Olga Ushakova TV presenter special daughter. TV presenter Olga Ushakova: “I am like a flower: I come to life in the spring! Television career of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova (on Instagram - @ushakovao) is a Russian TV presenter on Channel One. She was born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for a long time, but she even liked it: she quickly learned to settle down in an unfamiliar city and gain authority, even if it was necessary to defend her interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which she went into business with her boyfriend. But since childhood, she dreamed of getting on television and becoming a presenter.

In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to audition and passed, but without a journalistic education she could not immediately be allowed to air. First, she trained in different departments, learned to write stories, practiced diction, and after all this, she began to conduct news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she got on Channel One, in the Good Morning program, and a year after her arrival, the program received the TEFI award for the first time.

The first time Olga Ushakova got married at a young age, but some sources claim that it was a civil marriage. From her first husband, she gave birth to two children: the eldest daughter Dasha and the younger Xenia. The eldest daughter suffers from autism, but Olga, as soon as she found out about it, began to do everything to ensure that this disease did not progress. As a result, now she goes to a regular school and even more: she discovered a photographic memory, she is fond of various topics, she constantly reads books and encyclopedias about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what she is currently interested in), she also learns languages ​​\u200b\u200bfrom dictionaries and dreams of becoming a translator.

The youngest daughter Ushakova discovered other talents in herself - she loves to draw and create images with the help of clothes and accessories, so it is quite logical that her dream is to become a designer. The host herself got married again in July 2017. Olga Ushakova does not like to talk about her second husband, so almost nothing is known about him. The TV presenter's wedding itself was very romantic: Olga Ushakova's Instagram has several photos from the bachelorette party and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds spent it on the seashore.


Both in the program and on the official Instagram website, Olga Ushakova promotes positive always and in everything. She often posts photos from work, and she looks perfect in them, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 at night to arrive at the place by 5 in the morning.

Also on Olga Ushakova's Instagram, photos often appear in which she practices yoga. It helps her keep fit. In general, judging by the posts on Instagram, she plays sports at home. She devoted one post on Instagram to the fact that you don’t need to look for excuses for yourself if you can’t go to the gym: you just need to take a jump rope and go to work out.

“From a long relationship, I got a tremendous experience and two beautiful daughters,” the TV presenter of Channel One gave her first personal interview.

Olga Ushakova. Photo: Instagram.com/ushakovao.

From the outside it may seem that success came to her easily. She came to Moscow from Ukraine, conquered the capital and, without a journalistic education and experience, became the face of the country's main channel. In fact, before luck smiled at Olga, she had to work hard. For almost a year, our heroine was a trainee, worked in different departments - from editorial to international, learned to write and create stories. And only then hit the blue screen. For nine years she hosted a news program, and now she charges people with positive in Good Morning. Olga owes her “luck” to a lot of work, willpower and desire. But she managed to decide on her calling thanks to one wise man.

Olga, your day starts at five in the morning. Is there any way to look cheerful and fresh?
Olga Ushakova:
“This is our broadcast at five in the morning, and my “day” begins at half past three in the morning. I am very invigorated by the sense of responsibility. When I open my eyes and realize that I need to go to work, despite the fact that I want to sleep, I jump up so cheerful! Well, make-up artists provide me with a blooming appearance. (Laughs.)

Do you have a routine, do you go to bed before eleven?
“Since I started working at Good Morning, I have not had a clear regimen. In the "News" everything was more predictable. I knew perfectly well what time I would finish the work when I got home. Here the working days can be a couple of times a week or once every two weeks. So these early rises happen periodically, and forcing yourself to wake up in the middle of the night if there is no morning air is cruel.

Why do you love your job?
“When I worked in news programs, I answered this question like this: because every day there is news. This is a drive, endlessly vivid sensations. But even now in “Good Morning” I am no less interested, this is also a live broadcast, responsibility. And a kind of drug - a kind of "straight addiction", the need for a daily healthy dose of adrenaline. At one time, I was a very extreme teenager, I didn’t try anything! As soon as I started working on television, the desire to jump from the bungee, climb somewhere or dive completely disappeared.

