School scripts for March 8. Methodological development on the topic: The scenario of the holiday in elementary school "March 8 - Women's Day!"

Target: To instill in children an aesthetic taste, to cultivate respect, love and friendly relations with others; arouse the interest of parents to participate in the educational process.

Requisites: envelopes with tasks, napkins, bags with beans and peas, plates, 4 newspapers and 6 clothespins, scarves, lipstick, handbag, beads, clips, diaper doll, A4 sheets.

Event progress:
The hall is beautifully decorated, 6 tables for the participants are arranged in a semicircle on the stage, a table with flowers for the jury is set aside. Music is playing. Two presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: March is the first spring month, it brings warmth, the sun begins to shine brighter, it is better to warm the earth. The first snowdrops are blooming. Nature seems to revive.

Presenter2: March is a bright, joyful month when all the women of our country celebrate their holiday: March 8. This holiday arose as a day of struggle for the rights of women. On March 8, 1857, workers in the clothing and shoe factories gathered in New York for a demonstration. They demanded a ten-hour working day, bright and dry work premises, equal with men wages. And only on March 8, 1857 they succeeded; women achieved equal production rights with men.

Presenter 1: Many years later. Now we openly and solemnly honor women every year. And today we have gathered with you in this cozy hall in order to hold a show-competition "The most charming and attractive Cinderella".
(At this moment, boys from grade 8 come out with large postcards, read poetry).

Student 1: Today we gathered in the hall again,
To congratulate our girls,
We are a lot, girls, we want to tell you
Please stop giggling!

Student 2: We are studying with you not the first day,
And here's what we've noticed:
You play football a little worse than us,
Shoot better with your eyes
Ready to laugh a thousand times a day
Your laugh is like a ray of sunshine.

Student 3: We wish you happiness
Love and victories
Health, luck, attention
Let it be warm, every day your warm,
Your wishes are fulfilled.

Student 4: We also want to tell you today:
Sorry for our jokes
Without our girls, we are very sad.
Together in chorus: You are all the decoration of the school!

Presenter 1: And our show is opened by 8th grade boys with congratulatory ditties. We meet!
(Music sounds, boys sing ditties about girls).

Presenter 2: Today is a joyful and solemn day. Pleasant excitement reigns in the hall, smiling faces are all around. We are starting the show "The Most Charming and Attractive Cinderella".

Presenter 1: We invite our Cinderellas to the stage. By welcome them! (a list of participants is compiled in advance: one beautiful Cinderella comes out of each class to the music, takes places at the tables).

Presenter 2: Today, before your very eyes, there will be competitions for the most daring and decisive, the most cheerful, the most charming girls, mothers and grandmothers. Do you remember the Cinderella story? So that Cinderella could not get to the ball, the evil stepmother gave her different tasks. So you have to redo things today no less than Cinderella.

Presenter 1: To turn into a real Cinderella, you must complete all the tasks correctly and become the winner in our show "The Most Charming and Attractive".

Presenter 2: If you typed the largest number points, and is evaluated on a five-point system, which means that you are the winner in our show "The Most Charming and Attractive". A strict jury will evaluate you and your work.
(The host introduces the jury).

Presenter 1: One, two, three, four, five. We begin to play, the first competition opens a journey to the salon " fine arts". Please leave one person from the team to this table. There are 7 envelopes in front of you, choose only one. It contains two questions for you to answer. You only have 2 minutes to think. On the count of three, they started: one, two, three.

Presenter 2 (addressing the audience): While our beauties are thinking, we invite the boys to the stage with a congratulatory dance.
(U students from grade 5 perform with modern dance, calculated 2 minutes).

Presenter 1: We return to our participants and try with the help of the jury to find out who is the winner of the first competition. (Participants answer questions from envelopes, the jury sums up the competition).

Presenter 2: Let's go on a second trip. In the salon "Fashionista", here you, dear participants, need a make-up. I will ask you to choose him from the audience, in the person of one boy. (Accompanied by music, “makens” from their class come out to the participants, props are prepared on each table in advance). Each team has only four newspapers and 6 clothespins, your task is to design a universal costume of the 21st century, your time is determined - this is our game with the audience. You need to have time to design a costume before the end of the game with the audience, then demonstrate it and give comments. Get ready, let's get started!

