Interpretation of the image of Khlestakov by various actors. "The image of Khlestakov in the comedy "Inspector" - composition

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We are already accustomed to the fact that, basically, life presents us with surprises in the form of troubles and difficulties. Perhaps that is why stories with a reverse course of circumstances are perceived by us as something out of the ordinary. Such situations seem somewhat ironic. The story told in Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol's story "The Inspector General", in addition to being essentially a gift of fate, is also based on a share of absurdity. This combination makes the work unique and attractive.

Biography of Khlestakov

Naturally, when reading a work, we first of all pay attention to the main character. So, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is a young landowner, a nobleman who once got into an awkward situation.

He happened to seriously lose at cards. In order to improve his situation a little, he goes to his parents in the estate.

Since his journey is long, he, despite the lack of finances, stops at a hotel in the city of N. Here, luck smiles at him.

He is mistaken for the long-awaited auditor from Moscow. The impudent behavior and demeanor in society leave no doubt to officials - in their opinion, only the auditor can behave like this.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol

Since things were not ideal in the city of N., and officials continually retreated from their duties, of course, not in favor of the inhabitants of the city, but in favor of their own pockets, it is impossible to honestly avoid the problems associated with checking their work. None of them wants to lose their hot spot, so all as one they go to Khlestakov and give him bribes - a guarantee that they will remain in office and avoid problems.

At first, Khlestakov was at a loss, but then decided to take full advantage of the situation. With money in his pocket, he successfully retreated from the city. The news about his fictitiousness as an auditor became known too late - blaming Khlestakov and demanding a return of money from him is a stupid thing to do. In this case, it would be necessary to admit the fact of bribery, and this would be the collapse of the career of officials.

Khlestakov's appearance

Like most rogues and scoundrels, Khlestakov has pleasant, trusting facial features. He has brown hair, a "cute nose" and quick eyes that make even determined people feel embarrassed. He is not tall. His complexion is far from graceful and physically developed young men - he is unnecessarily thin.

Such physical data significantly spoil the impression made by him. But the cunning Khlestakov finds a clever way to remedy the situation - an expensive and well-groomed suit.

Ivan Alexandrovich understands that the first impression of him is always formed based on his appearance, therefore he cannot afford to make a mistake here - clothes made of expensive fabric, sewn based on fashion trends. Always cleaned to a shine - such an external factor significantly distracts the attention of society from the inner essence of a person.

Khlestakov family, education

How did you have to look and how to behave in order to pass for an auditor in the first half of the 19th century?

First of all, one had to be born an aristocrat. It is extremely difficult for a person of common origin to create the appearance of belonging to high society.

The manner of speaking, the plasticity of movements, gesticulation - this had to be learned for many years. For people of noble origin, this style was commonplace, they adopted it from their parents, their friends who came to visit.

Ivan Alexandrovich was not a luminary of high society, but nevertheless he was a nobleman by birth. His parents own the Podkatilovka estate. Little is known about the state of affairs and the importance of the estate - the fact that the parents sent money to their son says that the estate was not unprofitable, it brought in enough income to provide the life of the whole family with at least the most necessary things.

Nothing is known about Khlestakov's education. It is likely that he received an "average" quality education. Such a conclusion can be drawn based on the position he occupies. Khlestakov works as a collegiate registrar. This type of civil service was at the very end of the list of the Table of Ranks. If Khlestakov's parents were wealthy people, they would be able to provide their son with a better position with the help of connections or money. Since this did not happen, it is inappropriate to talk about the large income of the family or their importance against the backdrop of the aristocracy.

Now let's summarize all the data: financial instability has always been inherent in the Khlestakovs, their income has never been high (if they were ever rich, they could make connections or acquaintances during the period of the material take-off of their family), which means sending their son to study abroad or they had no money to hire highly qualified teachers for him.

Service attitude

The exact age of Khlestakov is not specified. Gogol limits him to 23-24 years old. Basically, people of this age are full of enthusiasm and desire to realize themselves. But this is not Khlestakov's case. Ivan Alexandrovich is rather frivolous about his work, he is not very interested in promotions and the possibility of career growth. His work is not difficult and consists in rewriting papers, but he is too lazy to be zealous in the affairs of service to Khlestakov. Instead of working, he goes for a walk or plays cards.

