Sonya Shatalova: a guest from the future. Sonya Shatalova

Sonya reads, instantly "photographing" the text, composes poetry. She has her own system of ideas about the structure of the subtle world and original terminology, which partially overlaps with the terminology of Daniil Andreev, although Sonya has not read The Rose of the World. When asked, "How do you know that?" She replies, "I've always known that." Lenya Yanushevich believes that Sonya knows IT "from the same place as Daniil Andreev." Like everyone else, I heard many stories about telepathy, but now I came across this phenomenon face to face: it turned out that Sonya can read minds.
Sonya is 11 years old, but she behaves like a Small child. She is diagnosed with childhood autism.

When you turn to her, the impression is that she does not hear and does not listen, and is not able to listen. She's disabled. In everyday life, she is helpless like a one and a half or two-year-old child, not capable of the simplest manual work (watering flowers from a watering can), and last year, as I was told, she monotonously walked around the yard in a circle for hours, and even earlier - also for a long time, screamed for hours .

What can a sick ten-year-old girl write?

“I like night and day.
I like their dissimilarity.
I also like their stitching
Embroidered with stars and sun rays.
I like their wonders and secrets.
Witness of the great Book of events,
The book that God writes about the world.
"For some reason I really need
Glass burgundy sunset
Turn into an orange morning.

Color with your joy
houses, fences,
Crying and tears
Wash all windows and roads.
All the rubbish of life
Powerful blood flow
Demolish and burn in your heart.

And it's not a sacrifice, no
But just help a lost world.

"People are different, like stars
I love everyone,
The heart contains all the stars of the universe"

"What makes you go into immortality
The smallest particles of life?
They are separated by stars and centuries,
And I disappear with them.

But disappearing, in the Universal book
I leave clear lines.
And in every atom, and in every moment
Bridges have been built between me and Eternity.

Sonya gives the definition in non-childish words:
"Science is a system of knowledge based on doubt."
Those who are familiar with the sciences from the inside will be surprised at the accuracy of words. Doubt is one of the methodological pillars of science (the other is faith*).

But the girl is asked further. What is a "thought"? How will she define her understanding of "thought"? When you ask Sonya, she doesn't look (can't look) at you. When writing an answer, he does not look at the sheet of paper. Looks to the side, sometimes - the opposite. And writes somewhere behind his back.
Again she gives her answer (I repeat, she was only eight years old):
Thought is the greatest power in the world after love.
What is shame?
"Shame is the fire that burns sin out of the soul."
But what is the "soul" itself?
Which of us, adults and smart, will dare to answer the question, what is the soul? I wouldn't hesitate. I can hardly think of anything but a tautology.
Sonya writes:
"The soul is an empty place in a person that a person can fill with God, or Satan."

Sonya has been writing poetry since the age of six. From the age when the parents first learned that the girl understands human speech (before they thought that she did not understand anything), and even knows how (learned) to read from somewhere, although she was not taught.
At eight there was a problem teaching her how to use a spoon. The girl was sitting in front of full plate, and was hungry, and the spoon lay right there. But she cannot take a spoon and eat. She was crying from hunger - and was absolutely helpless. She couldn't do those arbitrary actions. And her mother had to say to her: "Sonya, take a spoon." Then only Sonya was able to take it. "Scoop up." Scooped up. "Take it in your mouth." And so on.

The cat is a symbol of cozy independence.
Museum - canned time.
Thought is the most powerful force in the world after love.
- what distinguishes the world from chaos.
The bird is the embodied thought of God about song and flight.
Laughter is a doctor for a sad soul.
Shame is a fire that burns sin out of a person's soul.
A hurricane is a crazy wind.
Mankind is all people together, if we consider them as one big person.
An essay is an emotion expressed as a thought.

"In the rhythm of the fire
there are very strange pauses.
They disturb me
And at the same time, they are mesmerizing.

Remembering something ancient
And already - not me, but someone,
Who once lived
And once out of the swamp,

And I saw a burning tree.
And God told him: "Use it!"
And he believed in this voice so
That a man was already walking through the forest ... "

He and Prof. Arkhipov, who leads her, the opinions are the same: this girl is very unusual, but she will speak, and in general the prognosis is very favorable.

“Out of time, the command to survive.
Inhale-exhale - the excitement of the air -
Inside-out. Imagine
A sudden timelessness.
And it will be your survival.
Remembrance will inspire,
A memory of mutual delight
With the Almighty. Eternity ahead! »

To Sonya, on the advice of L.N., they began to make increased demands, almost like a healthy girl and in a fairly solid form.
At the first lesson, she even got confused. Firstly, she was offered to go through a whole obstacle course with the dog, and through the same obstacle she had to either climb over or crawl under it. The dog tells you exactly what to do. Secondly, she now has no opportunity and time to run away, hide, etc. And you know? When she heard that she could work like a fifteen-year-old girl, she began to work!
The only hitch for her for the first time was ... to show where the dog's head is and where the tail is. That's not what I expected. But on the second lesson, she already coped with this.
Sonya is studying under the mass school program in the 8th grade of the "Ark" school, and she is an "excellent" student. She has teachers specially trained to work with such children. She has been writing essays, poetry and fairy tales since the age of seven. Three times she took part in the all-Moscow competition for children and youth literary creativity"Magic Word" (held every two years). The first time she received an honorable mention for poetry, the second time - the 2nd prize for poetry, the third time - first place for fairy tales and the third - for poetry. In all cases, according to the conditions of the competition, the jury did not know that Sonya was disabled. It became known only at the presentation of the award. That is, in all cases, she competed with ordinary, completely full-fledged children, as an equal child of the same kind.

"It's me Sonya! I was yesterday in Moscow! In dogs and in sunflowers! I could! But how tired I am. I came home and cried. And then she messed up. But I was able to go and practice! Moved from the place of the beacon ends. But how does all this mental mess hanging in the air interfere. But Tanya said that I was doing well.!”

I have so much to say!
Who thinks that gold is in silence?
Road blocked by stones
words from the heart - well, not sad?
This “gold” is so oppressive.
It lay like a rock on my chest.
AT past life I was speaking.
How can I get my freedom back?

Dream within a dream

We spend most of our lives in a dream.
We sleep at night - and often awake.
I also sleep, and I dream
That I live a different life.
I speak, I write, I sing.
Yes Yes! I sing with words!
I sang a song to my mom!
And all my former life -
Like a dream -
In my dream I remember.
Is it all with me?
I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid of everything
Clumsy, dumb -
Come on, is that me?
Then I wake up.
Yes it's me. And the songs are a dream.
Or maybe I'm sleeping now?
I'm confused, I don't know!
When will I wake up?
Say, please, oh Lord
I call to you!

