5 gerunds examples. Participial turnover

In Russian, there are special parts of speech adjacent to a noun or a verb. Some linguists consider them to be special verb forms and explain this by the presence of similar features.

In contact with

Morphological features

Let's consider in detail what is participle and participle. Even the ancient grammarians noted their duality, so they gave them a name meaning “participation” in a noun or verb.


Declines, that is, changes in gender, number, cases, has a short and full form. At the same time, it has the properties of a verb. For example, having a view:

  • checking notebooks (imperfect view) - the one who checks (what is he doing?);
  • checked (perfect form) - the one who checked (what did he do?).

Besides , has a time value. It is a constant feature of data having the form of either present time(creating) or past(built). There is also the presence of a return form (recognized sya).

It is characterized by the presence of two pledges - passive and real. Passive participles designate a sign of an object that experiences an action on itself (received package - the package was received). The real ones reflect the sign of an object that independently produces an action (a running person is the one who runs himself).

From the foregoing, the conclusion follows: this part of speech denotes a sign of an object by action, manifested in time.


The term originated in the 18th century, meaning " relation to action”, which is indicated by the first part of the word “dee-” (doer, deed). In modern grammar, such a name has a part of speech denoting additional action in relation to the main, expressed by the verb. Therefore, this form has verb features:

  • view perfect(opening), imperfect (closing);
  • recurrence(pretending camping).

Perhaps this is the limit of the similarity of the parts of speech under consideration, but there are numerous differences.

What is the difference

First of all, it should be noted that it does not change, that is, it does not decline and does not conjugate. Therefore, in his morphemic composition no flexion. On the contrary, participle endings are their hallmark.

To distinguish between these verb forms will help the questions they answer:

  1. Full Communion(which (th; -th, -th)?); short (what (-a; -o, -s)?).
  2. gerund(doing what? doing what? how? how?).

Another difference is the different syntactic role. The participle performs the function of circumstance (Bending, winding, a river into the distance.). Brief Communion is only a predicate (The doors to the world of beautiful dreams are open.). Complete can be:

  • definition (Foaming waves crashed against high, impregnable rocks.);
  • part of a compound nominal predicate (Bread was moldy).


The formation of participles and gerunds occurs in a suffixal way.

Participles are formed from verbs of the corresponding form. Table 1.

View Suffixes Examples
Perfect -in, -lice, -shi Throwing, bending over, saving
Imperfect -and I); -learn (obsolete forms) Counting, sneak

It is the suffixes of participles and gerunds that indicate the belonging of words to one or another part of speech.

Important! When forming perfective forms, suffixes -а, -я are not used: incorrect use: looking, correct: looking.

Participles are not formed from the following imperfective verbs:

  • ending in -ch (to save, burn the stove and others);
  • having a suffix -nu- (pull, go out, shout and others);
  • run, prick, climb, plow, want, beat, twist, drink, eat, pour, anger, sew, tear, wait, bend, sleep, lie.

The condition for the correct choice of a vowel in the suffixes of participles of the present tense is knowledge of the conjugation of verbs. Table 2.

note! Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs. There are no present tense forms of the verbs: save, shave, wake up, call, write, drink.

Table 3

Table 4

The choice of a vowel before -н (н) is determined by the infinitive suffix:

Spelling with NOT

Both parts of speech are written with NOT together, if not used without it, for example: disliked, hating.

In other cases, the gerund with is not always written separately, except for words with the prefix under-, which means “less than expected”, “poor quality”, for example, overlooking the child. Compare: not having finished watching the movie, that is, not finishing watching the movie.

Particle "not" should be written separately with a short form of participles (not embroidered), as well as with a complete one in the presence of explanatory words (a novel not published on time), negation (far, at all, never, not at all, not at all and others) or opposition (not started, but finished) .

