How to draw a dragonfly with a pencil. Draw a dragonfly: face painting and other artistic techniques

    To draw a dragonfly, I suggest you use this illustration

    It is very easy to draw such a dragonfly. First you need to draw an oval, from it to the side we draw small ovals, and each subsequent one in diameter should be larger than the previous one. We draw eyes, pupils, then 6 paws and 4 wings (elongated).

    In that, to draw a dragonfly there is nothing complicated, just draw a circle and two ovals - this way we get the main sketch of the body of the insect, then add the wings, the main thing is to keep the proportions and symmetry. Here's how everything should look step by step (such a lesson is great for children):

    At the end, we color the dragonfly, add an external background in the form of a clearing with flowers, the sun and clouds.

    The dragonfly is a beautiful insect, I was always amazed at the ability of this insect to fly quickly and hang in the air 🙂

    Let's try to draw a dragonfly in stages, repeating the steps of the lesson:

    One more lesson step by step drawing dragonflies are more suitable for children to draw:

    How to draw a dragonfly step by step:

    I wish you success!

    To depict a dragonfly, you need to decide in what perspective you plan to draw it. If just sitting on a table with spread wings, then we draw a line, on both sides of it we symmetrically depict two longitudinal ovals (one is shorter, the other is longer), And then we draw the wings and put a characteristic pattern on them.

    There is also such a scheme for the image of a dragonfly:

    First, draw the head and torso, add the wings and then complete the image of the tail.

    And on the nails, the drawing of dragonflies looks spectacular. So you can draw on the nails, but you can also try on paper with a pencil, it will look more creative. The body with the head merged into a single triangle, and the tail in the form of closely spaced points. On the sides of the wings are drop-shaped.

    If you want to draw a dragonfly with a pencil, then you should start with the outlines, especially the wings. Here is a very short video showing you how to do it all from start to finish. I am sure that you will be able to draw a beautiful dragonfly.

    Great page! I really love dragonflies! What I don’t have with dragonflies - a wallet, a key chain, some clothes, a ring, earrings, a pendant. But I don’t dare to make a tattoo (although I saw a good option on this page).

    To this collection step by step lessons drawing dragonflies I will add a few more options.

    First, draw a straight horizontal line. Along it, with the help of ovals, we denote the shape of the dragonfly's body.

    Let's draw small paws, lines of wings.

    We draw the wings and other parts of the body.

    Dragonfly is ready.

    Here are some other easy options.

    The dragonfly is a very beautiful insect, it is called a dragonfly because it makes a chirring sound. And in this scheme, you can draw two versions of a dragonfly, a dragonfly in flight and a sitting dragonfly. First you need light movements draw the outlines of the dragonfly, the torso and two pairs of wings. And then it is already necessary to outline the outlined contours of our drawing. As a result, we get finished drawing our dragonfly. In the second option, we do the same. But in the second drawing, the wings should be folded and our dragonfly will have legs.

    The dragonfly is an amazing insect. It can hang in the air for a long time in one place and then deftly, with a speed that is not insignificant for an insect, start flying. Our helicopters look like dragonflies, don't they?

    Draw a dragonfly not difficult. I will offer detailed photo diagram, according to which you will draw a dragonfly with a child very quickly in just 4 steps.

    Step one. Draw auxiliary vertical and two horizontal lines. draw, how shown below is the head, thorax and abdomen.

    Second. Draw wings.

    Third. Draw the eyes and belly.

    Final stage. Draw paws and veins on the wings. Color the dragonfly with colored pencils or paints. Success!

    To draw a dragonfly, it's best to start by sketching this beautiful insect, gradually drawing the details: a long body, transparent wings and large eyes. Step-by-step video instructions for drawing a dragonfly will also help to depict all the details correctly.

    You can learn to draw dragonfly, for this, you need to sharpen the pencil well, the lines of the dragonfly should be thin and clear.

