Competitions for the new year for a small family. Games for the new year for children and adults at home.

I remembered these games and came up with for our family New Year. Some of them have been tested before, some we will experience for the first time in nine days.

Memories. Each participant remembers and writes down the most important events outgoing year. If there are several couples- you can compete in which pair there will be more matches. In one family, it is simply interesting to compare these lists, who remembered and highlighted what. And if you have a large family (from 6 people) - you can accrue as many points for each event as people remember about it. And determine the winner by the sum.

Secret Santa Claus. You can start playing from the morning of December 31 or even a few days before the New Year. By drawing lots, each participant receives the name of another participant (in case his own name came across, a retake is required). And you need to try to make this person surprises and something pleasant. But so that he does not immediately figure you out. At midnight, you can discuss who noticed what, who guessed who did not. But the main thing in this game is not the result, but the feeling of miracles and celebration, which certainly arises in the process. Therefore, even the three of us can play it (we are going to).

Present. You need to prepare small prizes (sweets, stationery, household items - something funny and insignificant is better) and write their names on the cards. Participants take turns pulling out a card and pantomime showing their item to the rest of the guests. Who guessed it - receives an item as a gift (“it is better to redeem” the cards after the end of the draw). If the participants different ages, you can exclude those who have already received prizes from the further drawing, or simply give the children a head start in time.

New Year's him. The first participant says: “January 1”. Each next player, in turn, names a new date, following the rule that you can increase the number of the month by one, two or three, or the month by one. That is, the next player can say “January 2”, “January 3”, “January 4”, or “February 1”. The winner is the participant who, on his turn, says: “December 31”.

Board game. It is very easy to collect tasks and gifts in board game. Here's a game we made a few years ago.

Snowball. famous game in which children with good memory beat adults. The first participant says: “In Santa Claus’s bag ...” (and names any toy, or maybe something funny). Each next participant must list all the items that other participants named before him and add something of his own. They play until everyone says something (and at the end you can try to draw this wonderful bag) or until everyone is completely confused.

Looking for surprises. There are a lot of little surprises to be prepared. This is not so difficult, because candy, nuts, cookies, stickers, beautiful beads, bells and just good predictions will do. It is much more difficult to wrap each of these prizes separately (it is better to wrap all the prizes in the same paper). After that, the presenter, for example, at the moment when everyone goes outside to set off fireworks, places the bundles in prominent places. Those who will search must be warned that they should not climb into cabinets and drawers, all bundles can be seen simply with their eyes, without moving anything. On a signal, all participants go in search. It is better to leave a few bundles with the leader in case someone is upset that he found few surprises.

In the autumn we played several times in “waving without looking”. It seems to be good new year game- to exchange small gifts or sweets.

From pre-frozen ice cubes, you can build fortresses, put candles in the center and enjoy the magical spectacle. And if you forgot to freeze the ice, try making a building out of lump sugar.

Lottery plans. Many plans for the New Year and do not know what to do first? Make a numbered list of things you need to do (sort out the rack, sort out clothes), interesting (go to the Paleontological Museum, finish drawing your board game), pleasant (arrange a day of doing nothing). Better to do common list joint activities for the whole family. But you can make individual lists to include personal projects. And after that, each participant rolls the dice and determines what to do (for everyone or for him personally) in the first week of the new year.

It is very good for the whole family to dream and make plans for New Year.

Memories with numbers. Try to remember all the events of the outgoing year related to numbers and dial these numbers in the amount of 365. For example, you can add up three fallen teeth from your son, second place in a competition from your daughter, 16 birthday gifts for children, 20 thousand awards, 5 wonderful films , 3 new favorite books, 1 new flower pot on the window of a born nephew, 16 wonderful days of travel ... There are many memories, but dialing the right number is not so easy (and if it's simple - try to count 2014).

Snowmen. I think it's right to cook New Year's table the whole family, with joy and ideas. And at one time I was very inspired by this master class - great idea for New Year's breakfast.


The monkey is an active animal that spends almost all the time in motion. This should be taken into account when choosing a New Year's program in 2016. Many plan to celebrate the New Year at home, but you should not spend the holiday eating delicacies and watching music programs. Organize a fun celebration for the whole family with contests and gifts, because the Fire Monkey loves noise and fun.

