Ways to influence people. Methods and means of psychological influence

The effect of exposure on a person depends on what mechanisms of exposure were used: persuasion, suggestion or contagion.

The oldest mechanism of action is infection, it is a transfer of a certain emotional and mental mood from one person to another, based on an appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person (infection with panic, irritation, laughter).

Suggestion It is also based on an appeal to the unconscious, to the emotions of a person, but already by verbal, verbal means, and the inspirer must be in a rational state, confident and authoritative. Suggestion is based mainly on the authority of the source of information: if the suggester is not authoritative, then the suggestion is doomed to failure. Suggestion is verbal in nature, i.e. it is possible to inspire only through words, but this verbal message has an abbreviated character and an enhanced expressive moment. The role of the intonation of the voice is very great here (90% of the effectiveness depends on the intonation, which expresses the persuasiveness, authority, significance of the words).

Suggestibility- the degree of susceptibility to suggestion, the ability to non-critical perception of incoming information, is different for different people. Suggestibility is higher in persons with a weak nervous system, as well as in persons with sharp fluctuations in attention. People with poorly balanced attitudes are more suggestible (children are suggestible), people with a predominance of the first signaling system are more suggestible.

Suggestion techniques are aimed at reducing the criticality of a person when receiving information and using emotional transfer. Thus, the transfer technique assumes that when transmitting a message, a new fact is associated with well-known facts, phenomena, people to whom a person has an emotionally positive attitude, in order for this emotional state to be transferred to new information (transfer of a negative attitude is also possible, in this case incoming information is rejected). Methods of evidence (quoting a famous person, scientist, thinker) and “appeal to everyone” (“most people believe that ...”) reduce the criticality and increase the pliability of a person to the information received.


Persuasion appeals to logic, human reason, and implies a fairly high level of development of logical thinking. People who are underdeveloped are sometimes impossible to influence logically. The content and form of persuasion must correspond to the level of development of the individual, his thinking.

The process of persuasion begins with the perception and evaluation of the source of information:

1) the listener compares the information received with the information he has and, as a result, an idea is created of how the source presents information, where he draws it from, if it seems to the person that the source is not true, hides facts, makes mistakes, then trust in him drops sharply ;

3) the settings of the source and the listener are compared: if the distance between them is very large, then persuasion may be ineffective. In this case, the best persuasion strategy is: first, the persuader reports elements of similarity with the views of the persuaders, as a result, a better understanding is established and a prerequisite for persuasion is created.

Another strategy can be applied, when at first they report a big difference between attitudes, but then the persuader must confidently and convincingly defeat alien views (which is not easy - remember that there are levels of selection, selection of information). Thus, persuasion is a method of influence based on logical techniques, which are mixed with socio-psychological pressures of various kinds (the influence of the authority of the source of information, group influence). Persuasion is more effective when the group is persuaded rather than the individual.

Belief is based on the logical methods of proof, with the help of which the truth of a thought is substantiated through other thoughts.
Any proof consists of three parts: thesis, arguments and demonstrations.

The thesis is a thought, the truth of which needs to be proved, the thesis must be clearly, precisely, unambiguously defined and justified by facts.

An argument is a thought, the truth of which has already been proven and therefore it can be given to justify the truth or falsity of the thesis.

Demonstration - logical reasoning, a set of logical rules used in the proof. According to the method of conducting evidence, there are direct and indirect, inductive and deductive.

Manipulation techniques in the process of persuasion:

- substitution of the thesis during the proof;

- the use of arguments to prove the thesis that do not prove it or are partially true under certain conditions, and they are considered as true under any circumstances; or the use of deliberately false arguments;

- the refutation of other people's arguments is considered as evidence of the falsity of someone else's thesis and the correctness of their statement - antithesis, although this is logically incorrect: the fallacy of the argument does not mean the fallacy of the thesis.


An important socio-psychological phenomenon is imitation - the reproduction of the activities, actions, qualities of another person whom one wants to be like. Conditions for imitation:

  1. the presence of a positive emotional attitude, admiration or respect for the object of imitation;
  2. less experience of a person in comparison with the object of imitation in some respect;
  3. clarity, expressiveness, attractiveness of the sample;
  4. accessibility of the sample, at least in some qualities;
  5. conscious orientation of the desires and will of a person to the object of imitation (I want to be the same).

The psychological impact of information on a person suggests that there is a change in the mechanisms of regulation of human behavior and activity. As means of influence are used:

  1. verbal information, a word - but it should be borne in mind that the meaning and meaning of a word can be different for different people and have different effects (the level of self-esteem, breadth of experience, intellectual abilities, character traits and personality type affect);
  2. non-verbal information (speech intonation, facial expressions, gestures, postures acquire a symbolic character and affect mood, behavior, degree of trust);
  3. involving a person in a specially organized activity, because within the framework of any activity a person occupies a certain status and thereby fixes a certain type of behavior (a change in status in interaction leads to a change in behavior, and real experiences associated with the implementation of a certain activity can change a person, his state and behavior)
  4. regulation of the degree and level of satisfaction of needs (if a person recognizes the right of another person or group to regulate his level of satisfaction of his need, then changes can occur; if he does not recognize it, there will be no impact as such).

The purpose of the impact is:

  1. introduce new information into the belief system, installations person;
  2. change the structural relationships in the system installations, i.e., to enter such information that reveals objective connections between objects, changes or establishes new connections between installations, the views of a person;
  3. to change a person's attitude, i.e. to produce a shift in motives, a shift in the listener's value system.

