Child of nature. Ladoga

From 6 to 10 July 2012, the seventh annual festival"Child of Nature". This time the event will take place near the Petäjärvi station, a picturesque forest corner in the Leningrad region.

The festival has a friendly atmosphere, good communication and mutual understanding. This is explained by one of the objectives of the event - to unite people, regardless of their status in society, income and political considerations. After all, fragmentation and unwillingness to understand another person - the main problem our era. At the same time, pure consciousness is the only way to induce mankind to realize its imperfection and the fallacy of the way of consumption chosen by civilization. This is achieved through harmony with oneself, others and nature.

It is expected that this year more than half a thousand people will experience a healthy holiday at the festival. And the popularity of the festival is not surprising - after all, its concept is based on very important topics in our time: the harmony of man and nature, "hygiene of consciousness" and purity of thinking.

The curator of the event is the non-profit foundation "Child of Nature". This organization sets itself a number of tasks, the most priority of which is the disclosure creativity a person and help anyone who wants to find their own way in life. It is equally important to learn how to save environment and also respect everything that is given to us by nature.

The purpose of the festival is to unite the efforts of young people in their desire to build the future of the entire planet, and therefore new useful ideas are put forward at the event, for the implementation of which it is very important to unite the aspirations of all mankind.

  1. 2 Sergey Svetly

    The Child of Nature Festival is already a traditional festival that you want to visit. Thanks to the organizers, it has its own special atmosphere of openness and goodwill, fun and creativity. This is not only friendly communication, outdoor recreation, but also an opportunity to find new friends of interest! You can come here alone, with a company or with children - everyone will find it interesting and useful, there are master classes for everyone. Leading master classes are pre-selected so that the organizers are sure that there will be only positive creativity at the festival! During the festival, participants are fed with delicious vegetarian food, of course no alcohol and a restriction on bad habits, if anyone else has left from a past life! =)

    Welcome to the atmosphere of love and creativity!!!))))))

  2. 3 Irina

    I heard that this year's festival may not take place in Petäjärvi.

  3. Friends, we will be extremely happy to meet you at the Child of Nature festival this year. The organizers and the team are already preparing with might and main to welcome you and please you. Sleepless creative nights and discussions of the program have already begun, and registration for the festival will open very soon.

    But where it will pass - in Petäjärvi or in another magical place - will be determined very soon. In any case, you won't regret your choice.

    Come with friends, with families, because it's all for you - from the heart!

    Sincerely, Anna Fenina on behalf of the entire organizational staff of the festival.

  4. The festival is filled with kind and developing creativity, master classes, self-knowledge practices, games, dances, demonstration performances of masters, songs of Solar Bards, an atmosphere of Love and Goodness, unity and mutual understanding in harmony with Nature, in harmony with each other.

    We see the "Child of Nature" Festival as good holiday co-creation and creation. This is a non-profit project, so all the organizers and teachers work with inspiration from the Soul.

    Festival objectives:
    1. To create conditions for each Human to realize and feel even more that he is a Child of Mother Earth, a Child of Mother Nature and learn to treat her with Love and deep respect.

    2. To create conditions for every Human being to feel deeply inspired to live a healthier and more ecological life. To develop the ecology of consciousness - thoughts, words, feelings. Ecology of actions - concern for the future - about your Family, Children, Mother Earth-Motherland.

    3. To create conditions for each Human to open his Heart and manifest the best qualities- love, kindness and mutual understanding, respect for diverse traditions and teachings.

    4. To create conditions for close souls to find each other more easily and create strong, happy families.

    5. Create conditions for children to learn real world- the world of Living Nature.

    6. To create conditions for families to be even more united and strengthened in a joyful holiday.

    7. Create and strengthen the image of the present healthy life and a healthy holiday, in a sober mind and a healthy body.

    8. Help each person to discover their Creative skills and direct them to creation.

    10. Create conditions so that each participant can see the whole range of activities and creative workshops and choose what is closer to his soul. It can take more than one year in city life, but at the Festival you can try yourself in different directions and within a few days to make a reasonable choice.

    11. Create conditions for self-knowledge and healing of a Human. To discover the state of peace and tranquility in yourself. What is especially important in the conditions of urban rush and an abundance of various information.

    12. To create conditions so that each Person can see the Way to improve the conditions of his life, and achieve a state of harmony with Nature. And he could also receive support from those who successfully follow this Path.


    Every evening at the Festival there is a MAGIC ACTION - general round dances. This is not just simple fun, it is the DANCE OF LIFE, consisting of symbols of the universal harmony.

    Each of its participants is able to both learn the principles of the Universe and unravel the tangled loops of their lives. The round dance is a powerful and at the same time unique Tradition, carefully handed down from time immemorial.

    At the Festival, many adults and children simultaneously join hands and, WITH JOY IN THE HEART, step in the direction of the Sun's movement between the majestic pines. Sincere and sublime songs are heard about the blooming Earth, our Motherland, Intelligent Life, Mutual love, strong family and happy children.

