What does it mean to me to be a cultural worker? Is your spirituality cultural?

I often dreamed of paradise gardens,
Among the branches are ruddy fruits,
Rays and angelic voices
Miracles of extraterrestrial nature.

N. Gumilyov. Paradise (1915)

Sacralization of culture

The word "culture" for its more than 2000 years of existence has acquired hundreds of interpretations, but at the same time retained common sense. From Cato the Elder to Yu.M. Lotman culture means an area that a person fences off from something to own and control it. With the help of culture as a kind of language, a person creates material and intangible objects, changes and adapts the world. In a broad sense, culture includes science.

Culture was born at the moment of the fall, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit - "and the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed together fig leaves, and made themselves aprons" (Gen. 3: 7). Girdling is the first manifestation of earthly culture in history, an artificial compensation for the internal inferiority of a person that has appeared (shame is a feeling of inconsistency with oneself). Adam and Eve covered their naked bodies, as if "protecting themselves" from the nature of paradise and from God, which from that moment seemed hostile to them. The entire subsequent history of mankind is a process of modernization of this girdle, the creation of a layer of arts, sciences, technology between man and the "hostile" world. Culture makes our life possible (without culture, mankind would not have survived), but at the same time it is a barrier that separates a person from the primordial, paradise state.

The concept of "culture" began to play a special role after the Renaissance, when the process of secularization began - the gradual displacement of the Christian and, in general, religious worldview from all areas of life - from art to science. Icons turned into sensual paintings, and the thirst for spiritual growth was replaced by a thirst for scientific and technological progress. A period has come when the most important source of culture instead of the divine was declared earthly. But paradoxically, it is during this period of struggle with religious consciousness that culture becomes one of the new sacred concepts of modernity, acquires an almost religious meaning for modern man. Since then, the word “culture” has been written with a small letter, but pronounced as if it were written with a capital letter. Hence the high social status first among artists and philosophers, and today - among the "organizers" of culture (curators, producers, gallery owners, directors), who perform almost priestly functions. They seek to manage the ethical and aesthetic ideals of life, create norms, advocate for culture to become main value society. One well-known culturologist, speaking recently to senators in the Federation Council, exclaimed: “If our country, when planning the budget, wrote “culture” as number one, then all other spheres would automatically rise by many percent!.. Culture is the worship of Light! .. Culture is the most important thing!” .

Surprisingly, the modern decline in the general level of the arts, aesthetics and morality does not interfere with the strengthening of the very idea of ​​culture. Moreover, culture (as a social phenomenon) is also strengthened by scientific progress. Virtual reality, biotechnology, genetic engineering and the idea of ​​artificially constructing a person (transhumanism) are also gradually blurring the line between culture and nature. When culture begins to control the laws of not only dead, but also living nature at the deepest level, then nature becomes part of culture and ceases to exist as an area separate from culture. Penetrating into the secrets of nature, culture wants to replace them with itself, to become itself new nature.

The state of postculture

One day, culturologists will announce that the border between culture and nature can and should be erased, and history is moving towards a state where absolutely everything will become culture. This hypothetical state can be defined by the term "postculture". The post-cultural world is a world in which there is no religion, no nature, no culture, where all this becomes a new culture, post-culture. With the end of culture, time (a cultural concept) also ceases to exist, which means that a kind of eternity begins. Postculture is an attempt to imitate the lost state of paradise on earth, to forget about the fall, to convince oneself that with the help of culture a person can take off his “belts” and the suffering associated with them - illness, fear, death, and make the world around him a paradise and live as long as you want. To do this, culture must become so ubiquitous, totalitarian and all-consuming that a person is left alone in it, that there is no “outside”, “outside” and no one could spy on him and remind him of his inferiority. In this state, a person finally renounces the idea of ​​the fall into sin, from the recognition of the universal moral law, from the possibility of returning to paradise through reconciliation with God and personal spiritual transformation.

To understand the meaning of postculture, one can try to imagine what its prototype looks like, which the doctrine of postculture copies outwardly, without understanding or not wanting to understand it. inner essence. Let's try to imagine what culture looked like in paradise.

Was there a culture in paradise?

