What is the main action of the tale. Consultation (group) on the topic: what is a fairy tale

"AT distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state ... ". Probably, each of us in childhood fell asleep to the quiet voice of our parents, who read or told fairy tales about beautiful princesses, brave princes and vicious monsters. And in the same way, each of us will read such fairy tales to our children. What is a fairy tale, and why is it needed?

First of all, a fairy tale is a genre literary creativity with a twist on invention. Moreover, a fairy tale can be both oral and written. Main Feature fairy tale is that it is always a fictional story with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. Fairy tales are authorial (composed by a certain author) and folk (composed by many people). There is also a well-known classification of fairy tales according to their content:

Fairy tales are magical. They bring out the best human qualities, the characters are romantic. In such a fairy tale, there is necessarily a central positive hero, his assistants and magic items. Heroes fairy tales fight evil and injustice in the name of goodness and love. Examples include Russian folk tales about Ivan the Fool.

Tales about animals. Here, the permanent characters are animals (fox, wolf, bear, hare, etc.). Animals interact, each of them personifies one or another human quality, for example, a cat is smart, a fox is cunning, a bear is strong. Examples: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok".

Social fairy tales - illustrate real life, the characters are shown from the point of view of their social position ridicule negative human qualities. best qualities in such tales people from the people possess, who, as a rule, turn out to be smarter and more cunning than representatives of high social status (masters, priests). These tales are satirical, full of humor and puns. Examples of social fairy tales: "Shemyakin's court", "Porridge from an ax", "The master and the carpenter", "The peasant and the priest".

How is a story different from a fairy tale?

The main difference between a tale and a fairy tale is that the tale has a narrator, and this narrator is not the author of the story. In addition, the heroes of the tale are most often real people, although many new fictional details are added to the tale.
How is a myth different from a fairy tale

A myth is a story about the life, way of life, traditions and characteristics of the people described in the myth. Myths are always associated with religion, they contain gods and demigods. In fairy tales, heroes can be ordinary people, just like you and me.
What are fairy tales for?

What is the meaning of the fairy tale? The purpose of the fairy tale is to teach children to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. And I must say, the fairy tale copes with its task brilliantly.

In addition, the fairy tale helps children develop their imagination. After all, parents often tell magic stories without the use of pictures, which means that the child himself needs to imagine exactly how the beautiful princess or the shaggy monster looked.

What do fairy tales teach? The fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult times and always overcome difficulties. After all main character in fairy tales, he always takes on impossible tasks, for solving incredible riddles.

The tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you do not leave a friend in trouble, then he will help you in difficult times.

A fairy tale teaches not to judge people by their appearance. After all, any frog can easily be in them. beautiful girl, and the monster is an enchanted prince.

The story teaches us to obey our parents. After all, a son or daughter who performs the tasks of a father and mother in fairy tales always finds himself in a better position than their negligent brothers and sisters.

Often a fairy tale teaches patriotism. No wonder the knights are so willing to rush to defend native land from foreign invaders.

And finally, the fairy tale teaches us to be smart, not to rush to solve a particular problem, to think over our decisions.

Reading fairy tales is useful not only in childhood. Growing up, we often forget that in the end, good always triumphs over evil, that any difficulties can be overcome, that a handsome prince on a white horse is already looking for his princess, and she is humbly waiting for him. So read fairy tales. Tell them to your children, come up with new stories together, accompany them with playing with dolls or drawing. After all, give yourself and your child a little Have a good mood just before bed!

Folklore works are an integral part of the culture of every nation. One of the elements of oral folk art has always been and will be fairy tales. It is to them that this article will be devoted. Is the story pure fiction or something more? What do they teach and what will happen if the child is deprived magical worlds? It's time to figure it out!

What is a "fairy tale" and what characterizes a Russian folk tale: definitions

According to the traditional interpretation, a fairy tale is a work of either oral folk or individual author's creativity. An example of the author's interpretation is A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key." But somewhere the author's inspiration was drawn fiction? Tales of collective creation, which were passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries - that was the source and beginning of all beginnings. Today, they will be discussed in this article in as much detail as possible.

Russian folk tales, which until the 17th century were called tales or fables, are one of the forms of folklore prose. They were created over a long period of time by means of increments and decrements in the narrative, which were made by each individual person and, hence, by the entire Russian people.