    We start the drawing, with such initial contours

    draw lines for the wings

    now, draw the full shape of the wings

    draw the shape of the body

    The principle of drawing a dragonfly is very simple, it is drawn in almost the same way as a butterfly, with some changes. The body and wings of a dragonfly are longer than those of a butterfly and there is no such beautiful pattern on the wings, but they are very similar to a nylon mesh :)

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, even Small child. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a dragonfly. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a dragonfly, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing any animal, even when drawing a dragonfly, you need to pay attention to the anatomical features, without knowing which the correct drawing will not work in principle. If it is not possible to see live, the Internet is full of photos to study the issue of anatomy. You can also find a video in order to understand how he moves and what muscles are involved in this.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

In this figure, the main role belongs to the line. With the help of various lines (curved, curved, zigzag), the image of a dragonfly becomes more beautiful and dynamic. The construction line running along the body of the dragonfly sets the direction of the drawing.

1. Start by drawing the center line of construction. Then draw a circle, then the ovals of the chest and abdomen.

2. How to draw a dragonfly: draw an intricate semicircle, then a curved tail outline. Pay attention to the angle at which they are located. Draw a line for constructing the left wing, and then the right. map out broken lines legs, starting with the one in the middle.

3. Draw the outer outline of the dragonfly. Start with a wavy upper wing line. Then draw the curved outlines of the legs. Draw a small oval in the center of the eye. Draw a spiral pattern on the body and curved lines below the wings.

4. Define the contours with a blacker stroke. thin lines draw the third wing behind the dragonfly's body. Draw three more legs. Paint the bottom of the dragonfly's body, and then draw the pattern on the wings.

At this stage, how to draw a dragonfly, confidently sketch out the background. Start with soft hatching of the water, then draw the curved reeds. Imagine how your dragonfly flies over them in search of dinner!

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a dragonfly. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this tutorial with your friends on social media. networks.

After several attempts that left me with grim dragonflies, I decided that for these creatures, less is more.

Here step by step guide how to create your own drawing dragonflies, perfect for a postcard or frame!


  • Small watercolor set(I used the set watercolor paints Winsor & Newton: viridian, winsor blue GS, green gold and burnt sienna
  • Hot or cold pressed watercolor paper(I used hot pressed paper Fabriano Artistico Traditional White)
  • Round brush number 6 or 8 with pointed tip
  • Hard pencil 2H(pencil number 2, or HB, will also work if you do not press hard)
  • Pigma Micron pen or any permanent marker With thin rod(I used a pen with 0.3 and 0.1 shaft diameter)
  • White gel pen
  • Iridescent gold or silver watercolor(I used Daniel Smith brand)

Step 1 Sketching the Dragonfly

For starters... we draw. It's very simple, I looked at some photos of dragonflies and just divided them into simple shapes.

We are not aiming for an exact likeness or realism, but rather for depicting the essence of a dragonfly. Feel free to use my drawing as your guide or come up with your own.

I used a 2H pencil to keep my lines very light but dark enough for you to see them. Feel free to erase the lines as needed after drawing.

Step 2. Outline with a pen

Then use ink to stroke the dragonfly. Once my drawing was the way I wanted it to be, I used Pigma Micron pens to trace most my dragonfly.

First, I used a 0.3 diameter pen to outline the top of the wing and the right side of the dragonfly's body, as seen above. This puts a little more emphasis on one side of the dragonfly, which appears to be slightly voluminous. Remember, we make everything very simple!

I then used a lighter 0.1 diameter Pigma Micron pen to draw the other side of the dragonfly's body to complete the drawing.

And finally, I continued to use my 0.1 Pigma Micron pen to add some strokes on each part of the body for a hint of shadow and roundness. Take a close look at where I drew the marks by lightly touching the paper with the tip of the pen, creating small dots.

Step 3. Choose colors

The beauty of this project is that any color will do! For this tutorial, I wanted the shades to be clean and light, so I chose fairly transparent colors: viridian (viridian), Windsor blue (winsor blue GS) and green gold (green gold).