Contests for the family for the New Year 2016

The family in the New Year can participate in interesting competitions. If the holiday has just begun and everyone is full of energy, then it is better to give preference to fun and active games.


A great way to have fun is to throw "snowballs" into a bucket. For the game, you will be divided into two teams. Materials: 2 buckets, 32 cotton balls. You need to place buckets at the same distance from each team. Each team is given 16 balls. Participants must throw snowballs into buckets with long distance(5-7 m). Teams can be divided into children and adults. Whose company threw more balls gets a prize - a bunch of bananas.

Competition for tired guests

This contest is best done when everyone is full and a little tired. You need to prepare two containers in advance. Put bundles with names in one bowl, and wishes for the New Year in the other. It is necessary to pull out bundles from each vessel in turn and voice wishes. Approach the competition with humor.

"Accurate shooter"

Men must participate in this competition. Split into male and female teams. Now men need to tie a thread to their belt, and a pen or pencil on it. Each of the team members must, as soon as possible, hit the pen in the bottle, which is on the floor. You can't help yourself with your hands. It is very funny to watch how men shake their hips, trying to get into the neck.


This competition is for men and women, children can also participate. The facilitator puts out chairs and puts some objects on the seats. It can be bananas, apples, oranges or something else. All participants are blindfolded and asked to sit on a chair. The task of the contestants is to find out with the “fifth point” what lies on the seat. You cannot touch the object with your hands.


All guests and family members can participate in this competition. For fun, you need to write papers with desires in advance. The bundle is placed in a balloon, which is inflated. The task of the participants is to burst the balloon without using sharp objects. It is best to forbid the contestants to touch the balloons with their hands. After the balloon burst, the participant must follow the instructions written on the package. Write something funny.

Wish List Contest

This game is very popular among children and parents. It is necessary to put in a cap on the subject of each member of the family. Choose a leader. In another cap, place pieces of paper with funny wishes. For example, eat a banana without the help of hands or show all the guests a monkey. The leader chooses an object and takes out a task from the cap. The owner of the item must follow the instructions.

Competition "Christmas tree"

For this fun, prepare two small Christmas trees. Divide into two teams. It is necessary to mark the time and get garlands and toys to decorate the Christmas tree from one box. Whose team will decorate the Christmas tree better and faster, she won. Gift giving can be fun. Hang small souvenirs on threads. Pre-pack them in gift paper. Blindfold the participants, let everyone cut a souvenir for themselves. Suitable figurines and candles in the form of a monkey.

Games for the family in the New Year of the Monkey

Spend a holiday in the game, monkeys just love fun and fun. The more mobile the game is, the better.

"Dressing Up"

This interesting game will please children and adults. You need to split into two teams. Each team is given a box with a set of clothes. One of the participants must put on all the things from the box on his partner, and his eyes must be blindfolded before the competition. It's not easy to put on pants blindfolded. As a result, you will get a funny character with a shirt on his legs and trousers on his head.

Game "Monkey"

A leader is chosen for the game. He speaks an animal in the ear of every member of the family. Now all team members stand in a circle and hold hands. Turn on the music and ask the participants to dance. The host says the name of the animal. At the same time, the person to whom this word was thought of must sharply sit down. The task of the neighbors is to hold his hands and not allow him to sit down. After all the animals have been named, the host thinks of a monkey in the ear of each participant. The company again leads a round dance, and the leader says "Monkey". Now it's all about reflexes. Someone will sit down, and someone will try to lift a neighbor.

Game "Masquerade"

You need to prepare a bag with funny clothes and accessories. A beard, a hat with earflaps, shorts, a sweatshirt and other interesting clothes will do. The host turns on the music, and all the participants dance and pass each other a bag of surprises. When the music stops, the participant who has the bag in his hands must take out clothes from it (you can’t peep) and put them on. The game continues until the bag is empty. A woman with a beard or a man in a skirt looks funny.

"Christmas story"

For this game, you need to take any children's fairy tale from the shelf. It can be "Kolobok" or "Turnip". Assign roles to guests. It is necessary that each contestant make a certain sound. For example, the door should creak, and the cockerel should crow. The host reads the text, and the characters mentioned in it should make characteristic sounds.

Game "Don't sleep"

Each participant must at the beginning of the holiday receive a bundle with exact time and a task. It is advisable not to take long breaks between performances. If there are few people at the celebration, then you can give the contestants a few bundles. In the middle of the holiday, the participant must get up at the specified time and complete the task or say the specified phrase. Very unexpected and funny competition.

