How to make a broken line in photoshop. How to draw a line in Photoshop

Graphics editor Photoshop is rightly considered a fairly complex program. It has a large number of tools, and therefore is able to perform many tasks. Well, in order to deal with all its nuances, you need to make every effort, spend a lot of time and, of course, have a great desire, otherwise nothing will work out.

Of course, not all teams can do it for a beginner, for example, but this is only at first. But you have to start somewhere! I propose to start with a simple, but at the same time very necessary lesson: how to draw a straight line in Photoshop. So, let's figure it out.

Brush and Pencil tools

There are several ways to draw a regular straight line in Photoshop, it all depends solely on the user's preferences. By the way, you can also do it in several ways. To begin with, I would like to introduce you to tools that are not the most obvious for these purposes: “Brush” and “Pencil”.

Please note that if you hold down the key before drawing, the line will not turn out to be strictly straight, so do not forget to perform this simple action.

Line Tool

This way of creating a straight line is perhaps very obvious, and lies on the surface, and, nevertheless, beginners may not know about it. The bottom line is that this tool is in a group of others called by the U button on the keyboard. You can also call it manually, for this, on the vertical Panel, click on the "Rectangle" button with the right mouse button. A small menu will drop out with a list of possible tools, among which is the one we need - “Line”.

Click on it, and then adjust the header with customizable parameters, for example, you can adjust the line thickness. Now let's start drawing: to do this, simply drag the computer mouse to the side while holding its left button. If you hold in parallel, you will get a vertical or horizontal line. Also, if you keep the same key pressed and drag the line along an inclined line, then the line, respectively, will be inclined at an angle of 45 degrees.

That's the whole science, as you can see, absolutely nothing complicated! Patience, a little practice, and you will succeed.

AT Adobe Photoshop a huge number of functions are built in that can be used to create various objects, retouch photos and more. A novice user who has just begun to comprehend the basics of this program will not hurt to consider such a problem as how to draw a straight line in Photoshop. And for those who have been in this environment for a long time, it may be interesting to remember the basic ways of drawing a straight line. One method or another will be useful in individual cases.

How to draw a straight line in Photoshop?

There are many ways and techniques for drawing various lines and elements. But before you draw a straight line in Photoshop, you need to keep in mind that there are three basic and quick ways to draw lines: the Brush tool, the Pen tool, and the Line tool. Despite their simplicity, it can be assumed that everyone has their own drawing technique and each user chooses the tool himself, guided by his preferences and the task that he faces.

Brush tool

The simplest and most understandable method is drawing with the Pencil and Brush tools in Photoshop. It is worth bearing in mind that these tools draw, and do not create some kind of object, so the image of the lines will be on the most selected layer. You can avoid this situation and draw a line on a separate layer created. In this case, you can freely edit the brush trail without harming other layers.

To draw a line, just select the Brush or Pencil tool. Then click on the left mouse button and set the direction of the line with the cursor. In addition, using the right mouse button, you can call up an auxiliary window with settings where you can select the type of brush, determine the hardness and shape of the tip.

A straight line can be drawn using the tool in question by the method of multiple magnifications of the image. The closer the image is, the more likely it is to draw a more or less straight line by hand. A perfectly straight line can be created by holding down the Shift key and using the same Brush / Pencil tool. By activating right tool, hold down the left mouse button and the Shift key - we observe the construction of a straight line, controlled by the cursor.

Line Tool

There is another way to draw a straight line using the Line tool in Photoshop. The quick access panel includes a block that combines a number of geometric tools, including the one under consideration. The created lines will be distributed into new layers, which are formed automatically after drawing a straight line.

Before you draw a straight line in Photoshop, you must select the tool of the same name and click on the left mouse button at the point where this element will begin. To complete the construction, you need to click on the LMB again.

The convenience of this method lies in the fact that the lines can be combined into a common layer and provide full editing of a group of constructed elements. The merged layer, after finishing work on it, can be rasterized, but working with the merged elements in the vector graphics format will no longer work. You can format a rasterized layer just like any other layer. Another advantage is the fact that you can edit the lines themselves without losing quality. The vector line editing menu is located at the top of the program - its header. Here you can set the color of the line, its outline, shape and thickness.

Pen Tool

A versatile tool for creating figures of varying complexity. Using this function and the multiple magnification method, you can select hard-to-reach areas in the image in the new shape. So, for example, you can draw both straight lines in Photoshop and curves. Mastering this tool is extremely important - it is used everywhere in many creative works, when you need to cut out some image or create a new graphic interpretation.

