Test for knowledge of Gogol's poem dead souls. Literature test

Test based on the poem by N.V. Gogol Grade 9 “Dead Souls” Option 2 1 How can you explain the meaning of the title of the poem: a) the definition of bureaucratic jargon, denoting the deceased peasant ab) the “death” of landowners and officials c) the lack of spirituality of the hero2. Where bureaucratic Petersburg is described in the poem: a) chapter 3; b) chapter 11; c) "The Tale of Captain Kopeikin"; d) the second volume3. In the poem, Gogol uses the "zoologization" of the characters. Indicate the ratios: a) bear 1) Manilovb) cat 2) Korobochkav) bird 3) Sobakevichg) mouse 4) Nozdrevd) dog 5) Plyushkin4. In what order does Chichikov visit the landowners: a) Manilov, Sobakevich, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Plyushkinb) Manilov, Korobochka, Sobakevich, Nozdrev, Plyushkinv) Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich, Plyushkin5. From whom Chichikov was fed, among other things, cakes with all sorts of pripyok: with onion, with cottage cheese, with pictures: a) Manilov, b) Korobochka, c) Sobakevich, d) Nozdrev, e) Plyushkin6. Whose house is described: “... a wooden house with a mezzanine, a red roof and dark gray or, better, wild walls, a house like those we build for military settlements of German colonists. It was noticeable that during the construction of its architect, he constantly fought with the taste of the owner ... ”: a) Manilov; b) a box; c) Sobakevich; d) Nozdryov; e) Plushkin7. Who owns the words: “I know them all: they are all scammers, the whole city is like this: a scammer sits on a scammer and drives a scammer. All Christ sellers. There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig.” a) Manilov; b) a box; c) Plushkin; d) Nozdrev; e) Sobakevich8. From which chapter is the lyrical digression taken: “Happy is the writer who, past boring, nasty characters, striking in their sad reality, approaches characters that show the high dignity of a person ...”: a) 1; b) 11; at 4; d) 7; e) 39. Does Chichikov always give the same price for dead souls? What is the price of the “goods” needed by the hero in the poem connected with?10. Your attitude to Chichikov.

Test based on the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" 9 cells. 1 option1. Gogol defined the genre of Dead Souls as a poem. How does the lyrical element appear in Dead Souls? a) in a love affair; b) in lyrical digressions; c) in landscape sketches; d) in insert elements; e) in the author's comments and ratings2. What city is described in the poem? a) county town; b) provincial city; c) Moscow; d) Odessa; e) Rome3. Correlate the leitmotif details with the characters of the landowners. In the chapters on landowners, Gogol uses the same sequence. Choose the correct answer.a) portrait of a landowner, house, interior, food, landscape, relation to the sentence Chichikovab) landscape, house, portrait of a landowner, interior, lunch, relation to the sentence Chichikovav) house, landscape, interior, portrait of a landowner, lunch, attitude to Chichikov's proposal5. For whom "lunch was not the main thing in life" - "something burned, something did not cook at all"? a) Manilov; b) a box; c) Sobakevich; d) Nozdryov; e) Plushkin6. In whose house “the room was hung with old striped wallpaper; pictures with some birds; between the windows there are old small mirrors with dark frames in the form of curled leaves ...”? a) Manilov; b) Sobakevich; c) a box; d) Nozdryov; e) Plushkin7. Who owns the words: “Then you feel some kind of, in some way, spiritual pleasure ... Here's how, for example, now that the case has brought me happiness, you can say exemplary, talk with you and enjoy your pleasant conversation ...” a) Manilov; b) a box; c) Nozdryov; d) Sobakevich; e) Plyushkin8. From which chapter is the following lyrical digression taken: “What a strange, and alluring, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: road! how wonderful it is, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... And the night? heavenly powers! what a night is taking place in you!...” a) 1; b) 11; at 3; d) 4; e) 79. What is dead in the poem? Is there a living principle? What are its manifestations?10. Your attitude to Chichikov.