A game is organized with the audience: 5 girls and 5 boys are called from each class. The girls sit in front of the boys. Scarves hang on the backs of the chairs. On a signal, the boys tie scarves for the girls. Whoever is faster is the winner. The loser is rewarded, and the girls remain in headscarves and participate in the Fashionista contest. They are issued
lipstick, handbag, beads, clips . On a signal, you need to put on all this, make up your lips, take a fashionable handbag and walk beautifully to the leaders. The winner is the one who completes the task the fastest, rewarding follows.

Presenter 1: And now let's get acquainted with the universal costumes of the 21st century, let's welcome them. (Demonstration of the participants, evaluation of the jury and their opinion follows).

Presenter 2: March 8 is a holiday not only for our girls, it is also a holiday for our mothers and grandmothers. Day 8 March is affectionately called "Mother's Day". Mother! The most beautiful word on earth! Mom is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world: in Russian “mama”, in Georgian “nana”, and in Avar affectionately “woman”.

Boys from the 6th grade come out to the music, read poetry.

Student1: From the heart,
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom.

Student2: We love her
How good friend, for what we have
All together with her
For when
We're having a hard time
We can cry
At the native shoulder.

Student3: We love her for
What sometimes
Getting stricter
Eyes in wrinkles.
But it is worth confessing
Come head-
Wrinkles will disappear
The storm will pass.

Student 4: For what is always
Without concealment and directly
We can trust
She has her heart.
And just for
What is she, our mother
Together in chorus: We firmly and tenderly love her!

Presenter 1: So we will check now, our mothers in the competition "Hostesses". We invite our lovely mothers to the stage. (A list of mothers is compiled in advance: one mother comes out to music from each class, it is not necessary that there are mothers of the participants, you can take others, the main thing is that they be from this class). Now you are a single team, helping our participants earn pluses.

Presenter 2: All mothers are wonderful housewives. They are always ready to receive guests. Table setting is a very delicate matter, there should always be napkins on the table. So the task for moms is to fold napkins in an original way. And for our little ladies - the task is to sew on a button. Then, after the mothers fold the napkins, perform the following task - re-sort the seeds: on one plate - beans, on the other - peas, and your certain time is our game with the audience. (Requisites are prepared in advance on the tables of the participants). Whoever is the fastest among you must get up. The winner is the one who does better and faster. You will be watched by our strict jury.

Game with the audience: 6 girls are invited from the hall, 7 chairs are arranged in a circle with their backs to each other. While the music is playing, the participants walk around the chairs, when the sound of the music stops, the participants must sit on a chair, whoever did not have time, leaves the game, taking the chair with them. The winner is the one who remains with one chair, sitting on it. Gift for the winner.

Presenter 1: So our hostesses have already put things in order, we will ask you to hand over to our jury for verification. And while they sum up the results for the contests, let's take a break. Boys of the 7th grade perform with the song "Mom". (After the performance of the 7th grade students, the jury will act and announce the results for the competition).

Presenter 2: And now we are going to the contest "It's fun to walk together." Dear ladies, you have a task: write down fairy tales on pieces of paper, in the names of which there are female names, for example: Perro "Cinderella", Andersen "Thumbelina" and so on. And at this time, our mothers must swaddle the doll within 1 minute, hold it right hand, shaking, and with your left hand try to make up your lips with lipstick, while singing a song, lulling your "baby" (completion of the task separately so that each mother can be evaluated and the winner determined. The details are prepared on the desks in advance).

Presenter 1: Back to our members. (Participants name fairy tales, the jury sums up). You all remember the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood Who loved her the most? Who didn't have Cinderella? The answer is GRANDMA. Today, not only mothers came to us for the holiday, but also our dear and beloved grandmothers. We meet them. (A list of grandmothers has been prepared in advance, we meet to the sound of soft music).
Dear grandmothers, now you complete and make up the full team of our participants. (we help grandmothers take their places at their desks). We know that you did not come to us with with simple hands, but with your creative number. We announce the contest "Grandma's Number". (The performance of grandmothers follows, the jury evaluates and announces the results).

