You can wash the pillows in the washing machine. How to wash pillows in the washing machine

Anastasia Sergeeva

How to wash any pillow? The most detailed instruction

Outside, summer is the best time to wash pillows, especially when you have to dry them without the help of a machine, in the air. So we decided to finally make detailed instructions about how to wash a pillow with any filler - feathers, down, holofiber, bamboo or synthetic winterizer - and tell you which pillows can be washed in washing machine, and which only manually. Take note!

How to wash a feather or down pillow

Since down and feather pillows are a favorable environment for the reproduction and development of allergenic mites, they do not keep their shape well and quickly acquire an unpleasant odor, they are bought less and less. But if you are still the owner of a feather / down pillow, then you need to properly prepare for washing, because this is a rather troublesome business - the filler will have to be washed separately.

So, how to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

You can, of course, do it easier and ask for help in special service for cleaning pillows - how it goes, see the video:

How to wash a pillow from holofiber and synthetic winterizer

Most of us have already acquired pillows made of synthetic materials, so it will be more relevant for us to learn how to wash a pillow made of synthetic winterizer or holofiber at home.

It is much easier to wash a synthetic pillow if you have a washing machine.

  1. It is necessary to load the product into the machine, placing additional tennis balls to it so that the filler does not go astray.
  2. Detergent should be liquid so that it is easier to wash. Never add bleach!
  3. Select the mode "Sparing". You can also turn on the "Synthetic" mode, if it is available in your car.
  4. The synthetic winterizer product must be washed at 40 degrees and do not turn on the spin cycle so that the filler does not stray.
  5. If you have a pillow with holofiber, then it can be washed at a temperature of 50-70 degrees. Spinning is allowed.
  6. After washing, squeeze the pillow with your hands, but do not twist it. Dry in the open air or in a ventilated place, hanging it vertically. Periodically, the filler can be beaten with your hands.

If there is no washing machine, you will have to learn how to wash a pillow made of synthetic material by hand.

  1. Pour into a large basin or tub warm water 60-70 degrees - it will start to cool down anyway. Dissolve detergent in it, liquid soap is better.
  2. Place a pillow in the water and gently beat it with your fists, turning it in different directions.
  3. You will have to rinse, completely changing the water to clean and again beating the pillow with your fists. Change the water several times.
  4. Drying is no different than washing in a washing machine.

How to wash a bamboo pillow

Such interesting products as bamboo filled pillows are also gaining popularity these days.

In principle, washing a pillow with bamboo in a washing machine is no different from handling synthetic fillers - you can wash them in the "Gentle" ("Delicate") mode and at a temperature of 40 "C. But there is important nuance: such pillows cannot be wrung out and dried vertically at all! It's best to just lay them on an open, horizontal surface in a well-ventilated area.

Like other types of pillows, you can wash your bamboo pillow by hand, but there are some limitations:

  • permissible water temperature - up to 30 "C;
  • detergent - slightly foaming, for example, laundry soap;
  • it is impossible to wring out and unscrew the product, just press it down so that moisture flows out and lightly massage;
  • dry in a horizontal position.

Washing pillows with other organic fillings

Popular in recent times products with organic fillers such as buckwheat husks, hay, herbs, etc., unfortunately, cannot be washed - only a complete replacement of the filler is suitable here. You can only wash the cover from under the filler, temporarily transferring it to a separate dry container, but washing the contents is not allowed. In any case, it should be remembered that such products are short-lived, and their service life is very limited.

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Can't sleep at night for a long time? Think it's stress or insomnia? How long has it been since you washed your pillow? Failure to comply with hygiene standards leads to the accumulation of bacteria and germs in the fillers. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly wash a pillow at home. In the article we will consider different kinds fillers, and you will find out whether each of them can be washed in a machine or it is worth using a hand wash.

Natural fillers from feathers and swan's down are a favorable environment for the development of bacteria; and the waste products of ticks cause allergies in humans. You can contact a professional service, where the pen is carefully processed. But if you are used to cleaning your home, we will tell you how to do it right. Do you wash products with natural filler in the washing machine? Feather, down products perfectly tolerate washing. The main thing is to know at what temperature to care for the pen. Choose gentle mode and 40 degrees.

How often to wash synthetic pillows depends on the duration of use. When buying a new product, look at the label. It indicates on which program you can take care of him. Synthetic fill polyester and holofiber should be washed at least 3-4 times a year.

Orthopedic and anti-stress pillow with filler (berry seeds, grass, cereals) must be replaced over time.

How to wash pillows with different fillings

Washing the pillow is justified if it has served you no more than three years. After that, you need to throw it away or replace the filler.

You can qualitatively clean the pen in the automatic washing machine by dividing it into parts.