If religion is a compensation for humanity's rupture with God, then culture is a compensation for the rupture with God's world. In paradise, there were no such gaps, there were no different languages and paradigms, which means that the communication of a person with God was not a special language of religion, the interaction of a person with the outside world was not a culture. There, man spoke the language of God, and primordial nature lived according to the law of this single language. Moreover, if in paradise world If there was no our culture, then there was no our nature. Is it possible to call nature that which understands you and obeys you, and that with which a person communicates directly, without cultural "translators" - arts and sciences?

We can also assume that culture and nature in paradise formed a single whole, which in our language has no name. What was in paradise only partly resembled culture, but in essence it was something completely different.

But Adam possessed speech, "cultivated" the Garden of Eden, "named" the names of animals. What then was the activity of the first man, if not culture?


There was no culture in paradise - there was creativity in paradise

It was in paradise. Man was created by God as a co-creator of the surrounding world. However, whatever the first man did, he did not fence himself off from nature, but created with it. Everything that he created became an organic continuation of the world and did not contradict it. There was no creativity in paradise" cultural activities” in our understanding, because paradise itself was already that special, “fenced”, “cultural” zone created by God for man, inside which there were no divisions, separate spaces - culture, science, religion, and also there were no arts. Myself surrounding a person the world was the highest of the arts, human speech was poetry, movement was dance, life with God was the Church. Translating into theological language, we can say that life in paradise itself was an ongoing sacrament.

There are many echoes in the world, reminiscent of heavenly creativity. For example, animal training - using them as assistants for moving, guarding and even communicating (messenger pigeons). Or vegetable world, which not only feeds a person, but with its ideal forms and colors brings spiritual joy. There are these echoes in inanimate nature, opening common man at the sight of natural elements in action. And how much religious surprise and delight experienced scientists who studied the laws of nature!

Common in in social networks footage of a man embracing a lion who has recognized his former owner, excite the mind of the viewer, because in them he suddenly recognizes the normal state of nature and his own, when “the wolf will live with the lamb, and the leopard will lie with the goat; and the calf, and the young lion, and the ox will be together, and the little child will lead them ”(Is. 11: 6).

The birth and upbringing of children is an opportunity to get as close as possible to the state of paradise creativity

The subconscious memory of such a heavenly “superculture” can lead a person not only to a religious search, but also to the desire to achieve paradise without personal spiritual transformation, to deify culture and create an artificial, post-cultural “paradise” with its help. But postculture is a dead end: even the most high tech they will not be assembled from fragments and will not replace that heavenly state, when all nature obeyed and served man at his first call, voluntarily and with love, and man fully felt himself a co-creator and helper of God.

The only area where it is possible for a person to get as close as possible to the state of heavenly creativity is the birth and upbringing of children, the “creation” of a new person together with God. There is no other work on earth that is more perfect, beautiful and more important than this, because the child is the only work that has the likeness of God. Here a person feels himself to be a co-author of God and nature in full measure. This example reminds us that real creativity, by its nature, goes far beyond the limits of earthly culture.

Limits of culture

The primacy and superiority of human creativity in relation to earthly culture suggests that creativity exists separately from culture, and culture is not a value in itself. Good and evil human aspirations are expressed through culture, but there is no truth in this space itself. Culture does not carry truths, it is only forced compensation the consequences of the fall (“girdling”), and it should be treated accordingly - as a way to temporarily hide one’s shame, moving along the path of history, as a temporary carrier of knowledge and experience, tradition and religious values ​​(Yu.M. Lotman and B.A. Uspensky also called culture "non-hereditary memory"). If we compare culture with an icon, then the worship of culture would mean that the worship of the face is replaced by the worship of the very matter of the icon as a magical amulet. From culture, as from any subject, you can create an idol.

The task is not to deify culture, but only to prevent it from sliding into two states: pre-culture and post-culture

Therefore, culture is not such an important phenomenon of life, no matter how "blasphemous" it may sound for a modern person. The task is not to deify it, but only to prevent it from sliding into two states: pre-culture (degradation to animal "savagery", loss of human appearance) and post-culture (the apogee of scientific progress, the desire for absolute power over nature). Both of these states in their moral content are one and the same, postculture is a kind of high-tech savagery. Each of these states is as far as possible from the original and is crowned with dehumanization - the destruction of the image of God in man.