In fairy tales, people's self-consciousness tried to express itself as much as possible: they put into stories the most characteristic elements of their culture, traditions, customs, in order to pass this experience on to the younger generation in need of a life guide. Russian folk tales are thus a storehouse of ancient wisdom. In them rise eternal questions moral, family, domestic, state character, for each of which, as a result, an unambiguous answer is given: doing this is good, and doing this is bad.

How are Russian folk tales divided?

Folklore tales are classified into several major categories. According to one of the most common options, which was proposed by E. V. Pomerantseva, a well-known researcher of the genre, the scheme for delimiting fairy tales is as follows:

  1. Tales about animals ("Gingerbread Man", "Goat Dereza").
  2. Fairy tales ("The Frog Princess", "Ivan the Fool").
  3. Household (“Porridge from an ax”, “Like a man had dinner with a gentleman”).
  4. Sometimes novelistic or adventurous tales are also distinguished.

It's time to look more specifically at each of the types.

Animal Tales

Children's fairy tales about animals are one of the oldest varieties this genre. Such works are entirely built on allegory, or allegory: through animal world the human world emerges clearly. Each of the characters is endowed with character traits and properties of people: for example, the traditional heroes here are a fox, which is always cunning and does not disdain another deception; a wolf who is self-confident and stupid, as a result of which he always ends up in tears; a bear, often acting as the personification of ignorance and brute force. A thrush, a frog, a hare, a mouse are usually representatives of a weak beginning, which, nevertheless, wins as a result. Thus, in fairy tales about animals, human vices are debunked, such as greed, the desire to harm one's neighbor, envy, self-interest, greed. Contrary asserted, positive features, for example, the ability to help a friend in need, compassion, mercy, etc.

The techniques actively used in the course of the story are all shades of humor and satire. Artistic language fairy tales is very diverse and rich, consists of a large number of dialogues. The works have a dynamic action, which acts as the engine of a rapidly developing plot. The composition is usually a repetition of the same act and is generally uncomplicated. The images are always memorable, and each of them corresponds to a certain side: good or evil.

Fairy tales

A fairy tale is a work that cannot teach a child anything if it does not interest him from the first words. In this regard, fairy tales are just great helpers for both parents and teachers! The main task of this type of fairy tales is to arouse in children the admiration of the main, always exclusively goodie, as well as provoke a desire to condemn the antagonist (villain). This goal is achieved through the development of magical plots and motifs with such traditional elements in this case as the presence of explicit fantasy (helper heroes, for example, talking animals, as well as magical magical objects: self-assembled tablecloth, flying carpet, walking boots, etc. .), the fight against evil, a large number of episodes that stir up the child's interest in what is happening and make him want to know the ending of the work. If speak about compositional construction fairy tales, then in them description and narration will prevail over dialogue, due to which the palette of visual and expressive means will also be presented very widely. Playing with contrasting oppositions, comparisons, personifications, puns and humor - on such a wide field, an organic interweaving of everything into a single whole is possible.

Household fairy tales

A not so common, but still interesting variety is everyday fairy tales. They are meant to debunk negative traits human character and, conversely, exalt resourcefulness and a sharp mind. There are practically no fantastic elements here, and the plot revolves around an unusual, unique case that occurred in the most ordinary relationships between people. These children's fairy tales differ from other varieties of the genre in that they use hyperbolization (exaggeration), conditional realism (although everything happens the same way as in reality, the story is still resolved in a fairy tale way, for example, the hero is smart and goes unpunished, although in life he would definitely be caught, etc.), as well as the fact that the main thing actor is a character who is always ironically lucky. The main focus is on the final piece. The dialogue form and verbs that define the action are widely used (“went” - “said” - “did”). Traditional characters are a priest, a soldier, a woman, a peasant, a landowner, etc. Unlike other types, these are also fairy tales for adults. Despite the almost complete absence of fantastic elements, they nevertheless carry a deep philosophical morality that can give food for thought to "big" uncles and aunts.

Short stories, according to the classification of some researchers, are one of the branches of everyday fairy tales due to the similarity of the means used in them. artistic expressiveness and the plot component, where leading role, similarly to everyday fairy tales, the mind and ingenuity of the hero play.

Impact on children

A fairy tale is always a helper and a friend. The works created by the Russian people are what a child especially needs for the correct, harmonious development and further development him as a person and person. They improve imagination, thinking, emotional sphere, develop memory and speech and, of course, at the most early stages acquaint children with the categories of morality and morality, which are laid down and remain with the children throughout their subsequent lives.

