Dramatization for the new year for elementary school. The best New Year's fairy tales and skits - impromptu

On the eve of the New Year, will your school host a game of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club? The audience and the jury will enjoy mini-scenes based on fairy tales, cartoons, issues of the comic magazine "Yeralash" and New Year's jokes for KVN at school, which play on various situations in the classroom.

To put such miniatures, you do not have to learn the texts by heart, the main thing is to convey the essence of what this or that character says.

How to arrange KVN at school for the New Year?

Baba Yaga and her daughter participate in the first school scene of the New Year's KVN. For this production, you will need original props - costumes and wigs for fairy-tale characters.

The girl cries and Baba Yaga asks her what happened. The daughter replies that she wants to play the role of the Snow Maiden at the New Year's party, but she was told that she was not beautiful enough for this.

– Or maybe the role of the Snow Queen will suit you? Baba Yaga asks.
“Think about it yourself: her outfit is several kilograms of icicles, and her crown is made of a broken mirror. This is a direct threat to my health!

“Well, we’ll make a Snow Maiden out of you,” Baba Yaga agrees. First things first, Goblin will build you a suitable hairstyle. Keep in mind that he works with natural materials - driftwood and fir cones, instead of varnish - resin.

Daughter of Baba Yaga:
– Here is this deal! But I also need the right outfit.
Baba Yaga:
- It will be for you, daughter, everything in the first category: Cinderella's dress, crystal shoes ...

- What are you, mother, this is the century before last! I need a killer set: leather jacket, ripped jeans, rhinestone bandana and Adidas sneakers.
Baba Yaga:
- All right, daughter! Everything will be first class!
I will conjure new clothes
For a daughter's party.
Cracks, pex, fex!…

At the end of this scene at the school KVN about Baba Yaga, her daughter appears before the audience in a new outfit and declares:
- What can I say, you can see for yourself: beauty is a terrible force!

What other New Year's jokes are suitable for KVN at school?

Your performance in various competitions, whether it be "Greetings", "Homework" or "Captains Competition", will be diversified with comic skits for the school KVN - for example, such:

  • This year, for the first time, my parents let me go to celebrate the New Year with friends. But after my mom found a shopping list for the holiday table in my jeans pocket, for some reason, she and dad decided to join us.
  • There is a sign in our class that if you lean out the window on New Year's Eve and ... learn all the tickets, you will definitely pass the exam.
  • A good half of Russian teachers write comments in a diary, and the evil half also calls their parents to school on the eve of the holiday.
  • A school is a place where teachers demand from students knowledge in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.
  • Even in kindergarten, we were sentenced to 11 years of school regime with the confiscation of toys.

Funny miniatures for KVN for the 2019 New Year can be put with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Once they called the guys to visit and began to ask them questions based on the materials of the school curriculum.

Father Frost:
- What are dense forests?
- These are forests in which it is good to doze off!

Snow Maiden:
Who can name five wild animals?
The student raises his hand.
- A lion, a lioness and ... three lion cubs.

A letter came to the mail from the boy to Santa Claus:
- Grandfather Frost, send me a warm hat, mittens and socks for the New Year.
The postal workers took pity on the boy and bought him mittens and socks, but there was not enough money for a cap: you know that salaries at the post office are small. The answer comes from the boy:
- Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for mittens and socks, and my hat, it seems, was stolen by the evil aunts at the post office.

The boy writes a letter to Santa Claus:
"Hello Dedushka Moroz! The Chinese crackers you sent me last time I got them and I really liked them. For this New Year, I would like to ask you to give me two fingers to my right hand and an eye!”

On New Year's Eve, Pinocchio comes up to Papa Carlo and asks to give him a toy animal. Papa Carlo thought and thought and made a toy. He gave it to Pinocchio and hears that he is crying.
- What happened? asks Papa Carlo.
- I just wanted a toy - a dog or a cat, - Pinocchio answers, - and this toothy beaver looks at me somehow strangely!

Other jokes for the New Year's school KVN

- Now you will hear phrases that you will not hear on New Year's Eve ...
"Mom, dad, stay at home, let's spend the New Year together"; "Girls, go, drink what you want and how much you want, and we'll sit here together with my father."

