Igor Kondratyuk: “I have enough human joys. Igor Kondratyuk

Igor Kondratyuk - biography

Igor Kondratyuk is one of the most famous showmen in the Ukrainian show business, a producer, a jury member of several talent shows and a permanent host of the Karaoke on the Maidan TV show. How did his career develop, and what Interesting Facts not known about it yet? Igor Kondratyuk biography.

Education: Graduated from the Faculty of Physics Kyiv State University them. T.Shevchenko, majoring in solid state optics

The popular TV presenter was born in the small village of Prigorye, which is located in the Kherson region. Date of birth - March 14, 1962, according to the sign of the Zodiac - Pisces. As a child, Igor was a calm and reasonable boy, loved to read, was very hardworking and even then showed interest in the exact sciences, being fond of astronomy. The future showman had a great desire to learn how to play the saxophone, he sang in the choir, and also went to the section ballroom dancing. While studying at school, Igor helped his parents, working as an assistant to a combine operator and receiving a good salary. Love for science and a great desire to learn helped Igor Kondratyuk become a gold medalist. After leaving school in 1979, Kondratyuk entered the Faculty of Physics of the Taras Shevchenko National University.

After graduating from the university, he became a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine. My television career Igor began in 1985 with participation in the cult intellectual program “What? Where? When?". Since 1991, the popular showman has been actively working on television, starting as an editor at television shows Brain Ring and Love at First Sight. Soon the presenter switches to Ukrainian television - Igor Kondratyuk becomes the host of the 5 + 1 project, and in 1999 he begins to host the folk song program Karaoke on the Maidan. After projects in which Kondratyuk becomes a host and producer, there are more - “LG “Eureka!”, Chance, American Chance, Star duet". In the TV show "Ukraine Has Talent" and the X-factor, Igor occupies one of the judge's chairs.

Not much is known about the wife of Igor Kondratyuk, since she is not a media person. It is known that Alexandra Gorodetskaya is an economist by education, now she works financial director. The future husband and wife met at work. The host's marriage is considered one of the strongest in show business. Kondratyuk is the father of three children. His eldest son Sergei worked as an assistant on the Karaoke on the Maidan and X-factor projects and continues to build a career on television. Daughter Polina has a lovely ear for music, and also enjoys sports - at the Ukrainian Archery Championship, she successfully spoke for the honor of the Kyiv team. Igor also has a middle son, Daniel.

In 2010, the presenter became one of the jury members of the popular talent show in Ukraine "X-factor", hosted by Oksana Marchenko. The first composition of the show looked like this - Igor Kondratyuk, singer Elka, rapper Seryoga and musical critic Sergey Sosedov. At the end of the sixth season, the famous presenter announced his decision to leave the show. The stages of the show are as follows:

Producer precasting. Telecasting - participants speak to the judges and, based on the results of the judges' vote, a decision is made whether they go further in the show or not. Selection of contestants - according to the results of the competition, the judges select 12 performers (into four categories). Live broadcasts - each performer performs in front of the audience and judges with a song. Based on the results of the voting of the judges and the audience voting, the loser is determined, who leaves the show. Final - two superfinalists are determined, the winner is chosen by the audience during the weekly voting.

Igor Kondratyuk was considered one of the most reasonable, fair and strict members of the jury, for whom the most important thing was how the contestant sings and how much the audience might like his image. Most often, Igor's wards reached the Superfinal. In the first season, Marina Rak became the superfinalist, in the second - Oleg Kenzov, in the third season the ward Aida Nikolaychuk won, in the fourth season Trioda went to the superfinal, in the sixth the victory went to his ward Kostya Bacharov.

Other TV projects

Igor Kondratyuk was also known as a judge of the talent show "Ukraine has talent". The purpose of the show is to find the most talented Ukrainian in the country, who will receive a super prize of 1 million hryvnias. The winner is determined by SMS voting.

The TV project "Chance" became the first Ukrainian talent show, which started in 2003. The winner of "Karaoke on the Maidan" became the ward of the presenters Natalia Mogilevskaya and Kuzma Skryabin, who were supposed to make a real star out of him in a few hours.