The memory of paradise is deeply rooted in a person and acts in him, causing a desire to return to the original state: through reconciliation with God and internal transformation, or through the deification of culture and the creation of an artificial imitation of paradise, which will allow you to mask your own imperfections without healing them. But last way sooner or later doomed, like any self-deception.

Culture is just a transitory form, a temporary language, limited in means, but still allowing for the right to make mistakes and the possibility of correction.

\ The documents \ For a teacher of Russian language and literature

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Literature Tests

Grade 10 Read the text and complete tasks A1 - A6; B1 - B8,

Why is literature important in schools?

(1) What is culture, why is it needed? (2) What is culture as a system of values? (H) What is the purpose of that broad liberal education that we have always had in the tradition? (4) After all, it’s no secret to anyone that our education system, for all its flaws, is one of the best, if not the best in the world. (5) I repeat all the time that the phenomenon of “Russian brains” is not ethnobiological, that it owes its existence to and this broad humanitarian basis of our education, I repeat famous words Einstein that Dostoevsky gives him more than mathematics, (6) Recently, someone - I don’t remember who - said: if we didn’t teach literature, there would be no rockets, no Korolev, and much more. (7) I am convinced that Russian literature, Russian culture supported us in the war: “Wait for me” by Simonov, “In the dugout” by Surkov, the same “Terkin” ... (8) And Shostakovich's Seventh Symphony - she helped Leningrad survive! (9) Russian literature is, among other things, an antidote to vulgarity and moral ugliness, (10) We cannot allow the teaching of literature to turn into “information”, so that “Eugene Onegin” is considered only as an “encyclopedia of Russian life”. (11) After all, the meaning of teaching is not to teach how to write as brilliantly as Pushkin, or to “enjoy the pleasure of stylistic beauties” in your free time from serious matters. (12) Literature lessons should first of all introduce high culture, to the system moral values.

(13) The full life of Russian classics at school ~ this is the condition for the existence of our people, our state; it is, as they say now, a matter of national security. (14) Not reading "Onegin", not knowing "Crime and Punishment", "Oblomov", " Quiet Don”, we are turning into some other people.

(15) Why are there "people"! (16) They don’t call us otherwise than the “population”.

(17) So we must somehow defend ourselves ...

(V. Nepomniachtchi)

À1. 1 Which statement does not correspond to the point of view of the author of the text?

1) The phenomenon of “Russian brains” is explained to a certain extent by a broad humanitarian

education based on literature; without Russian literature, we would not have had success in space.

2) Russian literature, as well as music, helped us survive and win the war.

3) The main purpose of literature is to be a source of information, "Eugene Onegin" at school is, first of all, an "encyclopedia of Russian life."

4) Not reading Pushkin, Goncharov. Dostoevsky and other Russian writers, we. our people as a whole would be different.

1) To develop Creative skills schoolchildren.

2) To expand students' understanding of the life of our contemporaries, to tell about the past, to inform about the life of people in other countries.

3) Teach them to appreciate art word develop literary taste.

4) To form a system of moral values ​​among schoolchildren - the basis of national self-consciousness.

A3. Determine the style and type of speech of the text,

1) popular science style, storytelling

2) art style, description

3) journalistic style, reasoning

4) scientific style, reasoning

1) 2, 3 2) 4, 5 3) 10, 11 4) 15,16

À5. Which sentences use syntactic parallelism as a means of communication?

1) 1 and 2 2) 5 and 6 3) 7 and 8 4) 9 and 10

A6. What means of expression are not used in this text?

1) interrogative and exclamatory sentences

2) rows of homogeneous members

3) detailed comparisons

4) evaluative vocabulary, words in a figurative sense

Answers to tasks B1-B4 write down the word (s).

IN 1. In the first two paragraphs, find a sentence in one part of which the imperative mood of the verb is used in the meaning of the conditional. Enter his number.

IN 2. Write out a particle from sentence 7.

AT 3. From sentences 9 - 12 write out the word in which the prefix has the meaning of attachment.

AT 4. From sentence 17, write out the phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT. Write down the answers to tasks B5-B8 in numbers.