Such carelessness of his is connected, first of all, with the fact that Khlestakov does not suffer from a lack of money. Yes, he lives in a poor apartment, which is located on the fourth floor, but, apparently, this state of affairs does not bother Ivan Alexandrovich. It is likely that he is not used to living in luxurious apartments and therefore does not seek to improve the current housing situation. For Khlestakov, the values ​​of life lie in other things - leisure and clothing. But the situation changes dramatically when Khlestakov needs to stay in an unfamiliar city - here he only stays in the best apartments. It is likely that such a move is connected with Khlestakov's desire to create the impression of a person so rich that all those around him, who do not know the real state of affairs, begin to envy him. It is possible that the calculation is not only on the feeling of envy, with the help of which Ivan Aleksandrovich asserts himself, but also on the opportunity to receive some bonuses from local officials or the owner of the hotel.

To this fact is added the fact that Khlestakov is not able to compete with the rich people of St. Petersburg, where he lives most of the time and works. Renting cheap housing allows him to save money on those things that would distinguish him from the same condition as he is - on the attributes of appearance. After all, he does not have to invite everyone to his home or spread unnecessarily about the location of his housing, but the condition and cheapness of the suit can give him a bad reputation. Since life for show is important for Khlestakov, in the manner of very wealthy aristocrats, he has no choice but to save on permanent housing.

Ivan Alexandrovich's parents are discouraged by the lack of promotion of their son in the service. From the looks of it, they were making a big bet on his abilities. The father periodically expresses his indignation on this score, but the son always finds an excuse - not all at once. You have to earn a promotion for a long time. In fact, such an excuse is a lie that allows you to hide the true state of things.

Life in Petersburg

Ivan Alexandrovich cannot imagine his life without Petersburg. It is in this place that everything that is so dear to his heart is collected - the opportunity to spend time in various pleasures. He willingly goes to the theater every day, does not deny himself the pleasure of playing cards. By the way, he finds those who want to play always and everywhere, but not everyone and not always Khlestakov manages to win - staying with his nose is a common thing for him.

Ivan Alexandrovich loves gourmet cuisine and does not deny himself the pleasure of a tasty and satisfying meal.

Personality characteristic

First of all, Khlestakov stands out in society for his ability to lie beautifully and coherently - for a person who prefers to live in the illusion of wealth, to create the appearance of a significant person, this is a necessity.

Ivan Alexandrovich is aware of his gaps in knowledge, but is in no hurry to eradicate them - the fictitious success created by his lies, arrogant and pompous appearance inspire him.

Nevertheless, from time to time he reads books and even tries to write something on his own, but judging by the fact that there are no reviews of his work from other characters, we can conclude that these attempts were unsuccessful.

Khlestakov loves to be praised and admired, this is another reason to invent something about his life. He loves to be in the center of attention - such success is difficult to achieve in St. Petersburg, but in the provinces, where even his manner of speaking in a metropolitan manner causes a storm of positive emotions - this is an easy thing.

Khlestakov is not distinguished by courage, he is not ready to answer for his actions. When officials come to his hotel room, his heart is filled with fear of the possibility of being arrested. At its core, he is a rag, but a good actor - he knows how to create the appearance of a significant and very smart person, although in fact neither the first nor the second corresponds to the true state of affairs.

Khlestakov's attitude towards women

Gogol is silent about Khlestakov's relationship with women in St. Petersburg, but actively paints Ivan Alexandrovich's behavior with female representatives in the province.

Khlestakov knows how to play in public and evoke a feeling of sympathy in people - this applies not only to indicators of good breeding and ostentatious aristocracy. Khlestakov is a skilled seducer and seducer. He enjoys the company of women and their attention.

It is unlikely that he sets himself the goal of getting a wife. For Khlestakov, love interests are a peculiar way of playing, manipulating people.

Arriving in the city of N and meeting the wife and daughter of the governor, he does not miss the opportunity to flirt with both women. First, he confesses his daughter's love, but after a couple of minutes he swears his mother's love. Khlestakov is not at all embarrassed by this fact. In addition, when Marya Antonovna (the daughter of the governor) becomes an accidental witness of Khlestakov's tenderness towards her mother, Ivan Alexandrovich, taking advantage of the stupidity of women and their feeling of love towards him, turns the whole situation in favor of a wedding with Marya Antonovna - at the same time neither mother nor daughter understand their humiliating position and do not feel offended. Leaving the city, Khlestakov realizes that his matchmaking was a game only for him, everyone else, including Marya Antonovna, takes everything at face value. He is not worried about the further fate of the young girl and the possibility of injuring her with his act - he leaves the city with a calm soul.

