The dramatic fate of the individual under totalitarianism. Totalitarian regime performed by Zamyatin

The problem of inhuman treatment of a person in totalitarian state.



A wolfhound age throws itself on my shoulders,

But I am not a wolf by my blood ...

(O. Mandelstam).

Literary arguments

A. Akhmatova. Poem "Requiem" written on personal impression (repeated arrests and exiles of her husband and son) and under the influence of numerous meetings with mothers, relatives of prisoners in the Cross, a St. Petersburg prison.

In the story A. Platonov "Pit" reveals the problem tragic fate person in a totalitarian state. So, in the villages goes terrible process collectivization, the destruction of the kulaks, hated by the proletarians only because the peasant has at least some personal property. The houses are empty, the wind is blowing, and at the smithy the bear laborer, a true proletarian, is working for everyone, full of hatred for the "owners" and fanatical, blind diligence. Some stock up on coffins, others are put on rafts and floated into the sea, to suffer and die. Especially terrible is the complete obedience of the peasantry, which only occasionally changes into single outbursts of rebellion.

The theme of the tragic fate of a Russian person in a totalitarian state arises in the novel "We" in the image of the One State, in which a person with his individuality is almost destroyed, reduced to a "number", where everyone is dressed in the same clothes and must be happy, whether they want it or not. Novel E.3amyatin sounded a warning that did not reach the Soviet reader. The state soon began to actively intervene in his life, in some ways embodying the gloomy fantasy of E. Zamyatin, in some ways retreating far from it. There was one thing in common - the attitude to the individual as to building material devaluation of a person, his life.

The writer Varlam Shalamov, a man of tragic fate, addresses the problem of inhuman treatment of a person in a totalitarian state. long years spent in the terrible Kolyma camps. The writer became the author of amazing psychological impact works, a kind of Kolyma epic, which showed the merciless truth about the life of people in the camps. Man in inhuman conditions - this is how you can designate a cross-cutting topic « Kolyma stories» V.Shalamova. Getting into the camp, a person loses everything that connects him with the normal human environment, with the previous experience, which is now inapplicable. So, V. Shalamov has the concept of "first life" (pre-camp) and the second life - life in the camp.

in the story A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" shows a picture of the heavy peasant share under the Stalinist regime. But against the backdrop of the traditional Solzhenitsyn theme, classic look a Russian woman who will support and understand, reconcile, accept and survive all the hardships. Matrena's death is as tragic as her life. Her house was taken away, and she herself died absurdly under the wheels of the train, giving it away: the house was inextricably linked with its mistress, there was no house - Matryona also died.

"Gulag Archipelago" A.I. Solzhenitsyn- this is the red terror civil war, and the complete collectivization of the resisting population. This includes everything: from the lies of the official authorities to torture and executions in Kolyma. With meticulous accuracy, Solzhenitsyn cites the "psychic" methods needed to break the will and destroy the personality of the prisoner, leaving no imprints on his body. Like the discoverer, the author gives his own classification of arrests, among which he singles out the “traditional”, “night”, “day” arrest. This is a sadistic science aimed at immediately knocking out of the victim a sense of calm, security and justice, which will help the torturers to completely break the resistance during the subsequent equally traditional procedures: investigations, trials, interrogations, trips to the Gulag country. This is the cry of the writer, aimed at making people hear the groans from the Gulag country of people whose lives were sacrificed by the totalitarian system; to feel and feel the human pain and horror of remorse for the fact that the great Archipelago "stood among us for fifty years unnoticed."

A. I. Solzhenitsyn story "One day of Ivan Denisovich".

B. Vasiliev. Tale "Tomorrow there was a war."

The problem of the purpose of art, the problem of the relationship between the artist and the "crowd", the relationship of the crowd to people who stand out from it. The problem of the influence of art (literature) on a person


Literature serves the knowledge of the world and man.

Literature, reflecting reality, reveals the beauty of life, the beauty of man.

Through the image of a positive or villain the author comprehends reality.

True art ennobles a person.

Art teaches a person to love life.

Bring people the light of high truths, "pure teachings of goodness and truth" - this is the meaning of true art.

The artist must put his whole soul into the work in order to infect another person with his feelings and thoughts.

