Average and maximum human running speed and world record. The fastest people in the world

Human running speed is another characteristic by which competitions can be held. Today there are such concepts as average running speed, maximum and record.

Running speed of an ordinary person

The most ordinary healthy person, who has no contraindications to fast running, can show his speed data at a sprint distance of 100 meters.

After the race, your legs will hurt, this is natural. Usually the time for such an unprepared person to run a hundred meters ranges from 13 to 15 seconds.

Of course, people who are overweight, elderly or have any diseases are able to show much more modest results. And not everyone who walks normally can run.

A healthy person after a month of training noticeably improves his performance. His time can be already 11.5-12 seconds (we are talking about an adult). Further, if you practice steadily and diligently, gradually this time will be reduced by tenths, then by hundredths of a second. What if you become a new world record holder?

Max speed

The maximum running speed will differ depending on the discipline in which the athlete participates. That is, athletes and runners show different speeds at different distances. The longer the marathon and the longer the distance, the lower the maximum speed will be.

Maximum loads very quickly deplete the reserves of our body. And if a marathon runner takes off at the very beginning of the distance, then he is unlikely, in general, to have enough strength to complete the competition.

That is why athletes who can run fast enough run long distances much more slowly than we might think.

It is more correct to speak about maximum speeds at sprint distances. About medium - on long.

The maximum possible (record) human speed for today is 44.7 km/h. It was shown by the holder of the record for running 100 and 200 meters, Usain Bolt - the fastest man in the world.

Prior to this, several times during the 20th century, various runners entered the record book, but Bolt pushed them aside. Perhaps this is due to the system for fixing the results - after all, today is the age of electronic technology.

Bolt's record at a distance of 100 meters is 9.58 seconds, and 200 - 19.19 seconds.

Average running speed

This indicator can be used to compare the speed characteristics of long-distance runners. Although it is much more convenient to talk about the time for which the distance has been covered.

Men who have the first adult rank in running show the following results:

  • 10 km - 18.5 km / h.
  • 42.2 km - 16.1 km / h.

Masters of sports of international class show results that are 3 km / h higher than the above.

By the way, Usain Bolt's average sprint speed is 37 km/h over a distance of 100 meters. Let me remind you that the fastest run in the sprint belongs to him.

The fastest 42.2 km race in 2013 was by Wilson Kipsang, who accelerated sharply after 35 km, running at that pace until the finish line. Apparently, the athlete has found a good way to save energy. His result is 2 hours 3 minutes and 23 seconds, for a total of 7403 seconds. Accordingly, his average speed at a distance of 42.2 was 20.5 km/h, which is 1 km/h higher than that of an international master of sports.

What does running performance depend on?

Indicators of the average running speed of a person depend on his physical capabilities: state of health, physiology, level of training.

Diseases and injuries

Past illnesses have a negative impact on speed characteristics. For example, fractures, injuries, operations leave their imprints. The more serious the health problem, the slower the run.

By the way, when running, depending on its speed, various processes occur in the body. That is, fast and slow running affects our health in different ways. High speed is needed for records, and slow running is called wellness.

Fast running is prohibited for people who have had a myocardial infarction. And even the most healthy people from this category face one physiological difficulty. The heart partially loses its main ability - to pump blood efficiently. For those who have suffered a heart attack, it is best to do a healing slow run after rehabilitation or.

Lung problems also have a negative impact on speeds, reducing the degree of oxygen absorption by the body.

limb length

Most people think that long legs are the key to high speeds. After all, the step becomes wider and these very steps need to be done less. If you look at the new record holder - Bolt, you can be sure of this. He is 195 cm tall and weighs 95 kg. Despite his large size, he was faster than all the other athletes. Who knows, maybe soon there will be a champion with a height of more than 2 meters.

At long distances, high growth is not so critical. Although it seems logical: the higher the growth, the more resistance the air exerts while running. Wilson Kipsang is 1.82 meters tall. This is also a lot, nevertheless - Wilson is the record holder at a distance of 42.2 km.

Athlete weight

A lot of weight matters only if it is excessive. Physiologically, sprinters are somewhat heavier than marathon runners. The former have more pronounced muscles, because it is it that allows you to develop maximum effort in a short time. The latter are aimed at endurance, and each additional kilogram will significantly complicate the passage of a long distance.