Few people know about such facts from the life of a popular presenter as:

Igor Kondratyuk - author 105 scientific papers in molecular biophysics. In 2008 Andrey Kozlov's team “What? Where? When?, in which Igor was one of the participants, received the "Crystal Owl". Over the years, he received six prestigious awards in Ukraine "Teletriumph". An avid fan of the Dynamo football team. Likes to write poetry. He was a producer of famous pop singers Vitaly Kozlovsky, Natalia Valevskaya, Pavel Tabakov, Alexander Voevudsky. He was also a co-producer of the Aviator group.

Igor Kondratyuk remains one of the brightest media personalities, who plans to create a unique author's musical project.

What do you think about Igor Kondratyuk, we are waiting for your comments.

Igor Kondratyuk son Daniel
Igor Kondratyuk | Karaoke on Maidan | Fan club Discussion board Discussion2
Igor Kondratyuk

Ukrainian TV presenter, producer, showman

Born March 14, 1962 in the Kherson region in large family he has two brothers and two sisters. At school he worked as an assistant combine operator. With a gold medal in 1979 he graduated from the Kalanchak high school № 1.

In 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University (specialization - solid state optics). After graduation, he worked as a researcher at the Department of Molecular Biophysics at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Author 105 scientific works in molecular biophysics, in collaboration with other scientists.

On television since 1985 - since gaining membership in the What? Where? When?".

Since 1990, he worked in Moscow as a public relations showman, editor and assistant presenter in the programs of the Ostankino television company - Love at First Sight and Brain Ring.

In 1992-1994, Igor Kondratyuk hosted the TV game "5 + 1" on the UT-3 channel, in 1995-1996 - the game "Program for Tomorrow" (UT-1).

He was a co-organizer and host of the matches of the national teams of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus of the program “What? Where? When?" on the UT-1 channel.

Igor Kondratyuk came up with the program "Karaoke on the Maidan" together with his godfather Andrey Kozlov. Andrei Kozlov baptized his middle son Danila.

Kozlov is a television director and producer, as well as the captain of the What? Where? When? ”, In which Igor Kondratyuk plays.

From 2001 to 2006 - leading and Chief Editor program “LG Intellect Show “Eureka!”.

In 2006, he was the host of the Karaoke on the Arbat program (TVC, Moscow). Producer of the Star Duet project at Inter (production - V.I.K. Studio).

In 2009 - one of the three judges of the first season of the talent show "Ukraine Got Talent!" on the STB TV channel.

Igor Kondratyuk - winner of a number of television awards, including 5 awards national award Teletriumph. In particular, in 2003 "Karaoke on the Maidan" was recognized as the best music program, and "Eureka!" - the best project for kids. "Chance" - the best entertainment program in 2004-2006.

Igor Kondratyuk is married. Wife Alexander (Gorodetskaya), sons Sergey and Danila, little daughter Polina.

Igor Kondratyuk saw the accountant Alexandra Gorodetskaya at work. Now she is the chief financial officer.

Igor Kondratyuk - ardent football fan. On weekends, together with his wife, he often flew abroad for UEFA Cup matches with the participation of Dynamo Kyiv.

- Sergey, of the three children of Igor, you are still the only one who has delved into the scope of his father. When did you first get interested in directing?

The program "Karaoke on the Maidan" is in its 15th year, and I often came to film set to the father. Since 2003, he began to earn extra money there: he brought coffee to his father, then he looked after the cameras. And later he began to work in the project "Chance", then - on the set of a movie, with other people. Although initially he entered the Shevchenko University at the Faculty of Economics. And, most likely, it was one of my biggest stupidities ...

- Why stupidity?

I'm not good at math, unlike my parents. And he entered the economic, rather, "weakly". Once, when we were choosing a university, my mother said: "There is mathematics in Shevchenko - you definitely won't get in!" Although initially there was an option to enter Moscow or study at Karpenko-Kary. As a result, I passed mathematics, entered, and it turned out to be not even interesting to study. There was some desperation.

- Hopelessness, perhaps, from the fact that you continued to look for yourself?

I sat in class and did not understand what I was doing here. I felt like I was in the wrong place. When higher mathematics "bound" with economics appeared in the program, I was completely lost and disoriented. As a result, it all ended with the fact that he flew out of the second year. And out of stupidity - I thought that I had passed the test, and went to rest. Upon his return, it turned out that the credit had not been set then, and tomorrow the dean is already stamping the deduction.

