Here you are not there (07/01/2017). Double standarts

Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev, hosts of the program, which will now be released on a permanent basis, will continue to explore the most popular tourist routes.

TV presenters went to the most different corners planet, thanks to which NTV viewers have the opportunity to compare Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam, as well as many other cities. “Today, 72% of Russians do not have a passport. At the same time, the majority assure that it is better at home than abroad: holidays are cheaper, nature is richer, food is tastier, and people are kinder. Once, as part of the Double Standards program, we decided to check it out. And, having compared the two most expensive resorts, they made their conclusion, where is it better to relax: here or there? The issue attracted a significant audience, and Andrey and I decided to go traveling. We compared great amount cities and each time received a huge response from the audience. Therefore, in the new season we decided not to stop. NTV program "Here you are not there!" compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other in Russia or in the post-Soviet space. And then he will make his own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. What you need if you are going on a trip,” said Irina Shikhman.

Continuation of the fascinating journeys of Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev in the program “Here you are not there!” viewers will be able to see in the new season.

Russian tourist telecast from the NTV channel.

The program was created on the basis of the TV show "Double standarts " and is its logical extension. Show hosts always remain Irina Shikhman("Stories in Detail", "Details. Recent History", "Diary of Observations") and Andrey Samartsev("Central Television").

AT new transmission the audience, along with the duet of hosts, will continue virtual journey in different parts of the world and compare them with each other, finding out where the rest is better and cheaper.

The content of the transfer Double standards. Here you are not there!

"Double standarts. You are not there!”- a project that was born from a TV show "Double standarts ". Initially, “Here you are not there!” was a heading of this project, but over time, the creators of the show found it appropriate to turn a separate heading into a whole program, which, like Double Standards, is aimed at viewers planning trips or still only dreaming of becoming tourists.

Andrey Samartsev: “I do not know of any such informative travel program that would tell about all the pros and cons of holidays in Russia and abroad. We share with our viewers really working tips on how to save on vacation and at the same time not deny yourself pleasure.

Together with the hosts of the program, viewers are transported to different parts of the world, comparing holidays in Russia and the CIS countries with similar conditions in far-abroad countries: Baku and Dubai, Minsk and Monaco, Kazan and Istanbul, Yalta and San Marino, Jurmala and Nice, St. Petersburg and Amsterdam.

Irina Shikhman: “NTV program “Double standards. You are not there!” compare two identical cities: one abroad, the other - in Russia or in the post-Soviet space, and then compile your own honest guide with real prices and the most interesting life hacks. Just what you need if you are going on a trip.

Is it really cheaper and easier to relax in Russia? Is it possible to compare hotels in the territory of the former USSR with hotels in other countries? Where is the tastier and more plentiful portion of food? To these and many other questions, the hosts of the program are diligently looking for answers in each new release.

In the episodes of the program, the presenters compare the most different types recreation and pastime. Where is it easier and cheaper to have lunch in a park in Nice or in a restaurant in Jurmala? Where are the ancient monuments more interesting - in Rhodes or in Derwent? Which city can give more vivid impressions - Kazan or Istanbul? Which of the countries has preserved more traces of communism - Montenegro or Abkhazia?

On September 1, 2017, the program “Double Standards. You are not there!” There was a special issue about travel on the tracks. Leading Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev had to drive popular tracks and explore all their most interesting corners. Irina went along the Moscow-Sochi road, the Don highway.

“The Don highway was not chosen by chance: it is the most touristic road in Russia, because most often tourists choose the southern direction. In the summer everyone goes to Sochi in their own cars. Therefore, we decided to find out what is worth seeing along the way, how much excursions, accommodation and meals cost. Thanks to this trip, NTV viewers will be able to find out that Kudykina Gora exists, to see all the delights of industrial tourism, to get acquainted with immersive theater and plunge into the atmosphere of the Sochi casino,” said host Irina Shikhman.

Andrey Samartsev drove along the famous American Route 66, which is also called the Historic Highway: “Car travel continues to gain popularity, so we decided to keep up! I have wanted to ride the famous Route 66 for a very long time. It seems to me that this is the most the right way see the real America. True, we had to change the rules of the program somewhat ... Usually we spend weekends on trips, but in two days it is impossible to drive the entire historical route and stop at all interesting places! Although I tried not to stay anywhere for a long time, my trip stretched for as many as 5 days. In one of them I had to sleep in the car, wash in the shower for truckers and drive 1200 miles, crossing 3 states.

