The law prohibits naming children by strange names. What names are banned in different countries of the world (For Hermione it’s somehow offensive)

Before the revolution, babies were given names in Russia simply: they looked into the calendar and chose the name of the saint on whose feast the Sacrament of Baptism fell, or they chose the name of the saint whose feast was closest. From generation to generation, Nikodim and Domna, Tikhon and Agrippina were not translated in Russia. But the coming to power of the atheists allowed the parents to show their own imagination. And it started!

Instead of Pelageya, barefoot Dazdraperms ran through the streets of cities and towns of the USSR, instead of Romanovs - Remy or Reimira, instead of Vladimirs - Vladleny, Vidlyona and Vileny, in place of Tikhonov - Trozileny (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Lenin).

The fantasy of parents in the later USSR did not dry out: babies were called Atheists and Radiums, Avtodors and Swarms (Roy - revolution, October, International), Dzerzhinalds and Isotherms, Istalins, Leninids and Marxins, Takles (Lenin and Stalin's tactics) and even Turbins.

Who is in the forest, who is for firewood ...

Since the official ideology in Russia disappeared in the 1990s, and there was a lot of freedom, parents took advantage of their right to come up with even more strange names for their children. Among them are the Lord and the Queen, Luka Shchastya Summerset Ocean and Dolphin, Mercury and Ichthyander, Viagra (this name is registered with the registry office of the Queen) and Privatization, Crimea and Russia, Medmiya (in honor of Dmitry Medvedev) and Vlapunal (Vladimir Putin is our leader).

In 2012, in Perm, Satanists Natalia and Konstantin Menshikov named their first child Lucifer.

But Muscovites Vyacheslav Voronin and Marina Frolova surpassed everyone: in 2002, the couple decided to name their son BOC rVF 260602 (Biological Object Man of the Voronin-Frolov family born on 06/26/2002). The employees of the registry office in Chertanovo did not appreciate the creative impulse of the parents and refused to record an exotic name.

The parents decided to insist on their own, they refused to register the baby under a different name and issued the child a passport with the World Government of World Citizens, a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington. The passport allowed parents to issue a medical policy for the baby. However, later the couple had to back down and register the child with Boch Frolov so that he could get a passport of a Russian citizen.

No more numbers!

On May 1, 2017, Vladimir Putin approved a law that prohibits certain names from being registered.

The changes affected Article No18 of the Federal Law "On acts of civil status". Paragraph 2 expressly prohibits the registration of a newborn's name if it consists of numbers and alphanumeric characters or numerals. It is forbidden to write down the names of children, consisting of characters or their various combinations, which do not stand for letters, except for a hyphen. Under the ban were names containing swear words, as well as indications of various titles, positions and ranks.

But even after that, the parents of Russia had a huge field for fantasy: Lucifers, Tutankhamuns, Boches, Vlapunaly and Lettuce Salads remained “in law”.

We are not the only ones

In fairness, it should be said that Russian parents are not alone in this respect - the tendency to give children strange names has spread around the world along with atheism. In France, the girl was named Bambi - in honor of the favorite brand of cookies of one of the parents, in the USA the boy was named after Yahoo, and in New Zealand the child was named Real Superman - a real superman.

A very strange name was for a US citizen who worked as a compositor in Philadelphia. In full form, it occupied three whole lines, and in short it looked like this: Hubert Blaine Wolfschlegelsteinhausenbergedorf Sr. or, if even shorter, Wolf + 585 Sr., and the number 585 meant the number of letters in the surname. It is curious that Hubert refused to communicate with officials if his full name was not indicated in the appeals to him or in the letters. It consisted of 25 names, each of which began with a new letter of the alphabet: Adolph Blaine Charles David... and so on. Several books have been written on the subject of this name in the United States, and the source is Genealogical Records. LongestName believes that Hubert's surname consisted of real, but distorted German words, which together made up a completely meaningful text.

But the Indian with the surname Brahmatra became the record holder for the length of the name. His name consists of 1,478 letters, which is a list of place names, names of diplomats and scientists. They say it takes at least 10 minutes to read it completely.

What will be next?

What will happen to the names next, it is difficult to predict. Inna Erokhina, director of the registry office in distant Krasnoyarsk, complains in an interview that ordinary names are not popular. There are fewer and fewer Russian children in Russia with the names Tatyana, Olga, and the names Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov do not occur at all, and this is an alarming symptom. The director complains that serials and movie stars set the popularity of names. In general, now in Russia there is a boom in Anastasy, Christine, Elon. Some give children double names: Anna-Maria, Angelina-Victoria, Maria-Sophia. The names from Christmas time are also in demand: Rodion, Prokhor, Gleb, Danila, Luka, Innokenty, Savely, Demid, Anfisa, Vasilisa, Ulyana, Avdotya and Anisya. Modern parents love the name Dobrynya, but at the same time, the patronymic of the baby is necessarily Nikitich. But many come up with names themselves - Arsenty, Belitrissa, Darina, Lina and so on. Of the exotic names in Siberia, there are Angara, Yenisei and the Sun, and in Moscow, according to the head of the Moscow registry office, Irina Muravyova, the most amazing thali are male names: Kantogor-Egor, Arkhip-Ural, Kasper Beloved and girlish: Cherry, India, Oceana, Angel Maria and Alyosha-Kaprina.