Santa Claus does not exist. He lives to the fullest.

An emergency at school: at the celebration of the New Year, a boy dressed as a cucumber was bitten by a fizruk.

Seven-year-old Petya almost believed in Santa Claus, but dad laughed, and his beard fell off.

A boy from an elite kindergarten is learning a New Year's rhyme:
- Hello, Santa Claus, cotton beard!
Give the fifth BMW X for the New Year!

A children's search engine Vugl was presented at a Tambov school for the New Year. If you want to know a lot - Woogl!

On New Year's Eve, you can also play skits for KVN, which take place at school in the classroom.

At school, children write an essay on the topic “What would I ask Santa Claus for the New Year?”
- Dear Santa Claus! Make it so that we are not forced to write these stupid essays anymore!

At the math exam, the teacher carefully observes the students and from time to time kicks out of the class those who found cheat sheets.
The principal looks into the classroom.
- How is the exam going? I think there are a lot of cheaters here!
- No, the lovers have already gone home. Only professionals are left here.

- Petrov, why do you look at your watch every minute?
“Because I'm terribly worried that a stupid call would interrupt this amazingly interesting lesson at a completely inopportune time.

- Children, draw a square with a side of twelve centimeters!
- Marya Ivanovna, what kind of square is this - with one side ?!

- You, Sidorov, have an interesting essay, but why is it not finished?
“Because my father was urgently called to work!”

– And now I will prove to you the Pythagorean theorem.
Peter from the back:
- Is it worth it, Ivan Ivanovich? We do believe you!

Why is European time ahead of American time?
Petushkov holds out his hand:
Because America was discovered later!

The teacher says to the student:
- Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!
Do you mean father?
- No, let your grandfather come. I want to show him what blunders his son makes in your homework.

The action of the last scene of the New Year's KVN takes place at a school break.

Two high school students are talking:
“You know, just thinking about him makes my heart pound, my hands shake, my legs give way, I can’t even speak.
- And what is his name?
- USE!

For these smaller productions, you don't need elaborate sets. For example, if a scene is being played out in the classroom, it is enough to hang up the blackboard and place the desk. If the action takes place at a break, a corridor window is suitable as a decoration.

Help the guys who take part in the productions to show their acting talents - and jokes for KVN at school for the New Year 2019 will not let your viewers get bored!

A funny scene that is not difficult to stage at school with students and show at a New Year's concert. Especially if they really demand the fairy tale "12 months" from you. Another plus of this scene is that it is massive. Almost the entire class will be involved.

ROLES: 10-15 students (boys and girls). The guys are sitting, doing their own thing. The elder comes in.

STUDENT 1: Well? What did the head teacher say?

OLD WOMAN: 12 months!

STUDENT 2: So she said straight: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December?

ELDER: No, she simply said that our class needed to stage a fairy tale “12 months” for the New Year's concert.

STUDENT 3: Does anyone remember what's in there?

STUDENT 4: Like a stepdaughter was sent to the forest for snowdrops

STUDENT 5: No, I won't go to the forest. What is there to do? There's not even wi-fi!

STUDENT 6: I wonder how you managed in your mother's stomach for 9 months without wi-fi!

STUDENT 5: Those were the hardest 9 months of my life.

BODY: Now the conversation is not about 9, but about 12 months. Let's distribute the roles. Who will be who?

STUDENTS 7,8,9: Mind we will June, July and August!


STUDENTS 7,8,9: And these months at school they don’t ask anything, which means they won’t have to learn anything in the performance.

STUDENT 10: And then I will be September. This is the month when you still want to go to school.

STUDENT 11: According to this logic, I will not be any month at all.

ELDER: (to the girl) And you will look for snowdrops in the forest. Can you do it? This is not an easy task…

STUDENT 1: It’s not an easy task to find such a jacket that no one else has, and snowdrops are nonsense.

STUDENT 2: I don't want to participate in this. Who even wrote all this?

ELDER: Marshak!

