Lesson novel hero of our time content review. "A Hero of Our Time" (1) - Lesson

17.01.2017 16:26

The purpose of the lesson: initial acquaintance with the work of M. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". - to reveal the meaning of the title, the problems of the novel, the genre originality (to understand why the novel is psychological) and the system of images of the novel.

Development of skills to analyze, compare, the ability to highlight the main thing, work with text; ensure the development of students' speech during the lesson. - to carry out moral and aesthetic education.

"Lermontov Hero of our time Composition of the novel"

On the genre and composition of the novel
"Hero of our time"

How is the novel "A Hero of Our Time" constructed? It is still unclear what the chronological sequence of events in the novel is. Read the statements of the scientist and writer.

“From “Taman” there is a direct movement to “Princess Mary”, since Pechorin arrives on the waters, obviously after participating in a military expedition (in “Taman” he is an officer going to the active detachment); but between "Princess Mary" and "Fatalist" it is necessary to insert the story of Bela, since Pechorin gets into the fortress of Maxim Maksimych after a duel with Grushnitsky.

B. M. Eikhenbaum. Articles about Lermontov. 1961

"The chronological sequence of five stories, if we talk about their connection with Pechorin's biography, is as follows: "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist", "Bela", "Maxim Maksimych"".

Find time markers in each of the stories and explain what is the chronological sequence of events in the novel?

Explain why Lermontov violated the chronological sequence in the novel?

What are the features of the genre of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"? Read the statements of scientists, critics and poets.

“Yes, and is it a novel: is it possible to call a collection of stories like that -“ Bela ”,“ Makim Maksimych ”,“ Taman ”,“ Princess Mary ”,“ Fatalist ”?”

E. Gerstein. "A Hero of Our Time" by M. Yu. Lermontov. 1976

A Hero of Our Time is by no means a collection of several stories published in two books and connected by only one common title: no, it is a novel in which there is one hero and one main idea, artistically developed. Despite its episodic fragmentation, it must not be read in the order in which the author himself placed it: otherwise you will read two excellent stories and several excellent short stories, but you will not know the novel.

V. G. Belinsky. "Hero of our time".
Composition by M. Lermontov. 1840

“All former novelists are unsatisfactory for our time. Some express only the physical phenomena of human nature, others see only its spirituality. It is necessary to combine both kinds in one.

E.A. Baratynsky. Letter from I.P. Kireevsky. 1831

“The novel combines a travel essay with a Caucasian short story in Bel, travel notes with a story and a robber novel in Maxim Maksimych and Taman, a diary and a secular story in Princess Mary, notes with a philosophical and adventure novel in Fatalist ".

It was such a novel that most corresponded to the spirit of the time, the need for a merciless analysis of modern reality, in all its tragedy, and at the same time in the affirmation of the ideal.

B. T. Udodov. M. Yu. Lermontov. 1973

“The whole trick of such a composition is to bring Pechorin closer to us over and over again, until finally he himself speaks to us, but by that time he will no longer be alive ... Due to such a spiral composition, the time sequence turns out to be blurry . The stories float, unfold before us, then everything is in full view, then as if in a haze, and then suddenly, retreating, they reappear in a different perspective or lighting, just as a traveler sees a view of the five peaks of the Caucasus Range from the gorge.

V.V. Nabokov. Preface to "A Hero of Our Time". 1958

The originality of the genre and composition of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov is associated with another feature of it. A Hero of Our Time is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. Under psychologism refers to the artistic depiction of the inner world of characters, that is, their thoughts, experiences, desires, feelings. Lermontov most often uses a direct form of psychologism, a direct depiction of the inner life of a person, especially Pechorin, and conveys these processes in the form of a monologue, dialogue, psychological introspection.

Read the statements of the scientist.

“For Lermontov, it is important to discover the hidden motives of behavior, the causes of the state of mind, which led to the special structure of the narrative and, in particular, the change of narrators ...”

A. B. Esin. Psychologism of Russian literature. 1988

Reflect on this feature of the novel. How many narrators are in the novel? Why is the story told first on behalf of Maxim Maksimych, then on behalf of a passing officer who is close to Pechorin in his understanding of life, and then the hero himself tells about himself? How is such a change of narrators connected with the display of Pechorin's inner world?

Write an essay on the topic: “Why is the chronological sequence of events broken in the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”, the genres of each of the stories and their narrators change?”

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"Appendix to the summary of lesson No. 33 Roman Hero of Our Time"

The history of the creation of the novel. Features of the genre and composition.

...a sad thought about our generation...

V.G. Belinsky

From the history of the creation of the novel "A Hero of Our Time":

The only completed novel by Lermontov was not originally conceived as an integral work. In "Notes of the Fatherland" for 1839. Bela was published. From the notes of an officer about the Caucasus "and later" Fatalist "with the note that "M.Yu. Lermontov will soon publish a collection of his stories, both printed and unprinted." In 1840, "Taman" appears there, and then comes out in two parts-volumes "A Hero of Our Time". The "Collection of Stories", united by the image of the protagonist, turned out to be the first socio-psychological and philosophical novel in Russian prose, which also mastered numerous elements of dramatic action in terms of genre.

The title "Hero of Our Time" defines the main theme and problem of the work. The very title of the novel is two-part. The emphasis in it is placed on the word "hero", and on the phrase "our time". According to Belinsky, Lermontov's novel is "a sad thought about our time." The novel reveals the author's idea not only about the hero, but also about his own time. An aphoristic problematic name was proposed by an experienced journalist A.A. Kraevsky instead of the original author's "One of the heroes of our time."

    Topic :

the relationship between the individual and society, the person and the environment that brought him up (Griboyedov, Ryleev, Pushkin).


the formation of a personality, its development, the search for the meaning of life and the definition of one's destiny.


why do smart and energetic people not find use for their remarkable abilities and wither without a struggle at the very beginning of their career? (the life story of Pechorin, who belongs to the younger generation of the 30s, echoes the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe poem "Duma").

Indicate how M.Yu. Lermontov arranged the chapters of the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

How should the chapters in A Hero of Our Time be arranged in order to follow the chronological sequence of events?


events in the order in which the author reports them.

  1. "Maxim Maksimych"


    "Princess Mary"



a collection of events in their natural chronological order.


    "Princess Mary"


  1. "Maxim Maksimych"

Vocabulary work.


    predetermine, predetermine;

    destiny, rock

    in religion: the will of a deity that determines human behavior and everything that happens in the world.

Rock- unfortunate fate.

Fatalism- belief in the inevitability of fate, in the fact that everything in the world is predetermined by a mysterious force, fate.

Fatalist- a person prone to fatalism.

Based on the chronological sequence of events, the first story of the novel was supposed to be "Taman". In Taman Pechorin stops on the way from St. Petersburg to the Caucasus. Then "Princess Mary". Pechorin moves to the waters, lives in Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk, kills Grushnitsky in a duel. From "Bela" we learn that for this he was sent to the Caucasian fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych. Then - "Fatalist". Pechorin arrives at the Cossack village, meets Vulich. After living for several years in St. Petersburg, Pechorin resigns and goes to Persia. On the way, in Vladikavkaz, he meets with Maxim Maksimych and a wandering officer - this is the story "Maxim Maksimych". Returning from Persia, Pechorin dies. The narrator tells about this in the preface to Pechorin's Journal.

Problem question:

Why did Lermontov change the chronological sequence of events in the novel?
What is its purpose?

The Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is the first Russian psychological novel. As the author himself points out in the preface to Pechorin's Journal, the purpose of this work is to depict the "history of the human soul." Lermontov seeks to most fully reveal the complex and contradictory image of Pechorin, to trace the story of his inner life, and all the artistic means used by the author in writing the novel are subordinated to this task.
The first thing the reader pays attention to when reading "A Hero of Our Time" is a violation of the chronological sequence in the course of the narrative. The novel consists of descriptions of various episodes in the life of Pechorin, outwardly practically unrelated.

    to interest the reader as much as possible in the fate of Pechorin;

    trace the history of his inner life;

    the image of Pechorin is revealed in two ways: from the point of view of an outside observer and in terms of internal self-disclosure;

    with such a construction, as if leaving the hero alive, it is easier for the author to show his position.

Story: Narrator:

    "Bela" Maksim Maksimych


    "Princess Mary" Pechorin's confession-diary


An important point in revealing the composition of the "Hero of Our Time" is the one who talks about what is happening. The change of the narrator allows Lermontov to more deeply and comprehensively reveal the inner world of the hero. We get acquainted with Pechorin in "Bel". Tells about the hero Maxim Maksimych - staff - captain, who served with him for a year in the Caucasus. Maxim Maksimych is a kind man, but he is not able to understand Pechorin. The only thing he can say about him is "a nice fellow", "but with great oddities." Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin are alien to each other. They are separated not only by age and social status. Before us are people of different eras, different attitudes. The tragic love story of Pechorin, disappointment, longing strike Maxim Maksimych, but he cannot unravel the soul of his subordinate.