In the case of Bolt, his 95 kg does not prevent him from being the fastest in the world, because this is his physiological norm. But he doesn't run marathons.

Wilson Kipsang is slightly taller than average, but his weight is only 62 kg. It is understandable, long races do not allow him to gain mass. At long distances, gravity becomes a tangible adversary. The less a marathon runner weighs, the faster and easier he will run the distance.

We conclude that sprinters need to be strong and long-legged for greater speed. And marathon runners are light and hardy.


Genetics plays a big role in our body. Metabolic rate, speed, anaerobic threshold and aerobic endurance, body susceptibility to training. All these parameters will determine your speed ceiling.

Good afternoon, my dear readers! The section "Projects" continues to issue material about the very best. Do you know who is the fastest person in the world? Who over and over again occupies the highest step of the podium at the Olympics and whose record do all athletes strive for? Read, and in your piggy bank of knowledge will noticeably increase.

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How to run to be the best?

The fastest athletes are determined by speed at a distance of one hundred meters. It is believed that this distance is enough for a person to show his running capabilities to the maximum.

Sprint sprint competitions have existed since ancient times. True, then no one timed the seconds, and until the 19th century timekeeping with fixing the speed was not carried out. It was enough just to come first, and no one was interested in what time. Chronophotography appeared only in 1887.

If earlier athletes ran on uneven surfaces and in leather sandals, which rubbed their legs into the blood, then by 1912 the organizers of the Olympiads created more comfortable conditions, which are already close to today.

It was from this date that seconds began to be officially recorded. And at these competitions, the American runner Donald Lippicnott ran the fastest 100-meter distance, setting the world's first running record of 10.6 seconds.

The struggle for every fraction of a second became the ultimate dream for all athletes, and in 1932 they showed the same time of 10.38 seconds. American athletes Olan and Metcalf, and in 1936, during the Olympics in Berlin, the black Owens entered the podium, who set a new world record of 10.2 seconds, which lasted for 20 years!

Only in 1956, and again an American, Williams overcame the hundred meters in 10.1 seconds. The well-established monopoly of American sprinters was broken by the German athlete Hari, who ran to the finish line in 10.0 seconds.

The 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City introduced an electronic stopwatch to fix records, capable of counting to an accuracy of 0.001 fractions of a second, and it was this that allowed Jim Hines to record a new result of 9.95 seconds. This world victory lasted 15 years on the Olympus and was pushed up by Calvin Smith in 1983, who reached the finish line two hundredths of a second faster.

Lewis became the new running champion four years later at the Seoul Olympics, proving that 100 meters can be run in 9.92.

The 1991 Athletic Run in New York was truly great in terms of results: 6 runners completed the 100-meter race at once in less than 10 seconds, and the first of the first was Lero Burrell with his 9.90 seconds, who subsequently lost the palm, but returned the title in 1994 -m, “making” the distance in 9.85.

For three years since 1999, Maurice Greene's new result of 9.79 seconds held until it was improved by Tim Montgomery, who proved that without doping you can cover the distance in 9.78 seconds.

Since the 2000s, the 100-meter distances have been "made" by the Jamaicans. 2005 - 9.77 seconds for Asaphe Powell, 2008 - a world record 9.72 "in the legs" for Usain Bolt, who a year later set a result unattainable today in 9.58 seconds, firmly securing the title of the fastest.

Living legend of athletics

Today, the name of Usain Bolt is known to everyone who is at least somehow interested in athletics. The maximum speed that he is able to develop is 37.578 kilometers per hour!

The current "speed engine" was born in 1986 in Jamaica, becoming famous and knowing how to become the fastest at the age of 15 when he won the international running tournament. Then he put three medals into his piggy bank at once: two silver and one gold.

Today it is a 9-time Olympic winner, 11-time world champion, holder of 8 world records, sharing the third place in the number of Olympic gold received and the first to receive 11 gold medals in world championships.

The fastest sprinter in the history of mankind managed to get gold in sprints for three Olympics in a row:

  1. in Beijing in 2008,
  2. in London in 2012
  3. in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

For his crazy speed, he received the nickname "lightning", and it seems to me, absolutely deserved.

Only a cheetah can overtake the great Bolt, running a hundred meters in 5.95 seconds! The Jamaican athlete has something to strive for.