Thus, Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov is a typical scoundrel, capable of bringing grief and trouble to other people for his own pleasure. He does not appreciate the care of himself on the part of his parents and is in no hurry to answer those around him for the kindness done to him in the same way. Most likely, on the contrary, he deftly uses the gullibility and innocence of those around him.

Characteristics of the image of Khlestakov in quotes

Gogol's character appears as the central character of the famous Gogol's text. Moreover, Khlestakov has already become a household name, because the "father" of the character - Nikolai Gogol - managed to create one of the most successful, vivid and capacious literary types. Here, for example, is how Khlestakov's creator describes him:

Khlestakov, a young man of about twenty-three, thin, thin; somewhat stupid and, as they say, without a king in his head - one of those people who are called empty in the offices. He speaks and acts without any thought. He is unable to stop the constant focus on any thought. His speech is abrupt, and words fly out of his mouth quite unexpectedly. The more the one who plays this role will show sincerity and simplicity, the more he will win. Dressed in fashion...

Remarque about the place of Khlestakov's image in the plot of Gogol's text
The hero ends up in one of the small, provincial towns of the Russian Empire by chance. And just as accidentally, Khlestakov generates a whirlwind of errors around him. The man constantly stumbles and stumbles. However, at first, events are developing successfully for Khlestakov. The arrival of the hero almost coincides with the arrival in the city of the auditor - a strict Russian official who intended to check the affairs in the town. And so: the inhabitants of the city are waiting for the arrival of an official, and they take our hero for him.

Khlestakov manages to successfully mimic the guise of an auditor. Over time, Gogol's hero reveals his true essence. Our hero is a rake and a gambler, a spender of parental money. A man loves women's society, craves power, influence and money. To the inferior, serfs, servants Khlestakov is emphatically dismissive. The hero calls the peasants scoundrels, swindlers, loafers and fools. The faithful servant of Khlestakov also gets it.

At the same time, Khlestakov seems to be very naive. Money is brought to the hero as a bribe, meanwhile, the man perceives these “offerings” as a loan, exclaiming:

Give me, give me a loan, I will immediately pay off the innkeeper ...

How to evaluate the image of Khlestakov?

Of course, literary scholars were puzzled by how to correctly assess the image of Khlestakov - in a positive or negative way. No, Gogol did not intend to present his character as an evil bandit, swindler, cunning intriguer or rogue. Moreover, there is so little cunning in our hero that Osip, the hero's servant, sometimes shows much more wisdom in his actions than his master.

Khlestakov is a victim of circumstances, a cycle of random events. The hero evokes universal sympathy, because the image of Khlestakov is characterized by such features as good looks, courtesy, charm (especially everyone is fascinated by the smile of a man), as well as good manners. The hero belonged to an aristocratic family, but showed the same inability to live, where he had to earn his living on his own, like all nobles. The man's soul longed for Petersburg life.

Gogol evaluates Khlestakov as neutrally as possible. The writer presents the hero as a young man about "twenty-three to twenty-four years old". The hero was distinguished by cuteness and thinness, the hero’s posture is beautiful, thin, slender. However, the young man was "somewhat stupid and, as they say - without a king in his head - one of those people who are called empty in the offices."

"Hero's Passport", according to Gogol's text

1. Completely Gogol's hero was called Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov. The mayor emphasizes the "plainness", that is, the smallness, short stature of the hero, who did not at all resemble a powerful auditor. However, the very appearance of Khlestakov is “not bad”, the young man is clearly of interest to the ladies, the favor of mature beauties and young girls.

2. Before the hero arrived in the provincial regions, Khlestakov served in the St. Petersburg office with the rank of collegiate registrar. This is the lowest rank, according to the Russian Table of Ranks:

It would really be good to be something worthwhile, otherwise it’s a simple elistratishka! ..

However, in the Saratov region, Khlestakov had his own village, which was called Podkatilovka. Gogol's hero was heading there until, due to a combination of circumstances, he drove into the city of N. In St. Petersburg, Khlestakov occupies a small apartment located on the top floor. Verkhotury was then occupied by people who did not show off a tight wallet:

... As you run up the stairs to your fourth floor ...