The reader is interested, but it is too early to draw conclusions. The author transfers the right to tell about Pechorin to a passing officer, on whose behalf the novel is narrated. This is a person who clearly understands Pechorin, they are people of the same generation, people of the same circle. The narrator is trying to understand the character of Pechorin, so he gladly takes notes from the hero himself from Maxim Maksimych.

The halo of mystery does not disappear, although we have already learned a lot about the hero. The author allows Pechorin himself to tell about himself. The novel continues Pechorin's Journal and is preceded by the author's foreword. Here we read important words: “Maybe some readers will want to know my opinion about the character of Pechorin? My answer is the title of this book." So, Pechorin is a hero of his time, a typical personality, the face of an era. However, only the confession of the hero himself will help to deeply understand him.

"Pechorin's Journal" is a kind of "novel within a novel". "Taman", "Princess Mary", "Fatalist" - "the history of the human soul, a consequence of the observations of the mind of a mature mind over itself." The confessional nature of the diary entries makes Lermontov's novel related to his lyrics. The thirst for life, the search for true values, the meaning of human existence sometimes acquire harsh and cruel forms in Pechorin's personality. Frustration, boredom, suffering are the companions of his life and the lives of people who connected their fate with him.

The final chapter "The Fatalist" at first glance seems superfluous, falling out of the regular development of the novel. But in fact, the Fatalist contains the most important idea of ​​the story, the author gradually led us to it. Pechorin moves from self-esteem to reflection on his generation. What are his thoughts? Here, Lermontov tirelessly talks about what he shouted in the Duma, which haunted him all his life, about the bitter fate of his generation: “... we ... are miserable descendants, wandering the earth without conviction and pride, without pleasure and fear, we are no longer capable of great sacrifices, either for the good of mankind, or even for our own happiness, because we know its impossibility and indifferently pass from doubt to doubt ... ".

The Fatalist takes us back to the fortress where the tragedy with Bela took place. The circle is closed. The "ring" composition emphasizes the doom of the hero. Pechorin is trying to solve the most difficult question for himself: how free a person is to control his own destiny. “And if there is definitely predestination, then why are we given will, reason?”

Thus, the peculiarity of the construction of the "Hero of Our Time" is that the plot and plot do not coincide in the work. Lermontov violates the natural chronology of events in order to gradually introduce the reader into the inner world of Pechorin, the hero of his time, which as a result is revealed precisely in the last three chapters of the novel through the protagonist's diary. The result of the philosophical reasoning of Pechorin, as well as Lermontov - his creator, is the final chapter of the work - "The Fatalist", which carries the important and in many ways final conclusions of Pechorin.

Problematic question: Is Pechorin a hero of his time?

Opinions of Lermontov's contemporaries about Pechorin:

    S. Burachek: "Pechorin is a monster", "slander on a whole generation."

    Nicholas I: "A Hero of Our Time" is an imitation of fashionable foreign novels "with an exaggerated depiction of contemptible characters."

    S. Shevyrev: the image of Pechorin “has nothing significant in itself in relation to purely Russian life ... Pechorin is only a ghost thrown back at us by the West ...”

    V. Belinsky: “Pechorin is a hero of our time”

Analysis of the image of Pechorin in the system of artistic images of the novel.

male characters in the novel.

Maksim Maksimych

Dr. Werner


Female images of the novel

Princess Mary

Attitude towards Pechorin

Pechorin's attitude to the hero

Features of romanticism in the novel

    composition (torn; in the center - a journal-confession);

    romantic traits in the character of Pechorin: an individualist hero in conflict with society;

    description of the landscape ("Taman", "Princess Mary");

    an adventurous intrigue based on tragic love (“Bela”).

Features of realism in the novel

    historicism (reflection of the hero in the era);

    typical characters in typical circumstances ("water society", highlanders, Maxim Maksimych);

    Pechorin is a representative of the best part of the noble intelligentsia!

    critical pathos: there is no ideal hero;

    psychology and reflection.

Pechorin is a hero of his time.

(Why is Pechorin an extra person? What is the tragedy of Pechorin?)

    Pechorin is a hero of the transitional period, the main feature of which was the absence of high social ideals.

It was a transitional era, when the ideals of the past were destroyed, and new ones had not yet had time to form. Pechorin just reflects that transitional state, in which “for a person everything old is destroyed, but there is no new yet, and in which a person is only the possibility of something real in the future and a perfect ghost in the present” (V. G. Belinsky)

Lermontov's characterization of his time in lyrics and in the novel.

    Pechorin is a reflective hero. Ways of revealing the complex contradictory nature of the hero: composition, psychological portrait, built on contrasts; change of narrators; Pechorin's journal.

    Unbelief, individualism, doubt as Pechorin's system of views.

    Moral principles derived by Pechorin from this system of views:

a) "... of two friends, one is always the slave of the other ..." - hence Pechorin's inability to be friends;

b) What is happiness? Saturated pride" - hence the frenzied pursuit of the "lure of passions";

c) “... I look at the suffering and joys of others only in relation to myself, as food that supports my spiritual strength” - hence egoism and indifference.

    The denial of a higher power that determines the fate of a person, the recognition of oneself as the only creator of one's destiny, the only judge over oneself:

a) he cherishes his freedom as the highest value (“... twenty times my life, even honor I will put at stake ... but I will not sell my freedom”);

b) he is absolutely free to choose actions in relation to others;

c) committing erroneous actions, he never sinned against his convictions, never violated his iron logic in thinking about them.

    The tragedy of Pechorin in his clear understanding of his inconsistency “between the depth of nature and the pitiful actions”: “... why did I live? For what purpose was I born? .. but it certainly existed, and it was true that I had a high purpose, because I feel immense strength in my soul ... ".

    Is it Pechorin's fault that he has become an "extra person"?

          Pechorin is a representative of the noble youth who entered life after the defeat of the Decembrists.

          The inconsistency “between the depth of nature and the pitifulness of actions” is the main sign of Pechorin as an “extra person”.

    What was the assessment of the image of Pechorin in the 19-20 centuries?

    What feelings does Pechorin evoke in you - “a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation ...”: ardent sympathy, compassion, rejection, indifference or others? Why?

Essay topics:

    The fate of a generation in the work of M.Yu. Lermontov.

    "Strange love" for the motherland in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov.

    The tragedy of loneliness (based on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov).

    The internal tragedy of the image of the Demon in the poem of the same name by M. Yu. Lermontov.

    Demon and Mtsyri are two sides of Lermontov's man.

    Why is Pechorin an extra person?

    Onegin and Pechorin are "heroes of their time."

    Female images in M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time".

    Pechorin and Grushnitsky.

Why is Pechorin an extra person? What is the tragedy of Pechorin?)


I “Our youth languishes amid the empty storms…” (Characteristic of the era of the 30s of the 11th century).

II The tragedy of the fate and life of Pechorin.

    Hero story.

    The discrepancy between Pechorin's life and his internal capabilities and needs:

a) the originality of his nature;

b) the thirst for action and the search for the use of their forces;

c) its inconsistency and discord with itself;

d) selfishness, individualism, indifference of the hero.

    Pechorin is one of the representatives of the progressive intelligentsia of the 30s.

    Causes of Pechorin's death:

a) the socio-political situation in Russia in the 1930s;

b) education and influence of secular society.

III VG Belinsky about Pechorin.


The novel "A Hero of Our Time" is the first Russian psychological and realistic novel in prose. In the preface to the journal, Lermontov writes: "The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and more useful than the history of an entire people." And Pechorin, according to the author, is “a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation in their full development”, i.e. Lermontov points to the typicality of Pechorin, to the vital truth of character.

The spiritual tragedy of Lermontov's hero reflected the tragic state of Russian society. Thus, according to Belinsky, important problems of the time were solved, why smart people do not find application for their remarkable abilities, why they become “superfluous”, “smart useless things”.

V. G. Belinsky about the hero: “You anathematize him not for vices, there are more of them in you, and they are blacker and more shameful in you, but for that bold freedom, for that bilious frankness with which he speaks of them ... In this man has strength of mind and power of will, which you do not have, in his very vices something great gleams ... He has a different purpose, a different path than you. His passions are storms that purify the realm of the spirit; his delusions, no matter how terrible they are, acute diseases in a young body, strengthening it for a long and healthy life ... "

Onegin and Pechorin are "heroes of their time."


I The reasons for the appearance of "superfluous people" in Russian literature in the first half of the 19th century.

II Onegin and Pechorin - "heroes of their time."


    • noble origin;

      secular education and upbringing;

      idle existence, lack of high goals and ideals in life;

      understanding people;

      life dissatisfaction.

    differences between them:

    • the depth of Pechorin's suffering, the superficial experience of Onegin;

      the neglect of the laws of the world by Pechorin and the fear of secular rumor by Onegin;

      the lack of will of Onegin and the strength of will of Pechorin;

      inconsistency, duality of nature, Pechorin's skepticism, Onegin's "sharp chilled mind".

III The place of Pechorin and Onegin in the gallery of "superfluous people" of the 11th century.