The use of one and two letters "n"

Double letter -nn- in suffixes of full participles it is written, if available:

  • prefix: beveled, welded (but: uninvited guest);
  • dependent words: steamed in the oven;
  • suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: canned, overjoyed;
  • the word is formed from a perfective verb without a prefix (exception: wounded): deprived.

At the end of short forms, one -n- is always written: based, unpacked.

Separation of syntactically constructions

Often there is such punctuation error- incorrectly placed punctuation marks in sentences containing adverbial and participial phrases. The reason lies in the inability to distinguish them from each other, to determine the boundaries of these structures, to find the word to which they refer.

Let us find out under what conditions adverbial and participle turnover. Let us give the rules existing in the language with examples.


Explains a noun or pronoun, is a definition, stands apart if:

  • refers to the personal : Lulled by the tender words of his mother, he slept soundly. I, who know every path in the surrounding area, was appointed head of the reconnaissance group.
  • stands after a definitive noun: A soldier, stunned by a projectile, fell on the battlefield.
  • has circumstantial significance reasons or concessions: Tired after a long journey, the tourists continued on their way. The tourists continued on their way (despite what?), although they were tired after a long journey. Left to their own devices, the children found themselves in a difficult position.

Children found themselves in a difficult position (why?), because they were left to their own devices.

Participial turnover

Denotes an additional action of the verb-predicate, is a circumstance, always stands apart: Raising the waves, the sea raged. The old man walked with a limp on one leg.

Important! The exceptions are turns that have passed into the category of set expressions, such as: holding their breath, headlong, sticking out their tongue, slipping their sleeves.

Compare two sentences:

  1. Sticking out his tongue, the dog was breathing heavily (Dog stuck out his tongue).
  2. The boy ran with his tongue out (running fast).

In the first case, there is an adverbial turnover in the sentence. In the second, the expression "sticking out the tongue" has a figurative meaning. It is easily replaced by one word, the adverb "quickly", therefore, is one that does not stand apart.

Common grammar mistakes

The most common mistake is the incorrect agreement of the participle with the word being explained, caused by the inability to correctly define it. This can be seen in the following example:

Tikhon was a weak-willed man who completely obeyed his mother, Kabanikhe.

The writer asked a question from the word Tikhon, although the participle "obeyed" explains another word - "man." The correct one sounds like this:

Tikhon was a weak-willed person (what?), Completely subordinate to his mother - Kabanikhe.

Passive and real participles are often confused:

Among the lottery tickets was won.

From the written it turns out: the ticket was won, although the thought is different: the ticket was won, therefore, we use the word winner.

When using a gerund, it is important to consider that both actions, main and additional, must refer to one person. If this is not done, we will get similar phrases: Comprehension of the depth of spiritual values, the hero's worldview changed.

The additional action expressed by the gerund does not refer to the hero who performs the action, but to the word "worldview".

Correct option: Comprehending the depth of the spiritual values ​​of the people, the hero changed his worldview.

For the same reason, this part of speech cannot be used in impersonal sentences that convey a state, not an action: Having deceived the mother, the children became ill.

Communion and participle: what's the difference? Participle and participle turnover - a simple explanation



The speech of an educated person cannot be imagined without verb forms. The first ones help in a detailed, comprehensive characterization of the subject. The second ones make it possible to simplify speech, replace a number of homogeneous predicates, denoting not the main action, but a secondary, additional one. If you learn to understand the participles, you can make your speech beautiful, bright, understandable, which is important for success in life.

The opinions of linguists about what a gerund is are divided. Some believe that it refers to a special form of the verb, others suggest that it is an independent part of speech. We will support the second option.

The participle is an independent part of speech. It contains the signs of an adverb and a verb, shows when, why and how the action is performed by the verb-predicate, has an additional effect. If the gerund in a sentence is not alone, but has words that depend on it, then this set of words is called a gerund. The article will tell about how and when the separation of gerunds in a sentence is made.

What is isolation?