What is a "Fairy Tale"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

Story SKA? ZKA - the oldest folk genre narrative literature of a predominantly fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing or entertainment. In fairy tales, the character of the people, their wisdom and high moral qualities. The most common types of fairy tales are animal tales based on the personification of animals, fish, and birds, and fairy tales that tell about extraordinary events and adventures. Often, folk fantasy, as it were, predicted the appearance in reality of wonderful things later invented by human genius (in Russian fairy tales, a flying carpet is an airplane, a wonderful mirror is a TV and radar). In addition to animals and magical fairytales, the people also create sociopolitical fairytales: such, for example, is the Russian folk tale of Ersh Ershovich, the son of Shchetinnikov. In world literature, the Arabic S. "A Thousand and One Nights" are widely known. The fairy tale genre is very difficult, and therefore there are few fairy tale writers in world literature - H. Andersen, W. Hauff, the Grimm brothers, C. Perro, whose fairy tales are designed primarily for children. E. T. A. Hoffman, E. Poe, and O. Wilde wrote for adults in the genre of secularism; in Russia, M. Gorky and M. Saltykov-Shchedrin (political Soviet time- P. Bazhov. Of the poetic S., the folk S. “Fool”, the tales of A. Pushkin (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, etc.) and the famous “Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov are known, where folk motives; fairy tales by V. Zhukovsky; political S. (“Rockhorse” by S. Basov-Verkhoyantsev and others).

Story- one of the main genres of oral folk poetry, epic, mainly ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Story- TALE, fairy tales, w. one. narrative work oral folk art about fictitious events ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Story- and. 1. A narrative work of oral folk art about fictitious persons and events. /... Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Story- TALE, one of the genres of folklore: epic, mostly prose work about animals or ... Modern encyclopedia

Story- TALE - one of the main genres of folklore, an epic, mostly prose work of the vol ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Story- fairy tale n., f., use. often Morphology: (no) what? fairy tales, why? fairy tale, (see) what? sk? zk ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

Story- scarlet tale (Balmont); fragrant (Nadson); inspirational (Fofanov); magical (K.R.); thoughtful...

Doesn't necessarily mean exciting action with magical transformations, where glorious heroes defeat mythical monsters with the help of amazing artifacts. Many of these stories are based on events that could well have taken place in real life. These are household stories. They teach goodness, ridicule human vices: greed, stupidity, cruelty, and others, often contain an ironic basis and social background. What is a household story? it instructive story without special supernatural miracles, useful to children, often making even adults think.


It is not necessary to look too far in search of an example of such a tale. They can serve all famous story about a turnip that my grandfather planted in the garden. The old man did not expect that she would grow too big, so much so that he could not pull her out of the ground alone. In order to deal with challenging task, grandfather called for help from all members of his family. They turned out to be a grandmother, a granddaughter and animals living in the house. Thus, the turnip was stretched out. The idea of ​​a simple plot is easy to understand. When everyone works together, together and unitedly, everything is sure to work out. Even a small mouse - and she took part in the described action.

On the this example It is easy to understand what a household fairy tale is. Of course, the mentioned story contains some fantastic facts. For example, a turnip can't grow that big, and animals aren't smart enough to do that kind of work. However, if these details are discarded, the moral of the story turns out to be very useful and can be useful in real life.

Heroes of Russian fairy tales

The features of everyday fairy tales are that most often they contain healthy satire. Naive innocence turns out to be wiser than the most sophisticated cunning, and resourcefulness and ingenuity repel arrogance, vanity, arrogance and greed. Here vices are ridiculed, regardless of faces and ranks. In such stories, the stupidity and laziness of almighty kings, the greed of hypocritical priests are mercilessly scourged.

Ivanushka the Fool often turns out to be a wonderful hero of Russian fairy tales. This is a special character who always emerges victorious from all, even the most incredible trials. You can understand what a household fairy tale is by remembering other interesting and vivid characters created by the imagination of the Russian people. They are a cunning man who is able to circle around the finger of all his offenders from among the greedy rich, as well as a soldier whose resourcefulness will delight anyone.

"Porridge from an ax"

Among the examples of everyday fairy tales in which the above-mentioned characters are involved, one can name “Porridge from an ax”. This is a very small, but instructive story about how easy and fun it is to overcome life difficulties and adversity, if you treat everything with humor and have an approach to people.