In an essay on this topic, it is necessary to give a comparative description of Onegin and Pechorin. This topic should be considered first general, and then the individual character traits of the characters. Explain how smart, educated people who understand life and people gradually turned into “smart useless people”, “suffering egoists”, doomed to a meaningless existence.

The work should proceed from Belinsky's assessment of the heroes, but at the same time remember that the heroes live at different times: the first in the 20s, during the period of public upsurge caused by the war of 1812 and the Decembrist movement, and the second - in the 30s years., during the defeat of the Decembrists, tough government reaction. This left an imprint on the personality of Pechorin, who, unlike Onegin, is experiencing a great tragedy of the futility, hopelessness of life.

It should be proved that Pechorin is more interesting, deeper, that he attracts and repels us readers.

"Strange love" for the motherland in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov.


I Love for the motherland is ambiguous and sometimes painful.

II Lermontov is a patriot of his Fatherland.

    Slavically submissive Russia is hated by the poet:

a) "... unwashed Russia, a country of slaves, a country of masters ..." ("Farewell, unwashed Russia");

b) a country where “a man groans from slavery and chains” (“Complaints of a Turk”).

    What Lermontov opposes to modernity:

a) the glorious past of Russia (“Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”);

b) the generation of "children of the twelfth year" ("Borodino").

    Image of the generation of the 30s of the 11th century (“Duma”).

    “I love the Fatherland, but with a strange love ...” (“Motherland”).

    Native expanses, nature heals the wounded soul of a person (“How often he is surrounded by a motley crowd”).

III Lermontov's poetry is a new link in the chain of the historical development of society.


Lermontov, as a man of his generation, strives to analyze reality. Alas, what he sees is either empty or dark.

The poet was alien to ostentatious patriotism and therefore he does not accept the official point of view, according to which contemporary Russia is an almost ideal state. Lermontov's Russia appears in a different form, it is "a country of slaves, a country of masters"...

Lermontov contrasts the glorious past of Russia with modernity. So he reflects on the problem of the good hero. The poet also calls the generation of "children of the twelfth year" who won the war of 1812 heroic.

Then it would be appropriate to contrast the heroic generation with the generation of the 30s of the 11th century. The inability, and more often the unwillingness, to find the use of forces in life was the main misfortune of a person in Russia at that time.

In the poem "Motherland" the poet sums up his thoughts about what the Fatherland is for him.

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Grade 9 Lesson No. 33 M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. The complexity of the composition. Age of M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel. Pechorin as a representative of the "portrait of a generation"

The purpose of the lesson: initial acquaintance with the work of M. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time".
- to reveal the meaning of the title, the problems of the novel, the genre originality (to understand why the novel is psychological) and the system of images of the novel.

Development of skills to analyze, compare, the ability to highlight the main thing, work with text; ensure the development of students' speech during the lesson.
- to carry out moral and aesthetic education.

Hero of Our Time ... this is a portrait,

made up of the vices of our entire generation.


Board layout: printout

Homework for the lesson.

    Reading the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”.

    Analysis of the composition of the work.

a) Who tells the story of Pechorin?

    The degree of familiarity between the narrator and the character.

    His social status.

    Intellectual and cultural level.

    Moral qualities.

b) Analyze the plot of the novel.

c) Restore the chronological sequence of events in the novel (plot).

Individual task: a story about the plot of the novel according to V. Nabokov.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment. Topic entry.

2. Goal setting.

Look closely at the topic. What will be discussed in the lesson? Define goals.

Lesson objectives: to introduce the ideological concept of the novel;

find out initial reader impressions

about the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov;

note the most important features of the composition; genre.

    Look at the title of the novel. What means"hero our time"? what time are you talking about?- Are there any new words, terms of literature that are not familiar to you?
    (Psychological novel).

    The history of the creation of the novel (slide 3-4)

Russian society got acquainted with the “long chain of stories” by M.Yu. Lermontov under the general title “A Hero of Our Time” in 1839-1840. From March to February, the essay was published in the journal Otechestvennye Zapiski. In 1840, A Hero of Our Time was published as a separate book.

The time has come for us to get acquainted with this work, to form our own idea of ​​it, to formulate (define) our own (personal) attitude towards its heroes.

    Who has read the novel? Reading impression. Student responses.

    You are not alone in assessing the work and its hero. The appearance of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov immediately caused a sharp controversy in society (slide 5-6)

    Nicholas I found the novel "disgusting", showing the "great depravity of the author."

    Protective criticism fell upon Lermontov's novel, seeing in it a slander on Russian reality. Professor S.P. Shevyrev sought to prove that Pechorin was nothing more than an imitation of Western models, that he had no roots in Russian life.

    Earlier than others, V.G. Belinsky, who noted in it the “richness of content”, “deep knowledge of the human heart and modern society”.

To the second edition of “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov writes the "Foreword", in which he insisted that "The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sovereigns, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." That is why these words are taken out as the epigraph of our lesson.

    What kind of generation is this, to which M. Yu. Lermontov himself and his hero belong?

Let's dwell on this topic in more detail. To talk about the century of M.Yu. Lermontov, you need to know a certain vocabulary. Follow my thought, based on the words written on the board on the right (slide 8-10)

worldview M. Yu. Lermontov took shape in the late 20s and early 30s of the 19th century, in the era of the ideological crisis of the advanced noble intelligentsia, associated with the defeat of the December uprising and the Nikolaev reaction in all spheres of public life.

Nicholas I - the tamer of revolutions, the gendarme of Europe, the jailer of the Decembrists, etc., from the point of view of "communist" historiography. A.S. Pushkin, whose relationship with the emperor was complex and ambiguous, noted the undoubted merits and Petrine scale of his personality. “With the greatest respect” spoke about Nicholas I F.M. Dostoevsky, who, as is known, ended up in hard labor at his will. Contradictory personality assessments. The fact is that Nicholas I rejected any revolution as an idea, as a principle, as a method of transforming reality. The uprising of the Decembrists is not only noble motives to destroy "various injustices and humiliations", but a violation of the officer's oath, an attempt to forcibly change the political system, criminal bloodshed. And as a reaction - a tough political regime established by the emperor.

An ideological crisis is a crisis of ideas. The ideas, ideals, goals and meaning of life of the Pushkin generation - everything was destroyed. These are difficult times, later they will be called the era of timelessness.

In such years, they talk about lack of spirituality, about the fall of morality. Maybe you and I have experienced or are experiencing such times associated with the collapse of the Soviet Union ...

But back to the 30s of the nineteenth century.

The need to master the "mistakes of the fathers", to rethink what seemed immutable to the previous generation, to develop one's own moral and philosophical position is a characteristic feature of the era of the 20-30s.

Practical action turned out to be impossible due to both objective (tough policy of the autocracy) and subjective reasons: before acting, it was necessary to overcome the ideological crisis, the era of doubt and skepticism; clearly define for what and how act. That is why in the 30s of exceptional importance for society acquired philosophical search for the best its representatives. This was extremely difficult to do. It was something else that triumphed. Everywhere, as far as the eye could see, slowly flowed, in the words of Herzen, "the deep and dirty river of civilized Russia, with its aristocrats, bureaucrats, officers, gendarmes, grand dukes and the emperor - a shapeless and mute mass of baseness, servility, cruelty and envy, captivating and absorbing everything."

Man and destiny, man and his purpose, the purpose and meaning of human life, its possibilities and reality, free will and necessity - all these questions have received a figurative embodiment in the novel.

The problem of personality is central in the novel: "The history of the human soul ... is almost more curious and more useful than the history of a whole people." And this is the statement of M.Yu. Lermontov could become an epigraph to our lesson.

It was no accident that Pechorin established himself in the eyes of the generation of the 1930s as a typical character of the post-Decembrist era. And by his fate, by his sufferings and doubts, and by the whole warehouse of his inner world, he really belongs to that time. Not understanding this means not understanding anything. Not in the hero, not in the novel itself. To understand is, in fact, the goal of our lesson.

    Definition of the theme, ideas and problems of the work(slide 11-12).

    Let's turn to composition.

I. - Who tells the story of Pechorin?

Student responses.

    Maxim Maksimych is a staff captain, a man of the people, he has been serving in the Caucasus for a long time, he has seen a lot in his lifetime. A kind person, but limited. He spent a lot of time with Pechorin, but he never figured out the “oddities” of his aristocratic colleague, a person from a social circle too far from him.

    Wandering officer (officer-narrator). Able to understand Pechorin deeper, closer to him in terms of his intellectual and cultural level than Maxim Maksimych. However, he can judge him only on the basis of what he heard from the kind, but limited Maxim Maksimych. Pechorin "... saw ... only once ... in my life on the high road." Subsequently, having familiarized himself with Pechorin's diary that fell into his hands, the narrator will express his opinion about the hero, but it is neither exhaustive nor unambiguous.

    And finally, the narrative entirely passes into the hands of the hero himself, a sincere man, “who so mercilessly exposed his own weaknesses and vices”; a man of mature mind and not conceited.