In Russian, the concept of isolation is a way of clarifying and highlighting a certain set of words in a sentence. Only members of the proposal that are secondary can be isolated, and this is how they differ from non-isolated members. Separations are necessary so that the reader can more accurately understand the described picture of the ongoing action. Not only stand-alone gerunds, but also gerunds can be isolated.

Examples of single gerunds

If an isolated circumstance does not have dependent words in the sentence, then it is called a single gerund. When writing a sentence, this part of speech is always distinguished by commas on both sides.

The location of the participle in the sentence can be any. Here are examples of the correct selection of single gerunds with commas:

  1. As she stared, she couldn't utter a word.
  2. When I returned, I found my sister at home.
  3. Without training, you can not achieve success in sports.

Accordingly, the following gerunds were allocated with a comma:

  • staring;
  • returning;
  • without exercising.

There are several repeated participles in the letter. They are called homogeneous. At the same time, they are separated by commas among themselves and separated by this punctuation mark as separate parts of speech. Examples of such proposals:

  1. Laughing, singing and spinning, Natasha hurried to her first date.
  2. Laughing and winking, Pasha closed the door.
  3. She was silent, angry, but cowardly.

Homogeneous participles in a sentence can refer to different predicates. For example: Playing and laughing, she, inspired, rushed towards her dreams.

Separation by commas of single gerunds

Separation of single gerunds occurs in the following cases:

  1. If the gerund plays the role of the second predicate in the sentence. Stores the meaning of the verb. Indicates the condition, cause, or time of an action, but not its image. Having escaped, Marina lost her purse. After the holiday, the guests departed without calming down.
  2. If you can check the sentence in your mind by replacing the gerund with a verb, or make a complex sentence out of a simple one. When Marina ran away, she rubbed her purse. The guests after the holiday, though not calmed down, but dispersed.

Separation of single gerunds does not occur if:

  1. A single gerund has lost its verbal meaning or has a close relationship with the predicate. Masha ran into the room without knocking. Zhenya got down from the tree silently and slowly.
  2. If gerunds are circumstances of the mode of action and they cannot be replaced by verbs. Zhenya tears silently and in no hurry.
  3. If a single participle can be replaced by a noun. Masha ran into the room without knocking.

Isolation of single gerunds depending on their location in the sentence

Separation of gerunds may not occur if they are at the beginning or end of a sentence, but in the middle they are separated by commas. Let's compare two sentences:

  1. Tanya tried on slippers slowly.
  2. On the way, slowly, Tanya admired the flowers.

In the first sentence, the separation of the participle with commas is not done, since it is represented by the circumstance of the mode of action. It can be replaced by the word - "slowly".

In the second sentence, the participle is the circumstance of the reason ("because I was in no hurry").

How is an adverbial turnover formed?

If the sentence contains a part of speech that answers the questions “what are you doing?”, “what are you doing?” and called a gerund, with dependent words, then this set of words is usually called a gerund participle.

In a sentence, this turnover always performs the function of a circumstance and refers to the verb, as it denotes an additional action. Additional actions are performed by the same person, phenomenon or object that performs the main actions.

Examples of adverbial phrases

The separation of participles and participles occurs regardless of where they stand in relation to the verb-predicate. For example:

  1. All day dark clouds were moving across the sky, now opening the sun, then closing it again.
  2. Walking next to his mother, the baby looked at her with surprise and fascination.
  3. Joy, bringing happiness to some people, gave others inescapable grief.
  4. I watched the sunrise without taking my eyes off it.
  5. The kid, following his mother's hand, made the same movements.

What should be remembered when using the gerund and participle in a sentence?

The basic rules for using adverbial phrases when writing a text are as follows:

  1. Expressed by the verb-predicate, the main action and the additional action, expressed by the adverbial turnover, must refer to the same person, object or phenomenon.
  2. Most often, the isolation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participles is used when writing a one-part, definitely personal sentence, as well as with a verb in the imperative mood.
  3. If the sentence is impersonal in the infinitive, then it is also possible to use the adverbial turnover.
  4. The isolation of gerunds and the isolation of circumstances are one and the same, since the gerund expresses a sign of a circumstance in a sentence.