Presenter 2: Now we will hold a competition "Mom with Mom", only one mother and grandmother from each team participate. The task is to hold hands, and free to try to swaddle the child. Whoever does better wins. (While the jury is summing up, the boys perform a congratulatory song).

Presenter 1: We are announcing the final competition "The Crown of Cinderella". Participants will be asked to come to the table to choose an envelope. Here is an episode from the fairy tale "Cinderella". You must, silently, take turns representing so that your team can guess and earn a point. (After the competition, the jury sums up the overall result, the winner is determined, "Cinderella" receives the crown, and the award follows).

Presenter 1: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls, please accept our congratulations on the wonderful and bright holiday- women's day! A woman truly adorns life, the land on which she walks and on which every woman dreams of happiness. And we wish you happiness! (The hosts sing the song “We wish you happiness”).

Title: Holiday script for March 8 at school for grades 5-7. Concert program"The most charming and attractive Cinderella."
Nomination: March 8, Scenarios of holidays, School, grades 5-7

Position: mathematics teacher of the second category
Place of work: KSU complex "Ulkenbocken school - Kindergarten»
Location: Kazakhstan East Kazakhstan region Kokpektinsky district with. Karamoyil

At the beginning of the holiday, the children congratulated their mothers and grandmothers on March 8, recited poems, sang songs, played skits. And the holiday continued with the contest "Ah, well, girls!" between the teams "Daisy" and "Smile". The girls competed both as a team and individually.



Target : to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment : items for performances, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the best faithful heart the most affectionate and gentle hands who can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you good health on this solemn day, family well-being and harmony, steadfastness and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always a good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.


1. In March, the sun played on the snow, Moiseeva S
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

2.Spring walks across the country, Kovrov S
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

3. I know this is not without reason, Dikarev S
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

4.And each class congratulate happy Kovrov V
To all mothers on the whole planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

5. Every year at the beginning of March Lashkova V
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

6. In stores, all showcases Sartakov N
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

7. I'm standing in front of you Herman K
I'm worried mom!

I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, Mom!

8. Let everyone see that you are Dryamova L
I love it, mommy!

And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

The song “If I’m with my mother” to the music of V. Shainsky for the song “If you are kind”

March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

Leading: How wonderful that there is such a day in the year when you can hear so many declarations of love, feel joy and see great happiness and love in the eyes of women. I wish you to have more such days in a year, and they happen more often. Accept confessions from your children.

1 class

1.Different children live on the planet, Dikarev K
But all the children in the world love their mothers.

2. It happens that we don’t listen to our mothers, Sysuev S
And mothers teach us good deeds.

3. And mothers teach us how to be kind, Yuferov E
How to protect and love our Motherland!

4. Moms will help, moms can do anything, Korneeva A
Moms know everything!

5. Here are our mothers! Nosenko S
We are always proud of you
smart, calm,
We will be worthy of you!

6. Drops sunlight, German N
Splashes of sunny summer
We bring home today
We give to grandmother and mother,

All: Congratulations on Women's Day!

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!
1. I love my mother very much, Sysuev S
Hello to her hot sender,
2. But not only to her alone, Dikarev K
But also to my grandmother.

3. With my grandmother, we are the letters Yuferov E
In the book we will understand
4. We play dolls with her, Korneeva A
We go for a walk in the park.
5. Important secrets of Nosenko S
I whisper in her ear
6. Because grandmother German N
Best girlfriend.
7. Who scolds us the least? Moiseeva S
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
8. Well, of course, this is the most, Lashkova V
Most best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
9. She always has time, Dikarev S
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
10. Who will fry the cutlets for us Kovrov S
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
11. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle Kovrov V
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
12. Who in the world is tastier than Sartakov N
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
13. Who will sing us a song at night, Dryamova L
To sweetly we fell asleep?
14. Who is kinder and more wonderful than everyone? German K

Leading: - On the eve of the holiday, we sent our correspondents on business trips to search for interesting reports, and here are the stories they shot.

Scene 1.

Father: - Katya, if you regularly play scales, I will give you 100 rubles a day.

Katya: - Just a hundred? And the neighbor promises to give me two hundred if I don't play.