STUDENT 2: And who is this? I don't remember any of his articles in Cosmo. I also have a writer - Marshak ... now if Sobchak ...


OLD WOMAN: All right! In this case, the head teacher said the following: for participation in the production, five in a quarter in Russian and literature ... but now we are putting on a fairy tale for 4 months!

STUDENT 2: Can I have a month. Marshak is my favorite writer.

STUDENT 1: No, me. I have been reading this story since childhood.

STUDENT 2: Not true. This is my favorite fairy tale!

STUDENTS: May I! May I! Take me.

Attention! There is another new New Year's scene for schoolchildren in grades 6-9. You can start it

New Year's holidays - the most suitable time to communicate with children. Parents and children jointly prepare for the cherished date - they decorate the house, decorate the Christmas tree. And if guests who also have children are expected on December 31 or January 1, this is an occasion to prepare a scene for showing at the New Year's Eve. Learning and rehearsing the role will give the guys great pleasure.

Many scenarios for the holidays sin with protractedness and complexity of preparation. It is better to learn a few small scenes than one big and complicated story. They can be shown with breaks for games and competitions for guests.

The scenes below are suitable not only for home use - you can use them when preparing a holiday at school or in kindergarten.

The best funny scenes for children

Short funny scenes will amuse both children and adults for the New Year 2019. Mini performances will make the holiday fun and memorable.

Letter to Santa Claus

Daughter: “Mom, please buy me a 96-sheet notebook!”
Mom (surprised): “Why are you so fat?”
Daughter: “I will write a letter to Santa Claus, what gifts I want! To make sure everything fits in!”
Mom: “Just don’t forget to write to your grandfather how you behaved this year!”
Daughter: “Well, if you write that it’s good, it will be a lie. And if you write that it’s bad, then I won’t see gifts like my own ears. I will write like this: “Dear Santa Claus! During this year, I did a lot of pretty original things!…”

Order for Santa Claus

Son: “Dad, I just sent a letter to Santa Claus!”
Father: “And what did you order him, I wonder?”
Son: “Oh, just a little bit ... Just a designer, a machine gun and a laptop!”
Father: “These are all wonderful things, of course! But maybe you shouldn't ask for a laptop? And then a long list is obtained ... "
Son: “Oh, why are you so worried? You will not buy gifts, but Santa Claus!”

How to get a gift

Child: “Mom, are you glad that the New Year is coming soon?”
Mom: “Well, of course, I’m glad!”
Child: "Will you receive a New Year's gift from Santa Claus?"
Mom: “Santa Claus comes only to children! And my dad will probably buy me a present.
Child: “What would you like to get from him?”
Mom: “To be honest, a mink coat! But I'm not sure that he will give it to me ... "
Child: “And you try to fall to the floor, scream and kick with your feet! It always works for me!”

About Vovochka

Teacher: “Vovochka, is it possible to treat studies like that? That nt day, then deuce! If it goes on like this, your father will soon have gray hair."
Vovochka: “Oh, this will be a great gift for him for the New Year! And then he’s completely bald!”

Cool scenes for teenagers

Teenagers are able to learn large volumes of texts for role-playing. Humor prevails in the skits for them, "adult" realities are introduced.

Santa Claus guard

First guard: "Is Santa Claus in place?"
Guard 2: “Shh, no names, there might be a wiretap. And in general, intolerant sounds.
First: "How should it be?"
The second: “Pensioner Low-Temperature! He will come when the clock shows certain numbers!”
First: "But we don't have a watch!"
Second: "We will be informed!"
First: “What is Baba Yaga? Did you put the heaters anywhere? Did you place heat guns?”
Second: “Everything is under control. Keep the adversary at a distance.
The first one: “No longer young, but still there ... Either the Snow Maiden will change clothes, then Barbie, then Little Red Riding Hood. You have to keep your ears open here. By the way, it's time to do a detour of the territory."
(The guards leave, after a while Baba Yaga jumps out)
Baba Yaga: “What, didn’t they wait ?! Thought you could celebrate New Year's Eve? And I came! Now I’ll catch your frostbitten grandfather, but I’ll put him on the battery! Let your old bones warm up a bit! And I'll take gifts for myself!
(Guards run out, grab Baba Yaga by the arms. The song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” plays)
The first guard: “You made your way, so you parachuted from the stupa? Now we will put you under lock and key, so as not to interfere with celebrating the holiday!
Baba Yaga: “Boys, maybe not? Or maybe we can agree on a good deal, huh? You will help me deal with my grandfather, and I will take you to my staff. With promotion!
The second guard: “You will negotiate with Koshchei the Deathless. He has also been sitting with us for a long time, on enhanced nutrition, by the way.
Both guards: “Santa Claus has incorruptible security! Happy New Year, guys!
(Baba Yaga is taken off the stage)