Socio-psychological installations there is a state of psychological readiness that develops on the basis of experience and influences a person's reactions to those objects and situations with which he is associated and which are socially significant. There are four functions of the installations:

  1. The adaptation function is associated with the need to ensure the most favorable position of a person in the social environment, and therefore a person acquires positive attitudes towards useful, positive, favorable stimuli, situations, and negative attitudes towards sources of unpleasant negative incentives.
  2. The ego-protective function of the attitude is associated with the need to maintain the internal stability of the personality, as a result of which a person acquires a negative attitude towards those persons, actions that can serve as a source of danger to the integrity of the personality. If some significant person evaluates us negatively, then this can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, so we tend to develop a negative attitude towards this person. At the same time, the source of a negative attitude can be not the qualities of a person in themselves, but his attitude towards us.
  3. The value-expressive function is associated with the need for personal stability and lies in the fact that positive attitudes are usually developed in relation to representatives of our personality type (if we evaluate our personality type positively enough). If a person considers himself a strong, independent person, he will have a positive attitude towards the same people and rather “cool” or even negatively towards the opposite.
  4. The function of the organization of the worldview: attitudes are developed in relation to certain knowledge about the world. All this knowledge forms a system, i.e., a system of attitudes is a set of emotionally colored elements of knowledge about the world, about people. But a person can meet with such facts and information that contradict the established attitudes. The function of such attitudes is to distrust or reject such "dangerous facts", a negative emotional attitude, distrust, skepticism is developed towards such "dangerous" information. For this reason, new scientific theories, innovations initially meet resistance, misunderstanding, distrust.

Since the installations are interconnected, form a system, they cannot change quickly. In this system, there are installations that are in the center with a large number of connections - these are the central focal installations. There are settings that are on the periphery and have few relationships, so they lend themselves to easier and faster change. The focal attitudes are attitudes towards knowledge, which are associated with the worldview of the individual, with her moral credo. The main central installation is the installation to one's own "I", around which the whole system of installations is built.

Emotional Impact

Research has shown that a more reliable and faster method of changing attitudes is change in emotional meaning, attitude to a particular problem. The logical way of influencing attitude changes does not always work and not for everyone, since a person tends to avoid information that can prove to him that his behavior is wrong.

So, in an experiment with smokers, they were asked to read and evaluate in points the reliability of a scientific article on the dangers of smoking. The more a person smokes, the less reliably he evaluates the article, the less is the possibility of changing his attitude to smoking by logical influence. The amount of information received also plays a role. On the basis of numerous experiments, a relationship was revealed between the probability of changing the attitude and the amount of information about the attitude: a small amount of information does not lead to a change in the attitude, but as information grows, the probability of a change increases, albeit up to a certain limit, after which the probability of a change drops sharply, i.e. A very large amount of information, on the contrary, can cause rejection, distrust, and misunderstanding. The probability of changing the attitude also depends on its balance. Balanced systems of attitudes and opinions of a person are characterized by psychological compatibility, therefore they are more difficult to influence than unbalanced systems, which in themselves are prone to rupture.

A person, as a rule, tends to avoid information that can cause cognitive dissonance - a discrepancy between attitudes or a discrepancy between attitudes and a person's actual behavior.

If the opinions of a person are close to the opinion of the source, then after his speech they are even closer to the position of the source, i.e. there is assimilation, unification of opinions.

The closer the audience's attitudes are to the opinion of the source, the more this opinion is assessed by the audience as objective and impartial. People who take extreme positions are less likely to change their attitudes than people with moderate views. A person has a system of selection (selection) of information at a number of levels:

  1. at the level of attention (attention is directed to what interests, corresponds to the views of a person);
  2. selection at the level of perception (so, even the perception, understanding of humorous pictures depends on the attitudes of a person);
  3. selection at the level of memory (what is remembered is what matches, is acceptable to the interests and views of a person).

What methods of influence are used?

  1. Methods of influencing the sources of activity are aimed at creating new needs or changing the motive power of existing behavioral motives. To form new needs in a person, the following methods and means are used: they are involved in a new activity, using the person’s desire to interact or relate, associate himself with a certain person, or by involving the whole group in this new activity and using the motive of following disciplinary norms ( “I must, like everyone in the group, do this”), either using the child’s desire to join adult life or the person’s desire to increase prestige. At the same time, by involving a person in a new for him, as yet indifferent activity, it is useful to ensure the minimization of the person's efforts to perform it. If a new activity is too burdensome for a person, then the person loses desire and interest in this activity.
  2. In order to change a person’s behavior, it is necessary to change his desires, motives (he already wants what he didn’t want before, or stopped wanting, strive for what he used to attract), i.e., make changes in the hierarchy of motives. One of the techniques that allows you to do this is regression, i.e., the unification of the motivational sphere, the actualization of the motives of the lower sphere (security, survival, food motive, etc.) is carried out in case of dissatisfaction with the basic vital needs of a person (this technique is also carried out in politics in order to “bring down” the activity of many sections of society, creating for them rather difficult conditions for subsistence and survival).
  3. To change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his views, opinions, attitudes: create new attitudes, or change the relevance of existing attitudes, or destroy them. If attitudes are destroyed, activity falls apart.

Conditions for this:

  • uncertainty factor - the higher the level of subjective uncertainty, the higher the anxiety, and then the purposefulness of the activity disappears;
  • uncertainty in assessing personal prospects, in assessing one's role and place in life, uncertainty in the significance of the efforts expended in study, in work (if we want to make an activity meaningless, we reduce the significance of efforts);
  • the uncertainty of the incoming information (its inconsistency; it is not clear which of them can be trusted);
  • the uncertainty of moral and social norms - all this causes tension in a person, from which he tries to defend himself, trying to rethink the situation, searching for new goals, or going into regressive forms of response (indifference, apathy, depression, aggression, etc.).

Viktor Frankl (the world-famous psychiatrist, psychotherapist, philosopher, creator of the so-called Third Vienna School of Psychotherapy) wrote: “The most difficult kind of uncertainty is the uncertainty of the end of uncertainty.”

The method of creating uncertain situations allows you to put a person into a state of “destroyed attitudes”, “losing himself”, and if you then show a person a way out of this uncertainty, he will be ready to accept this attitude and respond in the required way, especially if suggestive maneuvers are made: an appeal to according to the majority, the publication of the results of public opinion, combined with involvement in organized activities.

In order to form an attitude towards the required attitude or assessment of an event, the method of associative or emotional transfer is used: to include this object in the same context with what already has an assessment, or to evoke a moral assessment, or a certain emotion about this context (for example, , in Western cartoons at one time dangerous and bad aliens were depicted with Soviet symbols, hence the transfer “Everything Soviet is dangerous, bad” could occur).