July 1 in the program Double Standards 1 07 2017 watch online, do you think that you have not earned yourself a chic vacation? Are you afraid of the prices for tours, but do you want to relax to the fullest? Do you think you have to be a millionaire to stay in a luxury apartment or rent a room with a view of Lazurka? No matter how! Choose: play big in Minsk or try your luck in Monte Carlo for the same money?

Our whole life is an attempt to balance between a rock and a hard place. The principle of double standards is applicable to any area of ​​human existence - from the sphere of consumer services and lifestyle to personal relationships, and, of course, big politics. Vegetarians vs. meat eaters, rentals vs. mortgages plastic surgery against naturalness… Eternal disputes do not subside, and it is often difficult to decide which side you are on. The presenters of the new weekly NTV project “Double Standards, the latest fresh release” - Irina Shikhman, Andrey Samartsev - will help to dot the i's.

Laura Chuguevskaya

Columnist for Tricolor TV Magazine

The NTV channel has prepared for viewers a new TV guide for alternative tourism and economical recreation. Program “Double standards. You are not there!” hosted by a nice couple - Irina Shikhman and Andrey Samartsev. Already they have seen enough about traveling, heard enough, tried it!

Project “Double standards. You are not there!” – a new guide to alternative tourism and economical vacations

Your program has a funny name - " ". Who came up with it?

: Initially, the program was simply called "Double Standards" and was on a completely different topic. It was a dispute between two opposing points of view, where each of us defended a certain position. The name reflected the essence of the program. Later, as part of the program, we decided to start making travel diaries. We laughed and reminisced catchphrases, including our politicians, and the name "Here you are not here" was born. But the phrase performed by Viktor Chernomyrdin sounded different: "You are not here here." We thought about this option, but decided not to use the original source. Instead, they began to pun, amuse and joke.

The tourist TV genre has its own tricks and difficulties. Share yours?

: The tourist TV genre has one difficulty: you go to work, not to rest! Many people think that TV presenters are constantly at the resort, but this is not so. In a limited amount of time, two days, we need to cover everything so that the audience can see complete picture. We cannot afford to sit on the seashore with a glass of wine, because we need to run first to one tourist site, then to the second, third. Therefore, we often sacrifice not only our desires, but even sleep and food! It’s good if we manage to get four hours of sleep on weekly trips.

Of course, it is very difficult not to be at home for a long time. Per last month I only managed it for three days. We do not see friends, relatives. We rarely even meet Andrei - we often look at each other on TV.

: Process TV shooting and real life are different. Therefore, often we have to do different things several times. Sometimes it turns out a marriage, sometimes the operator does not have time to start recording on time. You have to be an artist! And, of course, we do not always do what we want and like! Periodically, we have to overcome our own fears and decide on what we would never do in ordinary life.

One of the leading project will go on a trip to Russia and countries former Union, and the other - abroad

What is the novelty and zest of your program?

: We are the first who decided to compare Russian and foreign resorts. Many people live with the mindset: it's good where we are not. Therefore, our compatriots choose to travel abroad, thinking that there is nothing to see in Russia. But in fact, in the vastness of the country you can find everything the same! Thanks to the program, viewers can get comprehensive information about two countries at once and make their choice. It is important to understand that we never adhere to any point of view. Our task is to tell you where to relax and how to make it as profitable as possible. We have no censorship, so we always sincerely talk about what we don’t like.

What is the best way to travel?

: It is best to travel on your own, without resorting to the help of travel companies. Make a route, choose tickets and go. First, it will cost less. Secondly, the route can be made according to your desires and preferences.

: I completely agree! Although there are times when you simply cannot get to the right place without travel agencies. Dear readers and viewers, when you are going on a trip, watch our program. And if we have not yet had time to go to the resort you want, do not be too lazy to study the information and reviews in detail. This way you can save time and money.

The best route is the one that is born impromptu?

Andrew : Not! Any impromptu must be prepared. When you know where you're going, you know how to prepare and how to pack. Planning ahead, at the very least, saves time and gives insight. We are for competent preparation and planning. The more you know, the better you rest!