Scene 2

Mom: - Oh, daughter, I'm so surprised!

Lera: - Me too, mom, I thought you were not at home.

Scene 3

Neighbor: - Your dog barked all night!

Susanna: - Don't worry, she'll sleep during the day.

Scene 4

Teacher: - I hope, Veronica, I will no longer see you cheating from a neighbor.

Veronica: - I hope so too.

Scene 5

Mom: - Katya, what did you do at home today?

Katya: - I washed the dishes.

Mom: - Well done! Here's some candy for you. And you, Anton, what did you do?

Anton: - Me? I removed the pieces.

Scene 6

Mom looks at her son's diary and is indignant:

Why is your whole diary in deuces this quarter?

Mom, you yourself told me last quarter that there were no more triples!

Scene 7

Grandson 1: Grandmother! I need to go to the music room as soon as possible, I'm late, give me the notes, please!

Grandmother: Run, dear!

Grandson 2: Grandma! Stroke the form, we have a reporting concert!

Grandmother: Now - now, little one!

Grandson 3: Grandma! I want to eat, where are your buns?

Grandmother: Eat - eat, my sun!

Grandson: Grandma! And now we will congratulate you!

All: Happy Holidays, grandma!

Grandmother: Oh, thank you, my dears!

(children sing a song to the tune of "Smiles")

  1. Our mothers, believe me, it is better not.

Smile, let it become brighter in the classroom.

And from those smiles a bright light

For many years, let it not go out for us yet.


We congratulate mothers loving

And, giving warmth of hearts,

Let's sing this song together with the whole class!

We wish you well

Light, sun and heat.

We love you, we tell you this honestly!

  1. Mother's Day is only once a year

But don't let that discourage you:

Mom, I can always help

And I promise to be exemplary too!

Chorus: the same.

Leading: And in continuation of our holiday, we will hold competitions between teams of girls.

We will choose the jury

1 competition "Warm-up"

Questions for Team 1:

1. Which of the notes is not needed for compote? (Salt)

2. Which composer's last name looks like a hunter's shot? (Bach)

3. Can I bring water in a sieve? (Ice)

4. Frill on the dress. (Shuttlecock)

5. Variety of noodles. (Vermicelli)

6. Sense of proportion, the ability to behave in society. (Tact)

7. Plot of land for vegetables. (Garden)

8. Women's sleeveless dress. (Sundress)

9. Liquid leaven for dough. (Opara)

10. Soft-boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes).

Questions for team 2:

1. An unopened flower. (Bud)

2. Closed flower garden. (flower bed)

3. The art of cooking. (Cooking)

4. Savior of the Fly-sokotukha. (Mosquito)

5. A thick mass of flour. (Dough)

6. The product that the crow was going to have breakfast (cheese)

7. A keepsake. (Souvenir)

8. Water in a gaseous state. (Steam)

2.Competition "Kerchief"

Children line up in two lines. The first one has a scarf.

Leading. Which one of you guys doesn't want to help mom? So much to do in the kitchen! But before you take them on, you need to tie a scarf.

The first player ties the scarf to the second, the second unties the scarf and ties it to the third, the last player to the first.

3.Competition "Collect a bouquet"

On March 8, mothers are often given bouquets. You will now have to solve riddles , clues are the names of colors.

1. Even at night an ant
Do not miss your house:
The path is illuminated by lanterns until dawn.
On large poles in a row
The lamps are white. (Lilies of the valley.)

2. A friend came out from under the snow
And suddenly it smelled like spring.

3. On a green fragile leg
The ball has grown by the track.
The breeze rustled
And dispelled this ball.

4. Ears rye in the field,
There you will find a flower in the rye.
Bright blue and fluffy
It's just a shame it's not fragrant.

5. There is a curl in the garden -
White shirt,
Golden heart.
What it is? (Chamomile.)

6.Hey, bells, blue color.

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

4. competition "Cinderella"

Who will quickly disassemble the mixed pasta into separate piles.

5. competition "Hairdressers"– make a hairstyle for one of the participants using. as many different hairpins as possible.

6. Competition "Musical Kaleidoscope"

So, our next contest is "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Now we will find out if our girls know songs well?

I'll call summary songs, and you have to name this song.