Student responses(an entry on the board of the plot and plot of the work is done before the lesson by two students).

2. Plot - a set of events in a work of art.

    “Bela” /4/

    “Maxim Maksimych” /5/


    “Journal of Pechorin” /6/

    “Taman” /1/

    “Princess Mary” /2/

    “Fatalist” /3/

Plot - events in a literary work in their sequential connection.


    "Princess Mary"


  1. "Maxim Maksimych"

    "Preface" to "Pechorin's Journal".

    Can this collection of short stories be called a novel? Why does Pushkin " Tale Belkin? Why does Gogol collection of short stories"Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka"?

- Why Lermontov is in no hurry to call his offspring a novel, denoting it very differently: like “notes”, “compositions”, “a long chain of stories”? Let's remember this question.

III. - Restore the chronological order of events.

Student responses. Correction of the writing of the plot of the novel, made before the lesson.

Chronology of events underlying the work, according to V. Nabokov (Slide 15)

Taman”: about 1830 - Pechorin is sent from St. Petersburg to the active detachment and stops in Taman;

Princess Mary": May 10 - June 17, 1832; Pechorin comes from the active detachment to the waters in Pyatigorsk and then to Kislovodsk; after a duel with Grushnitsky, he was transferred to the fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych;

Fatalist ”: December 1832 - Pechorin arrives for two weeks from the fortress of Maxim Maksimych to the Cossack village;

Bela": spring 1833 - Pechorin kidnaps the daughter of the "prince of peace", and four months later she dies at the hands of Kazbich;

Maxim Maksimych”: autumn 1837 - Pechorin, going to Persia, again finds himself in the Caucasus and meets with Maxim Maksimych.

    Let us restore the picture made by M. Yu. Lermontov of “chronological shifts”. It looks like this: the novel begins in the middle of events and is brought sequentially to the end of the hero's life. Then the events in the novel unfold from the beginning of the depicted chain of events to its middle.

- Why does Lermontov violate the chronology of events?(slide 16-20)

Here are three issues that require immediate resolution.

Student responses.

Teacher's conclusions (depending on the completeness of the students' answers).

All this is true, but not the whole truth. Lermontov created a completely new novel - new in form and content: a psychological novel.

Psychologism - this is a fairly complete, detailed and deep depiction of the feelings, thoughts and experiences of a literary character with the help of specific means of fiction.

    The plot of the composition becomes “the history of the human soul”.

    Lermontov lets us first hear about the hero, then look at him, and finally reveals his diary to us.

The change of narrators is aimed at making the analysis of the inner world deeper and more comprehensive (slide 21-25)

    Kind, but limited Maksim Maksimych.

    Narrator officer.

    “Observations of a mature mind over itself.”

V.G. Belinsky argued that the novel “despite its episodic fragmentation, “cannot be read out of the order in which the author himself arranged: otherwise you will read two excellent stories and several excellent stories, but you will not know the novel.” M. Y. Lermontov felt the novelty of his work, which united such genres as a travel essay, a short story, a secular story, a Caucasian short story, and had every reason for this. It was the first psychological novel in Russian literature.

    Features of the genre - novel. Elements of romanticism and realism in the novel (slide 26-27)

    Generalization of the material (slide 28)


1. Write out in the cluster all the characters in the novel that are in contact with Pechorin, give their portraits.

2. Compose a quotation of Pechorin.

Before you is a plan for writing. Let's just read quotes about Pechorin in order to understand the main character.

I. "Among empty storms our youth languishes ..." (Pechorin is a hero of the transitional period, a representative of the noble youth who entered life after the pogrom of the Decembrists, the absence of high social ideals is a striking feature of this historical period).
II. Pechorin is a tragic person:
1. "My life was only a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions of heart or mind";
2. "I have always hated guests at my place";
3. "My soul is corrupted by the light";
4. "Love only irritated my imagination and pride, but my heart remained empty";
5. “I have an unhappy character: did my upbringing make me this way, did God create me this way, I don’t know, I only know that if I cause misfortune to others, then I myself am no less unhappy”;
6. "... twenty times my life, I will even put my honor on the line... but I will not sell my freedom";
7. Pechorin's eyes - "they did not laugh when he laughed ... This is a sign - either of an evil disposition, or of deep constant sadness"
III "... there is something special in your nature" (Vera about Pechorin)
- What else can be added to the image of Pechorin after getting acquainted with quotes from the novel?
A person who thinks about the meaning of life, about his own purpose, trying to understand the inconsistency of his character. The hero judges and executes himself.

“Grade 9 Lesson No. 33 Lermontov The first psychological novel in RL. The meaning of the name and moral issues"

M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of our time"

a sad thought about our generation...

V.G. Belinsky

3. "Bela" - printed in "Notes of the Fatherland" (

1. "Taman" - autumn 1837

Printed in "Notes of the Fatherland" (1840 No. 2)

2. "Fatalist" - published in "Notes of the Fatherland" (1839 No. 11)

4. "Maxim Maksimych"

"The writing


"Hero of our time"

  • The novel consists of five independent stories, which are united by common characters and a common title.
  • Each of the five stories has its own GENRE

"Maxim Maksimych"


  • Taman”: about 1830 - Pechorin is sent from St. Petersburg to the active detachment and stops in Taman;
  • "Princess Mary": May 10 - June 17, 1832; Pechorin comes from the active detachment to the waters in Pyatigorsk and then to Kislovodsk; after a duel with Grushnitsky, he was transferred to the fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych;
  • "Fatalist": December 1832 - Pechorin arrives for two weeks from the fortress of Maxim Maksimych to the Cossack village;
  • "Bela": spring 1833 - Pechorin kidnaps the daughter of the "prince of peace", and four months later she dies at the hands of Kazbich;
  • “Maxim Maksimych”: autumn 1837 - Pechorin, going to Persia, again finds himself in the Caucasus and meets with Maxim Maksimych.

  • In the center all five stories image of Pechorin .
  • Multiple story lines based on various conflicts:





character conflicts

(Pechorin and Bela, Pechorin and Mary, Pechorin and Vera, Pechorin and Werner, Pechorin and Grushnitsky, Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin and the “water society”).

  • These storylines, varying in length over time, are complemented hidden subtext(the conflict between Pechorin and the “those in power”, by whose will he ended up in the Caucasus, the “law and order” of which the hero does not accept).
  • Connecting storylines forms the polyphonic structure of the novel. (innovation).
  • The polyphonic construction of the novel is complemented by various stories about Pechorin, that is, the main character is characterized from different positions, including his confession, which can be considered dominant.

The image of Pechorin

This man is not indifferent, not apathetic bears his suffering: he is madly chasing after life, looking for it everywhere; he bitterly blames himself for his delusions. Internal questions are incessantly heard in him, they disturb him, torment him, and in reflection he seeks their resolution: he watches every movement of his heart, considers his every thought. He made himself a curious subject for his observations, and, trying to be as sincere as possible in his confession, he not only frankly admits his shortcomings, but also invents unprecedented or falsely interprets his most natural movements. V.G. Belinsky .

M.A. Vrubel

Duel Pechorin with Grushnitsky

  • A Hero of Our Time is the first Russian realistic psychological novel in prose.
  • The author sets himself the task of revealing the "history of the human soul", about which

and writes in the preface to Pechorin's journal.

  • His attention is especially drawn to the disclosure of the complex and contradictory nature of the protagonist.

Change of narrators

Maksim Maksimych considers

events are upside down

binoculars, i.e. shows the "general plan".

Narrator officer zooms in

image, translates it from

general plan to more enlarged

ny, but he knows too little.

Pechorin has undoubted advantages

property as a storyteller, because not

just knows about himself more than others,

But he is also able to comprehend his

feelings and actions.

Maksim Maksimych

(talks about Pechorin in the story "Bela")

Traveling Officer

What kind of narrator (brief description)


This human type is typical for Russia in the first half of the 19th century: it is a man of honor, military duty, and discipline. He is simple-hearted, kind, sincere.

An educated officer who already knows something about such a strange person as Pechorin. He builds his observations and conclusions taking into account what he knows about the oddities and contradictions of the hero's character. In terms of level, the officer and Pecho-rin are much closer, so he can explain some things that are incomprehensible to Maxim Maksimych.

A man thinking about the meaning of life, about his own purpose, trying to understand the inconsistency of his character, Pechorin judges himself and executes himself.

  • composition (torn; in the center - a journal-confession);
  • romantic traits in the character of Pechorin: an individualist hero in conflict with society;
  • description of the landscape ("Taman", "Princess Mary");
  • an adventurous intrigue based on tragic love (“Bela”).

  • historicism (reflection of the hero in the era);
  • typical characters in typical circumstances ("water society", highlanders, Maxim Maksimych);
  • Pechorin is a representative of the best part of the noble intelligentsia!
  • critical pathos: there is no ideal hero;
  • psychologism and reflection .