Test based on the work "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol

1 option

1 N.V. Gogol defined the genre of "Dead Souls" as

A) a novel b) a short story c) a short story d) a poem

2 Match the details with the character of the landowner:

A) bags, boxes 1 Plushkin

B) sugar 2 box

C) a pile, a hole 3 Nozdryov

D) health 4 Manilov

3 Correlate the animal and the landowner whom he characterizes:

A) bear 1 Plushkin

B) cat 2 Nozdryov

C) bird 3 Sobakevich

D) mouse 4 box

D) dog 5 Manilov

4 What kind of officials appear in the image of N.V. Gogol? Choose the right features. (Honest, conscientiously fulfill their duties, corrupt, bribe-takers, impartial, deceitful, dishonest, truthful, commit lawlessness, robbery and arbitrariness)

5 Describe one of the landowners. (Manilov, Korobochka, Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Nozdrev)

6 Which of the officials Gogol gives such a description: “Neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan” a) Nozdrev, b) Sobakevich, c) Manilov

Option 2

1 Which of the landowners are we talking about: “the dishes did not play a big role: something was burnt, something was not cooked at all. It can be seen that the cook was guided by some kind of inspiration and put the first thing that came to hand: if there was a pepper near him - he poured pepper, if he caught cabbage - he popped cabbage .... "

A) Plyushkin, b) Manilov, c) Nozdrev, d) Korobochka

2 In the chapters devoted to landowners, N.V. Gogol uses the same sequence. Restore this sequence.

3 What is the meaning of comparisons: "officials ... priests of Themis", collegiate registrar "served ... as Virgil once served Dante."

4 What biography did Gogol give to Chichikov? GL. 11 (childhood, father's order; what he was like at school; first place of service; service at customs, the idea of ​​​​buying dead souls).

5 What other hero and why does Gogol give a biography?

Test on the work "Dead Souls" by N.V. Gogol (Answers)

1 option

1 d) a poem; 2 a-2, b-4, c-1, d-3; 3 a - 3, b - 5, c - 4, d - 1, e - 2

4 Corrupt, bribery, deceitful, dishonest, commit lawlessness, robbery and arbitrariness.

5 Manilov - a middle-class landowner, lives on the estate, does not do housework, argues, reflects, dreams; the house and huts of the peasants of this landowner are abandoned, luxury and insufficiency coexist in the house, describing the landowner, Gogol uses irony, the father is a sentimental dreamer who seeks to exalt himself and his children, giving them the names of the heroes of ancient Greece.

6 in

Option 2

C) Nozdrev, 2) a portrait of a landowner, a description of the house, interior, peasant huts, family, character, attitude to Chichikov's proposal, "ardor" in the image.

3) the name of corrupt dishonest bribe takers - officials "priests of Themis" (i.e. servants of justice) was a mockery of the court and other state institutions.

the collegiate registrar "served ... as Virgil once served Dante"; Virgil led Dante through the terrible circles of mythical hell, like a collegiate registrar through the circles of bureaucratic hell. The civil chamber turns into a real hell, where Russian people, subjects of the state, are tormented.

4 Chichikov - the main character, an official, lives with another idea, he has collected bills of sale for the purchase of dead souls and wants to leave the city as soon as possible in order to enrich himself and start a prosperous life.

Even as a child, from a poor father, he received an order “to save a penny, you will change everything with a penny” and puts it into practice. At school, he is helpful and assertive, does not give himself any indulgence and accumulates his small capital in all available ways. He behaves in the same way in the first place of service: he pleases the boss, takes care of his daughter, is even ready to marry her, but as soon as he gets a decent place thanks to the boss, he becomes indifferent to his benefactor. Then he and a friend serve in customs and also zealously seek the favor of the authorities in order to earn their trust, but then he is fired for smuggling and he thinks: “Why do others prosper and why should I disappear like a worm?” . And finally, the idea of ​​​​buying "dead souls" tells us about the same character trait of Chichikov, he is a hoarder. Acquirer. Chichikov dreams of a family, of children, which means that Gogol believes that the hero can change and have a future.

5 Plushkin; he shows what even a good person can become if he lives according to the laws of immorality and moral ugliness.


teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 7, Vyazma, Smolensk region

Zakharova Tatyana Evgenievna

I . Who suggested to Gogol the plot of the work

A) Belinsky B) father C) Pushkin D) nobody

II . How Gogol defined the genre of his work:

A) novel B) short story C) poem

III . Features found in the work

A) a sentimental novel B) a picaresque novel C) a travel novel

IV . Why did Gogol choose the form of travel for his work?