    GOOD IMAGES sung together in a round dance gain great strength and inspire for a good, happy Life.

    The round dance breathes as a ONE ORGANISM. Happy people holding hands, meet with sincere glances, feeling a deep unity with the whole World.

    Round dances have come into people's lives from time immemorial. According to archaeologists, they have been known to people since the Paleolithic era. Round dances reflect the desire of people to create a single harmonious pattern of life, inseparable bond generations, interaction with space and the streams of Life moving inside it.

    big symbolic meaning has the shape of a circle, it embodies the time cycle, divine origin and the eternal cycle of all things. The circle among many peoples was considered a universal symbol of unceasing being and eternity.

    Round dance of the planets solar system located near the plane passing through the solar equator, and circles around the Sun in the same direction. A solar bonfire is burning, and around it is a round dance of planets.

    Sometimes the planets line up

    All those participating in the Round Dance come out spiritually strengthened and enlightened, with a sense of awareness that cannot be conveyed by any words or their written expression.

    Round dance is a sacred sacred action, perhaps the most ancient on earth. It's kind folk art, which means that the Khorovods were created collectively. That is why they carry the depths of the collective unconscious, are an expression of the subconscious of each person, developing into big picture world order, healthy harmonious interaction matrices common to all people, all peoples, at all times.

    Round dances are archaic in themselves, contain deep meanings and the wisdom of more than one generation, and therefore they have survived to this day in their original purity.

    The Horovods harmoniously combine: music, song, dance, words, rhythm, tempo.

    Therefore, “leading circles”, the inner cosmos of each person comes to the right, everything around is pacified, harmonized, inner world a person subconsciously builds a model of harmonious, creative, bringing generous fruits interactions in society and in paired male-female relationships.

    It is impossible to lead round dances alone or “on its own”, therefore, each personality learns to manifest itself in its own way, without violating the boundaries of other people, not contrary to the natural way of life, with reverence and respect for the world of every person who jointly leads round dances.

    While driving Khorovodov, people learn to hear and feel each other, act harmoniously, appreciate differences.

    Open Air / Paid / St. Petersburg

    The festival is designed to help find harmony between people, to understand each other, to find common ground. We must understand that everyone is equal in this world and only in unity will we find what we have always been looking for - Happiness.
    Disunity is one of the main issues of the present time. There are hundreds of reasons why people are divided: age, gender, social status, religion, political considerations, etc. Such fragmentation gives rise to misunderstanding among people, misunderstanding results in irritation, and this, in turn, in aggression.
    Friends, let's remember how it is to BE TOGETHER!

    Festival contacts

    Rating: 4 |

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    Real eco-tourism is either on a desert island or in the company of like-minded people.

    The second option is more realistic Therefore, when I found out about the eco-festival "Child of nature" I immediately decided to go there with my family. This festival has been running since 2006. And every year it gets better and better. It takes place according to tradition on the shores of Lake Ladoga near Priozersk.

    The festival lasts 10 days. People come to it from different cities, not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The festival is filled with master classes, various practices (yoga, qigong), games, dances, demonstration performances of masters, songs of Bards, an atmosphere of Love and Kindness, unity and mutual understanding in harmony with Nature.

    More about the organization: it is advisable to come without a car, they ask about it. It is advisable to walk barefoot through the forest. Clothing is welcomed from natural fabrics. Skirts and dresses for women, shirts and trousers for men. Everyone lives in tents. There are toilets and wash basins on site.

    Mustard powder or natural soap is used for washing dishes. Also

    for personal hygiene - ecological products (eco-soap, eco-shampoo and others folk remedies). It is forbidden to make fires on the territory.

    Meals are organized for an additional fee (vegetarian or raw food). Meat meals, drinking alcohol, smoking are not welcome on the territory of the camp.

    Participation in the festival is paid, because. the price includes participation in various activities: master classes, lectures, and there are a great many of them and everyone can choose an activity to their liking. The day is organized like this: in the morning, early classes for advanced - yoga at sunrise or breathing practices. Then breakfast at 9.00, and classes start at 10.00. Everyone gathers at the stage and each master-leader makes a mini-presentation of his lesson.

    After dinner, the fair begins. At the fair, festival participants present their hand-made products, creativity. Goods can be bought or exchanged for your own goods

    Fair is fun party: music plays, raw food sweets from dried fruits are sold. Everyone is walking, talking, drinking tea.

    Being at the festival, you feel safe, in harmony, in unity with nature and people. Such a good atmosphere open hearts, loving eyes. You know this indescribable feeling of community, mutual respect. We relaxed so much that we left money and documents in the tent))) We had similar feelings while camping in Croatia. There, when you go to the toilet / shower in the morning, you hear good morning- in at least four languages ​​from absolutely strangers

    Give yourself a holiday!

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