AT 5. Among sentences 7-12, find a simple common sentence in which the subject and predicate are expressed by the same part of speech. Write down his number.

AT 6. Find in the text a sentence in which a dash is used to highlight introductory construction. Write down his number.

AT 7. In the last 2 paragraphs, find a simple sentence with two isolated circumstances, expressed participle turns. Write down his number.

AT 8. Among sentences 5-12, find a complex sentence with a homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses, in which an impersonal sentence is used in the main part. Write down his number.

C1. Write a review essay on this text. Do you agree with the position of the author, Doctor of Philology Valentin Nepomniachtchi? Express your attitude to the issues raised. What, in your opinion, is the role of classical Russian literature in society and at school?

Literature Tests

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1) Make a plan for the text.
1) Internal culture
2) How to become a cultured person?
3) Who is a cultured person?
4) What should be a cultured person?
5) What if you manage to touch the culture?
2) Underline two characteristics in the text cultured person.
A cultured person is never a narrow specialist who does not see or understand anything beyond the scope of his profession. The more we are familiar with other areas of cultural development, the more each of us will be able to do in his own way. own business.
3) What sentences of the text speak about the importance of internal culture in human life? Underline (highlight) any three sentences.
Internal culture is the culture that has become the second nature for man. It cannot be abandoned, it cannot be simply discarded, discarding at the same time all the conquests of mankind.
The internal, deep foundations of culture cannot be translated into a technology that allows you to automatically become a cultured person.
A cultured person is not one who knows a lot about painting, physics or genetics, but one who is aware and even feels the inner form, the inner nerve of culture.
You cannot become a Mozart, or an Einstein, or even the least serious expert in any field, until you fully master this or that part of the culture necessary for working in this field, until this culture becomes your internal property, and not an external set of rules. ..
4) During the years of revolutions in different countries there were people who called for discarding the old cultural values and start building new culture"With clean slate". Is it possible? Why? Underline the phrase in the text that helps answer this question.
Yes it is possible. A cultured person is not one who knows a lot about painting, physics or genetics, but one who is aware and even feels the inner form, the inner nerve of culture. In a developed culture, even a not very gifted artist or scientist manages to achieve serious results.
5) The text says: “The more we are familiar with other areas of cultural development, the more each of us will be able to do in our own business.” On the example of any two prominent figures, confirm this judgment.
Lomonosov not only studied science, but also wrote for years and was fond of fine arts. Borodin was not only a great composer, but also a chemist. Pushkin knew French, studied the works of Byron in the original.
6) What, in your opinion, is the influence of culture on the formation of personality? Based on the text, social science knowledge and personal experience Give two or three explanations.
It is culture that plays an important role in human life and society. It forms one or another type of personality: a common historical past, historical memory, group conscience, religious doctrines, generally accepted rituals, biosocial experience, collective opinions and feelings, prejudices, family patterns, historical traditions, ideals and values, attitude to other people's values.
An individual becomes a member of society, a person as he socializes, i.e., mastering knowledge, language, symbols, values, norms, customs, traditions of his people, his social group and all mankind. The level of culture of an individual is determined by its socialization - familiarization with cultural heritage, as well as the degree of development of individual abilities, erudition, understanding of works of art, fluency in native and foreign languages, accuracy, politeness, self-control, high morality, etc. All this is achieved in the process of upbringing and education.
Culture and personality are interconnected. On the one hand, culture forms one or another type of personality, on the other hand, personality recreates, changes, discovers new things in culture.

Do you know the traditions of your people?

A sociological study of the traditions of the people was supposed to be made somewhat wider and timed to coincide with large-scale programs (in particular, the “Year of national fairy tales"). However, for the time being, we have decided to limit ourselves to a pilot study, soil exploration, so to speak.

This topic is very interesting in any key and perspective. Especially for multi-ethnic North Caucasus where hundreds of different peoples and where more than one cultural branch is woven. In a region where hundreds of large and small peoples live nearby, everyone has their own traditions passed down from parents to children. Finding out what culture the readers of the children's library belong to and how to build acquisitions in accordance with requests is an equally important task.