Who was that wise person who advised you to direct your energy in a peaceful direction?
“You are right, really wise. This is the father of my children. We met in Ukraine, where I lived then, but over time I had to move to Moscow, because usually a woman follows a man. And then the question arose, what should I do. In Ukraine, I worked in business. And by the age of twenty-three she became the head of one of the branches of a large trading company. We promoted fashionable foreign brands to the market. But once in Moscow, I thought: is it worth continuing to work in this direction, or maybe try something new? And then my man asked a question that radically changed my life: “What did you dream about when you were a child?” I replied that I wanted to be a news anchor. Indeed, as a child, I constantly portrayed announcers, read newspaper articles, trying to memorize the text as much as possible. And later I began to imagine that I was interviewing, pestering my friends, tormenting them with questions. I have always been interested in listening to other people, leading them to some kind of revelation. But to become a TV presenter - it was then such an unrealistic dream from the category of “I want to become a princess”, as if it were even stupid to dream. However, this person managed to make me believe in myself, and I decided to try. When I came to Ostankino on the highway (these are such television tests), they looked at me, appreciated the recording, and it turned out that the camera “loves” me. However, there was one serious problem - the accent. I remember that I was indignant then: “What accent? Where?! I have a Russian-speaking family and have lived most of my life in Russia.” But now, looking through the records of those years, I understand that the accent was really quite strong, and I still had the audacity to doubt! Nevertheless, I was accepted for an internship. On Channel One, no one needs just pretty “talking heads”. The leader must be able to write, take part in the creation of the program. So for many months I studied the television kitchen from the inside, tried myself in different departments, learned to write. In parallel, I was engaged in the technique of speech. I remember that period with gratitude. People who I consider information gurus shared their experience with me. And finally, when I already began to doubt that I would ever get into the frame, one presenter moved to another position and the vacant place was offered to me. True, there was a very difficult schedule, I had to work at night, but it was another step towards my dream.”

Some people think that getting on Channel One is like pulling out a lucky ticket. Are you the lucky one of fate?
“I’m not afraid of this word, yes. All my dreams come true. I am sure that what I dream about now will also come true. Probably because I visualize the picture well. (Laughs.) What is the percentage of working capacity here, and what kind of luck, luck, it’s hard to say.

So, you moved to Moscow. What impression did the city make on you?
“Before I got here, I was tormented by“ reverse deja vu ”: it seemed to me that I was not in my place, I was not living my life. Some second, fleeting visions that disturbed me. And in Moscow, I felt that I had found my city and belonged to it. They say that Moscow will chew it up and spit it out, but apart from the fact that the climate does not suit me, everything else is fine! I love dynamics, rhythm. Recently my sister came from the Crimea, and I showed her the sights of the capital. I was touched by literally everything. I thought: “What a beautiful city we have, what good people live here.” For example, a gloomy grandmother-controller sits in a museum and, as if by the way, says: “You have such a beautiful coat - if you don’t want to take it to the wardrobe, you can take it with you.” This is how many Muscovites do some nice things with absolutely unfriendly faces.