Ask me
Oh heart
What's in the sun's depths
It's beating.
Ask me
About the song -
She is my heart
And I will give two answers
In one word:
Ask me
About the stars
What's in mom's eyes
Ask me
About the luminaries
Myriads of eyes looking.
And again two answers
Merge together:
What an amazing
The word is Love!

You and me

You and me, together we can
Do a lot of good deeds.
We can stitch events like this
That sewing will conquer all evil.
You just need to be able to put up
with my own soul
And then put up with God's peace
it will be easy for us.
We are with you - the Power of the World,
And we can live in love.

My dreams

I can do a lot: with a dream to model the worlds, with a prayer to silently pardon; and think. By the power of thought to make instantly - or maybe slowly - the mosaic of my Metagalaxy.
All people dream, even those who say that they do not like to dream. The more often a person dreams, the more interesting it is to live.
But I think that in order for dreams to come true, you need to be able to dream correctly. After all, a dream is a model of the desired future in three levels: the first in the imagination, the second in desire, and the third in the mental stitching of events. To dream correctly means to correctly take into account all the already existing connections of oneself as a dreaming person with the world around. And understand what new connections are needed, and then stitch events. And all the time you have to look at how crosslinking affects the connections that already exist in the world.
I also love to dream. I dream of a future where I can talk and sing songs and I can do everything myself. I will have many friends and a favorite job. I will help people stitch events together and work as a dream consultant.
But in order for such a future to take place, it is necessary that, as far as possible, more people accepted God, came to Him. So I will first help people with this. How? Most likely in a word: poetic and prayerful.
For everything to be so, it is necessary to correctly stitch events now. And I try.
8 years

Now Sonya is 19 years old.
- material taken from the site.

Shatalova Evgenia Nikolaevna: “I am the mother of a very talented child with “developmental features”, and with all the ensuing difficulties. I have a normal family - a husband, an older beloved daughter Vika and a younger "special" beloved daughter Sofiyushka. I love the forest, fantasy books, I love cats very much.

I do not like the use of obscenities and also the term "scoop" in relation to the country where I passed most of of my life. I especially don't like it when people born in the late 70s-80s use this term.

My daughter Sofiyushka also writes in this magazine. She November 12, 1993. birth, and she has severe autism. Sonya cannot speak, and communicates in writing or through a computer. Her posts begin with the words "it's me Sonya" Sonya really appreciates your comments, they are for her a connection with the surrounding reality. Sofia is a poet and philosopher, you can get acquainted with her work, for example, here:
and also on the site "Children of the Rain" there is her page.

If someone wants to help Sonya pay for rehabilitation measures, this can be done
by transfer to a Sberbank card
Sberbank of Russia JSC
BIC 044525225
TIN 7707083893
Gearbox 775003035
OKATO 45286580000
Corr. account 30101 810 4 0000 0000 225 in the OPERA of MSTU of the Bank of Russia
Shatalova Evgenia Nikolaevna
Account 40817810738121711801
card 67628038 8136637060
transfer to Alfa-bank account
BIC 044525593
TIN 7728168971
Shatalova Evgenia Nikolaevna
account 40817810704140015303
Yandex money

Sonya SHATALOVA: quotes (aphorisms)

Excitement - such a hobby, when it is impossible to do anything else, as long as there is strength.
8 years

AFRICAN is the best scout for night reconnaissance.
10 years

BUTTERFLY is the main sign of summer happiness.
8 years

WIND - air that does not like rest.
8 years

VERLIBR - a verse that may not obey the laws of versification and will not become worse from this.
8 years

DOCTOR - one who removes the weeds of diseases from the herb of health

SIN is a scab on the soul that separates a person from God.
SIN is a thought or action against the image of God in oneself.
9 years

YES is the positive pole of the agreement scale.
10 years

CHILDHOOD is the dawn of fate in human life.
10 years

DOGDIK - a river with a holey bottom.
8 years

SOUL is a void in a person, which he fills with God or Satan.
8 years

LIFE is a breath of God's generosity on the nature He created.
8 years

BEETLE - insect tank

Ambush - a secret waiting with bad intentions for those who are waiting.
8 years

SOUND is one of the main colors with which the picture of the world is written.
8 years

ACQUAINTANCE - a meeting of different understandings of the world, or even different worlds.
8 years

THE GAME is a real sham.
8 years

IMPROVISATION - a game of imagination with words, sounds, colors to quickly get something new.
8 years

CARRIAGE - chair-bed on wheels.
10 years

The CAT is a symbol of cozy independence.
8 years

WING − main feature anything that can fly.
8 years

ERASER is a great spelling mistake concealer.
ERASER - forever closed repository of typos.

SHOWER - rain bully

HORSE - big warm four-hoofed happiness

MASK − face of one expression.
10 years

WISDOM is the measure between "little" and "many".
10 years
MUSEUM - canned time.
8 years

MUSIC is the song of God in the perception of man.

THOUGHT is the most powerful force in the world after love.
THOUGHT - the courage of the mind to formulate images in words.
THOUGHT is what distinguishes the world from chaos.
8 years

NECESSARY - a whip for the will.

SCIENCE is knowledge based on doubt.
10 years

NOVELTY is such a phenomenon that from meeting with it your world becomes richer.
8 years

NEWS - everything that no one else knows about

NIGHT - black umbrella with stars.
10 years

IMAGE - a picture that appears in the brain when you see, hear, feel or even remember something.
8 years

DEFINITION - these are the verbal boundaries of the concept

REST - work with pleasure.
8 years

WEATHER - the mood of nature.

WHY - bridge from effect to cause.

THEREFORE - a bridge from cause to effect.

OVERCOMING - the effort of the soul, as a result of which the mind and body cope with all sorts of obstacles.
9 years

ADVENTURE is such an unusual event that changes your world and you in some way.
8 years

BIRD - the embodied thought of God about song and flight.
8 years

NATURE - the view of God around Himself.

ROLE is the life that is lived in the game.
8 years

ROMANCE - the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary.
8 years

A FAIRY TALE is a life invented by the soul when its real life does not suit it.
8 years

BRACKETS are walls for words in written language.
8 years

LAUGHTER is a doctor for a sad soul.
8 years

The DOG is the barking embodiment of fidelity and obedience.
10 years
COMPETITION is doing something together to see who can do it better.
8 years

SPIRAL - a straight line frozen in a dance.
10 years

SHAME is a fire that burns sin out of a person's soul.
9 years

FEAR is the causative agent of cowardice.
FEAR is a brake on the way to action.

LUCK - an event that causes a feeling of good mood.
8 years
SMILE is the password of goodwill.