The resourceful soldier, having come to stay with a stingy old woman who pretended to be poor in order not to treat her guest with anything, decided to use a trick to achieve his goal. He volunteered to cook food with an axe. Driven by curiosity, the mistress of the house, without noticing it herself, provided the soldier with all the products necessary for cooking and allowed him to take away the ax, which supposedly had not yet been cooked. Here, the sympathies of all readers and listeners, as a rule, turn out to be on the side of the resourceful serviceman. And interested persons are given a chance to laugh merrily at the greedy old woman. This is what a household fairy tale is at its best.

literary works

AT fairy tale genres many great writers have done. Essays are a clear indication of this. genius XIX century of Saltykov-Shchedrin. Imitating folk art, the author assigned the characters a certain social status than conveyed his political ideas to readers.

Most of his stories should rather be classified as animal tales. They contain allegories, the purpose of which is to reveal public vices. But this does not exhaust the list of works of this writer, consonant with the genres of folk tales. Household fairy tales created on social basis, for example, recalls "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." This peculiar narrative breathes with subtle humor and inimitable satire, and its characters are so reliable that they are relevant for any era.


Anecdotes are also examples of everyday fairy tales. The attitude to this kind of folklore, of course, is far from clear for everyone. But in this colorful genre, folk identity, the concept of morality and various ups and downs are clearly expressed. public relations. In addition, this form of creativity is always relevant and constantly evolving.

According to the data contemporary folklore, everyday jokes in different areas have their own characteristic features and features that are of interest for scientific study. This also applies general patterns the formation and development of this genre, which have become a topic for research and presentation in many scientific works and dissertations. At all times, an anecdote has proved to be an excellent way for the people to respond to the arbitrariness of the authorities, to phenomena and events that contradict their concepts of justice and ethics.

Other genre forms

It is not difficult to understand how a household fairy tale differs from a fairy tale. Of course, stories about sorcerers and fantastic adventures are always interesting and find their fans. But capacious, witty stories that reveal the full depth of social and human relations, simply cannot be irrelevant. Among other varieties of the genre everyday fairy tale can be called riddles and ridicule. The first of them is an allegorical description of some object or event and is given in the form of a question. The second one is clearly satirical. short work, which especially gives reason to have fun over the vices of unworthy people. There are also boring tales. This is a very interesting genre. In such stories, a certain set of words is deliberately repeated, there is no plot as such, because the action essentially develops in a vicious circle. bright and famous example similar story can serve as "The Tale of the White Bull".

All of the above works constitute a treasury folklore, a storehouse of his wisdom, sparkling humor carried through the centuries.

What is a fairy tale? A fairy tale is a moralizing story with elements of fiction and fantasy. good fairy tale one where fiction is only a shell, under which a wonderful worldly truth, a reasonable thought, is hidden.

A fairy tale is, in general, fun. But at the time ancient times the tale had a different meaning, was supposed to be an epic narrative

about omnipotent beings, gods and their struggle. With the loss of an important meaning (when the people began to forget their pagan beliefs), she lost her former poetic warehouse, mostly fairy tales - in prose, but traces of a measured warehouse were preserved, especially in the so-called "sayings" ("soon the fairy tale affects, but not soon the job is done").

Folk tales have great value in the life of each person and the whole nation. The important role of fairy tales lies in the fact that they are a valuable repository of everything experienced, a mirror that forever preserves the reflection of past life.

We owe the preservation of the material of the life of the people, their worldview to the oral tales of the people, their fairy tales, songs, legends. How much great importance have these pearls, shows their extraordinary vitality, which have survived centuries, and in general have survived to this day.

Fairy tales, tales contained so much of the universal, they were based on so many common views that they wandered from one people to another and took deep roots everywhere, cultivating in a new place in accordance with local views, conditions and habits.

The main merit of the fairy tale lies in the fact that at all times it is on the side of everything right, just, and kind. And at the same time, a fairy tale is an irreconcilable "fighter" with evil, dashing, lies, and aggression. The tale unobtrusively talks about important ethical categories - good and evil.

Russian folk tales are the fundamental basis of Russian culture, Russian literature.

The value of fairy tales is that they provide an opportunity to acquaint children with the life and way of life of the Russian people. Russian folk tale is a faithful assistant in the development of human language and speech skills. Epithets, figures of speech from fairy tales with their classical and deep meaning embedded in our minds. Fairy tales broaden the horizons of a person, provide an opportunity to increase vocabulary.

The fairy tale is entrusted with an important mission - the upbringing of the younger generation.

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