3. The hero's heart did not seem to lie in the service. Therefore, instead of regular and honest work, the young man spends his life in entertainment establishments:

... is not engaged in business: instead of taking office, and he goes for a walk along the avenue, he plays cards<…>“No, my father wants me. The old man was angry that he had not served anything in Petersburg until now. He thinks that he has come and now Vladimir is in your buttonhole and they will give you ... "

So, the Russian writer emphasizes that Khlestakov loved to lead a secluded lifestyle, indulge in various pleasures, spend money on trifles and amusements. Saving Khlestakov was not given in any way, so the hero periodically found himself completely “stranded” and begged for money from his parental savings:

“Profinted expensive money, my dear, now he sits and twisted his tail, and does not get excited. And it would have become, and it would have become very much for runs; no, you see, you need to show yourself in every city! .. "<…>“... Batiushka will send money to keep them - and where to! .. went on a spree: he rides a cab, every day you get a ticket to the keyatre, and there in a week, lo and behold, he sends you to a flea market to sell a new tailcoat ... "

4. Khlestakov is characterized by a love of luxury. Therefore, the hero does not deny himself anything, lives beyond his means, buys the most expensive things, prefers delicious kitchen delights, theatrical performances, gambling, in which he lost more often than won:

“And I, I confess, do not like death to deny myself the road, and why? Is not it?.."<…>“... Hey, Osip, go look at the room, the best one, and ask for the best dinner: I can’t eat a bad dinner, I need a better dinner ...”<…>"I like to eat. After all, you live for picking flowers of pleasure.<…>"I - I confess, this is my weakness - I love good food"<…>“Tell me, please, do you have any entertainment, societies where you could, for example, play cards? ..”<…>“…sometimes it’s very tempting to play…”<…>“... He gets acquainted with a passer-by, and then in cards - so you finished your game! ..”<…>“Yes, if I hadn’t drank in Penza, it would have been money to get home. The infantry captain greatly taunted me: shtoss surprisingly, a beast, cuts off. I just sat there for a quarter of an hour and robbed everything. And with all that fear, I would like to fight him again. The case just did not lead ... "

5. Khlestakov is prone to lies. The drama of the character is that the hero sometimes invents an alternative reality that he believes in. For example, according to the pseudo-auditor, he loves writing, writes literary texts, publishing stories and articles of his own production in magazines. Khlestakov, as the hero says, often reads books. However, even the reader develops sympathy for the negligent Gogol character, yet Khlestakov is a swindler. Let the fraudulent nature of Gogol's character be of an accidental nature, yet Gogol does not justify Khlestakov, but portrays the image of a young man objectively.

Khlestakov is the central character of the comedy. The writer managed to portray a hero who contributes to the development of the action. This was Gogol's innovation, since, despite the fact that Khlestakov is neither a reasoning hero, nor a conscious deceiver, nor a hero of a love affair, his image motivates the development of the plot. Gogol finds a new impetus that promotes this development. In his comedy, everything rests on the situation of self-deception, which becomes possible precisely thanks to such a hero.

The image of Khlestakov is the embodiment

Perfect emptiness and perfect stupidity. We can say that it lacks its own content. He is nothing of himself, a person without inner content. Therefore, he can easily transform and play the roles that are imposed on him. Khlestakov weaves an intrigue, but we can see that he himself is not aware of this. He rejoices in the honors shown to him and does not even try to find out the reason for such a ceremonial reception; he does not suspect that he was mistaken for an auditor; he simply does what those around him offer him - and by his actions he is even more established in their eyes as an official from St. Petersburg.

Khlestakov not so much consciously or deliberately deceives the heroes of the comedy as he misleads them. At the first meeting with the mayor, he tries to intimidate him so as not to end up in prison, although he himself is no less frightened. In the house of the Governor, Khlestakov lies just as unintentionally, he seeks to rise in the eyes of the audience and therefore invents for himself a dizzying career from a petty official to a field marshal. In addition to the role of the auditor, commander in chief, head of the department, he also takes on the appearance of a benefactor for the city, a writer and even the fiancé of Marya Antonovna, the daughter of Gorodnichiy. He assumes one form or another according to the situation in which he finds himself; and therefore it can be said that he is practically invulnerable. It can be compared to a chameleon that changes its color not for fun, but for survival.

A similar definition of its essence is reflected in Khlestakov's comparison with water, which takes the form of a vessel into which it was poured, which was accurately noticed by Yu. Mann. Thanks to the sincerity and candor with which Khlestakov plays the roles imposed on him, he easily gets out of any situation that could convict him of a lie. Marya Antonovna recalls that "Yuri Miloslavsky" is the work of Mr. Zagoskin, while the newly minted auditor claims that he is its author. What about Khlestakov? And on the go he comes up with an excuse for this discrepancy, explaining this by the presence of two works with the same title. Khlestakov once again admits inaccuracy in his simple lie when, intoxicated with wine and his sudden success, he utters a remark: “As you run up the stairs to your fourth floor, you only say to the cook:“ On, Mavrushka, overcoat. ”But officials do not notice this mistake, take it for a slip of the tongue. They encourage Khlestakov in his lies, thinking that by doing so they recognize him. In their acceptance of the nonsense they invented for the truth, and the truth for a lie, lies the most comical (and tragic) in the work.

