What happened to the actors of Harry Potter. Magical transformation: how the actors of "Harry Potter" have changed

Sometimes we miss the wonderful world of Hogwarts wizards a little. Then one of the actors appears on the screen, and we wonder what they are doing now.

Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter

At the end of the Potter series, Radcliffe turned out to be one of the most notable British actors. But, by the way, in order to stand out in this company, you need to bypass the most high-class colleagues. Only seven years have passed since the end of Harry Potter, and he already has a voluminous list of starring roles in films, each more surprising and unexpected than the other. Role in the film Victor Frankenstein"quite an ordinary thriller, but in a wonderful film" Man is a swiss knife» Daniel enthusiastically plays the role of a corpse. AT " Illusions of deception 2"He's a billionaire," Jungle"- an extremely tenacious traveler. He also has theatrical role— Rosencrantz in Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.

Emma Watson


The young, beautiful and intelligent actress is actively acting in films, while giving preference to complex roles and avoiding films for the mass audience. Willingly gives interviews and talks about women's rights. In general, did not disappoint Hermione. Now she has an excellent work in the film " The perks of Being a Wallflower”, the role of brave girls going against the system, in“ Colonies of Dignidad" and in " Sphere", as well as a wonderful image of Belle - in" Beauty and the Beast».

Rupert Grint

Ron Weasley

Grint admits he's choosing roles that will help him get away from his Potter persona. He played the guitarist of The Dead Boys in a film about the New York punk scene " Club «CBGB»”, a God-fearing teenager who runs away with an adult actress on theater festival in " driving lessons", a student of a professional killer in" wild thing". He shows a distinct flair for comedic roles, as in " moon scam”And the series“ Due to illness ”and“ Big jackpot ”. Rupert also dreams of playing a villain. By the way, as a child, he was terribly fond of the role of Draco Malfoy.

Tom Phelton

Draco Malfoy

Terribly sweet young man: Raised in the countryside, fond of fishing, sentimental, posts on Facebook like "merry christmas to all who believe in love" and admits to reconsidering " The Notebook". He doesn’t worry a bit about the role of the nasty Draco Malfoy, he loves genre cinema, so, in January 2018, at the Sundance Film Festival, the premiere of the film “ Ophelia where Tom played Laertes, brother main character. However, Felton devotes most of his time to music: he releases albums and travels around the world with small concerts.

Matthew Lewis

Neville Longbottom

The clumsy boy grew up and became handsome man, but it seems like most Potter children, Matthew is haunted by the old role. He is still trying to get rid of the image of an unsightly boy and often appears in various photo shoots with a naked torso. He works mainly in the theater, as Alan Rickman advised him in his time, but he does not mind acting in Bond films. True, while in the movie he gets small roles.

Robert Pattison

Cedric Diggory

Robert became famous for his vampire role in " twilight", and only then did the public remember that he had previously played the handsome and brave Cedric Diggory, who dramatically dies during the competition in the film" Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". The current work in the cinema does not bring him the same fame, but, nevertheless, they are worthy of attention: “ Dear friend», « Lost City Z», « Life», « good time". Great dramatic performances.

Evanna Lynch

Luna Lovegood

Of all the child actors, Evanna is perhaps the most devoted fan of the Potter series. She is now a consultant for The Harry Potter Alliance. These are fans of the magical world who do charity work, for example, collect books for school library in Uganda. She continues to occasionally act in films, but she does not get any noticeable roles.

Robbie Coltrane

Rubeus Hagrid

Not having a spectacular appearance, Robbie Coltrane, even at the peak of his career, starred mainly in television projects and shows. He has always been a comedian, and even the role of Haggrid was comical. After the end of "Potteriana" he starred in a couple episodic roles in dramas and voiced cartoons. The last role is in the mini-series "National Treasure" about a former comedian who finds himself at the center of a sex scandal.

Jason Isaacs

Lucius Malfoy

Jason, even before the "Potter" was recognized as an excellent performer of villainous roles, now works mainly for television projects. In a couple of series, he played the main roles: "Awakening" and "Digging". The show had interesting concepts, but they didn't last more than one season. Now Jason is involved in the series " Star Trek: Discovery as Captain Lorca. And in the cinema, the most notable appearance was the comedy " Death of Stalin”, where Isaacs played Marshal Zhukov.

Gary Oldman

Sirius Black

The role of Sirius Black spurred the career of Gary Oldman, which by 2004 began to falter noticeably. But after they went great work in the films " Batman Begins», « The Dark Knight», « The drunkest county in the world», « Spy, get out!», « Planet of the Apes: Revolution". This year, the actor finally received a well-deserved Oscar for his role as Winston Churchill in the film dark times».

Michael Gambon

Albus Dumbledore

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Michael Gambon, despite his 77 years, continues to work quite actively in television films, mini-series, doing voice acting and occasionally appearing on the big screen. In episodes, it can be caught in the films " lady in the van”, where Maggie played an eccentric London old woman, she was even nominated for a Golden Globe in 2015. She would be called to act further, but health problems no longer allow her to work as intensively.