In what cases are gerunds and participles not separated by commas?

Separation of circumstances expressed by gerunds and participles is not carried out if:

  1. Circumstances are connected by the union "and" with a non-isolated circumstance or predicate. She hated him and accepted his attentions. Dasha played noisily and screamed with joy.
  2. Circumstances converge with adverbs. They lose their added value and acquire the value of a sign of action. It:
  • gerunds, which have become phraseological turns (without closing your eyes, rolling up your sleeves, headlong, opening your mouth, and others). For example: Petya worked carelessly. But: rolling up her sleeves, she washed her hands in the tub. It should be remembered that phraseological introductory phrases (apparently, in other words, in fact, others) are separated by a comma.
  • gerunds that carry the main semantic load. Without them, the predicate does not fully express the thought. This part of speech usually comes after the predicate. The "adverb" of these gerunds is obvious in sentences where there is a group of homogeneous members - gerunds and adverbs. For example: He answered me without embarrassment and frankly. without embarrassment is a gerund, and frankly- adverb.

Commas do not distinguish gerunds in the composition having the dependent word "which" in all its variations. He wanted to get rid of the letter, reading which he recalled his recent grief.

What should be distinguished from adverbs

Separating the participles, many do not think that these can be adverbs or prepositions.

The following adverbs are distinguished:

  • clover;
  • sneak;
  • joking;
  • silently;
  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying and others.

The gerunds identical with these words retain an additional effect. This happens during the formation and connection with other gerunds. Anya rode standing all the way. He will do the job jokingly (easy). These sentences use adverbs.

Standing at the top, Anya looked down. All the way, having fun and playing, Yana did not close her mouth. In these sentences, commas separate the participle in the first sentence and the homogeneous participles in the second sentence.

From the prepositions they distinguish: starting from, based on. Commas are not put, since the adverbial part can be removed from the sentence and its meaning will not change. It's snowing since the night (it's coming from the night)

Separation of participles and participles: what is the difference?

Participial and participle turnovers perform different functions in a sentence and have their own following morphological differences:

  1. The participial turnover or single participle refers to the word being defined (noun or pronoun). The participle or participle turnover is closely related to the verb-predicate. At the same time, the participle changes in numbers, genders, cases, has a full and short forms, and the participle is an invariable word form.
  2. The participial turnover and the participle perform the function of definition in the sentence, and the gerund and participle turnovers act as different circumstances.
  3. Participles and participles are different with suffixes. Participles have such suffixes as -usch-(-yusch-), -ashch-(-yashch)- -vsh-, -sh- of real participles and -om-(-em-), -im-- -enn-, -nn-, -t- in the suffering. While gerunds have the following suffixes: -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -lice-, -shi-.

  1. If there is a union in the sentence next to the adverbial phrase, then they are separated by a comma. Unions and are not included in circulation. For example: He smiled at his friend and, jumping over a puddle, ran home. An exception is the union "a", which stands before the adverbial turnover. In this case, it is included in the turnover. For example: A person needs to understand what is the meaning of life, and having understood this, he will tell others.
  2. If the sentence consists of several adverbial phrases or single adverbial adverbs, then commas are placed between them as when listing homogeneous members of the sentence. For example: She approached, staggering and holding her friend by the shoulder with one hand, and kept the other on her belt.
  3. If in one sentence there are several adverbial phrases relating to different predicates, then each of them is separated by commas. For example: Pushing the gate with his foot, he ran out onto the road and, paying no attention to the people, rushed away.
  4. The adverbial phrase is always separated by commas on both sides.

Separation of gerunds will not cause problems if you learn how to correctly identify this part of speech in any sentence.

How can you help your child consolidate what they have learned?

After the child has studied the theoretical material, he should be invited to consolidate it with practical exercises.

