How do we write stories? The structure of a fairy tale: how to learn how to create magical stories What you can write a fairy tale about


A fairy tale, like any other literary genre, has a clear structure. If you follow it, then you can easily get an entertaining story for children and adults. And the well-known linguist V. Ya. Propp developed a model for constructing magical stories. Based on his writings, we can say that the structure of the tale is based on the following rules:

1. The main and invariable element is the functions or actions of the main characters. They connect the storylines. A novice storyteller needs to remember that all the actions of the characters should influence the course of history. Otherwise, they are simply not needed.
2. The very number of functions is limited. Propp singled out only 31 actions known to the world of fairy tales.
3. The sequence of functions is the same regardless of the storyline.

In a fairy tale, there are only 7 roles for characters. These are: the sender, the princess or her father, the hero, the false hero, the helper, the giver and the antagonist. However, all the characters involved can transform and change roles.

The structure of a folk tale: details

Any magical story begins with a preparatory part. Here are the possible options:
1. Absence. One of the characters leaves, goes to war, etc.
2. Prohibition. The hero receives some indication. For example, do not go off the trail or do not enter the room.
3. Violation. The hero forgets about the ban.
4. Finding out. The antagonist is trying to get information.
5. Issuance of information.
6. Trick. The protagonist tries on a new image. As an example, we can recall how the Wolf imitated the voice of the Mother Goat.
7. Aiding. The hero performs an action with the participation of another character (for example, eats poisoned food).
8. Initial trouble or shortage. The hero disappears or falls ill, the princess is kidnapped, and so on.
The preparatory part is followed by a tie. In the structure of a fairy tale, it is expressed by the following functions:
1. Mediation. The hero receives information or guidance from another character.
2. Beginning resistance. The protagonist receives permission to "try his luck" in an unusual action for him.
3. Sending. The hero is on his way.

The main part involves the appearance of the donor. Establishing contact with him requires a reaction on the part of the hero. Then he receives a magical remedy (potion, horse, magic phrase, etc.). Together with the gift, the hero moves to another kingdom. Here he is sure to be wrestled and branded (obtaining a special sign by which he can always be recognized). After the victory of the hero, the shortage from the preparatory part is eliminated: the king recovers, the king-maiden comes out of the dungeon. Then the hero returns home. At this stage, the pursuit and salvation from it is possible.

Sometimes a fairy tale can continue with an additional line. A false hero is already at work in it. He commits sabotage (steals prey, for example) and the real hero is again forced to set off and find a new magical remedy. The following functions are possible here:
1. Secret arrival in your hometown.
2. Another character claims to win the hero.
3. The hero is given a difficult task.
4. Search for a solution.
5. Recognition of the hero by other characters.
6. Reproof, or revealing the truth.
7. Transfiguration. The hero changes due to some action. For example, bathes in a magical spring and becomes more beautiful than before.
8. Punishment of the guilty.
9. Wedding or accession.

The fairy tale does not have to contain all the described functions. A magical story is a puzzle that you can collect as your heart desires. If you prepare cards with functions in advance, then you can “collect” a fairy tale with your child. For clarity, be sure to take the playing field, on which mark the plot parts, for example, the plot, a special circumstance (ban, illness, etc.), the test and the appearance of an assistant, the victory of the hero, the punishment of the guilty, and a happy instructive ending. And then add other features to the story sections as you write the story as you go.

Features of a fairy tale

Previously, fabulous images were scooped from myths. Therefore, magical stories are universal for any nation. They are based on primitive ideas about the world, and most of the constructive elements were born from the idea of ​​initiation and reflections on the other world. Initially, fairy tales rarely had a happy ending. Such a denouement became possible when the roles of helper and giver appeared.

According to the fairy tale, it is easy to determine how people lived, what they dreamed about and what they were afraid of. It always reflects existing traditions. So, in one of the first versions of Little Red Riding Hood, the girl ate the remains of her grandmother. The very mention of this refers us to the time when cannibalism was not yet a strict taboo. And in the girl's basket there could be not only pies and a pot of butter, but also a bottle of wine, fresh fish and a whole head of young cheese. A beginner storyteller should pay attention to this. A good story has familiar cultural codes. The more understandable the magical world itself, the closer the narratives are and the more effective they are.

The main goal of a fairy tale is to convey knowledge. It has not lost its educational component even today. But it is very important that the didactic material is hidden deep. The child should not guess that he is being taught. This is the most important feature of the fairy tale.

