Singer Marilyn Manson. The eternal struggle between good and evil

As one cool MTV VJ once said, if Marilyn Manson scared you, just remember that his real name is Brian. Even if you do not like his music, you will surely agree: the character is interesting! His statements, beliefs, and women's choices never cease to amaze and intrigue the public. We don't know much about him, let's dig a little into his past - here are 19 things we find interesting. He was accused of everything that is possible: from the distribution of drugs to the torture of animals on stage. At the same time, Manson was nominated four times for the prestigious music award Grammy. He arranged more than ten exhibitions of his paintings around the world, opened his own gallery. In the 1990s, Manson was known as a maniac and workaholic who went out of his way to offend someone's feelings. In 1994, he became a minister of the Church of Satan, which he was very flattered by. In the same year, he proclaimed himself the God of Fuck, and two years later - the Antichrist. Is he really that terrible? Or is it just outrageous, and his mask has long grown.

1. Marilyn Manson's real name is Brian Hugh Warner.

Brian Hugh Warner was born in Canton, USA. He was only child in the family of furniture dealer Hugh Warner and nurse Barbara Warner, he has German and English roots.

2. Despite the fact that Marilyn claims to be an ardent atheist, in fact, he attended a Catholic school for most of his childhood.

As a child, his parents sent Marilyn to a Christian school for boys. Manson himself in his autobiography writes about it this way: “At school, I could not give it my all. This place was based on laws and conformity. Everyone was like from an incubator and there was no question of any individuality. Starting at the age of twelve, I began a protracted campaign to expel myself from school.

3. Marilyn didn't always dream of becoming a rock star. Initially, he planned a career in music journalism!

After graduating from high school in Florida, Brian found himself a job at the local music magazine 25th Parallel. He acted as a reporter and music critic, writing poetry in his spare time.

4. In 1989, Brian, along with guitarist Scott Putesky, formed his own rock band, Marilyn Manson and the Scary Kids.

The band was very popular in Florida! In 1992, the group began to be called simply " Marilyn Manson The title is a combination of the iconic names of actress Marilyn Monroe and infamous serial killer Charles Manson.

5. Despite the fact that Marilyn was engaged three times (Rose McGowan, Dita Von Teese, and Evan Rachel Wood), it came to marriage only once - with Dita Von Teese (her photo in the center). They got married in 2005 and divorced a year later.

6. Marilyn got serious acting roles several times. He played Ron Tully in the final season of Sons of Anarchy.

He said that the most hard part this role is to grow a goatee.

7. Marilyn also appeared on one of her favorite TV shows, Eastbound and Down.

I wonder if there's anything he can't do?

8. Marilyn only uses certain brands for her trademark hellish makeup.

The singer wears Christian Dior makeup foundation, Aquacolor blue eyeshadow, and a multi-brand combo for black eyeliner.

9. Marilyn owns a number of strange items that she collects.

He collects antique metal lunch boxes, medical prostheses and glass eyeballs.

10. Marilyn is friends with Johnny Depp! The two even performed together.

January 25, 2014 Marilyn Manson, Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Steven Tyler and a number of other musicians jointly performed the song " The Beatles"Come Together.
- What do you hide your eyes from, what do you avoid: daylight or the sun? - Of people.

11. Marilyn's favorite film is 1971's Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

In fact, the singer was quite interested in landing the role of Willy Wonka in the 2005 remake from director Tim Burton. But the role went to his good buddy, Johnny Depp, who makes no bones about using Marilyn as part of his inspiration for the character.

12. The singer suffers from Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

The main manifestation of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome is arrhythmia.

13. Besides her musical talents, Marilyn is also an artist.

He held many successful exhibitions throughout recent years in galleries throughout the United States and Europe. He also owns a gallery visual arts in Los Angeles under the name Celebritarian Corporation.

14. Marilyn is an extremely generous contributor and greatly supports several charities.

In particular, he helps the "Music for Life" and "Little Kids Rock" foundations, which are aimed at promoting music education and ensuring musical instruments children from low income families. He also works with an organization called "Project Nightlight" which helps children and teenagers who have been abused.

15. In 1997, Marilyn released an autobiography called "A Long Way From Hell", co-written by renowned rock journalist Neil Strauss.

