – then a person gets the feeling that his hands and other “parts” themselves stretch in a certain direction and are involved in a whole natural movement. If a person is not internally ready for movement, for example, he is secretly afraid of it, but voluntarily forces himself, then the following effect occurs: the physical body goes beyond the etheric and, being partially "naked", produces an awkward, clumsy and, as a rule, unpleasant for the environment (or partner) action.

However, paired ethereal meditation is, one might say, aerobatics: mastering your ethereal body, according to the author, is better to start with simpler things: for example, learn to feel your own ethereal movements and not tear your natural dance in the surrounding space. Each person has numerous restrictions on physical and etheric movements that he imposed on himself (or his parents did), and their awareness and elimination also constitutes an important part of the work of harmonizing and cultivating his etheric body.

Ethereal restrictions of society . And the imposition of hard essential restrictions begin in infancy and never end: swaddling, a firm diet and sleep, don’t put this in your mouth, don’t touch this, don’t scream, don’t run, don’t climb trees, don’t fuss, sit up straight, march in step, dress in in strict accordance with the requirements of the company, lie quietly in a hospital bed and, finally, smile radiantly in the coffin!

A distinction must be made between causal, mental and astral restrictions imposed on the etheric body. Most of the rules of good manners relate to the limitation and ordering of the ethereal manifestations of a person. What can you say about a guest who, not having time to enter your house, will immediately take off his jacket and shirt, begin to subtly stretch in all directions, yawn passionately, scratch passionately, beat his thighs, suddenly sit down on the floor and jump from armchairs on an armchair, and in conclusion, peacefully lie down on the sofa? Even just taking some object from the table and fiddling with it in your hands a little longer than the allotted time is impossible, otherwise the person will be considered ill-mannered, ignorant, not knowing the elementary rules of social behavior.

As often happens, the taboo on gross manifestations, combined with the lack of training in subtle behavior, is perceived by the subconscious as a total ban on existence and any manifestations - and the person hunches, puts his head on his shoulders, presses his hands to his stomach and tries to move only in those moments when no one is watching him.

The mental prohibitions and restrictions placed on the etheric body are often associated with the failed attempts of man to follow the social ideals of physical beauty and harmony. Who in youth is satisfied with his nose, legs, stomach? The inconsistency with the desired physical forms affects, however, not the physical, but the etheric body. When a person mentally tries to shorten himself somewhere, and expand somewhere, he usually does not understand that his seemingly innocent dreams distort his etheric body and violate its coordination with the physical.

However, the worst thing for the etheric body is the war with the astral body. Becoming beautiful is difficult; but it is very easy to become ugly, even ugly: for this it is enough to hate your face or figure. Then the ethereal body abruptly goes inside the physical, protruding beyond its surface in some places in the form of sharp fangs - in this style, artists depict fairy-tale witches and sorcerers.

The social subconsciousness deforms the ethereal energy of the genital organs and the entire sexual sphere especially strongly. In atheistic culture, two completely different concepts merge: the forbidden and the sacred. Generally speaking, it is natural to consider a sexual act sanctioned by a paired egregor as sacred in view of the strength or height of the meditations that accompany it, although, of course, with a low culture of the participants, strong profanity is possible due to a complete misunderstanding of what is happening to them. However, for an atheist there is no concept of the sacred, that is, permitted only under special, sacred conditions, but only the concept of the forbidden for one reason or another. Therefore, a child growing up in an atheistic environment, or even in a religious environment, but not considering sexual relations as a very high version of intimate ones, naturally forms such a logical chain in relation to the sexual organs: forbidden - therefore: shameful, bad, immoral. Freud and the sexual revolution liberated us mentally, but by no means causally and buddhially, and therefore normal ethereal energy in the genital organs themselves and in the areas surrounding them is found in very few, especially etherically gifted people, and in the rest a typical phenomenon is ethereal weakness, the result of which are urological and gynecological diseases, impotence in men and sexual coldness in both sexes. On the other hand, the lucky ones, who know how to boost and bring out the ethereal energy of their bodies, instantly get on spreads of erotic magazines, get first places in beauty contests and become first-class models.

A beautiful, well-groomed ethereal body, whose energy is enhanced by exquisite clothes and cosmetics, is necessary to create the image (image) of a beauty or a handsome man, and here the work of a massage therapist, hairdresser and make-up artist is completed. When such a creature appears in society, the owners of strong and beautiful causal bodies are involuntarily seized with envy: after all, ethereal energy is much denser and more tangible than causal! It literally "captures the eyes" and in a sense is the most tangible power of all presented in the world of human relations. However, having saturated its gaze with ethereal magnificence, the society (oh, human ingratitude!) turns its attention back to the masters of the causal flow, who, having swallowed the insult, continue to reign over the mental and astral planes of the assembly.

Deep feelings. When a person moves, speaks, works physically, he spends the energy of the etheric body, replenishing it directly from the surrounding nature (earth, grass, trees, water, air and sunlight), as well as from the physical body (the energy of digested food) and the astral body ( the life force that the senses give). At the same time, the contacts of both the physical and astral bodies with the etheric are very ambiguous and deeply intimate - to such an extent that sometimes a person does not separate the astral body from the etheric, and in other situations - the ethereal from the physical.

