Resident of the gum club Ilya Sobolev. Married couples among the current residents of the Comedy Club in the photo

Natalya Soboleva is the wife of the popular comedian, Comedy Club resident Ilya Sobolev, a well-known insta-blogger who promotes a healthy lifestyle. The girl became popular thanks to the social network Instagram, where she posted her own photos before and after losing weight.

First love and pregnancy

Natalia was born on July 11, 1985 in St. Petersburg. Maiden name of the girl Pakhomov. Having received a matriculation certificate, she entered the institute, choosing the Faculty of Law. Then the future Instagram star worked for some time in the field of buying and selling real estate abroad.

For several years, Natalya met with a stand-up comedian, a member of the KVN team "Left Bank" - Ilya Sobolev. When the guy brought the bride to meet his parents, they gave the girl a real test. The mother of a popular comedian wanted to make sure that she was giving her son in good hands. Pakhomova successfully passed the test drive, which conquered the future mother-in-law.

Soon, Ilya and Natalya officially legalized the relationship, becoming husband and wife. A few months later, Soboleva found out that she was pregnant. From that moment on, the usual life of a fragile girl has completely changed. Every day, the appetite of the once slender Natalya increased, she ate everything she saw in the refrigerator.

Soboleva consoled herself with stories that the child needed vitamins, useful substances, and if she did not eat, she would harm the child. As a result, the girl from 55 kg reached the mark of 88 kg. Due to excess weight, Natalia was admitted to the hospital for preservation, having diagnosed pathologies: preeclampsia and preeclampsia. Fortunately, the girl was born healthy, but with a critical low weight.

During the entire pregnancy, the wife of Ilya Sobolev, Natalya, gained more than 30 kilograms. Returning home, the young mother expected that the weight would also begin to drop rapidly, but everything turned out differently. At first, Soboleva could not find the right diet, exercise, so breast milk could disappear.

When the reflection in the mirror began to really upset the girl, she had a fear that Ilya would leave the family. Then Natalia decided that it was time for her to act actively.

cardinal changes

Soboleva bought a subscription to the gym, every morning, before Ilya left for work, she ran to training. In addition, the girl bought videos that she rode while walking with her daughter Sofia. Natalya added massage and Charcot shower to intensive training. Ilya remained the main motivator, supporting his wife in an effort to return to their previous forms.

For a year and a half, Sobolev's wife was engaged in strength training six times a week., which I independently selected by watching videos on YouTube. In the same way, she chose the optimal power scheme for herself. And only with the help of grueling workouts, thanks to her enormous willpower, she managed to lose 30 kg.

Interesting Notes:

Natalia shared her results on the social network Vk and Instagram, posting photos in the "Before" and "After" format. In a short time, these pictures spread all over the Internet, scored a huge number of likes and enthusiastic comments. Girls from all over Russia wrote to Natalya with a request to help them achieve such, without exaggeration, "cosmic" result. Soboleva shared her personal experience and acquired knowledge with subscribers, trying to help as much as possible.

On September 22, 2015, the Sobolev family was replenished. Daughter Eva was born. Natalya took her second pregnancy more seriously, she did not have to deny herself her favorite treats. Now she knew how to replace high-calorie rolls and sweets.

An experienced mother has developed her own system "Diary of nutrition and recovery after childbirth", which can be studied on her Instagram blog and other social networks. Now the girl boasts a perfect figure: height 169 cm, waist 63 cm, hips 95 cm. It was quite difficult for the girl to achieve such parameters, but her husband Ilya Sobolev became a powerful motivator.

Natalia manages to combine household chores with work on her projects: the Fit Premium EMS studio, as well as the Real Estate in Spain agency. The creative couple spends their free time on vacation abroad. Soboleva often comes to the shooting of Ilya at the Comedy Club to support her husband.

On personal pages on social networks, the girl continues to share ways of proper nutrition., lays out the menu of fasting days. Sobolevs also teach their children to a healthy lifestyle, regular sports. According to Natalia, active walks, training in the pool with the whole family are not only useful, but also fun.

Member of the KVN team "Left Bank". Winner of the program "Laughter without rules".
Resident of the comedy show "Comedy Club". Member of the trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev".

Ilya Sobolev was born on February 25, 1983 in the city of Krasnoyarsk. From childhood, the boy loved to joke and joke. There was always laughter around him. At school, Ilya, of course, acted as the ringleader and the highlight of any company. But he felt best on stage, where he brilliantly joked, improvised and amused teachers, peers and everyone present. After graduating from Lyceum No. 102, Ilya Sobolev received two educations: higher technical, at the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and acting, at the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts.