In order to strengthen, update the required attitude, but capable of causing an emotional or moral protest of a person, the technique of “combining stereotyped phrases with what they want to introduce” is often used, since stereotyped phrases reduce the attention, emotional attitude of a person for a moment, sufficient for activation of the required installation (this technique is used in military instructions, where they write “Launch a rocket at object B” (and not at city B), since the stereotypical word “object” reduces the emotional attitude of a person and increases his readiness to fulfill the required order, the required installation).

To change the emotional attitude and state of a person to current events, the method of “remembering a bitter past” is effective - if a person intensively remembers past troubles, “how bad it was before ...”, seeing a past life in a black light, an involuntary decrease in disharmony, a decrease dissatisfaction of a person with today and “pink illusions” are created for the future.

To discharge the negative emotional state of people in the required direction and with the desired effect, since ancient times, the technique of “mood canalization” has been used, when, against the background of increased anxiety and frustration of people’s needs, an outpouring of the anger of the crowd on people who are only indirectly or almost not involved in the occurrence of difficulties is provoked.

If all three factors (and motivation, desires of people, and attitudes, opinions, and emotional states of people) are taken into account, then the impact of information will be most effective both at the level of an individual and at the level of a group of people.

Based on materials P. Stolyarenko

The effect of exposure on a person depends on what mechanisms of exposure were used: persuasion, suggestion or contagion.

The most ancient mechanism of influence is infection, it is the transfer of a certain emotional and mental mood from one person to another, based on an appeal to the emotional-unconscious sphere of a person (infection with panic, irritation, laughter). The effect depends on the degree of intensity of the emotional state of the influencing person (we will conditionally call him a speaker) and the number of listeners. The higher the emotional mood of the speaker, the stronger the effect. The number of people should be large enough to create a sense of unity with the crowd under the influence of the emotional trance of the speaker.

Suggestion is also based on an appeal to the unconscious, to the emotions of a person, but already by verbal, verbal means, and the speaker should not be in an emotional trance, but should be in a rational state, confident and authoritative. Suggestion is based mainly on the authority of the source of information, if the suggester is not authoritative, then the suggestion is doomed to failure. Suggestion is verbal in nature, i.e. it is possible to inspire only through words, but this verbal message has an abbreviated character and an enhanced expressive moment. The role of the intonation of the voice is very great here (90% of the effectiveness depends on the intonation, which expresses the persuasiveness, authority, significance of the words).

Suggestibility- the degree of susceptibility to suggestion, the ability to non-critical perception of incoming information, is different for different people. Suggestibility is higher in persons with a weak nervous system, as well as in persons with sharp fluctuations in attention.

People with poorly balanced attitudes are more suggestible (children are suggestible), people with a predominance of the first signaling system are more suggestible. There are three main forms of suggestion:
1) hypnotic suggestion (in a state of hypnosis);
2) suggestion in a state of relaxation - muscular and mental relaxation;
3) suggestion in the active state of wakefulness of a person. Suggestion techniques are aimed at reducing the criticality of a person when receiving information and using emotional transfer. Thus, the transfer technique assumes that when transmitting a message, a new fact is associated with well-known facts, phenomena, people to whom a person has an emotionally positive attitude, in order for this emotional state to be transferred to new information (transfer of a negative attitude is also possible, in this incoming information is rejected). Methods of evidence (quoting a famous person, scientist, thinker) and "appeal to everyone" ("most people believe that ...") reduce the criticality and increase the pliability of a person of the information received.

Belief appeals to logic, the human mind, suggests a fairly high level of development of logical thinking. People who are underdeveloped are sometimes impossible to influence logically. The content and form of persuasion must correspond to the level of development of the individual, his thinking. Requirements for the source and content of persuasive influence:
1) persuasive speech should be built taking into account the individual characteristics of the listeners;
2) it must be consistent, logical, as evidence-based as possible, must contain both generalizing provisions and specific examples;
3) it is necessary to analyze the facts known to the listeners;
4) the persuader himself must be deeply convinced of what he proves. The slightest inaccuracy, logical inconsistency - can dramatically reduce the effect of persuasion.

The process of persuasion begins with the perception and evaluation of the source of information:
1) the listener compares the information received with the information he has and as a result, an idea is created of how the speaker presents information, where he draws it from, if it seems to a person that the speaker is not truthful, hides facts, makes mistakes, then confidence in him drops sharply ;
2) a general idea is created about the authority of the persuader, but if the speaker makes logical errors, no official status and authority will help him;
3) the settings of the speaker and the listener are compared: if the distance between them is very large, then persuasion may be ineffective. In this case, the best persuasion strategy is: first, the persuader reports elements of similarity with the views of the persuaders, as a result, a better understanding is established and a prerequisite for persuasion is created.
Another strategy can be used, when at first a large difference between attitudes is reported, but then the persuader must confidently and convincingly defeat alien views (which is not easy - remember that there are levels of selection, selection of information). Thus, persuasion is a method of influence based on logical techniques, which are mixed with socio-psychological pressures of various kinds (the influence of the authority of the source of information, group influence). Persuasion is more effective when the group is persuaded rather than the individual. Belief is based on the logical methods of proof, with the help of which the truth of a thought is substantiated through other thoughts.
Any proof consists of three parts: thesis, arguments and demonstrations. The thesis is a thought, the truth of which needs to be proved, the thesis must be clearly, precisely, unambiguously defined and justified by facts.

An argument is a thought, the truth of which has already been proven and therefore it can be given to justify the truth or falsity of the thesis. Demonstration - logical reasoning is a set of logical rules used in a proof. According to the method of conducting evidence, there are direct and indirect, inductive and deductive. In some cases, a boomerang effect is possible - when persuasion leads to results that are opposite to the intentions of the persuader. It happens:
1) when the initial attitudes of the persuasive and the persuaded are separated by a large distance and from the very beginning the speaker shows this, but does not have the proper authority, strong arguments and the audience shields itself with "filters", does not listen, rejects the information and strengthens its position even more;
2) in the case of an ideological overload, an abundance of information, arguments, evidence for an insignificant reason, an emotional barrier is created that rejects all persuasive arguments, although outwardly a person can pretend to agree;
3) if the impact is carried out on the focal installation.