Interaction of the Brush and Pen tools

You can easily draw with the pen straight line in Photoshop. To do this, you must first select the "Brush" tool, where a dialog box opens with the right mouse button and the desired stiffness, size and color of the future line are entered. Now you should activate the "Pen" tool in the quick access panel (in addition to the usual pen, there are other types of "Pen" tool in the block, but we will not need them). We put the first reference point where the line should start. Then we put another point - the end of the line.

The Pen tool does not create a work object, but only a path. In order for the user to be able to turn the path into a real object, he needs to stroke the path. The Paths panel is located by default in the lower right corner, where layers are usually located. In this window, the "Contour" tab is selected, where you can see our work path. Right-click on the path and select Stroke Path. In the Photoshop window that appears, the brush is by default in the field - you don’t need to change anything, just confirm the action.

Hello, dear readers! In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a line in Photoshop.
Create new document in Photoshop (Ctrl + N) with a white background.

The easiest tool for drawing straight lines is the Line Tool (U). In addition to the standard modes of vector tools on the top panel there is a parameter Thickness (Width). He is responsible for the thickness of the line.
To create a line, drag the mouse to the side while holding the left button. If you hold down the Shift key, you can get a horizontal or vertical line. If you drag a line in a slanted direction while holding Shift, it will be slanted at a 45 degree angle.
This is how straight vector lines are drawn.

You can also use the Brush Tool (B) to draw lines. Select it, right click on the canvas and set the Size to 1 px so the lines are thin. As in the first case, you need to hold down the Shift key to draw straight lines.
You can also draw lines by points. Make a single click on the canvas at the starting point. Hold down the Shift key and click on the next point (where the end of the line should be), then another one if you want to create a polyline.

But what if you need to draw wavy line? To do this, you can use a combination of tools Pen (Pen Tool) (P) and Brush (Brush Tool) (B). Photoshop has a stroke function.
Select a tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P) and in the settings select the Paths mode:

Lines are drawn with this tool using single clicks. draw simple line in two clicks.

Hover over the line and a "+" sign will appear next to it.

Pull the line down and it will curve. Another anchor point will appear on the line. Tool Arrow (Direct Selection Tool) (A) you can change the curvature of the lines using the levers. To quickly switch to this tool, press the Ctrl key with the active tool Pen (Pen Tool) (P).

Now you need to select the brush with which the outline will be circled. Select a tool Brush (Brush Tool) (B), set the size to 2 pixels and lower the hardness to 0%.

Select the Pen Tool (P) again, right-click on the canvas and select Stroke Path.

In the window that appears, select Brush (Brush). If you turn on the function Simulate pressure (Simulate Pressure), then the edges of the line will be narrowed.

Press Enter to remove the outline.

Stroke could have been done more fast way. After adjusting the brush, do not switch to Pen (Pen Tool) (P), but press Enter to stroke. Pressing this key multiple times will repeat the stroke. To remove the outline, press Delete.

This concludes the lesson. Now you know how to draw a line in Photoshop.

If you at least occasionally use the MS Word text editor, you probably know that in this program you can not only type text, but also perform a number of other tasks. We have already written about many features of this office product, if necessary, you can familiarize yourself with this material. In the same article, we will talk about how to draw a line or strip in Word.

1. Open the document in which you want to draw a line, or create a new file and open it.

2. Go to tab "Insert", where in the group “Illustrations” press the button "Shapes" and select the appropriate line from the list.

Note: In our example, Word 2016 is used, in previous versions of the program, in the tab "Insert" there is a separate group "Shapes".

3. Draw a line by pressing the left mouse button at its beginning and releasing it at the end.

4. A line of the length and direction you specified will be drawn. After that, a mode for working with shapes will appear in the MS Word document, about the possibilities of which, read below.

After you draw a line, a tab will appear in Word "Format", in which you can change and edit the added shape.

in order to change appearance line, expand the item menu “Shape Styles” and choose the one you like.

To make a dotted line in Word, expand the button menu “Shape Styles”, after clicking on the shape, and select the required line type ( "Hatch") In chapter "Blanks".

To draw a curved line instead of a straight line, select the appropriate line type in the section "Shapes". Click once with the left mouse button and drag it to define one bend, click a second time for the next one, repeat this action for each of the bends, and then double-click the left mouse button to exit line drawing mode.

To draw a freeform line, in the section "Shapes" select “Polyline: drawn curve”.