The creative biography of Ilya Sobolev began as part of the KVN team called "Left Bank". In 2003, the team became the champion of the Premier League of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. A year later, "Left Bank" took part in the Major League games.

Ilya Sobolev, as one of the brightest and most talented KVN players, is pleased to be invited to television, to various popular projects. So the artist appeared in the Killer League, Laughter Without Rules and Comedy Club. Soon Ilya becomes a resident of the Comedy Club.

Together with Roman Klyachkin, Sobolev took part in the first season of the Laughter Without Rules show, where he took second place. And in the ninth, so-called "golden" season of "Laughter without rules", in which most of the finalists of previous seasons participated, Ilya, as part of the duet "Beautiful", took first place.

Ilya Sobolev is also known as an excellent presenter and showman. The comedian is not at all afraid to experiment and does not recognize any limits or restrictions. Therefore, Ilya manages to successfully realize himself in very different genres. He does great parodies and miniatures. Brilliantly performs in the stand-up genre. And the artist is an excellent entertainer.

The third participant: Ilya, organically complemented the acting ensemble. The residents of the club decided not to limit themselves to comic numbers of the usual theme. Anton, Alexey and Ilya created their own format of humor, bordering on the absurd.

The trio "Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev" began to appear regularly on the air of the Comedy Club program, collecting high audience ratings. Soon, the comedians starred with Ruslan Bely in the clip "Nuances" of the group "3NT". Once the acting ensemble received an award in the nomination "The best media group of the city of St. Petersburg."

The artist also works as an entertainer. Holds ceremonial events, holidays and weddings. He was repeatedly invited as a leading corporate company for Dyula-Tour, Sberbank, UralEnergoGaz, Uralsib, Mars.

As a musician, Ilya recorded two music tracks "Gansta" and "Don't Think", which became hits and for a long time kept in the charts of the first dance "Radio Record". The track "Gansta" even took sixteenth place in the final superchart in 2009.

In 2013, three members of the Comedy Club, former KVN players, decided to create a creative comedy trio Ivanov, Smirnov, Sobolev. Anton Ivanov and Alexei Smirnov, members of the Hot Finnish Boys KVN team, worked as a duet called Cattle, which gained popularity among viewers of the Laughter Without Rules, Killer League, Killer Night projects.

In 2017, Sobolev made his film debut, where he starred in the Phantom of the Opera series, directed by Emil Nikoghosyan, known for the films Champions and Moms 3. It is noteworthy that his colleagues in the Comedy Club also starred in the film: Garik Kharlamov and Andrey Skorokhod. This is a story of friendship between police operative Lesha and the ghost of the legendary swindler Pashka Veterok.

In the winter of 2018, a new show "Prozharka" started on TNT4, hosted by Sobole. The format of the program is comedy: young comedians make fun of the invited guest. Singer Olga Buzova and stand-up artist Ruslan Bely have already visited Ilya at Prozharka.

Member Name: Ilya Viktorovich Sobolev

Age (birthday): 25.02.1983

Krasnoyarsk city

Education: ITsMiM SFU - ex. GUTSMIZ

Family: married, have children

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Reading this article:

Ilya Sobolev was born in Krasnoyarsk, from an early age he loved to joke and have fun, always remaining the soul of the company.

At school, not a single event took place without his participation, and in high school he organized KVN and brilliantly joked and showed miniatures from the stage.

After school, the active guy managed to get two diplomas of higher education at once - he is a professional actor one by one, and a “techie” by the second.

When the young artist was in the team "Left Bank", success began to literally pursue the team. Sobolev performed brilliantly, in many respects it was thanks to him that LB reached the Major League.

During the game, a bright guy attracted the attention of other, more experienced KVN players, so Ilya was soon seen in the Killer League, then in Laughter Without Rules, and later in the Comedy Club. Between the projects there were years of fruitful work, Sobolev worked tirelessly, for which he became the absolute winner of Laughter Without Rules.

The name of Ilya is associated with another colorful character - Uncle Vitya, who appeared in the humorous projects of the TNT channel.

The presented image is categorically not similar to Ilya, but the fans immediately saw through him, comparing the timbre of his voice, height and some external data.

However, Sobolev himself did not admit that it was he who amused the audience and ridiculed the jury in the costume of Uncle Vitya.

Interesting, but "Comedy Battle" arose precisely thanks to Ilya. In 2010, he realized that it was time to end with Laughter Without Rules and move on.

He left the project, and most of the young comedians left with him. Obviously, the show was supposed to close immediately, and the guys, having fruitfully worked on their future plans, provided the audience with a battle of comedians.