Knowing the structure of a folk tale, you can easily create your own stories. You can do this not only to entertain the child, but also to answer his most difficult questions.

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and heat.Would you like to support our project? Let's be vigilant, with new strength we will continue to write for you!

A fairy tale is a powerful weapon against bad mood, insomnia, injustice. She is able to re-educate, shame, hint. And what is important - anyone can compose it. How to do it? We will tell you how to write a fairy tale that you will like, surprise and remember for a long time.

1. Develop imagination.

In order to write a fairy tale, you need. The chances that it will come after a working day or while cleaning the house are small. Then where to look for it? The answer is unambiguous - among children. Playing with them in the sandbox, observing their direct behavior, you can start fantasizing together. Children will definitely come up with an idea how to write a fairy tale.

This is exactly what Alan Alexander Milne, author of the famous story of Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh, once did. He was not a children's author, but playing with his son, listening to him, his ideas, the writer created a world-famous bestseller.

2. Select a genre.

When fairy tales appeared, it is impossible to determine, since they belonged to oral folk. They were told to small children in order to reason, educate, convey an instructive thought. Since then, all stories for children have been divided into three categories (genres).

  • magical- the plot contains magical objects or events (self-assembled tablecloth, transformations).
  • About animals- the main characters are animals endowed with human qualities (the life of animals in a mitten).
  • Social- people of different classes appear, everyday or social problems are raised (the story of porridge with an ax).

Genres may overlap, but the main genre line is best defined in advance.

3. Think over the topic and the main idea.

You need to think about what the story will be about. It is advisable to put the wording in one sentence, since the specifics at the beginning of the work contribute to its progress.

The peculiarity of fairy tales is that they must definitely teach something. A fairy tale without, like an anecdote without a funny end.

But the teaching must be carefully veiled. That is, not to speak directly is bad, to give the little reader the opportunity to draw conclusions himself, to push them to them. When the theme, as well as the main idea, are determined, it will become clear how to write a fairy tale further.

4. Determine the target audience.

Books for adults have no return restrictions, they do not say "recommended reading for people from 30 to 40 years old or 50+". But children's fairy tales are always designed for an audience of a certain age - preschoolers, primary school students, and so on.

Based on this, it will be easier to form the style of communication of the characters, the level of complexity of their speech.

5. Create unique characters and unusual reality.

Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Puss in Boots are bright interesting characters that it is better for a novice storyteller to forget. An interesting, unique character with a fancy name is a guarantee that you will want to read the text.

The important thing is in what reality the characters will exist. It should be like nothing else, original. Here you can give free rein by inventing, for example, houses with wings, honey roads or a country of pears.

It is worth imagining all the features of this world, every detail in the images of the characters. Children are very attentive readers, they will immediately notice a “blunder” or a contradiction.

How to write a fairy tale so that it is successful? Relive a unique hero and believe in him!

6. Come up with an interesting plot.

In order not to get confused in the events of your own narrative and to follow their logical course, you need to adhere to a certain composition.

  • Introduction– interests the audience, causes them to read the text further. Here we introduce readers to the main character, and also give an idea of ​​what the story will be about.
  • tie- the event that starts it all. The plot should intrigue, introduce into the essence of what is happening.
  • Development of action- in this part of the story, the hero encounters obstacles, solves problems. The plot should be interesting and dynamic. Only in this mode the child will read to the main episode.
  • climax- this is the most intense and touching moment of history. It is necessary to fix it in such a way that it takes the breath away from the experience for the main character. How will he get out of this situation? What will do? Will true friends help him? What would I do? If there are so many questions in a small head, it means that the climax is written perfectly.
  • Conclusion- now all the worst is behind us. It remains for readers to enjoy the victory, to savor the triumph of good over evil.

Following this plan is how to write a fairy tale so that its plot develops consistently and logically.

7. Sharpen your writing skills.

To "catch the wave", you can start by remaking a few well-known fairy tales. Or write a fanfiction for them (continued). An exercise called "Wordplay" will help "stir up the imagination." What is its meaning?

Here are the lines already written:

An evil wizard has bewitched the castle by stealing the princess.

What if they can be mixed?

The evil castle has stolen the wizard and the princess.

Or like this:

The enchanted princess was looking for the wizard's castle.

This can be continued until a suitable option arises.

8. Stick to style.

  • Do not use complex, overly long sentences.
  • Avoid lyrical digressions, philosophical reasoning.
  • Watch vocabulary - do not use words that are incomprehensible to children.