Initially, children should work orally with sentences and learn to find adverbial phrases and single adverbs in them. After that, students should be asked to write sentences and arrange them. In addition, the child must explain his choice in the arrangement of commas.

After the children have mastered simple sentences, you can give them sentences with conjunctions and allied words. At the same time, before finding a participle or a single participle, one should highlight the grammatical basis.

They complicate the task with complex compound sentences that have several grammatical bases and homogeneous adverbial phrases.

The syntax of the Russian language is a perfect and harmonious system. Its main units are considered to be phrases and sentences. Among the latter, the most frequently used are sentences with participles and participles.

What is a participial turnover, schoolchildren usually learn easily, and it is worth talking about the participial turnover in detail. What kind of construction is this, what are its features, how to correctly make a proposal with it?

A participial phrase (DO) is a syntactic unit that includes such a part of speech as the words dependent on it. The specified part of speech, as a component of the turnover, indicates that the subject performs not only the main, but also an additional action.

This main member is most often expressed by independent parts of speech, for example, a noun or a pronoun.

The gerund includes the signs of the verb and, therefore it is logical that it is necessary to ask questions of circumstance to it: How? How? Where? etc.

For convenience, you can ask special questions: What are you doing? Having done what? Turnover answers the same questions.

As a member of the sentence, adverbial turnover is a circumstance. When parsing, it is underlined with a dash-dotted line. Characterizing the construction, it is necessary to point out that the sentence is complicated by a separate circumstance.

Examples of structures that include DO in their composition:

  1. Leaving the north at last, forgetting the feasts for a long time, I visited Bakhchisaray's dormant palace in oblivion. (A. Pushkin)
  2. Jumping on a horse, the prince galloped into the field, crossed the bridge over the Kaya, and his serfs flew behind him, rattling their weapons. (A. Tolstoy)
  3. She uttered the words of her own role when she left the room, then bowed at the waist, laughed, covering herself with her sleeve, and earned Marfushi's approval. (A. Pushkin).

The adverbial turnover is studied in the classical course of the Russian language according to the school curriculum in the 7th grade. Below are some exercise options.

Task: Rewrite in a notebook, placing commas in the right places, underline BEFORE.

Task: Read the instructions for the exercise carefully. Rewrite the sentences, correcting any grammatical errors.

Task: Fill in the missing punctuation marks. Choose from the brackets the appropriate participles.

    1. I vegetated as a hooligan (chasing, chasing) pigeons and (playing, playing) in towns with my peers, of whom a great many lived in the neighborhood.
    2. Once in autumn, my mother was making honey jam in the living room, and I (licking my lips, licking my lips) looked at the effervescent foams.
    3. (Waking up, waking up) quite late in the morning, I looked out the window and noticed that there was no trace of yesterday's bad weather.
    4. (Arriving, arriving) in Vladivostok, I arrived directly from the station to my aunt and uncle.

Commas in sentences with DO

In a sentence, the adverbial turnover is always isolated, that is, it is highlighted in writing with commas.

The rule is easy to remember, since there are only three types of commas:

  • First, DO can be at the beginning of a sentence, in which case a punctuation mark is placed after it.
  • Secondly, DO can be in the middle, then commas are placed on both sides.
  • Third, a DO can end a sentence. If so, then the sign must be placed in front of it.

It's important to know! Sometimes the adverbial turnover can be represented by a phraseological unit. In this case, the turnover is not separated. For example: He rushed through the puddles at breakneck speed.

The use of adverbial phrases in a sentence

Building a sentence with a participial turnover often causes problems for schoolchildren. In order to avoid speech errors, it must be remembered that the gerund in a sentence denotes an additional action that the subject performs. In other words, the subject is the person who must perform both the main and the additional action.

For example: Having risen from the face, the miner squinted for a long time, looking at the sunset.