Colleagues claim that Ilya is a born artist and a very talented person., he is not afraid to try different images on himself, to take on work unfamiliar to him, to immerse himself in experiments. What is the trio "Sobolev Ivanov Smirnov" worth!

The guys are ready to squeeze a lemon on each other's eyes, strip naked on stage, walk on the backs and climb on their heads, pretend to be drug addicts and other dubious personalities. Interestingly, every time the chaos and non-standard approach to humor is always perceived by the audience.

In parallel with humorous activities Ilya works as a presenter, entertainer, hosts some programs on MUZ-TV and even writes songs. His composition "Gansta" was 16th in the 2009 chat.

The personal life of the artist is arranged no worse than the creative one.- he met a girl Natalya a long time ago, met her for several years. But when Ilya brought her to meet her family, her grandmother decided to test her future daughter-in-law by arranging examinations for her to check the organization of home comfort, the ability to cook culinary dishes, etc.

Now the spouses recall that period of life with humor, but the girl coped with all the tasks. The couple is happily married and has two children.

Ilya's photo

Ilya Sobolev has an Instagram where he often posts new photos.

Ilya began his career in show business with participation in the KVN team "Left Bank", and in its composition he became the champion of the KVN Premier League in 2003 and a member of the Major League in 2004. Sobolev is from Krasnoyarsk, and in this city he spent most of his life. Wife of Ilya Sobolev Natalia already used to his travels and performances - Sobolev sometimes performs on the stage of the Comedy club on TNT and for this he has to travel to Moscow.

Another hobby of Ilya Sobolev is music - together with one famous musician from St. Petersburg, he recorded two tracks - "Don't Think" and "Gangsta", which quickly became popular and for a long time occupied a leading position in the charts of the first dance "Radio Record". ”, and in the final Radio Record superchart for 2009, the track“ Gangsta ”occupied sixteenth place.

Ilya is also an adherent of the Stand Up genre and makes a lot of efforts to promote it. During his humorous career, he managed to become a participant in many television programs, including “Thank God you came” on STS, “Killer League” on TNT, “Laughter without rules”. In addition, he is a presenter on the MuzTV channel, hosts various identical events, but the showman considers his family to be his most important achievement - the wife of Ilya Sobolev gave birth to his daughter, and now he can be considered a full-fledged family man.

In the photo - Ilya Sobolev with his wife

Together with Natalya, they have not been the first year, and when they first met, and Ilya brought the bride to meet his parents, his mother gave Natasha a real exam to make sure that her son fell into reliable and caring female hands. The wife of Ilya Sobolev successfully passed this test, and now every day she proves to him what a wonderful wife he got.

The St. Petersburg trio "Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev" is one of the brightest humorous groups in the modern comedy industry.

Senya Mariengof

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The trio was formed in the fall of 2013, when already experienced comedians Anton Ivanov, Alexei Smirnov and Ilya Sobolev teamed up. The decision turned out to be correct: today the guys are the main residents in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


In order to immediately discourage you, I will ask a question that is probably of interest to many: is it true that all Comedy residents are rich? Have you already earned your first million? In general, is it beneficial to joke from the stage? Or is it just a hobby that allows you to meet beautiful girls?

Anton Ivanov: I, too, will immediately discourage you and answer that information about who gets how much in Comedy is the strictest secret. And if a resident finds out how much another receives, then he must immediately leave the project. For example, Alexander Revva, when he found out how much I was getting, did just that. But this is more likely due to the fact that he did not want to be in the same team with such a rogue. Of course, I have already earned the first million, but it's more like a million kopecks. Which is also not bad, given the current economic situation in the country.

Alexey Smirnov:(Laughs.) The fact that all Comedy residents are rich is an absolute lie! Look at us: we are sitting in bast shoes, girded with sedge. In the morning I had breakfast with snow. So not all residents are rich. Not everyone.

By the way, about girls. Are you already married or looking for? Probably, becoming a Comedy Club resident girl is very cool. Fans do not pester?

Alexey Smirnov: I've been married for eight years, and we've been together for twelve. So my wife was with me even before I got into Comedy. Accordingly, I did not conquer her with this.

Anton Ivanov: I'm already married. This year will be ten years old. My wife married me when I was as far from the Comedy Club as I was from my first million. The fans don't get it. No one stands under my balcony with posters. And if some unfamiliar girl calls me to go down to the street, then this is only so that I drive the car away.

Ilya Sobolev: And I'm married. Therefore, becoming my girlfriend is not so easy now. The wife won't understand.