The degree of effectiveness of the impact of information on a person’s attitudes also depends on the parameter of primary-secondary information (the first information received about a new event, fact is perceived easier, more trusting, without the influence of previous prejudices, but information about a long-known event, a person who acted last, may cross out the previously existing attitude towards this person.
The repetition of information can cause cumulativeness - the gradual accumulation of propaganda influence with the systematic repetition of information in various variations, but these repetitions should not be excessive - otherwise there is information satiety, fatigue and rejection of annoying information.
An important socio-psychological phenomenon is imitation - the reproduction of the activities, actions, qualities of another person whom one wants to be like. Conditions for imitation:
1) the presence of a positive emotional attitude, admiration or respect for this person - the object of imitation;
2) lesser experience of a person in comparison with the object of imitation in some respect;
3) clarity, expressiveness, attractiveness of the sample;
4) the availability of the sample, at least in some qualities;
5) the conscious orientation of the desires and will of a person to the object of imitation (I want to be the same). Imitation is the most important factor in the development of a child's personality, but it is also inherent in adults to a certain extent. Young people imitate, first of all, what is socially new, and preference is often given not only to socially significant samples, but also to outwardly dynamic, bright samples (models of cinema, fashion), although socially insignificant or even socially negative in nature.

The psychological impact that people have on each other suggests that there is a change in the mechanisms of regulation of human behavior and activity. As means of influence are used:
1) verbal information, a word, but it should be borne in mind that the meaning and meaning of a word can be different for different people and have different effects (the level of self-esteem, breadth of experience, intellectual abilities, character traits and personality type affect here);
2) non-verbal information (intonation of speech, facial expressions, gestures, postures acquire a symbolic character and affect the mood, behavior, degree of trust of the interlocutor);
3) the involvement of a person in a specially organized activity, because within the framework of any activity a person occupies a certain status and thereby fixes a certain type of behavior (for example, a change in status in interaction leads to a change in behavior, and real experiences associated with the implementation of a certain activity can change a person, his condition and behavior); 4) regulation of the degree and level of satisfaction of needs (if a person recognizes the right of another person or group to regulate his level of satisfaction of his need, then changes can occur; if he does not recognize it, there will be no impact as such).

Reception of influence - a set of means and an algorithm for their use. Methods of influence - a set of techniques that implement the impact on
1) needs, interests, inclinations - i.e. sources of motivation for activity, human behavior;
2) on attitudes, group norms, self-esteem of people - i.e. on those factors that regulate activity;
3) on the states in which a person is (anxiety, agitation or depression, etc.) and which change his conduct. Let's take a closer look at what methods of influence are used.

1) Methods of influencing the sources of activity are aimed at creating new needs or changing the motive power of existing behavioral motives. To form new needs in a person, the following methods and means are used: they involve him in a new activity, using the person’s desire to interact with a certain person, or by involving the whole group in this new activity and using the motive of following disciplinary norms, or using the child’s desire to join to adulthood or a person's desire to increase prestige. At the same time, by involving a person in a new, as yet indifferent activity for him, it is useful to minimize the person’s efforts to complete it - if a new activity is too burdensome for a person, then the person loses desire and interest in this activity.

In order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his desires, motives, i.e., to make changes in the hierarchy of motives. One of the techniques that allows you to do this is regression, i.e. the unification of the motivational sphere, the actualization of the motives of the lower sphere (security, survival, food motive, etc.) is carried out in case of dissatisfaction of the basic vital needs of a person (this technique is also carried out in politics in order to "bring down" the activity of many sections of society, creating rather difficult conditions for them for food and survival).

2) In order to change a person's behavior, it is necessary to change his views, opinions, attitudes: create new attitudes, or change the relevance of existing attitudes, or destroy them. If attitudes are destroyed, activity falls apart. The conditions that contribute to this: the factor of uncertainty - the higher the level of subjective uncertainty, the higher the anxiety, and then the purposefulness of the activity disappears. Uncertainty in assessing personal prospects, in assessing one’s role and place in life, uncertainty in the significance of the efforts expended in study, in work (if we want to make the activity meaningless, we reduce the significance of efforts), the uncertainty of incoming information (its inconsistency, it is not clear which of them can be trusted ), the uncertainty of moral and social norms - all this causes tension in a person. The method of creating uncertain situations allows you to put a person into a state of "destroyed attitudes", "losing himself", and if you then show a person a way out of this uncertainty, he will be ready to perceive this attitude and respond in the required way, especially if suggestive maneuvers are made: an appeal to according to the majority, the publication of the results of public opinion, combined with involvement in organized activities.

Thus, the method of creating uncertainty allows you to change the target, semantic settings and the subsequent radical change in his behavior and goals. The method of orienting situations, when almost every person has been in the same role for some time, in the same situation, experienced the same requirements for himself and for his activities, like all other people from his environment or group - this allows everyone should develop the same required attitude towards this situation, change their behavior in this situation in the required direction.

The required social attitude is formed in a person,
1) if it is periodically included in the relevant activity;
2) repeatedly receives relevant information;
3) if he is included in a prestigious group that is significant for him, in which this position, this attitude is supported (for example, the leaders of the labor movement are included in the assets of the company, for a prestigious post, after which they quite quickly learn the attitudes and positions required by the administration - this technique known since antiquity and was called "co-optation").

In order to form an attitude towards the required attitude or assessment of an event, the method of associative or emotional transfer is used: to include this object in the same context with what already has an assessment, or to evoke a moral assessment, or a certain emotion about this context (for example, , in Western cartoons, dangerous and bad aliens were depicted with Soviet symbols, hence the transfer "Everything Soviet is dangerous, bad").

In order to strengthen, update the required setting, but capable of causing an emotional or moral protest of a person, the technique of "combining stereotyped phrases with what they want to introduce" is often used, since stereotyped phrases reduce the attention, emotional attitude of a person for a moment, sufficient for activation of the required installation (this technique is used in military instructions, where they write "Launch a rocket at object B" (and not at city B), since the stereotypical word "object" reduces the emotional attitude of a person and increases his readiness to fulfill the required order, the required installation). To change the emotional attitude and state of a person to current events, the method of "remembering a bitter past" is effective - if a person intensively remembers past troubles, "how bad it was before ...", seeing a past life in a black light, an involuntary decrease in disharmony occurs , reducing human dissatisfaction with today and creating "pink illusions" for the future.