- True, with a fairly good financial position father you worked as a teenager from an ordinary family?

I really got lucky. Because not every student, having flown out of the university, can afford not to starve to death. But the father in this regard is quite tough. In the first month after the expulsion, I could not find a part-time job on television projects, so my father looked askance at my "parasitism". For two months we practically did not communicate with him, but later everything returned to normal. I tried to enroll in culinary courses, was engaged in direct sales. As a result, having decided, he entered KNUKiI at the directing department. And now, when I have already moved to a separate apartment and go about my business, my father has calmed down. He is even glad that I understood from my own experience what is "good" and what is "bad" in the sense of work (smiles).

"Dad is a gold medalist, I am a silver one"

- Your father gave a significant part of his life to science. Is that why he took your expulsion so hard?

I think yes. He is a gold medalist in school, a PhD in biology, a member of the club of connoisseurs. The only thing I can brag about is a silver medal at school. And then it was received by ... father (smiles). During the awarding, they made a reservation, saying that it was not Sergei, but Igor Kondratyuk who received the medal! Dad got up, silently walked onto the stage, took the medal and left with a smug smile (laughs).

How often do you see your father now?

Every week on the set of "Karaoke on the Maidan", where I now work as an administrator, assistant editing director and music editor.

- Have you already encountered bias due to the fact that you work with Igor in the same project?

“Have you never been popular with your father?”

It seems to me that this is the prerogative of my younger brother Dani and sisters Polina. Now, at the request of my parents, I wedged into their educational process. If Danya does not always listen to his parents because of his teenage maximalism, I try to become an authority for him. But while Danya for some reason unquestioningly listens only to my girlfriend (laughs). It is a pity that I did not have an older brother whom I could listen to before committing another stupidity in life.

"There are plans for the wedding, but we are not in a hurry"

- By the way, has your girlfriend already introduced you to her family? (The parents of Olya, whom Sergei has been dating for two years, live in America. - Auth.)

Last year I spent the winter holidays there and met Olya's parents, grandmother and great-grandmother. I think they received me well. And in Ukraine, my girlfriend only had a grandfather on her mother's side. Knowing that he former employee The KGB, to tell the truth, I was more afraid of meeting him than anyone else. But grandfather turned out to be a very nice, good person.

- Have you introduced your parents to Olya for a long time?

Yes, much earlier than she did me with hers. It's funny, but dad called Olya a different name for some time after they met, but soon corrected himself. I had no doubt that mom and dad, trusting me, would treat my girlfriend well.

- Have you already thought about the development of your relationship? Igor told us in October that he was not yet mentally ready to become a grandfather ...

To be honest, I'm not going to become a father myself yet. If we talk about the wedding, then, on the one hand, I want to, and on the other, I understand that this is a rather serious step. Right now we just live together. We are not in a hurry to get married.

- Various gossip is often launched about Igor Kondratyuk. Which of them do you remember the most and how does the family react to them?

I remember numerous articles “Kondratyuk has an affair with Mogilevskaya!”, “Kondratyuk has an affair with Kuzma”, “... love with an X-factor graduate” ... Reading about my father’s next “novels”, my mother and I laugh (smiles).

- Do you have any traditions in your family?

Parents are trying in every possible way to make sure that we meet with the whole family more often: me, mom, dad, Danya and Polina. On weekends we usually go to the cinema and go bowling.

- Can you call your father your friend or do you have a more distant relationship with him?

It would be nice if my father was my friend! But I am only now gradually revealing to him some moments from my past. Knowing my father, I understand that he does not need to know about everything that happened to me when I was younger.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" continues to publish a series of interviews with children famous TV presenters and artists in which stellar offspring take off the masks from their parents and reveal them from a completely different side.

AT next issue heading "Celebrity Children" read an interview with the son of the popular TV presenter and showman Dmitry Kolyadenko - Philip.


About the secrets of the youth of the TV presenter

- Sergei, your dad at 51 looks 35-40! It seems that since the beginning of his career, he has not changed in appearance. What is the secret of his youth?

I think that this is still the merit of heredity. And he does not eat everything and does not smoke, and practically does not drink. But recently he set up a treadmill at home, which made the whole family laugh. Although he claims that every day he runs on it for 10 minutes. And push-ups from the floor twenty times. But none of us has ever caught our father doing this.