One can develop the ability to feel and appreciate beauty, which we often call taste.

The main purpose of art is to allow a person to know and change himself.

Art is a form of knowledge of the world.

A true artist is able to express what others only dimly feel.


- “Conscientiousness is the feeling that literature is obliged to excite” (N. Evdokimova).

- "Art is designed to preserve the human in a person" (Yu. Bondarev).

- Learn and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest” (F. Dostoevsky).

Art creates good people, forms human soul(P. Tchaikovsky).

The artist's business is to give birth to joy (K Paustovsky).

Life is short, art is long-lived (Hippocrates).

Science and art purify the gold of reality, melt it into elegant forms (V. G. Belinsky).

Art is always poetry, in whatever genre it manifests itself (S. Zalygin).

- “You need to write not with talent, but with “humanity” - with a direct sense of life” (A.P. Platonov).

- “Everything is possible - and everything will succeed, but the main thing is to sow souls in people” (A.P. Platonov).

Literary arguments

What an experience lyrical hero expressed in a poem A.S. Pushkin "Prophet"? First of all, this is a feeling of anxiety caused by his former poetic activity (“we are tormented by spiritual thirst ...”). And this sense of responsibility to people is a feeling due to the understanding of the prophetic role of the poet. The poet is the same mortal person as all people. But he is different from them: he is given to see, hear, understand what he does not see, does not hear, does not understand. ordinary person. This gives the prophet the right to "burn the hearts of the people with the verb."

main character stories « Garnet bracelet"(Kuprin A.I.) heard, learned exceptional in depth musical composition. Beethoven's melody and the feeling of the official Zheltkov coincided in one chord. The suffering and death of a seemingly imperceptible person elevate and spiritualize what is happening, and the sound of music is given to words deep meaning: "Hallowed be your name... " Prayer, these words and this music justify everything, they sound like breathing, like crying.

In comedy "Woe from Wit" Griboyedov Chatsky is a rebel, a rebel, he rises against the crowd, the Moscow society of that time. Their habits are wild and alien to him, the morality of society amazes him. He is not afraid to speak his mind. In the monologue "And who are the judges?" fully reveals its essence. The problem with the crowd is that they don't know how to listen and don't even want to

listen to the truth. They consider as "truth" the precepts of their fathers - hypocrites that have long outlived their usefulness.

Creation Mayakovsky devoted to the theme of confrontation between the hero and the crowd. The crowd is vulgar people who live without spirituality. They do not see beauty, they do not understand real art. The hero is alone in his world. He does not leave the crowd, does not hide, but boldly challenges it, is ready to fight misunderstanding. For example, in the poem “Could you?” a sharp line is drawn between "I" and "you".

N. V. Gogol. Poem "Dead Souls"(digression about the realist writer and the romantic writer, the beginning of the 7th chapter of the poem).

M. Yu. Lermontov. Poem "Poet".

A. S. Pushkin: “I erected a monument to myself ...”.


Scientists and psychologists have long argued that music can have various effects on nervous system, on the tone of a person. It is generally accepted that the works of Bach increase and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music awakens compassion, cleanses a person's thoughts and feelings of negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child. Dmitri Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony has the subtitle "Leningradskaya". But the name "Legendary" suits her better. The fact is that when the Nazis besieged Leningrad, the inhabitants of the city had a huge impact on the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich, which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

Creation - the only way immortality of the creator. “For the authorities, for the livery, do not bend either conscience, or thoughts, or neck” - this is the testament of A.S. Pushkin ("From Pindemonti") was decisive in the choice creative way true artists.

Problem spiritual health societies.



Not necessarily wealth.

There is a paradise in a hut.

No envy, no sacrilege.

It's time to think about the soul.

(S. Boguslavsky).

Literary arguments

In the story A. Platonov "Pit" the problem of the spiritual health of people, that is, the loss of spiritual values, is touched upon. An atmosphere of lack of spirituality, rudeness, lack of culture reigns in the story. Collectivization appears as collective murder and suicide. People turn into animals: Chiklin mechanically kills a peasant who is at hand; peasants who are not included in the collective farm are sent on a raft; men do not see the difference between killing activists and livestock, cutting down trees and destroying their own flesh. A person is impersonal and turned into a concept (“fist”, “bourgeois”, “activist”). The temple is deserted. Baptism is not allowed. The people only light a candle, instead of praying, and hide, raising grass behind them. People have lost the meaning of life: “I was left without God, and God without a man…” For men, a coffin is an integral household, for which they live. Chiklin brings two coffins: one for Nastya's bed, and the other for the red corner. Thus, we can say that in the "Pit" there is no hope for future life. Dreams are the basis of all life.

