What do they give a child for 2 years to a girl. What gifts will be interesting to the girl

The manifestation of an independent character in children is observed at the age of two. Choosing a gift for a girl is a responsible matter, since it is required to proceed from her individual preferences.

Girls during this period begin to learn their femininity, largely imitating their mothers. They like to comb dolls, make beauty in front of a mirror, cook dishes in the kitchen, and be creative. It is from these manifestations of the child and his activity or passive lifestyle that you can build on, choosing the appropriate gift.

Gift options

To purchase a gift for a girl who is already two years old, you should know a few rules:

  • whether she tends to contemplate or move more,
  • how much the child likes to solve logical problems on his own,
  • how much she walks, especially in nature,
  • what are the dimensions of the children's room and specifically the baby's personal space.

At the age of two, some girls really like to do modeling or drawing, folding cubes, they are passionate about designers for hours, etc. It is individual children's preferences that are the main thing to focus on when choosing a gift for a baby. Then it will not be thrown into the general stack of similar games, but will become a favorite pastime.


The choice of the designer as a gift for a birthday at two years old makes it possible for children's imagination to roam. However, when buying such a set, you need to consider the size of the parts, because if they are small, the child can easily swallow them. An important factor is their number. The elements should be enough for various building experiments of the baby.

water toys

Some babies don't like to swim at two years old, so water toys are designed to help them overcome this barrier. These include those that move from water pressure: all kinds of mill options, as well as other complex structures. It would be nice to give a girl on her birthday for two years special baskets into which she will throw balls while playing in the bathroom. Now in stores there are special pencils for sale that allow you to draw on the surface of the walls and the bath itself. Such "pictures" are subsequently easily removed with a damp cloth, so parents should not worry. Exists great amount more simple water toys: beautiful boats, rubber animals, unusually shaped soap and washcloths.


Most girls at two years old like dolls. Especially those that are placed in a special dollhouse, then they are located in the kitchen, living room, children's bedroom or bathroom.

Try giving your child a talking doll for their birthday. Any girl will be happy to play with such a gift, starting to repeat various phrases after her, as well as master new skills.


If a baby at two years old does not have a dollhouse, it is worth giving her one. Such a structure can become one of the attractions of the children's room. A two-year-old child will especially like the model with lighting, sound effects and the most flexible walls and doors. Having such a structure, you can change the design at your own discretion.

In addition to dolls, various animals (mice, cubs) will help to decorate the house. Arrange comfort in doll house will contribute to sets with furniture for the living room, dining room, winter garden, which will become original gift for a two year old girl. If the baby is also bought for her birthday auxiliary facilities, such as a beauty salon, a garage, a stable, a grocery store, then in her room a lonely house will gradually turn into a small village.

Stuffed Toys

Large Stuffed Toys(bears, bunnies, tigers) any girl in two years will like it. You can sleep on these toys, hug them tightly, cover yourself with them. Even if you can’t take a huge bear with you for a walk, but with what joy the child will return home to meet his pet.

Games for creativity, intellectual as well as emotional development

For creative work for a two-year-old girl, as a gift, you can buy:

  • paints,
  • plasticine,
  • brushes,
  • pencils.

Such a gift will contribute to the self-expression of the child and the development of his imagination. A two-year-old girl will like the puzzles on magnets presented for her birthday, as well as board games. It can be a variety of sets of cards, from which the baby will create a whole picture. A difficult task is to find a pair for each element, but such a game will contribute to the development of logical thinking. Girls like to look for pairs of animals, plants, cars, fruits.

clockwork animal

A moving animal will become a wonderful companion for a young princess at the age of two. Such a toy, presented for a birthday, is able to cast a voice, twirl its tail, move quickly, and some also carry out certain commands. The undoubted advantage of such an animal (for parents) is that it does not need to be walked.

Perfectly develops the motor skills of the baby, a developing toy that can be presented. These toys can have different sizes, fit one into the other. The most common option is nesting dolls. Undoubtedly, it will be very interesting for any girl to look at how several other, smaller and smaller sizes are hiding in one figure.

Gifts for outdoor games

Girls who have reached the age of two, who most of all like to jump, run or dance, need to give sports equipment:

  • trampoline,
  • dance carpet,
  • sports complex.

The child will like it if she is presented with a toy pony, which is several times larger than the baby. On this “horse”, a girl can ride around the room, play with him, feed a “friend”.

For beauty

During this period, young princesses imitate their mother. They like to dress up, so you can give the girl a bag or a hair band, this will definitely please the baby.