Given the grammatical meaning of the participle, it is not recommended to use it as part of a turnover in the cases described below:

  • One-part impersonal sentence. For example: Watching the program, I could not sleep.
  • The predicate in the sentence is expressed by the passive participle of the short form.
  • The main action expressed by the verb and the additional action refer to different persons. For example: Running without a break around the school stadium, the boy's legs began to give way.

How to find the adverbial phrase in a sentence correctly? For this, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. First, find the participle. Its formal indicator is the morphemes -a / -ya, -v / -shi / -lice.
  2. Secondly, to determine the predicate and ask a question from it, since DOs always refer to the verb-predicate.
  3. Thirdly, the adverbial turnover in writing is distinguished by commas, and in oral speech it is distinguished intonation.

How to correctly compose a participial turnover and a sentence with it

The grammatically correct construction of a sentence with DO is not an easy task. To avoid mistakes, you must follow the rules:

  • The subject and no other member of the sentence can include an action expressed by a gerund.
  • In sentences with a passive connotation, adverbial phrases cannot be used.
  • In sentences where the verb-predicate is expressed in the form of the future tense, it is undesirable to use the adverbial phrase.

  • Leaning out the window, my hat flew off.
  • Leaving the apartment, the citizen was frightened by the unexpected barking of a dog.
  • When I start cooking dinner, I will definitely watch the evening news.

Important! Rarely, the use of a participial turnover is appropriate in a one-part construction, but in the case when its main member is the infinitive. For example: When planning a lesson, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of students.

The place of the adverbial turnover in the sentence is not strictly regulated. But in some cases, you need to follow a strict order:

If DO is placed before the predicate, then it must denote what was before in relation to the meaning of the predicate. – Having collected notebooks, the girl put them on the teacher's table.

After the predicate there must be a DO, the meaning of which is the subsequent action. - Boiling water splashed, scalding my leg.

The type of adverb is important. The imperfect form of this part of speech is combined with a verb that denotes an action that occurs simultaneously with the additional. Laughing, the girl caught rainbow splashes.

Perfective gerunds go well with predicates, the meaning of which precedes the additional action. Laughing, the little girl threw up her hands.

Useful video


Now the question of how to find the adverbial turnover will not take the student by surprise. The competent use of such constructions in written speech indicates a high level of education and allows you to more accurately express your thoughts.

Give examples of adverbial turnover. Give examples of 5-6 sentences with participles!

  1. He left without closing the door behind him.
    The boy, cleaning his room, found a huge amount of things that he had long lost.
    The evening was in no hurry, letting the sunset run amok.
    I watched the sunrise without taking my eyes off it.
    Four meek biblical rams soar above the ground, barely touching with their hooves.
    All the sheep rushed to her, only the baby could not cope with the acceleration, barely managing to slow down.
  2. 1. The children who came from the concert went for a walk.
    2. The girl looking out the window was thinking about a walk.
    3. Masha, doing chemistry, was watching a film on literature.
    4. Sitting in front of my man, he closed my view.
    5. The work checked by the teacher was lost and was not found.

  3. He wrote something with his head bowed.
    For two days I lay in his house, then coming to my senses, losing consciousness again, and, opening my eyes, I invariably saw this gloomy man who was standing by my bed, not moving a single step, as if not letting me go in the direction where the road plunges into an abyss.
    His comrade bent over, placing his elbows, and, propping his cheekbones with his palms, smiled thoughtfully.