Adults pick up children's books in order to be distracted and. And children listen to them in order to be transported to other worlds.

This process should go unnoticed by them. How to write a fairy tale in such a way, how to achieve this? Read and reread your own text, improving it.

9. Come up with a name.

It is best to name your work when it is finished. The plot may change during writing, so do not rush.

10. It's all about the little things.

Good conquers evil.

This is one of the main features of this type of creativity. Why this happened, the opinions of philologists differ. You can discuss this topic, but you cannot break the law. The ending must be good.

Magic numbers.

When the numbers 3, 7, 12 fall into a fairy tale, they cease to be ordinary. These numbers are real characters. They betray the story with intriguing mystery: 3 questions, 3 tests, 3 heroes, and so on.

True friend.

The main character needs an assistant who will prompt, helping in difficulties. You can make it funny. In modern stories, this is a real trend. For example, the donkey from the cartoon "Shrek". To laugh and support in trouble are the two main functions of such a character.

Means of artistic expression.

Without hyperbole (exaggeration), antithesis (opposition), constant epithets (beautiful girl), vivid comparisons, it will not be possible to create a colorful speech atmosphere. Their role in the text is very important, since it is the means of artistic expression that form images in ours. A person who wants to learn how to write a fairy tale needs to master this artistic weapon.

Author's position.

How to write a fairy tale? It is quite simple, if you have the desire, develop and stock up on time. Following our advice, you can create a unique interesting story that will become a favorite for many.

In the textbooks on literary reading of some teaching materials for grades 2-3, there are tasks to compose a fairy tale or story on your own. In fact, it is not difficult to do this, you just need to grasp the idea. Often it is given not just to compose a fairy tale, but a fairy tale on a specific topic, for example, some proverb should become its meaning. The program includes the planet of knowledge, for example: "tackle a good deed skillfully" or others of your choice.

Made up tales

First, practice on something simple, without a predetermined topic (in the teaching materials school of Russia, for example, the task appears simply to compose a fairy tale). Maybe you remember some interesting and instructive case from life, you can come up with it yourself. You can, by analogy with well-known fairy tales, come up with your own. Here are examples of fairy tales composed by children, let them inspire you to write your own.

Why do rabbits have long ears?

There was a little rabbit. He was always boasting about something. He boasted of his white fluffy tail, his sharp teeth, his keen eyes. One day he was sitting on a stump and bragging to the whole forest that he was able to jump over the highest hummock in this forest. The bunny did not notice how the wolf crept up behind him and grabbed him by the ears. The bunny was escaping, escaping, escaping by force. Look at yourself, and the wolf pulled out his ears. Now the hare looks at its long ears and sits quietly under a bush, does not stick out.


The little acorn lost his hat and went looking for it. He jumped over the roots of the papa-oak, stirred up the withered grass and looked under the leaves:

- This is not my hat, it is too big and too big for me!
“And this double one will fit the twin acorns.”
- And this is last year, this season they don’t wear them anymore!

For a long time the acorn looked for his hat, got tired and fell asleep. He woke up in the spring, the sun warms, it's warm. He looks, he is not an acorn, but a small oak tree, and he no longer needs a hat.

Tale of a traffic light-knowing.

A new traffic light was installed at the intersection. He was tall, lean and overflowing with self-respect.

Who said that it is necessary to turn on the colors in turn, it is much more beautiful to shimmer with all the colors at once, - decided the Traffic Light and stared all 12 eyes at the road.
- Hey, what are you doing! - Cars screeched.

They huddled together in fright and poked their noses at each other like blind kittens.

You look like cuttlefish! - the traffic light shouted to them from above and swayed with laughter.

A girl came up to the crossing. “What a pretty one!” thought the traffic light and winked at her in three colors at once. And again the indignant screech of brakes.

“Just think about it,” the Traffic Light was offended. “Here I’ll take it and turn off! Let's see how you manage without me!”

I thought so and went out.
And the next day, another traffic light, responsible and reliable, was put at the intersection.

Compose a fairy tale or story, the name and meaning of which can be one of the proverbs:

  1. It is better to lose with a smart than to find with a fool.
  2. The head is thick, but the head is empty.
  3. They do not beat with a spear, but with the mind.
  4. If there was a mind, there would be a ruble.
  5. Stupid mind lets the world.