In our country, this technique has been used repeatedly. To discharge the negative emotional state of people in the required direction and with the desired effect, since ancient times, the technique of "mood canalization" has been used, when, against the background of increased anxiety and frustration of people's needs, seeing the growth of indignation and dissatisfaction of people with the actions of the rulers, an outpouring of the crowd's anger is provoked on people who only indirectly or almost not involved in the emergence of difficulties, but acted as "scapegoats" or lightning rods, allowing the anger of the crowd to be diverted from the rulers in the desired direction for the ruler himself. The search for "guilty switchmen" is still solving similar problems of influencing people.

If all three factors (and motivation, desires of people, and attitudes, opinions, and emotional states of people) are taken into account, then the impact will be most effective both at the level of an individual and at the level of a group of people. Each group has its own group norms that determine and regulate the behavior of members of the group and the group as a whole. To change the behavior of a group, it is necessary to influence and change its group norms. Active influence on group norms can be carried out by the leader, or this can be achieved through the inclusion of the group in other activities. What does resistance depend on? It depends:
1) on the level of group cohesion;
2) from fixing on the content of the old group norms and new requirements;
3) on the degree of divergence of group norms from the content of the introduced installations and norms. The higher all these factors are expressed, the stronger the resistance. By including the group in a cyclic activity of the required direction and nature, objective conditions are created for the need to change group attitudes, norms, and when all attention is focused on the performance of the activity, the fact of developing new attitudes and norms is "obscured", "noisy", and if there is "noise" , then the previous settings are not updated, but are gradually erased. You can influence group cohesion through: 1) the group's awareness of its social role or its difference from other groups; 2) the use of group symbols, signs, mottos, since the factors of identifying someone with the category "one's own" create conditions for the growth of group cohesion; 3) creation, formation of "we-feeling", when a person feels himself inside a group, he identifies himself with a certain group, which makes a person especially sensitive to influence.

This effect of "we-feelings" is used by politicians, playing "common people", adopting the manners of behavior in a group that are characteristic of it: through words, intonations, clothes, cultural norms. What determines whether people will enter into contact with each other or not, continue it or interrupt it? From the behaviorist's point of view, it depends on the reinforcement (positive or negative) that they can receive during the contact. When the behavior of the contact is realized, then the expectation of a positive, positive, necessary result for the person is anticipated - reinforcement.

If the interlocutor can give and gives what is expected, the contact continues. If a person understands that he will not receive what is expected, then the contact stops. Contact is a blessing, but it is accompanied by certain costs, how much effort must be spent, what damage can be incurred. Relationships are stable only if a person has confidence that the amount of positive from contact is higher than the costs that he can incur. That is, a person is guided by the "maximization of gain." Moreover, it is desirable for a person to be convinced that the other person from the benefit that he brings to you will not benefit more than yours.

From the point of view of the cognitive approach, a person contacts with another person, is aware of this other person, himself and the situation in which the contact takes place, and not the stimuli themselves determine the behavior of a person, but how he perceives them.

Thus, the contact of people with each other and their influence on each other can occur in a variety of forms and directions discussed above, using various means, techniques and methods.

How to influence a person, make him act differently, change his behavior, feelings, thoughts? Such manipulations can be carried out on a subconscious level. To do this, you need to know some techniques of psychology that everyone can use. For everything to work out, you need to delve into some subtleties.

Not only psychologists, but also ordinary people can influence people, this does not even require magic. When communicating with a person, it is important to pay attention to the intonation with which words are pronounced. It is the tone that can work wonders. Since ancient times, when sorcerers uttered a conspiracy, they changed the speed of speech, focused on individual words.

You might think that magic, various witchcraft rituals are something mystical. Even a small amount of knowledge of psychological science helps some people to influence others without much effort. Often magic is based on the process of laying hidden commands into the subconscious of the subject, because of this, the illusion is created that the person independently changed his own life, fate, or that this is the work of the magician.

You don't need to have superpowers to influence a person. It is enough to know a little theory and skillfully apply it in practice. During communication, certain phrases are specially used to manipulate a person. They can be distinguished by gestures or intonation. The subject with whom the conversation is being conducted may not even notice that his interlocutor uses some tricks. And at this time, a certain phrase had already been deposited in his subconscious.

For example, if you need to reassure a friend, you can say: “My colleague’s house was searched yesterday, but at the same time he was in a state of complete calm and confidence.” It is the end of the sentence that is distinguished intonation. The conversation is about a colleague. At a subconscious level, words about how to behave are remembered.

Learning the Hidden Influence

An important condition for hidden commands that can change a person's life is the level of their perception. The two levels are not allowed to be confused in terms of meaning. If this rule is not adhered to, then the command will not affect the subconscious of a person, but will be perceived consciously.

If you say: "Now let's relax, enjoy life", a positive result will not be achieved. The call will be clear to others, but psychologically it is wrong, because it will not reach the subconscious level. It will be possible to cheer up upset or tired people, to influence the human psyche with the help of a story. It suffices to summarize the sentences with hidden commands. It may talk about how recently friends spent time in a club, relaxed, and the evening was just beginning from this. Thanks to this technique, the mood in the circle of gathered friends will quickly rise.

Intonation influence on a person is effective in highlighting individual, necessary phrases. Auxiliary words that serve as a frame for key words are pronounced in a normal tone.

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Due to this, it will be possible to achieve the desired effect. For maximum effectiveness in managing people, it is acceptable to pause before and after pronouncing an important part of the sentence.

To really change a person's subconscious in the right direction, it is necessary to use hidden phrases as competently as possible, being careful. You can not use negative phrases, commands of a negative direction. Thanks to them, you can ruin relations with a person, offend, upset, often harm.

Psychology is a science that is based not only on theoretical knowledge, even understandable truths require practical confirmation. If you are not sure that you will be able to convince someone or force them to do something, you can first practice on another face. You can ask how he would take such actions or words.