The most outlandish shoot?

: Dagestan! For me, this republic was a dangerous zone. But everything turned out to be completely different! I saw the most beautiful nature. I can't even imagine where else you can see something like this. I've been hit locals and their hospitality, delicious cuisine. I recommend to all!

: Ethiopia! I have never seen such an exotic. Visiting tribes, meeting leaders, tasting raw meat is an unforgettable experience.

Watch the program “Double standards. You are not here!” every Sunday at 14:00 on NTV

The most indispensable thing on a trip?

: I always take a huge hair dryer with me! Not a single hotel can cope with my hair. And I always take a book with me when I travel and download films that I don’t have time to watch in my busy work schedule.

: For me, a camera is indispensable when traveling! I am a real photographer. I post all the beautiful pictures on Instagram.

Do you collect tips from viewers?

: We often ask in in social networks questions: what pairs of cities would you like to see? TV viewers often ask for the addresses of attractions, hotels and cafes. And we try not to miss a single comment. After all, we want to make our guide really useful!

: Need to support a good relationship with our fans! I try to answer all the questions that come from the audience. We are pleased when people come to us for advice. This is what the program was created for!

And which one will you give?

: Always on your own and plan your trips in advance!

: Take with you on your travels good mood! And watch the program Double standarts. Here you are not there!» every Sunday at 14:00 on NTV.

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (1938-2010) - Soviet and Russian statesman, Prime Minister Russian Federation in 1992-1998, Russian Ambassador to Ukraine in 2001-2009. From June 11, 2009 until the end of his life - Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for Economic Cooperation with the CIS Member States. AT mass consciousness the name of Viktor Chernomyrdin is strongly associated with his somewhat extravagant and aphoristic manner of expression. Thanks to the media, the most vivid quotes from his speeches even received the playful name "Chernomyrdin".

Aphorisms of Viktor Chernomyrdin

But as for whether he will live, he will not live - yes, we all will live. We'll live. In what configuration? Must be in good configuration. And don't make a tragedy out of it. (about the 2000 elections)
And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face there!
Where were you before? When it was necessary to think, and not cut on the shoulder seven times ... And now they realized it, they ran. And everyone was behind. In the very deep sense. And Chernomyrdin warned.

We also had real budgets, but we still failed them miserably.
We will stand up for this so that this does not happen.

In our life it is not very easy to determine where you will find and where you will lose. At some stage you will lose, but tomorrow you will gain, and properly.
You have to be born into charisma.
The most important result of the Petrine reforms is the creation of favorable conditions for Western business people.
Put you at least on the priest, at least in a different position - it's still no use!
We will get into a fight - we will fail the next, and future years. Who needs it? Whose hands are itchy? Who itch - scratch in another place.
Forever we have in Russia is not what you need.
Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government!
Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich, the new Minister of Finance. Please love and even love very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love. (about Zadornov)
For the first time in many years, a reduction in livestock dumping was noted.
It is unlikely that the position defines or gives me any weight. Well, much more is needed for a person who has already gone through everything. Everyone knows a lot about this life. I know a lot. Maybe even redundant.
Everyone says that they are dissatisfied with the results of privatization, and I am dissatisfied, and I do not say so.
All his statements are here, here are his bucks there ... they even called me a pensioner somewhere, they say, he called me. I did not hear. But if I am a pensioner, then who is he? Grandpa was normal then. (about Luzhkov)
All the questions that were raised, we will collect them all in one place.
It's all so straight and perpendicular that it makes me uncomfortable.
You think that I'm far from simple. It's not easy for me!
You spoke there, but we hiccupped here, but I am fine with this.
The whole theory of communism was invented by two Jews…. I had Marx and Engels.
Yugoslavia is a disaster. Disaster is always bad!

They say our satellite hangs idle. We have a lot of things hanging idle, but should work!

Yes, such people, yes, in such a state as Russia, they have no right to live badly!
Act, make mistakes, and we will correct, as the President said.
The deputies all spoke out for me to go - to be elected, to be exact.