  • Pechorin is the main character of the novel.
  • The actors are located in contrast. The point is to emphasize: Pechorin is the center of the story, "the hero of his time."
  • The composition of the work helps to reveal the character of Pechorin, to identify the reasons that gave rise to him .
  • It can be rightly said that the novel is a synthesis of romanticism and realism. Lermontov discovered the most suitable way of depiction for Russian life and character, for which the name would be suitable romantic realism.

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"Hero of our time. Didactic materials»



teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Pervomaiskaya sosh"

Pervomaisky village, Tambov region

Khalyapina L.N.


"Hero of our time"


"A Hero of Our Time" is the largest and most significant work of Lermontov in prose.

The novel was begun in 1837-1838 and completed in 1839. Initially, the chapters of the future novel were published as independent stories, then they were combined into a separate book, published in 1840 under the title A Hero of Our Time.


Initially, the novel had the title “One of the Heroes of the Beginning of the Century”, which, as it were, entered into controversy with the sensational novel by the French writer Musset “Confession of the Son of the Century”. In this edition, the word "hero" sounded without irony and, perhaps, directly alluded to the Decembrists.

In the final version (“A Hero of Our Time”) there is an ironic tinge that falls not on the word “hero”, but on the word “our” (that is, not on a person, but on an era).


The novel is conceived as a psychological study of human character - a typical character. Lermontov himself said this: “The history of the human soul, even the smallest soul, is almost more curious and more useful than the history of an entire people, especially when it is the result of a mature mind observing itself ...” “A hero of our time” is the first Russian realistic psychological novel in prose.



The novel consists of five independent stories, arranged in an order that violates the chronology of events. The stories are united by common characters and a common title.

"Maxim Maksimych"

"Princess Mary"

Chronological order of events

1. Pechorin goes to his destination and stops in the town of Taman. "Taman"

2. After military operations in the Caucasus (where he meets Grushnitsky), Pechorin goes to Pyatigorsk. "Princess Mary"

3. After a duel with Grushnitsky, Pechorin was sent to the fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych. "Bela"

4. Then the story with Vulich happens. "Fatalist"

5. After 5 years, Pechorin meets again with Maxim Maksimych on the way to Persia. "Maxim Maksimych"

The location of the parts in the story

  • Preface to the entire novel. "Bela"

The more mysterious the character, the more interesting the reader. Pechorin is interesting and mysterious. The reader's attention is strained: he already wants to find answers to many questions.

2. "Maxim Maksimych"

Here Pechorin is not shown from the best side: he shows indifference and coldness to a person who ingenuously admires him. The reader is ready to unconditionally condemn the hero.

"Foreword" to "Pechorin's Journal". "Taman"

There comes a sharp turn in the narrative: the next three stories are parts of the "Pechorin's Diary", and in the "Preface" to the "Pechorin's Journal" the death of the hero is reported. Here Pechorin talks about himself, revealing the reasons for his actions. As a result, the hero is as close as possible to the reader. Pechorin turns out to be a personality, if not positive, then extremely original, complex, deep and contradictory.

"Princess Mary"



The narrator in each story was not chosen by chance and serves the general idea of ​​the novel - the disclosure of the image of Pechorin.


Narrator - Maksim Maksimych

Much in the character of Pechorin cannot be understood by a simple-hearted and inexperienced staff captain in psychology. He sees only the outside, and therefore Pechorin is hidden and mysterious for the reader. The characteristics that he gives to Pechorin testify not only to the naivety and purity of the soul of the narrator himself, but also to the limitations of his mind and inability to understand the complex inner life of Pechorin.


"publisher of Pechorin's diary".

A person of the same social environment and culture as Pechorin. It is easier for this narrator to understand him than for Maxim Maksimych, however, he does not understand and does not accept much in Pechorin.


Pechorin tells

about myself

Before us is the true confession of the hero, which most of all reveals for us the history of the human soul and the secret of character, in which there are so many features of the modern generation of Lermontov.


By introducing different narrators into the story, the author gets the opportunity to gradually bring the hero closer to the reader, gradually revealing his riddle until he reveals himself in his diary.


Hero of time

In the preface to the novel, it is characterized as "a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation in their full development." But the reader is presented with a bright personality that everyone likes: Pechorin is loved by Bela, Mary, Vera, Maxim Maksimych. The writer also sympathizes with him, although he subjects his hero to a strict trial.


Pechorin's gait is "careless and lazy", but he "did not wave his arms" (a sign of a secretive nature). At first glance, he can be given no more than 23 years, and later - all 30. Light hair color, and black mustaches and eyebrows - "a sign of breed in a person, just like a black mane and a black tail in a white horse." The author pays special attention to the eyes: "... they did not laugh when he laughed! .. This is a sign of either an evil temper or a deep constant sadness."


Smart, uncommon, brilliantly educated. His figurative well-aimed speech is his weapon, with which he punishes self-satisfied vulgarities.

Charming, mysterious, strong-willed, cold-blooded in conflicts (for example, with Grushnitsky). He does not seek a career, although he does not have ranks and is not particularly rich. From his diary it is clear that he analyzes his shortcomings, thinks about the questions of life, feels nature. The hero is revealed in relationships with other characters. For example, the phrase-monger Grushnitsky allows you to see the originality of Pechorin, in comparison with Maxim Maksimych, the absence of a connection between the hero and the people's environment is revealed. "Water Society" personifies the vulgar noble environment, in a collision with which the hero's best desires are extinguished. Female images reveal him in love.


Two people are connected in Pechorin . One covers his feelings and sufferings with a mask of indifference, seeks pleasure in secular adventures, is cold with people, uses their weaknesses to assert his superiority. The other repents of all this, judges himself, suffers, regards himself as a “moral cripple”, whose better half of the soul “dried up, evaporated, died”.

“Some revere me worse, others better than I really am ... Some will say: he was a kind fellow, others - a bastard. Both will be false."


His cruelty, selfishness, cynicism in dealing with people.

Pechorin himself more than once compares himself with an executioner, with an ax in the hands of fate. And the reader, of course, cannot forgive him Bela's death, coldness with Maxim Maksimych, play with Mary's feelings. But no one understands better than Pechorin how empty and meaningless his life is.


In his sharp mind, strength and firmness of character, in the ability to fearlessly and proudly challenge fate and ruthlessly judge himself.

The better half of his soul still has not died, even though he hides it from prying eyes. His capacity for kindness and love constantly cuts through skepticism. The living soul of the hero is shocked by the death of Bela, in tears of despair when he realized that he had lost Faith, in the ability to see his shortcomings, to judge himself, in the ability to feel nature.







Dissatisfied with his aimless life, passionately longing for an ideal, but not finding it, Pechorin asks himself: “Why did I live? for what purpose was I born? He feels “immense forces” in himself and understands that his appointment was high, but he manifests himself primarily as an evil force that brings people only suffering and misfortune: he ruined Bela, offended Maxim Maksimych, for the sake of empty curiosity he ruined the nest of “honest smugglers ", violated Vera's family peace, insulted Mary, killed Grushnitsky in a duel.


Pechorin believes that a person is happy when he subordinates everything that surrounds him to his will (happiness is “saturated pride”). But the more he wins such victories, the more he suffers.


This is a problem of extreme individualism and selfishness. A person who refuses to judge himself according to the same laws by which he judges others loses moral guidelines, loses the criteria of good and evil. Pechorin not only brings misfortune to others, but he himself is deeply unhappy.


Respect for the world, for people begins with self-respect. But a person who humiliates others does not respect himself. Triumphing over the weak, he feels strong. According to N. Dobrolyubov, Pechorin, not knowing where to apply his strength, exhausts the heat of his soul into petty passions and insignificant deeds. “Evil begets evil,” the hero argues, “Sometimes I despise myself! .. Isn’t that why I despise others?” Pechorin feels his moral inferiority, he "became a moral cripple."


  • A deep study of the character of Pechorin occurs to a large extent through a comparison with other heroes.
  • Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych are not just people of different circles and different cultures - they are also dissimilar in their inner qualities.


Maksim Maksimych

Hidden and mysterious.

All in sight


Always remembers others, often forgetting about himself.

All in conflict.

Always true to himself - this is a very integral character.

He tries to get to the very essence of everything, to understand the complexities of human nature, and above all, in himself.

Deprived of understanding the general meaning of things; kind, simple-minded, often naive.

He has a noticeable advantage of mysterious charm, culture. He is higher than Maxim Maksimych intellectually.

Above Pechorin morally (and this is more important than any other advantage). Maxim Maksimych is an artistically truthful embodiment of a wonderful person: kind, generous, reliable and faithful, and, most importantly, not aware of his greatness.



It is in complete harmony with itself and society.

He is in constant conflict with society and himself.

Strives for ostentatious activities

Does not find a worthy activity.

He poses as a lonely, mysterious and disillusioned romantic hero.

Pechorin is a romantic hero.

Under his numerous masks - a cruel nature, anger and hatred wins in it. Before us is a petty and selfish soul.

Everything in it is real, not ostentatious, original. Before us is a selfish nature, but complex, deep and contradictory.