Holidays with the family on New Year's Eve 2016

Of course, it is better to plan a vacation in advance, which will become the fulfillment of desires. If you have extra money, you can book a tour to some warm country and spend the New Year with a foreign flavor. The most affordable for our compatriots are trips to Turkey and Egypt. But you can have a good rest in Russia. To do this, you can go to Karelia, the Volga or Krasnaya Polyana.

But if you don’t have a vacation or haven’t been able to save up money for a ticket for a year, you can have fun on New Year’s Eve with your family. Drink champagne with your family and go on a visit or to Christmas tree. AT large parks often arrange mass festivities with fun contests and guest stars. Don't want to go anywhere? In this case, we celebrate the New Year with the family at home.

Write a script with fun contests and games. Do not forget about the traditions of the family in the New Year. Prepare cheerful music for contests and prizes. For happy and happy holiday you don't have to spend a lot of money. The main thing is to approach the organization of fun with enthusiasm. Consider the wishes and characteristics of each family member. Analyze what your children like and what they can do.

Games for the family for the New Year 2016:
  1. Competition "Egg". For this contest, hard boil eggs. You need as many eggs as there are participants. The host gives each contestant one egg and says that among them there is one raw, although in fact all are boiled. Competitors must crack eggs on their foreheads. The tension builds with each broken egg.
  2. Game "Candy". Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie sweets to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. The contestants, one at a time, must try to cut the candy with scissors eyes closed. The rest of the guests may give the wrong advice in finding candy.
  3. Animals in Love game. An animal is guessed for each of the participants - a pig, a rooster or a dog. In this case, it is necessary that one sound is caught by two contestants. At the command of the host, all guests begin to make the specified sounds. Each of the participants in this noise must find their mate. That is, a pig, a rooster or a dog.

Competitions for children for the New Year 2016

The entertainment program depends on how many children are in the family and what age they are. For children who are under three years old, you can organize a holiday for kids. Invite Santa Claus, but it's best if you become one for a while. You don't just have to hand out gifts to children. It is necessary that the child deserves his toy.

Outdoor competitions

Spend fun time in new year's eve in the park or near the Christmas tree it will work if you take a sled with you. It is best if parents and children are divided into teams of 2 people. You need to find a slide and sit on the sled with your back to each other. The challenge is to get off the hill as soon as possible. Parents will also have fun and remember their childhood.

For the next competition, you need to make a snowman. A bucket is placed on the hero's head. Or a bottle. The challenge is to knock the bucket off the snowman's head. Which of the children will cope with the task, he will receive a prize. As a prize, you can use toys or sweets.

Contests at home

In the house you can have fun with children:
  1. "Labyrinth". Children love to dance and sing. You can organize outdoor games. Even the kids will be interested to go through the maze. Build narrow passages from New Year's tinsel, the width of which is 10 cm. It is necessary that the baby goes through the narrow passages without stepping on the fences.
  2. "Pantomime". The Pantomime competition is very popular among children. You just need to say a sentence of three words in the child's ear. The kid should portray what was said, and adults should try to guess what it is about by movements.
  3. "Mosaic". You need to prepare pieces of colorful fruits in advance. Cut the fruits into slices, cubes and triangles. There are two children in the competition. It is desirable that they be approximately the same age. Before each baby, you need to put two dishes: one - with fruit, and the second - empty. Kids must collect a portrait of Santa Claus from the pieces of fruit received. Who will succeed best portrait, he gets sweets.
  4. Competition for girls "Hairdresser". "Victims" sit on chairs. At the command of the facilitator, the girls must do the hairstyles for the clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Whoever gets the most creative hairstyle wins.
  5. Game "Ribbons". Three players are required to play. Two of them are given ribbons. They must tie bows on the third blindfolded contestant. After all the ribbons are on the model, you need to untie the bows, but now you can’t use your hands.
Watch the video about New Year's competitions:

Remember, spending the New Year with your family is a happiness that not everyone has. Make every effort so that the holiday does not become boring.