The portrait of Khlestakov is created by the author with the help of the commentary given by him at the beginning of the comedy in "Remarks for the gentlemen of the actors", the replicas of other heroes and his own words. Thus, the reader is presented with the following image: a young man of about twenty-three, "somewhat stupid and, as they say, without a king in his head, is one of those people who are called the most empty in the offices ... His speech is jerky, and the words fly out of his mouth completely suddenly". Even his servant Osip does not consider his master to be a good man, but sees in him only a simple "Elistratishka". When the Mayor for the first time sees in front of him this unprepossessing short man, whom he would “crush with his fingernail”, he has a doubt that a real auditor is standing in front of him. But since, due to the haste of the officials’ reasoning, they decided that the auditor really appeared incognito in the city, since Khlestakov is still the only visitor, and he behaves strangely, the Governor and other officials do not pay attention to the discrepancy between appearance and the position he “occupies” . Thus, the image of Khlestakov is shown in detail against the background of city officials, which allows us to consider his personality also in comparison with other characters. His stupidity and emptiness is shown in comparison with the stupidity of officials, and it is still unknown which of them loses in this comparison.

The image of Khlestakov created by Gogol contributes to the penetration of mirage intrigue into the comedy, the meaning of which lies in depicting the officials chasing a mirage, in wasting their strength in vain. Thanks to the mirage intrigue, the demonic essence of Khlestakov is revealed. He, like a devil, takes on the form offered to him by the petitioner, and creates the illusion of fulfilling the request. Also, something mystical is seen in the unexpected appearance of Khlestakov and in his sudden departure - from nowhere to nowhere.

Khlestakov is a capacious and deep image, which contains a great human truth. The Khlestakovs have not yet hatched, and it is not for nothing that his name has become a household name. Much has already been said about the fact that Khlestakov, in fact, is an empty person. But how much interesting and instructive we take out of his image and how deeply he makes us think about ourselves! ..

Who is Khlestakov

The Inspector General is one of the first theatrical plays written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. One of the central characters of the work is Khlestakov, a young man who found himself in the city of N on his way from St. Petersburg to the village to his father.

A brief description of Khlestakov from Gogol's The Inspector General can be made up of just two words: frivolous and irresponsible. All the money that his father sent him, he lost, lost in cards. In the tavern where Khlestakov lives with his servant Osip, he owes money for housing and food. Moreover, he is indignant that they do not want to feed him for free, as if everyone around him is obliged to support him.

As Gogol writes in a brief description in "Remarks for Messrs. Actors", Khlestakov is an empty person.

The role of Khlestakov in the play

In the course of the play, Khlestakov finds himself in a situation where he is mistaken for an inspector. Khlestakov was frightened at first, thinking that the mayor was going to put him in jail, but then, quickly orienting himself, used the situation to his advantage. Realizing that nothing threatens him so far and using the rank of honor on the part of the mayor and other characters, Khlestakov fishes out money from them and hides in an unknown direction. Without knowing it, Khlestakov plays the role of a scalpel that opened an abscess on the patient's body. All the dirty deeds that the officials in the city of N are doing suddenly come out. People who consider themselves the “elite” of the city begin to pour mud on each other. Although before the scene where everyone is bringing offerings to Khlestakov, everyone smiled sweetly and pretended that everything was fine.

Surname Khlestakov and his role in the play - is there a connection?

The surname Khlestakov is well suited to his role in the play, because with his deceit he seemed to “whip” all the characters on the cheeks. It is difficult to say whether Gogol connected Khlestakov's character in the comedy The Inspector General with his last name. But the meaning is very similar to this. Moreover, Khlestakov simply assumed the role imposed on him by those around him, and took the opportunity.

Khlestakov's relationship with the characters of the play

Depending on who he was with and under what circumstances, his attitude towards the heroes also changed. For example, with Osip Khlestakov - a gentleman, capricious, a little rude, behaves like a little unreasonable child. Although he scolds him at times, Khlestakov nevertheless listens to his opinion, it is thanks to the cunning and caution of the servant that Khlestakov manages to leave before being exposed.