Ralph Fiennes


frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

Ralph Fiennes did well after the end of Harry Potter: his character is a hotel manager in the film Grand Budapest Hotel"- received critical praise and many nominations for various awards, he was called to play M instead of Judi Dench in last movie about Bond 007: SPECTRE', and then everything kind of faded. In 2017, he did not have any serious work. And in January 2019, the film " Holmes and Watson where Fiennes plays Moriarty.

Alan Rickman

Severus Snape

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures

The last work of Alan Rickman was released in late spring 2016 - in the film " Alice in the Wonderland he voiced the wise caterpillar. The actor passed away in January 2016, just five weeks before his 70th birthday.

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Harry Potter is a character known to almost every child on the planet thanks to the bright adaptations that have long become classics. Despite this, many entertaining facts from the books about the young wizard did not get into the movies. So, what is interesting from the biography of the boy with the scar left behind the scenes?

Harry Potter films

The incredible popularity of the novels about the wizard from Privet Street contributed to the fact that they decided to film them.

In 2001, based on the plot of the first book, a film of the same name was shot, and a year later, another one. So that the performers of the main roles do not grow up too much and do not look much more mature than their heroes, in the future, with an interval of a year or two, the following films of the franchise began to appear. Last novel was divided into 2 parts, and based on them, two films were shot. The Harry Potter films have grossed over $7.5 billion at the box office and are the second most successful franchise in film history behind Marvel.

Wizard boy prototype

The creator of the Harry Potter novels admitted that her young hero- the image is collective, but some of its features are taken from real people with whom she was familiar. Harry received his appearance and his last name from JK Rowling's old childhood friend, Ian Potter. Later, fearing lawsuits from his relatives, the writer denied this fact.

As for the character of the young wizard, many of his features resemble Joan herself. So, his irrepressible longing for dead parents, which runs like a red thread through the entire novel, is very close to Rowling, who lost her mother and bitterly experienced this loss throughout the years of work on the cycle.

Hero's Parents

Harry Potter's father, James, was once one of the most talented students of Gryffindor. Knowing that his close friend Remus Lupine is a werewolf, he did not turn away from him, but developed the abilities of an animagus (the ability to turn into a deer).

While studying at Hogwarts, James met the mudblood (both parents are human), but very capable Lily Evans. A spark of sympathy flared up between the young people, which long years study turned into true love. James and Lily got married and had a son, Harry.

How did Harry become the chosen one?

In the same period, a powerful Dark wizard came to power, who took the nickname Voldemort. Many succumbed to his rule, but there were those who challenged the Dark Lord's tyranny. Among them were Harry Potter's parents. Growing more powerful, the Evil Mage learned of Sibyl Trelawney's prophecy, which spoke of the birth of a young wizard destined to destroy the Dark Lord. Deciding not to wait until the baby grows and gets stronger, the sorcerer was going to kill him.

At that time, sons were born in two families of wizards. They turned out to be Neville Dolgobotups and Harry. There is a version that if an evil sorcerer tried to kill Neville, then he would become the chosen one, but the choice of a powerful sorcerer fell on the baby Potters.

Thanks to the betrayal of one of James' friends, the Dark Sorcerer found out where James, Harry and Lily were hiding, and came to destroy the child. The father, protecting the family, was killed first. And the mother's sacrificial love, which shielded her son, helped protect the boy from a deadly spell and directed all the power of the villain's magic against him. If Voldemort had not previously divided his soul into pieces and hidden them in various objects (horcruxes), he would have died. However, due to the reflected spell, he became just an incorporeal spirit that wandered the world for about 10 years, looking for a way to gain a body and take revenge on the young Harry Potter.

Events before the revival of the Dark Lord

After that fateful night, Harry was left an orphan. For the first 11 years of his life, he knew nothing about magical world. He was raised by the Dursley family (Petunia Dursley was sister Lily), who rotted the baby as best she could. However, when the boy was 11 years old, he learned the truth about the wonderful world. Once in the school of witchcraft, he was very afraid that he would be distributed in Slytherin (a faculty known for dark wizard graduates) Harry Potter. Gryffindor was chosen by him because his parents studied here. Soon, the boy with the scar managed to find true friends (Ron and Hermione), and also become a Quidditch catcher.

Meanwhile, the spirit of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did not leave attempts to be reborn. He infiltrated Hogwarts and intended to steal the philosopher's stone, capable of granting immortality. However, Harry and his friends unwittingly found out about the plans of the villain and were able to stop him.

In the second year of study, one of the most faithful associates of the Dark Lord, Lucius Malfoy, planted a school diary on Ron Weasley's (Ginny) younger sister Evil wizard. This cursed little thing took possession of the girl's mind and forced her to do terrible things and open the Chamber of Secrets, releasing the Basilisk from there. Setting the ancient monster on objectionable students of Hogwarts, the Dark Lord intended to get even with old enemies, and at the same time gain flesh by killing Ginny. But Harry and his faithful friends able to prevent evil.