A) it was traditional for Russian literature;

B) allowed Gogol to develop a wide panorama of Russian life;

C) because the journey introduced the motive of the road, that is, movement in spite of external stagnation.

V . What should be the volume of the work according to the author's intention?

A) 1 volume B) 2 volumes C) 3 volumes D) 4 volumes

VI . The first volume of "Dead Souls" was published in

A) 1809 B) 1835 C) 1842 D) 1852

VII . Which of the heroes of the poem N.V. Gogol does not refer to "dead souls"?

A) Chichikov B) Plyushkin C) officials D) dead peasants

VIII Restore the sequence of presentation in Gogol's work "Dead Souls":

1. Biography of Chichikov

2. Chichikov's arrival in the county town

3. The Tale of Captain Kopeikin

4. Lyrical digression "Bird-troika"

5. Registration of bills of sale

6. Chichikov's disease

7. Chichikov's visit to the landowners

8. Death of a prosecutor

9. The conversation of the ladies is simply pleasant and pleasant in every way

10. Chichikov's departure from the city

IX A) Manilov B) Plyushkin C) Sobakevich D) Box E) Nozdrev E) Chichikov

1. Restore the sequence of visits to the landowners by Chichikov.

2. Which of the landowners was supposed to act in the continuation of the work?

3. Recognize the hero by his description

3.1 “For a long time he could not see what gender the figure was. The dress on her was completely indefinite, similar to a woman's hood, on her head was a cap, which village yard women wear ... "

3.2. “A sensitive nose heard him for several tens of miles, where there was a fair with all sorts of congresses and balls; he was already there in the twinkling of an eye, arguing, causing confusion at the green table, for he had, like all such, a passion for cards.

3.3. “There is a kind of people known by the name: people are so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan.”

3.4 “... was neither fat nor thin, had Anna around his neck, and it was even said that he was introduced to a star; however, he was a great good-natured man and sometimes even embroidered tulle himself.

3.5. “He seemed very similar to a medium-sized bear ... There are many faces in the world, over the decoration of which nature was not wiser for long: she grabbed with an ax - her nose opened, she grabbed another - her lips were peeled ... ".

3.6. Not handsome, but not ugly either, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he is old, but not so much that he is too young.

4. To which of the landowners do the following descriptions of the premises refer?

4.1. Most of all was tobacco. He was in different things: in a cap and in a tobacco box, and, finally, he was simply poured in a heap on the table. On both windows were also placed mounds of ash knocked out of a pipe, arranged not without diligence. Very nice lines.

4.2. There was no way to say that a living creature lived in this room, if the old worn cap, lying on the table, did not herald his presence.

4.3. In the corner of the living room stood a pot-bellied walnut office on absurd four legs: a perfect bear

4.4. He took them to his office, in which there were no noticeable traces of what happens in the offices, that is, books or paper; only sabers and two guns hung. Following that

a hurdy-gurdy appeared to the guests

4.5. The paintings were not all birds: between them hung a portrait of Kutuzov and some old man painted in oils with red cuffs on his uniform, which were sewn under Pavel Petrovich. The clock hissed again and struck ten.

5. Who owns the words:I know them all: they are scammers, the whole city is like this: a scammer on

the swindler sits and urges the swindler. All Christ sellers.

X . Why did Gogol arrange Chichikov's visit to the landowners in this sequence:

A) heroes are arranged according to the principle of "revival"

B) each subsequent landowner is opposed to the previous one

C) the heroes are arranged according to the degree of degradation, necrosis of the soul

XI . First name and patronymic Chichikov

A) Ivan Pavlovich B) Pavel Ivanovich C) Pavel Nikolaevich

XII Chichikov bought dead souls in order to

BUT)Marries profitably B) Pledge them to the board of trustees and get money C) get a position in society c D) Avoid paying taxes

XIII For what purpose does N.V. Gogol introduce “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” into the work?

A) Show the lack of spirituality of bureaucratic laws

B.) Depict the life of the capital's bureaucracy.

C.) Refute the idea of ​​impunity of the authorities.

D) Show the destructive power of money.