The questionnaire was developed in several blocks and key positions: knowledge of the traditions and customs of their culture; attitude to the culture and traditions of other people; interests in their own and other cultures. In total, there were 26 questions in the questionnaire, not counting questions about age and gender (“passport”).

A total of 31 people were interviewed. Of these, 23 girls and 8 boys. Average age respondents - 13 years.

Most of the library readers interviewed are ethnic Russians, two identified themselves as Slavs, one as an Armenian, and one as an Ossetian. This narrowed things down a bit. this study and allowed to talk for the most part only about Russian traditions and culture. Although they are so diverse that they include a rich fusion of customs.

P Respondents understand the following by the word “tradition”:

· "tradition" combines all of the above - 11 people

· something that passes or has passed from one generation to another – 10 people

· certain norms of behavior, values, ideas, customs, rituals, etc. – 5 people

· custom, an ingrained order in something (in behavior, everyday life, etc.) – 3 people

· a certain way of life coming from ancient times – 3 people

Thus, a third of the respondents believe that tradition contains all the diversity of concepts, a third - that it is something passing from generation to generation. Some of the votes were given to other answers.

Library readers believe that the tradition of this or that nation is:

· national holidays, rituals and customs – 14 people

· together– 14 people

· national cuisine, language – 2 people

· national costumes, dances, songs, fairy tales – 1 person

Thus, some of the respondents are inclined to consider holidays, rituals and customs as a tradition of the people, and some - all together. Several people chose other answers.

Respondents believe that the study of traditions and customs leads to:

· knowledge and understanding of the culture of their people - 21 people

· love for one's country – 6 people

· cultural development – 7 people

· leads to nothing – 0 people

Most of the respondents believe that familiarity with the traditions and customs of the people can lead to an understanding of the culture of their people. Some believe that in this way love for the Motherland is formed and the scope of a person's cultural development is expanded.

What are the traditions of the people - a museum rarity or a sleeping reality that can again become relevant, visible, effective? folk wisdom says: "The people who do not remember and do not honor their customs and traditions are bad and ignorant." Traditions are a kind of bridge between our past and future. And today it is important to preserve those hearths cultural life that are still alive among the people.

One of the key questions of the questionnaire: do the respondents know the traditions of their people:

· yes, I know well– 8 people

· know a little– 18 people

· don't know– 5 people

Most of the respondents are familiar with the traditions of their people, but not so well as to be in this guru. 5 people are not familiar with their culture at all. Only eight people know the traditions of their culture well. This may indicate insufficient knowledge received and assimilated by children in the family, school, library - the most important social institutions designed to acquaint the younger generation with the culture of the country.

From the traditions of their people, the children recalled the following:

· Maslenitsa (pancakes, scarecrow burning) – 6 people

· Easter– 5 people

· Christmas– 4 people

· New Year – 3 people

· songs– 3 people

· carols– 3 people

· cuisine, recipes– 3 people

· different holidays – 3 people

· dances, dances, round dances – 3 people

· ritual "bread and salt" – 2 people

· fairy tales– 2 people

· Ivan Kupala– 1 person

· cook borscht– 1 person

· Christian holidays – 1 person

· Religious holidays – 1 person

· educational holidays – 1 person

· trade fairs– 1 person

· hospitality– 1 person

· saints– 1 person

· suits– 1 person

· rites– 1 person

· hang a horseshoe over the door – 1 person

· didn't answer– 10 people

Thus, several children named Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas and New Year - the most famous holidays among the Russian people, preserved in one form or another from ancient times. However, not only holidays can be attributed to the traditions of the people, and the children also remembered songs, costumes, customs, cults, fairs, and hospitality. Traditional modern holidays were also mentioned - March 8 and February 23 - although they cannot be fully attributed to the culture of our people. But the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the rite of "bread and salt", such a dish national cuisine how borscht is directly related to our culture and it's nice that the younger generation does not forget about it.

Of course, I would like children to know their traditions better. But, unfortunately, this is an all-Russian tradition, confirmed by other studies: out of two dozen Russian traditions, the younger generation is able to remember and name two or three at most.(in particular, Maslenitsa, carols, Ivan Kupala) . And one more thing, unfortunately: traditions remain mainly in literature, in books, without them traditions and rituals are poorly reproduced among the people.