New Year's composition

The teacher (sitting at the table): “Holidays, holidays, but I have to work, check notebooks ... So, the essay “So that I ask Santa Claus for the New Year.” Curious what they wrote here. Our first Vovochka ... "
(The teacher opens the notebook, Vovochka enters the stage)
Little Vovochka: “I would ask Santa Claus to make sure that there is no need to write any essays next year!”
(Vovochka leaves)
Teacher: “Well, everything is clear with this, loafer ... Next notebook. Masha. Wait, why is the catalog of cosmetics attached to the essay?
(Opens a notebook, Masha enters the stage)
Mashenka: “I would ask Santa Claus for the New Year for items No. 145, 146 and 172!”
(Masha leaves)
Teacher: “Brevity is the sister of talent, or what? Okay... Who's next? Egor!"
(Egor appears on the stage)
Egor: “To ask something from Santa Claus, you need to write him a letter. Where can I get his personal e-mail? There is no way to do without hacking the system ... "
(Egor leaves in deep thought)
Teacher: “Everything is clear, the hacker is growing. Oh, I'm tired of something, then, probably, I'll double-check.
(all the children run out onto the stage)
Choir: "Happy New Year, new happiness!"

Oligarch and his daughter

Oligarch: “Zlata, daughter, do you know what kind of holiday happens at the end of December?”
Zlata: “Dad, I’m only 11 years old, why do I have to deal with all this? The calendar in our house hangs on the third floor in the fifth room - take the elevator and look.
Oligarch: “Actually, we have already celebrated this holiday, guess for yourself.”
Zlata: “When did we go to Hawaii?”
Oligarch: “No, it was your birthday. Fifth day of every month.
Zlata: “Oh, I remember the holiday when we rode in the tank?”
Oligarch: "No, we celebrated Victory Day."
Zlata: “When did you fly on an airplane?”
Oligarch: “And this is Aviation Day!”
Zlata: “Okay, I give up!”
Oligarch: “The New Year is coming soon! My favorite holiday!"
Zlata: "What's special about him?"
Oligarch: “Well, on this day it is customary to give gifts!”
Zlata: "No, what's so special?"
Oligarch: “And it’s not me who gives gifts!”
Zlata (surprised): “And who?”
Oligarch: "Santa Claus!"
Zlata: “And where is he on the Forbes list?”
Oligarch: “Nothing. Giving gifts is his job. And on this day, everyone gets together, drink, eat tangerines and shout "Christmas tree, burn!"
Zlata: “Why burn it?”
Oligarch: “No, they don’t burn it! They hang lanterns and toys on it. My hands are already itchy. Let's decorate the Christmas tree!"
Zlata: "Come on! Only half of the toys are for me!”
(Dad and daughter leave the stage)

Scenes for the matinee

A morning performance in kindergarten or in elementary school will be decorated with a small scene on a New Year's theme with the participation of several characters.

Movies about Santa Claus

The director reads the main text, the children in costumes act out the performance. Characters can also be inanimate objects.

