How to draw a kitty cat with a pencil step by step. How to draw Kitty with a pencil? Step-by-step instruction

For a modern lover to draw, it is quite easy to find new image for inspiration. A large number of all kinds of cartoon characters open up a wide opportunity for activity.

As an example, let's try to draw Hello Kitty.

Hello Kitty

If someone does not know who this is Hello Kitty, then especially for them it should be explained that this is a cult white cat from Japan. She appeared quite a long time ago and for many years on the shelves of shops you can find souvenirs with her image.

In order for Hello Kitty to become a favorite of our people, you should learn how to draw it correctly. To do this, the whole process should be divided into successive stages:

  • At the first stage, you need to draw an oval - this will be the head of Hello Kitty. You can immediately draw a bow on the head, which is a must-have decoration for this kitten.
  • At the second stage, you should finish drawing the cat's head: for this, outline its contours, highlighting small flirty ears, and only after that you need to draw a mustache.
  • At the third stage, you should draw a muzzle: for this you need to draw beady eyes with cilia, as well as a mouth.
  • The fourth stage is characterized by the fact that now it is necessary to draw a kitty's outfit - it can be absolutely anything. by the most simple option maybe something like a hoodie, it will still turn out to be very cute.
  • Now you need to add the front and hind legs - and Hello Kitty is ready.

Hello Kitty - white cat - iconic character Japanese culture. Invented many years ago, Kitty has seriously settled on the souvenir counters. Toys with Hello Kitty are loved all over the world, but on this page we will learn how to draw Hello Kitty on paper.

How to draw Hello Kitty step by step with a pencil

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  • Draw an oval for Kitty's head with a pencil and move on to the next step.
  • Draw a Hello Kitty bow. It's very simple - first a circle, and then a few bow petals.
  • Now draw Kitty's head, just lightly outline the shape drawn in the first step for this. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the small ears. Lastly, draw the cat's whiskers.
  • After drawing eyelashes with cilia and a mouth for Hello Kitty, move on to the next step.
  • Time to draw the outfit. He can be anyone. We suggest you draw a small dress with a simple collar.
  • Draw arms, legs and your drawing is ready.

Now you see what to draw Hello Kitty with a pencil using step by step instructions- easily! Don't forget to color your picture.

And hello again everyone!
Call your children to the monitors, because today we will learn how to easily draw a minion in stages. For those who do not know minions - these are such cute and funny characters from the Despicable Me cartoon trilogy. All of them yellow color, like the packaging of a chocolate egg toy, speak their own language and always get into interesting situations under the leadership of their owner, an awkward man with a big nose named Gru. Although I think that every adult, and even more so a child, imagines what these restless pets look like.
I will draw with a felt-tip pen, you can follow my example or use with a simple pencil to correct the drawing, if necessary. Take a sheet of paper, preferably landscape.
If you want to draw a large minion, then it is better to place the sheet vertically, if you plan to depict several pieces next to each other, then you can horizontally. All minions are very similar to each other, but there is one significant difference - some are more fortunate and have two eyes, while others are content with only one. I will draw a more developed yellowbell that sees twice as well.

I'll start drawing from the eyes. First, we depict two identical circles, around which we make a border. The edging will serve as points in the future. It turned out like this eight.

To make the eyes real, add pupils to them. I draw two pieces, who decided to portray a one-eyed cyclops will do it twice as fast!

In the next step, we will draw a body for our minion. Here you can dream up. Depending on the size of the torso, it will be high, low or regular, like mine.

Are there bald minions? Of course! But I decided to make mine handsome, gave him such rare curls. You can depict the vegetation on the head in a different way, for example, draw a thick tuft from one point, similar to how a palm tree grows. And at this stage, do not forget to draw the strap from the glasses. It turned out like this.

The yellow men are mostly dressed in the same denim overalls, in other words, just trousers with straps. My friend is no exception. Now I will draw the very straps on which to hold the pants. The dots on the straps are buttons or buttons.

Almost left our yellow hero without the opportunity to discuss last news with brothers. Let's go back and draw his mouth. I like to smile, so of course I decorated my face with a smiling grin.

What's next, you ask? Further we will draw hands, one is raised up, the other is lowered. It may be different for you, both up, both down, you can even portray one-armed bandit. In fact, these are just blanks, a little later we will turn them into real hands.

Let's return to the torso and clothes, draw a jumpsuit with an obligatory pocket in the middle.

In the next step, let's finish the arms and finish the brushes, in my drawing it turned out like this.

There is a head, there are hands. What is missing? Correctly draw the minion's legs. This is also easy and simple to do. That's all the drawing is ready!

Of course, children love colorful and bright drawings more. Therefore, so that the impressions of today's lesson remain in your memory for a long time, take pencils or felt-tip pens and decorate the picture, as I did. The minion itself is yellow, the clothes are blue, the eyes are brown, and the glasses can be shaded with a silver felt-tip pen or a simple pencil. I think it turned out great, write your opinion in the comments.

How to draw Kitty with a pencil - a cheerful and cheerful kitten girl with a golden heart from the Hello Kitty cartoon of the same name? Yes, very simple! An illustrated step-by-step instruction will help you with this.

Step 1

How to draw Kitty? Start by sketching with a pencil. Don't press too hard in the initial stages. Use light, smooth strokes for drafting. Draw an oval extended on the sides in the upper half of the sheet. This will be the base for Kitty's head. Under this shape place a square with rounded corners. Let it be a little smaller than the head. This will be the base for the body.