To change the field size of a drawn line, select it and click the button "The size". Set the required field width and height parameters.

    Advice: You can also change the size of the area occupied by the line using the mouse. Click on one of the circles framing it and drag it to the desired direction. If necessary, repeat the action on the other side of the figure.

For shapes with nodes (for example, a curved line), a tool for modifying them is available.

To change the color of the shape, click the button "Shape Contour" located in the group “Styles”, and select the appropriate color.

To move a line, simply click on it to show the shape area and drag it to the desired location in the document.

That's all, from this article you learned how to draw (draw) a line in Word. Now you know a little more about the possibilities of this program. We wish you success in its further development.

It would seem, why might four methods be needed? After all, almost every person uses one method to which he is accustomed. For example, I pressed Shift and the dash key several times, and that's how a horizontal line turned out.

But what if this results in a dotted line, but you need a solid one?
- Most likely, the Shift key on the keyboard is faulty. Here are some other ways to help.

Perhaps the most familiar way to make a line in Word is to use a couple of keys on the keyboard.

I Thin, thick, double, dotted line using the keyboard

Below is a drawing of a keyboard with an English layout, but without a Russian layout, but this does not matter, because we are only interested in three keys: Shift, dash and Enter.

Rice. 1. Three keys on the keyboard: Shift, dash and Enter for a continuous horizontal line in Word

With these three keys, you can draw a continuous horizontal line in Word: dashed or solid, thin or thick, long or short.

1) By pressing the “-” (dash) key several times in Word editor we get a dotted line of any length.

To do thin long line for the entire width of the page:

  • We find the “dash” key on the keyboard (to the right of the “zero” key, in the green frame in Fig. 1).
  • From a new (!) Line in Word, press this key several times: -
  • And then press the "Enter" () key. Several printed dashes will suddenly turn into a continuous horizontal thin line the full width of the page.

2) When you press Shift and "-" (dash) at the same time, NOT a dash is printed, but an underscore _________. Thus, you can make a continuous line of arbitrary length anywhere in the document.

Rice. 2. Thin and thick horizontal line in Word

Now we print thick horizontal line across the entire width of the page:

  • Again we find the same dash key, as well as the Shift key (left or right, as you like). Press Shift, hold and don't let go.
  • And now, from a new (!) line, click on the dash several times (for example, 3-4 times) (while not releasing Shift): ___. Release Shift.
  • Now press the Enter key. You will see a thick horizontal solid line.

Horizontal thin, thick, dotted and double line in Word using keyboard


II Line in Word using a table

A horizontal line can be obtained by using a table of one cell (1x1), in which only the top or bottom border is colored (will be visible), and the other three sides of the table have unpainted borders (they will be invisible).

We put the cursor in the place where the line should be. In the top menu of Word, click:

  • Insert (1 in Fig. 3),
  • Table (2 in Fig. 3),
  • One cell (3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. How to insert a 1x1 table in Word (from one cell)

The result is a table of one large cell (1x1):

It remains in the 1x1 table on three sides to remove the borders. For this

  • go to the "Home" tab (1 in Fig. 4),
  • next next to "Font" we find "Paragraph" and borders (2 in Fig. 4),
  • remove all borders by clicking "No border" (3 in Fig. 4),
  • select "Upper border" or "Lower border" (4 in Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. How to remove border selection in a Word table (make borders invisible)

I show this clearly in the video (at the end of the article).

By the way, in Fig. 3 shows that there is an easier way. You can put the cursor at the beginning of a line in Word and click " Horizontal line» (5 in Fig. 4):

III Line in Word by Drawing

Insert (1 in Fig. 5) - Shapes (2 in Fig. 5) is another way to get a horizontal line in Word.

To make the line strictly horizontal, hold down the Shift key and draw the line at the same time.

Rice. 5. How to draw a line in Word

IV Line in Word using the on-screen keyboard

For Windows 10, you can also find the on-screen keyboard by typing "on-screen keyboard" into the Search bar.

Rice. 6. On-screen keyboard

We will create a horizontal line in the same way as in the first version with a regular keyboard. On the on-screen keyboard, you need three buttons: dash, Shift and Enter.

1 Dash and Enter

From a new line in Word, click on the dash several times (1 in Fig. 6) and press Enter. You will get a thin horizontal line.

2 Shift, dash and Enter

From a new line in Word, click first Shift (2 in Fig. 6), then Dash (1 in Fig. 6). Get an underline. So repeat 2 more times, and then press Enter. As a result, we will see a thick horizontal line.

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