1 team:

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat.

("If it's a long, long time.")

2. A song about using a smile as electricity.


3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows.

("Song of Cheburashka")

2 team:

1. Song by syllables about a wooden man.


2. Song about myself happy holiday which happens once a year.


3. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years.

("What is taught in school")

7 competition "Necklace"

Who will string the pasta faster

8 competition "Button"

Sew on a button correctly

A gift to mom "(game with the whole audience)

What will we give our mother? Guess yourself kids.

Give me urgent oh vet,

What item does she need?

The thing is useful i-t when

G r Let's shout out the word" Yes ! » If mommy is an object

Not suitable - say "No!" By high school pistol. . .

A box of chocolates

Eau de Toilette...

But in th time in oh yes ... Not? Or maybe yes?

B flight to the theater for ballet...

K o w a ny body armor ...

Set of threads for shea t ya…

What about shaving foam? …

By left flowers bouquet ...

Bass guitar and clarinet...

Pedigree and Kitiket

I would lok kilograms two. . Book "Delicious food"

VC fuck new stool t .

Hello from daddy?…

Presenter: Word of the jury

we wish you only happiness!
To have a cloudless life!
More sun, less storm
More joy and warmth!

May the sky be peaceful above you!
Let the nightingales pour only for you!
Live surrounded by friends!

Health, happiness, joy, love!

Author: Galautdinova Yulia Valerievna - teacher of the Cherkasov Primary School - Kindergarten, Chelyabinsk Region, Krasnoarmeysky District, village Cherkasovo
Suggested competitive program designed to carry out holiday events spiritual and moral education. The material can be useful to class teachers, educators in preparation for the international women's day. The material can be used for class hours, as well as extracurricular activities for elementary school students.
Target: to introduce the history of the holiday and to cultivate love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers, grandmothers and girls. Tasks:
- expand children's knowledge about the holiday;
- teach to congratulate women on International Women's Day;
- foster respect for women;
- create a positive emotional background and a festive mood.

"Our most, most"


Leading- Good afternoon, our dear mothers, teachers and of course our girls. We are gathered here today to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday March 8.
Happy Women's Day
We congratulate you!
Concert - our gift for you -

Competition "Warm-up".
1. Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there together? (Three).
2. How many steps will a sparrow take in 7 weeks, 7 hours, 7 minutes and 1 second? (None, since he can only jump).
3. There are ten fingers on the hands. How many fingers are on ten hands? (Fifty fingers).
4. He does not see himself, but points to another. (Pillar)
5. What color is the stop-crane on the plane? (He's not there).
6. Seven candles burned, four of them were extinguished. How much is left? (Four remained, which were extinguished, the rest burned down).
7. What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result? (1,2,3).
8. What can be seen from eyes closed? (Dream).
9. One and a half pike perch costs one and a half rubles. How much is ten? (Ten rubles).
10. One father has six sons. Each son has one sister. How many children does the father have? (Seven).
11. Who has a mustache longer than legs? (At the cockroach).
12. How to divide five apples among five guys so that everyone gets an apple and one remains in the basket? (Give one boy an apple along with a basket).
13. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the second will not be on an empty stomach).
14. Two sheep are standing: one head to the north, the other - to the south. Can they see each other without turning their heads? (They can, if they stand with their heads to one another).
15. A flock flew - 25 geese. One was killed. How much is left? (One, the rest flew away).
16. What number has as many numbers as letters in its name? (One hundred)
17. What number increases by one and a half times when turned over? (6).
18. A flock of geese flew: one goose in front, one between two and three in a row. How many were there? (Three: flew one after another).
19. What does half an orange look like most? (For the second half).
1 Competition "The most accurate"
With one hand (the second behind the back) hit the ball at the target (in the basket or bucket).

2 Competition. "Clever".
Cards are laid out on the table. mathematical examples for addition. You need to run to the table, take a card, count the example, and put the card in a box. After that return. Then another player runs. The player with the most correct answer cards in their box wins.