Are you attracted by the cultural life of the capital?
“Moscow, of course, provides great opportunities for its own development. I love theatres, cinema. But I am not limited to Moscow in this regard, I love cultural trips abroad. I like to plan my weekend so that I can go to Austria and go to a concert at the Vienna Opera, for example. I can break somewhere in the middle of the week, if the schedule allows. I am a very mobile person. Friends often joke that, probably, in childhood I was taken away from the gypsies. In fact, my entire family led a nomadic lifestyle. Dad is a military man, and we moved every six months: different cities, schools, houses. For some it's stressful, but for me it's an adventure. After all, every yard is a new playground that has yet to be mastered. And this desire to change places remained. My children became hostages of the “gypsy mother”. (Laughs.) Now they have already grown up, and they can be left alone. (Olga has two daughters: Daria is eight years old, and Ksenia is seven. - Approx. Aut.) And before that I took them with me, and they were not always happy, because Disneyland is not everywhere, but I try to combine ours with them interests. I still get pleasure even from trains when you travel for a day or two. Once Dasha got very frightened on the plane (there was wild turbulence), and the psychologist advised us to avoid flights for some time so that she would forget the unpleasant sensations. And during the year we traveled to Europe by train: to Germany, France, Holland. The Moscow-Amsterdam train is still the same, the shelves are narrow, in three rows - they have different carriages. It didn't bother me at all. Sitting at home is not for us. We even got to Spain by train, can you imagine?! Children - whether they got used to it in early childhood, or it was passed on to them with genes - are also travel frogs, they always ask: “When are we going somewhere?” Now it has become more difficult: my daughters are studying, already the second grade. The difference between them is a year, but when it was time for Dasha to go to school, the youngest said: “I want to too!” They are very close, and the thought of even a short separation is painful for them. So Ksyusha passed all the tests, and they took her. ”

Well done!
“I also went to school from the age of six. It was hard to physically cope with the loads, but I was glad when I graduated from school at sixteen. And with a gold medal. She was an excellent student, every “four” is a tragedy. Not to mention the “triples”, which happened extremely rarely, but I even got sick from stress. I naturally started to get sick! Our frequent migrations taught me communication skills, the ability to easily find a common language with people. Because every time in the class you are new - and you had to build relationships. Despite short stops at one school or another, I still had friends everywhere. I even managed to gain some prestige. True, sometimes with fists. When we traveled around Russian cities, they teased me with a khokhlushka, and when we stopped in Ukrainian ones, with a katsapka. So parents were sometimes called to school because of my bad behavior: again your daughter had a fight at recess! Indeed, I could crush the side of the offender. Most of my fights at school were about this national issue. I'm also easily pissed off if my family gets hurt. If someone distorted my last name, I felt offended, because this is my father's last name, no one dares to laugh at it. It's the same now - I can get into some kind of skirmish to protect a person close to me.

It is probably not easy to build relationships on television: there is competition, envy of other people's successes.
“My ability to adapt and fit into the team helped here. I worked in different teams, I had a huge number of chief editors. And I got along with everyone."

Was there initially awe in front of those who are commonly called TV stars?
“On one of my first visits to Ostankino, when I came to apply for a temporary pass, I met Leonid Yakubovich in the corridor. I remember he walked towards me, I looked at him, and then suddenly said: “Hello!” He seemed so familiar and familiar to me, I watched his program for so many years. He greeted her in return, unsurprised. And here I fell into some kind of semi-conscious state. "Blimey! Yakubovich just greeted me!“ This is not awe, rather, respect. My dad is a military man, so the sense of subordination is in my blood. I always address managers as you, although informal communication is accepted in the creative team. But I believe that a person does not just occupy a high chair, and do not stoop to familiarity. Although, probably, I could “make friends” with someone and build a career in a different way. This behavior is unusual for me, and I don’t want to break myself. ”

Do fans write to you?
“Before, everything was much more romantic. They wrote real letters to the address: Academician Korolev Street, 12. Now they send emails or write to pages on the Internet, sometimes without a signature, they can send some kind of filth. But mostly I still get good letters. This kind of feedback is important to me personally. I feel for whom I work. After all, when you sit in front of the camera, it turns out that you are broadcasting into the void. And so you can imagine the people who are currently at the screen. My biggest fan was my grandmother. When I started the broadcast on Novosti and said: “Hello,” she answered: “Hello, granddaughter!” My grandmother lived in the Crimea, and we rarely saw each other, but at that moment I seemed to feel our connection. Unfortunately, she passed away this year. For me, this is a huge loss from which I still have not recovered.

Is the man who showed you the way satisfied, how is your career going?
“Although he, along with my mother, is one of my most severe critics, I think he is proud of me in his heart. In the summer, we had a special project “Good Day”: we invited famous people and talked with them on various topics for forty minutes. The announcers of Central Television Igor Kirillov and Anna Shatilova also came to our studio. Just the kind of people I copied as a kid. During the program, I caught myself thinking: “Olya, do you even understand what is happening now? What a huge step from the moment when you, a child in stretched pantyhose, sit and try to retell a newspaper article on an imaginary TV, and now when you are interviewing these very legendary personalities! Indeed, I have come a long way.”