These competitions are good for a quiet family pastime - a relaxing holiday in the circle of close people. They do not require special physical training, so both old and young can play them. But during these competitions you can have fun and, perhaps, your relatives will open up to you from a new side.

new year wishes

Sit in a circle. It is best to “mix” family members so that parents and children, grandmothers and grandchildren are nearby. Each player must take turns wishing something to the relative who sits to his right. Highly important point- to wish what this person really needs. For example, if your brother is in his senior year, you might want him to do well in his exams. If her career is important to the mother, the daughter may wish her to get a promotion. It is very important that the wishes are specific. The one that thinks is out of the game. This contest is a great way to test how well you know your family and friends.

Pass the beat

For this game, you also need to sit in a circle. Each player puts his right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left. The one who starts the game beats a certain rhythm with one hand on the knee of one of the neighbors. The neighbor must pass this rhythm further around the circle, in turn beating it on his neighbor's knee. And so it is repeated until the rhythm goes around the whole circle and returns to the one who asked it. Then you can go in the opposite direction. Believe me, as long as you manage to convey the rhythm without errors, you will laugh heartily!

Guess the person

Divide into two teams. The first team summons a representative of the opposing team and makes him one of his relatives (you can agree in advance to make only those who are present or vice versa - only absent relatives). The player's task is to show this relative without words, using only facial expressions and gestures, to his team, and the task of the team is to guess him. Then the teams switch roles. The team that guesses correctly wins this contest. the largest number relatives in the shortest time.

mobile contests

For some competitions, you need to split into pairs or teams. How to do it is up to you. You can mix different generations, you can compete "adults against children." But in any case, the forces should be approximately equal. Perhaps someone will have to succumb - and not the fact that it will be the parents!

pregnant dads

This competition is for the courageous half of the family. Let them feel what their spouses had during pregnancy! Inflated balloons are tied to the stomach of each player of the stronger sex with adhesive tape and a box of matches is scattered on the floor in front of him. The task of the participants is to collect all the matches from the floor as quickly as possible at the signal. The one whose stomach burst is out of the game. You can't pop your opponent's balloons! The winner is the one who collected matches the fastest, while remaining with a "belly".

Harmful ponytail

The participants of the game line up in a chain-train, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing, and squat together in unison. The host says that from now on they are one big caterpillar. He asks them to show them how the caterpillar performs different actions: sleeping, waking up, stretching, washing, doing morning exercises, has breakfast, walks, dances, etc. The task of the players is to follow the instructions of the leader as smoothly as possible. There is just one caveat: the “tail” of the caterpillar ( last person in the column) is constantly harmful and interferes with the caterpillar. Usually the youngest child becomes the ponytail, but who knows - what if the grandmother also makes an excellent ponytail?


Players are divided into pairs. In each pair, participants must be of different sexes (brother and sister, mom and dad, etc.). A piece of paper with a cut hole for the head is put on the neck of each participant. All players receive a marker. Their task is to draw arms and legs on their paper at the signal of the presenter. Moreover, women draw men's legs and arms, and a man - women's. It turns out to be very difficult to do this, but this process looks very funny from the outside!

Games for the new year for children and adults at home

Home New Year's celebration is an old good tradition. Senior family members want to give junior fairy tale, miracles, joy... In the New Year, the younger members of the family have a wonderful opportunity to learn folk customs, try yourself as a host (after all, you need to meet guests and come up with interesting program), but also the birth of family traditions.

Mysterious Flags

Prepare a garland of flags, write a riddle on the back of each flag (if the guys are familiar with rebuses, then draw a rebus). During the holiday, remove the garland, hand out the flags to the children and spend Guess-ku (if the children cannot read, read the riddle). The guys can take turns reading the riddles aloud, you can hold this competition before lighting the Christmas tree: after the last riddle is guessed, the Christmas tree lights up.

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking. When does it happen? (In winter.)

I am small, like a grain of sand, but I cover the earth. (Snow.)

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world. (Snow.)

Who builds a bridge on a river without an ax, without nails, without wedges and without planks? (Freezing.)

They go into the forest - they lay canvases, they go out of the forest - they re-lay. (Skis.)

Not a beast, but howling. (Wind.)

I twist, hum, I don’t want to know anyone. (Blizzard.)

There is a tree, this tree has twelve shoots, twelve shoots have four rods, a rod has six brushes, the seventh is golden. (Year, months, weeks, days of the week.) Walks in summer, rests in winter. (Bear.)

The black cow overcame the whole world, and the white one raised it. (Day and night.)

It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water. (Ice.)

Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but go. (Snow.)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (Freezing.)

There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow.)

The uterus is angry, but covered the children with a duvet until the red day. (Winter.)

Downhill - a horse, uphill - a piece of wood. (Sled.)

Two Palashki run into the woods with their toes turned up. (Skiing.) Errands run, crawlers crawl. (Horse and sleigh.) Three brothers live: one loves winter, the other loves summer, and the third does not care. (Sled, cart and horse.)


Santa Claus offers to put his hand into a bag in which various small objects are hidden, to feel for one of them and, without removing it from the bag, say what it is. If the item is named correctly, then the player takes it for himself. You can put a chocolate bar, a wrapped gingerbread, a pencil candy, a lollipop, an eraser, a coin, a pencil sharpener, a calendar, a tennis ball, an apple, etc. in the bag.

Circle of wishes and predictions

Turn off the lights and light the candles. Have the guests sit in a circle, and place a chair in the middle of the circle. Guests take turns sitting on a chair. The leader blindfolds them. The rest of the members speak new year wishes sitting in the center. Such an exchange of wishes creates a friendly atmosphere and gives the celebration of the New Year a little magic.

Turning proverbs and sayings

Invite the participants of the game to decipher the turnarounds of proverbs, book titles, lines from poems and songs. You can offer to guess three shifters (one of each type). Points are awarded for a correct answer. The time for thinking is limited - 10-20 seconds.

Happiness moves in heaps

Misfortune never comes alone

walk away from the new washing machine

Stay with a broken trough

Bald head - male disgrace

Spit - girlish beauty

From courage the back of the head is small

Fear has big eyes

Alien shoes closer to the feet

Your shirt is closer to your body

On a policeman, boots get wet

The thief's hat is on fire

Don't go below your heels

You can't jump above your head

Hid that algae - get out of the aquarium

Gruzdev called himself get in the body

Chicken boar girlfriend

Goose pig is not a friend

You can fix borscht with sauce

You can't spoil porridge with butter

glowing ball

Show the audience a table tennis ball. Count to three and light will appear inside the balloon. The light is moving!

To achieve this effect is very simple. There should be a light source three meters from the ball, for example, a simple electric light bulb. And in the ball - a round hole with a diameter of up to one centimeter. When you show the balloon to the audience, you cover the hole with your finger. Counting to three, turn the ball with the hole towards the bulb and, removing your finger, open it. This is where the audience gets the impression that light appeared in the ball. And in order for the light to move, you just need to move the ball up and down and left and right, but do not rotate it.

Five seconds to think

This game can be played in different ways. Rule of thumb: 5 seconds to answer. The number of correct answers is the number of reward points.

Option 1. Prepare the required number of cards with questions and invite the player to take any of their choice (agree in advance on how many cards to take). And then - according to the rules.

Option 2. Ask, for example, five questions to the first player, five to the second, and so on.

Option 3. You can ask questions in turn to several players at once. Just make sure that all players answer the same number of questions.

Note. If several participants have dialed equal amount points, you can offer them the final round.

girl's daughter

Has no bad weather

The green one that kills the flies

Jacket for a diaper


Letters lined up for roll call

Grandma's audio system

donut epicenter

Alien fur hunter

Fair fixture that makes your head spin


Folklore Intelligence Test

A new building for a pensive ram

The word against which there is no judgment

back side occiput

The part of the leg that is often compared to being bald

Sheepskin coat, which skaters often have triple

Five seconds to think (continued)

Part of the face that is sometimes hung

Hostel for horses

Account unit for autumn


A note that is a sin to pour on a wound

Oil skiing enthusiast

Anniversary, she is round

It's time, which in September is a woman's

wise time days

Ostrovsky's favorite atmospheric phenomenon

Light after bath

Cool tool to roll Sivka

Bedroom for Chicken Ryaba

Devilry scientifically


Sausage unit

firewood house

Own bingo

Prepare cards for each guest or for a couple, threesome, etc.

Offer to remove any items from purses and pockets and put one item at a time on empty cells, just in case, prepare a bag with small items. Agree in advance which cells should remain empty: horizontally, vertically, diagonally. And now - in a circle ... Each player (or a player from each two, three) takes one item from his card, lifts it up and loudly says the name of the item to those present, for example, "telephone". All players who have a phone on the cell remove it from their cards. The next player repeats everything again, and so on. This continues until someone who has certain cells left empty shouts: “Bingo!”.