In the story A.P. Platonov "Pit" the problem of the loss of spiritual values ​​is revealed. So, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the center of the spiritual life of Russia, was blown up, and it is proposed to build the Palace of Soviets in its place. And the foundation pit of the "new home", in which a person would be "engaged with the earth", becomes for many a grave, an "eternal home" for little Nastya. The destruction of religion and fanatical worship are new to ideas, this is not atheism, but godlessness: "I was a priest, and now I have dissociated myself from my soul and have my hair cut like a foxtrot." There is no hope in the Pit

for a future life: at the heart of the dream house is a coffin with the body of a child. “I don’t believe in anything now!” This is the result of building a new life, a new man and his spiritual health.

Heroes of the novel E. Zamyatina "We" -"numbers", as the author calls them, lived in mathematical ideal state, their life rhythm was honed to perfection. Each "number", in its essence, is a mathematician. But everything was limited by the mind: the heroes had no soul. They did not feel the need to strive for the high, they were not interested in the beauty of the world, fenced off by city walls, it frightened them. Can such a life be called spiritual?

In the preface to the novel "Hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov wrote that his task was to point out the disease of his generation ("bitter medicines, caustic truths are needed"). The writer is compared with a doctor (Russian realism in its socio-critical variety will develop along this path), but then Lermontov with a sad romantic irony notes that he "had fun drawing modern man as he understands it”, without striving to become a “corrector of human vices”.

  1. Development of analytical skills and skills in working with a literary text.
  2. The study of E. Zamyatin's novel "We" in the context of world and Russian literature, identifying the features of the anti-utopia genre; to teach independent search for truth based on the work.
  3. Formation of a conscious choice in accordance with moral principles, a clear life position, a firm outlook on life; cultivate the ability to work in a team.


The progress of the future is always in the present...

Man is like a novel: until the very last
You don't know how the page will end.
Otherwise it wouldn't be worth reading...

E. Zamyatin.

During the classes

I. The word of the teacher.

Good afternoon! We begin a literature lesson, the theme of which is “The fate of the individual in a totalitarian state”. Throughout the lesson, we will look for answers to the questions: what made Zamyatin write the work, what is the place of the novel in world and Russian literature, why does the author think about the future of Russia, what awaits the country after the 1917 revolution ... And we will carry out all the work through the analysis of this work.

Mankind has always strived to present an ideal society, which was reflected in works of art, called utopia. This is the “Utopia” of Thomas More, and the “City of the Sun” by T. Campanella, and the socialist utopia in the dreams of Vera Pavlovna in Chernyshevsky’s novel “What is to be done?” But “We” Zamyatin is a dystopia.

II. Guys, explain what the term "dystopia" means? (Caution, the world doesn't have to be the way the writer portrays it.)

What is totalitarianism? From the word TOTALITAR (Ozhegov) - based on the complete domination of the state over all aspects of society, violence, the destruction of democratic freedoms and individual rights. Unfortunately, this word is relevant for modern society. Totalitarianism took shape in the 1930s. But even in the 21st century, there are states based on such an order, way of life. These are Iraq, Cuba, North Korea.

So, in order to understand the influence of totalitarianism on a person, one must look at individual citizens, because “a person is like a novel ...”

III. Characteristics of the main character.

Let's get to know the main character.

What's his name? His profession? Hobbies? (The main character is D-503, the builder of the Integral (today we would say the chief designer), leads diary entries).

Can D-503 be called an ordinary hero of the work? (No, he is a talented engineer, scientist, mathematician, passionate about his work. In addition, he keeps diary entries, which speaks of originality. After all, people who keep diary entries are not so common, since the epistolary genre is a complex form of presentation of thoughts that requires an internal work).

