How to draw a clown with a pencil. How to draw a clown: step by step process How to draw a scary clown mask

Dear forum users and forum users, today we will learn to draw a clown! I think all children, from the age of three, know exactly what a circus is and love it, which is why I chose this topic for my today's lesson. So, let's begin.
We draw a circle. Today I chose felt-tip pens as a tool, therefore, there is no possibility of correcting errors, I didn’t) Do not judge strictly)

Now op to the center of the circle, which we have is the face, draw a red clown nose. We also draw the eyes of our clown, as shown in the figure.

As you know, all clowns have makeup on their faces, so we draw a wavy line in the middle of the face, separating the upper part from the lower one. Immediately draw him a smile, eyebrows and ears.

Let's draw a fluffy collar for the clown.

Now draw the body and legs. All according to a simplified scheme, as shown in the figure.

Now the turn of the hands has come, they are also drawn very simply with us. We finish the hands with cuffs, and we finish the trousers at the bottom of the legs with an assembly.

We draw the handles themselves, schematically outlining the fingers and shoes on the clown's feet.

Now we will schematically color all the clown's attire and draw a funny hat for him.

And finally, so that our clown does not get bored, we will give him juggling balls.

That's it, the lesson is over, I hope you enjoy it.

For many, the circus and its characters embody a fairy tale and a holiday in their very nature, because what could be more colorful and cheerful than a cheerful clown in a bright suit with a big red nose and a constant wide smile on his face...

In fact, the makeup of a clown is an integral part of his image, his artistic and personal sign, expressing even more than a wig and costume combined.

Makeup as a visiting card and expressive means

Unlike other artists, the clown can make full use of all the details of his stage wardrobe, adapting and adapting it to various numbers, developing some kind of comic effects. And it is makeup or make-up that becomes the very expressive means by which the clown is able to declare the chosen image and character, to convey his emotions to the audience. Therefore, such an exaggerated way of drawing a mask is used.

Traditionally, clowns can be White and Red. The first is rather sad or sad, and the second, on the contrary, is eccentric, cheerful, broken.

The main attributes of the White Clown makeup have always been:

  • snow-white background of the face;
  • dark or black strokes (outlines of the eyes, eyebrows with a house, small lips or lowered corners of the mouth);
  • sometimes painted tears.

The red-haired clown is more familiar and familiar to us in his own way:

  • multi-colored or bright wig;
  • red big nose;
  • the use of contrasting colors and paints in drawing eyes, eyebrows, lips;
  • some clowns draw freckles or other distinctive details on themselves.

Many choose a clown image for carnivals, children's and adult holidays, because dressed up in this character, you can do almost anything. However, if there should be no problems with the costume, then in order to do makeup with your own hands and at home, you will have to try a little.

What makeup to choose?

Before you make a clown makeup, you need to decide whether you will be dealing with real theatrical makeup, using simple face painting, or, at worst, cosmetics and other improvised means.

Theatrical makeup is quite difficult to use - it is difficult to apply, difficult to wash off, so it is unlikely to be convenient for a regular party. In addition, in the circus and the theater there is a large distance between the audience and the artists, and some staining flaws are not too noticeable, which makes it possible to make a less accurate drawing on the face. For home holidays, it is still better to use a special water-based makeup in the form of pencils.

We create different images

The classic image is a completely made-up face. However, you can deviate from these canons and come up with something new: for example, draw only curls on the cheeks, big eyelashes and make bright lips.

Here is a very simple makeup example that you can easily do yourself.

  1. Remove hair from your face. Paint over the area around the eyebrows with white in semicircles. Do this carefully so as not to hurt your eyes.
  2. Then paint the area around the lips with white too, capturing part of the chin.
  3. Outline this white part in red, highlighting the line of the mouth.
  4. Add a smile to your face.
  5. Outline the white areas above the eyes with a black pencil. Draw eyelashes and put a few dots.
  6. You can simply draw a red nose if you do not want to wear a fake one.

The shape of the lips, eyes and eyebrows can be drawn as you like, depending on your mood and imagination.

To create the image of the White Clown, you will need to make a "sad" face. Having imposed the general tone, select the eyes and draw black elongated diamonds under them (you can also depict tears). Then beautifully bring your eyebrows and paint your lips in the form of a small bright heart.