Toy jewelry, children's cosmetic sets will also suit her. Children like to decorate not only themselves, but also their own dolls, so you can buy a set of a young hairdresser as a gift.


A good option for choosing a gift for a two-year-old child would be puppet show in miniature. A simple desktop screen, as well as a set of various "actors", can become very interesting girl and be the base for organizing family productions.

Undoubtedly, the little one will be interested in the idea of ​​becoming a master puppeteer. It is recommended to choose such characters so that they can be easily put on children's fingers. Although it will be interesting for the little one to control the actors with the help of sticks to which the figures are attached.


Any holiday, and especially a birthday, a two-year-old girl will remember if it is fun, incredibly bright, truly fabulous. You should definitely decorate the room with balloons, give the princess a new dress, be sure to invite her peers as guests! Professional animators will be a great gift for a two-year-old child if you invite them to a home celebration.

What to give a girl for 2 years? Is your little one or your friends' daughter turning two years old and you're afraid of missing a gift? Let's be afraid together!

In this article you will find a list of the most successful and useful gifts for the two-year anniversary of the crumbs.

Already in such young age boys and girls are being vaccinated social roles. Some are taken to the department of dolls and pink castles, others to shiny cars and tool kits.

1) To emphasize the little birthday girl, choose gifts intended for the fair sex. Buy for example toy household applianceswashing machine, iron, kettle, vacuum cleaner, ironing board.

2) Ice cream factory, a set of a small confectioner and others culinary gadgets also will not leave her indifferent.

3) immutable attribute ladies' room - a kitchen with hissing burners and lighting. It's good if this kitchenette is high enough so that the baby can play standing up.

4) If the girl already has a kitchen, provide her with useful “devices”: a set of fruits and vegetables, ready-made dishes made of fabric or plastic, cutlery, children's dishes.

5) What to give a girl for 2 years? It is never too early to lay maternal feelings in a future mother, to teach her care and care. There should be a lot of dolls in the girl's room!

These are rag beauties with removable clothes, and babbling baby dolls with accessories - a bathtub, diapers, a bottle, undershirts.

Beautiful dolls in elegant dresses and toy strollers become a hit with two-year-olds: it is very pleasant for them to roll their treasures.

6) By the way, just give these kids something to ride! They love carts - shopping carts for groceries, with doctor's or veterinarian's kits and others.

7) Girls try in every possible way to resemble their mothers. So, they need children beads, made from safe materials, and a small handbag.

8) And smart clothes- dresses, bows, skirts and shoes - there is never too much for a true fashionista!

9) The main attraction of the children's room will be a large Dollhouse if you donate it, of course. It is good if it has lights, sound effects and the most flexible doors and walls in order to change the layout at your discretion.

10) If the baby is already a happy owner of a doll house, help her settle it. Buy a family of animals mice, cubs), a set with furniture (dining room, living room with piano, winter garden) or an extension house (shop, stable, beauty salon). Let the lonely house grow into a small settlement.

11) There are also universal gifts that are relevant for this age and do not depend on the gender of the birthday person. These include: a special table and chair for a child, a variety of musical instruments(whistles, drums, tambourines, flutes, pipes, synthesizers, pianos, xylophones), children's vehicles(run bike, tricycle and scooter).

12) If space in the house allows or there is a fenced area, great gift will become small trampoline. It will allow parents to save money on trampolines in amusement parks, by which not a single child passes quietly.

13) Any mom and dad will be happy if their kids are presented with something for mental development or creativity: a set for modeling or drawing, a children's educational computer, an easel, magnetic board, music books or light "fabulous" puzzles for kids.

After all, all parents secretly dream of growing little genius! Give the girl appropriate gifts.

It seems that just yesterday you were touched by the timid steps of your baby. But time flies so fast, and now, on the nose of her second birthday! It is still difficult for her to explain the significance of this day, but this does not diminish the importance of the event. On the contrary, this year she will be more selective in gifts, because the child already has clear preferences in toys and household items. What are two-year-old girls interested in, and how not to make a mistake with a gift?

What's New in the Year

Let's start with the birthday girl! By the age of two, she is already beginning to understand that she is not just “lyalya”, but a girl. And the baby behaves accordingly: she loves new clothes, flaunts in front of a mirror with new hairpins, wears small handbags and does not even miss the opportunity to use her mother's cosmetics.

The child grows not as fast as in the first year, but matures much faster. The girl subtly captures the mood of adults, understands humor, clearly knows what is “possible” and what is not. She is still very young, but she is already learning to empathize and love.