In a couple of weeks you will go to the cities of Russia with your "Hiking Tour". Tell us which cities you will visit and in general, what will it be like?

Anton Ivanov: It will be a real walking tour. On February 23 it starts in the city of Kursk and ends on March 12 in Novosibirsk. We will visit twelve cities in total: Belgorod, Voronezh, Stary Oskol, Lipetsk, Tolyatti, Dzerzhinsk, Yaroslavl, Cherepovets, Vologda and Nizhny Novgorod. From city to city we will overcome the distance by walking, maybe running. But, knowing our endurance and speed, I think that we will not do without trains and planes. It will be a big one and a half to two hour concert, which we have been preparing for a whole year. Now it's time for other cities to see it. There will be a lot of humor, improvisation, dancing and even an act of spontaneous combustion. To see all this, you must definitely get to our concert.

Alexey Smirnov: Here! Finally some interesting questions! We have been preparing this program for a year. In 2014 and the beginning of 2015, five solo concerts were given in St. Petersburg in order to select the best from them. So on our “Walking Tour” we will take, or rather, we will carry the very juice of our creativity, a humorous concentrate. This is not an ordinary performance, not like the usual Comedy Club format. A slightly theatrical action in the usual absurd way with elements of improvisation and, perhaps, there will even be an elephant.

- If it's not a secret, what do you do outside the Comedy Club? Who did you study?

Alexey Smirnov: (Laughs.) I work as a cashier at Magnit, Anton works at a ski rental, and Ilya serves as a deacon at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. I studied as a cashier, Anton as a ski rental, and Ilya as a lawyer.

Ilya Sobolev: I am an engineer by my first education and a pop actor by my second. I've been doing comedy since I was sixteen, that is, sixteen years. Therefore, if I had a work book that I got myself, it would be written there: “Comedian. Experience - sixteen years.

Anton Ivanov: Besides Comedy, there is no work as such, now all efforts are thrown at inventing numbers. This is a rather painstaking process, so no matter how much you would like to manage some large bank, unfortunately, there is no time for this. And in the past, I had the opportunity to work for two years in the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the fire service and rise to the rank of sergeant. Although I graduated from the Pedagogical University, I am a teacher of biology and a teacher-psychologist by education.

There is a stereotype that good jokes are written only after a couple of glasses of cognac or something else, for which the State Drug Control punishes. Could you categorically dispel these vile conjectures?

Ilya Sobolev: My drugs are books and Western recordings of American comedians that I use daily.

Alexey Smirnov: We could not, because we come up with all our jokes when we are drunk to death. I'm telling you, we've been writing our numbers for a long time. This is partly due to difficult communication in this state (laughs).

Anton Ivanov: I categorically debunk these vile conjectures! All the most adequate is born only in an adequate state. For us, as such, doping does not exist. The main thing is to get enough sleep and be tuned to work. And also read a lot, have information about what is happening in the world and what people are interested in at the moment, because actual humor is often the most successful.

IN BED WITH "KOMSOmolskaya Pravda"

Do you find it acceptable to laugh at topics that hurt the feelings of others? Do you have your own inner taboos, what and who will you never joke about?

Alexey Smirnov: We somehow don't think about it. There is no taboo, we just understand at the stage of the script whether it is worth showing it to the viewer or not. In addition, our humor is absolutely not provocative, let's say harmless. It's harsh at times, but harmless. We just have a different genre. We do not have a stand-up, which should express some position, and we are not the Charlie Hebdo newspaper, which firmly demonstrates freedom of speech. In our miniatures, such a special grotesque world is created, where our stupid characters live their lives. It amuses us, and if someone in the hall amuses, then it’s generally super!

Anton Ivanov: We are unlikely to joke about other people's grief. We try to bypass the topics of wars and religions. We also treat politics with caution. We believe that the funniest topics for humor are everyday ones.

Ilya Sobolev: I dream of joking so delicately that any topic is accessible. I believe that it is possible to achieve such mastery. For now, I only joke about what I understand. I don't get into religion or politics. Although it would be great to joke about politics in our country. Because it's worth it.

I really want to appreciate your talent to work in the stand-up genre. Joke, please, about Komsomolskaya Pravda, but in such a way that the editor puts these jokes in the newspaper.

Anton Ivanov: Dmitry's wife was jealous of Komsomolskaya Pravda, because he went to bed with the newspaper more often than with her.

Alexey Smirnov: So, such a joke: Komsomolskaya Pravda boldly declared that she was not afraid of retribution from any religion and printed a caricature of Yarilo on the front page.

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