16. Marilyn was nominated for Grammys in 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2013.

Will definitely get his Grammy, his fans have no doubt.

17. Loves dogs (he has three of them)

18. He said that as a child he suffered from a strange "allergy", which disappeared with age.

He discovered that these "allergies" were actually Munchausen's syndrome. More precisely, his mother had delegated Munchausen's syndrome. In this state, the mother invents or actually causes disease syndromes in her child. That is, his mother is to blame for his childhood illnesses. “I learned about Munchausen's syndrome rather late, and I don't know if she always had it,” he says. - But it is obvious that mental disorders I have hereditary.

19. Marilyn takes her Nintendo DS with her when she travels. He loves to play Mario Kart.

Marilyn Manson - more than just a name famous rock band, but also the pseudonym of the eccentric soloist and permanent leader of the group - Rocker is known for his bright makeup, hiding the natural features of his face.

What does Marilyn Manson look like without makeup?

Seeing Marilyn without makeup and knowing is a difficult task. The number of layers of professional cosmetics on the singer's face - nightmare nature lovers.

The desire to shock is in the blood of rockers, and the bright make-up of the soloist is proof of this. Group alias borrowed from two bright personalities: the most mysterious and attractive woman Monroe and serial maniac Charles. One used cosmetics to emphasize her individuality and natural beauty, the other mercilessly killed innocent people along with her followers.

Combining two opposites, Marilyn Manson without makeup is as beautiful and terrible as those whose names he borrowed.

Popularity of Marilyn Manson

Singing along on the sidelines of Nain Inch Nails, the young rock band, led by an eccentric journalist and music reporter, had no idea of ​​their upcoming glory. To climb to the top musical Olympus the rockers on Manson's team used whatever was at hand: sandwiches, naked girls, crucifixes, animal heads, and fire.

Seeing the potential of rockers who are not afraid to perform in underwear, with a cigarette in his mouth and or a woman's dress, the leader of Nain Inch Nails supported them.

Now a rock band led by Manson is one of the driving forces of rock in the West.

The style of the leader's performance and the appearance of the non-replaceable soloist Warner cannot be confused with anything else. But how many of the fans had a chance to compare what the singer looks like in makeup, and what Marilyn Manson looks like without makeup?

Filmography Marilyn Manson: the role of the king of rock horror

Ambitiousness of Marilyn Manson rolls over: Warner acts simultaneously as the lead singer of a hit rock band, composer, actor, producer, director and even screenwriter!

In 60 episodes filmed on television, Marilyn Manson plays himself (TV series, movies, appearances on music festivals, short films). Manson fans are aware of the singer's passion for which Marilyn Manson flashed a cameo. In 100% of the episodes, Warner is in makeup.

But the cinematic portfolio is not limited to filming the singer "in kind". Marilyn Manson without makeup managed to light up in 22 films. The directors have not put the rocker on the front yet, but episodic roles with Manson's participation are rated by critics at 6-7 points out of 10.

The versatility is impressive: Brian played both a porn actor (Lost Highway, 1996) and a teenager at the age of 44 (the black comedy Wrong Cops, 2013, as young David Dolorez Frank - Marilyn Manson). The photo without makeup is shown below.

Of the TV moments known to the Russian public: Marilyn Manson scandalously performed in comedy show №1 "Evening Urgant- the December 2012 issue of "The End of the World", talking about lipstick, the border of the country and self-worth.

Beauty and the Beast: Why are girls crazy about Manson?

Rockers and beauties are not news for a long time. Supermodels and the first girls in the country enjoy spending time not with glamorous actors, but with brutals like Manson.

The soloist Marilyn Manson has a whole list of beauties who gave their hearts to the great and terrible. Most high-profile romance Warner - with fetish dancer, burlesque star Dita Von Teese.

Relations with the "queen of striptease" Dita lasted 6 years, shocking rocker and sophisticated fetish model in retro style legitimized the relationship - the first marriage for both was fleeting. A year after their married life, under the pretext of "irreconcilable differences" (No. 1 in Hollywood), the eclectic couple broke up.