XIV . What role does the image of the road play in N.V. Gogol's poem?

A) It is a symbol of a person's life path.

B.) The image of the road is a symbol of the future of Russia.

C.) This is a form of organization of the work.

XV .Choose the facts of Chichikov's biography.

1. Born into a wealthy noble family.

2. From childhood, I only remembered writing exercises

3. Received a good education at home.

4. Father took Pavlusha to the city to study

5. She said goodbye, the father told his son to save a penny and not make comrades

6. Pavlusha quickly spent the money left by his father.

7. Pavel gave lessons to earn money.

8. To earn money, Paul sold food to his comrades.

9. After graduating from college, he entered the military service

10. To get a good position, gave a bribe

11. Having lost his position, he began to drink.

12. For a long time, while serving in customs, he did not take bribes and zealously fulfilled his duties. 13. Favorably married

XVI . How can you explain the meaning of the title of the work "Dead Souls":

A) definition of bureaucratic jargon denoting a deceased peasant

B) opposition in the artistic world of the work of the concepts of "dead" and "alive"

C) a soulless hero, mired in worries about the vain;

D) the designation of the "death" of landlords and officials

Control test based on the work of N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"








VII . G.

VIII . 2, 7, 5, 9, 3, 9, 6, 8,10,1,4

IX .

1. A, D, D, C, B

2. B

3.1. – B, 3.2. – D, 3.3. – A, 3.4. - Governor, 3.5 -B, 3.6. – E

4.1. – A, 4.2. – B, 4.3. – V, 4.4 – D, 4.5. - G

5. - In

X . AT.

XI . B




XV . 2, 4, 5, 8, 12


Evaluation criteria.

Each correct answer is 1 point.

Maximum points - 44 points

Score "5" 39-44 points

Rating "4" - 33-38 points

Rating "3" - 22-31 points

Grade "2" 21 points or less

Option No. 31885

USE in Literature 06/13/2013. main wave. Ural. Option 2.

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other extra characters. For tasks 8-9, give a coherent answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences. Performing task 9, select for comparison two works of different authors (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis.

Performing tasks 10-14 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. When completing tasks 15-16, rely on the author's position, if necessary, state your point of view. Justify your answer based on the text. Performing task 16, select for comparison two works of different authors (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis.

For task 17, give a detailed reasoned answer in the genre of an essay with a volume of at least 200 words (an essay with a volume of less than 150 words is scored with zero points). Analyze a literary work, based on the position of the author, involving the necessary theoretical and literary concepts. When answering, follow the rules of speech.

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Gogol "Dead Souls" (tests by chapters)

Chapter 2 test.

1. What was the name of the estate, the first on Chichikov's path?

a) caller; b) Manilovka;

c) Razvodilovka; d) invitation.

2. What expression does the author use when talking about Manilov?

a) You can’t pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty;

b) Neither fish nor meat;

c) Neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan;

d) Hurry up - you will make people laugh.

3. What attracted you to Manilov's portrait?

a) Blond hair and blue eyes; b) Black hair and brown eyes;

c) Dark hair and a long mustache; d) Blond hair and a gray beard.

4. How was Manilov dressed that day?

a) a dazzling white jacket; b) Black coat;

c) Green shalon frock coat; d) A colorful quilted robe.

5. What in the character of Manilov, according to the author, was too much?

a) sugar b) Pepper; c) honey; d) Vinegar.

6. What occupation did Manilov consider useful?

a) go to the fields; b) smoke a pipe;

c) exercise; d) hunt rabbits.

7. What did Manilov dream of building?

a) house; b) Fountain with animal figurines;

c) Church or chapel; d) Underground passage and stone bridge.

8. What was the inscription on the gazebo in the Manilov estate?

a) Do not enter - will kill; b) Temple of solitary contemplation;

c) Meeting place; d) Place of rest and leisure.

9. Manilov's office had the most

a) books; b) Pictures; c) Tobacco; d) Flowers.

10. On which page was the bookmarked, which Manilov constantly read for 2 years?

a) At 549; b) At 100; c) At 14; d) At 700.

11. What was served for dinner when Chichikov was visiting Manilov?

a) borscht; b) cabbage soup; c) soup; d) porridge.