You are also the mother of two children. And when did everyone have time? ..
“Despite my great love for my work, my family still comes first. I realized that I definitely wouldn’t go to work a month after the birth of a child, a wild maternal instinct woke up in me. It so happened that when the eldest, Daria, was three months old, I became pregnant again. And she was on maternity leave for a long time. It's already been a little year. It is difficult to leave a child when all these ghouls-ghouls, smiles, first words begin. Thank God, the youngest did all this early enough: she said her first words and took her first steps. So my mother went to work with a clear conscience.”

Are your daughters just as beautiful?
“Of course, for me they are the most beautiful! But they don't look like me at all. One blonde with blue eyes, the other blonde. I have brown eyes and dark hair. True, the youngest has my facial expressions and mannerisms, so I call her “mini-me”. But when we travel, when leaving Russia we always face a problem. Children are interrogated: who is this aunt to you? Too dissimilar, even the names are different.

Why are they different? Do you have a civil marriage?
“I don’t want to go into detail on this topic. I think Oscar Wilde said it: if I love someone, I don't say his name because I don't want to share that person with others. I'm not sure I reproduced it verbatim, but the meaning is clear. In any case, when in a couple one person is public and the other is not, this is always a problem. One thing I can say is that I learned the most important thing from my long-term relationship: two wonderful children and a tremendous experience. And these same children received the best father in the world, which you can only wish for. I am glad that during these years my life partner was a man who gave me a lot in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. He is older than me and in many ways became my mentor. God forbid that the children take from him as much as possible.

What are their hobbies?
“Oh, they are very busy people: they have dancing, and horseback riding, and ballet, and the piano. By the way, I learn a lot thanks to children. I enrolled them in a riding school, and then I decided to try it myself. When I realized that they play the piano better than me, I also began to study. At school, they started going to a chess club, and recently my daughter asked: “Mom, will you play a game with me?” She had absolutely no doubt that I could do it! So now I'm learning to play chess to keep up. Children are a powerful stimulus for their own development. Besides, you don't want them to become smarter than you so quickly! My daughters and I read a lot. I started reading at the age of four. My older sister taught me. She was no longer interested in playing my games, and she came up with such an activity for me. And I still have that love for books.”

You are a very versatile person. How, for example, horse riding can be combined with yoga?
“I don’t go deep into yoga philosophy, I don’t chant mantras, I don’t meditate. It's more of a way to keep yourself in good physical shape. Well, it relaxes mentally. And horse riding is also a good find both physically and as a psychotherapy. It is vital for me to have contact not only with people, cars, asphalt, but also with nature, animals.”

And do you have pets?
"Dog. Our friend came for his daughter's birthday and brought a puppy. At first I thought it was a toy - the dog looked so touchingly puppet. And now it is a joy for the whole family, a pet that ideally suited us in terms of temperament. Lou Lou woke me up for work today. I didn’t sleep for several nights because of my daughter’s illness, and yesterday they brought down the temperature, and I fell asleep with a clear conscience and forgot to set the alarm. Woke up to the barking of dogs. I think: “Well, that’s it, I’ll get up now, I’ll tear off my ears.” I open my eyes - and outside the window it's getting light, and I've been on my way to work for about twenty minutes. So Lou Lou saved me. Perfect dog! She has a character that I would like to meet in a person. She intuitively knows when to leave me alone. I don’t shout, I don’t be rude at such moments, but, apparently, vibes come from me: “Don’t come near - it’s dangerous!” Unfortunately, not everyone reads them. (Laughs.) And Lulusha waits for me to leave, and then he comes up and, as if nothing had happened, begins to flirt with me, play. Without any resentment. It would be great if people felt the same way about each other.”