Grushnitsky and Pechorin

  • Duel

Until the last moment, Pechorin gave Grushnitsky a chance, he was ready to forgive his friend for vindictiveness, rumors spread in the city and his pistol deliberately unloaded by opponents, Grushnitsky's impudent expectation of a blank shot. After the duel, Pechorin does not experience the triumph of the winner. This duel is the hero's attempt to kill the petty side of his own soul.

  • Conclusion

Grushnitsky has all the negative qualities of Pechorin, but none of his positive ones. If at first he may seem like a double of Pechorin, then later - a kind of caricature of him (what is tragic in Pechorin is funny in him).

  • They are similar to each other in their lack of simplicity. They have a common selfishness and narcissism.
  • Placed next to Grushnitsky, Pechorin wins unusually in the eyes of readers.

  • Both have a deep and sharp analytical mind, observational insight, knowledge of people. These are people of the same social circle and level of culture.
  • They hide their feelings and moods under the mask of irony and ridicule.
  • Together it is easy and simple for them, they understand each other perfectly (“read each other in the soul”), value each other’s opinion.



He believes that “of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this; I cannot be a slave, and in this case commanding is tedious work, because at the same time it is necessary to deceive ... ".

Werner is the only person worthy of being a friend of Pechorin, but he does not stand the test either (in a duel with Grushnitsky he was a second; the outcome of the duel frightened him - his friends parted).

Active: knows that only in activity can truth be found.

Contemplative, skeptic, inclined to logical philosophizing.




The author's sympathy is already felt in the portrait he created: "... she was good: tall, thin, her eyes were black, like those of a mountain chamois ...". Bela has a strong integral character, in which there is firmness, pride, and constancy, because she was brought up in the traditions of the Caucasus.


  • When Pechorin decided to steal Bela, he began to play on the thinnest strings of the soul of her brother Azamat, who dreamed of Kazbich's horse. He helped Azamat steal it. So the horse became equal with the man, which in itself is already immoral and predetermines tragedy. The nickname of the horse Karagyoz - "black eye" - is also not accidental (a parallel is drawn with the portrait of the Circassian Bela).

M. Vrubel. Kazbich and Azamat

  • Pechorin, seeing a young Circassian woman at the wedding, was captivated by her appearance and unusualness. Bela seemed to him the embodiment of naturalness and immediacy - all that Pechorin had not seen in secular lamas. Love for her is not a whim, but an attempt to return to the world of sincere feelings, to find harmony, to approach a person of a different faith, a different way of life.

  • Pechorin and the smugglers are united by a secret and a desire for it.
  • Watching the crying boy, Pechorin realizes that he is just as lonely.
  • He has a feeling of unity of feelings, experiences, destinies.
  • Both Pechorin and other heroes of the story are not perfect. All of them are infected with vices and passions.
  • But Pechorin is not able to penetrate the environment of ordinary people. Here he loses his intellectual advantages of a civilized man, he is alien to the natural world and a life full of dangers.

  • Pechorin, in a collision with smugglers, shows himself to be a man of action.
  • The hero is resolute and courageous, but his activity turns out to be pointless.
  • The hero does not have the opportunity to indulge in major activities, to perform actions for which he feels the strength in himself.
  • Pechorin wastes himself by getting involved in other people's affairs, interfering in other people's destinies, intruding into someone else's life and upsetting someone else's happiness.




  • She immediately evokes sympathy: natural, bold, noble. The girl is very outstanding: she is fond of Byron (reads him in English), does mathematics. Pechorin also finds merit in her: “She joked very nicely; her conversation was sharp, without any pretense of wit, alive and free; her remarks are sometimes profound."

  • Love for Pechorin changes her: she becomes sincere, more natural, awakened feelings turn her into a kind, gentle, loving woman. She is able to forgive Pechorin. He treats her cruelly: he seeks her love, not loving himself. Pechorin wants to be honest with her, so he directly explains that he laughed at her and she should despise him for this.



  • This is “the only woman in the world that I would not be able to deceive,” says Pechorin. She is his guardian angel. Subtly understands Pechorin and knows how lonely and unhappy he is. Faith forgives him everything, she knows how to feel deeply and strongly.

  • She and her attitude towards Pechorin help the reader to be fairer to the hero, to understand him. Now we know that this person is not always cold, calm and disappointed - he is also capable of strong feelings, able not only to take, but also to give (he dreams of taking Vera away, marrying her, forgetting the old woman's prediction, sacrificing his fate). But as soon as genuine feelings wake up in Pechorin's soul, he not only worries that an outsider will see them, but he himself is afraid of them. He kills the better half of his soul and hides it deep so that no one can see (after a desperate pursuit of Vera, who has left forever, he convinces himself that an empty stomach is to blame for his tears).


To give a portrait of a generation of young people of his time, showing all their weakest sides: coldness of hearts, selfishness, futility of activity.

Explore the human soul, focusing on the inner world of the main character, revealing in detail the motives that prompted him to do certain things.

To understand the main contradiction of the hero of his time - in the discord of his dreams with reality.

Analyze how the environment affects the formation of personality and the fate of a person.

  • When asked why Pechorin's life is "a smooth path without a goal", Lermontov answers with the title of the novel. The socio-psychological conditions of the era largely explain the tragedy of the hero: disappointment and skepticism are also a feature of the times.
  • The vices and boredom developed by society push a person to immoral acts, and the natural inclinations of the soul remain unclaimed (this is why there are contradictions and duality in Pechorin's character).
  • When a person is not attracted by either a profitable marriage or a new star on epaulettes, and the ideas of goodness and justice cannot withstand a collision with life, two beliefs remain (like Pechorin’s): birth is a misfortune, and death is inevitable. That is why V. Belinsky called this novel "a cry of suffering" and "a sad thought."

  • "Hero of our time". Fatalist. Images from the film "Maxim Maksimych". Goskinprom of Georgia. 1927
  • Krutetskaya V.A. Russian literature in tables and diagrams. 9-11 grades. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Litera", 2010
  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Lermontov
  • http://lermontov.niv.ru/
  • http://lermontov.name/

Lesson topic:

M.Yu. Lermontov, acquaintance with the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

Target: update knowledge from previous years of study, as well as introduce children to the composition of the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

During the classes.

Topic update. (2-3min)

In the previous lesson, we finished studying the work of A.S. Pushkin, but we will meet with his name and works more than once. A.S. Pushkin is a great classical poet, whose work will illuminate the path of each of us throughout our lives. A.S. Pushkin died on January 28, 1837. And almost immediately, angry and tragic lines from the poem "The Death of a Poet" spread throughout the city:

The poet is dead! - slave of honor -
Pal, slandered by rumor,
With lead in my chest and a thirst for revenge,
Hanging your proud head!
The soul of the poet could not bear
The shame of petty insults,
He rebelled against the opinions of the world
Alone as before... and killed!

This poem belonged to a young man, still little known, but who conquered the Russian reader instantly. Russia has found a new brilliant poet.

What is his name?

2. Introduction to the topic (Crossword) (5-7 min)

Today's lesson is dedicated to the work of M.Yu. Lermontov


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house (library)

The area in which the poet spent his childhood, and where he is buried. (Penza)

What was the name of the poet's father? (Yuri)

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov. (Moscow)

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. ("Borodino")

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow. (boarding house)

Here is the estate of my grandmother on the maternal side. (Tarkhany)

Grandmother took him for treatment to where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him. (Caucasus)


Surname of a famous poet who died in a duel in 1841. (Lermontov)


Lermontov's favorite place in the boarding house

The area in which the poet spent his childhood, and where he is buried.

What was the name of the poet's father?

Favorite city of M.Yu. Lermontov.

The first poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, written on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812.

The place where M.Yu. Lermontov lived and studied in Moscow.

Here is the estate of my grandmother on the maternal side.

Image of M.Yu. Lermontov, painted by many artists.

Grandmother took him for treatment to where M.Yu. Lermontov listened to mountain legends. This place is an inspiration for him.


Surname of a famous poet who died in a duel in 1841.

The latest work in the poet's work was the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

3. The ideological concept of the novel (teacher's speech) (1 min)

- Lermontov conceived his novel as an artistic study of the inner world of man, his soul.

- “Hero of Our Time” is “the history of the human soul”, this is the first

Russian psychological novel.

A psychological novel is an epic novel in which the main thing is the inner world of the hero, the feelings in his soul, the reasons for his actions.


What does "hero" mean?

1. a strong, courageous person with great merit

2. the main character of the work

3. a person who is a representative of some era, time.

4. Features of the composition (2-3 min)

The novel consists of several stories. But they are located in a very peculiar way. The events of the work happened like this:

But Lermontov violates this sequence.

Lermontov's novel is divided into episodes, which are given out of order. Therefore, the impression of disorder in life is created.

"Bela" - an oriental tale

"Maxim Maksimych" - a travel story

"Taman" - a robber story

"Princess Mary" - a secular story

"Fatalist" - a philosophical story

But these episodes do not exist on their own. They are the novel, the novel about the hero of Lermontov's time.