For example, the expressions "deep feelings" and "strong experiences" usually imply the coordinated inclusion of both the astral and etheric bodies. deep disorder, grief, sadness always accompanied by a decrease in tone; vice versa, deep satisfaction means an increase and at the same time stabilization of the astral and etheric energy. intense joy, like great grief, usually deprive a person of appetite - in the first case, he has enough ethereal energy received from an overexcited astral body, in the second there is a cleansing starvation of both bodies. At deep emotion it is difficult for a person to sit still - it also embraces the etheric body, which begins to rush about in space, also vibrating inside the physical body: the throat dries up, the hands get cold, the legs are taken away.

On the contrary, emotions that are not backed up by the ether give the impression of being weak, powerless, unconvincing in appearance and unsatisfactory for the person himself. The level of an actor's professional skill directly depends on his ability to ethereally support the feelings of his hero; the power of the voice over the audience is made up of emotional and energetic components: the first gives, so to speak, the main content of the emotion, and the second provides its content, that is, the fullness and strength of the sound. The expressiveness of the role, in general, the ability of an actor to go on stage and instantly evoke violent feelings in the audience with his appearance is directly related to his ability to steadily keep the ethereal flow going through him into the hall. Experienced demagogues-manipulators, appealing to the lower feelings of the crowd, also instinctively or consciously work mainly on its etheric, and not only astral, as it may seem, energy. In general, the biological, bestial instincts in a person are programs of the subconscious, appealing primarily to his ethereal body. Behavior in situations of acute hunger, fights not for life, but for death with an enemy or potential prey, a state of animal horror and rapid flight cause first of all ethereal, and only then emotional reactions: in an acute situation, a person reflexively makes the necessary movements (for example, jumps into side of the car) and only after a while becomes frightened emotionally.

Group broadcast. Group etheric meditation is the most powerful means of controlling a person; the crowd, driven by the lower ethereal impulse, is capable of atrocities which, in normal circumstances, would seem quite impossible to most of its constituent individuals. In military battles, also driven by the ethereal current, ordinary people perform miracles of courage and selflessness, unimaginable for them in peacetime.

In general, when the egregorial mechanisms of ethnic, tribal and tribal protection are turned on, the etheric bodies of fellow tribesmen are first of all involted, and the latter keenly feel the commonality of their "blood", that is, the proximity of the basic vibrations of the etheric bodies. Therefore, the rituals of a joint meal are accepted all over the world, during which there is an intense ethereal meditation.

Problems of poor sexual compatibility are not always associated with selfishness, rudeness and inattention of partners to each other. Often, such symptoms mean that the paired egregor has a weak etheric body, and then the sexual act takes place mainly on the astral plane, and when meditation descends on the etheric, and even more so on the physical, the ardor of the partners quickly fades. The criterion for the quality of any meditation is, however, the state of the person after it, and sexual relations are no exception. Therefore, although public opinion unambiguously orients sexual partners to clear patterns offered in erotic magazines, films and manuals, it should still be borne in mind that not only are the meditations of different couples completely different, but also from the same couple at different moments a paired egregor is waiting for completely different actions, including ethereal and physical ones.

Poor sexual compatibility at the beginning of marriage does not mean anything, just like good: over the years, partners in both cases gradually adapt to each other ethereally, as a result of which paired ethereal meditations are getting better, but their freshness and sharpness are somewhat dulled. It is important that partners are interested in each other: this means turning on causal meditation, which gives sanction for regular meetings. Ethereal relationships and meditations can be very diverse, and most of them are devoid of a clear sexual flavor, so that spouses who do not want to profane sex to a pleasant procedure, emotionally experienced as something intermediate between an aperitif and a warm bath, should take care that they It was what tell each other in ethereal meditation.

So, one should distinguish between sexual problems associated with poor ethereal coordination of partners, and here you can give a lot of valuable advice, and the difficulties associated with the fact that a paired egregor not includes a pair of sexual meditations, and in this case, you need to deal with the paired egregor itself and its higher bodies - atmanic and buddhial.

Therefore, many seemingly purely ethereal problems, say, poor immunity, chronic diseases of various organs of the physical body and disorders of its systems, are not solved either on the etheric or on the astral level, and a typical example of this is morbid obesity.

In general, excessive thickness can be considered as a compensatory reaction of the physical body to the weakness of the etheric: without proper etheric protection and energy support, the physical body insures and partially energizes itself with a thick fat layer. Therefore, the standard recommendation for fat people is this: move more and be in the fresh air, because in this case the etheric body is strengthened, and the physical body no longer needs fat protection. High-calorie diets help (and even then badly) only for the time that a person adheres to them, since they only weaken the etheric body; fasting solves the problem only as a means to radically change the etheric energy as a whole, and this takes years of purposeful efforts, which are not at all reduced to only periodic refusals of food.