Before the dancer Dita Von Teese, Marilyn Manson met with the "enchanted" Rose McGowan, but the couple did not reach the legalization of the relationship, then there was the actress Evan Rachel Wood, the porn star Stoya, another burlesque dancer. The last official passion of the rocker is a photographer from America Lindsay Usich.

Detractors say that the change of partners is associated with the image of a freak: as soon as the girls see how boring Marilyn Manson is without makeup, they immediately part with him.

But stars familiar with Warner note: Marilyn Manson is eccentric in life. In an interview, Marilyn's new friend Shia LaBeouf spoke about collaboration with the rock star: "He is who he is. The image on stage is identical to Manson's inner nature. Collaborating with him, I did not feel the falsity or artificiality of the nightmarish image: Marilyn Manson is a real freak and in life!"

Marilyn Manson's girlfriend, member american show talent-2011 Narcissister, confirms the words of the actor with an eccentric stunt in the form of a porn barbie.

Artist Marilyn Manson - art "from Hell"

Beautiful girls attract Manson, but art comes first for the freak. The singer's fans know that Marilyn Manson loves to draw. But the work of the star is not related to appearance: Marilyn Manson rarely goes out without makeup, and the horrific paintings painted by the rock master have been exhibited in world art galleries for 14 years (starting from Los Angeles).

Marilyn Manson sticks to eccentricity: watercolor paintings convey the innocence of the victims of serial maniacs in the spirit of surrealism, the beauty of Dita Von Teese, human anomalies and corporal punishment. Black, green, gray, peach colors perfectly embody the ideas of Manson, who is looking for reverse side evil, revealing the dual nature of the paintings.

Marilyn Manson, born Brian Hugh Warner, is an American musician, songwriter, actor, artist, and music journalist.

The main films of the actor Marilyn Manson

  • short biography

    Mainly, Marilyn Manson is known to the public as the vocalist and permanent leader of the rock band of the same name. His stage name consists of a combination of the names of two cult figures for the 60s - the popular actress, the sex symbol of her time, Marilyn Monroe, and the infamous criminal Charles Manson, the founder of the Family sect.

    Manson became famous for the hit songs "Antichrist superstar" and "Mechanical animals" in the 90s and for his eccentric stage image, earning the undoubted love of fans and scandalous reputation in society and the media. Manson was number 44 on Hit Parader's Top 100 Heavy Metal Vocalists and was nominated for four Grammy Awards.

    Marilyn Manson was born in Canton, Ohio on January 5, 1969, and was the only offspring of Barbara Warner and Hugh Warner. German and English blood flows in his veins.

    The parents of the future musician led a quiet life, unlike his grandfather, who obviously influenced the formation of the young Marilyn. In his autobiography, Long and hard road from hell" the musician describes in detail his sexual fetishes, in particular bestiality and sadomasochism. Manson also recalls a youthful passion firearms and the practice of creating homemade porn magazines to sell to classmates.

    In childhood, Manson attended the Anglican Church, studied at a Christian school until high school. It was there that his hatred of religion in general and the institution of the church in particular was born. After finishing tenth grade, Manson convinced his parents to transfer him to a public school.

    After high school, he enrolled at Broward College in Miami, intending to earn a degree in journalism. At the same time, Manson began to write the first articles in music publications, as well as stories and poetry. At the same time, he met musicians with whom they later began to compare his work - "My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult" and "Nine Inch Nails".

    In 1989, Manson, along with fellow Scott Putesky, formed their first group, Marilyn Manson & the Spooky Kids, over time the name was shortened to Marilyn Manson. In 1993, the musicians drew attention famous producer Trent Reznor, and in 1994 they came out debut album"Portrait of an American family". Then - in 1996 the album "Antichrist superstar" was released, in 1998 - "Mechanical animals", "Holy Wood" in 2000, "The golden age of grotesque" in 2003, "Eat me, drink me " in 2007, "The high end of low" in 2009 and "Born villain" in 2012.

    As an actor, Manson made his debut in 1997 in David Lynch's Highway to Nowhere, after which he appeared in episodic roles in the films "Club Mania", "Queens of Murder", "Vampire", "Wrong Cops", and also played in his favorite TV shows - "Once Upon a Time" and "Californication".

