When is the next issue of the battle of psychics. The fight of extrasensories

Since 2007, a show has been aired on the TNT channel, which is watched with enthusiasm and great interest by viewers from different countries. On the official websites dedicated to the competitions, they published in advance information about the release date of the TV show “Battle of Psychics” Season 19. Novice sorcerers, witches or shamans will be able to check under the cameras unusual abilities and prove its uniqueness to the multi-million audience. Until the seventh season, inclusive, the program was hosted by Mikhail Porechenkov, but from the eighth season, the notorious Marat Basharov unexpectedly becomes the host. So far, he is in no hurry to give his place to a new applicant, so his appearance on TV is expected in the next releases.

Thanks to high ratings and a large audience of viewers do not plan to close the show, and moreover, the producers have already named the day when the release date of the "Battle of Psychics" season 19 will take place, namely - September 22, 2018.

Bridges between worlds

Participants in the show "Battle of Psychics" are recruited from those who were able to pass the three main tests. Casting begins with a simple task "Screen", when the magicians and sorcerers in the hall must "see" what is behind the impenetrable curtain. For this Candidates may use any of the usual methods from fortune-telling on cards to reading energy from a hidden object. Those who pass this tour go on to the "Luggage" challenge, where in a huge parking lot in the trunk of a random car they hide an ordinary spectator from the site. The last step selection is considered to be a meeting with "Mr. X", at which blindfolded psychics must describe the person sitting in front of them in a chair.

All those who could not demonstrate their skills at the proper level are sent home, and those who have become full participants in the mysterious program. Now in every new series psychics will be given unusual tasks. At the end of the week, impartial judges who took part in the trials will deliver their verdict. The most powerful magician will be presented to the audience , his photo will be brought in a white envelope, and in a black one there will be a photo of the one who failed the check and must leave the show. What tests await new project participants, you will find out after the release date of the episodes of the 19th season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT.

The prize is waiting for its owner!

Already in the fall of 2018, the first episode of the new season will be released, but the exact day of the premiere may be postponed. The approximate start date is September 22, the names of the participants are still unknown. It remains to wait for the release date and guess which of the psychics will prove themselves in the new series and take home the main cup to the enthusiastic applause of loyal fans!

Release schedule for all episodes

Series Name release date
19×01 September 22, 2018
19×02 September 29, 2018
19×03 October 6, 2018
19×04 October 13, 2018
19×05 October 20, 2018
19×06 October 27, 2018
19×07 November 3, 2018
19×08 November 10, 2018
19×09 November 17, 2018
19×10 November 24, 2018
19×11 December 1, 2018
19×12 December 8, 2018
19×13 December 15, 2018
19×14 The final December 22, 2018
19×15 Special issue 1 (digest) December 29, 2018
19×16 Special issue 2 January 12, 2019
19×17 Special issue 3 January 19, 2019
Season 19 Episode 18 Special issue 4 January 26, 2019 (19:30)

Terrible exposure of the project

From year to year, interest in the Battle of Psychics does not subside, but only grows. And, of course, everyone is already worried about when we will see the 18th season of The Battle.

You can reassure all those who are suffering and declare that everything is going according to plan and how last years The premiere will take place in September 2017. True, there is still no data on the date of the 1st release, but presumably the show will be aired on September 2 or 9. Castings for next season are almost over, and best psychics selected for passing 1 test, where the final composition of the participants will be revealed.

What is known about the participants of the 18th season

We hasten to disappoint that so far there is practically no information, since the TNT channel signs non-disclosure agreements with all participants in advance. We can only make a few assumptions based on indirect rumors.

In social networks, the participation in the 18th season of Alexander Sheps's brother, Oleg, is being discussed. He is a musician, but actively helps his brother in his magical rituals and with a store of ritual supplies. Perhaps the brother will pass on his knowledge to Oleg and he will be able to appear at the casting.

They say in the 18th season one of the participants may be Margarita Bakhtiyarova. In the 17th season, she did not get far to go, and now she is ready to enter the same river a second time. Over the past time, she has accumulated experience and is ready to fully demonstrate her abilities.

Nicole Kuznetsova, according to rumors, also attended the casting. And if this happened, then it is quite possible that we will see her in the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics.

Marilyn Kerro recently stated that she would not dare to appear on the show again, as the previous experience was enough for her. Oh, Mary, why did you give hope at the final on the 17th?

In general, we are waiting for new news to come out and will monitor the situation. As a rule, by mid-August there is much more information.

What challenges await us in Season 18?

There are no answers to this question either, because before the start of the new season of the Battle of Psychics there is still time to rewrite any scenario.

Only one thing is known that in the light of recent events, namely the death of Ilona Novoselova, users of social networks are actively demanding that the fact of the investigation be included in one of the releases of the new season. The death of the witch left many mysteries, and it is natural that all fans and fans want to hear the answers from their colleagues in the shop.