The physical body delivers (through the Libra channel) energy to the ethereal in two fundamentally different ways: through food and with the help of its own movement. When muscles contract and relax in the physical body, ligaments tighten and loosen, articular surfaces rub against each other, not only waste but also restoration of etheric energy occurs, and a different, finer spectrum of vibrations is restored than wasted. Nevertheless, ethereal energy, although with difficulty, is able to transmute from one type to another, therefore, the lack of movements that feed the etheric body - muscular, ligamentous and articular - can be compensated to some extent by increased food, but this is suitable as a temporary measure, and with constant use, the ethereal balance is disturbed - a person begins to feel worse and gets fat in an unhealthy way.

My mouth flutters like it's on fire

Guts tremble like Hottentots.

Stomach tense in passion

Hungry juice sharpens in jets,

It will stretch out like a dragon

It will shrink again that there is urine,

Saliva, swirling, in the mouth, mutters,

And the jaws are doubly clenched ...

I want you! Give yourself to me!

N. Zabolotsky, "Fish Shop"

Modern man is in bad relations with his own physical and ethereal bodies and does not feel that the main source (more precisely, soil) of his joys and emotional life in general is ethereal life. If only we knew to what extent our general emotional depression is associated with a barbaric attitude towards our own physical and etheric bodies! They actually act as sacrificial ones, and they are sacrificed stupidly and inefficiently. Of course, the astral body hears the complaints of the ethereal through the channel of Scorpio, but the person completely pushes them into the subconscious - because otherwise he would have to limit his causal flow and take care of his own health and physical body in fact, and this is soulless, selfish, and most importantly, hard and unbearably boring! There is some kind of hopeless infantilism in the public consciousness of the modern world, which organizes societies for the protection of animals and does not understand at all that their own liver, and even more so the heart, are endowed with individual consciousness and need no less care and protection than the Bugs and Badgers, so adored by their owners, and pay a person for attention to themselves with sincere devotion and love.

This is how direct mental programming of the physical body takes place. There are, however, various hidden types of programming, when a person consciously thinks one thing, and subconsciously - quite another; and sometimes mental programming is completely repressed into the subconscious, but at the same time it is very effective: for example, a person can be fat precisely because he subconsciously achieves this, and if this repressed goal is realized and removed, rapid natural weight loss occurs. Many people eat, compensating for the lack of positive emotions with pleasure from this process. This compensation does not quite suit the person, and he wants to more convincingly prove to himself and others that everything is in order, and fat acts as such proof as well as possible. materialized memory about food eaten. In other words, a person gives a command to his etheric body: to deposit part of the energy received from every bite eaten in the form of fat deposits and not to spend the latter under any circumstances. St about Is it any wonder that starvation diets in this case are ineffective?

By the way, the impact on a person of various diets very much depends on what he thinks about his body and products: both allowed by the diet and prohibited by it. The etheric body is literally poisoned by foods saturated with negative thoughts (for example: “I am forbidden”, “it will hurt me”, “I will get better from this”, “I would rather eat something completely different instead”, etc.), and this poison is tolerated by the etheric body much worse than many others (for example, rat poison).

The fifth reason, rather even a large bunch of them, of various disorders and pathologies of the etheric body is the wrong life attitudes of a person regarding energy metabolism: both within the etheric body itself, and with other subtle bodies, as well as with the ethereal plane of the outside world. (In addition, there are direct connections between the buddhial and etheric bodies, so that a violation of ethics immediately leads to a violation of energy, but the author will not talk about this yet.)

At the same time, most of these attitudes are not realized by a person, but for the body it is not awareness that is important, but the actual distribution of buddhial energy.

Views on health . How much mental energy do we spend on our health? For a modern civilized person, such a formulation of the question can cause natural surprise. For him, health is not a value at all (although in words, that is, in the mental-buddhial subbody, he may adhere to the opinion that "health is everything") - in contrast to diseases, which are certainly considered as negative values, although, we note in brackets, this is also not the only possible way of looking at them.

In the public subconscious there is a set of rigid attitudes of the buddhic level, that is, having the character of life positions, which together greatly limit the role and functions of the etheric body and extremely prevent it from existing normally, exchanging energy with the environment and supporting the body as a whole, and until a person conscious a he does not overcome these attitudes in himself, they lie on the etheric body like heavy fetters, causing all sorts of ailments and illnesses. Below are some of these settings; the author emphasizes that they do not express the way of thinking of the average social individual, but his true positions, which are embodied in his real behavior and actions.

1. Health is from God, and a person cannot influence it in any way; all these exercises, jogging and yoga are either masochism or pleasant activities that help only those who are already healthy.

2. Diseases are divided into two categories: some are fatal, while the rest are the results of a gross oversight: he stood under an open window, did not warm enough when going out, etc.

3. The natural environment is a source of all sorts of troubles and dangers, ranging from acid rain to the ubiquitous mosquitoes. The exceptions are very few safety islands: a trestle bed on the beach, a pool with chlorinated water, a city park with numbered ladybugs.

4. Health and disease are areas that have little to do with the rest of a person's life plots, excluding the obvious obstacles created by the need for treatment.