It is worth telling a little about the mentioned rite. hanging a horseshoe over the door. It was customary to consider the horseshoe as a symbol of happiness in Ancient Egypt. Moreover, the explanation for this was very simple: all the horses harnessed to the pharaoh's chariot had golden horseshoes on their hooves. When the pharaoh's carriage moved through the streets, horseshoes were sometimes lost, and the people who found them became, if not happy, then certainly rich. Since then, the tradition of keeping a horseshoe at home has passed to many peoples. Most often it was believed that it must be nailed at the entrance to the dwelling: either above the door, or to the threshold.

Respondents considered the following traditions to be especially revered:

· family traditions (hospitality, hospitality, respect for elders, etc.) – 14 people

· religious traditions (Christmas, Easter, Ramadan, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Adha, Passover, etc.) – 16 people

· cultural traditions ( folk songs, holidays, proverbs, recipes, fairy tales, carols, round dances, fairs, etc.) - 11 people

· educational (everyday life, crafts, professions, etc.) – 5 people

· educational (respect for ancestors, moral and moral ideals - patriotism, collectivism, honesty, kindness) – 8 people

There is an approximately equal distribution of responses, with a slight bias in favor of religious holidays, which can be considered the most stable in the traditions of a particular people.

Answers to the question about what holidays the respondents took part in showed:

· Maslenitsa - 10 people

· Easter - 5 people

· Christmas - 4 pers.

· New Year - 3 people.

· Kolyada - 1 person.

· at the wedding - 2 people.

· in many - 2 people.

· at the birthday party - 1 person.

· in religious holidays– 1 person

· in none - 1 person.

· didn't answer– 10 people

A third of the respondents answered that they had participated in Maslenitsa, and some of them had celebrated Christmas and Easter. Several people remembered the celebration of the New Year. Other answers are not so popular. One third of the respondents did not answer.

The national language is the most important part of the culture of the people. The processes that occur with it affect the entire spectrum folk traditions, their sustainability and development.

According to the respondents, the language of the people they represent (and this is most often Russian):

· developing - 15 people.

· degrading - 15 people.

· it no longer exists - 1 person.

Thus, opinions about the fate of the language are divided - half believe that it is developing, half - that it is degrading. Only one person stood out from the crowd and said that it was not about Tom is coming dispute - the language is no longer alive.

Respondents noted that they especially like in their national culture:

· fairy tales- 19 people

· proverbs, sayings, riddles – 12 people

· games– 5 people

· other (fairy tales, hospitality) – 2 people

Pride in the traditions of your people - good quality. When there is someone to be proud of, this strengthens national self-awareness, allows us to talk about the strength of traditions. To the question “Are you proud of the traditions of your people?” respondents answered as follows:

· very proud– 16 people

· respect, but no more - 13 people

Those who are not proud of their traditions have not been identified, there are those who treat them with varying degrees love and respect. Fanaticism here, probably, is also not worth it.

The traditions of the people are reflected not only in songs, legends, beliefs and customs. Culture in its various manifestations enters our home and our life with the mother's cradle, from grandmother's tales. Traditions are firmly fixed in national literature, which should be widely represented in libraries. Respondents, answering the question about the books they read about their people, noted that they had read:

· fairy tales - 9 people.

· epics - 4 people.

· about the war - 2 people.

· my grandmother told me everything - 2 people.

· "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - 1 person.

· "David of Sasun" - 1 person.

· "Story ancient Russia"- 1 person.

· "Culture and customs in Russia" - 1 person.

· "Ancient Russia" - 1 person.

· folklore - 1 person.

· stories - 1 person.

· history textbook - 1 person.

· none - 1 person

Most of them read fairy tales, as well as epics, in which, probably, the traditions of the people are shown in the most prominent and accessible way. The rest noted both general stories and specific books - for example, "Culture and customs in Russia", "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", "David of Sasun". The last book is a medieval Armenian epic, which tells about the struggle of the heroes from Sasuna(area in historical Armenia, now in Turkey) against the Arab invaders.

At the same time, few books that I would like to read were named:

· don't know3 people

· many2 people

· ancient traditions 2 people

· history of Russia - 2 people.