What else is important to you in a life partner? Talent, charisma? You are surrounded by such people.
“No matter how boring it sounds, now my life is work and home. At work, I do meet a lot of interesting people, but I don't look around. And I try to program anything. Here, by the way, unlike all the other life goals of my chosen one, I never visualized. Here I rely on Providence. What is important to me? Understanding. At my age, I realized that no one can be changed. You either accept the person or you don't. You are not the Lord God and not a mother. And if you don't like something, either accept it or move on. I imagine relationships as a scale: while there are more pluses, you put up with the shortcomings. As soon as it begins to outweigh the negative, it is worth considering, why is all this necessary at all? Relationships are about making each other happy. I am an independent, self-sufficient person, and I have no other interest than to receive positive emotions, to feel love and understanding from a man.

Olga Ushakova is a famous Russian TV presenter. She was born on April 7 (according to the Aries horoscope) 1982 in the Crimea. Her height is 172 centimeters, and her weight reaches 56 kilograms.

In addition to Olga, the family also brought up two more children. Since Olga's father was a military man, the whole family had to move frequently. Therefore, the little girl had to adapt to a new environment for her, find new friends, get along with classmates and teachers. For the sociable Olya, this task was very easy, so she quickly made true friends and was an authority in her team.

True, sometimes she had to fight, because in Ukrainian cities she was sometimes not recognized and called names on the basis of nationality, and as soon as she and her family moved to a Russian city, she was given the nickname “Khokhlushka”. But the brave girl Olga was not scared either, she could stand up for herself, and therefore her parents were often called to school because of another fight. Nevertheless, all these moves were able to fully prepare her for the career of a TV presenter, because she learned sociability, perseverance and fearlessness.

Carier start

Everything she experienced helped her acquire important qualities for a TV presenter, a profession that she dreamed of from an early age. As Olga herself says, even in early childhood, she could take any object that remotely resembles a microphone and begin to continuously cover world news in front of her friends and family. Olya could talk on absolutely any topic, as she was very well-read and smart. She studied excellently at school, any grades below "5" were perceived as the end of the world and were immediately corrected.

True, after graduating from school, she decides to leave her dreams of a leading career for a while and enters Kharkov University at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship. Thus, she, together with her lover, begins to do business. After some time, she moves to Moscow, but suddenly she realizes that she no longer wants to do business and remembers the profession of her dreams, which she hid in the depths of her memory for a long time. So, she decides to start the path of a TV presenter.

Further successes

In 2004, Olga Ushakova got on the federal channel of Russia, passing tests and becoming a trainee. At first glance, it may seem that it was easy for the girl to succeed, as her career began to develop rapidly, but in fact this is not the case. Olga did not have the appropriate education, and therefore she had to sweat a lot to change her speech and develop diction. She studied very long and hard so that in the future she would be allowed to host a news program, which she achieved after a certain period of time. She hosted the news program for nine years, but then switched to the Good Day program, where she was able to meet her childhood idols from the television world.

This was followed by the Good Morning program, which brought Olga a lot of experience and vivid impressions. True, this work was very responsible and difficult, but this did not frighten her at all. I always had to get up at three in the morning and overcome the distance that separated the studio, so that at five in the morning people could enjoy this program. The ratings increased noticeably, as Olga Ushakova could easily charge her with vivacity with her bright charm.


Much about Ushakova's personal life remains unknown. She has two daughters - Daria and Ksenia. The girls are of the same age and go to the same school together and study in the same class. By nature, they are just as active, talented and cheerful, they love to travel, like mom. Ushakova says little about the girls' father, only one thing is clear that they maintain friendly relations. At one time, this person became the one who pushed Olga to her dream and became a reliable support for her.

In the summer of 2017, it became known that Olga and her new chosen one got married in Cyprus. Her husband was a man who is engaged in the restaurant business and lives outside of Russia.

  • vk.com/id7608629
  • instagram.com/ushakovao

Host of Good Morning! Olga Ushakova is called the face of the main federal channel. She is not only a beautiful and smart woman, but also a mother of many children. The secrets of how she manages to succeed in her career and look great, she is happy to share with the audience.

