Draw a five-story house. How to draw a house with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw a Cat's house, a winter house, voluminous, multi-storey? How to draw a house

Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide from this world there. I will tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is a permanent abode of people and all the good things they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited Internet and a cat. Carefully protected by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. On the territory of Rashka, most often it is a communal apartment in Khrushchev, less often - an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this can be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant renovations and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty to the exterior. Grants protection from acid rain and petty brawl hurricanes, as well as from Gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific type of houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital, Kashchenko) - The habitat of creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for experimenting on people healing and healing of the soul. Settlement by special invitations.
  • White House . A pumped version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, he spreads democracy around the world, absolutely free of charge, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • Dom-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's level the building a bit, add some formal bushes around and tweak the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add a design to this hut, a beautiful porch and a facade ornament.
Step four. Now let's draw a few windows in front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. Still need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.
This is how my house will look, and what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work below this article. It will be useful for you to know more.

Before you start drawing a house, you need to carefully lookon it: is it high or low, where is the door located, how many windows are in the house, how many floors. Let's look at the roof of the house. Let's start the work by drawing the general shape of the house, from its facade (that is, the view of the house when you look at it directly and see only one wall and roof). We outline the height and length of the house, the size of the window and its place. We will do the same with the door. Make sure that the lines of the windows, the lower edge of the roof and the base of the house are horizontal. Windows can be drawn in the form of cells in straight lines from top to bottom and from left to right.

If we draw
multi-storey building, then note that the windows are on the same vertical
lines (top row above bottom). In addition, all windows of one floor are
usually at the same height, on the same horizontal line.
How best to place a house on a sheet
paper so that it is not very small: in the length of the sheet or in the width?

When we draw people, we think
how big should they be compared to the house. look at the pictures and
tell me where the artist drew correctly and where not.

A house is an architectural structure, so when drawing it in stages, you first need to build a general drawing of the house, and only then start "building" and adding other parts of the house to the picture. When drawing a house, you cannot do without a ruler, and, of course, a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately measure the height, width, etc. using a ruler.
The house can be depicted in different ways, for example, make a roof of tiles, draw double doors, or add a fireplace chimney lined with bricks. Draw these "little things" according to your desire, but any house must have a foundation, walls, a roof and doors with windows. If you follow these rules, then the lesson how to draw a house it will be very easy for you.

1. General drawing of the house

To create a drawing of a house, first draw a rectangle. Measure more than half of the space inside it and draw a vertical line at this point. She will divide the house into two parts, an entrance hall and a living room. The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to see the proportions of the house, my drawing does not have to be copied, you can choose a different layout of the house for your drawing.

2. Contours of the roof and doors

Inside the left half of the house, draw, in the middle of the roof line, the point of its top. From the end of the right line, draw a horizontal line all the way to the end of the house itself, this will separate the roof from the walls. On the right side of the picture, draw a rectangle for the future door.

3. How to draw windows

You see that by drawing a house in stages, with the help of a ruler, everything turns out quickly and evenly. And as soon as you draw the windows and the foundation, the picture of the house will be almost ready. At the bottom of the picture, draw a line for the foundation, it must be in any house. Circle the contours of the roof with additional parallel lines. In the living room, draw two rectangles for the windows.

4. Adding More Detail to the Drawing of the House

Now you need to slightly "cut" the roof on both sides, making a slight slope for it. The roofs of houses are rarely straight, builders are always trying to give it an interesting, unusual shape. "Cut" the roof with oblique lines in two places. Circle the windows and the door with additional lines along the contour. At the bottom of the house, add another plane for its bottom. Near the dividing vertical line, draw a rectangle with a small other rectangle on top, this shape will serve as a chimney. Draw a line connecting the roof to the wall on the left side under the roof.

5. How to draw a house. The final stage

Make parallel lines on the front of the roof with a pencil to create the effect of laid out boards. Draw jumpers in the windows. Draw a doorway from two halves. At the bottom of the entrance, draw a threshold. "Make" the foundation of brick, dividing the general contour into cells. The roof also needs to be decorated. It is best to draw the details of the tiles for this. It takes a little effort, but house drawing will be more beautiful. The chimney will also be made of brick.

Video of drawing a country house in 3D perspective.

6. Color picture of the house

When drawing a house, one cannot do without the surrounding landscape, consisting of trees, grass, blue sky, bright yellow of the sun, domestic animals, people, etc. Be sure to color the picture of the house at your discretion with colored pencils or paints.

Drawing a house, a castle is a good lesson for learning to draw. With an ordinary simple pencil, you will gradually learn how to draw the proportions of the building, create a perspective for the landscape surrounding the house, learn how to add volume to the walls with the help of shadows and lines.

The tree quite often becomes the object of children's drawings. After all, what is the drawing of a house without trees. But a tree is not as easy to draw as it seems, so it is better for novice artists to draw a tree in stages and at first with a simple pencil.

It is beautiful when trees grow near the house, flower beds are broken. When drawing a house, be sure to draw flowers nearby.

First of all, a few tips on drawing technique. Some people have a habit of drawing broken lines, and sometimes tracing them. Try to learn how to draw lines in one motion, don't be afraid to make a mistake.