Etheric body in connection with other bodies . The culture of the etheric body includes the culture of ethereal processes, relations with other bodies of the organism and the etheric plane.

A good exercise for the etheric body is running long distances over rough terrain. At this time, it is tested in all three aspects: there is an intensive process inside the etheric body, as well as its active exchange with the physical body and the surrounding ethereal environment. At present, a person is considered healthy if nothing hurts him, and he is able to climb on foot to the third floor without it becoming an event of the day. This, however, is not the limit of health; according to the author, in the era of Aquarius, any person who is not able to easily run ten kilometers in an hour along a forest path will be considered sick. During this time, all the main internal organs manage to “ring out”, and they do this in turn, and you can have time to talk with everyone, having listened to his requests and complaints, and then, if possible, satisfy them: some right there, on the run, some later, during day. The heart may ask to slightly increase or decrease the load, the lungs will correct the rhythm of breathing and running, the liver will ask for grated raw carrots and a sprig of dill, which are about to inflame the gums - rinse with chamomile infusion.

Modern Western medicine and the public subconscious view a person as something like a car, and a disease as a defect in one or another part. This is very convenient for doctors, because it allows them to be narrow specialists, but it does not correspond at all to the nature of the organism in general and the etheric body in particular: a disease of any organ is only a particular symptom of a general imbalance. However, modern drug therapy, focused not on biological (ethereal) activity, but on the chemical properties of drugs, is most often a much more destabilizing factor than the original cause of the disease - and as a result degenerates into the art of turning acute conditions into chronic diseases.

However, scolding medicine is an occupation, although generally accepted, but completely meaningless. What kind of karma does mankind have, such are the doctors, and until civilization as a whole is rebuilt on a meaningful existence in nature, instead of an ignorant despotic "reign" over it, we will have atherosclerosis and AIDS - this ethereal cancer, as well as doctors who are better oriented by biochemical analyzes and electrocardiogram than by the appearance and pulse of a living patient.

However, the rules of good manners prescribe the presentation of claims in the first place to oneself. Do I respect my etheric body? Do I love him? Do I listen carefully, or do I respond only to deafening alarm signals, accompanied by acute pain and a complete breakdown?

The art of living largely consists in cooperation with one's own organism, which not only takes care of itself, but also gives surprisingly accurate signs, visible only to its owner, and relating to all spheres of his cares and activities without exception. The assemblage point, that is, the center of perception, moves through the body in an extremely complex and incomprehensibly wise way, and its current position in itself tells a cultured person a lot, in particular, it hints at what kind of effort and attention are supposed to be from him. At the same time, the true meaning of what is happening can be much deeper than a person currently thinks.

The more important it is for a person to do something (or not to do it), the denser bodies feel it over time. You can ignore even very clear thoughts and feelings, but when, as they say, the legs themselves take you away, it is already difficult to resist. Sometimes the etheric body contradicts the causal, mental and astral at the same time, and this is a very serious sign that unambiguously tells a person about the disharmony of the situation or its misunderstanding.

Imagine a young man going on a date with his beloved. The meeting is scheduled, he already thought her, feelings, as they say, boil ... but for some reason the coat does not come off the hanger, and there is not enough strength in the hand to open the door, although this problem usually does not arise. What does it mean? The reasons for such a mismatch of thin bodies can be very different. It may happen that the girl does not come on a date, and the causal body of the young man signals to him about the coming disappointment; maybe he subconsciously does not want to go there, and he only believes that he is in love, forcing his emotional indifference into the subconscious, but it materializes in the form of a distinct ethereal resistance; or maybe his own mother, secretly jealous, is trying to prevent him from too close contact with the girl. But be that as it may, it is clear that the date will not go smoothly and will most likely bring disappointment if not enough serious work (internal or external) is done to eliminate the mismatch. Of course, you can start to figure out what's the matter when you arrive for a date, but it's much more correct to immediately ask your etheric body: "What's the matter? Why don't you want to go on a date?" The answer is likely to greatly surprise the young man, shedding some light on his inner and outer life.

The more attentive and caring a person behaves with his etheric body - when it asks him about it - the purer and subtler it is, the more clearly his connections with higher bodies and the various possibilities of their interaction appear.

How will my relationship with this person develop? Etheric rejection, manifested in physical hostility, often means that too close contacts, even business ones, are either impossible or extremely difficult, since value systems differ greatly. Of course, ethereal agreement does not yet mean buddhial, but, in any case, it is much easier to negotiate and establish a common language with a person who is physically pleasant to you. The information transmitted through a handshake is huge - but you need to be able to decipher it, which requires a pure etheric body with well-developed connections with a thin shelt. The famous Napoleonic “trembling of my left calf is a great sign” is an example of buddhial-etheric transmission, and every person, even not so great, has his own ethereal signaling system, which deserves to be noticed and learned to understand at least a little.

The ability to complete broadcast processes without interrupting them in the middle and not being distracted by other activities is no less important than the ability to politely, without interrupting, talk to people. The natural end of an active process in any body is felt quite clearly by a person: it seems to hang up in the form of a signal: "I'm fine, thank you, you can deal with other bodies," as well as a feeling of inner satisfaction similar to that experienced by an infant after feeding. In addition, at the end of the process, its fruits ripen, one part of which goes to the overlying body, and the other to the underlying body, and the assemblage point most often moves to one of them (although there are exceptions to this rule).