HURRICANE - crazy wind.
8 years

Stubbornness is a brake on the development of humanity.
Stubbornness is a stone in character that the best intentions stumble over.

EAR - a trap for sounds in living beings.
8 years

FANTASY - fabric to decorate the existence of the soul.
10 years

A HUMAN is such a living creature that has a mind, speech, skillful hands and the ability to decide how to use it all.
8 years

HUMANITY is all people together, if they are considered as one big person.

SKULL - a small bone box in the skeleton, which contains the universe.
8 years

BALL - a cube without corners and edges.
10 years

ESSE is an emotion expressed as a thought.
8 years

Sonya SHATALOVA: poetry

Sonya (Sofia) SHATALOVA (b. 1993)- she is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation." So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write. | | | | .

Sonya is engaged in drawing in the studio of the Sunflower Center. Her amazing poems and essays (Sonya is a student of Viktor Krotov) were published by the publishing house "Ark", now another book is being prepared, jointly with Asya Klimanova.
To tell something more about her is to be a poet. How is she. Because Sonya Shatalova is one of those who has the courage and talent to convey to us without distortion the light and twilight of the translucent and wondrous world to which she is a witness. Let her own lyrics speak.

I'm not alone!
For some reason I can't get enough
No food
No pleasant things
No meetings.
I'm not at all capricious
I have luxury and solid holidays
No need.
I would like to eat only three times a day -
Not pickles, no, simple food.
But it's also not enough!
I would like to communicate
With good people.
But I can't -
Autism gets in the way.
With ridiculous behavior, with fears, dumb -
Who is interested in me?
Who needs me?
And the hands are inept, and the will is deprived -
Did you feel sorry for me?
No need!
The Lord is with me, I am not alone!
With me and my mother and sister,
And even dad helps
Although he does not always believe.
Father told me:
- your disease
It's good for you now.
You must walk this path.

Be patient, heal, and most importantly, pray.
The day will come when you will be free
Just be with God.
So He is in the heart!
It fills the chest!
I whisper to you
Those main words?
— Have mercy, Lord.
I am not alone with you!
8 years

"What makes you go into immortality
The smallest particles of life?
They are separated by stars and centuries,
And I disappear with them.
But disappearing, in the Universal book
I leave clear lines.
And in every atom, and in every moment
Bridges have been built between me and Eternity.

People are different, like stars
I love everyone,
The heart contains all the stars of the universe

Day and night
I like night and day.
I like their dissimilarity.
I also like their stitching
Embroidered with stars and sun rays.
I love their wonders and mysteries.
Witness of the great Book of events,
Books that God writes about the world.
8 years

The fire burned and the flames sang
About the Sun and about the pride of people.
And my head was on fire
From the bitterness of the past days.
I'm almost nine. This is eternity
Compared to campfire time.
Fate me to the end?
But he warmed people.
And I?
dumb, incompetent,
From the world behind the wall.
Called autism
My cursed disease.
Really loneliness -
Fate me to the end
And I will turn to ashes
Not warming the heart? ..
The bonfire wept as it burned.
Resin drips from the logs.
And I cry. 'Cause darling
The price of silence. God, give me the words!
8 years

Father Varlaam

Last night
We went to the temple
Down the long, long street
Along the banks of the Oka.
The snow crunched slightly.
Waves crashed softly
Behind the low houses.
And were my thoughts
Calm and soft.
The whole world poured into me
And with every splash of waves
I became more
And I grew up to the stars.
And the stars sang a song
The river followed them
And I sang to them
Free and easy.
And God silently listened to us,
And gave us love.
I shared it with the world
And grew stronger and stronger.
And I understood everything
And there was no doubt
But only jubilation
And inner peace.
Everything at home is gone.
But now I know
My time will come
And I will be like that.
8 years


* * *
Such a good snow today!
The last one is spring.
This is the glow of the passing winter.
9 years

* * *
You silently smiled at me
In passing, in the middle of things. —
And it's already spring outside.
9 years

How is sound in words related to meaning?
The secret is known only to God.
To comprehend it is to comprehend the structure of the world.
9 years

* * *
Outside the window the rain sings
And in the heart is a song without words.
The world is sewn together with a song.
21.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
Bird with a reddish breast
She told me: “Smell!”, -
And I greeted her.
22.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
Joy in every ringing drop
A drop of summer rain.
All who want, drink!
22.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
Bright, hot and fragrant.
Grass slaps your face...
And they say that happiness is not complete.
23.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
"Chizhik-pyzhik, where have you been?" —
Dad sang to me.
A song that crosses generations.
26.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
What to write a three-verse?
A buzzing mess of words in my head.
And my heart preferred silence.
29.6.05, 11 years old

* * *
You explain to me, mom
Why is the robe of the Sun red?
Poets paint flowers with words.
Sun and air, peace and dew,
Resentment and pain, and joy, and sadness -
Everything can be expressed in words.
But what colors the word gives?
What fills his blood?
Maybe the Sun?
After all, God is not without reason in the hearts of poets
Pieces of the Sun lit!

Rowan should be red.
If it's green
I am looking forward to autumn.

You said to me in silence
"You are my favorite hare" -
And the world was filled with song.


The birch log was once a birch.
She grew up on a hill
Made friends with wind and rain
Rinse green hair
In the hot sun...
And now it's just a piece of shit.
In dreams it sees the past
And whispers to me ... whispers ...


Do you remember, mother, the whisper of the past
At small houses behind the fortress wall?
Remember, I heard a horse stomp
Regiments leaving for a righteous battle?
Do you remember mountain ash, a bitter red brush
On a tree near an ancient temple?
Such a same grew and at that time dangerous,
Can you imagine it, mom?
Do you remember we were with you by the river?
"Saucer" is a very funny name.
The events of the past are so far away
But the shore keeps here the old knowledge...

Ask me
Oh heart
What's in the sun's depths
It's beating.
Ask me
About the song -
She is my heart
And I will give two answers
In one word:
Ask me
About the stars
What's in mom's eyes
Ask me
About the luminaries
Myriads of eyes looking.
And again two answers
Merge together:
What an amazing
The word is Love!

love you sew
From amazing fabric:
It has summer rain
What is so desirable in the heat.
There is a taste of water
Satisfying mortal thirst
And there is the light of dawn
What a sleepless night I crave.

Where do people bury their talents?
In what quiet places does the heart tremble go?
Does the soul see or not that it is getting poorer?

Sonya SHATALOVA: articles (compositions)

Sonya (Sofia) SHATALOVA (b. 1993)- she is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation." So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write. | | | | .

essay on literature

“Money doesn’t smell,” the Roman emperor said when he began collecting taxes from public latrines. The phrase has become winged for everyone who does not care how to make a profit. But is it? Yes, indeed, coins and paper money do not have a physical smell, and a person’s nose cannot determine where the money came from.
But the actions of a person that led to the receipt of money have a smell for the human soul, and this smell is determined not by the nose, but by conscience. No wonder there is also the expression "this thing smells bad."