Biography of Igor Kondratyuk

Igor Kondratyuk - famous person, both in the world of Ukrainian television and the show business of the country as a whole. His life path It's one hell of an adventure. The biography of Igor Kondratyuk reveals many interesting facts about his life and work.

Igor was born in the wide expanses of the Kherson steppes in the village of Prigorye, Vysokopilsky district. At school he showed significant progress in school and graduated with a gold medal.

The exact sciences have always interested the guy, so for further study he chose the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, namely, the Faculty of Radiophysics. After graduation, he worked as a researcher at one of the institutes, and even defended his dissertation and received a Ph.D. These are the interesting facts we find in the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. It would seem, how could a person of such a serious profession subsequently become a famous showman?

For the first time, Kondratyuk was able to find himself both on the TV screen and behind the scenes through the TV show "What? Where? When?". Thanks to his extraordinary mind and erudition, he became a member of the club of connoisseurs back in 1985 and continues to play until now as part of various clubs and the Ukrainian national team.

Directly work for television Kondratyuk igor kondratyuk biography family in Moscow since 1990, when he was involved in the work on some show programs and learned the basic basics of working on television.

The biography of Igor Kondratyuk is replete with the names of the most popular shows on television in Ukraine. From 1992 to 1994 he was the host of the TV game "5 + 1" on the UT-1 channel, in 2001 he began the release of the program "LG Intellect Show" Eureka! whose audience was the younger generation of scholars, was very popular among young people, and brought him great popularity.

But, for sure, the most famous fact of Igor Kondratyuk's biography is his author's project "Karaoke Maidan", the first release of which appeared in 1999 on the Inter channel and continues to exist today, but already with a registration for "1 + 1" .

AT last years showman Kondratyuk has such large-scale projects as "Chance", "X-factor", "Ukraine has talent!". Here he acted not only as an organizer, but also participated in the jury warehouse. Here, Kondratyuk got the image of a strict and demanding, but fair judge. Over the years of the existence of such shows, Kondratyuk has helped many young talents to open up. And his author's programs, and he himself, often received various awards. These are six "Teletriumphs", and the recognition of the TV show "Eureka" as the best TV show for children, and the award for "Chance" - the best entertainment musical project for the period 2004-2006.

A special place in the biography of Igor Kondratyuk is occupied by his family. He is an excellent father and an exemplary husband who loves to spend time in a narrow family circle and communicate with his family. He and his wife Alexandra have three children: two sons and a little daughter Polina.

Igor Vasilievich Kondratyuk - participant of the program “What? Where? When?", TV presenter of Ukrainian television, star of the show "X-factor", "Karaoke on the Maidan".

Igor was born on March 14, 1962 in the village of Prigorye, in the Kherson region, in the family of the chairman of the district executive committee. While studying at school, he became interested in the exact sciences, dreamed of comprehending the science of astronomy and learning to play the saxophone. In addition to studying, he attended the ballroom dancing section, sang in the choir. In the last classes, he worked part-time on a collective farm, helping in the harvest. For the first salary of 70 rubles, I bought an enlarger for a camera lens.

Having received gold medal, in 1979 he entered the Kyiv State University at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. He defended his thesis on the study of solid state optics. In 1984, he joined the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a junior researcher, where, in collaboration with colleagues, he wrote more than 100 scientific articles devoted to the study of solid state physics. In 12 years, Igor will defend his Ph.D. thesis in biology.

"What? Where? When?"

Introduction to the game "What? Where? When?" took place at the university. In 1984, at the request of university students, participants in the Moscow program, Nikita Shangin, Marina Govorushkina, Valentina Golubeva were invited to a meeting in Kyiv. A year later, the graduates visited a historical shooting in Moscow. This event changed the biography of Igor Kondratyuk. In 1985, the young scientist passed the qualifying round for the television project What? Where? When?".

In December, he already played as part of the rookie team, which included Alexander Zuev, Vsevolod Belkin, Vladimir Molchanov and Alexander Sumarokov. In 1986, Igor's team already participated in Full game. Kondratyuk became a permanent member of the club, dealt with organizational issues. In the 90s he was a member of the team of Alexei Blinov, since 2004 he joined the team, which in 2008 won the Crystal Owl prize.