Processes in the etheric body . There are three main types of ethereal processes: oriented towards the physical body, towards the astral body, and relaxing, that is, putting the etheric body itself in order.

The ethereal process, oriented towards the physical body, is nothing more than a preparation for movement: external (swinging the foot) or internal (compression of the vessels of the organ), and most often complex, that is, both external and internal at the same time. At the same time, one should not think that the ethereal process is always something short-term, like the state of a person gathering his courage before getting up from his chair or jumping head first into the water. During all nine months of pregnancy, there is a single etheric process that prepares the expectant mother for the process of childbirth. If, at the same time, the ethereal connection between her and the father of the child is strong enough, then a paired (more precisely, triple: parents and child) ethereal meditation arises, and the father takes on a significant part of the burden of bearing.

A low ethereal culture, an inability to listen to ethereal processes and, if not help, then at least not interfere with them, leads to various injuries: physical movement unprepared for the ether is fraught with damage, both internal (hemorrhage, sprain, muscle ruptures, bone fractures), and and external (the child misses the pot and flops on the floor; the gymnast falls off the crossbar). The difficulty lies in the fact that the Virgo channel must synthesize various energy vibrations of all parts of the etheric body into a single stream of physical movements, and this is an incredibly difficult task that is not always satisfactorily solved, but only with proper coordination of the etheric body both with itself and with the environment. environment. A climber climbing a glacier holds a very subtle ethereal attention, coordinating the ethereal vibrations of the foot, boot and ice so that slipping does not occur. This, however, is not enough: it is also necessary that the etheric energy be sufficient to support muscular efforts, interaction and protection of ligaments and joints, and much more, which in the aggregate is described by the short expression "climbing the mountain", and for the etheric body is an extremely difficult task. It is characteristic that when a person gets tired, he begins to slip: the etheric energy switches mainly to support the large muscles of the legs, and the connection with the earth's surface is weakened and is less controlled.

The relaxing etheric process occurs when the etheric body is subjected to strong overloads or modes of operation that are unusual for it. For example, a man falls to the ground and is badly hurt; even if nothing is broken and no bruising subsequently occurs, he needs to lie down or sit quietly for some time in order to "come to his senses", that is, to balance the etheric body and bring it into line with the physical. If the blow is very strong, a person may faint: the consciousness is turned off and the assemblage point descends into the etheric body, after which the subconscious, without interference from the "mind", puts it in order.

Another variant of a blow to the etheric body, after which a person needs some time to recover, is a direct ethereal aggression of the environment: an unexpected loud sound (shout, thunder); hypothermia, after which a person "shakes" for some time, that is, there is an intense ethereal vibration, passing even to the physical body; finally, an unexpected boorish attack - a typical low-air attack, a modern version of a blow with a whip. In any case, a person needs some time for ethereal relaxation, and until it ends, it is better (if possible) to do nothing, since the protection of the etheric body is broken, it is temporarily vulnerable and can refuse even routine procedures - for example, a person does not hold on well to feet or drops objects from hands.

The third variant of a sharp blow to the etheric body is an unexpected transmission from the astral (through the Leo channel): for example, joy or grief, which can even take away the ability of a person to articulate. Often negative emotions are transmitted by Leo to clearly localized areas of the etheric body, and, repeating regularly, cause illnesses that are difficult to treat with medical methods: migraine, ulcers, angina pectoris, and many others. In this case, the cause of physical illnesses is the weakness, lack of training and lack of culture of the etheric body, which cannot cope with the load coming from the astral body, and therefore is torn in those places where it is maximum. However, negative emotions do not necessarily destroy the etheric body: if astral meditation is completed, then, no matter how difficult it is, it descends into the etheric in the form of a certain, albeit difficult, but in principle feasible task, which in any case can be considered by a person. like an on-air workout. So in volleyball they take a heavy serve: first they soften it when they receive it, and then they turn the hostile energy of the attack into the force of their own blow. In other words, the most unpleasant emotional experiences, descending on the etheric body, can be processed in the etheric body in such a way that the person will only strengthen energetically. Where one gets an ulcer, the other will become the boss, and the third will successfully divorce his wife without the slightest damage to health. Do you, dear reader, know how to work in unbearable conditions? If not, then learn it, otherwise you are unlikely to do something outstanding in your life.

The ethereal process, oriented to the astral body, is nothing more than preparing the ground for future emotions - a process that some people master masterfully, while others, on the contrary, have no idea about it or consider it something completely unacceptable.

Example 1 Spouse meeting. Tired husband, angry and irritated, comes home from work. A good wife will not wait until his difficult astral state materializes in one or another deliberately unpleasant and unfair form (reproaches, claims, etc.), and instead of joining in the negative causal, mental or astral meditation offered to her, then there is a quarrel on the material of events, opinions or emotions, she quickly fills him with a bath or prepares dinner, raising the ethereal energy, which rather quickly replaces the spouse with astral (and sometimes mental or even causal) anger at mercy.