· fairy tales - 1 person.

· how our people developed - 1 person.

· any (I am fond of history) - 1 person.

· "Great Russian commanders" - 1 person.

· about fidelity, love, respect - 1 person.

· books about old Russian tribes - 1 person.

· all that exist - 1 person.

Thus, there is an interest in historical literature which readers would like to know. For example, the guys would like to learn more about Russian tribes and great commanders. However, the younger generation also needs other literature: about love, fidelity, respect, fairy tales.

When asked if your family maintains an interest in the historical past of your people, the respondents answered as follows:

· yes, we keep our traditions to the best of our ability– 18 people

· in our family this is often forgotten– 5 people

· we have long lost touch with the past– 1 person

· find it difficult to answer– 7 people

The answers indicate that, to the best of their ability, traditions are preserved in the families of the respondents, some of the respondents said that this is sometimes forgotten in their families, and some found it difficult to answer.

Correlating with this question is the next one, about Is it possible to forget your traditions? Respondents believe that:

· yes, sometimes it happens - 17 people

· strong traditions will survive anyway Hard times - 11 people

· find it difficult to answer – 3 people

The respondents believe that sometimes traditions can only remain in the past, be forgotten. However, a fairly significant part of our readers think differently, noting that strong traditions, despite all the cataclysms, ideology and public opinion, will survive the centuries and remain in the culture of the people.

When asked whether it is worth knowing and following the traditions of their people, the respondents answered:

· yes, it will help my people survive and survive the ages - 19 people

· no, it's not necessary at all – 6 people

· find it difficult to answer – 6 people

According to the majority of respondents, people should preserve the traditions of their people, as this will contribute to the preservation of culture over time and strengthen the roots of the people. At the same time, some of the respondents expressed the opinion that it is not at all necessary to preserve traditions, while others found it difficult to answer.

The next question is: “What do you think, can the old, established traditions of your people be in conflict with your modern views for life?"

· Yes– 18 people

· No– 5 people

· find it difficult to answer – 8 people

The majority of respondents believe that traditions, which owe their origin to the past, may well contradict their views on life. modern people. And there are many examples of this (suffice it to recall wearing in Europe, etc.). Significantly fewer respondents think otherwise.

To the question about whether new traditions can appear among the people, the respondents answered as follows:

· Yes– 24 people

· No– 4 people

· find it difficult to answer – 4 people

Thus, the vast majority of respondents believe that over time, a particular people may develop new traditions.

On the question of whether the qualities inherent in the people can be attributed to traditions, the respondents spoke as follows:

· yes, you can say that – 14 people

· no, that's not quite right - 11 people

· find it difficult to answer – 6 people

In general, the opinion on this matter can be divided into positive and negative, but there are slightly more of those who attribute the qualities inherent in the people to traditions: laziness, hospitality, hospitality, pedantry, etc.

In the next question, there was an opportunity to agree or argue with the opinion of the writer Yevgeny Kulkin that "If the tradition dies, the people will die." The interviewees said:

· yes - 18 people

· no - 8 people

· Difficult to answer - 4 people.

Thus, the majority of respondents supported the writer's position about the people's reliance on their traditions. Less than a third disagreed with this opinion.

At the end of the questionnaire, we asked the respondents to express their opinion regarding the culture and traditions of other peoples - carefully, carefully, so as not to offend or offend anyone.

One of the questions is about acquaintance of library readers with the traditions of other peoples, including the Caucasian ones. The respondents responded as follows:

· Yes, I know a little - 16 people.

· No, but I want to know - 10 people.

· I would like to deal with my traditions ... - 5 people.

There are many countries, cultures, traditions in the world. It is interesting that readers of the children's library know from this variety. Here is what they answered:

· ransom of the bride– 2 people

· Muslim traditions – 2 people

· Ramadan– 2 people

· Eid al-Adha– 1 person

· Thanksgiving Day – 1 person

· eating pancakes on Maslenitsa – 1 person

· changing of the guard in london – 1 person

· brazilian carnivals – 1 person

· basket dance at an armenian wedding – 1 person

Thus, from the traditions of other peoples, the most famous are Muslim traditions and customs. From other traditions, respondents remembered Thanksgiving Day- a public holiday in and marks the beginning of Lent, as well as Armenian wedding, where several women with beautifully decorated white wedding baskets begin to dance right in the courtyard and form a dance round dance, during which each wedding basket is exchanged for a beautiful gift in the dance.