In addition to Olya, the parents had two more children. The girl perceived frequent moves due to her father's service as an adventure. The constant change of place of residence, collectives in schools have developed in her sociability, the ability to easily adapt in an unusual environment.

Parents brought up strictly, accustomed to independence. The girl went to the first grade at the age of 6. According to Olga, all grades except 5 were a real drama for her. At the same time, due to the combative nature of the parents, they were often called to the director. Ushakov graduated from school with a gold medal.

Olga entered the Kharkiv National University. V.N. Karazin. After graduating from high school, she went into business. Already at the age of 23, the girl headed the branch of a trading company to promote fashion brands. In Moscow, according to Olga, she moved after her common-law husband. It was he who pushed his beloved to realize her childhood dream of becoming a TV presenter.

In 2004, Ushakova came to Channel One to audition for the role of the host, but did not pass. She gets a job as a trainee editor. Working in different departments taught her flexibility, the ability to find a common language with people. In parallel, Olya is engaged in the technique of speech, gets rid of the accent, masters other skills necessary for the presenter.

A year later, a place is vacated in the First Channel news program for residents of the Far East. Filming took place at night, during the day the girl slept. As Olga recalls, she had to process a huge flow of information.

In 2010, Ushakova became the host of the Night News.

From 2013 to 2017 she works on the air of the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.

Fame comes to Olga with the appearance in the program "Good morning!".

In 2017, she becomes a nominee for the TEFI award in the category "Morning Program Host", but does not receive it, unlike her program.

In October 2018, the TV journalist was embroiled in a scandal involving Mamaev and Kokorin. The players severely beat her driver Vitaliy Solovchuk. A criminal case has been initiated.

Personal life

The name of his former lover Ushakov does not advertise. According to INFOX.ru correspondents, the first husband of the presenter was Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Ushakov. He held a senior position in the FSB, in 2011 he was dismissed. Olga met him in Ukraine. The couple lived in a civil marriage, the couple had two daughters.

The presenter speaks very warmly about the father of older children. According to Olga, this is a wise person, older in age, who influenced her intellectual and spiritual development. After parting, they maintain friendly relations at a distance.

Ushakova legalized relations with her second husband in 2017. A foreigner became her chosen one.

His name is Adam, it is known that he is a restaurateur. The wedding was played in Cyprus.

As Olga admitted in an interview, she introduced Adam to her daughters six months after the start of the novel. It was important for her whether the young man would be able to find an approach to them.

The man easily coped with the task, quickly entered their family.


The eldest daughter of the TV journalist Dasha was born in 2006. A few months after giving birth, Olga realized that she was pregnant again. The second girl Ksenia was born. When Daria was one year old, she was diagnosed with autism. To help the child, Olga studied mountains of literature.

Now the little girls are practically inseparable. They are in the same class.

Ushakova said that the girls had to change three schools at the request of the administrations.

Dasha, according to her mother, is a talented person. She has a photographic memory, she is fond of learning foreign languages ​​and plans to become a translator.

Xenia has outstanding artistic abilities. She dreams of becoming a designer.

Both girls are maximally loaded with additional classes. They attend a music school, a ballet studio, a chess club. Both the eldest and middle daughters are fond of horseback riding. Ksenia takes vocal lessons.

It is noteworthy that both Adam and Olya grew up in large families. In upbringing, Ushakova tries to accept children as equals. The woman is sure that the main thing is to set the right example.

Beauty secrets

Olga calls sports and proper nutrition the main assistants in the struggle for youth and attractiveness. The presenter shared her recipes with viewers of the Marie Claire YouTube channel. In her opinion, it is important:

  • observe the drinking regimen (at least 2 liters of water daily);
  • do not skip breakfast;
  • replace sugar with healthy foods.

Ushakova goes in for sports at least 3 times a week.

She often changes classes in the gym: from body ballet to step aerobics. Favorite sports include yoga, running, horseback riding. During pregnancy and after childbirth, she did not stop training, made the load more gentle.

Ushakova jokes that the secret of her blooming appearance in the morning is the result of the talented work of make-up artists.