The baby is also developing quickly: many two-year-old girls already speak in sentences and phrases, enthusiastically look at books, commenting on what is depicted, love to draw, sculpt, and in general are actively interested in the world around them.

When choosing a gift, be guided not by its cost, but by the fact that the birthday girl likes it, is useful to her or contributes to the development of the baby.

What gifts will be interesting to the girl

Of course, all children have different character and they also prefer different games, and yet there are things that crumbs of two years are most often interested in.

Present choice the opposite sex:

Everything in the household is useful!

By the age of two, daughters imitate their mothers with might and main. And though, my mother's frying pan, stove, washing machine and an iron is always more interesting than toys, copies of household appliances are a huge success with two year old babies. The children's toy industry has gone far in this direction, and today in the store you can buy a toy sewing machine that sews, a washing machine with a spinning drum, a small iron, a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, an ironing board, and more. others

A small plastic kitchen will also be a good gift. It is equipped with a stove, oven, sink with a tap, cabinets and a whole set of dishes.

If the baby already has one, you can give her "products" to her. This can be a set for cutting vegetables, where a little hostess will cut cucumbers and carrots with a toy knife, parts of which are fastened with Velcro or magnets. Or an ice cream factory, a multi-colored mass with a confectioner's set.

Maternal feelings from an early age

As it is banal, but the doll always remains an actual gift. And don't underestimate its importance. It is dolls that are the main participants in the first role-playing and story games, which is important for the development of both girls and boys.

Do you want to surprise your little one? Give her a doll that cries, talks, sucks on a pacifier and even walks. How more possibilities the more expensive it will cost. Although this does not guarantee that the girl will prefer her to her simple rag friend.

If the child does not yet have a doll stroller, be sure to give it. In principle, the second stroller will not be superfluous! You can also give a crib for a doll, in which the baby will carefully put her to sleep. Or, a dollhouse with miniature furniture and tiny inhabitants.

Important! Don't give a Barbie doll for your second birthday. The correct toy should symbolize a baby or a little girl, be with the correct body proportions and natural facial features.

"Absorbers" of energy

This category includes gifts that will contribute to the physical activity of the child. It can be a small trampoline or a three-wheeled scooter (already without a handle, but with a seat).

The baby will also be happy with a large truck with a body into which you can load sand or just roll toys.

For beauty indescribable

Most likely, your birthday girl already boasts beautiful curls, so for girls it is always relevant: hair clips, rubber bands, headbands and bandages.

To make it look more festive, pack everything in a small bag, there are not many of them either.

The young lady will also like a small box with “jewels”, in which she will put her jewelry, hair ornaments, and maybe children's cosmetics.

Gifts for the benefit of the mind and development

The more invested in a child under 3 years old, the more successful it will be and further development. Properly selected toys will significantly speed up this process.

Mosaic, puzzles, constructor

At two years old, children easily collect pictures from 8 parts. Puzzles can be magnetic, wooden or soft. Do not be afraid that the baby already has them. Tiny solves the puzzle quickly and often needs new materials.

Although the baby already knows well that you can’t drag toys into your mouth, it’s better if the mosaic is large. The smaller the details, the more useful they bring to development fine motor skills, but such games should only be under the supervision of adults, so parents make this purchase at their discretion.

For the development of speech

In addition to books that speak and ordinary, develop and with fairy tales, you can give a theater for 2 years. It can be one doll or a whole set. fairy tale characters. At 2 years old, the baby can not only watch the performance of her parents, but take part in it.

Creative people

Of course, just giving a child a set of wax crayons, finger paints or an album with stickers for his birthday will be modest. But it can be a good addition if you decide to donate money.

What else? A set of mass for modeling, kinetic sand, plasticine. The baby will also appreciate a set of stamps that will decorate her drawings, and maybe the furniture of her parents.

Closer relatives, such as grandmothers, can give their granddaughter a double-sided drawing easel. One of its sides is designed for a special marker and magnets, and on the other, the granddaughter can draw with crayons.

Copyright educational toys

If you know that parents are adherents early development children, you can give a good educational game from the author's methods. Many of them are not cheap, and it is difficult to find them in a regular children's toy store, but it's worth it.

Which? For a two-year-old child, you can buy. They will help the development of mathematical abilities of a girl up to 5 years. For such little intellectuals as our birthday girl, you can order an album with simple tasks for them. Kuisener's sticks also belong to the same category.

Will be useful and (for example, "Fold the pattern", "Unicube"),. And how much good materials on ! By the way, they are affordable and are often found in stores.