With women, Khlestakov is a dandy from the capital, whispering compliments to any lady, regardless of age.

With Gorodnichiy and city officials - at first frightened, and then insolent visiting liar, pretending to be an important bird.

Khlestakov easily adapts to any situation and finds benefits for himself, as a result, getting "dry out of the water."

Khlestakov and modernity

The plot of the play surprisingly resonates with today. And now you can meet the servility described in the work. And the characterization of Khlestakov in the comedy "The Inspector General" is quite suitable for many people. After all, it often happens when a person, trying to appear more significant, boasts of acquaintances with celebrities or, adapting to the situation, lies and dodges.

Gogol seems to describe the events taking place at the present time. But when he wrote The Inspector General he was only twenty-seven years old. And this once again confirms that genius does not depend on age.

Artwork test

Option 1:

Khlestakov ... It is customary to consider him a swindler and a deceiver. But is it really so? A person is late for something all his life, does not have time, everything is awkward for him, he does not know how to do anything, he is a loser in everything ... At the same time, he dreams. And in his dreams he is strong, smart, rich, powerful and irresistible to women.

The reality is sad - Khlestakov lost to smithereens. Only a miracle will save our dreamer from starvation and debt.

And a miracle happens. The circumstances are so favorable that Ivan Alexandrovich cannot resist the temptation. And those in power fawn before him, and the first beauties of N-ska are ready to fall into his arms - or provide their daughters. And there is no strength and desire to stop and think about the consequences - it carries, carries the whirlwind flattering and corrupt ...

Khlestakov himself, however, is stupid and cowardly. And the only thing that justifies him in our eyes is the even greater stupidity and cowardice of the characters around him. However, he knows how to deftly adapt to the situation, wishful thinking. If you want to see an important official, you will have an important official. If you want to give bribes, he will accept them. If you want a profitable marriage or an influential lover, he will promise you this. It is impossible to stop in the stream of lies, only to leave, which Khlestakov does. Very timely.

Khlestakov is not the main character of the play. Rather, it is a natural phenomenon, like a blizzard or a drought. He simply by his existence allows the rest to show themselves in all their glory. Expose your vices and passions. Turn inside out under the light of the ramp.

Khlestakov is passive throughout the action, he goes with the flow. He does not act - he just encourages others to throw off their masks. By its very existence here and now.

Khlestakov is just a catalyst.

Option 2:

It is precisely such an invincible confidence in his right to be cared for by other people that leads to the fact that Khlestakov is easily drawn into the game offered to him and does not deceive other participants in this game. He is so natural in the image of a pompous talker that the officials have no doubt: this role was invented on purpose to mask the revision.

The model of behavior of all bribe-takers is approximately the same - they also pretend to be stupid. Therefore, the events of the play unfold in a very predictable way. The combination of fear with the hope of quick success leads to a loss of vigilance, including among the ladies.

Khlestakov is not a positive hero, although he did not have any bad intentions. This image is especially relevant in our time, when society is aimed at consumption, and not at the development of the individual.

Option 3:

Gogol is one of the most merciless critics of the moral principles and foundations of the then public. It is noteworthy that everything described by the author, all the characteristics and life stories are relevant to this day. As the saying goes: "we all came out of Gogol's greatcoat." The same can be said about the comedy "The Inspector General", in particular about Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, whose character is central to the work. His character traits, demeanor, adventures in which he got involved are so vital and natural that a collective name appeared for this kind of incident - “Khlestakovism”.

If you figure out who Khlestakov is, it becomes obvious that he is, in fact, not an evil character, but an extremely dodgy, cunning and skillful deceiver. He even comes close to acting. Upon arrival in a small town, it was hard for him to make ends meet. Left alone in the room and sending a servant to beg for dinner from the owner of the tavern, these are the thoughts that visit him: “It's terrible how you want to eat! So I walked around a bit, thinking if my appetite would go away - no, damn it, it doesn’t. Yes, if I hadn’t had a spree in Penza, I would have had money to get home.” It is obvious that sometimes, very rarely, thoughts of common sense slip through Khlestakov, repentance comes through. This happens not because of high morality, but because of the horrors of want. The hero squandered almost all of his father's money into cards. It remains for him to look for ways to earn money, but our character is not so prudent. Instead, he simply took advantage of the situation, pretending to be an important official and fooling the inhabitants of a small town. “After all, you live on that to pluck the flowers of pleasure.”