Example 2 Preparing for the long-awaited meeting . After a long separation, a dear person comes to you. Nature itself provides that this meeting is accompanied by strong emotions, and your body prepares you for them in advance. For the past few days, there has been a joyful-anxious (does he really go? Has the plane flight been canceled?) expectation, accompanied by intense etheric excitement, that is, increased and largely chaotic excitation of the etheric body. His energy can be wasted as such: rushing around the apartment from room to room, breaking dishes or destroying furniture, harassing others, and then there will simply be no emotions left at the time of the meeting; you can poison the astral body with it, that is, start to worry emotionally, swear at everyone, get angry in advance at possible transport delays, etc. - then the emotions at the meeting will be poisoned by irritation or grief, to which the visitor has nothing to do; and finally, by constantly making energetic efforts on oneself, one can bring ethereal anxiety and excitement into the framework, collecting emotional forces for a future joyful event and trying not to waste them on trifles and frankly for evil - then the meeting can remain unforgettable for both.

Example 3 Preparing for a break. In the life of every person, unfortunately, there are negatively sharp clarifications of relationships, for which the body also prepares in advance. Even preachers and saints are subject to fits of anger - what to demand from us sinners? However, a scandal can be carried out in different ways, and in the process of preparing it, a strong ethereal process necessarily arises: a certain almost physiological excitement, the result of which is irritation or anger collected somewhere in the depths. In this case, it is important not to release them ahead of time, that is, until the situation has matured, and the ethereal process of meditation has not ended. This is how revolutions are being prepared: both family and national: the latent anger accumulated as a result of many years of oppression turns into an active-emotional state and breaks the chains that seemed indestructible: the eternally submissive husband leaves the family and files for divorce, the people throw off the power that has held on for many decades. If, however, one does not wait for the end of the ethereal process of meditation, then the resulting outbursts of irritation and anger turn out to be ineffective: a stereotype of regular destructive emotional quarrels is formed in the family, as a result of which the humiliated and destroyed husband returns to his usual slave state, and individual terrorist acts and strangled riots lead to the savagery of the people and the tightening of the political regime.

Example 4 Work on yourself: extermination of shortcomings . The energy of thought is often completely insufficient to eliminate bad habits, such as laziness. A person knows perfectly well that he definitely needs to do this and that - but he simply does not have enough strength for this, or at least it seems to him. In many cases, righteous anger at oneself, more precisely, at one's lower beginning, can serve well, for the power of anger can drive away even laziness. However, this anger must be constantly burning, otherwise laziness will soon return. An unsettled ethereal process may well serve as a source of anger energy - restless waves constantly moving through the etheric body, and carrying the energy of a person's deep dissatisfaction with himself. If, however, this dissatisfaction is of a more superficial, purely mental or mental-astral nature, then one can hardly say that a person is internally ready for serious work on himself: mental and even emotional disapproval of himself is still not enough to the average lazy-egocentric individual has taken up self-improvement of any kind in earnest. Now, if the inner turmoil reaches the etheric body and a person literally begins to find no place for himself, then we can hope that his inner motivation to work on himself will be sufficient, and he will actually change something in himself.

Collectives. The ethereal energy of the family and the country is clearly visible in the level of their well-being and the quality of the environment; significant indicators are also the number of sick leaves per capita and the length of the working week. The ethereal energy of the book sounds most vividly on those pages where the characters drink, eat, sunbathe, hug or simply walk through the forest, for example:

"In the grass, among the wild balsams,

Daisies and forest baths

We lie with our arms outstretched

And lift your head up to the sky."

B. Pasternak

The family's ethereal problems are more related to the state of its buddhial rather than the causal body. For example, in a family where relations between parents are poor, children get sick more often, regardless of the level of family income.

On the material of family life, many aspects of the relationship and relationships of subtle bodies become clearly visible, which are not obvious when considering the body of an individual person. For example, the distribution of the buddhial energy of a family egregore among family members, that is, their relative importance for him, can be well assessed by the distribution of his ethereal energy, outstanding in caresses (“strokes”) and food; while the emotional accentuation may be quite different. For example, the most significant child for the family may not attract so many emotions, especially if everything is in order with him, and his brother or sister is constantly bullying or harming, but you can be sure that caresses, tender attention and health care he will get more. The ardent emotional love of the mother for the child, as well as her mental attachment to him ("I never thought of anything but him") in many cases is accompanied by an extremely poor ethereal diet - and the child dies almost like in an orphanage. In general, the mother is first of all checked in ethereal meditations with the child, and they begin at the moment of his conception. However, the ethereal exchanges of a mother with an unborn baby (the author's pen refuses to write "fetus") is a topic for a separate study, but early childhood deserves special mention.