Money can smell of blood and sweat, the bitterness of tears and burning resentment. They can smell of sugary-nauseous deceit and the heady sparkle of victorious luck.

The money received by dad for hard, with the strain of all his physical and mental strength, work, smells of salty sweat and pain. This is how the salary of all workers smells - it is wages. An athlete who has won a difficult competition, or an artist who has suddenly played a role unusually well, in addition to the smell of sweat, can feel the intoxicating joyful smell of victory.
But the money that the government pays to the victims of terrorist attacks - they smell of blood and death, resentment and deceit, because they are given for blood, pain, and death by those who could not protect people. The money that mom pays the cashier on the bus smells like her tears. And just like tears and burning resentment, the money of all former beneficiaries who were promised to be compensated for the loss of benefits, but they took away much more than they gave, smells of resentment.

And what do you think, what does money smell like, what do patients pay in a hospital? Medicines? No, they smell of fear and also pain. Yes, you can give a lot of examples, and any person with a conscience, if he wants, will give them. The only pity is when they prefer not to think about it.

Essay on social studies

The ancient Greek philosopher Thales was right when he asserted the difficulty of self-knowledge. Indeed, it is difficult, that is, it requires great work, and it is difficult, because at the same time unpleasant feelings and thoughts often occur, and self-knowledge requires a lot of courage.

What does it mean to know yourself? People usually think that this means knowing one's character well, one's tastes, reactions, possibilities... This, of course, is correct, but this is the highest, simplest level of self-knowledge! Let's think about it: man was created in the image and likeness of God, and to know oneself is to know His image, to look for His likeness in oneself! There is no end and no boundaries, if you treat with due fear and are guided by prayer.

Further. Also in the deepest antiquity, long before the ancient Greeks, the law "Macrocosm in microcosm" was known. The whole Universe is enclosed in a man, with all its levels and laws. Knowing yourself - you know the Universe - also knowledge without boundaries. The prospects are colossal.
All this is difficult for the following reasons.

First. Through Satan and his supporters, a lot of evil has penetrated into the Universe. And as a result of the Fall, there is evil in the soul of every person, even the best. There is such a law: “Like to like”. Studying some dark sides its personality, it is very easy to go to such horror that there will be enough problems for the rest of your life. Or become a worse person than he was before this study. Need a lot of courage, heart, full of love, and unceasing prayer for help to overcome such knowledge. And an experienced teacher who has already gone through this path.

Second. A person cognizes the world around and himself in this world with the help of sensations as the initial stage of any cognition. And sensations are a matter that largely depends on the person himself, his properties as a biological body. If you do not take into account your body, then there may be errors and difficulties in identifying phenomena. inner world, and you can come to false conclusions. That is, it is necessary to study the laws of your body, and not everyone likes this.

Third. Ordinary human laziness, thoughts like: “Why do I need all this, life is difficult without it”, etc. It is also difficult to overcome laziness and these moods. But if you take the path of laziness and do not engage in self-knowledge even at the first level, then you can lose a lot as a person.


It is so easy inside, so open and free, there are no constipations and prohibitions, and the mind is disconnected from the outside world. I am joyful, and I feel strongly the love of God for me. And before that, it’s tense and painful inside. In order for the pain to go away and lightness to come, you need to draw in your mind a picture of the words and images that are spinning in your head. If the picture is good, then there comes a moment of silence, and then comes lightness - and the words go by themselves. It is better to draw a picture while sitting and twirl something in your hands. Where does tension come from - I don't know, it starts on its own. It grows and turns into pain, and sometimes I even cry. Words more and more ask to come out, burn my heart, and I begin to paint a picture. I must not write poetry, otherwise I will die. And I want to live. I have so much to do, and so little time. I want to write like this so that the world becomes different, closer to God. And I will get it.
8 years


Why do you live? Born, here and live? In general, why do people live? God, when He sends to this world, says to everyone: “Work hard and glorify Me with your deeds.”

To understand what kind of things these things should be ... I think so, for me these are poems, at least now. It is impossible for me not to write them, otherwise I will die of pain, I will burst from the pressure of words in my head. I feel a special, very strange power in the words. She can change the world. I want to master this power so that it serves God. Maybe that's what I live for.
8 years


The light was blue and sparkling. The light was green and mysterious. The light was red and joyful. The light was iridescent, and all around stretched Wonderland. Do you think this is a fairy tale? And this is our street at night New Year! And New Year's fireworks made it magical. That was a miracle!


We were in the museum "Kuskovo". We walked through a wonderfully beautiful park. He was gorgeous and smart, all in iridescence various shades gold, crimson, green and purple flowers above and red-brown, yellow-green and water-steel below. Space, harmony, sculptures of people and friendly lions... I had a very unusual feeling of the presence of the past around me, some kind of space-time immobility. Letters of eternity next to the street, buses, cars... Then we went into the palace. There was that feeling too, only more acute. Such important, arrogant people in the portraits, they seem to say: "We lived here when the artists painted these portraits of us, we live here and now, and you are all just passing by, fleeting people. We are the masters here." After visiting Kuskovo, I realized that, it turns out, time can also be conserved, and this is done in museums.
11.10.02, 8 years old


Why is the world so cruel to itself? Wars, famine, terrorists. After all, God has conceived something completely different... Feelings of anger and fear are painful for me when they spill out. The air is poisoned and the water is bitter. Time covers the Russians with a thick veil of the past, and all these dark feelings, like abscesses, ripen inside the aura of the people, they poison the souls and minds of people with their invisible pus. And when such abscesses break through - what troubles, how many deaths, grief, resentment! And a new malice enters the world. It's time to stop doing this! This hurts not only me, but all the children, and it hurts God. For the sake of the children, for the sake of God, stop releasing hate into the world, think good things, speak kind things, do deeds of love! After all, if God decides Himself to stop this disgrace, the end of the world will come, and who is ready for it?
28.10.02, 9 years old


All people dream, even those who say that they do not like to dream. The more often a person dreams, the more interesting it is to live. But I think that in order for dreams to come true, you need to be able to dream correctly. After all, a dream is a model of the desired future in three levels: the first in the imagination, the second in desire, and the third in the mental stitching of events. To dream correctly means to correctly take into account all the already existing connections of oneself as a dreaming person with the world around. And understand what new connections are needed, and then stitch events. And all the time you have to look at how crosslinking affects the connections that already exist in the world. I also love to dream. I dream of a future where I can talk and sing songs and I can do everything myself. I will have many friends and a favorite job. I will help people stitch events together and work as a dream consultant. But for such a future to take place, it is necessary that as many people as possible accept God, come to Him. So I will first help people with this. How? Most likely in a word: poetic and prayerful. For everything to be so, it is necessary to correctly stitch events now. And I try.