Director: “We are making a movie about Santa Claus. Camera, motor, let's go! One day, Grandfather harnessed his horse and went to the forest to cut a Christmas tree. And what is happening in the forest: the wind is making noise, the wolves are howling, the owl is hooting. A deer ran past, rattled his hooves. Hares jumped out into the clearing, drummed on a stump. They saw Grandfather with a horse and galloped away. He sat down on a stump and looked around. He sees - a lot of Christmas trees around. He went up to one Christmas tree, touched it. Not good. I looked at another Christmas tree - I didn’t like it either. Looks - the third just right. He swung at her with an ax, and the Christmas tree begs ... "
Christmas tree number 3: “Grandfather-grandfather, don’t cut me! I'm not good for kids. My leg is lame, the needles are crumbling, the bark is all peeled off!
Director: “Grandfather obeyed, but approached another Christmas tree. Touched her. And the needles are strong, and the bark is whole, and the trunk is straight. Suitable for the New Year! Look, the ax has already been lost somewhere! He decided to pull the tree up by the roots. And the Christmas tree tells him ... "
Christmas Tree No. 4: "Pull, pull, old, you still won't have enough strength."
Director: “Grandfather began to drag the Christmas tree. Can't pull out. The rabbits came running to help. Pull-pull - to no avail. They called the wolves. Pull-pull - again it does not work. The wolves called the owl. Everyone began to pull the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree rests, it is not given. Yes, the wind blows here! On the one hand it blows - no way! On the other hand, there is a Christmas tree! Blew from a third party! Here they pulled out the Christmas tree! The grandfather was delighted, put the Christmas tree on the sled and went with it to the kids, to celebrate the New Year! The end of the film!"

Bored Christmas Tree

There is an elegant Christmas tree with a sad look, sadly looking at the floor. The leader arrives.

Moderator: "Hi kids! How elegant you are today, how beautiful! It's worth seeing! This is the way to celebrate the New Year! So, where is our Christmas tree. Where? There she is! Oh, what are you, Yolochka, so sad? Let's find out from her why she is sad?
Christmas tree: "I'm bored here with you! Here are my girlfriends - they are all standing in city squares. There is music, and they are luxuriously dressed, and they have heaps of gifts! But what about me? Eh…”
Leading: “Yes, what are you, Yolochka, saying this? We have a lot of fun here! Look how many girls and boys! They can do everything with us - they dance, sing songs, recite poems.
Christmas tree: “Oh, something is not believed? Is it true that he can sing?
Moderator: “Of course we can! Guys, let's sing for the Christmas tree?
(Children sing a New Year's song)
Christmas tree: "Yes, that's good! I already like you here. What else can you do?"
(Children show numbers, recite poems)
Christmas tree: “Well, now I see that it was not in vain that I ended up here! Do you have gifts for me?"
(Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, paper-cut snowflakes)
Leading: “Yolochka, do you still want to leave us for the square to your girlfriends?”
Christmas tree: “I want to stay with you! You are very cheerful and beautiful, you know how to celebrate a holiday.”
(Children dance around the Christmas tree)

I have a scene “Once Upon a New Year's Day” - an excellent class scene for the New Year that has just reached publication.

One class and their class teacher already liked it, I hope you do too.

The scene is funny, but with a stitched unobtrusive morality. Modern, but also slightly magical - the end of December after all ...

I wrote it for ninth graders, but there is no strict binding, so it is suitable for staging for almost all schoolchildren - replace only "War and Peace" with Pushkin's fairy tales, for example, etc.

And we start))

Scene class "Once upon a New Year's Eve"

Intonations are important - you need to choose them and maintain the image.

Roles and characters

1. Host - boy
2. Student X (x) - boy
3. Student U (y) - boy
4. The student is a girl
5. Teacher-1 is a girl
6. Teacher-2 - girl

This is how it is for me, but you can change it. You can also add students and teachers, if there are any, and scatter dialogue lines on them. If it is necessary to reduce the number of "actors", then remove one student or Leader - then let his voice sound from behind the scenes in any performance.

"Teachers" should be dressed in business style, adult hairstyles, perhaps glasses. The rest of the characters are in their usual form.


Table and 2-3 chairs around the table

Magic book - a large book or thick hardboard folder (red, blue or green with snowflakes or stars glued on)

Sheets with texts inside the folder - you can legally peep into them, accompanying this with the words “let me see”, “what is inside there?”, “let me look too”

Pouch with a boy's hat inside

Large bag - to fit a book


8-10 minutes.