12. What were the names of Manilov's sons?

a) Peter and Paul b) Cyril and Methodius;

c) Eurystheus and Hercules; d) Themistoclus and Alcides.

13. What surprises did the Manilovs prepare for their birthday?

a) Beaded case for a toothpick; b) Table service for the kitchen;

c) A bottle of French perfume; d) New spring chaise.

14. How did Manilov give Chichikov the dead souls?

a) sold; b) donated; c) loaned d) Rented out.

Test No. 3 (Chapter 3).

1. Where did Chichikov intend to go from Manilov?

a) To the village to Sobakevich; b) On a visit to Korobochka;

c) in a tavern; d) to the city.

2. What wallpaper was on the walls in Korobochka's room where Chichikov spent the night?

a) in a flower; b) striped; c) Polka dots; d) with elephants.

3. Whose portrait hung in Korobochka's room?

a) Suvorov; b) Karamzin; c) Kutuzov; d) Putin.

4. What was dressed on one of the stuffed animals in the garden?

a) Hostess cap; b) The owner's hat;

c) Pantaloons of a maid; d) Guest's scarf.

5. What was the name of the Box?

a) Maria Ivanovna; b) Anna Ioannovna;

c) Marfa Vasilievna; d) Nastasya Petrovna.

6. What was Korobochka's rank?

a) General's wife; b) collegiate secretary;

c) State Councilor; d) Privy Councillor.

7. How many souls were there in Korobochki village?

a) Nearly 80; b) Nearly 800;

c) About 300; d) Almost 1000.

8. The box for the night after prayer became

a) play chess b) Guessing on the cards;

c) watch TV; d) Read Gogol.

9. How many dead souls did Box have?

a) 20; b) 10; c) 18; d) 5.

10. How much did Korobochka say she sold the honey for?

a) 5 rubles per pood; b) 10 rubles per kilogram;

c) 12 rubles per pood; d) 100 rubles per flask.

11. What proverb did Chichikov use when reproaching Korobochka?

a) Where there is grief for a smart one, there is fun for a fool;

b) She does not eat hay herself and does not give to others;

c) Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf;

d) Learning is light, not learning is darkness.

12. How did Chichikov characterize Korobochka?

a) nearsighted b) Cudgel-headed;

c) short-legged; d) Thick-skinned.

13. How did Korobochka decide to appease Chichikov?

a) Herring under a fur coat; b) Red caviar;

c) Olivier salad; d) Egg pie.

14. For how many banknotes did Korobochka give away dead souls?

a) Over 35; b) For 5; c) For 15; d) Over 50.

Test No. 4 (Chapter 4).

a) water with sugar b) Pickle with cucumbers;

c) Vodka and wine; d) Blood with milk.

2. Nozdrev was a man

a) biological; b) Historical;

c) Geometric; d) Geographic.

3. At 35, as at 18, Nozdryov was a hunter

a) run away b) swim; c) jump d) take a walk.

4. How many bottles of champagne, according to Nozdrev, did he drink during dinner?

a) 2; b) 5; at 10 o'clock; d) 17.

5. What items were in Nozdrev's office?

a) Papers and books; b) Sabers and guns;

c) Portraits and paintings; d) Cuckoo clock.

6. What was written on the Turkish dagger?

a) "For the Motherland"; b) "Made in Switzerland";

c) "Master Savely Sibiryakov"; d) Made in Turkey.

7. What song did Nozdryov's hurdy-gurdy play at the end of the mazurka?

a) "Thunder of victory, resound"; b) "Mallbrug went on a campaign";

c) "Semyonovna"; d) Kusturica.

8. Nozdryov was among the dogs

a) like a fish in water; b) Like in a frying pan;

c) Like a father among the family; d) Like cheese in butter.

a) Katai - go ahead; b) lick your fingers;

c) Just an overeating; d) It will do.

10. What did Chichikov notice in Nozdrev's hands after Mizhuev's departure?

a) A bottle of port wine; b) a deck of cards; c) a cigar d) a tube.

11. What did Chichikov and Nozdryov play for dead souls?

a) in the cards; b) in checkers; c) in chess; d) In the bast shoes.

12. How did Nozdryov address Chichikov when he was in a good mood?

a) my friend; b) friend; c) brother d) dude.