On September 22, 2018, the 19th season of the Battle of Psychics show began on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from Russia and countries of near and far abroad clashed for the title of the winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming of the 19th season began on July 31, 2018 and ended on December 16, 2018. All episodes of the Battle of Psychics can be watched online at high quality here: link

Participants of the Battle of Psychics Season 19

1. Timofey Rudenko - clairaudience schizophrenic
2. Aida Grifal - inherited a gift from a gypsy grandmother
3. Grigory Kuznetsov - owns runic and sexual magic
4. Julius Kotov - singer, counter tenor
5. Manana Marshunova - Georgian clairvoyant from a remote village
6. Maria Schweide is an orphan, her parents were killed
7. Varvara Panina - learned magic on the Internet
8. Natalya Abramovich - a witch, was born dead
9. Vitaly Bortsov - former officer police, served in hot spots
10. Svetlana Nazarova - eats graveyard soil
11. Artemy and Vladimir Nikara are twins
12. Georgy Malinovsky - a sorcerer, participated in the 16th season

Battle of Psychics season 19 - who won?

The name of the winner of the eighteenth season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT became known on the night of December 15-16 during the filming of the awards ceremony. They became (45.13%). Second place - Aida Grifal (27.92%). Third place - Grigory Kuznetsov (26.95%).

The winner of the nineteenth Battle of Psychics will be announced on TNT on December 22, 2018. The results of the popular vote in VK radically diverged from the official results:

Filming of the BE-19 final took place in the Stakheev mansion, located at st. New Basmannaya d. 14 building 1, also known as the Central House of Children of Railway Workers. You can watch how the finale was filmed in this video:

Battle of Psychics season 19 - all issues

Battle of psychics 19 season 1 issue 09/22/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 2 release 09/29/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 3 release 10/06/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 4 release 10/13/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 5 release 10/20/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 6 issue 10/27/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 7 issue 11/03/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 8 release 11/10/2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics 19 season 9 release 11/17/2018 (

Literally from day to day, TNT will begin showing the 18th season of the most popular show in the country - the Battle of Psychics.

The most powerful magicians, sorcerers, mediums and witches came together not only from all over Russia, but also from other countries to join the fight for Grand Prize. The contestants will have to prove to convinced skeptics that everything is not so simple in our world, and unexplained phenomena- at least take it easy.

The rules for participants are distinguished by their severity. Each of the participants on the way to the main stage in the battle was waiting for numerous auditions, and the selection itself turned out to be quite cruel. Difficulty of the first qualifying round began to seem to the contestants just flowers in comparison with the complexity of the tasks of the second round of the television project. At each stage, magicians and sorcerers had to demonstrate what they are capable of.

Battle of Psychics Season 18: Victory Only to the Strongest

This thorny path, by the time the project began, allowed only a dozen psychics to remain, whose abilities are truly stunning and stagger any imagination.

Now television cameras and camera lenses are aimed at all participants, but the struggle continues, and it becomes sharper and fiercer every day, which captivates the viewer. Those who are lucky enough to reach the semi-finals will have to fight in competitions unimaginable in their complexity and complexity. And the victory - it will go to the magician, whose abilities will be inaccessible to other participants.

Battle of Psychics Season 18: Watch VIDEO

Psychic Battle Season 18: Find the criminal with your powers

In order to qualify, the contestant of the mystical show project was looking for one hidden person, who, according to the terms of the assignment, is in the trunk, and there are more than one or two dozen cars in the huge hangar, so I had to try very hard.

Not everyone succeeds in coping with the task, so the ranks of the heroes are thinning out and only twenty people get to the main show. Now they will face more and more intricate and mega complex tasks.

In each new release, the authors of the program come up with more and more new challenges for the participants, but they are always divided into those that are associated with the mystery of some house or territory and of a more personal nature. Such tasks usually concern a specific person and their specific problem.

Battle of Psychics Season 18: Watch VIDEO

The cult reality show Battle of Psychics is one of the most popular programs about magic and esotericism in Russia. Clairvoyants, witches and magicians from the Battle of Psychics have been striking TNT viewers with their abilities for 17 consecutive seasons. The show provides an opportunity for beginners and experienced people with supernatural abilities show what they are capable of in the field of clairvoyance and magic. All issues of the Battle of psychics can be viewed online on the Internet. However, more fans of the other world are interested in the release date of episode 1 of season 18 of the Battle of Psychics - when can we expect a new release?

When will the 1st issue of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics be released?

The release date of the 1st episode of the 18th season of the popular show The Battle of Psychics is already known - this is February 20, 2017. Season 18 will be directed by Oleg Chaurs and hosted by Marat Basharov. The reality show is produced by permanent Maria Shaikevich.

Participants of the 18th season of the show Battle of psychics

In the new season of the Battle on TNT, no less mysterious and soul-stirring stories are expected than in the previous 17 seasons. However, the names of the participants are not yet known or are kept in strict confidence.

Selection in the reality show takes place in two rounds, the tests of which help to identify the presence of psychic abilities in candidates.

First tour

In the test of the first round, candidates must say what item is in the black box or what kind of person is hiding behind the screen. According to the results of the test, up to 40 applicants for participation in the Battle of Psychics pass to the second round.

Second round

Those who advance to the second round are subjected to a more difficult selection test. They need to determine in which of the 30 cars the person is hidden. From 7 to 13 of the most successful psychics are allowed to participate in the show.

If you can’t wait to watch the 1st episode of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics, and just watching the Battle is not enough for you, feel free to go to the casting and become a member of the most supernatural and magical show in Russia.

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