His reaction, she always, we'll see whether this one will or not. If not, then such a reaction. If so, then no response. (about Primakov)
If I named everything that I have, yes, you would weep here!
If you do - so big!
If there is no promotion, I will be fired without my consent. They don't get fired, they get kicked out. (about the negotiations in Yugoslavia)
If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I'm not really a Jew.
Natural monopolies - backbone Russian economy, and we will cherish this ridge like the apple of our eye.
There is still time to save face. Then you have to save other parts of the body.

He fell ill, coughing again in every way. But the president is the president. (about Yeltsin)
Why do we need to join? We don't have to go anywhere! Usually, if we start to enter somewhere, we will definitely step somewhere! You see, Ukraine puts this vector so perpendicularly that nobody understands anything. (on Ukraine's accession to NATO)
You are not here!

And I know how to do it again. And often, and as needed.
And no matter who provokes us today, no matter who throws Iran, Iraq and many other things at us, there will be none. There won't even be any creeps. On the contrary, all work will be built in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years.
And who to ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and so far no one has ever...
There will be no breathtaking changes. Otherwise, in order for someone to do something, it will be necessary to take or take away from another.
And those who survive will laugh later.

Unfortunately, dead souls look some of our collective members.
As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.
Whatever public organization we did not create - it turns out the CPSU.
Clinton whole year gouged for his Monica. We have one of these. We still applaud them. But another thing is the Constitution. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how... And we will live! I mean the Constitution!
When my… our country is in such a state, I will do everything, I will say everything! When I know it will help, I won't hold back!
When it is difficult, we will always stretch ... What we need. (about the "helping hand" to Ukraine)
Who will be elected in the next elections, we will work with that. And who is there according to our hearts, who is there below the heart - that's another story.
Dicky like blacks. (on government work plans in September 1998)
Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know what we are sitting on.
Whoever tells me what, I will do it.
We have only one course.

Locomotive economic growth- it's like an elephant in a famous place ...

The IMF mission left, and everyone immediately panicked - why, for what? Who were you offended by?
People have a lot of money in stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity.
May come true. It will come true if we do nothing.
My life has passed in an atmosphere of oil and gas.
We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands
We will destroy our nuclear weapons along with America.
We can always know.
We have completed all the points: from A to B. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil left. Then the eggs were pressed so that they also disappeared.
You and I will still live in such a way that our children and grandchildren will envy us!
We are at this stage today. economic reforms that they are not very visible.
We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. (6.08.1993, at a press conference about monetary reform July-August 1993)
We want to move forward, but we are always getting in the way.

In any language, I can speak with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.
Let's get up on our feet - on the other we'll lie down
We should all lie down on it and get what we need to have.
We need to do what our people need, not what we do here.
You have to think about what to understand.
We are lucky in life that this is, in fact, historical time fell to our lot. Rejoice!
We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.
Nobody prevents us from over-fulfilling our laws
The people have lived - and will be!
We tried to bend, but failed.
Our president, I think he hasn't seen money in the eye for five or ten years. He doesn't even know how much money we have.
Our immediate task today is to decide where we are today together with you.
Do not belittle your role and your importance. This does not mean that you need to swell here and, as they say, wave here, wave something.
Not only oppose, but we will defend it in order to prevent it.
Some principles that used to be fundamental were actually unprincipled.
You can’t think and you don’t even need to think that the time will come when it will be easier.
Not a single country, by the way, has risen from its knees in a vague state. Pursuing a vague policy. I'm just for the revolutionary approach here.
But if we talk about today's meeting, I would certainly give a satisfactory assessment. I don't know any other ratings.
But we will calculate, and then everyone will know. And we are first. And if someone is too smart, let him think, and then we will check. And we will report anywhere.
But we will do pension reform. There is where to roam.
But I don’t want everything here like this, in one fell swoop: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another, then again - and off we go. Yes, and close to the panel ...
Well, so much dirt, so much fiction, so many perversions of individual politicians! These are not politicians, these are ... I don’t want to name them, otherwise they will immediately sob.
So what do we have to do with him? He has a cap, and I don't wear anything yet. (about Luzhkov)
Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry.

What are they accused of? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why did they suddenly wake up there?