  4. 🙂

  5. Examples of misuse.
    1) Approaching the station and looking at nature through the window, my hat fell off.
    2) Already leaving the entrance, my phone rang.
    3) Crossing the street and having already reached the middle of the roadway, the traffic light suddenly switched to red.
    4) When reading different works, sometimes there are sentences with an incorrectly used adverbial turnover, such as, for example, like this.
    5) Turning on the other side, the bed creaked loudly under him.
    6) Having gone out to the balcony to smoke, he fell down.
    7) Having overate on pies, my stomach ached.
    8) Walking along the night avenue, the lanterns shone brightly.
  6. It was easy for many to copy, but not to invent. But still okay
  7. your mind is just not enough
  8. 1) I liked to read a book while swinging my leg.
    2) She was very beautiful when dancing ballet, otherwise I did not see her advantages.
    3) You dance like an angel, waving your hand from heaven.
    4) When solving the equation, be careful: an error may appear!
    5) When preparing for an exam, take a pill so you don't get nervous.
  9. good propositions
  10. 1) The girl, cleaning her room, found a huge number of things that she had long lost.

    2) The evening was in no hurry, letting the sunset run amok.

    3) I looked at the sunrise without taking my eyes off it.

    5) Masha, doing chemistry, was watching a film on literature.

    6) The dog, waving its tail and looking back at the owner, walked ahead.

    7) Having taken out matches from the pocket, the old man kindled * a fire.

    8) Friends worked, rolling up their sleeves.

    9) After parting with friends, Ksenya went to the theater.

    10) Having jumped on a chair, the kitten curled up into a ball.

    11) Having entered the hall, the audience sat down in their places.

    12) The boys worked tirelessly.

    13) Having rested for several days on the Volga, I returned to my work.

    14) Afraid to betray his fear, Zhora lowered his head.

    15) Proudly tossing his head, he left the house.

  11. Having now settled in the village, his dream and ideal was to resurrect the form of life that was under his grandfather

    Passing on the way back for the first time in the spring familiar birch grove, my head began to spin and my heart began to beat from a vague sweet expectation.

    Having the right to choose weapons, his life was in my hands

    Summing up the results of the debate, the chairman of the meeting noted the commonality of views of the speaker and the participants of the meeting

    The dove, seeing the children, flew up.

    Having sung the song to the end, the wounded began to sing it again.

  12. 1) I liked to read a book while swinging my leg.
    2) She was very beautiful when dancing ballet, otherwise I did not see her advantages.
    3) You dance like an angel, waving your hand from heaven.
    4) When solving the equation, be careful: an error may appear!
    5) When preparing for an exam, take a pill so you don't get nervous.

A participle turnover is a participle with dependent words. It is used to add an action that is not the main one, but also has a value. The participial turnover always refers to the predicate verb and is emphasized as a circumstance. It turns out that the subject performs both the action of the turnover and the action of the predicate.

Example: Having completed his story, Mikhail immediately sent a letter to the editor.

Mikhail did two things at once: he finished the story and sent the letter. The main action is the second, therefore the first is transformed into the form of a participial turnover.

Punctuation marks in participial turnover

The adverbial turnover, like the single adverbial participle, is separated by a comma. It can stand in any part of the sentence: at the beginning, at the end, and in the middle. From this, the setting of the signs does not change.

  • I jumped off the tree and ran home.
  • My father paused, looking at me, and sighed heavily.
  • Masha started up when she heard rustling behind her.

Rules for compiling a sentence with adverbial turnover

  • The participle turnover is used only when it denotes an additional action of the same person as the main verb.

Example: Valentina Stepanovna entered the room, closing the door behind her. (Main action - went into the room, additional - closed the door)

  • You cannot use a participial turnover if its action is performed by a person other than the one who performs the main action.

Example: Looking at the picture, I liked the jug and the vase.

Important! In such sentences, you can correct the error if you convert them.

Example: While viewing the picture, I liked the jug and the vase.

  • The adverbial turnover is always distinguished by a comma, unless it is a phraseological unit.

Example: Andrey worked on the project carelessly.

Examples of adverbial phrases in fiction

  • He walked slowly, but with large steps, slightly propped up by a long and thin stick. (I.S. Turgenev, "Notes of a hunter")
  • The dog was dozing with its head resting on its front paws. (M.N. Bulgakov, "Heart of a Dog")
  • Finding nothing, he stood up and took a deep breath. (F.M. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment")
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