It is very easy to reduce/increase the duration of the action by removing/adding a few wishes of students and/or teachers - I wrote them so that they can be changed without losing the plot.




The stage is closed by a backstage - all or partly. Leading out:

Once, on New Year's Eve, such a story happened in a certain school in a certain city.

He points to the curtain, it opens, the leader leaves. We see a table with chairs and students at the table or around the table in free poses (that is, not in the lesson). Leafing smartphones.

Student X runs in with a magic book in both hands:

Folks, look what I have! This is a magical book that fulfills any desire!

Student U:

Where are the firewood from?

Student X:

From the forest, of course ... I mean, from the teacher's room.


Have you stolen a book?

Student X:

Not stolen, but borrowed. By the way, the teacher did the same thing - she took the book from the girls at the lesson, said that she would give it back later. Well, we'll give back later.

Student U:

How do you know?

Student X:

So my younger brother told me, it happened in their class.

And he continues, and the rest of the words in the phrase are divided into him and the rest of the students present at the table.

Opens the book and reads:

They say that on New Year's Eve, whatever you wish - everything will always happen, everything always comes true! The truth is coming true!

Oh, okay - these are nursery rhymes, only kids believe in them.

Don't tell! The bro says that they only wished for sweets, and immediately moms from the parent committee enter the class and distribute gifts with chocolates. The little ones, of course, first came to an indescribable delight, and then they realized that they had sold too cheap - they had to guess the iPhones!

Well, yes! And for just so small you took such precious information and leaked it?

First of all, he is my brother after all. Secondly, not for nothing, but for 3 pies, so you still owe me a pies. And thirdly, the book has already been confiscated from them anyway.

Okay, storyteller, open your valuable book, let's check.

Open, read:

Rules for making wishes... And here are the rules! Well, there's no getting away from them. In the lessons of the rules, in the book of desires - the rules!

Will we be indignant or will we make wishes?

I want my hat to be found right now, which I lost a year ago. (Walks, looks under the table, in the corners) There is no hat, your magic book does not work!

You do not rush to draw conclusions, it is better to read the rules.

Reading from a book:

Wishes will come true only in the New Year. You can make one small wish from each person or one big one for all. To make a wish come true, you must first think very well.

What is there to think! Let all the teachers get sick and cancel the lessons!

You can’t wish illness to anyone, it will return like a boomerang!

Okay, let the teachers all go on vacation on vacation, travel, visit and stay there a little longer. Can this be guessed? It's good if people talk a little more with their relatives and get impressions?

Can you imagine what kind of impressions we will have when they return and our desires come out?

Okay, I agree - it’s dumb to think about teachers, but we still need to finish our studies before graduation! Let's not talk about teachers then.

And about whom?




End of quote.

Further along the scene, the children have amazing ideas of desires for other classes, the periodic table, the gym, the foundation of the school, foreign language lessons, literature, and something else. But all ideas are rejected with a sigh by the students themselves, since the consequences will affect loved ones, world culture and, most importantly, themselves))

Puzzled children take a break to think well (and it is best to think over pies)), and leave with things and a book, as if in the dining room.

The kids are gone, but the action continues.




The curtain closes part of the scene with the table where the children left, and the Host appears:

And at the same time, on the eve of the same New Year, in the same school unknown to us in an unknown city, on another floor, in a room with a sign "Teacher's" the following happened.

The leader leaves. The curtain opens, and now Teacher 1 is sitting at the table, and Teacher 2 looks under the table and chairs. The conversation between them...




  • What kind of conversation is this
  • what actually happens in the teacher's room
  • desires of students and reasons for their rejection
  • the desires of the teachers and what they still thought of
  • How did this New Year's Eve end?
  • and even - was there a hat ...
  • that is, the full text of the class scene for the New Year

You can come up with your own or receive from me within 24 hours after payment , cost and details are indicated on the page ""

Or you can choose another fun one - "New Year with Sherlock Holmes" (an article about it has already been published).

Mutual benefit will be in any case))

With a wish for New Year's miracles,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

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