    Many media throughout years accused Manson of negative impact on youth and even in the propaganda of violence, until the musician starred in Michael Moore's documentary "Bowling for Columbine" about a mass shooting at a school, where he convincingly expressed his position on this issue.

    Manson's directorial debut Phantasmogoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll has been in development since 2004. The soundtrack for the film was to be previously unreleased songs from the band. However, in 2007, the producer of the film announced the closure of the project in connection with public complaints about the cruelty of teasers posted on the Internet. However, in 2013, information appeared on the band's official website that the film would still see the light of day and be available online.

    Marilyn Manson's songs are on soundtracks for many films - Killer Queens, Bone Breaker, Resident Evil, The Matrix Reloaded, Spawn and some others.

    Once in an interview, Manson said that his career as an artist began in 1999, when he sold sketches of drawings to his drag dealer. In September 2002, his first exhibition, The Golden Age of the Grotesque, took place in Los Angeles. Art in America editor Max Henry compared Manson's work to mental hospital drawings, stating that it would never be taken seriously in the art community. However, in 2004, Manson held a second Trismegistus exhibition in Paris and Berlin, the central exhibition of which was the image of the three-headed Christ, painted on an antique wooden panel from the embalming table.

    Manson came up with his own offshoot in painting called the Celebritarian Corporation under the slogan: "We will sell our shadow to all those who stand in it", and his gallery of fine arts in Los Angeles also operates under the same name.

    Manson was engaged to actress Rose McGowan and popular fashion model Dita Von Teese, whom he married in December 2005 in a castle in Ireland, the ceremony was held famous mystic Alejandro Jodorowsky. But in December 2006, the couple filed for divorce due to "irreconcilable differences." The media claimed that Manson had an extramarital affair with the then 19-year-old actress Evan Rachel Wood, involved in one of the musician's projects, and also starred in the video for the song "Heart-Shaped Glasses".

    In 2010, Manson's affairs of the heart were brought back into the public eye with an engagement to Evan Rachel Wood, which, however, ended the same year.

    Manson is a big fan of absinthe and has his own production of the Swiss drink "Mansinthe". The label on the bottle depicts a self-portrait of Manson in his old age.

Despite the fact that many consider Marilyn Manson a maniac and a Satanist, he is a subtle intellectual person. At the heart of his image is the idea of ​​the presence of Good and Evil in a person, at the heart of his creativity is conceptualism and philosophy. His image and position is just a reaction to the "false" American morality.

early years

Marilyn Manson was born Brian Hugh Warner in Canton, Ohio on January 5, 1969. His father was a furniture dealer and his mother was a nurse. As for how Brian grew up, there are many stories, most of which he himself recounted in his autobiographical book. However, you can’t believe everything that the outrageous rock musician wrote, but if you read between the lines, you can understand how he became what he became - a Satanist in the eyes of the church, a maniac in the eyes of mothers who worry about their teenage children and a destroyer of morality in the eyes of American society.

Brian's childhood passed in a typical American family and was unremarkable, except for a few "buts". According to the musician, his grandfather was a sexual pervert and often closed in the basement, where he did all sorts of "dirty things." His father, apparently inheriting his quirks, often got Brian. For example, he constantly threatened to take him to a prostitute, arguing that it was time for him to lose his virginity.

There was also an unhealthy environment at the Christian school where Warner went. He hated the Law of God and considered religion a fairy tale for fools. His protest resulted in a fascination with Nietzsche and Darwin, and when he read LaVey's Satanic Bible, he took a different look at many things. According to Manson, he really liked the idea of ​​the symbiosis of the Devil and God in man. And although in the future he never professed Satanism, this idea became fundamental in the image and work of the musician.

At the age of 18, Brian moved to Florida, where he began working as a journalist and music critic in a local publication. During the day he wrote articles, and at night he hung out in rock clubs. In one of them, he met musician George White, whom he persuaded to create a rock band.

First of all, Brian took the pseudonym Marilyn Manson, combining the name of the actress Marilyn Monroe and the name of the maniac Charles Manson. By this he emphasized that it contains both light and dark side. All members of the group also took on such pseudonyms.

In 1989, due to disagreements in the team, Manson left Satan on Fire and formed the Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids group with Scott Puteske. After some time, several musicians changed in the group, and it became simply called "Marilyn Manson". The production of the newly formed team was taken up by the main ideologist and founder of Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor, a man no less "moved out" than Manson himself.