Khlestakov is intoxicated by the situation, imaginary power and the role that has fallen. Such a person does not have a core, he swims where the current carries him. Cunning to get out, throws dust in the eyes, wants to appear, not to be. Unfortunately, both before and in our days, a person who has received a high post, without achieving this by his own work, but by chance, behaves in this way. He imagines himself to be a great man who decides the fate of people, covers his eyes with false achievements, exalts himself to heaven, not noticing that there is nothing to support his flight. And we need to answer honestly to each of us, to ourselves, would we not be tempted to hit a big jackpot when he goes into his hands? What would we do when each of the residents was in a hurry to please us, honor us and “kiss our hand”. Wouldn't you give in? “There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked,” the proverb for the work tells us.

Option 4:

The key figure in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" is Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov.

The writer characterizes the protagonist of his work negatively. Why? Because Khlestakov behaves so arrogantly and irresponsibly that even the reader has a feeling of dislike for this character.

When meeting Khlestakov, we learn that he managed to spend all his money because of his love of gambling. Now he is in the provincial town of N, unable to pay for accommodation at the hotel where he is staying. The mayor, who mistook this rogue for an auditor, creates for Khlestakov all the conditions where the imaginary auditor can show his "talents" - lies, ambition, money-grubbing. All this leads to the fact that the number of people deceived by Khlestakov is increasing every day, and the anti-hero himself, without a twinge of conscience, uses what could never belong to him by right.

The image of this negative hero has become a household word and today we can observe a considerable number of such "Khlestakovs" who surround us in everyday life.

Option 5:

One of the main characters, as well as the most striking image of the comedy N.V. Gogol's "Inspector General" is Ivan Khlestakov, he is young, thin and stupid. They often say about such people: "without a king in their head."

Khlestakov serves in the office, receiving a meager salary and dreaming of incredible heights that are inaccessible to him from birth. He fantasizes about how he will lead a chic life and become the favorite of the ladies, although this, of course, will never happen.

By chance, having lost everything he had, he ends up in a hotel in the county town N, where he runs into a mayor. He takes him for an auditor, and for the dreamer and liar Khlestakov, opportunities that were previously inaccessible open up. He begins to feel his importance, even imaginary, and uncontrollably lies about himself, his achievements and position in society. At the same time, he does not even know who he was confused with, the hero lacks the ingenuity to use his temporary position for his own benefit. Although unconsciously, but Khlestakov, playing the role that was imposed on him, managed to feed the general fear of the "big man". During his service in the office, he repeatedly tried on the role of serious officials, observing their behavior. And now he had the opportunity to feel significant and important, and the hero, of course, took advantage of it, because his superficiality does not allow him to predict the troubles that may follow. It is worth noting that Khlestakov was not a swindler by nature, he simply accepted other people's honors and was sure that he deserved them, already beginning to believe in his own lies.

The mayor could not recognize the forgery, because Ivan pretended to be an official unintentionally, without the purpose of profit, he innocently considered himself to be what those around him considered him to be. But all the same, he was saved by chance, he left the city on time and thanks to this he escaped retribution for his lies.

The image of Khlestakov illustrates an empty and worthless person who, without giving anything to society, wants to receive all kinds of benefits and honors just like that.

Option 6:

Khlestakov Ivan Aleksandrovich is one of the key characters in Gogol's comedy The Inspector General. By himself, he is the most mediocre person, not standing out from the crowd with any positive qualities, a typical “little man”. By the will of fate, he finds himself on the crest of a wave of life - by pure chance, the inhabitants of the county town N take him for an important person - the capital's auditor. And here our hero begins a real life - the life he had dreamed of for so long: the first persons of the town invite him to dinner parties, the best women pay attention to him, and officials tremble before the "significant person".

And then, when Khlestakov reaches the life he dreamed of, his true face begins to clearly appear. Khlestakov lies uncontrollably, presenting himself as a great writer and public figure, shamelessly takes bribes, fools two women at the same time. In the middle of the work, we see him no longer as a faceless "little man", but as a truly immoral person. In his character, we see frivolity and deceit, irresponsibility and stupidity, superficiality and simply a lack of decency. No wonder all these qualities in the complex were dubbed Khlestakovism.

It is also interesting that as the action of the work develops, the character of the main character develops - the negative traits of his character appear more and more. It is not known what Khlestakov would have reached if it were not for, again, a happy accident - just before the hero’s deception was revealed, he leaves the city. Probably, it is luck that is the only valuable natural gift that Khlestakov's nature has endowed.