5. Working with text

What is this mysterious man, the hero of the times of Lermontov?

Let's go back to the preface

“The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, is definitely a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development. You will tell me again that a person cannot be so bad, but I will tell you that if you believed the possibility of the existence of all tragic and romantic villains, why do you not believe in the reality of Pechorin? If you have admired fictions much more terrible and ugly, why does this character, even as fiction, find no mercy in you? Is it because there is more truth in it than you would like it to be?

What is this portrait? (a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation, made up of vices)

Who is the main character, which reveals the portrait of a whole generation? (Pechorin)

6. Bottom line

What new did you learn?

Know the characters in this story

Make a plan of events described in the story.

Literature lesson in high school. Literary analysis of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

Material Description: This abstract is intended for use in a literature lesson in grades 10-11 of general educational institutions, as well as for additional classes in institutions of additional education for children interested in an in-depth study of literary works.
The purpose of the lesson: Consider the images of the characters in the novel; see what motifs characteristic of the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov are embodied in the work; find out what is the peculiarity of the compositional division of the novel.
Lesson objectives:
1. Educational: Acquaintance with the characters of the novel; consideration of motives characteristic of the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov; explanation of the specifics of the division of the novel into parts.
2. Developing: Improving the skills of working with text; development of attention, oral response skills.
3. Educational: Formation of aesthetic taste, development of interest and love for Russian literature.
Lesson type: Repetition and consolidation of knowledge.
Type of lesson: Combined.
Equipment: Text of the work, notebooks.

During the classes.

In the first lesson, we will look at the characters of the novel "A Hero of Our Time", and talk in detail about its main character - Pechorin. But first, let's turn to the preface that opens the novel. What does it give, is it necessary or not?
Student responses.
- The author says that our generation will not understand the fable without moralizing. Such a moralizing is the preface. It was written as a reaction to criticism of the novel, and in it we see the author's attitude towards the readers of the work. Now let's look at the first story of "Bela". Who is the narrator in it?
Student responses.
- That's right, the story comes from the perspective of a traveling officer. What can we say about it?
Student responses.
- We know a little about him - he was recently in the Caucasus, by the way he listens to the story of Maxim Maksimych, we can say that he is curious. And what is said about Maksim Maksimych himself?
Student responses.
- He is about fifty years old, he has the rank of staff captain, does not drink. Pay attention to how he looks at the nature around him, at the Caucasian landscape, how he determines the weather by the way the fog “smokes” on the mountain. What does it say?
Student responses.
- He is close to nature, sees beauty in it and understands it. He is a simple person - he immediately becomes close to Pechorin, very kind - this can be seen from his attitude towards Bela, and Pechorin himself speaks of this. He has no family, and he pours out all his unspent love on Bela. And it is through the eyes of this character that we first see the protagonist of the novel, Pechorin. Find the first mention of him.
Student responses.
- We learn about his age, his name. And immediately Maxim Maksimych talks about the oddities that are inherent in Pechorin. Already from this we can conclude that before us is an extraordinary person. But we learn his character better from the story of Maxim Maksimych. What can we learn about Pechorin from this story?
Student responses.
- He "pushing" Azamat and Kazbich in order to get Bela. But why does he need her, does he really love her?
Student responses.
- Let's see what he says himself: "Yes, when do I like her?", And then "you see how much I love you." What do you think, what are Pechorin's feelings for Bela?
Student responses.
- Let's look at the explanation that Pechorin gives to Maxim Maksimych. What does he say about himself, how does he appear to us? What are his feelings for Bela?
Student responses.
- And we see Pechorin as an unhappy, bored person, looking for something new. But this new one quickly becomes boring to him, forcing him to look for something else. And his whole life is in an eternal search, he cannot stop, and directly says: "... I have only one means left: to travel." It is the change of places, people, impressions that makes him live. And he does not value his life. How does Maxim Maksimych react to this statement?
Student responses.
- He is surprised at him, and does not understand such reflections. This is one example of the fact that Maxim Maksimych does not understand Pechorin himself, he is far from his way of thinking, from his perception of life and those around him. And what can we say about the narrator, about the officer, does he understand Pechorin?
Student responses.
- Yes, they are from close social strata with Pechorin, the officer is familiar with social life and its customs. And Maxim Maksimych "did not understand these subtleties." Okay, what happens next?
Student responses.
- We see the death of Bela, and what does Pechorin become in such a situation? What is the reason for the absence of tears that Maxim Maksimych notices? Why does he laugh in response to consolations?
Student responses.
- We can only speculate, but we will never be able to fully understand Pechorin. What do you think, is Pechorin upset? And how would events develop if there were no this episode with Kazbich?
Student responses.
- And pay attention to the words of Maxim Maksimych: “No, she did well that she died: well, what would happen to her if Grigory Alexandrovich left her? And it would have happened, sooner or later...” What are they talking about? Do you agree with them or disagree?

Student responses.
- Through this story, through relations with Bela and Maxim Maksimych, we see Pechorin. What changes in the next story?
Student responses.
- Here we already directly see Pechorin himself, in what situation?
Student responses.
- Yes, his meeting with Maxim Maksimych is shown after a long separation. Let's see how they are both presented in this situation.
Student responses.
- Maxim Maksimych rejoices at Pechorin as his best friend, in his opinion, the incident with Bela unites them and makes them very close people. He is sure that this is exactly the case for Pechorin. But what is the reaction of Pechorin himself?
Student responses.
- It's true, he's not so happy to meet, he doesn't run, leaving everything to Maksim Maksimych, he gives his hand, but doesn't hug him, he refuses to linger a little. What does it say?
Student responses.
- He does not make their acquaintance exceptional, for him everything that happened is just an episode, which should not be given so much attention. And for Maxim Maksimych? Pay attention to the lines: “... Thank you for not forgetting ... - he added, taking him by the hand. … Forget! he grumbled, “I haven’t forgotten anything…”
Student responses.
- For him, this is a whole adventure, unusual and unforgettable. Now let's look at the description that appears when the narrator himself sees Pechorin. What can be said about him from this description?
Student responses.
- He is an aristocrat, has a secretive character, a certain “breed” is visible in him, which the narrator notes. And notice how his eyes are described, what can we say about that?
Student responses.
- A shine like smooth steel, a heavy and penetrating look - all this speaks of Pechorin's character traits. Now we are getting a little closer to understanding this character, we do not just hear about him, but we directly see him. Well, what follows the story "Maxim Maksimych"?
Student responses.
- Yes, a preface to Pechorin's Journal. How is this introduction different from the first?
Student responses.
- That's right, it is written not from the perspective of the author, but from the perspective of the narrator, a traveling officer. What did you find odd about this preface? What do we actually learn from it?
Student responses.
- The narrator wants to publish Pechorin's notes, but where did he get them from?
Student responses.
- I took it from Maxim Maksimych when Pechorin himself refused them. And why is he still printing these notes?
Student responses.
- He publishes the "history of the human soul", a kind of justification for Pechorin, a man whom he encountered only once in his life. And let's see the next story "Taman". What is changing in it?
Student responses.
- The narration comes from the perspective of Pechorin himself. Now we are as close as possible to it. And what happens in this story?
Student responses.
- Arrival in Taman, acquaintance with a blind boy, observation of smugglers. Pechorin almost dies. And who is this undine?
Student responses.
- Undine is the spirit of water, or, more simply, a mermaid. According to mythology, mermaids lured men into the water and drowned them, and this mythological plot is embodied in the story. Pechorin prevented the smugglers, and how does he himself talk about this?
Student responses.
- He compares himself to a stone that has disturbed the peace. Tell me, can this be attributed only to the episode with the smugglers, or not?
Student responses.
- He was such a stone for Maxim Maksimych, and for Bela, and even for a wandering officer. And in further stories, he continues to be just a stone that disturbs the peace of others. This is where the first part ends and the second begins. How does it open? What's new in composition? What new characters are we getting to know? Find their description and characteristics.
Student responses.
- Recordings are numbered by day. Grushnitsky, a cadet whom Pechorin does not like, and with whom he predicts a collision. What else do we know about him?
Student responses.
- He is in love with Princess Mary, and, having been refused, he spreads rumors about her and Pechorin, sets up an unfair duel that was supposed to take Pechorin's life. Grushnitsky is Pechorin's double, his junior imitator, playing the role of a misunderstood and unaccepted sufferer. How does their duel end? How is Grushnitsky behaving?
Student responses.
- It seems to Pechorin that Grushnitsky is ready to apologize, but this does not happen, why? What, what incident predicts to us what will be the outcome of the duel? Let's look at Pechorin, what is he like in this story? Find its description, its characteristics. Why does he need Princess Mary? What does he do to achieve it, and what happens after the goal is achieved? How does all this characterize him?
Student responses.
Does he have any feelings for Mary? What does he say about it?
Student responses.
- Is there someone to whom Pechorin is still not indifferent?
Student responses.
Yes, this is Vera. How does he feel about her?
Student responses.
- He loves her, but this love does not bring happiness to anyone, on the contrary, Vera's marriage breaks up. How does Pechorin perceive Vera's departure, what can this mean? And how does Pechorin appear before us in this story?
Student responses.
- And the last story, "The Fatalist", what story is told here? Is Pechorin a fatalist?
Student responses.
- He claims that there is no predestination, but he sees the seal of death on the face of Vulich. And how did Vulich die? Could it have happened differently?
Student responses.
- And why does Pechorin go to the Cossack who killed Vulich? How does he feel about predestination now? How does the story end?
Student responses.
- We again return to the figure of Maxim Maksimych, and this refers us to the very beginning of the work. This construction speaks of the ring composition, which I told you about in the last lesson.
And now let's pay attention to such an interesting detail - by the time we read Pechorin's notes, he is already dead. We read the personal diary of a dead man, which was published without his consent. And what is a personal diary, what is its peculiarity?
Student responses.
- Yes, in it a person writes, as a rule, sincerely, hiding nothing, both good and bad, both known and personal. And what is the difference between a diary and, for example, travel notes written by an officer?
Student responses.
- That's right, in the diary we write something personal, something that is not intended for prying eyes. The diary is written only for oneself, for one's own purposes, it is not intended to be read by other people. In the diary, a person reveals himself to the maximum, he is honest, because there is no one to dissemble and there is no need to seem better, there he can be himself. And travel notes can be read by all those who are interested, they are not hidden. They are written in order to later be read by other people. But in the novel we see that these genres are united under the banner of the novel. But a personal diary does not cease to be a personal diary from this. And in what situation do we, the readers, find ourselves?
Student responses.
- You and I become peeping. We take advantage of the fact that no one can forbid us access to this diary, and read it, penetrating into the area in which we should not be. We see the very soul of Pechorin, not hidden by other people's opinions and conjectures. This is the maximum honesty that can be. And we are in a situation of peeping. Does this only happen to the reader, or are there characters in the novel who also experience this?
Student responses.
- Yes, in almost every story there are characters who are engaged in eavesdropping or peeping. But none of them did it on purpose. They were in the right place at the right time, and they had only to choose - to eavesdrop or not. We know what choice they made. And what is it about eavesdropping, why did this topic even appear, what do you think?
Student responses.
- At the moment of eavesdropping or peeping, we observe a person in such a way that he does not suspect it. He does not try to seem like someone, he becomes himself, because he has no one to pretend to. And it is at this moment that he becomes real and sincere as much as possible. We can attribute all this to Pechorin, whom we see from the inside.
And what motifs characteristic of Lermontov's lyrics do you see in the novel?
Student responses.
- The motive of loneliness - Pechorin is lonely, no one understands him. Pay attention to how the nature of the Caucasus is described, this is also in his poems. Through nature, Lermontov's hero often comes to an understanding of himself. The author also addresses the fate of a whole generation, he is interested in the personality in the context of the surrounding reality. But let us once again turn to the text, or rather, to its composition. What do you see in it unusual?
Student responses.
- That's right, the breakdown of the novel into parts. What do you think about this division? How is the first part different from the second? Pay attention to the environment in which Pechorin is located.
Student responses.
- In the first part, we see him surrounded by ordinary people who do not have wealth and ranks, and in the second part, we, following Pechorin, penetrate the high society. But Pechorin himself does not see much difference between these two worlds.
So, we have examined the characters of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Who can sum up the lesson?
Student responses.
Thanks for the lesson, you were all great! Until the next lesson!