In 1994, after a long discussion with the producers, the album "Portrait Of An American Family" was released, which was a major success. Marilyn Manson acquired not only a large army of fans, but also huge amount enemies in the person of churchmen and authorities. The musician said that he expected such a stir, since his album is a real bomb. He destroyed the American illusion of "justice" and the false sense of hope that all would be well.

World fame

After working on the album "Marilyn Manson" together with "Nine Inch Nails" went on their first tour, leaving a "bloody trail" all over the States. Trent Reznor, who mentored the young band, said that he wanted a lot of fire and blood, exposed female breasts and other obscurantism. The Manson show shocked even the most radical macabra fans. However, the number of fans grew by leaps and bounds.

In 1995, the group went on an independent tour, and a year later released a cover version of the song "Sweet Dreams", which became a hit and acquired platinum status. New album Manson chose to record in New Orleans, America's "murder capital". The hype around the album began long before its release, and when he saw the light, he put the whole world on the ears.

Antichrist Superstar (1996) was Manson's first concept album. Its plot is twisted on three cycles that tell about the metamorphoses of the Bible Worm. First, there is a confrontation between external and inner world this creature. Then his reincarnation into an Angel. And finally, the return of the Angel back to heaven. According to Manson, the main idea of ​​the disc is the assertion that the cause of all troubles lies in Christianity. People must trust their reason, then they will be free.

"Antichrist Superstar" made Marilyn Manson incredibly popular. He was talked about by music critics, he was idolized by fans and hated by the church. The ominous rumors that began to spread throughout the country only fueled interest in the musician. For example, it was said that during their performances, the band members ate insects, took drugs, raped teenagers of both sexes, and performed oral acts. Manson was constantly subjected to repression by the authorities, his concerts were banned, the church bought up all the tickets so as not to let young people go to them. The outrageous rocker was philosophical about this and said that they made the same sensation out of him as they once did out of Jesus Christ.

In 1998, the disc "Mechanical Animals" was released, and in 2000 - "Holy Wood", which completed the conceptual trilogy about the Messiah. They were sold in millions of copies all over the world and became the best in Manson's work. His next works were not very successful, except for "The Golden Age of Grotesque" (2003), created under the influence of the musician's friend Dita Von Teese.

By the way, the personal life of the outrageous musician has always been under the scrutiny of the public. At the beginning of his career, Manson met with actress Rose McGowan, then he was married to the famous dancer Dita Von Teese. They divorced in 2006, and two years later Marilyn announced that he was dating Evan Rachel Wood. star couple was going to sign marriage contract, but in 2010 it suddenly broke up. Now the musician is dating Lindsey Yuzich, a professional photographer.

Marilyn Manson continues to shock the audience, changing the image, image and outfits. In addition to music, he is engaged in painting and acting in films. Through these activities, he met another eccentric - director and artist David Lynch. In 2011, they released a joint book catalog of their work. But even earlier on the shelves bookstores the autobiographical book "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell" (1998) appeared. It is not only a sarcastic textbook on show business, but also a painful and poignant confession of a real artist.

Biography of Marilyn Manson

Merlin Manson (Marilyn Manson) is the pseudonym of a musician named Brian Hugh Warner(in English it looks like this: Brian Hugh Warner). He was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton, Ohio, USA. Brian is a versatile person, he is a rock singer, artist, worked as a music journalist, and he is also a songwriter. Manson is the leader and founder of the rock band Marilyn Manson. The group got its name in honor of two prominent American figures who were popular in the 60s of the 20th century, this is the actress, singer Marilyn Monroe and the vicious criminal Charles Manson, convicted of murdering several people.

Merlin Manson was born into the family of furniture salesman Hugh Warner and nurse Barbara Warner. My father was a Catholic from Germany. Throughout his childhood, his mother took Brian to the Episcopal Church. He studied from the first to the tenth grade at a school called the Heritage Christian School. Somewhat later, the teenager was transferred to an educational institution named after Cardinal Gibbons, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He studied there until 1987. A very strong influence on Brian was the sexual fetishes of his own grandfather, he spoke about this in his autobiography The Long Hard Road Out of Hell.