13. How does Nozdrev call Chichikov during a quarrel?

a) mattress; b) Fool; c) Fetyuk; d) Zhydomor.

14. How did Chichikov characterize Nozdryova?

a) Man is an amphibian; b) Spiderman;

c) Man is rubbish; d) Bigfoot.

Test No. 5 (Chapter 5).

1. What color was the roof of Sobakevich's house painted?

a) Green; b) Red; c) blue; d) Yellow.

2. How many columns did Sobakevich's house have?

a) 2; b) 4; at 3; d) 5.

3. From what material were the houses of the peasants built in the village of Sobakevich?

a) from oak; b) made of bricks; c) From aspen; d) from birch.

4. What was the quality of the objects in Sobakevich's estate?

a) logic; b) Strength;

c) grace; d) excess.

5. What was the name of Sobakevich?

a) Mikhail Potapych; b) Mikhail Petrovich;

c) Mikhail Semenovich; d) Gennady Mikhailovich.

6. What animal, according to Chichikov, did Sobakevich look like?

a) For a dog b) on an elephant; c) a bear d) with a mouse.

7. What habit did Sobakevich have?

a) Step on your feet b) whistle;

c) smack your lips; d) Fix your hair.

8. Who lived in a cage in Sobakevich's house?

a) Guinea pig; b) Hamster;

c) Thrush; d) parrot.

9. Every piece of furniture in Sobakevich's house seemed to say:

a) “Carriage for me, carriage!”; b) “And I, too, Sobakevich!”;

c) “I demand the continuation of the banquet”; d) "Should we be in sorrow?"

10. How did the Sobakevich couple affectionately address each other?

a) the sun b) Darling;

c) dear, dear; d) Dear, dear.

11. What does Sobakevich call a nanny?

a) a tutor; b) Stuffed lamb stomach;

c) Apple pie; d) Red wine.

12. How did Sobakevich listen to Chichikov when he remotely started talking about dead souls?

a) Putting your feet on the table; b) tilting your head

c) Constantly nodding; d) Yawning.

13. What price did Sobakevich offer for a dead soul?

a) 50 kopecks; b) 5 rubles;

c) 50 rubles; d) 100 rubles.

14. How does Chichikov Sobakevich characterize?

a) Man is a fist; b) Man is rubbish;

c) Spiderman; d) Man is a wallet.

Test No. 6 (Chapter 6).

1. How many souls did Plyushkin own?

a) more than 100; b) more than 500;

c) more than 1000; d) more than 3000.

2. What were the gates and fences of the house covered with?

a) flowers; b) Dust;

c) paint; d) mold.

3. What was special about Chichikov among the old trees in the garden?

a) A blooming apple tree; b) grapevine;

c) A young branch of a maple; d) fan palm.

4. At the meeting, Chichikov mistook Plyushkin for

a) a peasant b) Diaka; c) a judge; d) housekeeper.

5. Plyushkin's face was

a) tin; b) Wooden; c) glass; d) brick.

6. Plyushkin's eyes ran like

a) Rats; b) mice; c) Spiders; d) Second hand.

7. How did the peasants talk about Plyushkin when he walked the streets in his village?

a) a fisherman; b) Controller; c) Auditor; d) Thunderstorm district.

8. What fruit was on Plyushkin's bureau?

a) pineapple; b) Lemon; c) orange; d) an apple.

9. What kind of porcelain was in Plyushkin's room?

And russian; b) Chinese; c) American; d) Turkish.

10. The chandelier in the canvas bag looked like

a) wasp nest b) Crow's nest;

c) Silk cocoon with a worm; d) a bag of gifts.

11. Plyushkin sent his daughter on the road

and money; b) air kiss;

c) Father's blessing; d) Damn.

12. How much did Chichikov pay Plyushkin for the souls of fugitive peasants?

a) 10 rubles each; b) 1 ruble each;

c) 32 kopecks each; d) 50 rubles.

13. What was Plyushkin going to treat Chichikov to?

a) Coffee with milk; b) Tea with crackers;

c) egg pie d) lamb stomach.

14. What did Plyushkin want to give Chichikov?

a) pocket watch; b) a carriage; c) an inkwell;d) a flower.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...