The first months after the birth of an infant is essentially an ongoing ethereal meditation between him and his mother, even if she is not breastfeeding him. Unfortunately, the modern system of obstetrics severely disrupts the etheric and astral contact between mother and child that develops during pregnancy: a child born in a foreign environment (air) is received by an outsider (obstetrician), whose rough scissors cut not only the physical, but also more subtle aspects of the umbilical cord, and besides, the newborn in many cases is taken to another room for several days - for him to another universe, potentially hostile, where he remains without his usual protection. Therefore, even when breastfeeding, it turns out to be difficult to achieve an adequate ethereal connection with the mother, in which, for example, there is no problem for her to understand why the baby is crying: he wants to eat, drink, is cold, his tummy hurts, the diaper is wet, he just misses and needs affection. A vicious astral-etheric circle arises, completely separating the mother from the baby: ethereal insensitivity leads to negative emotions associated with the mother’s insecurity in herself and the child (for example, the fear of not fulfilling her main duties and losing the child, so small and helpless), which, in in turn, sharply worsen the etheric contact.

If it is nevertheless possible to establish it, then the mother does not have problems typical of the first year: when and how to start complementary foods, when to wean, etc. - such ethereal information comes to her through a direct channel and is completely distinct. I must say that a normal healthy baby is not a vampire at all - he gives his mother no less ethereal energy than he requires from her in the form of milk, regular diaper changes and other attention - but his the ethereal flow (which, by the way, also carries certain information, for example, regulates the chemical composition and amount of mother's milk) must be perceived, and not fenced off from it, and this also requires some skill. This is mainly why second children, as a rule, are given to parents easier than first-born - mom learns get full pleasure(read - astral-etheric flow) from the baby, and not so much to be afraid of him and his condition as to rejoice in them. Pathology occurs where adult problems and other people's karmic knots are projected onto the baby. Unwanted children, "targeted" children (that is, those born for one purpose or another, say, to keep their father or receive benefits), as well as children conceived and born as a result of the concerted efforts of large teams of gynecologists and resuscitators often have strong congenital ethereal and other deformities, and as a result of this, are seriously ill until they get rid of the parental curse; if the latter significantly affects higher bodies, then the general fate of a person can be very difficult.

As children grow up, their need for the ethereal energy of the mother changes, moving into the spheres of more subtle caresses and signs of attention, but the general need for ethereal support remains in force for a long time, although its forms and types of energy flows change. The ability to move, wear beautiful clothes, cosmetics and jewelry are inextricably linked with each other and the ability to perceive ethereal radiation from another person, as well as engage in ethereal meditation with him when it arises. The ability to lend a hand and lean on it, to walk side by side so that it is convenient for both, to smile warmly in time and break the painful silence - all this is an ethereal culture, and this is what parents should teach their growing offspring, who want their children to have less in life. unsolvable problems - from sexual to their own parental.

Book. Writers gravitate toward the ethereal plane, who do not want to stray far from the physiological "soil" of their characters' existence, and they, sparing no paper, describe the physiological and bodily sensations of the characters, primarily hunger, satiety, hangover, heat, cold, fever and etc. Few people know how to do it with talent, and the classical writers of the 19th century - Tolstoy, Gogol, Balzac, being realists in their spirit, nevertheless did not pay attention to the ethereal plane, confining themselves to the physical and astral. In the 20th century, especially under the influence of naturalism and feminism, physiological sensations became the object of closer attention of writers, but in general the corresponding descriptions refer to the most primitive bodily sensations - in particular, because the literary language does not have in its stock of words describing details and subtleties of the ethereal life of the body.

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated with 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it, she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the environment for a comfortable existence
  • A tool for acquiring life experience through various lessons of Fate and working off karmic debts
  • A tool for fulfilling the program of the soul, its vocation and purpose in the current incarnation
  • Biological organism responsible for existence, life functions and basic needs

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is nourished by the energy of the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

etheric body

The first subtle body of man is ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Keeper and conductor of prana - the life force
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps to resist diseases at the energy level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, loses vigor
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revitalize the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society.
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

astral body

The astral or emotional body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything related to the emotional state of a person: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions
  • Provides a connection between the Ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to respond to external circumstances with certain emotions
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity.

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

mental body

The mental essence contains all the thoughts and conscious processes that occur in the brain. It is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. All that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body perishes on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic
  • Creation of thoughts
  • The repository of all information that penetrates the consciousness of a person from his very birth
  • A repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that each person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for the connection of emotions, feelings with memory and mind
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and needs, to benefit himself and others
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “disabled”, a person literally turns into an animal without a mind.
  • Controls all thought processes
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born together with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that have remained from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method of the Higher Forces to “educate” a person, make him go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn how to work on your beliefs, control emotions and train awareness (control of thoughts).

Intuitive Body

The intuitive or buddhic body is the personification of the spiritual principle of man. It is by “turning on” the soul at this level that one can achieve a high degree of awareness and enlightenment.

This is a body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person must live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to perform the task needed in this place.

Watch a video about human subtle bodies:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the "composition" of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. "There is nothing but God, and God is in everything." A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the whole vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the Higher Mind
  2. Solar - the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth, depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth
  3. Galactic - the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy)

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: a certain energy is inherent in these entities. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions to the full and radiates the right vibrations.