If in doubt about your choice, do not hesitate to consult with the parents of the crumbs. They know exactly what their daughter will like.

Outfits for a little lady

If you decide to treat the birthday girl with new outfits, choose beautiful, high-quality things. Only in this way a sense of taste will be formed in her from childhood.

Good experience

It is a year old that you need to dose the emotions of a little one, two-year-old crumbs have already grown to "adult" entertainment. Therefore, we boldly give her a ticket to the dolphinarium, circus, puppet theater, bubble show.

You can invite animators to the holiday as a gift, who will professionally entertain the baby and her friends, and parents and guests will be able to relax for a while.

will give good mood and balls. You can simply inflate a bouquet of colorful balloons or order a whole structure in the form of a fairy-tale hero.

Sometimes guests agree with their parents in advance and take on the purchase of a cake as a gift.

What else?

At 2 years old, many children are already so good at imagining that they are often afraid of the dark. An unusual night light in the nursery will help to cope with this fear. It could be big picture backlit with cute little animals. There are lamps with a projection of the starry sky. Falling asleep, the baby will look at the stars on the ceiling and forget about her fear.

What to give a girl for 2 years on her birthday? The second anniversary is a kind of anniversary, which is celebrated by the whole family, gifts are chosen, the house is decorated. At this age, the baby does not yet understand the essence of the holiday, but she will definitely be delighted with new toys.

At 2 years old, the horizons expand, new skills appear, so in addition to traditional dolls, you can choose interesting educational games for the girl, personal transport and beautiful outfits.

The most frequent and desired birthday gifts, as well as for other holidays, for girls are new dolls. Their number can be unlimited and gradually grows with the hostess. Dolls also change with age.

Baby dolls with bottles

At 2 years old, baby dolls with bottles are still relevant, which can be selflessly rolled in a stroller, put to bed or fed from a spoon.

Older dolls

By the age of 2, you can already give older girl dolls, which can be dressed up in different dresses. At first, the baby will learn how to remove clothes, and as she gets older, she will learn how to dress her favorite doll. These actions develop fine motor skills well and help to deal with their own clothes.

So in a playful way, you can tell your daughter how to dress for the season, when you need a hat, and when a panama hat. If mother and daughter continue to play together, then over time you will be able to teach your daughter how to dress stylishly, how to combine outfits and jewelry correctly.

If there are enough dolls in the house, then give the girl a toy stroller for them, a set of furniture or a wardrobe with clothes. It is worth paying attention when choosing accessories that at 2 years old there should not yet be in toys small parts.

You should not give hairdressing sets for dolls with numerous small rubber bands and hairpins yet. On dresses for dolls, all small details must hold firmly. If there is no confidence in their strength, then buttons and beads can be discreetly cut off before giving.

Stuffed Toys

It's a girl's favorite all the way up to adulthood. Now it is better to choose toys in the form of your favorite animals that match the color as much as possible and look nice.

You should not choose Chinese pink hares with terribly bulging eyes, such toys can scare the baby. It is also worth checking the quality of the fur and seams so that she does not swallow the emerging hair or fail to tear her eyes or nose.

children's house

When you choose which house to give a girl for 2 years, pay attention to the tent. It will appeal to many girls of any age. At two years old, the baby will be pleased to play simple hide and seek with you, look out of the window, put her toys there and play with dolls.

The first constructors from large parts

They are needed so that the girl can build a dollhouse, furniture, and various animals herself.

Kid's Kitchen

With various buttons, sounds, a set of dishes, food, pans and pots, this toy will be a hit that will free up parents for more than one evening. Everyone in the house will be fed with various soups and cereals prepared by the baby.

At 2 years old, it is better to take a mini version of the kitchen, and by 3-4 change it to a larger copy. Now there will be enough plates with large buttons, storage boxes with dishes and a refrigerator with food. Choose models without small parts, the size of the products should easily fit in the child's hand, while being safe.

Educational games for two years

In two years, educational games change. You still continue to focus on the development of fine motor skills, but you can already include various puzzles in the game, preferably on a wooden base, lacing games, developing tactile books, interactive fairy tales and much more.