Since I wanted to add some light shadows to my dragonfly, I also used burnt sienna. Burnt Sienna is an earthy red-orange color that complements turquoise and green hues, being their opposite in color scheme. When we want to deepen a color, a very easy way is to add a bit of its opposite hue.

Step 4: Paint the Wings

Once I had the colors ready, I started painting one wing, then the other, waiting for them to dry. You need to wait so that the paint does not leak from one wing to another.

I started by applying water to the wings. Using clean water, apply it to the entire wing. Be very careful to use the tip of the brush around the edges so that they are neat, then you will have a good surface for applying watercolor. Success really depends on this, since the paint should not go beyond the edges of the drawing.

As soon as you add water, immediately apply one of the colors with the tip of the brush to the upper edge of the wing, just below the line. The idea is to let the paint flow from the tip of the brush along the ink line, and then you will gently apply the watercolor on the water surface without completely painting over the entire wing.

If the color is too dark or spreads quickly to the underside of the wing, use a clean, damp brush to remove excess paint. The point is that we need to depict the transparency of the dragonfly's wings, giving a hint of color.

Continue this step for all four wings. Here is my dragonfly after painting them. I used winsor blue GS for the top wings and viridian for the bottom wings.

Step 5: Paint the Body

Now it's time to paint the body. I mixed some windsor blue (winsor) and green gold (green gold) and painted the whole body. While it was still very wet, I added burnt sienna in a few places to give it contrast.

While this layer was drying, I mixed winsor blue (GS) and burnt sienna so that I had a deep greenish brown, as shown above.

Then I wanted to add some depth to the dragonfly. I applied water to the body and the inside of the wings and began to lightly add this dark brown mixture with the tip of the brush in places that I felt would have a natural shadow. You can see where I added the color in the photo above.

I then spread the color to the wings where they connected to the body as shown above.

Once this layer was dry, I cleaned up the paper with a soft eraser, removing any unwanted lines, especially at the bottom of each wing, where I wanted them to disappear into the paper, giving the illusion of transparency.

Step 6. Finishing touches

White gel pen I made some small rectangular strokes on the wings. You can see it in the photo above. I did the same with a very thin layer of iridescent gold watercolor. I bought it from Daniel Smith. These little touches bring a hint of texture and shimmer to beautiful, glowing wings.

Here's what we got - the easiest way to create beautiful dragonflies. Use your imagination to paint the whole flock in gorgeous colors! Make postcards, put the drawing in a frame, or give it to a friend.

If you really enjoy this summer project, you can spend more time on your drawing to create something more realistic. Take a look at the one I created above... great painting!

Think you can't draw such a beautiful dragonfly as in my drawing? And you try, the main thing is to take a sharper pencil, because the lines of the dragonfly drawing should be very thin and clear. For the rest, drawing with me, in stages with a simple pencil, I think you will also get an excellent drawing of a dragonfly. At the end of the lesson, the drawing of a dragonfly can be colored with colored pencils, draw flowers, make a background and the dragonfly will be like in a photograph or in a picture of a real artist.

1. The initial contours of the dragonfly

For the initial sketch, you first need to draw the main contour - the body of a dragonfly in the form of an oval. From the front, draw a circle for the head and a naturally long tail line.

2. The contours of the wings of a dragonfly

First draw a straight line for the wings. It runs exactly in the middle of the body, just pay attention, it runs at an angle, from the upper right corner of the sheet to the lower left. Second contour lines wings I think you can draw without my comments. On the edge of the dragonfly's tail, make a small preliminary marking.

3. Draw the general outline of the dragonfly

If you have made the primary contours accurately, then further draw a dragonfly it will be quite easy. Start this drawing step with the most simple steps. First connect the head of the dragonfly with its body, draw the shape of the tail, and only after that start drawing the wings.