Another, but quite reasonable legislative initiative came out of the Duma offices. One of the parliamentary parties has begun drafting a bill that would prohibit the use of numbers, punctuation marks and various symbols in the names of children. And he would introduce a single list of names for the work of the registry office.

Recently, in Russia, there has been a fashion for unusual names. So, over the past year, the boys Ogneslav, Maxim-Moscow, the girls Legend and Chelsea were born only in Moscow.

Tikhons, Virinei, Zakhara began to appear more often in Rostov. One girl was even named Apollinaria. In short, probably Pauline. The other one was named Dominica. The parents just said they liked it. This name is not Orthodox. But there are also quite a lot of national names. For example, there were Drasdamad and Sirun (which is translated from Armenian as “beautiful”). To the ear, such names sound somewhat exotic, but they, of course, have the right to exist.

One of the unusual names was given to a newborn girl - Alice-Love. Other names of newly born young Donetsk women:
Ademira, Eva-Maria, Leila, Satenik, Tanzilya, Evelina, Kamala, Kasandra, Evdokia, Lucien, Yasmina, Aysun, Bozena, Evangelina.

Boys are also called unusual names on the Don: Blagovest, Methodius, Elisha, Amir, Jafar, Yeremey, Joseph, Lavrenty, Bagdasar, Dzhambulat, Natalilian, Nitai, Odin, Fopen.

But it is one thing to give a child an old, long-forgotten name from an old name book. A name that was once popular but is no longer used. And it's quite another thing to come up with a new name.

First of all, you need to think about whether the child himself will like the name. The name should not cause ridicule and surprise among the people around. The first name should be well combined with the surname and patronymic. The name should be easy to pronounce and evoke positive emotions.

    Of course, giving a child a strange, unusual name is the right of the parents, but when the egoism of the parents stands behind the name of the child, the child has to pay for it. To pay with complexes, failures, isolation and the eternal question: "For what?"

    Not every adult, not to mention a child, is able to cope with the name imposed on him and with increased psychological stress. And yet, there have always been and will be strange and unusual names that go beyond all sorts of boundaries.

    Representatives of the council of one of the parliamentary parties of the State Duma on the development and improvement of legislation intend to prohibit the use of numbers, punctuation marks and various symbols in the names of children.

    Today, in our country, parents are given complete freedom to choose a name for their child. The registry office has no right to refuse to register a child's name because of its dissonance, offensiveness, offensiveness, lack of culture, unpronounceability, etc.

    Meanwhile, creativity in names also flourished in the USSR. Here are just a few pearls of that time: Oak (Give reinforced concrete!), Waterpezhekosma (Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut), Kukutsapol (Corn - the queen of the fields), Pofistal (The winner of the Nazis Joseph Stalin) and others.

    There is a similar practice in New Zealand. The list of allowed names appeared there after parents wanted to name their child 62 times Justice and 31 times King, six times Lucifer, twice Messiah and Christ; the children were named Cruelty and Bus Stop No. 16.

    Yes, and here in Russia, in Perm, on October 15 of this year, a boy was born, whom his parents decided to call Lucifer.

    Found an error or typo in the text above? Highlight the misspelled word or phrase and press Shift+Enter or .