Why do you think D-503 keeps records? (The fear of speaking one's thoughts aloud is a hallmark of a totalitarian state.)

By the way, why does the hero have such strange name- D-503? Put forward your point of view. (Lives in a totalitarian state - the Single State, where everything is impersonal, subject to the will of the Benefactor)

Think and answer, is there an idea of ​​the state if members of society have such names-numbers? Imagine I open a magazine and call student K-3, C-1? (The idea is developing, and not the best: you feel some impersonality ...)

Conclusion: So, D-503 is not by chance the main character. This is a talented engineer, a scientist who not only builds the Integral, but also thinks, tries to realize the world, albeit somewhat narrow, straightforward, but it is interesting to us, because “a person is like a novel: you don’t know how it will end until the very last page. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth reading…”

IV. Characteristics of the United State.

The hero lives in a special state.

What is the name of the state? Why One? (One, Totalitarian, - such a state needs a special society, so that people unquestioningly obey, are cogs in the machine. Therefore, they are busy educating society. Let us recall the history of our country. In the 60s of the XX century, a moral code of the Soviet citizen was developed in the Soviet Union, according to which the people of the country of the Soviets are devoted to the cause of communism, everyone is equal, unquestioningly fulfilling the will of the party ...)

The United State is a totalitarian regime. Let's see how it treats its citizens, how it educates, what goals it sets.

Episode analysis. Expressive reading, discussion.

Analysis of episode #1.

Much can be said about a person by knowing his views on the environment. How D-503 perceives nature. Tell me, are you not alarmed by such an attitude towards the world around you? What is strange about this description of nature? Why does the number of the United State not see the beauty of nature?

Conclusion: There is no person, only a number.

Analysis of episode #2.

Construction of the Integral. Any totalitarian state seeks to spread the ideology beyond its borders. Therefore, the main task is the development of industry, industrialization, in order to be economically free, independent, to subjugate other countries.

How does this manifest itself in the United State? What is building? (An integral that should bring happiness to everyone).

It is natural that most time people spend at the construction site. Let's read the description of the workplace of the Builder of the Integral.

A very poetic description. But something is disturbing. name keywords excerpt. (“Unfree movement, ideal unfreedom”).

Why does he see and describe like that? (What the state imposed, inspired, has already remained at the subconscious level. They cannot see the influence of the State in a different way).

Conclusion: “non-free movement, ideal non-freedom” and “soul-filled flight” A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”.

Such an idea of ​​the world, of beauty, formed the Totalitarian, United State ...

Analysis of episode #3. Free time.

Or maybe only during the civil service?

Guys, let's remember how the “numbers” spend their free time? Reading an excerpt.

In historical scientific papers Socialism is called "barracks socialism". Why was such a state built in the Soviet Union. Why in the passage is the emphasis on the marching tread of the heroes? (The system is easier to manage, to give orders).

Getting into action. After reading the passage, stand up and march in place. But next to her is her beloved D-503 - O-90, or rather, the one for which a pink coupon was issued ... I so want to take her hand, say that the mood is wonderful ... Class, pay attention to intonation. Try saying, “How wonderful you look, O-90! What a lovely day!"

“Who is walking right there? Left! Left! Left!” “Revolutionary keep step! The restless enemy does not sleep!” Stop! One-two!

Why didn't you manage to pronounce the proposed phrase? Did something interfere? What? Answer the question, dear, why did you say the phrase so strangely.

Connection with what has been learned so far.

I have now recited two quotations from the works you have studied before. Which? The authors Mayakovsky and Blok are contemporaries of the 1917 revolution, contemporaries of Zamyatin. They caught the spirit of the time, showed the truth of those days. And Blok even foresaw what might happen if we take such a step into the future. SLIDE #2. Remember, bourgeois at the crossroads .. Why costs at a crossroads?.. What is a crossroads? Standing where once was the heart of the crucified Jesus Christ? Connection with the epigraph 1. “The progress of the future is always in the present…” E. Zamyatin. (It is impossible without faith in Him, in His commandments ... Otherwise, one can come to such a state, which is described by Zamyatin).

Guys, tell me, please, what is personal life? Did the Soviet people have it? To whom was it necessary to subordinate personal life? (Interests of the State. It is easier to subdue, barracks socialism).