4. The final shape of the torso and wings

All you need in this step is to draw the shape of the wings and torso. Just extend the lines of the wings and erase the extra contour lines from the dragonfly drawing with an eraser. Now you see that draw a dragonfly pencil is not difficult at all if the drawing is done in stages.

5. The final stage of the dragonfly drawing

Yes exactly final step, because the dragonfly is already almost completely drawn with us, and if you paint it with colored pencils, then you will not need the sixth stage of the lesson. There is very little to draw here, only four paws and eyes on the head. Dragonfly has unique vision instead of two ordinary eyes her whole head is solid eyes, thanks to this she sees everything around her.

6. How to draw shadows and make a dragonfly drawing voluminous

On the final stage the dragonfly picture only needs to be tinted with a soft simple pencil. The wings of a dragonfly are transparent with veins, so we will only draw veins. The tail will be darker on top, leave the belly light. Circle the eyes on the head with clear contours and shade a little with a pencil. But still, dragonfly drawing it will be more spectacular if you color the dragonfly with colored pencils and make the background of the sky light in blue tones. You can also draw a flower on which a dragonfly sits.

Bees have a lot of small details, which complicates drawing, even a dragonfly is easier to draw. But this lesson will be useful for children who are fond of drawing, as it develops attentiveness and the ability to maintain proportions.

The more varieties of flowers in the bouquet, the brighter and more diverse it is. The painted bouquet can be decorated with all sorts of ribbons, leaves from other larger flowers. Sometimes, for more realism, you can even draw a dragonfly sitting on flowers.

The spider is easy to draw. It has a round body and eight legs. True, some types of spiders have an elongated body, not the same as in my drawing and a brighter and more colorful color. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a spider in stages with a pencil.

In order for the rose to look like a real one, you need to accurately draw the shape of its petals. For more resemblance to a real flower, draw a rose stem with leaves. Dragonfly drawing on a leaf of a rose it does not hurt at all if this drawing is on the theme "Take care of nature."

A dragonfly is somewhat similar to a butterfly. Only the butterfly has large, wide wings, and on its wings it sometimes has very beautiful patterns. If you were able to draw a dragonfly correctly, drawing a butterfly will be easy for you.

In the new lesson I will try to explain how to draw a dragonfly step by step using simple pencil, felt-tip pens, paints or graphics tablet. This instruction will appeal to both children and adults. It will be useful for novice artists, using it you can explain to your child how to draw a dragonfly step by step, moving from one point to another.

1. Mark up the sheet

Take a white sheet of paper and draw a vertical axis in the center of the workspace. Then add two horizontal axes for the wings. This will help make the drawn pictures and drawings of the dragonfly more symmetrical and make it easier for you.

2. Draw the outline

Draw two pairs of wings, body, head and antennae of the insect. For sketching, use a simple pencil and an eraser.

On a note: Correct visible inaccuracies, but do not try to achieve perfect symmetry or a complete repetition of my drawing of a dragonfly in pencil.

3. Details

Let's move on to small details. We are drawing a dragonfly with beautiful open wings, so it is important to make some kind of ornament on them. We fill in the entire area of ​​the wings by hand, trying to make the drawing more or less symmetrical. Then we work out the body of the insect, draw the eyes and remove the auxiliary markup.

4. Coloring the picture

Now that you know how to draw a dragonfly step by step with a pencil, you can move on to color. I will paint the wings with light, as if transparent pastel shades of pink and blue. head over rich colors, and the body is dark blue.

5. Finishing the job

Finishing coloring our sketch. In the photo - a bright drawing of a dragonfly for children. Every kid will want to repeat this picture! However, such a lesson will be useful for adults who are just starting their journey in painting.

6. Background

After we draw the dragonfly step by step, we need to come up with a decent background and finish the job. I depicted the insect in its natural habitat, against the backdrop of lush green grass.

On a note: You can use this drawing to draw a dragonfly and an ant from a famous children's story.

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