Sonya SHATALOVA: prose

Sonya (Sofia) SHATALOVA (b. 1993)- she is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation." So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write. | | | | .


In one country, on one land, there lived a Girl. Her eyes were blue, her cheeks were pink, her hair was blond. The Girl had both mom and dad, and an older sister, and a beloved rabbit.

She also had fear. Very big, strong and cruel. He lived with the Girl, went with her everywhere and forbade her everything: to play, and to walk, and to read books, and to make friends - everything was impossible, everything was scary and dangerous. It got to the point that the Girl was even afraid to speak. And no one - neither dad and mom, nor doctors and teachers - could help her, Fear held on to the Girl so tightly. And besides, this Fear was able to become invisible to others. It is not known how the life of the Girl would have passed if one day ...

The girl was at home alone. She stood at the window and looked out into the street. Autumn owned the street: golden and crimson leaves swirled in a round dance around the fiery maples, entwined into whirlwinds over the paths, and finally laid on the ground in a motley mosaic. The girl really wanted to go outside, rustle with leaves and pick them up in a bouquet, but Fear fettered her legs and did not let her go.

"If only some wizard could help me!" - the girl thought in despair. And suddenly a very large swirl of leaves formed over one of the paths - and a man came out of it right! He was tall, thin, with a cap of silver hair shining in the sun and a silver beard. He was dressed in a gray sweater, large glasses adorned his face, and a black bag hung over his shoulder.

The man raised his head, saw the Girl in the window, and smiled. And then he went, as if flying, to the house. And now he was already in the room, went through the locked door!

Hello Girl! - said the man.
But the Girl cannot answer: Fear sealed her mouth, and he himself became invisible. The man said:
- You know, I'm a magician. Through my glasses I can see the invisible.

He took off his glasses, wiped the glasses, put them on again - and saw Fear! And I saw what this Fear had done to the Girl.
- Ah, that's it! .. - said the Wizard. “We wizards have our specialties. So my specialty is to help people with all sorts of fears to fight. I will help you.

The Girl really wanted to take them, but Fear won't let her! She wrings her hands back, turns her head away, generally pushes her into a corner. And the Wizard holds out magical things and waits patiently, only smiling encouragingly at the Girl.

The Girl realized that here it was, her chance, she gathered all her strength and touched the fountain pen with her hand. And the pen immediately stuck to her fingers. Then the Girl was able to take the paper. And he feels: Fear has weakened, let go of her fingers on her hand.

Wizard asks:
- Do you see your own fear well? What is it you have, write.

And the girl suddenly wrote:
"Fear is a shield against life."

Then she also wrote:
“I don’t want to protect myself from life with such a shield. I don't need a shield from life."

Feels: Fear shrinks and mutters: “I protect you from dangers…”

And the Wizard says:
- What do you think fear is for someone else? Well, at least for a hare in the forest, or for a clown in a circus, or for a learned mathematician?

And the girl wrote:
"For a hare, fear is the possibility that a fox is hiding behind a nearby bush."

The hare has a keen sense of smell and fast legs, the Wizard replies. - He will smell the fox and run away.

The girl writes:
"For a clown, fear is when his jokes are not laughed at."

The Wizard answers:
- The clown can funny jokes to find and train so funny to tell them that everyone will just fall down with laughter.

“For a mathematician,” writes Girl, “fear is courage with a negative sign.”

As a magical mathematician, I know for sure, - says the Magician, - that a negative value can be made positive. Just need to change the sign. The laws of mathematics allow this.

The girl feels: Fear is weakening, getting smaller, lower.

The Wizard asks:
What color is Fear?

The girl looked and said:
- Gray-brown-blue. Fear of fear turned gray and blue.

How did you know that Fear has fear?

He was trembling and covered with pimples, - the Girl answered and wrote: “Fear is when the skin turns pale, gray, turns blue and covered with goosebumps, and the eyes become round.”

Like this? asked the Wizard, trembling and rounding his eyes.

The girl looked and laughed, it looked so funny. And Fear shrank so much from her laughter that it simply became fear!

The wizard looked out the window and asked:
- There you have, on the street, a hatch open in the ground. When you go for a walk, will you come up to see what's down there?

So what is fear? asked the Wizard.

Fear is a danger signal, - the Girl answered again in a voice.

Well, now you are free, - the Wizard smiled and disappeared.

Probably went to other people to help fight fear. And the joyful Girl ran for a walk and collect autumn leaves.

About the Man: oh. Konstantin Kravtsov about Sonya Shatalova

Sonya (Sofia) SHATALOVA (b. 1993)- she is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation." So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write. | | | | .

The breath of God's bounty on the nature created by Him

Sonya Shatalova lives in Moscow. She is sick with autism, cannot speak, can only make monotonous and monotonous movements, does not react in any way during communication with her, is completely detached and non-contact. Doctors made a diagnosis: "Profound mental retardation."

So it was until the seven-year-old Sonya had a pen, and her mother touched Sonya's hand at that moment. And Sonya began to write.

Some doctors could not believe it for a very long time. It is difficult to see in a child who can only make indistinct sounds, screams for hours and cannot even bring something reasonable to his mouth with a spoon. However, after reading what Sonya writes in her childish handwriting, you will understand that we hardly know anything about the mind at all.

Sonya wrote a lot of things: poems, fairy tales, diaries, aphorisms. There you can think and reflect on every line. Here is Sonya's entry after a lesson at the dolphinarium: "...Today I swam with Vakhusya without a dad. Vakhusya reassured me and said that I was like a dolphin girl, and I have a tail and fins and I am in harmony with the water. This was such an image And more about free flow will, that you don’t need to strain it, but simply let it go in the right direction. And the direction - well, listen to the Creator, there is always a sense of harmony. These are no longer mental images, I somehow understood this while swimming. Vahusya took a fish from me three times. I need to think a lot, and above all about the free flow of the will. Dolphins are so harmonious because their will is always directed towards the Creator." Such is the discrepancy between the external and the internal...