Thick on the head, but empty in the head

In a small town there lived a girl with beautiful blue eyes and blond curls. Like all girls, she went to school, where they asked a lot of lessons. She didn’t like it very much: at the lessons she thought about how beautiful she was, and at home she admired herself in the mirror. Every morning she had to do her homework, although she was attracted only by numerous combs and hairpins. One day, she could not resist and decided to make herself a beautiful hairstyle instead of sitting down for textbooks. She came to school with unlearned lessons. When she was called to the blackboard, she was confused and did not know what to answer. The teacher reproachfully looked at the girl and her beautiful hairstyle and said: it’s thick on the head, but empty in the head. She felt very ashamed, and curled curls no longer pleased.

A stupid mind lets the world

Once a guy decided to earn extra money. Give, he thinks, I will help the neighbors, and they will give me money for this. He came to the first neighbor, offered to walk her dog. The neighbor agreed. The boy let the dog off the leash, and she ran away. The neighbor did not pay him, and even demanded money from him for the dog. The boy thought that it was easier for other neighbors to go grocery shopping. Offered them. And he put the money in a holey pocket, and they fell out along the way. No food, no money, again I had to give my neighbors. Here he sits and thinks how to help the third neighbors, and get a bonus for this. That's how stupid mind lets the world!

If there was a mind, there would be a ruble

There were two brothers. Both are tall, slender, black-haired - it's a pleasure to look at, but one is smart, and the other is not very. Once they got their hands on a treasure map. The brothers decided to go in search of them. It was shown on the map that the treasures were hidden in the dense forest. The brothers approached a large spruce at the edge of the forest. From it you need to go north. The older brother looks at which side of the ants tree the anthill was built, where there is more moss, where there is less, but he knows where the north is. And the younger one just scratched the back of his head, but followed the older one. The bear is facing them. The older one climbed a tree, calling the younger one, and he grabbed a stick and teased the bear. Bear on him. The boy rushed to run, only his heels sparkle. And the elder climbed down from the tree and dug up the treasure. If there was a mind, there would be a ruble!

They do not beat with a spear, but with the mind

Once upon a time there lived Ivashka. He decided to travel. He took a pie and went to wander around the world. Ivashka found a cave. There he met two giants. They thought that Ivashka was very weak and decided to have a contest. Who is stronger? The one who won is given the cave. The first competition: it is necessary to squeeze the juice out of the stone. Ivashka remembered that he had taken a pie with him. He took out a pie and squeezed out the filling. "You are strong," said the giant. The second test: you have to throw a stone high. "Your stone fell to the ground, but mine will not fall." Ivashka caught a bird that was passing by and threw it up. The bird has flown away. The giant gave Ivashka the cave. They do not beat with a spear, but with the mind.

This is an expression, but few people thought that a hint that passes somehow in passing, barely touching the consciousness, is actually that very barely noticeable path, walking along which you see that a fairy tale is not a lie at all, but a lesson for good fellows yes red damsels


What are these self-fulfilling fairy tales? And how do they differ from just making wishes and performing rituals? The author writes an ordinary fairy tale, expressing surging emotions. And from what emotions he has, it turns out a sad or funny fairy tale, romantic or fighting, with a joyful or sad ending. It is assumed that fairy tales were written for the purpose of entertainment, but it is worth remembering "Kolobok" or "The Little Mermaid" - this way of having fun seems somewhat peculiar!

Magic Self-fulfilling fairy tales differ from the above described ones in that they are written in order to find a solution to a sore point.

These fairy tales are always cheerful, with a traditional happy ending. Well, to have fun while writing a fairy tale - it will turn out guaranteed!

The tale is written by the carrier himself (I don’t want to say the word “problem”), say, of an unresolved issue. The unresolved issue is formalized by the author into words and in the process of writing it is transformed into a resolved one.

This is your INTENTION regardless of you.

That is, this is not a message like “I want”, this is ALREADY a resolved issue - after all, you solved it in a fairy tale.

Starting to write, you already know how it will end, but you still don’t know how you will come to this, but everyone will comejust like a bee finds a flower by smell. I assure you, the process is exciting!

Here are the main stages of writing:

  • 1. Description of the hero and situation.
  • 2. Formulation of the claim (dissatisfaction of the hero, pictorial suffering) 3. Formulation of INTENTION.
  • 4. "Journey to distant lands" - preparation of the "battlefield".
  • 5. "Fight with the monster" and the anecdotal, ABSURD way of defeating him (the sequence of actions is RITUAL!)
  • 6. Victory, "PRIZE!" - fulfillment of intention, return of the hero, celebration.
  • 7. "Fixer" - a message to the future.