Seven human bodies (subtle human bodies)

etheric body located around the physical. They call it differently aura or electromagnetic field . Sometimes it is called ethereal twin . This name did not appear by chance. The fact is that the etheric body completely repeats the physical. It seems to be its contour, an exact cast.

Etheric subtle body is a storehouse of energy. All the forces that are necessary for the vital activity of the physical body are concentrated inside it. They are responsible for our feelings, thoughts, life itself. Thanks to the ethereal body, the flesh receives universal energy, develops, and grows spiritually. Even our illnesses begin, oddly enough, with changes in the aura. And only after they have already formed at the energy level, we begin to feel them physically.

Psychics and Healers they know that if you influence the etheric body correctly, you can change the fate of a person, cure him of illnesses, and correct negative lines of behavior. Why is this possible? Because the aura is a subtle biofield that passes through the entire body, interacts with other biofields. Finally, it contains the so-called meridians . These are peculiar channels through which energy from the Universe enters the body.

Ordinary people, not endowed with supernatural powers, cannot see the etheric body. In order to recognize it, it will take years of training, spiritual practices, as well as a great desire. The most amazing thing is that the invisible, it turns out, belongs to our physical world. Yes, yes, the etheric body also consists of matter. But why then does the human eye not see it? The fact is that the frequency at which the aura operates is much higher than the frequencies of matter. That is why we can only feel the etheric body on an intuitive level. Those who have seen the aura describe it as a dense fog that surrounds the flesh at a distance of three to ten centimeters.

etheric body

Ethereal Twin is responsible for the transfer of emotions, thoughts, spiritual information from other subtle bodies to the body. It is his work that is hidden under the concept of "intuition". Everything that happens in the etheric body is a very subtle and complex process. We cannot watch it. An ordinary person can only see the consequences of this work. These are the thoughts that appear in his head, those actions that he unconsciously performs, those clues that come to him on an intuitive level.

The etheric body is the conductor of the energy of the sun and the earth. The first comes to him through the chakra located in the solar plexus area, the second through the root chakra. Further, the energy diverges (just like blood through the veins and vessels) through others chakras and meridians and enters the body. Thanks to the combination of the energy of the sun and the earth, the cells of the body are able to live and breathe.

Etheric body in meditation

Sometimes it turns out that the amount of incoming energy is greater than the body needs. In this case, excess energy leaves the flesh through the pores of the skin and chakras. Excess energy does not go into the Universe, it remains in the human aura, creating that same ethereal body. Aura- this is a very powerful energy shield that protects a person from diseases, bacteria, viruses, harmful substances. In addition, it radiates energy into the environment and interacts with the biofields of other living beings.

Aura professionals have long recognized that a person with a healthy aura cannot catch any disease from outside. The protective layer simply will not allow germs and viruses to enter the body. If the disease still overtook, then the cause is inside the person himself. These can be negative thoughts that lead to insomnia, severe stressful situations, bad habits (drinking, smoking, drug addiction), and an unhealthy lifestyle.

All of the above will sooner or later to change the etheric body . The fact is that an exhausted organism, which is in constant stress, requires a huge amount of energy. And he begins to literally suck it out of the etheric body. As a result, the ethereal twin becomes thinner, small holes are formed in it. If you look at the energy shield at this moment, you will notice that it has become uneven, distorted. He seems to be unstable, just like his master. The negative result affects very quickly. Through the gaps formed, viruses enter the body from the outside, the negative energy of hostile biofields penetrates.

The worst thing is something else. Through disturbed areas of the etheric body, vital energy leaves the body. A person becomes less powerful, he constantly want to sleep, there is weakness . If these leaks are noticed in time (and only people with special abilities can do this), serious diseases and global (negative) changes in fate can be prevented.

etheric body - this is not only a source of energy, but also a kind of transmitter of information between the flesh and higher subtle bodies. Thus, our feelings and thoughts, passing through the etheric body, enter into mental and astral body . Information and energy also go from them to the body. With the weakening of the ethereal double, this connection is weakened, and often completely broken. In this case, a person may lose interest in life, he loses the opportunity to experience sincere feelings. Only the flesh remains, which mechanically consumes food, moves, works. At the same time, this flesh has no goals in life.

Psychics have long noticed that the etheric bodies are very susceptible to thoughts transmitted through the mental bodies. That is why they advise people with health problems to work with mantras, mentally formulate positive attitudes for recovery and repeat them.

plant aura

Many plants and trees emit energy that is similar in structure to the energy of etheric bodies. Maybe that's why plants help people to some extent replenish their energy reserves. The main thing here is to choose the right tree or plant that will bring you the maximum benefit. This can be done on an intuitive level.

If you feel that energy is leaving you, get out into nature. Spend a few hours in the forest or in the park, absorb the beneficial energy that nature will give you. Gather a bunch of wildflowers. Let it sit in your room for a few days. Purchase an aromatic oil made from a plant you love. You can use it to massage, take baths, fill aromatic lamps with it. Finally, choose for yourself a strengthening collection of medicinal herbs. All this will help you restore energy and return to a fulfilling life.

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