It is not always possible, due to hidden phrases, to change the fate of a person, to cheer up, to distract from negative thoughts. You can consider the case when a friend divorced his wife or lost his property. Positive stories with emphasis on individual words are not always convincing and effective. There are other methods for this.

Variety of methods

The psychology of the impact on a person is different. The applied methods can be non-mandatory and imperative, disciplinary. Often it is possible to change the fate of a person thanks to beliefs. With their help, the impact is made on consciousness. For example, by explaining to a child why he should study at a higher educational institution, you can ensure that the child graduates from the university, after which he will become a successful scientist, businessman, politician, etc.

Influence through persuasion allows you to achieve what you want. To do this, it is enough to correctly explain, highlight the essence of the issue or problem, recall the causes and consequences. The necessary decision by a person, after the correct conviction, seems to be made independently, since he understands its significance.

You can influence a person at a distance or directly in a conversation with him through praise. This is the type of positive impact that should be applied to all people. A person's life will become happier and more pleasant if his achievements in his career, studies, and sports are noted.

It will be possible to influence others, change their thoughts and behavior through a psychological technique in the form of suggestion. To do this, use different means (speech and not only). Due to suggestions, it is easy to change the fate of a person, since the suggested information takes the form of an internal attitude. It can be used to stimulate and guide a person in the process of forming his intentions. Among psychologists, various forms are used that change the subconscious of a person. This is the impact of the emotional-volitional type, persuasion and pressure.

Thoughts and consciousness can be affected by coercion. Such an influence is used when other methods do not work or there is no time to use them. Coercion is associated with the expressed requirement to accept some behavioral standard, so one can force one to agree with a decision or an existing point of view. With the help of coercion, sometimes it is possible to avoid the development of a conflict, for example, to force them to perform some actions at the moment.

If we consider the ways of disciplinary influence on persons, reprimands, warnings, punishments are popular. Warnings have a mild form, signaling more serious consequences that will be applied in the future (if necessary). Reprimands are often used by managers for their employees. Punishment is the deprivation of a person of something important, for example, some object.

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The power of suggestion

Faced with problems in the family, at school, at work, people often try to change the fate of a person for the better. Many are trying to turn to experienced people who, using a conspiracy, will force, for example, a drinking husband to give up a bad habit, return to his wife, etc.

In fact, such methods really help in most cases. The plot is usually spoken aloud. The presence of the patient is not necessary, but he often also has to perform some actions (drink a special herbal infusion or something else).

In fact, a conspiracy is something close to prayer. You can also say certain words to the person himself in order to help himself in finding a job, getting a higher position, a successful marriage, etc. All spoken words or thoughts that are not spoken aloud must be sincere, you must believe in your own actions.

In practice, in order to have a positive impact on fate, to change life for the better, some phrases should be spoken daily. They have a positive effect on the mind, attract good luck and prosperity. These include the following proposals:

  1. I'm sure something wonderful will happen today.
  2. I am confident in the magnificent outcome of every situation in life.
  3. Every day I feel better and better (it will affect the fate of a person and make him healthier).
  4. May today be a good day.

Such attitudes have incredible power, they set the subject up for positive thoughts.

The impact on human behavior, whether it be a conspiracy or any psychological tricks, may be invisible to the subject. It is not difficult to master the rules of influencing the subconscious of people around you, especially if you fix them in practice. They should be used only for good purposes, when trying to change human life for the better.

20 Easy Ways to Influence

  1. Interest

Any person is looking for personal gain in different situations. When you once again explain your position, be sure to tell the listener what he can find for himself.

  1. To find a compromise

It's impossible to just zazombirovat a person. If you want to influence someone, learn to negotiate and, if necessary, compromise.

  1. Communicate

Of course, communication is the main key to influence. The more you develop your communication skills, the more people will support your opinion.

  1. Become an inspiration

In order to convince other people of something, you yourself need to radiate cheerful enthusiasm.

  1. hypnotize

Of course, it is necessary to hypnotize the interlocutor not in the literal sense of the word. This is done with charm. It should not be forgotten that most people are more willing to agree with those who are respected and loved.

Description of methods of influence and various techniques for influencing the human psyche in order to achieve the desired result.

Useful psychological techniques, techniques and methods of influencing, influencing people: description, questions, examples of psychological techniques

Human life in society involves communication with other people. There are situations when a person is subjected to psychological influence from other people. This may happen consciously for the manipulator, or he himself may not suspect that it affects the psyche of the interlocutor.

Important: Methods of influencing the psyche of people are known to employees of various services who are interested in forcing a person to make the decision they need.

For example, many sellers know what words to choose to literally get the buyer to buy the product. In this case, the buyer may not realize that he is being manipulated.

Also, methods of mental influence are known to swindlers who rob a person by deception. In this case, the victim herself will give money or jewelry to the scammers.

Let's figure out what methods of influencing people exist.


The science of psychology has studied this method for a long time. This method is based on the transfer of an emotional state from one person to another. Many now can recall a situation from their lives when a person with a bad mood easily spoiled the mood of everyone around. Imagine another situation: the elevator stopped, and one alarmist made the rest of the people panic. But you can also “get infected” with positive emotions, for example, laughter.

Psychological impact on people: methods


Unlike the first method, where the impact is on an emotional level, suggestion is characterized by the following features: words, visual contact, voice intonation, authority. In other words, the person is persuading you to act one way or another in pursuit of personal goals. Suggestion is doomed to failure if the manipulator speaks in an uncertain voice.

Suggestibility plays an important role. This indicator is individual, children under 13 are more susceptible to suggestion than adults. Indecisive people who are prone to neuroses also have a high level of suggestibility.

The art of suggestion


The method based on logical arguments appeals to the human mind. The important thing is that this method does not work well when applied to relatively underdeveloped people.

In other words, it is foolish to prove something to a person based on logical arguments if he has a low level of intelligence. Your opponent will not understand your arguments.

The art of persuasion depends on a combination of several factors:

  1. Absence of falsehood in speech. If the opponent senses false notes, trust will be lost and the chain of persuasion will break.
  2. Conformity of statements to your image. The person you are convincing should get the impression that you are a strong, authoritative person, then he will believe you.
  3. Every belief is built on the principle: thesis, argument, proof.