Experience has shown that writing a fairy tale is GOOD FOR EVERYONE!

How to start such a simple, but such a tempting action? If you are under the influence of negative emotions, sad, annoyed - bring yourself to a calm state.

The state of courage will be excellent!

A good way is to imagine yourself slightly under a degree. Once again: IMAGINE!

Come up with a super cool name!

Take the most ingenious name for yourself. Modesty is absolutely not welcome! Do not wait for Muse, do you know how many people like you?Maybe she just hasn't gotten to you yet. Start writing! This capricious person will definitely visit you as soon as she smells the aroma of creativity!

By 5 item: those actions or events that you describe - this will be a ritual that you will need to do in this situation. This will be the most correct for you - it is your soul that directly receives the answer of what to do for you!

After all, you know that there are a lot of beautiful rituals, but for some reason they don’t work, and they don’t work because they are not yours!

For point 7: a message to the future is when what is needed in a fairy tale has already happened, the planned happy ending has taken place. But life goes on, right? And beyond the horizon new distances open up. Here we begin to casually involve the following tempting situation. For example, it happened - the lady got an apartment, moved in - and then an interesting neighbor comes in - Well, like, ask where the library is .... In fact, there is a message to the future - a beautiful girl, and even with her tower, a good fellow is very much supposed to!

But what kind of relationship is supposed to be - about this is the nextstory

Self-fulfilling fairy tales are written to solve any issues: apartments, money, careers, "sweet couple" - everything that the soul wants. Storyteller! Be more specific about your goal! If you don’t formulate a goal, how will the Universe know what you, wonderful, need? Well, choose expressions: as you say - so be it!

Good luck!

Fairy tales? What nonsense? I have not been a child for a long time and I know perfectly well what fairy tales are. This cannot be in life, because it can never be, - many people say something like this when they first hear about self-fulfilling fairy tales.

Meanwhile, any fairy tale is not only an interesting story, it has a specific purpose. Remember the saying: "The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ..."? So, it's not that simple. In psychology, there is even a certain direction, which is called fairy tale therapy. In general, fairy tales are a useful thing. And, as it turned out, not only for children.

So what are self-fulfilling fairy tales and why are they needed?

Self-fulfilling fairy tales are fairy tales whose authors and heroes are ourselves.

After some time, the events described in the fairy tale are realized in our lives.

We will talk about why this happens a little later, but now we will talk about how to write such fairy tales. Why are self-fulfilling stories written? Of course, in order to make our life better, more pleasant, more interesting.

You can start small and write a fabulous solution to any situation.

For example, you need a job. Write a story about how you find this very job. If we talk about a more global one, then you can write a fairy tale about your life, about how you want to see it in the future.

How to write a self-fulfilling fairy tale?

Everything is simple here. First of all, remember this rule: my fairy tale - my rules! That is, in your fairy tale, anything you want can happen, any miracles and transformations, any, even the most incredible things.

Since we are talking about a fairy tale, we can (and even necessary!) allow yourself to turn into a fairy-tale hero, for example, into a king, or a cheerful troubadour, or maybe you want to become a princess, a sorceress or someone else - please!

Feel free to let go of your fantasy and let yourself be immersed in the fantasy world. For example, you can start like this:

“In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a princess. Every morning, waking up, the princess heard the birds singing and felt a light breeze that brought to her the aromas of magnificent flowers growing in her garden ... "

Next, you can describe the situation that requires resolution. Of course, in the best traditions of the fairy tale genre. Let's say this: “The princess wanted to do something - go to work. The tsar-father supported the idea, and the princess went to the city to find a job to her liking. But soon the fairy tale is told, but the deed is not done soon. Day, two, three, the princess went to various trading shops, to manufacturing factories, but could not find a job that would make her soul happy. The princess did not despair, every day the desire to work became more and more in her, and there was a feeling that the very thing that she would like to be was about to be found. And then one day…”

And now it is possible to describe in detail and with all the details the story of how the situation was resolved and how the main character of the tale is satisfied and happy. Here is the fairy tale.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. The main thing is to start, and then everything will work out by itself. Sometimes we do not even suspect what our imagination is capable of, but it is actually capable of a lot.