The phenomenon of an athlete from Jamaica, of course, began to be studied by scientists who decided that the runner's engines are his genetics, great growth, as well as special super fast muscle cells. Just judge, the length of his running step is at least 2.6 meters!

Rumor has it that Bolt made a leap into the sporting future, improving the record by 0.14 seconds at once in just over a year, when, on average, athletes improved the 100-meter dash only once every 10 years, and then by 0.05 seconds. Scientists did not expect such a result from athletes for another thirty years!

And many simply believe that there is no need to look for the causes of phenomenality: nature has awarded Bolt with unique abilities, endurance and talent.

Among other things, Usain Bolt is a nature lover who took under his care a three-month-old Kenyan cheetah, left without parents by the will of poachers, giving him the name Lightning. Every year the runner transfers money for his maintenance in the shelter.

The athlete is also an ardent fan of the Manchester United football team, expressing the hope of becoming its player after the end of his career as a runner. His speed and agility could benefit football, according to the athlete himself.

In general, Bolt, like all the inhabitants of Jamaica, is a cheerful, charming person, often making faces to the public, even playing pantomimes on treadmills.

But to all questions about how to become the fastest, “lightning” - the icon of sports sprint answers: “Hard training and the desire to win!”.

Where else can you be the fastest?

If the treadmills of the Olympiads are conquered by the Jamaicans, then the Japanese set unusual records in the 100-meter race “to whom for”. So in 2005, the 95-year-old athlete Haraguchi alone ran the distance in 18.4 seconds, since there were no more rivals. The Guinness record was set by the athlete Miyazaki, who ran the 100 meters at 105 in 42.22 seconds. Agree, worthy results!

In fact, you can be fast not only in running!

    • The fastest performer of "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the guitar is the Brazilian Thiago Della. The virtuoso mastered the musical instrument at the age of five and today plays at a speed of 750 sounds per minute.
    • Can you type quickly on a computer keyboard? But the secretary from Japan Miit knocks on the keys for 100 stamps in 20 seconds.
    • When you watch concerts and performances, you applaud. But they never even thought about whether it can be done quickly. And try! American Ken French is the fastest clapping - 14 times in 1 second! He even has his own clapping technique. See how he does it. Maybe you can too)

  • Are you familiar with the Rubik's Cube? There are even competitions to see who can collect the fastest. So, the first among the collectors is the Japanese Shotaro Makisumi. His world record is 12.34 seconds.

It would seem that human capabilities are not unlimited, but as scientists say, there is still something to strive for. The docks of medicine want to grow ultra-fast athletes and are waiting for the ultimate world record of 9.37 seconds, however, only after 500 years. Therefore, hold on!

Right now you can try to super-quickly subscribe to blog news and be added to our VKontakte group)

And I say goodbye to you. I don’t promise to run, but perhaps I can try to clap quickly or tap on the keyboard to write you new interesting material!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich)

People have always wanted to test their strength, to achieve the highest results in literally everything, including sports competitions. Despite his desires, man is a rather slow creature.

Most animals, especially large ones, can easily escape from it. Nevertheless, the title of the fastest runner deserves special attention, because for many of us his records are something unattainable. Who is considered the fastest in the world?

Who was the first fastest runner in the world?

Running competitions on our planet have been held for a very long time. The progenitor of athletics was the Ancient Olympiad, first held in the Peloponnese back in the 8th century BC. Modern world achievements in sports began to be recorded in the middle of the 19th century.

Then the IAAF sports institute appeared in the UK, which began to measure the best time in running based on 1 mile. In 1914, a unified procedure for fixing records around the world was established.

Since the greatest possibilities of runners are revealed when moving over a distance of 100 meters, over time, this particular test has been recognized as a classic. Donald Lippincott became the first fastest runner in the 100m.

During the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912, he set the first world record, breaking the distance in 10.6 seconds. In the future, he was never able to improve his achievements in the 100 meters, but three years later he set a new record in relay competitions.

Who is the fastest runner today?

Over the past century, many other athletes have appeared in athletics who have shown the best results. Lippinkot's record has been broken on numerous occasions.

Today, the fastest runner in the world is the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt. During his sports career, he managed to become the absolute champion of the Olympics 6 times and win the World Championship 11 times.