The spout is easily made from a piece of colored sponge (simply cut out a small ball or pompom and attach a thin elastic band to it).

A wig can be classic - a huge multi-colored or red mop of curly hair, or made from threads or other improvised materials. For example, it is very easy to make a thread wig based on an ordinary knitted hat - tie it in a circle with a fringe, fastening the fringe through a loop in a checkerboard pattern.

We draw popular images of heroes. How to draw a clown with a pencil step by step

Now we will look at how to draw a circus clown with a pencil in stages. Clowns usually paint their faces in such a way that every facial expression seems over the top. To do this, they highlight the mouth with red over the lips, put a ball on the nose, some paint the face white, others highlight the eyes and mouth area with white, and other options. A clown is the same actor, only he still has to make the audience laugh, while he can do acrobatics, play musical instruments, train animals and other activities.

Draw an oval, a round nose just below the middle, then the shape of the eyes and the mouth section.

Once again circle the mouth of the clown, then draw a cap on the head and hair.

We draw a body, the shape of which is very simple. Then we draw the bottom of the jacket at the waist level, divide the pants in half and move on to drawing the boots and hands.

Draw a bow on the neck, then fingers, a ball, detail the boots and jacket.

Today we will be with you draw a clown. We can say that we will have a holiday. Only here is not enough =) Everyone has seen the clown more than once: a perky merry fellow with a big bright nose and disheveled hair. Now you will know how to draw a clown with a pencil step by step.

How to draw a clown with a pencil

Step one.

Let's start with the nose. It is round and in the center of the sheet. Two more circles are located upwards from it - this. And now we need to draw a forehead: put a point on the circumference of the eye, draw a small bulge and pull the line up. We do the same on the other side. Make sure it's symmetrical! And now at the bottom of the sheet, under the resulting forehead, we will show the chin. Under the round nose, draw an arc lowered below.

Ready? Then let's move on!

Step two. Quite a difficult stage. Carefully consider the details of the drawing before proceeding. First, the cheeks: from the line of the arc to the chin, we draw a bulge. First - on the one hand, then - on the other, exactly the same. Between the eye and the cheek is the ear, it is small. can be seen in a separate lesson. And now the mouth: big and open.

Step three. Put dots-pupils in the center of the eye. Let's draw wavy tufts of hair behind the ears, as well as fluffy bangs on the forehead. Step four. It remains to color our clown to give him enthusiasm. Here you can dream up and make the nose and hair of any bright color. For example, I have a green one. What do you have?

I hope this tutorial has helped you learn how to draw a clown with a pencil? Write your comments about the lesson " how to draw a clown. And

elena derbisheva

Hello dear colleagues! Finally got a moment to chat. I want to talk about master class gouache painting clown portrait.

This week I introduced the children to the circus performers. Decided to draw clown portrait. As you probably remember, I really like to use different non-traditional techniques in drawing with children. So this time I decided to take a whole range of non-traditional techniques - this is drawing with fingers, and disposable forks, and cotton swabs, and poking. Of course, I didn’t forget about traditional brush painting - it became the main drawing technique. portrait, and non-traditional techniques have become auxiliary elements. She worked individually with each child, since there was time for this. There were few children that day, and I worked from morning to evening. The portrait was made by myself. did not use Internet resources. I propose to see the sequence of drawing our cheerful clown.

1. At the beginning, draw an oval face clown. Together with the child's hand, she outlined the oval of the face with a brush, and the child painted over on his own. We made these blanks in the evening.

2. In the morning, whoever came first continued to draw portrait. Painted with a brush big

white mouth and eyes.

3. Then they took a fork, dipped it in orange gouache and painted a red wig, leaving a place on the crown for a cap.

4. Then the pupils and eyebrows were painted with a black brush with a house.

5. A smile was drawn with cotton swabs, and a nose with a poke.

6. The cap was again painted with a brush with blue paint. Children tried triangular hat

draw yourself.

7. Below, under the mouth, they drew a bow with pokes and decorated it with peas with the help of fingers. A pompom was attached to the cap with a poke and buttons were drawn with fingers.

8. They turned out so wonderful clowns.

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