  1. Shake out the filler from the pillowcase, divide it into several parts. The smaller the parts, the better the feather or down will be cleaned.
  2. Grab some pillowcases or cloth bags.
  3. Place the filler in bags and put in the wash. It is better to load 2-3 cases at a time.
  4. Add special balls to the drum to break down the fluff.

It is better to turn off the spin mode or set the speed to 500 rpm. After that, let the pillows hang upright and the water drain off.

If the filler is heavily soiled, use the soaking method. To do this, add 4 tsp to 5 liters of water. ammonia and a spoonful of washing gel. Soak feather cases for 2 hours. After the water drains, lay the feather out in the sun to dry well.

Sintepon, foam rubber and artificial down pillows quickly lose their shape. After 3 years, the product becomes flat, it is uncomfortable to sleep on it. To check if there is a point in washing, put a heavy object on the pillow. If after a while the shape is restored, then send the product to the drum.

Synthetic products can be loaded entirely into the machine. Add tennis balls to the drum, as well as liquid detergent.

Bamboo fillers are similar in care to synthetic ones. Choose a gentle mode at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Pillows made of bamboo and synthetic winterizer do not tolerate strong spin. Set the speed to 500 rpm.

Unlike down, artificial materials are dried in a ventilated area, away from the sun. Do not hang the product, otherwise it will lose its shape.

Sofa cushions are often made from polystyrene beads. Such products are called "antistress". You can wash them in the standard mode, set the temperature no higher than 40 degrees. Polystyrene does not absorb moisture, so the pillows dry quickly.

Should I wash a new latex pillow? No, this material does not tolerate contact with moisture. Latex materials can be wiped with a dry cloth.

Sheep and camel fillers are machine washable. Set the wool mode. Use liquid products for cashmere and woolen items.

It is important to dry the pillows well so that they retain their shape and do not accumulate moisture, otherwise an unpleasant smell is guaranteed. If you don't want to wash your pillow completely, set it to steam (if available on your CMA model). The mode will destroy bacteria and return freshness to the product. By replacing pillows in time, you take care of your health. Do not forget to take care of things in a timely manner, then your sleep will be sweet.

From a wide range of household items modern man Pillows require the most delicate and careful care. These items, if not properly cared for, become an ideal breeding ground for dust mites, bed bugs, harmful microorganisms and mold. That's why it's so important to wash your pillows regularly. The problem is that not everyone knows whether it is possible to wash pillows in the machine, and how this should be done. Washing pillows baffles many, which is why people go to the Internet in search of an answer to the question of how to wash pillows in a washing machine correctly. This guide will give you valuable information on how to wash down and feather pillows, as well as other materials such as synthetics.

Preparing pillows for washing in the washing machine

Obviously, before washing the pillows in the washing machine, they must be properly prepared for this procedure so that the result does not upset you, but pleases you. The first step is to find or purchase special covers that are designed for washing products containing down and feathers. If you do not have the desire or opportunity to buy these devices, before washing the pillow in an automatic machine, you can put the product in an old pillowcase and secure it firmly so that the shell does not open during washing.

Can you wash down pillows in the washing machine? Not only possible, but also recommended. So, it is useful to divide the fluff from one large pillow into 2-3 equal parts, put them in bags and wash in this way. Further, the pillow after washing is assembled into one whole - everything is very simple, moreover, in this way the fluff dries much faster after washing. Carefully pour the stuffing material into different covers to prevent fluff and feathers from spreading throughout the room. The cover for the filler must be carefully sewn up.

Remember before washing synthetic pillows(and any others), carefully knock them out from the dust on the street. Is it possible to wash a pillow that has not been previously embossed? No one forbids, however, in this case, all the dirt will remain on it, while it can turn into unpleasant stains, which are difficult to remove.

Proper washing of pillows in a washing machine

The first step is to answer the question of whether it is possible to wash pillows in an automatic machine if there is an organic filler inside them. It all depends on your preferences - it is believed that organic content has a very limited service life, so it is advisable not to suffer with washing, but to purchase new pillows or filler separately. Therefore, determine for yourself whether it is possible to wash feather pillows in a washing machine - this is not prohibited, everything depends on the expediency of the action.

Washing a pillow correctly is a simple science that can be comprehended in just a few minutes, which must be spent reading and memorizing the following simple rules, following which is simply mandatory:

  • Set the water temperature to no more than 30 degrees. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature regime when washing pillows with organic fillers - hot water very harmful for them.
  • How to wash pillows? If the machine does not have special modes, choose the most delicate one. If there is a hand wash or swan down wash mode, choose the one you need.
  • Set the minimum number of revolutions for spinning (no more than 400) or turn it off completely.
  • Pick a good detergent. Is it possible to wash the down feather pillow in the usual washing powder? Not recommended, it is better to opt for detergents for washing delicate items. Also on sale you can find products designed for washing fillers made of feathers and down.