Conclusion: Personal life - freedom of choice. Freedom is the ability to act in accordance with one's interests and goals.

In any regime there is at least one person who does not want to obey, does not want someone else's will to be imposed on him. Such people are punished. Punishment is always pursued by law. But there must be a measure. Much is said today about punishment, oh death penalty. In 1993, Russia announced a moratorium on the death penalty, and just two weeks ago extended the moratorium, although the majority in society is in favor of the death penalty. And how dissidents were punished in the United State. (They arranged demonstration executions, which normal person cause only a feeling of hostility. But not in a totalitarian state. the main role at the Benefactor).

Analysis of episode #4.

What figurative and expressive means does the author use to describe the Benefactor? Justify the author's choice.

Epithets - heavy - heavy, heavy, heavy - hard ...
Stone - like an idol, he is an idol, a deity, a Benefactor ...
Like fate - comparison - the inevitability of punishment ...

Guys, does the figure of the Benefactor evoke historical parallels? (Stalin. A significant figure in the history of the country. It is with this person that the totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union is associated. Such people can subjugate everyone to their will. “When he entered the hall of the Yalta Conference, we all stood up, as if on command, and, strange -they kept their hands at the seams ”- W. Churchill).

Conclusion. What is the role of a leader in a totalitarian state? (Absolute power, submission, blind faith in the leader and, as a rule, an inadequate assessment of what is happening). A good example is the next episode.

Episode #5.

Yes, there is arithmetic! Remember the name of the hero who spoke about arithmetic, replacing the word "man" with the soothing word "louse"? (Raskolnikov. What did the theory lead to? Collapse. Failure ..)

Conclusion: the cruelty of a totalitarian state knows no limits, the death of a person is nothing compared to a machine.

Day of Unanimity.

In the United State, the Benefactor was elected on the Day of Unanimity. Unanimously. As always.

Totalitarianism presupposes a certain basic personality type. A person of the "new world" must possess a certain set of qualities. He should not have his own interests, affairs, feelings, affections, property, and even a name. His only interest and only passion is the revolution. He despises and hates every manifestation of the centuries-old public morality recognizing as moral only that which contributes to the cause of the revolution and as immoral that which hinders it. Hard on himself, he must be hard on others. The word "merciless" has become an integral part of the political and everyday vocabulary in all totalitarian systems. Feelings of kinship, friendship, love, gratitude and even honor must be strangled in him by a single and cold passion - a revolutionary cause.

The essential characteristic of a totalitarian public system is the orientation towards fusion, the total unity of all spheres of life without exception. At the same time, it should be emphasized that totalitarianism as a special socio-political system is impossible without a mass base of people, mass character as such, the dissolution of the individual in the crowd.

Totalitarianism limited the freedom of the individual and his initiative. There was a strict control over the consciousness and behavior of a person, his thoughts, thoughts, inner world, deeds. In accordance with the ideological guidelines, the totalitarian regime took great efforts in educating a person in the spirit of communist morality. The program of the CPSU even formulated the moral code of the builder of communism.

Totalitarian systems usually arose in societies with a rigid hierarchical organization - if not strictly feudal, then at least paternalistic. The head of state, executive authorities, the police, the army, teachers acted as a powerful substitute for the parental image, or, more precisely, a surrogate for the super-ego. The surrogates of the super-ego were representatives of the authorities, who were psychologically identified with the parents and whose commands were therefore perceived as learned parental orders.

Often, even in a concentration camp, faith in the power and justice of the police was so strong that the prisoners did not want to admit the injustice of their punishment. They forced themselves to find at least some of their own guilt. The inner desire for guardianship on the part of the super-I is very great, and the weaker the “I”, the stronger this desire. Since in totalitarian systems the leaders and their representatives, in short, the system as such, serve as the most powerful substitutes for the superego, approval can only be achieved by identifying with the system. Obeying an order from outside, you feel free from guilt, and therefore - safe. To hide and constantly feel in oneself the super-I with its criticism of the society in which one is forced to live is extremely painful. In general, this is possible only if other, alternative images of the super-I are available to you. It is not easy for Americans to understand our difficulties: they grow up in a free society where they are surrounded various images super-ego from which to choose. There is, for example, the puritan and free will, the man in the gray coat, or the cowboy, and many others. But in Hitler's Germany, all images of the super-ego were reduced to one, and it was extremely difficult to form or maintain a deeply personal model, at odds with the surrounding society.