If you want to convince a person of anything, it is important to follow all the above rules.

Persuasion is a method of psychological influence on people


This method, like the above, is important when influencing the human psyche. Especially the imitation method affects children and further influences the formation of personality.

Imitation implies a conscious or unconscious desire of a person to be like another: actions, behavior, appearance, way of life and thoughts. unfortunately, they do not always imitate positive heroes.

The object of imitation must always correspond to the ideals of the imitator, then the desire to be similar will be maintained at a constant level.

An example of positive imitation by adults

Useful psychological techniques, techniques and methods of psychological influence on the interlocutor when communicating: description, questions, examples of psychological techniques

Many people do not even suspect that during communication they can be controlled. It is worth familiarizing yourself with psychological techniques in order to understand how to influence people in the process of communication or to realize that you are being manipulated.

If you want to steer the conversation in the right direction when communicating with a person, pay attention to the following points:

  • Address your interlocutor more often by saying their name. Psychologists have proven that one's own name at the subconscious level is the most pleasant sound for a person.
  • Sincere joy at a meeting affects further meetings with this person. In the future, when meeting with you, he will develop a pleasant feeling.
  • The effect of the mirror causes the location of the interlocutor. In other words, unobtrusively try to copy gestures, facial expressions, intonation while communicating with the person you need. Just do it very subtly, not too frankly.
  • During the first meeting, try to remember the color of the interlocutor's eyes. Prolonged eye contact will help form a more trusting relationship.
  • Flatter, but be very careful. A good compliment will help win over a person, but going too far will cause the opposite attitude.

In addition to techniques that you can use yourself, try to pay attention to the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor. That way you will understand how he treats you. A few simple examples:

  1. During laughter, a person automatically begins to look at the one who is attractive to him. Tell a funny anecdote, a joke and follow who the person you need is looking at, or who is looking at you.
  2. You are pleasing to a person if, during a conversation, the socks of his shoes are directed towards you. If the toes of the shoes look to the side, such a sign symbolizes the desire to quickly end the conversation and leave.
  3. Learn to listen. Before expressing your opinion, listen to the interlocutor and, most importantly, try to delve into the course of his thoughts. So you will understand his attitude towards you and the current situation, then you can direct the conversation in the direction you need.

Video: Tricks to manipulate people

Useful psychological techniques, techniques and methods of persuading a person, partner: description, questions, examples of psychological techniques

The art of persuasion is honed by time and is not subject to everyone. Even the most capable people in this business sometimes encounter stubborn interlocutors who are extremely difficult to convince.

Various techniques are used to help achieve the desired result. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Three yes rule. The secret of this rule is that the interlocutor cannot answer any of your questions in the negative. Thus, you will bring him to the moment when he makes a positive decision. This rule is successfully used by network company consultants.
  2. Strong argument rule. The process of persuasion should be prepared in advance. It is necessary to highlight strong, medium and weak arguments. In the process of persuasion, you should first put forward a strong argument, then two or three medium ones, and finish again with a strong argument. Weak arguments should not be used at all.
  3. Do not humiliate the person of the interlocutor. A person will not agree with your opinion if you try to openly or indirectly belittle his dignity, authority, personality. When arguing, rely only on deeds, actions, thoughts, facts, but do not go over to personalities.
  4. Follow the facial expressions interlocutor under persuasion. If you notice that after a certain argument, the interlocutor's eye twitched or facial expressions changed, continue to reveal this argument.
  5. Don't negate everything your opponent says. Such a technique has a good effect on a person when they agree with him in some way. Then the person will conclude that they agree with his thoughts, which means that he will be ready to listen to yours himself.

Secrets of Persuasion

Useful psychological techniques, techniques and methods of managerial influence of a leader: description, questions, examples of psychological techniques

Important: In the arsenal of the manager there is a whole arsenal of methods and techniques for managing employees. Talented leaders use these techniques intuitively, while others hone their management skills over the years.

Many books have been written about how to lead effectively, and there are many techniques that cannot be described in brief. We will list some points that will help the leader achieve efficiency in his work.

  1. A clear, clear, understandable formulation of tasks and requirements will help build authority and respect among subordinates.
  2. Discussing failures without a competent proposal for a solution to the problem in the future will lead to a negative attitude of employees.
  3. A conversation with a subordinate should end on a positive note so that the subsequent conversation starts on a positive note.
  4. The leader should not focus on the shortcomings of the employee, it is better to rely on the merits. In this case, the manager will show that he expects a good result from the employee, the employee, in turn, will wish to meet the expectations of the manager.
  5. Friendliness and a smile lead to respect and work efficiency. Do not neglect this technique, even if you have personal problems.

Psychological techniques for the leader

Methods of psychological impact on people in social advertising: examples

  • Notice;
  • Achievement of target behavior;
  • Formation of approved submissions;
  • Assimilation of information;
  • Recommendation of behavior patterns.

Social advertising for psychological impact on people should have such a concept as emotionality. That is, advertising should evoke emotions. These emotions can be both negative and positive. Positive emotions, for example, encourage a person to take an example, to act one way and not another. Negative, on the contrary, leading a person to the realization that it is not necessary to do this.

Social videos, where the main characters are children, people with disabilities, and the elderly, have a special emotional effect.

Now you know what are the techniques and methods of psychological influence on people. You can try to apply them in practice, it is much more interesting than reading theory.

Video: Powerful Social Advertising

Nadezhda Suvorova

Every day we are psychologically affected. Sometimes it's annoying, and sometimes we don't even know we're being manipulated. Psychological influence is a powerful tool in capable hands. To master the techniques, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics of the individual and the possible ways of influencing the minds of people.

What types of influence are there and how to protect yourself from the influence of others, we will talk in this article.

The concept of psychological impact

It is a complex and multifaceted term. In short, the psychological impact is the manipulation of the human subconscious, which occurs contrary to common sense. allow you to control human behavior.

At the dawn of civilization, shamans and tribal leaders possessed the skills of psychological influence. They used primitive methods: body language, intonations of the voice, rituals and potions that cloud the mind.