During his performances, Bolt set 8 records, not only in the 100-meter distance, but also in the 200-meter race and in the 4x100 relay. Thanks to his fantastic abilities, he became the first athlete in the history of Jamaica with the most gold medals and received the unspoken nickname Lightning.

How fast is the fastest runner running?

Usain Bolt's peak speed was recorded at the Beijing Olympics. The athlete managed to overcome the hundred-meter race with a maximum speed of 12.2 meters per second (43.9 km / h). To run the distance, he needed to take only 41 steps, while other athletes need 2-3 steps more.

The following year, taking part in the World Championships in Berlin, Bolt set the last world record, which has not yet been broken by anyone. Moving at the highest speed of up to 12.42 meters per second, he ran a distance of 100 meters in 9.58 seconds.

Based on kilometers, it turns out that Bolt is able to move at a speed of about 44.72 km / h. This is an incredible amount for a person, although animals still run faster.

For example, a hare can reach speeds of up to 55 km / h, and a cheetah even more - up to 115 km / h.

What determines Bolt's speed when running?

The Usain Bolt phenomenon has been scrutinized. According to the results of the research, scientists concluded that the main reason for such a high speed of an athlete lies in his genetics.

Jamaica was once the center of the slave trade, where people were brought from West Africa, and this region is considered the birthplace of many of the best sprinters in the world. In addition, Usain Bolt can develop such speed due to the peculiarities of his muscular system and running technique.

During the movement, it produces a low rise in the hips, so it can save more energy and use it to push off the ground.

Is it possible to break the record for the fastest runner?

Despite the fact that Usain Bolt is considered the fastest runner, there are actually people who move even faster. To date, at least two athletes are known to have broken the Jamaican record unofficially.

At the 1964 Olympics, athlete Bob Hayes covered the 100-meter distance in just 8.5 seconds, which was recorded by a manual stopwatch. In 2011, at a competition in Brussels, Jamaican runner Johan Blake raced the 200 meters in 19.26 seconds, while showing a slow reaction at the start. As a result, it was calculated that he would have overcome the hundred meters in 9.49 seconds.

And running in particular is very popular among sports fans all over the world. Many even call athletics the Queen of Sports. But who were the most famous runners in the world and Russia, let's see.

It will be about incredible speed and about the most on our planet. All of them adequately invested in the development of the sports movement. We have selected a list of the most famous athletes, whose records will be around for many years to come.

Famous athletes and record holders

Usain Bolt

Perhaps the most famous modern runner comes from Jamaica. is a 6-time Olympic champion, as well as an 8-time world champion. Throughout his career, he has set eight record achievements. This athlete for a record 9.58 seconds.

Michael Dwayne Johnson

This native of Dallas, USA, preferred two hundred meters and. He managed to become the winner of the Olympics 4 times and get the world championship 9 times.

Tyson Gay

The athlete from Kentucky was born in 1982. Tyson overcomes the hundred meters in 9.69 seconds, and is second only to Usain Bolt in speed - 19.58 seconds and this is the fifth fastest in the world.

Milka Singh

Milka, who was nicknamed "the flying Singham" for his skills, was born in India in the thirties. He became famous taking first place in the 400m race in Britain in 1958. He was also the first participant in this competition, as a resident of the independent Indian government, to receive a gold medal and the only male Indian to win gold as an athlete. He also won a gold medal at the Asian Games twice. The runner took part in the Olympics several times, but he never managed to set records there.

Asafa Powell

Also a Jamaican athlete who became the champion at the 2008 Olympics and the world champion in 2009. The former world record is 9.72 seconds.

Maurice Green

An athlete from Kansas City, many times was the champion of the Olympics, as well as world competitions. Set a record in the hundred meters - 9.79 seconds. Maurice Greene holds the world record for indoor races.

Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis

A native of Alabama, he became the champion of the Olympics nine times and eight times the world champion in long jump and. Few people, except Lewis, managed to win gold four times in a row at the Olympics in different years. He was recognized as the best athlete in athletics three times.

Nesta Carter

The athlete, originally from Jamaica, was born in 1985. He is a two-time Olympic.