Friends, many of you know Sonya Shatalova. We were touched by the talent of a baby with autism, reading her poems and amazing aphorisms. "Shame is the fire that burns sin out of the soul."
“The soul is an empty place in a person that a person can fill with God or Satan”
... The baby has grown. I really need help.
Here is what her mother, Evgenia Shatalova, writes on Facebook.
About Sona.
Her work is very difficult. If mentally it improves, then physically it is very, very bad, and now it is already critically bad.
I have repeatedly written that she has a rectal ulcer and prolapse of the intestine. I received a lot of comments that ulcers are easily treated, recommendations of various folk methods of treatment, advice for rectal plastic surgery ... For someone, probably, all this is true. Ah, if only this were the case...
We consulted with almost all surgeons in Moscow who deal with such problems. The clinics of Tsarkov, Puchkov, the Institute of Coloproctology, the 24th hospital ... Everyone said that an operation was necessary, but no one dared to do it - the risk of postoperative complications in itself is too high, and due to mental characteristics it increases many times. We do not know how to care for such patients after surgery. I have all the conclusions with refusals from these clinics in my hands.
Now Sonya has an ulcer that occupies the ENTIRE LENGTH of her rectum. Very frequent, almost daily, bleeding. And now there is more swelling.
Sonya experiences severe pain, which is not removed by analgin, nurofen, ketanol, etc.
The fact that she does not sleep at night is due precisely to these pains. Professor Vincent Gosha from France, after looking at the ulcer, said that they anaesthetize such patients with morphine.
On Saturday, I talked with a doctor - a surgeon and an immunologist, and I heard that if you leave everything as it is, Sonya's life expectancy will be significantly less than a year. And the operation is very, very risky, but it can give a chance.
Today we had a consultation with another surgeon from the GMS clinic. He scheduled an MRI of the pelvic organs under anesthesia for Monday (to exclude a purulent process in the small pelvis), and said that he would undertake to operate on Sonya. What a life threatening situation. And you need to do it at the end of May-beginning of June, no later. Since it will be done in a commercial clinic, it will be paid (an invoice will be issued after a second consultation, after an MRI). But let's talk about the amount. over a million. I will contact the funds.
In the meantime, an MRI costing 27,200 r (one-hour anesthesia, a contrast agent, the MRI itself, an anesthesiologist's consultation). There may be a discount, but so far this amount has been announced.
And the doctor prescribed an anesthetic - Coletex-gel-DNA-L, two syringes of 40 g per day, the cost of one syringe is from 500 to 1000 r, depending on the pharmacy. Tomorrow I will call where there is.
Sonya is already exhausted ...

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Sonya Shatalova - probably the most famous in Russia unique child. This year she turns 20 years old, she has autism, and she is very similar to Alisa Selezneva: not only externally, but also because she is in a certain sense cosmic.

At the age of eight, she used to be unable to start eating without her mother’s command, sitting in front of a bowl of soup, but at the same age she was able to write: “Why do people live? God, when He sends to this world, says to everyone: “Work hard and glorify Me with your deeds.” I think so, for me it's poetry. It is impossible for me not to write them, otherwise I will die of pain, I will burst from the pressure of words in my head.

Her poems and aphorisms walk all over the Internet. Directors Nikita Tikhonov-Rau and Olga Arlauskas filmed about her documentary"In touch", entirely built on her works.

Today, on Autism Awareness Day, with the permission of Evgenia, Sonya's mother, we publish poems that the girl wrote at the age of nine, and an essay on social studies, written at thirteen.

Tomorrow, April 3, at 20:00, the RIA Novosti multimedia press center will host a free open screening of "In Out". And from April 4, in three Moscow cinemas: Khudozhestvenny, Fakel and Zvezda, this film will be shown, and half of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to help Sonya. The girl needs to pay for a tutor and a taxi: it is difficult for her to ride remedial classes on public transport. By the way, the film can be watched with subtitles on all platforms.

The fire burned and the flames sang

About the Sun and about the pride of people.

And my head was on fire

From the bitterness of the past days.

I'm almost nine. This is eternity

Compared to campfire time.

Fate me to the end?

But he warmed people.

dumb, incompetent,

From the world behind the wall.

Called autism

My cursed disease.

Really loneliness -

Fate me to the end

And I will turn to ashes

Not warming the heart? ..

The bonfire wept as it burned.

Resin drips from the logs.

And I cry. 'Cause darling

The price of silence. God, give me the words!

About genius, talent, God.Essay on social science. 2006

There is a parable about the talents in the Gospel. It tells how differently the slaves disposed of the wealth given to them by their master, and how the master reacted to their actions. Those who put talents to work and multiplied them received both talents and a reward. And the one who did not use talent in any way lost everything.

In those days, "talent" meant money, a large number of silver, and Jesus, telling this parable, meant money. The meaning of the parable was: everything that the Lord gives to a person, He gives not just like that, but for active use. And if you do not use this, He can take everything away.

Over time, the word "talent" began to mean any outstanding ability, something that stands out sharply against the background of ordinary human abilities.

They say that all people are born talented. Yes it is. The Lord does not release anyone into the world without the gift of talent, including those about whom they say "a person with disabilities." It's just that talents are very different, not only intellectual or artistic, but also emotional, mental, bodily, and all sorts. But most talents remain undiscovered, and through no fault of man. He himself does not know that he is talented.

From birth, a person must find himself in such a smart and loving environment so that all his talents can manifest in him, he can realize them and develop them further.

I knew little boy he was very sick. He could not speak, did not move, and was often in great pain. But he had a talent for prayer, and how he prayed! His mother loved him so much, and his father loved him, they gave him so much energy that he developed his prayer talent to an extraordinary height and beauty. This is an example of the realization and demand for talent in the most difficult conditions, this is what a smart loving environment does! But many called his mother unhappy.

Unfortunately, much more often the opposite happens, and with healthy people.

But here's the talent. In order for it to develop, it is necessary, firstly, that it be in demand in society, otherwise it will not allow it to fully manifest itself. And, secondly, the work of the person himself is needed. Demand is a complex matter, it depends on many factors. A particular person, especially a child, is often powerless here.

Labor is another matter. If you do not work and do not develop talent, then after a while it fades away, as if “falling asleep”. Longing, emptiness, a feeling of dissatisfaction settle in the soul. Internal resentment, irritation, envy of those who do not have such a state are growing. A person and his relatives often do not even understand what is happening and from what. They look for a variety of reasons, get sick, start drinking alcohol ... There are a lot of such people around, almost the majority. Helping these people is possible, albeit difficult. We need to help them look inside themselves and find the oppressed talent, and give them the opportunity to develop it.

If after that a person refuses to work on talent, then trouble. The Lord takes talent away, and with it many other things. I also know such examples.

But if a person develops and realizes his talent, then a state of happiness sets in. Even if his life is very hard, he knows happiness. The point here is that the Lord created us in His image and likeness, and gave us His creative energy. It is this energy that is realized through talent into the world, and through it a person can become a co-creator with God. It does not immediately turn on, which is why labor is needed. And one more thing is important to know: if the creative energy of talent is directed to evil, it burns the soul. This is inevitable, because it comes from God.