A beloved cat at home on the couch, a cat in boots from a favorite fairy tale or a beloved cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures can be a good decoration for a child's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

St. Bernard is a bad guard at home, but a reliable friend. He will not diligently bark at a stranger who has come into the house, but he will save a person covered with a snow avalanche. In this lesson, we will learn how to draw a St. Bernard dog step by step with a pencil.

Hello! Today we present you a new step-by-step drawing lesson, in which we distance ourselves a little from drawing living beings and pay attention to architecture. As you have seen in the title, the topic of today's lesson is how to draw a house, let's get started and start drawing!

Step 1

Our house today will look like a hugely popular townhouse in the West - a neat, compact house that is designed for a large family. Therefore, it will look more complicated than the traditional hut, which comes to mind as an association with the phrase how to draw a house.

Draw such houses as in our example, starting from the bottom. To make it more convenient for you, we decided to highlight the part that should be drawn very first:

If there are no highlight lines, the first step should look like this:

Step 2

There are a lot of steps here, however, we will use the same markup as in the previous step so you don't get confused. In red, we marked the places that should be drawn first. The number 1 marked the columns, the number 2 - the cornice. The lines may not be very straight right now, the main thing is that you have a clear idea of ​​​​their location.

Without this markup, the drawing for this step looks like this:

Step 3

Now the time has come for strict, even lines, and here you need to draw very carefully. Our artist loves to detail the drawings from top to bottom. So, let's draw the roof with several even, symmetrical lines. Keep the three-dimensional effect in drawing the cornice, paying attention to the lower part, and also correctly outline the corner on the right.

In this part of our lesson, we will draw the shutters and the window. Please note that it has a pair of transverse lines, and not one, as is found in stereotypical drawings of houses.

Step 4

Quite a short step. Here we will draw the part of the upper floor to the left of us, do not forget the semicircle in the center of this part, carefully shade it. Moreover, the shading should be intense in the lower part - well, you can see it for yourself. Then we will work on the windows, draw and carefully shade the shutters.

Step 5

Let's draw the porch of our house - the roof, columns, cornice and door - everything except the handle door should be absolutely symmetrical. Naturally, we mean symmetry with respect to the porch, and not the whole house.

Step 6

To the right of the porch is a veranda, draw it. Here we can see a window, cornices and columns. Symmetry and clarity of lines should be preserved everywhere.

Step 7

Now it's the turn of the part of the house, which is located to the left of the porch. Wavy lines outline the contours of the bushes that grow in front of the house.

Step 8

In the end, we outline and draw a part of the house, which is located to the right of all the others.

So, let's start the creative process. Draw a rectangle first. Measure it with a ruler. You need to divide the house into two parts so that they are not even, and there is more space on one side than on the other. Draw a dividing line. Probably, now you are wondering what kind of division of the house it was. We just got two rooms. One of them will be the entrance hall, and the other - the living room.

You need to learn how to imagine the proportions of the house with the naked eye. When you draw, you can not go in cycles in my drawing, if you want, look for a different layout of the house.

2. Create the mainroof contours

On the left half of the building, you need to determine the top of the roof and mark it with a dot. Now we separate the walls from the roof, for this we will draw a horizontal line (it can be pulled to the end of the building). Draw a rectangle on the right, it will become the front door in the future.

Now you don’t wonder why you needed a ruler, because you realized that with its help it’s very easy to draw a house. By doing the task in stages, everything goes smoothly, and the work moves quickly.

To make our house look like a real one, then you need to draw windows, and then proceed to the foundation. The picture will be almost ready soon.

You should draw a line at the bottom of the image. It will serve as the foundation. Now you need to outline the contours of the roof. You need to do this by drawing additional lines. We need to draw two rectangles, they will be in the living room and are designed for windows.

4. Beforedraw somedetailand

We have to "cut" the roof a little. We do this on both sides. As we know, the roof should be drawn with a slight slope. Of course, the roof can be made straight, but I think if we give it a slope, it will turn out interesting and unusual. Now "cut" our roof with oblique lines. You need to do this in two designated places. Then we circle the windows using additional lines. We do the same with the door.

To make the lower part of the building beautiful, we should draw an additional plane at the bottom. Now it remains to add a chimney, because you can’t do without it. We will depict the chimney in the form of two rectangles and they must be drawn near the dividing line. Then we should make a line under the roof that will connect the roof to the wall.

5. Final stage

Following my instructions, you have drawn the house step by step, but we have not yet done the facade of the roof. We carry it out with a pencil, drawing parallel lines. We should get a view of the laid out boards. Do not forget that there are jumpers in the windows, so we draw them.

Now let's start drawing the doorway. It is made from two equal halves. Of course, you should draw a threshold below, we depict it at the entrance.

Now it's time to draw the foundation. We will have it from a brick, so we divide the general contour into even cells. I propose to decorate our roof, so it will look like a real one. So, we depict the details of the tiles. It takes a little effort to complete this task. We make a chimney from bricks. Should be a nice house.

6. Let's do itpictureat cvetnoh

I think our drawing will not look beautiful without the landscape around the house. Therefore, we need to add some trees, pets, green grass, sky, sun, people. If you wish, you can create your own landscape.

And now be sure to start coloring our house. Do this with colored pencils. Who has the skills, let him take up the paint.

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