In totalitarian states, opponents of the regime live in constant fear of making a mistake - revealing their true feelings, putting their lives at stake, and even their families. Therefore, they have to be impeccable actors. But for this you need to feel the role, get used to it.

Only by becoming an obedient member of a totalitarian state can a person be calm that he will not be suspected of not following any order. The attraction of totalitarianism lies in its promise of resolving the most severe internal conflicts peace with oneself and giving a sense of one's own security of agreement with others. Unfortunately for the enemy of the regime, this harmony and peace are achieved only by the loss of independence, self-respect and human dignity. The calm reigning in totalitarian states is paid for by the death of the soul.

The anthropological component of totalitarianism as a special socio-philosophical phenomenon consists in the desire for a complete remake and transformation of a person in accordance with their socio-philosophical and ideological attitudes. Here the widest range of means, mechanisms and methods was used, which were based on the three principles that totalitarianism borrowed from the ideological baggage of the Grand Inquisitor: miracle, mystery and authority. Here we only note that the ideologists of totalitarianism clearly learned the lesson of the same Grand Inquisitor, who realized that in order to assert his dominance, the killing of Jesus Christ alone is not enough, it is also necessary to kill his faith and create a new, one’s own faith to captivate the consciousness of the broadest masses with it. of people. It is no coincidence that in the complex of ideas and methods of totalitarians aimed at changing the very human ontology, strict control takes over the consciousness of a person, his thoughts, thoughts, inner world. significant place. Moreover, the task is to completely transform a person, to construct a new type of personality with a special mental make-up, a special mentality, mental and behavioral characteristics, etc. through standardization, unification individual start, its dissolution in the mass, the reduction of all individuals to a certain average denominator, sterilization or, in any case, the suppression of the individual, personal principle in a person. In this context, the "success" of Bolshevism and fascism is to a large extent explained by the fact that in a kind of diffuse state public consciousness, its splitting and breaking, they managed to subordinate to the rational-utopian beginning all the richness, multilayeredness and complexity of consciousness.

One of the most important indicators of the penetration of totalitarian principles into all spheres Everyday life is the so-called newspeak, which is "the linguistic equivalent of the main idea of ​​the official ideology". Although Newspeak is a literary invention of J. Orwell, it is a reality. The essence of this phenomenon is the almost complete replacement real world some kind of surreal, absurd vision in which everything is turned upside down. In everyday life, one must adapt to the irrationalism of language, in which speech about the world hides rather than explains the real state of things. This gives rise to a kind double standard in the life and behavior of a "totalitarian" person. It seems to bifurcate, acquires a double bottom. In a relationship different kind political and other decisions and resolutions adopted by the highest state and party instances, people develop something like a stable immunity: expressing "ardent" and "unanimous" approval in words, they show cold indifference to these decisions and resolutions or even their sharp rejection in words. deed.

Since the state does not exist for people, but, on the contrary, people exist for the state, then the individual is sacrificed to the citizen, and the citizen, in turn, is sacrificed to the subject. Each individual is left face to face with a huge omnipotent apparatus of coercion. Conformism wins, the people turn into a mass, the population acquires the attributes of a crowd.

Excessive guardianship of the state over its citizens causes irreparable harm to the energy, activity and moral character of the individual. The one who is constantly and strongly led, in the end, refuses the share of independence and responsibility that he possesses. In the totalitarian states of our time, the means mass communication have almost unlimited possibilities to influence human thoughts. Today's technology provides surveillance of any individual's move. This and much more allows the totalitarian dictatorship to claim that the subjects are free individuals - and the current technology and mass society inevitably demand this in many areas of the application of human forces - and, nevertheless, to ensure that subjects adhere to the beliefs that the state considers it necessary to inspire them.

Under the dictatorships of the past, it was possible to exist within the system and maintain a certain independence of thoughts, and often certain actions, while maintaining self-respect, while in a modern totalitarian state it is impossible to maintain this self-respect and at the same time live in internal opposition to the system. Almost every today's nonconformist is faced with a choice: either to prove himself an enemy of this government, being persecuted and most often destroyed, or to confess in public what you deeply hate and despise in secret.