Now about genius. She is not a superpower or a supertalent. Genius is life at the same time in everyday reality and in the reality of God, sometimes even in the reality of one of the subtle worlds. The condition for the survival of genius is the transfer of these realities into everyday life. In any way, but if there is no such transmission, the genius goes crazy.

Obviously, genius is such a state, the state of the whole person. Being a genius is incredibly difficult, many of them come across as mentally ill or "weird" people. It's good when a genius has such a talent that he can successfully convey a different reality into an ordinary reality (for example, Pushkin, Dante, Lobachevsky ...). And if the talent is crushed or lies in some other area - trouble! And a genius must work incredibly hard, more than anyone else. And the measure of his work is different than that of ordinary ones, even very talented people. True, geniuses often have assistants from another reality, and this supports them.

A person can stop being a genius. if for some reason it ceases to live in other realities and remains only in the ordinary. This often happens with children. Or the Lord blocks access to His reality when a genius is inclined to evil.

Now the hardest part is about myself. Do I have talents? Yes, and not alone. Other people know my talent for poetry and writing. He showed up most in this moment and began to materialize. Other talents are still known only to me, because it is very difficult for them to manifest themselves. Because of which? Because I'm a genius. This is not boasting, genius is not boasted. I really live in several realities simultaneously and constantly. And my connection with everyday reality is the weakest, and the weakest at the bodily level. Hence the enormous difficulties in realizing one's talents, hence autism.

By the way, there are many geniuses among autists. I need to work a lot, a lot on myself in order to strengthen my connection with everyday reality and be able to transfer other realities into it, and most importantly, God's. I think this will be the main task of my life. I want people - everyone - to become closer to God, so that this everyday reality takes on the features of God. To change this world. I really want this to work.

A few more additions to make it clearer about genius.

First. All children, namely all, up to two years of age are brilliant. They live both in the ordinary and in the Divine reality, and transfer the Divine reality into the ordinary with their whole being (with their glance, smile, movement, their development) - in a word, by the very fact of their existence. Between two and three years, their final transition into our reality takes place, and they cease to be geniuses. This is a normal process for our fallen world, it is a consequence of the fall. If this did not happen, humanity in our fallen, distorted world would not be able to exist for a long time. So it's sad but true.

Second. Those children who different reasons does not lose ties with the Divine or other realities, most often become mentally ill or autistic. This usually happens because the talents necessary to transfer a different reality into the ordinary are not detected and developed, and sometimes even suppressed by improper education or treatment. And the child himself may simply not have enough strength to realize his talent. If all children from birth fell into a smart loving environment (both families and society), there would be more geniuses.

Third. Geniuses are different. There are those who after infancy in their entire lives have never again fallen into other realities, but traces, signs, phenomena of this other reality in our everyday life are well seen, perceive them as their own and convey their feelings to others, further strengthening these manifestations in our everyday life. our life (Yesenin, Mandelstam).

There are those who feel and see the traces, and occasionally fall into the Divine reality (Derzhavin).

And there are those who all the time live in two realities (God's and everyday, and sometimes they fall into some third one (Kant, Einstein, Plato, Pushkin).

Fourth. The realities in which geniuses live after three years are not always bright and good. If this is the reality of the world where there is no God's love and creative power, then genius serves evil. In this case, if he does not come to his senses, the fate of his soul is terrible. It can burn out while the body is still alive.

And fifth. It's very difficult to be a genius. It seems from the outside that everything is easy for a genius, that he, like a bird of God, lives without labor and without worries. It's just that a genius has a different energy. But genius is a constant balancing on the verge of reality, and if the talent is not as bright as that of Pushkin or Lobachevsky, for example, then balancing on the verge of mind-madness. A genius perceives the world purely physically in a different way, and hence often strange behavior, poor adaptation. And a genius needs a lot, a lot, a colossal lot of work, to develop all his talents to convey a different reality.

And the closer the connection with another reality, the more effort must be exerted to transfer it to the ordinary. Otherwise - madness or short life. As a rule, all long-lived geniuses are workaholics, but their reward from the Lord is amazing.

Nikita Tikhonov-Rau, director of the film "Out":

- I can’t say that during the filming Sonya and I had communication in the usual sense of the word. Sonya is in such a state that it is simply impossible to talk to her.

But communication is different. We have already finished work on the film, but we continue to communicate with her remotely. We now perceive the world, unconsciously constantly thinking how Sonya would see it, what she would think, what poems she wrote.

Sonya constantly ran away from the camera. And never looked directly at her. It is difficult for autistics to make such direct eye contact, so if you think the autistic is looking the other way, it is almost certain that they are actually looking at you. Sometimes a thread on a sweater could absorb it for an hour, and everything would stop.

Once we even asked her: “Sonya, maybe you don’t want us to film you?” And she shook her head. Then we asked: “Why do you want this movie to take place?” And she wrote on a piece of paper that she wanted people to hear her.

So the central question for Sony now is her need for the world. She has such a period that she does not understand whether she and her work are generally needed by someone or not? We had a premiere in Spain. And we brought 112 notes from viewers in Spanish. Words, hearts, kisses: "Sonya, we are with you", "You opened my eyes to the meaning of life", "Sonya, know that you have friends in Spain." And she also really needs a feedback from the audience of the film in Russia.

Evgenia Simonova reads Sonya Shatalova's poems:

There you can see the details to help the girl

<\>code for website or blog


    Good luck Sonya! May Faith, Hope and Love reign in your life! Be happy!

  1. Natalia

    Sonya, thank you. Your words, your life will help many people to understand themselves and their loved ones.


    Hello, Sonya! Your amazing words, I seemed to understand everything, but now I looked from the other side. It will be difficult, very hard. But you hold on, I know everything will be fine, because you know the secret. Which? Work. Above yourself, above this world. Be happy. And know that if someone suddenly offends you greatly, then have pity on him, for he himself is offended by God, do not be angry and the offense will not affect you! Remember there are people who understand you and believe in you! Good luck little fighter for life! You will win.

  2. Kirill

    Sonya, the flame of God in the heart is eternal, and therefore it seems that 9 years behind the wall, looking at the human fire, is eternity. This fire, which drips with tar, only knows how to talk about narcissism, or pride, which makes the difference even more real / tangible. But do not be afraid of him, the one who is inside you, stronger than that who is outside.

  3. hava roizen

    Well Sonya you are right! you have to pay for a lot, but life is one and we live in it together with it.