  • A small table and chair in the children's room will help you find comfortable spot for creative work. Manufacturers make many tables interactive, with many built-in games, opening drawers for paper, pencils, felt-tip pens and much more.
  • Kits for the first creativity - a wonderful gift for a 2-year-old girl for her birthday. These can be water markers or felt-tip pens, pencils, wax crayons, they draw softer and more convenient than pencils. Your little one will love the finger paints. The main thing is to protect the surface, and give room for creativity.
  • Kinetic sand, you can play with it at home in any weather, it is perfectly molded, it happens different colors, pleasant for little fingers and very useful. Easy to assemble with a vacuum cleaner, so you don't have to worry about the cleanliness of your home carpets.
  • Salt dough for toddlers is a safe option for the first modeling lessons.
  • Soft educational books made of fabric. They are small in size, on average 15 by 15 cm, so that it is convenient for the baby to hold them in her hands. Each reversal has its own game, there can be 5, 10 or more reversals. It uses different materials, locks, zippers, hooks, Velcro, lacing and much more. With such books, you can not only develop tactile sensations, learn to tie shoelaces, but also master letters and numbers, study animals and plants, learn poetry, and so on. With the ability, you can sew such books yourself and fill it at your discretion or order it from the masters.
  • Large puzzles from a small number of elements with a single picture or a board with separate removable puzzles, for example, in the form of animals, which then need to be put in their places.
  • Easel with drawing paper or chalk board. A double-sided version is convenient: on the one hand for drawing with chalk, on the other - a white board for markers.
  • Interactive books that speak with the voices of animals, sing songs or voice a fairy tale.
  • Sophisticated sorters that offer to insert shapes, letters, numbers, animals and other shapes familiar to the baby into the holes. Often they are supplemented by scores or a labyrinth. It turns out a variant of a multifunctional toy that will keep the child busy for a long time.

Vehicles and active games

What is better to give a girl for 2 years, if not personal transport? This is the perfect gift for two years, both for winter and summer. Many means of transportation will require the help of parents, and some girls will be able to master themselves. In addition to transport, you can choose sports complexes or active games at home and in nature.

  • A tricycle, which may well replace a stroller when walking close distances, at first the bicycle will be pushed by the parents, then the girl will master the pedals and will ride with pleasure herself. Therefore, it is better to choose models with a removable handle, not very bulky and comfortable for both mom and baby.
  • A three-wheeled scooter is suitable from the age of two, it is a means of independent transportation that almost all children like. Buy an option with the image of your favorite hero, so the girl will even more want to learn how to ride it.
  • A balance bike is a fashionable transport from the age of two, children cope with it faster than with ordinary bicycles, and they love to ride them very much.
  • For the winter period, you can choose an ordinary sled with a comfortable back or a snow scooter with a steering wheel and three skids. In both cases, they need a comfortable rope and a small slide near the house. You can ride the baby on flat terrain, she will get no less pleasure.
  • Children's home sports complex with mats, a ladder, special children's hanging swing and rings. Such complexes at home will help to safely splash out a large number of energy, avoid falling from cabinets and racks, and at the same time introduce parents to the sport.
  • The ball pool is a favorite children's game for boys and girls. It will be interesting for the baby to play with balls alone, and even more like to do it in the company of peers.
  • Children's dance mat suitable for girls who love music and dance charmingly to it. They will like that when you press your feet on certain zones, it starts different music and lights are on.

Gift ideas for a 2 year old girl from relatives

What to give a goddaughter for 2 years from godparents, granddaughter from grandparents, and so on? Gifts from relatives, grandparents, aunts and godparents, as well as family friends can be not only for the baby, but also for the parents. In addition to toys, you can choose clothes, beautiful accessories for the girl, give memorabilia, theater tickets or a certificate for a photo shoot.

  • Knitting grandmothers and aunts can knit an elegant summer dress, a panama hat as a gift for a 2-year-old girl with their own hands, and make a hat and scarf for her for the winter.
  • Pick up beautiful, but practical clothes as a gift, while the princess dress is still too early for the girl. At 2 years old, she may be uncomfortable in it, and most likely it will prevent her from playing freely. Prefer clothes made from natural fabrics: cotton or linen for the summer or soft, non-stinging wool for the winter.
  • Make an original photo frame for a baby photo with your own hands, decorate it with a suitable themed decor and make an additional mount so that parents can hang it on the wall.
  • Children's gentle photo album for the most the best photos per last year or for the future.
  • An original gift will also be a folder for storing children's drawings, which can be put on a shelf, and not a single masterpiece of a little artist will be lost.

Any gift for a baby for a two-year anniversary is worth it, decorate it with beautiful bows, and give it in a solemn atmosphere, even if at 2 years old the meaning of the holiday is still clear, but the feeling of magic, everyone's attention and many new toys will surely please the little princess.

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