Step 2

Draw a vertical line that crosses the oval in half, and a horizontal line that will be located slightly below the center. In the square, draw a vertical line separating one third from the left side of the body, as well as a horizontal line located slightly below the center of the figure.

Step 3

Above Hello Kitty's head and on either side of the vertical line, draw two small triangles. These will be the ears of our cartoon character.

Step 4

To draw the arms, place one small oval on the upper left side of the body shape at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. In the upper right part of the torso, draw another oval about the same size and at the same angle.

Step 5

On the top left side of the head, just below the ear, draw a small circle. On either side of the circle, make two small triangles pointing at each other but not connected. This will be the base for the bow. These were the first steps of the instruction on how to draw Kitty.

Step 6

So, the initial sketch is ready, it's time to start more confident steps and press harder on the pencil.

Step 7

To make a bow by overlapping sharp corners, draw two C-shaped curves. Place exactly the same smaller ovals inside each of the triangles so that they also touch the circle in the center of the bow.

Step 8

Draw a thicker line of the head around the ears so that they are not so sharp.

Step 9

Now draw two ovals on horizontal line, which are located at the same distance to the right and left of the vertical auxiliary line- it will be the eyes.

Step 10

Below the horizontal line of the structure, right on the vertical auxiliary line, there will be an oval-shaped nose, which will be the same size as the eyes, only in a horizontal position. Using quick strokes, draw three lines on either side of the muzzle to make a mustache.

Step 11

In order to finish left hand, draw a line through the middle of the oval to form the sleeve. Then make a small bump just below the bottom of the sleeve to make a thumb.

Step 12

Use a U-shaped arc below the head and draw in the collar. Then draw clearer lines for the upper torso, which will slightly violate the original boundaries of the sketch. There will be a slight shift of the body to the left. Draw a small vertical line just to the right of the vertical line to indicate where Kitty's legs will meet.

Step 13

Using the shape of the body and the vertical line as a guide, draw the legs, with the left one a little larger than the right one, as it is shown from the side.

Step 14

To finish with right hand, add a line in the middle of the oval. Make sure that the bottom line does not overlap the lines of the torso and head.

Step 15

How to draw Kitty? There is nothing easier! Just a few steps, and even Small child. The image is ready, but it can still be finalized.

Step 16

A portrait will be more beautiful and complete if you carefully circle the final sketch with a marker or felt-tip pen. Then wait for the drawing to dry, and get rid of each extra pencil line with an eraser.

How to draw Kitty: the final step

You can stop at the previous step, but it's best to color Kitty to complete the look. You can use markers, colored pencils, or even crayons. Hello Kitty is incredibly simple and cute cartoon character. The color of her bow and overalls is red, her nose is yellow, and her blouse is pink. The muzzle, arms and legs should be left white. Everything, the drawing is ready!

    In order to draw such popular character, how Hello Kitty, there is nothing complicated. This cute kitty has practically no complex lines, the main thing is to skillfully group them and know where to start drawing. And in order to make it easier to understand all the stages of the drawing, you can look at step by step lessons shown below and choose the one you like. We start drawing with the oval of the head, then we draw the body, and then we finish the auxiliary details - a bow on the head, a muzzle. BUT finished drawing paint with white paint - this will be the main body color of Hello Kitty, and make the dress or costume pink or purple:

    You can draw Hello Kitty like this: first a sketch, then the details of the Hello Kitty drawing (torso, head, paws, tail, clothes, and, of course, a bow near the ear).

    Also, step-by-step video instructions for drawing Hello Kitty will help you get the image right.

    I will offer you a very simple circuit Drawing Hello Kitty for kids.

    First, draw a bow:

    Then the head:

    Draw eyes, nose and antennae:

    That's all! Your kid will definitely learn how to draw Kitty according to this scheme. Let's decorate:

    And this scheme is already for parents. How to draw Hello Kitty (Hello Kitty) in a Santa costume for Christmas:

    That's all! It remains to decorate:

    The scheme of how to draw Kitty - an astronaut:

    Let's decorate:

    This is a fairly simple drawing. Can handle even 6 summer child, although maybe someone is able to draw in more early age. Here are the steps for drawing:

    • the head, torso and the approximate location of the eyes and nose are shown by a triangle
    • left ear, side bow, right ear, approximate hand position
    • mustache, eyes, nose, thumbs
    • wipe all the excess and direct the drawing
    • decorate beautifully.

    Here exemplary scheme drawing Hello Kitty in stages, with a simple pencil, for free and without registration. The penultimate drawing can be used as a coloring book. Also see the question:

    My daughter and I love to watch the cartoon Hello Kitty. This is a cartoon about two sisters Kitty and Mimi, they are twins and in each series they travel through the world of fairy tales.

    And drawing Kitty and Mimi is very easy. We draw a large oval - this is the head. We add a torso and paws with ears to it and do not forget about the bow. Kitty has a bow on her left ear and Mimi on her right.

    Our kitty is ready :) you can color it.

    Drawing a Hello Kitty cartoon character is quite easy, since Kitty's image consists of simple geometric shapes.

    Such a drawing can be offered to be done with you even by a child of four or five years.

    To draw Hello Kitty, you will need a sheet of good thick paper, a simple TM or HB medium-soft pencil, an eraser, colored pencils or crayons, older children can be entrusted with coloring the drawing with paints.

    Start drawing Hello Kitty from the head, outlining the central axis for the whole body, a horizontal oval for the head, draw eyes, a nose, ears and an obligatory accessory for Kitty - a bow.

    Then draw the torso, it is smaller in length and width than Kitty's head, legs and arms in the form of cylinders expanding towards the bottom.

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