Lesson summary on Russian literature on the topic:

"Hero of our time". History of creation

Topic: "Hero of our time". History of creation.


1) Educational:to acquaint students with the history of the creation of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"; analyze the "Preface" to the novel;

2) Developing: develop note-taking and text analysis skills;

3 ) Educational:to cultivate love and respect for the work of the writer.

Lesson form: lesson-lecture.

Equipment: portrait of the writer, exhibition of books.

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Introductory speech of the teacher

Teacher: Today we are starting to study the prose of M.Yu. Lermontov, namely to the novel "A Hero of Our Time".

II. Teacher's lecture.

1. The history of the creation of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov
"Hero of our time".

M. Yu. Lermontov began work on the novel based on the impressions of the first exile to the Caucasus. The novels Bela and Fatalist appeared in the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine in 1839, and later the story Taman was published. In 1840, the novel M by Y. Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time, was published, under this title five stories were combined. The general ideological and plot-forming center of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" was the image of the protagonist Pechorin. The first readers saw a caricature of a modern person, so in 1841 M. Yu. Lermontov created a "Preface" to the novel, in which he explained the features of the author's intention.

2. Features of the composition.

1. Violation of the chronological sequence

2. The independence of each of the stories (plot, semantic and genre completeness) and their simultaneous connection, cyclicity.

3. Change of the subject of the narration (Maxim Maksimych, the narrator, the hero himself).

The author saw his task in revealing the "history of the human soul". To do this, it was necessary not so much to tell about the actions of the hero, but to reveal the reasons that led to them. Violation of the chronological sequence of events is determined by the ideological intent of the author and is subject to movement from the external to the internal, from the actions and deeds of the hero to the motives that prompted him to these actions, from the riddle to the solution. The same role is played by the change in the subject of the narrative (we will express this idea a priori in the introductory lesson and will return to it in the course of studying each of the stories).

(The main points of the lecture are outlined by students in workbooks.)

3. Acquaintance of students with the chronological sequence of the novel.

Around 1830, Pechorin was sent from St. Petersburg to the Caucasus to an active detachment. On the way to the place of his new service, he lingered in Taman, where his clash with smugglers takes place (the story "Taman"). After a military expedition in May - June 1832, he was allowed to use the waters in Pyatigorsk. Then, for a duel with Grushnitsky (the story "Princess Mary"), he was sent to serve in a distant fortress under the command of Maxim Maksimych. After leaving for two weeks in the Cossack village, in December 1832, Pechorin becomes a participant in the story with Vulich (the story "The Fatalist") and returns to the fortress. In the spring of 1833, Bela was abducted, who died 4 months later at the hands of Kazbich (according to the message "Bela"). From the fortress, Pechorin is transferred to Georgia, then he returns to St. Petersburg. Some time later, having again found himself in the Caucasus on the way to Persia, presumably in the fall of 1837, Pechorin meets with Maxim Maksimych and the narrator (the story "Maxim Maksimych"). Finally, on the way back from Persia, Pechorin dies ("Preface to Pechorin's Journal")

III. Commented reading of the "Preface" to the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov.

Interview with students on:

  1. Expressively read the “Preface” to the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”.

2. How does M. Yu. Lermontov himself explain the role of his "Preface" to the novel? (This is a kind of response to modern criticism.)

3. In what way does the writer see the features of the image of the protagonist? (“The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait composed of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development.”)

5. Is M. Yu. Lermontov going to change an immoral, vicious society? (“It will also happen that the disease is indicated, but how to cure it - God only knows!”)

IV. Homework.

V. Summing up the lesson, grading.



Topic: "A Hero of Our Time" is the first psychological novel in Russian literature. Main and secondary characters.

Purpose: review and discussion of the content of the novel; analysis of composition features; prove that the work is the first psychological novel in Russian literature; create conditions for a more complete understanding of the text; develop the skills of analyzing a literary work through the features of the plot and composition; identifying the reading position of students; development of monologue speech skills.


“The Hero of Our Time, my gracious sirs, is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development” (M.Yu. Lermontov)



Working with an epigraph


1. Teacher's lecture (students take notes)

The only completed novel by Lermontov was not originally conceived as an integral work. In the "Notes of the Fatherland" for 1839 were published "Bela. From the notes of an officer about the Caucasus" and later "Fatalist" with the note that "M. Y. Lermontov in a short time will publish a collection of his stories, both printed and unpublished. In 1840 it was printed there "Taman" and then comes out in two parts-volumes "Hero of Our Time". A problematic aphoristic name was proposed by an experienced journalist A. A. Kraevsky instead of the original author's "One of the heroes of our century." "Collection of stories", united by the image of the protagonist, turned out to be the first socio-psychological and philosophical novel in Russian prose , in terms of genre, who also mastered numerous elements of dramatic action, especially in the largest and most significant story - "Princess Mary".

"Hero of Our Time" "History of the Human Soul", one person who embodied in his unique individuality the contradictions of an entire historical period. Pechorin is the only main character(although "Eugene Onegin" is named after one hero, the image of Tatyana is extremely important in it,

as well as the author). His loneliness in the novel is fundamentally significant.. Only separate episodes of Pechorin's biography are covered; in the preface to his journal, an officer-traveler reports a thick notebook, "where he tells his whole life", but, in essence, the reader already gets an idea of ​​the hero's life path from childhood to death. This is the story of the futile attempts of an outstanding person to realize himself., to find at least some satisfaction for his needs, attempts that invariably turn into suffering and losses for him and those around him, the story of his loss of powerful vitality and an absurd, unexpected, but prepared by all the narrated death from nothing to do, from his uselessness to anyone and to himself.

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