Nickel Ashmead

The athlete was born in 1990, and became the world champion in 2013, winning the relay. In 2013, he participated in the world championship in the Russian capital. In addition, there he managed to improve his own record in the semi-finals of the World Cup - 9.90.

Famous Russian runners

Alexander Brednev

Alexander is included in the list of the most famous Russian athletes, thanks to his fast run. Soon he won the Russian championship, running the hundred meters in 10.38 seconds. In addition, Brednev is an indoor 60m champion.

Alexander Brednev

Svetlana Masterkova

Svetlana is also included in the list of the most famous Russian athletes. She started her career in racing. The athlete became famous for winning the last championship of the Soviet Union, before its collapse. However, after that, Svetlana's career did not continue as brightly. She took eighth place at the World Championships, after which she was injured, and then went on maternity leave. However, with the help of her husband, the athlete managed to return to world sports again and become a champion. Immediately after announcing her return, Masterkova wins the Russian championship in the 800 meters, as well as gets gold at a distance of one and a half kilometers. These victories allowed her to enter the Olympic competitions, where, in other matters, no one expected miracles from her.

Svetlana Masterkova

However, to everyone's surprise, she triumphantly completed two races, where she was able to bypass other favorite athletes. Svetlana managed to come out as a winner both times, leading from the very start to the finish line. After a sensational triumph at the Atlanta Olympics, Mastrekova continued her success in subsequent competitions. Her superior skills allowed her become a world record holder twice whose records have yet to be broken. Unfortunately, at the next Sydney Olympics, the athlete did not manage to prove herself due to an injury. Having completed her career in sports, the famous runner did not become inactive, but applied her abilities in another area. Now Svetlana Masterkova is a deputy of the Moscow Municipal Council, and also holds a leading position in the Athletics Federation.

Video. The best 100m runner ever

Who and what is capable of moving on our planet and beyond it the fastest? HowStuffWorks journalists have compiled the top 10 fastest things known to man today.

In modern physics, it is believed that speed of light in vacuum is the maximum speed of matter particles. Light is studied by scientists as electromagnetic waves or as a stream of photons - elementary particles whose rest mass is equal to zero. These particles can only move at the speed of light and cannot be at rest.

Today it is accepted that the speed of light in vacuum is a constant physical quantity equal to 299 792 458 m/s, or 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes and 19 seconds to cover a distance of 150 million kilometers and reach the Earth.

In this material, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with everything "the fastest" that is known to mankind today.

The fastest man on the planet

The title of the fastest man on the planet belongs to the legendary Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt. He set current world records in the 100 meters (9.58 s; Berlin, 2009), 200 meters (19.19 s; Berlin, 2009) and 4x100 meters (36.84 s, London, 2012). The athlete accelerated to maximum speed 37.578 km/h.

Former IOC President Jacques Rogge called Bolt a phenomenon in the sport at the time. " Bolt shows these results because he is a phenomenon in terms of genetics and body structure.", the official noted.

The record run of the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt in the 100 meters haunted scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. They decided to create a mathematical model of a runner and find out what allowed the athlete to run a hundred meters in 9.58.

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Bolt's tall height (195 cm) makes him a tall athlete. On the one hand, it gives an advantage when running, allowing you to take big steps. On the other hand, the athlete experiences more air resistance. Using data from the International Association of Athletics Federations, whose experts used a laser to measure the position of an athlete every 0.1 seconds, scientists calculated that over the course of their record run, more than 92% of energy expended The bolt was spent on overcoming the force of air resistance. Mathematicians compared Bolt's result, shown at the Beijing Olympiad (9.69), with the record of 2009. According to their calculations, without a tailwind in Berlin, which was 0.9 meters per second, Bolt would have come running later, but still would have set a new world record - 9.68 seconds.

The fastest animals

On the ground

The fastest land animal is cheetah. There is evidence in the scientific literature that these felines can develop maximum speed 105 km/h.

To track the movement of cheetahs in the Botswana savanna, scientists have developed a special collar equipped with a GPS module, gyroscopes and an accelerometer. The device was equipped with solar panels that charged the battery during the daytime. Biologists observed the life of five cheetahs for 17 months.

The highest speed recorded during the work of zoologists turned out to be less than previously measured in zoos (93 versus 105 kilometers per hour).