After graduating from high school in Florida, Marilyn Manson got a job at a local magazine with musical direction. He was in the position of a reporter, and was also a music critic. In his spare time, Brian wrote poetry. Together with the guitarist Scott Putesky in 1989 they organized their own rock band. Following the example of Merlin, the musicians began to change their names to pseudonyms one by one. In this way Puteski became Daisy Berkowitz, in Olivia Newton Bundy turned into Brian Tyutyunnik, a Peri Pandrea called himself For For Spec.

The group was originally named Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids, which included Manson (vocalist), Berkowitz (guitarist), Olivia Newton-Bundy (bass guitar) and Per Per Spec(keyboards). However, Newton-Bundy and Speck soon left the band, and new keyboardists took their places. Madonna Wayne Gacy and bass player Gidget Gein, who, at the age of 39, died suddenly from a drug overdose, namely heroin.

The concerts of the young group were distinguished by various show programs. Everything was used in a row, for example, sandwiches and hamburgers could fly from the stage to the audience, almost naked shaven-headed girls danced in iron cages, they could also be crucified on crosses, a lot of open fire, flashes, and so on, in general, everything that could enhance impression.

The musicians also looked one more original than the other. For example, keyboardist Gacy played from a small booth labeled "Pogo's Playhouse". Bassist Berkowitz wore a bra, a miniskirt, and a long-haired white wig. At the end of the microphone, Brian has a huge cleaver, and the microphone could also be decorated with metal brass knuckles. All members of the group constantly smoked, could douse themselves with water and throw bottles, creating an atmosphere of disorder and chaos.

Filmography of Marilyn Manson

Brian first tried himself in the role of an actor in 1997, in the film Lost Highway, directed by David Lynch. The following year, along with girlfriend Rose McGowan, Merlin starred in Killer Queens. In 2003, Manson played female role in the film "Club Mania". In 2004, she starred in the film Chicks, directed by Asia Argento. The role of the bartender Manson got in the film "Vampire", released in 2007. A small episode in which Merlin gives an interview was filmed in the film "Bowling for Columbine" directed by Michael Moore.

Merlin also worked on his own film, called "Phantasmagoria", but in 2007 the project was stopped for unknown reasons and for an indefinite period. Brian's film budget was $4.2 million. The premiere of the film "Splatter Sisters" was expected in 2011, in which the musician starred with his ex-lover Evan Rachel Wood.

A film biography about Merlin Manson was broadcast on the American channel The Biography Channel on October 6, 2010. He talked about Brian and all Marilyn group Manson. AT this project friends and teammates participated: Keith Flint, Jonathan Davis, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, Sharon Osbourne, Joey Jordison, Evan Rachel Wood, Twiggy Ramirez and others.

The next role was in the film "Wrong Cops" (in English "Wrong Cops") directed by French director Quentin Dupye in 2012. In 2013, Manson starred in his favorite series, in which he also played in the 6th season in 2 episodes, and the series is called Californication. In general, Marilyn Manson loves to act in films.

Marilyn Manson's personal life

Rose McGowan is the first girl Marilyn was engaged to in 1998. But due to disagreements in 2000, the engagement was canceled. Dita Von Teese is Manson's first wife. The wedding took place on November 28, 2005. The marriage of the singer with the actress did not last long and already in 2006, on December 29, the wife filed for divorce. The reason for the breakup was family disagreements and domestic violence. Merlin Manson's next passion is young actress Evan Rachel Wood, whom he met from December 2006 to October 2008. Then the musician became interested in the model and pornographic actress from the USA Stoy. Their relationship lasted from March to December 2009.

After breaking up with Stoya, Brian resumed love relationship with Evan Rachel Wood, whom he proposed to in January 2010 and she agreed. True, in August of the same year, the engagement was broken off due to the same disagreements. "Caridi English is dating Marilyn Manson" - such a rumor appeared on the World Wide Web at the end of October 2010. Caridi English is the winner of season #7 famous show"America's Next Top Model" However, the gossip was refuted by English. “We are just friends,” the girl wrote in her blog on Twitter. In 2010, on August 14, the musician was spotted with photographer Lindsay Yusich.

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