Let's get through the hardships. We are not like that in Russia, Russians, so as not to survive. And we know what to do and how to do it.
Deputy Prime Minister's posts in a time like ours are like a pole with the inscription: If you climb in, they'll kill you!
Right or wrong is a philosophical question.
The government is not the body where, as many people think, it is possible only with the language.
The government is such a complex organism, if it is constantly changed, shuffled, only the worst result will be. I know it, it was my job.
The government is accused of monetarism. I admit - we are sinful, we are engaged. Not bad.
The government must be supported, and we deal with it, deal with it, deal with everything. We also strive not only hand-to-hand, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.
There is no need to introduce Anatoly Borisovich. Everyone knows him, those who don't know will find out. (about Chubais)
The President has shown and will show again.
Forecasting is a tricky thing, especially when it comes to the future.
We have learned to pronounce words. Now to learn how to count money.
Let it be natural selection, but quickly and carefully directed. (about dismissals of members of the government)

A working president and a working government - this is how a song can turn out.
We laid the rails in six years, now it's up to the locomotive. And that the helmsman was ... with his head. So that they didn’t move the wagons, but he dragged them.
Reforms in Russia are not a car. I wanted - I stopped, I wanted - I sat down again and went! It doesn't happen!
Russia is a continent, and we cannot reproach us for something here. Otherwise, we alone are excommunicated from Europe, and here, Europe is united and has some kind of conversation there. The Russian-European part is many times larger than all of Europe put together! Why are we being excommunicated?! Europe is our home, by the way, and not those who are trying to create all this and pump it up. It's useless.
The ruble collapsed with me? What are you guys? When did you do all this? They did it, which means that someone is doing something here, now I’ve even collapsed the ruble! (about the 1998 crisis)

Tax surrealism must end.
Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia, and does not really want it to be here ... well, I do not want to use this word, which I usually use.
Nothing today, nothing tomorrow, and then they realized it - and yesterday, it turns out, nothing.
Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred some year something was there. Yes, there was nothing! All this is intrigue!
No sooner said than done. If you don't understand, ask again. If you don't understand the first time, ask again. But do it. If you can't - report why you don't do it, for what reason. Nothing else is required of you.
Do you hear what is expected of us? S-300. We know what it is. This is not God forbid. Today S-300. Let's do something else tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow the third. That's what it is. (on the Balkan conflict)
The country does not know what the government eats.

Those whom you name, I don’t even want to call them by this word, declare what they say there - they should not be there.

I have no questions about the Russian language.
After all, our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.
We still have people who live very poorly. We see it, we go, we hear it, we read it.
- Can you notice beautiful women?
- I succeed. But just notice. Nothing more. Which I deeply regret.
Clever found! Declare war on him! Bast shoes! His! Too! And this! Just like this! What does he even know! And who is he! Somewhere else and climbs, I'm sorry. (on Zyuganov's proposal to declare war on NATO)
Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always (about the first Chechen war)
I want to deeply thank you for the expressed confidence in appointing me as an ambassador to our neighboring brother of the Republic of Ukraine.

Prices need to be raised, you see how: as soon as Chubais opens his mouth, he will immediately get pissed, if you please

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?
It is impossible to sew anything on Chernomyrdin.
What to say about Chernomyrdin and about me?

These elections turned out to be a difficult test for us. This should never happen again.
This is not the body that is ready for love.
This ghost ... wanders somewhere there, in Europe, but for some reason it stops here. Enough of the wanderers.

I would not want me to scold someone here today or not recognize them there. This is the business of the Prime Minister.
I always wondered why Kosygin walked gloomy, never smiled, although everyone around him smiled and kissed passionately. And then, when I myself became prime minister, I realized how hard it was ...
I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. It is impossible, pardon the expression, all the time sideways.
I am ready to invite everyone, everyone, whites, reds, and motleys into the cabinet. If only they had ideas. But they only show their tongue and something else.
I can't be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We do not take offense at such people.
I am not a diplomat. And I'm not going to be a diplomat. And the fact that we reached an agreement is absolutely non-diplomatic. Absolutely. (on the Balkan conflict)
I do not think that the governor should work precisely in such a way as to harm
I am not a person who lives for satisfaction.
I won't say anything, otherwise I'll say something again.
I just want to say that it would be easier for everyone and understand that we are not inventing anything new. We formulate our country.
I will be able to work with Seleznev, but with separate members ... I don’t see them point-blank for their actions.
I also carry heavy load. And my voice dropped too. I didn't even drink yesterday. And did nothing else. I would love to do it.

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