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In water

Able to move faster in water sailboat. This predatory fish lives in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It can reach speeds up to 100 km/h. During a series of tests conducted at the Long Key fishing camp (Florida, USA), the sailboat swam 91 meters in 3 seconds ( 109 km/h).

Sailfish during movement practically does not create friction with water. This is achieved thanks to a special coating in the form of furrows of small outgrowths where water is retained. In fact, it is this water that comes into contact with sea water, and not the body of the fish itself. In addition, the body is perfectly streamlined. All this allows the fish to reach such a high speed of movement.

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In the air

The fastest planet

As you know, the earth year lasts 365 days - during this period of time our planet makes a complete revolution around the sun. For comparison, Mercury needs 88 days for this, and Neptune 6000 days.

In 2013, using the Kepler space telescope, astronomers managed to detect an exoplanet Kepler-78b. It moves in an orbit 40 times smaller than the orbit of Mercury - the radius of this orbit is only three times the radius of the star itself. Kepler-78b makes a complete revolution around its star in just 8.5 hours and is the main contender for the title of the fastest known planet.

Scientists consider Kepler-78b a real mystery. " We don't know how it formed or how it got to where it is today. All we know is that she won't last long", - says astronomer David Latham. Exoplanet researchers believe that Kepler-78b " will soon fall on a star".

It is worth noting the existence of another candidate for the title of the fastest planet. This is the planet KOI 1843.03, also discovered with the Kepler telescope. Scientists suggest that a year on this planet lasts only 4.5 hours.

The fastest toilet

Perhaps the strangest participant in this ranking is the "fastest" toilet. The official website of the Guinness Book of Records says that the record belongs to the toilet Bog Standard presented on March 10, 2011 in Milan. It is a motorcycle with a sidecar, equipped with a bathtub, a sink and a basket for dirty laundry. The structure is able to move at speed 68 km/h.

However, in May 2013, British self-taught inventor Colin Furze demonstrated a toilet on wheels that he designed, which can reach speeds of up to 88 km/h. It took Ferza about a month to create the "miracle technique". An unusual vehicle is equipped with a 140 cubic centimeter engine.

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The fastest wind

For a long time, a small mountain in New Hampshire (1917 meters above sea level) was considered the place where the highest wind speed on Earth was recorded. In April 1934, on Mount Washington, gusts of wind reached 372 km/h.

In 2010, the automatic weather station on Barrow Island off the coast of Australia recorded record wind speeds - 407 km/h. This is when it comes to our planet.

Michigan State University researchers using the Chandra X-ray Space Observatory have detected the fastest "wind" in the universe blowing from the disk that surrounds the stellar-mass black hole IGR J17091-3624. Stellar-mass black holes are born from the collapse of very massive stars. As a rule, they weigh 5-10 times more than the Sun.

The wind moves at a speed of about 32,000,000 km/h(about 3% of the speed of light). While studying the black hole IGR J17091-3624, scientists also came to an unexpected conclusion: the wind can carry away more material than the black hole has time to capture. " Contrary to popular belief that black holes absorb all the material that approaches them, according to our estimates, up to 95% of the material in the disk around IGR J17091 is thrown into the wind" said lead researcher Ashley King.

The fastest birth

Of course, today we cannot know exactly when the fastest births actually occurred, because since time immemorial people have not kept a record of such things. Nevertheless, history knows several cases when childbirth occurred incredibly quickly.

The first such incident occurred in 2007. British Palak Weiss gave birth to a perfectly healthy girl weighing three and a half kilograms in 2 minutes. The doctors did not even have time to give the thirty-year-old woman in labor an anesthetic, because already 120 seconds after the waters broke, a baby named Vedika was born. Interestingly, while the happy parents were trying to register this achievement, their record was broken by a few seconds by another woman from the UK.

When in 2009 the British Catherine Allen began regular contractions, she and her husband began to rush to the hospital. But, while Katherine was going down the stairs, her waters broke - and then a 3.8-kilogram girl appeared in the light, finding herself in the leg of her mother's sports trousers. Then it was reported that the birth happened so quickly that the woman did not feel any pain.

The fastest production car

American supercar Hennessey Venom GT on February 14, 2014 on the NASA runway at Cape Canaveral accelerated to 435.31 km/h.