Also noted was the beautiful ceremony changing of the guard in London(this tradition begins in 1660 year). This most beautiful theatrical performance can be observed not only at Buckingham Palace (although this ceremony is most often shown on TV), but also in several other places in London. There is no need to pay money for seeing the ancient ritual, as well as for many other things in London. The main thing is to come early and take best places. The essence of the ceremony is to replace the old guard with a new one. The ceremony lasts 45 minutes and passes to the sound of the orchestra.

When asked if you would like to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of other peoples, the respondents answered as follows:

· Yes– 24 people

· No– 7 people

That is most of of the respondents wants to learn more about the culture and traditions of other peoples, learn about the customs of other countries.

When asked what kind of culture you would like to get acquainted with, the respondents answered as follows:

· Russian culture – 5 people

· culture and traditions of the peoples of the Caucasus – 7 people

· European culture - 19 people

· another– 3 people

Most would like to get to know the culture European countries, because, apparently, he considers it close to Russian. Much fewer library readers would like to get acquainted with the Russian culture and traditions of the peoples of the Caucasus. Other options include Egyptian, American and Chinese culture.

The next question is: can the traditions of one people conflict with the traditions of another people? The answers of the respondents showed the following:

· Yes- 22 people

· No– 6 people

· find it difficult to answer – 3 people

The majority of respondents believe that some traditions may contradict others when it comes to different cultures. And there are also many such examples, since there are a great many cultural traditions, customs that can be understood and perceived differently.

The last question: how do you feel about the customs of the peoples living next to you? Distribution of answers:

· well, if they do not conflict with the traditions of my people – 14 people

· I respect, but I'm indifferent – 15 people

· do not accept– 2 people

Opinions on this matter were divided, but only two of the respondents do not accept the traditions of another people, the rest are either good or indifferent towards other traditions.

Overall, the study showed that the main ethnic group The readers of the children's library are Russian-speaking citizens who identify themselves with Russian culture and are more or less familiar with Russian traditions. However, there are representatives of other cultures, including the peoples of the Caucasus.

Readers are well aware of the main Russian traditions (in any case, the main ones - those that are known, advertised, supported in families). At the same time, the guys have a certain lack of knowledge about their culture, in connection with which readers would like to get acquainted with books on the history and culture of Russia and other countries. The culture of other countries, especially European ones, attracts the attention of readers.

The library should pay attention to such trends, organize relevant exhibitions, make purchases interesting books on this subject, in order to satisfy the interest of the younger generation in studying the traditions of various peoples of the world and to help the children learn better about the people living with us in our common Home - on planet Earth.

In order for for small child the concepts of "Motherland" and "Russia" did not become abstract, the main emphasis should be placed on familiarizing children with the historical and cultural past small homeland. This should take place in the process of introducing children to all kinds of folk art, including the folklore that existed on the territory of his native land.

A cultured person is a rather rare phenomenon today. And the thing is that the concept of a "cultured person" includes many requirements, which, unfortunately, not every one of us meets. Let's consider what kind of person can be called cultural.

Modern cultured person

First of all, one who can be called a cultured person must have politeness and good manners. Etiquette, the basics of behavior - this is exactly what makes a person cultured. This is by no means innate instinctive knowledge. They are acquired with age, parents teach us this, Kindergarten, school. In fact, etiquette is not based on empty, meaningless rules, but on fundamental basis life in society. The ability to behave well can be improved by every modern cultured person.

How to become a cultured person?

What defines the concept of a cultured person? It is worth considering the defining features of a cultured person, and then we will find out what it means to be a cultured person. Let us enumerate the main distinguishing qualities of a cultured person, which should prevail in us.

It is difficult to enumerate all the qualities and signs of a cultured person. Everyone means by this characteristic something of their own. However, we have tried to present to you the main features of a cultured person, which can be developed and nurtured in yourself on your own. Strive for excellence and be cultured!

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