The name of A. I. Solzhenitsyn appeared in fiction in the 60s, during the Khrushchev thaw". “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” shocked readers with knowledge of the forbidden - camp life under Stalin.
One of the countless islands of the Gulag archipelago has opened for the first time. Behind him was the state itself, a merciless totalitarian system that suppresses man.
The plot of the story is dedicated to the resistance of the living to the inanimate, of man to the camp. Solzhenitsyn - the hard labor camp - is a mediocre, dangerous, cruel machine that grinds everyone who gets into it. The camp was created for the sake of killing, aimed at the extermination of the main thing in a person - thoughts, conscience, memory.
Ivan Shukhov "the local life ruffled from rise to lights out." And to remember the native hut "fewer and fewer reasons he had." So who is who: the camp - the person? Or is the person a camp? The camp defeated many, ground them to dust.
Ivan Denisovich goes through the vile temptations of the camp, which may be stronger or weaker, but they are relentless. On this endless day, the drama of resistance plays out. Some win in it: Ivan Denisovich, Kavtorang, convict X-123, Alyoshka the Baptist, Senka Klevshin, Pavlo the pom-brigade leader, foreman Tyurin himself. Others are doomed to perish: film director Tsezar Markovich, “jackal” Fetyukhov, foreman Der and others.
Life in the camp mercilessly persecutes everything human and implants the inhuman. Ivan Denisovich thinks to himself: “Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: if you do it for people, give quality, if you do it for a fool, show off. Otherwise, everyone would have died a long time ago, it’s a well-known thing. ” Ivan Shukhov firmly remembered the words of his first foreman Kuzemin, an old camp wolf who had been imprisoned for 12 years since 1943: “Here, guys, the law is the taiga, but people live here too. In the camp, this is who dies: who licks bowls, who hopes for the medical unit, and who goes to knock on the godfather. This is the essence of camp philosophy. The one who loses heart dies, becomes a slave to sick or hungry flesh, unable to strengthen himself from the inside and resist the temptation to pick up leftovers or inform on a neighbor.
What is a camp? And how can a person live and survive in it? The camp is an image both real and surreal, absurd. This is both commonplace and a symbol, an embodiment eternal evil and the usual low malice, hatred, laziness, dirt, violence, thoughtlessness, adopted by the System.
Man is at war with the camp, for it takes away the freedom to live for himself, to be himself. “Do not expose yourself” to the camp anywhere – this is the tactic of resistance. “Yes, and never yawn. You need to try so that no guard sees you alone, but only in the crowd, ”such is the tactic of survival.
Despite the humiliating system of numbers, people stubbornly call each other by their first names, patronymics, and surnames. Before us are faces, not cogs and camp dust, into which the System of people would like to turn. To defend freedom in a hard labor camp means to depend as little as possible internally on its regime, on its destructive order, to belong to oneself. Apart from sleep, the camper lives for himself only in the morning - 10 minutes at breakfast, and at lunch - 5 minutes, and at dinner - 5 minutes. Such is the reality. Therefore, Shukhov even eats “slowly, thoughtfully.” This is also liberation.
The closer the end of the story, the clearer it becomes for us that the main thing in it is a dispute about spiritual values. Alyoshka the Baptist says that one should pray “not for sending a parcel or for an extra portion of gruel. It is necessary to pray for the spiritual, so that the Lord removes the evil scum from our hearts. ”
The ending of the story is paradoxical for perception: “Ivan Denisovich fell asleep, completely satisfied. The day passed, unmarred by anything, almost happy.” If this is one of the “good” days, then what are the bad ones.
Solzhenitsyn made a hole in the iron curtain and soon became an outcast himself. His books were banned and removed from libraries. By the time the writer was forcibly expelled from the USSR, “In the first circle”, “ cancer corps”, “The Gulag Archipelago”. This was pursued with all the might of the state punitive machine.
The time for oblivion has passed. The merit of Solzhenitsyn is that he first spoke about the terrible disaster experienced by our long-suffering people and the author himself. Solzhenitsyn lifted the veil over dark night our history of the period of Stalinism.

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