Now you understand how to wash feather pillows in the washing machine. There is another option - hand washing, which has one main advantage - the fluff does not get lost during the washing process. You can learn more about this later, but now you need to understand how often to wash the pillow. The answer will depend not only on the conditions of use of the product, but also on the material from which the filler is made. The dependency is like this:

  • Antistress pillows. These products perfectly cope with loads, can be washed from 5 times a year.
  • Feather and down pillows. It is recommended to clean such pillows from 2 to 4 times in one year, not more often.
  • Bamboo products. Very durable pillows, not liked by ticks. Can be washed up to 6 times a year.
  • Synthetic pillows. It is recommended to wash as little as possible, or regularly change to new ones.

You already know how to wash pillows, but how to properly approach the drying process? It's time to sort this out.

Proper drying of pillows after washing is an important cleaning step

Is it possible to machine wash feather pillows and products from other options - we already know this. But how to properly dry the product so as not to spoil the washing results? Here are some important recommendations:

  • Pillows should be dried either outdoors or indoors with well-equipped natural or artificial ventilation. Speeding up the drying process with heat is not recommended.
  • Do not place products near heat sources or open flames. Also, do not place pillows in direct sunlight - intense heat can only damage products.
  • During the drying process, you need to regularly turn the pillows over and fluff them, which is especially true for products made of down and feathers. Otherwise, the filler will go astray, after which the pillow will have to be thrown away.

Is it possible to wash a down pillow in a washing machine with a wringer so as not to bother when drying? It is impossible - such an aggressive impact during the spinning process can affect the churning of fluff. After that, you can’t do anything with the pillow other than throwing it away. Is it possible to wash a down pillow so that the down does not go astray? Yes, there is a great tip - put some large tennis balls in the washing machine drum. They will hit the product during washing and prevent churning down, which is necessary for its safety.

Hand washing pillows - how to competently approach the process?

Many are interested in whether it is possible to wash feather pillows not in a washing machine, but by hand. The answer is yes. Such washing is often practiced when it comes to down and feather products, since when washing by hand, down can be prevented from churning. Here are some important rules for competent hand washing of pillows:

  • For washing, use water at room temperature - it should not exceed 30 degrees.
  • It is best to take a bath as a container - you need to pour water into it and pour it out to fill the pillows, after opening it. It is necessary to soak the filler for 3-4 hours, no more.
  • After washing, the fluff must be collected and squeezed out with a colander, then packaged in bags.
  • Down bags should be laid out in the open air and dried, turning regularly.

Similar rules apply for hand-washing bamboo pillows and anti-stress pillows. Now you know for sure whether it is possible to wash pillows in an automatic machine, as well as how to do it correctly. Remember tips!

How you can and should properly wash pillows in normal household conditions in a washing machine. On the streets you can often find mobile items for washing pillows, but you can also wash them at home with your own hands, of course, with the help of a washing machine, since manually this is a rather troublesome task. But pillows need to be washed in different ways, depending on the material from which they were made by the manufacturer.

How to wash down pillows

How to wash down pillows? Quite difficult and troublesome. You should embroider the pillowcase and pull out the fluff. The fluff should be sewn into gauze (you may have to wash the fluff in several batches in turn if the pillow is large. You can wash the fluff in the gauze in the washing machine only on the most delicate mode using gentle liquid powders, such as washing gel. Wring out at maximum mode and dry on in a special mode, after which the fluff must be thoroughly dried and sewn back into the pillowcase.If there is no Drying mode in the washer, you can dry the fluff in the sun, periodically shaking it in gauze.The pillowcase must be washed separately, but it is better to replace it with a new one.

How to wash feathers from a pillow

A feather pillow can be washed by sewing them inside gauze along with several special laundry balls; you can buy such balls in household chemical stores. It should be washed in a washing machine, also on the most delicate mode, after washing, the feathers are dried in the sun, so it is better to wash the pillows in the summer.

How to wash holofiber pillows

These synthetic pillows can be washed by simply sending the pillow to the washing machine on a delicate wash. You can dry it in the sun, from time to time hanging it from top to bottom, so that the filler inside is evenly distributed and dries well. By the way, these pillows dry out very quickly.

How to wash bamboo pillows

Bamboo pillows (yes, there are some even today) can only be washed in the washing machine on the most delicate wash cycle, the temperature of which should never exceed 40 ° C. But you can dry such products only on a flat surface, putting the pillows on a clean large towel, folding it several times.

Given the above features, we see that, in principle, it is possible to wash pillows by hand, the main thing is to observe the necessary temperature conditions and wash only with the most delicate liquid detergents. You should also be guided by the designations on the labels of pillows when buying, which can be cut off and put separately, in order to know how to wash and dry this product.

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