    Sonya, thank you for your poetry! Your silence is louder than our words. You are wiser and purer in soul than us, we are mired in the dirt of money, lust, the endless pursuit of everything that the enemy of the human race has given to the world ... God bless you!<3

    I have heard before that autists are far from stupid people) But some of the statements in the article are not true, for example, "They say that all people are born talented. Yes, it is. The Lord does not release anyone into the world without the gift of talent, including and those about whom they say "a person with disabilities""
    ———— The fact is that with the beginning of the degradation of mankind, low souls began to appear on earth, which became characterized by theft, robbery, violence. There was a division of people into those who realized themselves and God, and those who were unconscious. Such people desire only a roof over their heads, food and lust as a means of reproduction.

10-year-old Sonya Shatalova, who has autism, does not speak at all, but at the same time she accurately defines various words. Few adults are able to think of those definitions with which Sonya surprises her parents. The phrases written by her instantly become aphorisms, which only the great minds of mankind are capable of.

Sometimes a girl says some kind of “Be-be-be ....”, and that's it. And this is not a speech problem, but a psychological one. When you turn to her, the impression is that she does not hear and does not listen, and is not able to listen. She's disabled. In everyday life, she is helpless like a one and a half or two-year-old child, not capable of the simplest manual work (watering flowers from a watering can), and last year, as I was told, she monotonously walked around the yard in a circle for hours, and even earlier - also for a long time, screamed for hours .

And suddenly it turns out (for me it was literally a discovery) that behind such a veil Sonya has a deep inner world and inner speech. Although no one taught her to read and write, she mastered it herself. Writes - if a trusted person, for example, a mother, touches her hand from the back with a finger. This is the moral support necessary for Sonya to write.
What can a sick ten-year-old girl write?
At the literary circle it was required to give aphorisms-definitions of various concepts. For example, there was such a task: to give aphorisms-definitions, what is science? And what is the soul? Sonya answered (wrote): “Science is a system of knowledge based on doubt.” Does a ten-year-old girl, unable to speak, give this answer? She also wrote about the soul: “The soul is such an empty place in a person that a person can fill with God or Satan.” What adult is capable of giving such an answer?
She cannot speak, so the only way to communicate with her is in writing. Sonya reads, instantly "photographing" the text, composes poetry. She has her own system of ideas about the structure of the subtle world and original terminology. She has innate literacy. When asked, "How do you know that?" She replies, “I always knew that.” Unique child.

Sony's aphorisms

AZART- such a hobby, when it is impossible to do anything else, while there is strength. 8 years
AFRICAN- the best scout for night reconnaissance. 10 years
BUTTERFLY- the main sign of summer happiness. 8 years
WIND- air that does not like rest. 8 years
CHILDHOOD- the rise of fate in human life. 10 years
ACQUAINTANCE- a meeting of different understandings of the world, or even different worlds. 8 years
THE GAME- a real silliness. 8 years
IMPROVISATION- a game of imagination with words, sounds, colors, so that something new quickly turns out. 8 years
BOOK- a thing in which you can save the knowledge and feelings of people in time. 8 years
- a way of talking with many people through time. 8 years
HORSE- a big warm four-hoofed happiness.
MASK- the face of one expression. 10 years
WISDOM- a measure between "little" and "many". 10 years
MUSEUM- canned time. 8 years
MUSIC– a harmonious combination of sounds and emotions
THOUGHT- the most powerful force in the world after love. 8 years
- the courage of the mind to form images with words. 8 years
- what distinguishes the world from chaos. 8 years
THE SCIENCE- knowledge based on doubt. 10 years
- a system of knowledge in which there is no place for faith. 10 years

NOVELTY- such a phenomenon that from meeting with him your world becomes richer. 8 years
NIGHT- black umbrella with stars. 10 years
RELAXATION- work with pleasure. 8 years
OVERCOMING- the effort of the soul, as a result of which the mind and body cope with all sorts of obstacles. 9 years
ADVENTURE- such an unusual event that changes your world and you in some way. 8 years
ROLE is the life that is lived in the game. 8 years
ROMANCE- the mood when you see a miracle in everything ordinary. 8 years
STORY- this is a life invented by the soul when its real life does not suit it. 8 years
PARENTHESES- these are walls for words in written speech. 8 years
LAUGH- a doctor for a sad soul. 8 years
DOG- the barking embodiment of loyalty and humility. 10 years
COMPETITION is doing something together to find out who does it better. 8 years
SPIRAL- a straight line frozen in dance. 10 years
TABLE- the square on which the life of the plates and everything else that appears on it is played out. 8 years
SHAME- a fire that burns sin out of a person's soul. 9 years

FATE- these are the rigid event boundaries of the life of an individual. 8 years
FEAR- causative agent of cowardice
- brake on the way to action
ANXIETY- itchy tickling in the heart in anticipation of something unpleasant or incomprehensible
PLEASURE- this is when many guests work wonders with a bad mood. 8 years
HURRICANE- crazy wind. 8 years
EAR- a trap for sounds in living beings. 8 years
FANTASY- fabric to decorate the existence of the soul. 10 years
PHOTO is a preserved image. 10 years
HUMAN- such a living being that has a mind, speech, skillful hands and the ability to decide how to use it all. 8 years
HUMANITY is all people together, if they are considered as one big person.
SCULL- a small bone box in which the universe is enclosed in a skeleton. 8 years
BALL- a cube without corners and edges. 10 years
ESSAY- an emotion expressed as a thought. 8 years

Excerpts from Sony's diary

“It’s me Sonya. What is happening to me, the border between the past and the future between death and life is uneven and I’m moving along it, but you have to cross it. Lord help me, is it okay now?

“Today we again went to the forest, and dad walked with us. He led us and took pictures all the time. And in the forest, Autumn is either naughty or sad. Either he will throw a handful of variegated leaves right in your face, or he will decorate them, elegant, Christmas trees, well, just like New Year's toys ... And then he rustles with leaves, thoughtfully so, sadly, as if he is saying goodbye to them, and to good weather, and to green color ...

And how can I understand myself, why bitterness settles in my soul?

"It's me Sonya. I have an autumn mood. Autumn, autumn! Another miracle! Round dances of variegated leaves, and even rains awaken joy. I taste a magical dish: autumn in its own juice, equated with smoke and fog.

Mom and I were in the woods today. And what I saw there: at the roots of an old birch tree, a hundred baby gnomes, squeezing their caps the color of strong cocoa, are playing hide-and-seek with fallen leaves! And it is not clear - who is hiding: mushroom gnomes under the leaves, or leaves under their hats?

And I ran ahead of my mother, and rustled the leaves, and talked to Autumn: Autumn, wise Autumn, you are being naughty today. like a girl! How old are you now? What, eight? You play with me like a kitten!

I'm tired then I'll add it. ”

Now Sonya is 19 years old

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