3 Competition. "Miss Ingenuity".
Each student is given an envelope with riddles about spring. You need to solve these riddles.
Breaking through the snow
Amazing sprout.
The very first, the most tender,
The most velvety flower! (Snowdrop)

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Brook)

Here on a branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called ... (Nest)

The horse runs, the earth trembles. (Thunder)

Molten Arrow
The oak fell down near the village. (Lightning)

He is asked, he is expected,
And how will it come -
They will start hiding. (Rain)

I stand before you
Like a young messenger of spring
I'm glad to see my friends
Well, my name is ... (Starling)

3 Competition "Fastest".
Each student is given a doll. It is necessary to run to the chair (table) and swaddle the doll. Who is faster and more accurate.

4 Competition "The smartest"
On the table are cards with mathematical examples for addition. You need to run to the table, take a card, count the example, run back to your place, and put the card in the box. The team with the most cards with the correct answers in the box wins.

And now the students of the 1st grade will sing and dance for us
What a grandmother has - delicious pancakes!
What delicious cakes mommy has!
And for this grandmother, and for this mom
I will give the first flowers for the holiday!

No, boredom-grandmother's hands do not know!
And my mother does not know rest
And for this grandmother, and for this mom
I have the most respect in the world!

Happy spring holiday, I congratulate you!
I sing a spring song for you
I promise to be obedient all day long
Because I love you very, very, very much!
Dance (chamomile field flower)
5 Competition "The most athletic"
Each student is given a jump rope. The one who jumps the most on the rope wins.
6 Competition “The Most Polite”
Which of the students will name more polite words.
7 Competition "Artist".
Blindfolded students draw a portrait of their mother. Whoever's drawing is more in line with the norm wins.
8 Competition "The most economic"
The next competition will be devoted to soup. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and put in the dish only those that are included in the recipe.
Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickled cucumber, carrot, beetroot, potato, onion, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, tomato, pepper, dill, garlic, buckwheat, rice.
And now the students of the 2nd grade want to congratulate on this wonderful day.
With the song "My Dear Mom"

Most of all I love
my mother,
Dad, brother and sisters -
All my family.
Every day I get up
And I sing a song
About the best
My mother.

My dear mother,
The most beautiful,
tender, beloved
My mommy.

big family
We live together.
We draw, we sing,
We are building new house.
billiards, volleyball
We love to play
With a dolphin
Swim and dive.
Mom with the holiday of spring
We congratulate
And give her roses -
delicate flowers,
Let's draw the sky, the sun
And my family
And I'm a beloved mother
I'll sing a song.
9 competition. "Cinderella".
Who will quickly put on an apron and sort through the peas from the beans.
10 Competition "The most attentive"
Within 20 seconds, students must find 10 differences.
(you can download any pictures on the Internet)
11 Miss Nurse Contest
Make a bandage of the hand. The winner is the one who quickly and accurately made the dressing.
12 Miss Grace Contest
It is necessary to draw a strip with chalk and whoever passes through it the fastest wins.
Leading: And now we will rest, we will sing a song and ditties to you. The song is performed by 3rd grade students.
Mom is the first word
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - sleepless night
Mom is crying slowly
How is the daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning my mother will fall asleep.

Mom is the first word
Mother earth and sky
Life gave me and you.

It happens - if it happens suddenly
In your house, grief is trouble,
Mom is the best, reliable friend -
Will be with you always.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

It happens - you become older
And like a bird you will fly high
Whoever you are, know that for mom you are -
As before, dear baby.

Mom is the first word
The main word in every fate
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.

Leading: Grade 4 students congratulate teachers:
Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac
May your life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full bowl!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!
With March melting you,
With March raging
With the most caressing
With the most exciting
Happiness to you lasting,
Happiness of the heart -
the very best,
The most eternal! -2 times
We congratulate you on Women's Day
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that every day you bloom,
Always to be good.
Let health be strong
And we'll tell you without extra words:
May your heart not forget
Students like us!
Dance (to the song "I kiss your hands" - dance with daisies)
(For each competition, students are given medals that can be downloaded on the Internet, and at the end of the holiday, the girl who has more of them is awarded).
Leading: (Homework: draw a portrait of mom)
Rewarding the best drawings.
Our wonderful holiday has come to an end, Once again we congratulate everyone on this wonderful spring holiday.
Students give mothers pre-made gifts.

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