The speed record among production cars was recorded by an authoritative telemetry system. However, the Guinness Book of Records does not recognize this achievement. For the official record, it was necessary to drive in two directions, after which the average speed is calculated. But the Space Center authorities did not allow the Hennessey Venom GT to pass the runway in the opposite direction. In addition, in order to be called a production car according to the rules of the Guinness Book of Records, 30 cars must be produced, and only 29 units were assembled for the Hennessey Venom GT.

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Speaking of the fastest cars, one cannot help but remember the jet car. Thrust SSC, equipped with two Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines with a capacity of 110 thousand horsepower. On October 15, 1997, at the bottom of a dry lake in Nevada, Andy Green accelerated his Thrust SSC to 1227.985 km/h. For the first time, a ground vehicle broke the sound barrier.

Fighter pilot Andy Green later told the story of his record this way: " Before me was the largest tachometer with a scale from 0 to 1000 miles per hour (0-1600 kilometers per hour). When the engine started, I realized that it was not so easy to keep a ten-ton monster that flies at the speed of a rocket on a straight line. My butt was ten centimeters off the ground and it was a terrible feeling. The car went with crazy acceleration, increasing the speed from 320 to 960 kilometers per hour in less than twenty seconds. At around 900 kilometers per hour it got even worse, the car became almost uncontrollable. I remember the eerie howl of air waves forming over the cockpit, I remember the ground rushing under me at incredible speed. I drove a kilometer in three seconds. It was the most wonderful adventure of my life.".

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The real ground speed record belongs to an unmanned vehicle - a rail sled. This is a platform that slides along a special rail track with the help of a rocket engine. She does not have wheels, instead of them special skids are used, which follow the contour of the rails and do not allow the platform to fly off.

April 30, 2003 at Holloman Air Force Base in the United States, the rail sled accelerated to incredible 10,430 km/h(!).

The fastest object in the universe

One of the fastest objects in our universe was accidentally discovered by astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Scientists studied the jet - a jet of matter, which "spits out" a black hole in the center of the M87 galaxy.

Active giant elliptical galaxy M87. A relativistic jet erupts from the center of the galaxy. The second jet may exist, but is not visible from Earth. Image: wikipedia.org

Scientists believe that the plasma stream escaping from the center of the galaxy moves in a spiral at a speed of 1024 km / s ( 3,686,400 km/h), forming a cone expanding away from the black hole. This character of motion serves as proof that the plasma moves along twisted magnetic field lines.

The M87 galaxy is located in the constellation Virgo at the center of a cluster of about two thousand galaxies, located 50 million light-years from us. The black hole at the center of M87 is several billion times larger than our Sun.

Previously, scientists have compiled from images taken by the Hubble telescope over 13 years of observations, a video that shows how a black hole in the center of the galaxy M87 throws out a jet of hot gas 5 thousand light years long.

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The fastest internet

As reported on the official website of the Guinness Book of Records, citing data from Cisco, the fastest Internet is available to residents of South Korea. Cisco experts recorded the average data download speed in this country in 33.5 Mbps.

Last year, a 75-year-old resident of the Swedish city of Karlstad named Sigbritt Lotberg became known to the world as the owner of the world's fastest Internet connection - the speed reaches 40 Gbps. Such a gift to an elderly woman was made by her son Peter, who thus tried to convince Internet providers to invest in the development of high-speed communication channels.

Peter Lotberg works for Cisco. He developed a technology that made it possible to transmit a signal between routers over a distance of up to 2000 km without the participation of intermediary equipment. With a relatively small investment, Peter provided his mother with access to the World Wide Web at breathtaking speed. Thus, he showed that cheap and at the same time ultra-fast Internet is quite possible.

The fastest superhero

Most of the things presented in this rating are called the fastest because they have officially registered records or educated guesses. Determining the fastest superhero is the hardest.

Comic book fans might assume that Flash should be the clear winner. Publisher DC Comics positions its superhero as the fastest person. He is able to reach the speed of light. More precisely, a speed 13 trillion times the speed of light. This means that it can move not only to any point on Earth in a fraction of a second, but to any point in the Universe.

But do not forget about the popular hero of Marvel Comics - the Silver Surfer. He can move in hyperspace, that is, faster than light.

Silver Surfer. Image: Marvel Comics

The debate about who is the fastest superhero continues to this day.
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