The resulting fairy tale needs to be re-read regularly, you can read it to yourself every morning or before going to bed, you can tell the children ... There are many options, choose the one that you like and suits best.

Why do self-fulfilling stories work?

Why is what was written in a fairy tale suddenly realized in life? The fact is that such fairy tales are nothing more than a scenario of life or the development of a certain situation. Here there are elements of visualization, and the formulation of desires, and goal-setting, and programming, etc.

And plus to everything - all this is written down, and after all, writing down desires is very important!

While writing, we allow the subconscious mind to work more actively.

During the creative process, many restrictions are removed, because we kind of disconnect from the real world and do not think about the fact that “there are no ideal men, and if they are, then everyone is already busy”, “the fire inspector always demands a bribe”, “impossible find a good job with no connections”…

Everything is possible in a fairy tale! Thanks to this, our subconscious mind calmly comes up with the best scenarios for the development of events..

Allowing us to admit the possibility of their implementation.

From the forum:

In fact " Tale of a drop"- a self-healing fairy tale in its purest form. The beetle is the image of my fear, the dandelion is me, and the drop is a little man close to me, whom it was time to send on an independent voyage.

So, we create an image of our problem or negative feeling. We give him a name, give him worldly data, where he lives, with whom he lives, how he lives.
In the fairy tale, IT must go through three trials, after each of which comes a transformation that changes the negative to the positive.
This does not always work out, it is impossible to write through force. We write as it goes and only by hand.
If it didn’t work out at one time to turn the hardener into something kind and fluffy, then we write more.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

How often in childhood, grandmothers or mothers read, told us fairy tales. And we listened, and together with the heroes we went beyond distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom, went there I don’t know where, jumped over fiery rivers, fought with a snake with three heads. They lived with the heroes of the adventure and often wanted to become as bold, quick, smart as they were, dreamed of going to the ball just like Cinderella in a beautiful dress in a carriage. All this is so magical and at the same time these stories were written by other authors, they had their own plots, their own heroes, with their own characters.

And if you write a fairy tale such as you want? With your script? A story for yourself. Or maybe for your children? Let this fairy tale include everything that you want, let it contain a description of how it is now, where you want to move, who you want to be, what to do.

The hero can be any character you have thought up, let him be in tune with you, as you see him, feel him. It can be a fairy, maybe a wizard, or maybe a mouse or an ermine. Let the hero be the way you want. And then write the story of your hero.

The scenario of the fairy tale consists of several stages.

The story usually begins with the words:

1) once upon a time.

At this stage, we describe the heroine as she was. For example, Cinderella was a hard worker. In the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" it is written simply - "Among the vast Kansas steppe lived a girl Ellie."

Next stage:

2) Her life, her environment. Why was she unique?

Again, let's take an example from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Ellie's environment: her father, farmer John, worked in the field all day, and her mother, Anna, took care of the housework. They lived in a small van, removed from the wheels and put on the ground. The furnishings of the house were poor: an iron stove, a wardrobe, a table, three chairs and two beds.

What was unique about Ellie? Ellie dreamed: “If I suddenly became a queen, I would definitely order that there should be a magician in every city and every village. And so that he performs various miracles for children.

Next step:

3) One day.

It describes an event that once happened. For example, Ellie's house was blown away by a whirlwind, in another fairy tale the girl got lost, and a seven-flower flower fell into her hands, etc.

4) At the next stage, the heroine wanted something . For example, to become someone, to become someone, to make friends with someone, to learn something, to go on a trip, etc.

Again, the example of Ellie and her friends - the Tin Woodman wanted to learn to feel, the Lion wanted courage, Ellie wanted to return home, etc.

5) Actions and trials . Then the heroine acts

For example, Ellie went with friends to the Great Goodwin. In other fairy tales, the hero went to distant lands to a distant kingdom, went to Baba Yaga, etc.

6) Help. In a fairy tale, help is sure to come. This is either a good fairy, a godmother, a wizard, maybe even a pike.

7) The next step describes which Her life has become. Which? What her environment has become, how her life has changed.

8) She became. Which she is became. Here we describe how I am changing in the direction I want, what will she enjoy, what will she be like?

Here on these points you can write yourself an individual fairy tale. The story doesn't have to be like a plan. It is better to write a fairy tale as a light story, as a stream flows, so a fairy tale flows. Let the fairy tale be like a dream with the actions of the protagonist. So we take a pen and a sheet of paper - Once upon a time ....

And it has also been observed that fairy tales do come true.

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...