The State Duma and the Federation Council were concerned about the “euphony” of the full names of our fellow citizens The State Duma Committee on State Construction and Legislation recommended that deputies adopt a law in the first reading that would prohibit parents from calling their children ridiculous and dissonant names. By the way, the author of this bill is Valentina Petrenko, a member of the Federation Council, a person with a non-trivial hairstyle and strict outlook on life. Even examples of “incorrect” names are attached to the document: Christamrirados, Dolphin, Luka-Shchastya Summerset Ocean, Yaroslav-Lyutobor, Zarya Zaryanitsa, Oceana and BOC rVF 26062 (Biological object of a person of the Voronin-Frolov family born on June 26, 2002). The last name, for example, is an obvious bust, but, by the way, it was not registered in the registry office. And now this “human biological object”, the unfortunate child of hipsters, has been walking around for almost 15 years without documents.
Senator Petrenko, when creating her bill, was guided by humane goals: children should not suffer from the names that their parents, exalted to the point of inadequacy, come up with. “Giving an exotic name to their child, parents do not always realize what difficulties, especially in the children's team, their son or daughter may face,” writes the author of the initiative in an explanatory note to the document. And looking at "Christamrirados", Senator Petrenko, you seem to understand. In addition, it is also necessary to limit the fantasies of parents for the reason that the legislators now formally cannot refuse to register even the most idiotic names (BOCH rVF26062 is a rare exception). In this sense, the recommendations not to call newborns “numbers and letters, numbers, abbreviations, indications of ranks and positions” seem justified. But what does “the name cannot consist of profanity” mean? To us, personally, it seems unlikely that parents would call their offspring a swear word ... At the dawn of Soviet power, people inspired by revolutionary changes also gave their children unusual names - this, it seemed to them, corresponds to the onset of a new era. Arvil (V.I. Lenin's Army), Vilyur (Vladimir Ilyich loves his Motherland), Vinun (Vladimir Ilyich will never die). There were also the classical Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May) and the beautiful Dazdramygda (Long live the bond between town and country). There were, however, some names that took root - Vladlen or Vladilen (Vladimir Lenin or Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) or, at least, that did not cut the ear: Rem - Revolution, Engels, Marx. But most of the "revolutionary names" turned out to be stillborn and people, growing up, tried to get rid of them (Zipanalda - Papanin's wintering on ice or Trolebuzin - Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, Zinoviev). And the heroes, after whom the kids were named, could often turn out to be enemies of the people and bring trouble to their “godson”. One way or another, soon this craze came to naught. But let us return to the excellent initiative of Senator Petrenko. Members of the State Construction Committee (this is not a typo, but my attempt to combine the incompatible in the name of the committee: “Committee on State Construction and Legislation”) have already stated that the bill can be expanded and finalized by the second reading. So much so that not only will it be forbidden to name children with numbers, but also with the names of the months, for example. Although, what's wrong with the name May? But, for some reason, it seems that the Duma members, given their legislative itch, will not confine themselves to such trifles. They can, for example, introduce restrictions on the number of vowels or, conversely, consonants in a name. And then, the very number of letters in the name is regulated. And it’s also interesting: what to do in our completely Orthodox country, with church names? There are also many difficult-to-pronounce names and names that are dubious in terms of euphony. Asklipiades and Agathoklia, Exakustodian and Eutropia, Olympiodorus and Mitrodora, Sosipater and Christodula, Ursikiy and Shushanika. Also, after all, you don’t really pronounce it the first time. Is it going to be banned? And the last. Senator Petrenko and the members of the Duma Committee should not sin so much on irresponsible parents. Our officials also do not shy away, sometimes, to give someone a rare name. For example, Rosreestr employees not so long ago tried to rename the sons of a high-ranking statesman, Artyom and Igor, in their documents. As a result, instead of the first, LSDU3 was obtained, and the second received the name YFYaU9. However, this is a completely different story ... The Juraev family, living in the Vladimir region, named their son, who was born on Sunday, January 29, in honor of the current Minister of Defense of Russia - the newborn was named Shoigu, RIA VladNews reports with reference to Informing. The boy was born weighing 3 kilograms 200 grams, height 50 centimeters. His full name is Juraev Shoigu Khurmedovich. The name for the boy was chosen by his grandfather Rahmon Juraev. He explained his choice as follows: “Sergey Shoigu raised the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia from his knees, so he deserves my grandson to be named after him.” In the Alexander maternity hospital, they noted that the baby is healthy and will soon be discharged home. Recall that the newborn baby is a cousin of a 2-year-old boy from the same family, who in January received the name Putin. Previously, his name was Rasul, but then the parents changed the name of the boy according to the idea of ​​​​grandfather. It should be noted that the Juraev family has been living in Russia for a total of seven years: two years in the village of Legkovo, Vladimir Region, and five years in Moscow. The family members are originally from Tajikistan but have Russian citizenship.

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Often parents want to reward their children with a rare name, but they do not always succeed. Many governments are trying to protect their newborn citizens from embarrassing situations in the future and even create lists of banned names. True, the criteria are different for everyone, and if in France you are forbidden to call a child an offensive word, then in Saudi Arabia they will not let you call your daughter the Queen, even if the word is not at all offensive.

In many countries, the laws governing baby names are based on a simple principle: the name should not sound like a swear word or an offensive word, and should not cause problems for the child in the future. However, in some states, the ban may apply to quite ordinary names if they violate cultural traditions.

In this country, names must be traditionally Portuguese, explicitly indicate gender, and must not resemble nicknames. To make it easier for parents to navigate the rules, a special list of allowed names was compiled.

  • Forbidden names: Rihanna, Nirvana, Viking, Sayonara, Jimmy.


In Switzerland, as in Germany, the name must be approved by the Citizens' Registry Office. Surnames, names of biblical villains, brand names and geographical places cannot be used as names. Boys should not be given female names and vice versa. Any offensive, shocking, laughable options are prohibited.

  • Forbidden names: Cain, Judas, Brooklyn, Chanel, Mercedes, Paris (Paris).

Great Britain

Names that can cause damage to someone, exceeding 100 characters and resembling titles or ranks are prohibited. Therefore, for example, the name is banned justice: the word not only means "justice", but also serves as an appeal to judges.

  • Forbidden names: ".", Fat Man, Lucifer, Jesus Christ, From Hawaii Talulah Dancing Hula, Constable, Saint (Saint), Chief Maximus, 4real, Mafia No Fear.


Previously, in China, it was forbidden to name children by the name of the current emperor. Today, the limits are language-based: Chinese has 70,000 characters, but not all of them are machine-readable. Accordingly, the name is chosen such that it can be entered into a computer form.


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