Olga Ushakova talks about make-up, clothes, children and work:

But she admits that she learned a lot from the stylists who create her images.

In an interview backstage at Fashion Sentence, she talked about her love for dresses: casual knits and classic sheaths.

Olga loves beauty procedures (lifting, mesotherapy), but does not resort to drastic measures.

With brother

With sister

With mom

With grandfather and daughter

Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter on Channel One, co-host of the Good Morning program, winner of the prestigious TEFI-2015 TV award.

From this article you will learn the main events of Olga Ushakova, as well as learn interesting facts from the life of a TV presenter.

So in front of you short biography of Olga Ushakova.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

Biography of Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova was born on April 7, 1982 in the Crimea. Since her father was a military man, the family often had to change their place of residence.

According to the TV presenter herself, she never experienced discomfort or stress due to numerous moves. On the contrary, she liked meeting new people and building relationships with them.

Childhood and youth

As a child, Olga Ushakova had many cases when she had to stand up for herself using her fists.

Sometimes the teachers called her parents to the school to conduct explanatory work with their daughter. Nevertheless, the girl always managed to enjoy authority among her classmates.

All these difficulties in this period of her biography only tempered Olga and helped her acquire the qualities necessary for her future profession.

Interestingly, even as a child, Ushakova liked to take some thing resembling a microphone and comment on various events.

Even then, she dreamed of becoming a famous announcer on television. She also loved to read and learn any interesting information.

At the age of 16, Ushakova graduated from high school with honors. After that, she continued her studies at Kharkov University. After receiving a diploma, she and her boyfriend began to develop their own business.

At the age of 23, Olga was already the head of a branch of a trading company engaged in the promotion of large brands.

Soon, a significant event took place in Ushakova's biography: she and her lover went to.

It was there that Ushakova remembered her childhood dream of television, but she felt insecure in her own abilities. Her young man helped her to believe in herself.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

In 2004, the biography of Olga Ushakova changes dramatically, as she successfully passed the casting on Channel One, after which she was hired as an intern.

The girl, who did not have a journalistic education, had to work hard to get a position as an announcer. For a long time she developed the correct diction and got rid of the accent.

Over time, Olga was entrusted with the news program "News". Every day she had to memorize a lot of important information and behave correctly on the air.

In 2014, Ushakova became the TV presenter of the morning program Good Morning. She helped people get ready for the working day, and also charged them with her positive mood. Olga did her job so well that in 2015 the program she led was awarded the TEFI award.

In her interviews, TV presenter Olga Ushakova has repeatedly admitted that she is deeply in love with her profession. Today, she cannot even imagine how her biography would develop without television.

Personal life

By nature, Olga is a very versatile and cheerful person. In her free time, she likes to take care of the garden and. In addition, she likes to go to different museums and theaters.

Ushakova prefers not to talk about her personal life. It is only known that she has two daughters - Daria and Oksana, but there is practically no information about their father.

In any case, TV presenter Ushakova always speaks positively about her spouse, which is already worthy of respect.

Olga Ushakova with her husband Adam and daughters

In 2017, news began to appear in the press that Olga Ushakova had a new chosen one. According to some sources, the man does not live in and works in the restaurant business.

In the summer of the same year, it became finally known that the young people officially legalized their relationship.

Olga Ushakova today

To date, Olga Ushakova is one of the most sought-after and popular TV presenters, as evidenced by her entire biography.

In 2017, for the fifth time, she was entrusted with leading the Direct Line with. According to the girl, she has long been accustomed to working live, as a result of which she is ready for all sorts of changes and force majeure situations.

From time to time, Olga and her family go on vacation to resorts. Having visited a particular country, she posts her photos on the Internet, so that her fans can follow the TV presenter's personal life.

It is safe to say that we will see Olga Ushakova more than once in rating television projects.

Photo by Olga Ushakova

Below you can see the best photos of Olga Ushakova. According to many of her fans, she has a very unusual female beauty. Is this really so - you can check by looking at the proposed photos of Ushakova.

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