With the development of science and technology, there are so many ways to manipulate the subconscious that each of us uses them daily and does not suspect it.

The purpose of the psychological impact

Regardless of the object (one person or group), there is a specific goal of psychological impact behind the process:

Using other people to meet personal needs.
Gaining prestige in the group.
Creation of the framework and standards of society.
Finding a sense of significance.
proof of its existence.

Most attempts at manipulation have selfish goals. We see a person who is emotionally weaker than us, and we strive to subdue him. One needs to be listened to, the other needs to carry out instructions for him. These are the goals that we achieve through psychological influence.

Some use this skill for good purposes, others are driven by selfishness. But in the first and second cases, the true goal is to prove one's own importance to society and to establish the fact of one's existence. Psychology does not divide motives into good and bad; it studies methods and methods of influence, discovering new facts.

A skillful master is difficult to figure out, especially if he acts on you and your environment. It is easier to convince several people in practice than one. This is due to the herd mentality and the development of the media. We blindly believe what we are told on TV.

Methods of psychological influence

Diverse. Politicians and dictators are fluent in each of them:

Belief. Impact with arguments.
Self-promotion. Demonstration of one's advantages over other people in order to gain the trust of others.
Suggestion. Impact without arguments.
Infection. Transferring your feelings and emotions to other people.
Arousing the desire to imitate. Through words and actions, awaken people to imitate you.
Call for favor. Belief in your good intentions and goals.
Request. Expressing your desires and asking for their satisfaction.
Compulsion. Pressure and intimidation with threats.
destructive criticism. Suppression of a person's personality, ridicule and insult of a person.
Manipulation. Indirect awakening to action or judgment.

The types of psychological influence have similar and different features, some are suitable for achieving a quick result, others for influencing a person over a long time.

Tools of psychological influence

It's one thing when a person is nearby and you can convince him with words, looks, movements, intonation. But what if the goal is the consciousness of an audience of people located in different cities and even countries.

To do this, psychological tools are used:

Military funds.
Trade and financial sanctions.
political means.
Fine and.

Managing the masses with these tools leads to stunning results. We are used to believing what we read on the Internet and see on TV, and it would never occur to us that this is another way of psychological influence. Let's take as an example the canons of beauty that were 50 years ago and that exist now. Both were dictated by fashion with the help of the media in order to sell their products.


This method has three components: thesis, arguments and demonstration. First, you formulate a specific position - this is a thesis, then you form arguments, and at the end, with the help of a demonstration, you convince the target audience.

The method is very effective if you know the secrets of persuasion:

terms and arguments should be extremely simple and understandable;
use only those facts in the veracity of which you are sure;
take into account the personality of the interlocutor;
conduct a conversation without discussing other people;
your speech should be simple, without complex epithets and winged expressions.

Much of the success depends on the arguments you present. Those arguments that are supported by well-known facts, relate specifically to the topic of the conversation, are interesting to the interlocutor and have not lost their relevance, have the effect.


This method has no arguments and facts. It affects the individual in a different way. With it, you can impose your opinion on a person and force him to act in your interests.

Suggestion is direct and indirect. In the first case, you directly express your point of view and expect obedience. This method is used by parents, educators, teachers. In the second case, techniques are chosen that unobtrusively push for action. This method is used by the advertisers.

The following factors influence the effectiveness of suggestion:

the age of the person or target audience;
state (fatigue, fatigue);
your authority;
the type of personality of the person who is psychologically affected.


This is the third main method of influencing the personality. It is aimed at a mass of people, and not at one individual. Religious sects and fan clubs are a striking example of the psychological impact through infection.

The fact that there is a method of infection, people knew at the dawn of a civilized society, when mass ceremonies were held around an idol or altar with ritual dances and entering a trance.

Today, this method is widely studied. It is better known as mass psychology or crowd phenomenon. A rare person will be able to resist the general impulse and go against the crowd.

Infection can be identified by the following signs:

turning off consciousness;
transition to a state of unconsciousness;
direction of thoughts and feelings in one direction;
the desire to implement ideas into reality right here and now;
loss of personality;
disable logic;
unwillingness to be responsible for their actions.

Persuasion, suggestion and infection are the "three pillars" on which the psychological impact is based. But other methods are also popular among those who wish to control the behavior and mind of people.

Methods of protection against psychological influence

Today, each of us has access to information about the methods of psychological influence and how to master them, therefore, suggestible people often have to be a puppet in someone's hands and fulfill his requests and wishes. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, you should be able to resist manipulators and maintain a sober mind.

Methods of protection against psychological influence:

In any situation, you should analyze whether you need to obey the words of another person or not, what will be the benefit from this. In most cases, you will not be able to specifically answer the question why you do something. And this is the first sign that they want to influence you;
rational approach. If you are offered to perform specific actions, then offer your option, which will be more convenient for you. This will lead the manipulator into a stupor, and he will lose power over you;
faith in one's own righteousness. If someone else's opinion is trying to impose on you, do not blindly believe other people's words. It is better to analyze the arguments provided, compare with your own;
Change your behavior. Manipulators read information about your personality from the manner of communication and behavior. Enter such people into a dead end, trying on different roles;

distrust should become your habit. This is not about close people who wish you well. But if a stranger or work colleague suddenly begins to take an interest in you and impose his communication, beware and try to notice signs of a manipulator in his words and behavior;
review past mistakes. Focus on situations where you have been controlled. Think about how you allowed this and what to do so as not to repeat the sad experience;
ask for an explanation. If you are tempted to do something, ask lots of questions. The manipulator will give himself away if he tries to deceive you, to evade the answer;
do not do what is expected of you. Often, at the first meeting, we show ourselves better than we really are. Others take advantage of this situation, and you have to comply with their requests so as not to lose confidence. But you have the right to change and there is no need to act to the detriment of yourself and to please others;
do not test . This is a powerful incentive to get you to obey. Accept your mistakes and don't let others pressure you with memories of the past.

Psychological impact can work wonders: help loved ones, change them for the better. But greedy individuals use it for selfish purposes, so you should protect yourself and your family from negative influences.

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