Game "Identity"

In advance, ask guests to bring a photo of themselves as an infant (preferably no older than one year old).

Prepare pencils, paper and labels (you can use name badges).

Before the game, all photos must be collected, numbered and placed on a wall or table (this must be done in the absence of guests). Guests need to pin labels or badges with names on their clothes.

Guests are invited to a room where photographs are hung or laid out. They must "identify" each of the guests from the photo and write down the number of the photo and the name of the guest on the piece of paper. On "identification" is given no more than eight minutes. The one with the most correct answers wins.

Hello dear readers. Here comes the long-awaited spring. The sun is getting warmer and warmer, and it beckons you to go outside from the stuffy office space. Where is it before work! In addition, soon we are waiting for a three-day weekend on the occasion of the most tender and most spring holiday– International women's day. Probably many will gather for festive table to congratulate their mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Even the most dear people who have something to talk about sometimes get bored at home gatherings. Here comes the time for interesting and funny contests, which should improve everyone's mood and make your celebration unusual. In this article, I want to offer you my contests, which are suitable for people of all ages.

For seed I'm cooking some interesting gift, which I wrap in several layers of newsprint (the more, the better) and tie with a ribbon. I say that a package has arrived, but, unfortunately, it was not said for whom it was, and I suggest that all guests take turns removing the packaging layer by layer. The one who removes the last layer from the parcel and turns out to be a happy addressee))).

And now the contests:

Contest 1. Roll up the present.

Two participants come out and stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. The touching hands are tied to them, and with free hands, (one - left, and the other - right hand) participants must put a gift in the container, close it, carefully wrap it with a newspaper, tie it with a ribbon and tie a bow.

2 or 3 couples are called and whoever ties faster and more accurately wins. Required: 3 containers, a gift is taken from the table. 3 ribbons and 3 double sheets of newspaper.

Contest 2. Don't clap on Wednesday.

Any number of participants. Everyone is sitting at the table. The facilitator begins listing the days of the week out of order and clapping his hands for each name. The participants in the game repeat the clapping after him. Clap every day of the week except Wednesday. Who slammed the word "Wednesday" is out of the game.

Competition 3. Plasticine nose.

Each participant is called in turn, his eyes are blindfolded, and a plasticine ball is given into his hands. The one who more accurately sticks a plasticine nose with his eyes closed on a photo of a birthday boy or such a kitten (see the picture below), he is the winner.

Competition 4. Words from matches.

For the competition, you need: at least two participants; depending on the participants, the same number of matchboxes with matches; host of the competition.

The host thinks of a letter, and the participants of the competition must come up with and put a word out of matches on this letter, the one who completes the task faster wins, if it happens that several participants do it at the same time and the number of letters in the words matches, then the winner determines the number of matches used to construct a word.

Competition 5. "Tailor"

For the competition, it is necessary: ​​two presenters; four participants; 30 clothespins.

First, four participants are chosen, of which we form two pairs. One participant from a pair is blindfolded, and on the second, the host pins 15 clothespins on clothes in different places. The task of the one who is blindfolded is to find all 15 clothespins in 3 minutes and remove them. The team that completes this task faster will be the winners.

Contest 6. “Where is the present?”

To run a competition, you must:

  • prepare small notes on paper;
  • several participants (the more, the better);
  • balloons for each participant;
  • gift.

To begin with, it is necessary to write something funny on small pieces of paper, for example, “Look further” or “Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne”, and write “Gift” on one. Next, carefully place in each balloon paper and inflate them. Then we hang them on a string. Participants must guess which ball is the prize. Participants choose the balls in turn, and burst them together. Then they unfold a piece of paper, if a gift is written there, it means that the winner is given a gift.

Competition 7. "Colors".

The players become in a circle. The host commands: "Touch the yellow, one, two, three!". Players, as quickly as possible, try to grab the thing (object, part of the body) of the chosen color on the other participants in the circle. Those who do not have time are out of the game. The host repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one left in this competition wins.

Competition 8. Associations.

Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. One of the guests calls the word from female vocabulary and male. Then everyone writes associations from the first word to the second. Whoever comes up with the shortest and most logical association wins.

And of course, one of the most important things is that the presenter has a good and cheerful mood. Then he will be able to infect everyone present with his optimism.

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