1. Historical truthfulness of comedy.
2. Visits of officials to Khlestakov.
3. The visit of the merchants and the transformation of Khlestakov into a bribe-taker.
Representatives of the ruling class and spokesmen for their views in the press, trying to reduce the satirical sound of The Government Inspector, after the first performance claimed that "it was not worth watching this stupid farce", that the play was "a number of funny caricatures". True, in the original version there were farcical moments in the play, and through the fault of theater critics, they were emphasized by the actors. But in the latest edition of the play, Gogol managed not only to ward off these reproaches, but, by adding to the play as an epigraph the folk proverb “There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked”, with all the sharpness once again emphasized the “crooked faces” of his contemporaries.
V. G. Belinsky wrote: “A highly artistic comedy is imbued with deep humor and terrifying with its fidelity to reality”
Not only official crimes, brought to public ridicule, make The Inspector General a work of great accusatory power, but also the process of turning a person into a conscious bribe-taker, convincingly revealed by Gogol.
For several scenes, it never occurs to Khlestakov that he is receiving bribes. Hearing that the mayor was “ready to serve this minute” and give him money, Khlestakov was delighted: “Give me a loan, I’ll immediately cry with the innkeeper.” And having received the money, he immediately promises with sincere conviction that he will do it: "I will immediately send them to you from the village ...". He does not have the thought that he received a bribe, he does not care why and why the “noble person” lent him money. All he thinks about is that he can pay off his debts and finally eat properly. Of course, even breakfast in a charitable institution is not perceived by him as “oiling”. The next day, recalling this breakfast with pleasure, he says: “I love cordiality, and I, I confess, like it better if they please me from a pure heart, and not just out of interest.” How can he guess that they treat him just “out of interest”!
Khlestakov receives visits from city officials. The first is Lyapkin-Tyaikin, who drops money on the floor in excitement. Khlestakov again asks for a loan and promises to send the debt out of the village. He asks for a loan from the postmaster. Gogol explains that Khlestakov "asks for money, because it somehow breaks out of his tongue and because he already asked the first one and he readily offered it." The next visitor - the superintendent of schools - was shy from Khlestakov's unexpected questions. Noticing this, Khlestakov cannot help but boast: "... in my eyes, for sure, there is something that inspires timidity." Immediately he talks about the "strange case" and asks for a loan. Strawberry arrives. Having slandered his fellow officials: “For the good of the fatherland, I must do this,” the cowardly official justifies himself. Strawberry expects to sneak away without paying a bribe. However, Khlestakov, having gone into a rage and already starting to get used to the "kindness" of city officials, returns Strawberry, again asks for a loan and, of course, gets his way.
Finally, we are convinced that Khlestakov is not aware that he takes bribes when reading the scene with Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky. One of them is a “resident of the local city”, the other is a landowner and they have no reason to give a bribe. Nevertheless, Khlestakov “Suddenly and abruptly”, without even talking about a strange incident, that “he spent a lot of money in the city”, asks: “Do you have any money?” Having asked for a thousand rubles, he is ready to agree to a hundred and is satisfied with sixty rubles.
Only now does he have the thought that he is "taken for a statesman," but he still has no idea that he was given bribes. He is still sure that officials are just kind, disinterested people. Finally, merchants come with complaints about the "offensiveness" that they endure from the mayor. The merchants ask Khlestakov not to disdain and take food from them, but Khlestakov refuses with dignity: “No, don’t think that, I don’t take any bribes at all.”
Finally, the meaning of what was happening reached Khlestakov’s consciousness - for the first time he uttered the word “bribe”, understanding it as material “offerings” from the merchants. But then he says: “Now, if you, for example, offered me a loan of three hundred rubles, then it’s a completely different matter: I can take a loan ... If you please, I won’t say a word on a loan: I’ll take it.” And then he agrees to take the “tray” and again, refusing “the sugar”, claims: “Oh, no, I don’t take any bribes ...”. Only the intervention of Osip, who convinces his master that “everything will come in handy on the road,” leads to the fact that Khlestakov, who considers the “tray” a bribe, which he had just refused twice, silently agrees that Osip took everything.
Gogol very interestingly shows us the course of Khlestakov's internal movements. Greatly aware that he will not return a single ruble of the "borrowed" money, this hero, nevertheless, does not feel the slightest remorse. But even when the fact of giving a bribe in the form of a “tray” becomes obvious to himself, Khlestakov does not pretend to be an honest, incorruptible person for long. He has already turned into a conscious bribe taker, and moreover, he has become an extortionist.
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