In 2010, Igor Kondratyuk failed to fly to the game in Moscow. The organizers of the event found a way out: in order not to deprive Andrey Kozlov's team of a player, Igor was invited to appear on the air using Skype.

Igor Kondratyuk did not seek to stay in Moscow, and after the events of 2014, he speaks negatively about Russia, comparing the neighboring fraternal state with "fascist Germany".


Since 1991, Igor Kondratyuk has been working as a session editor of the television shows Love at First Sight and Brain Ring. Igor collaborates with Ukrainian television, where he becomes the host of the "5 + 1" program. Since 1999, the Inter channel (since 2009 - on 1 + 1 and STB) has been showing the folk show Karaoke on the Maidan, the author of the idea and host of which was Igor Kondratyuk.

Singing songs on the big streets of the city was customary small homeland Igor, the residents of the capital also liked it. Everyone who wanted to participate in the show. The participants sang folk and popular Ukrainian songs, and then best performer received a cash prize. On the Russian television similar transmission has been produced since 2006 on the TVC channel and was called "Karaoke on the Arbat", which was also hosted by Kondratyuk.

The popularity of Igor Kondratyuk on television forces producers to invite the showman to new projects: to the intellectual program LG Eureka!, the music shows Chance, Star Duet and American Chance.

The Chance program, which started in 2003, aimed to discover new talents. How launch pad transfer used Quest group Pistols, performers Alexander Voevudsky, Natalia Valevskaya. and for 5 years musical show.

In 2009, the channel STB started musical competition"Ukraine has talent." 24 cities of Ukraine provided platforms for qualifying rounds, through which thousands of people wishing to participate in the show for the most talented Ukrainian went through. As a result, the selected 60 people were presented to the main jury, which at the first stage included presenters Igor Kondratyuk, Slava Frolova and choreographer Vlad Yama. At the same time, both TV presenters held out in the judges' chairs for 9 seasons of the competition.

In 2010, another musical show "X-Factor" started on the STB channel, in which Igor Kondratyuk entered the judging panel. According to the rules of the project, people could participate in the competition different professions, performances were held live in live. Each judge had a team of contestants that he led throughout the competition. Kondratyuk participated in the filming of the first 6 seasons of the program. Wards of the TV presenter twice became the winners of the show. In 2013 she won, in 2015 - Kostya Bocharov.

Often the programs that Igor produced and hosted received a high audience rating. So it was with the programs “Karaoke on the Maidan” and “LG “Evrika!”, As well as with the entertainment TV show “Chance”. The author of the projects already has five statuettes of the Teletriumph award.

Personal life

Igor Kondratyuk is a father of many children. Together with his wife Alexandra Gorodetskaya, an economist by profession, the showman raised three children - sons Sergei, Daniel and daughter Polina. Now Sergey works as an assistant director on the project "Karaoke on the Maidan", Daniil joined the X-Factor program team. The daughter studies at the capital's gymnasium, defended the honor of the Kyiv archery team at the Ukrainian championship.

The personal life of Igor Kondratyuk is considered impeccable, but journalists are constantly trying to attribute novels to the respectable family man on the side. For a long time there were rumors that Igor was in love affair with X-Factor graduate Aida Nikolaychuk. The Kondratyuk family only laughed at the speculation.

The singer also denied the rumors, saying that she was going to marry the sound engineer of the TV project Dmitry. The wedding did not take place. In 2016, Aida began dating race car driver Nikita Podolsky, who had already proposed to the girl. Photos with the groom and pictures wedding ring the newly minted star posted on the Internet, on her own page on Instagram.

Igor Kondratyuk now

In March 2017, Igor Kondratyuk celebrated his 55th birthday next issue long-lived program "Karaoke on the Maidan". The program is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest show on Ukrainian television: the 950th episode of the program took place in April.

In March 2017, the next season of the musical project “Ukraine has talent” started, in which only children participate this time. Igor Kondratyuk was invited to the jury of the competition. The winner of the competition was 6-year-old Veronika Morskaya.


  • "What? Where? When?" – 1985
  • "Love at first sight" - 1991
  • "Brain Ring" - 1991
  • "5 + 1" - 1992
  • "Program for Tomorrow" - 1995
  • "Karaoke on the Maidan" - 1999
  • "Chance" - 2003
  • "Star Duet" - 2006
  • "Ukraine has talent" - 2009
  • "X-Factor" - 2010
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