In book 3, the biography of the character acquires new details. So, the hero learns that he has a godfather - Sirius Black, who became an indirect culprit in the death of Harry's parents (he told the Dark Lord about the place where Lily and James were hiding), for which he was serving time in Azkaban. However, he recently escaped and is now hunting his godson. Being quite brave, young Potter dreamed of finding Black and avenging his parents. He managed to get on the trail of the fugitive, but it turned out that the traitor was not Sirius, but Peter Pettigrew, who, after the disappearance of his Master, was hiding from everyone, turning into Ron's rat. Harry manages to befriend his godfather, but Peter's flight fails to prove Sirius' innocence, and Black is forced to go into hiding.

Meanwhile, an escaped Pettigrew finds what's left of Voldemort and helps him regain flesh using Harry's blood. To lure the boy, who is carefully guarded by Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic, the Dark Lord's associates force him to participate in a competition taking place at Hogwarts. Young Potter manages to escape death, but his friend Cedric Diggory dies.

Harry's involvement in the fight against the Dark Magician

After the events of the 4th book of the Harry Potter cycle, the biography and character of this hero change significantly. JK Rowling justifies this by growing up the character. In the new novel, the boy finds himself in disfavor with the Ministry of Magic, as he claims that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has been resurrected. He is declared a liar and they are trying to get him expelled from Hogwarts, but through the efforts of Dumbledore, the guy remains a student of Gryffindor.

The new teacher Dolores Umbridge, fearing a riot, does not teach schoolchildren anything useful. Meanwhile, many who believe Harry want to learn how to defend themselves. To help them, Potter and his friends organize secret pursuits in self-defense from evil witchcraft. Harry's students call themselves "Dumbledore's Army". Umbridge manages to find all of its members and banish Albus Dumbledore from Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, the rebel Dark Lord wants to steal the record of the prophecy of Sibyl Trelawney from the Ministry and learn it completely. To stop the Black Sorcerer and prove the veracity of his words, Harry and his associates escape from Umbridge and engage in battle with Voldemort's followers. Arriving members of the Order of the Phoenix (a secret organization fighting the Dark Lord) help the children cope with the Death Eaters, but die in the battle godfather boy with a scar.

In the 5th novel, the protagonist and his friends manage to find out about the secret eternal life Voldemort (horcruxes). However, during the investigation, Albus Dumbledore dies, and Professor Snape (hiding under the pseudonym "Half-Blood Prince") turns out to be a spy for the Dark Lord.

In the final novel Harry Potter and the Hallows of Death, Harry and two of his faithful comrades decide to find Horcruxes and destroy the Evil Wizard, who has seized power in the Ministry of Magic and is now doing his dirty work. Voldemort himself is eager to find the most powerful in history (Elderberry) and kill Potter with her help. Having acquired the coveted artifact, the wizard feels that the wand does not obey him.

In search of the last Horcruxes, Harry and his friends secretly return to Hogwarts, which is now led by Snape. Gradually it turns out that he is not a traitor, but faithfully served Dumbledore and secretly protected the scarred boy all these years. From him, Potter learns that he is the last Horcrux that the Dark Lord does not know about. Therefore, he must be killed by Voldemort himself. While Ron and Hermione destroy the other artifacts of the Evil Sorcerer hidden at Hogwarts, Harry surrenders to the Dark Lord. He uses a deadly spell against him and believes that he has killed his sworn enemy. However, the boy manages to survive, he, along with his comrades-in-arms, starts the final battle with the followers of Voldemort at Hogwarts.

During the final duel, the Dark Magician himself dies from his own deadly spell, as the Elder Wand recognized Harry as its owner and, protecting him, directed its power against Voldemort.

Character's personal life

Almost from the very first book, many girls around the world were in love with its main character named Harry Potter. The boy's biography, meanwhile, in the first novels did not contain information about his heart preferences.

Only in book 4, Harry's first sympathy was a talented student at Hogwarts - Zhou Chang. Despite the fact that the girl liked Potter, at that time she was dating Cedric Diggory. After his death, Zhou became a member of Dumbledore's Army, and she and Harry started an affair. But main character did not know how to behave with her, so they often quarreled, and the girl was unreasonably jealous of her lover for Hermione. Due to a misunderstanding, Harry and Cho broke up. Although in future books, Chan hinted to him that she would not mind starting all over again, at that time Potter already had another lover.

The second and main love in his life was Ginny Weasley. This girl was in love with Harry from the very moment they met, but for many years he did not pay attention to her. On Hermione's advice, Ginny started dating other guys to overcome her shyness. She succeeded, and she not only turned into one of the most charming girls at Hogwarts, but also achieved a place as a player on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Gradually, Potter fell in love with the girl, and after the overthrow of the Dark Lord, they got married.

The fate of Harry Potter

After the final destruction of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, a young man with a scar and his wife had three babies. Their parents doted on them. Harry Potter children were named by their father in honor of dead loved ones. The hero named the eldest son in honor of his father and godfather - James Sirius; the second son was named Albus Severus in honor of Dumbledore and Snape; and the charming daughter was named Lily Luna (in honor of Lily Evans and Luna Lovegood). In addition to their offspring, the Potter couple also raised the orphaned son of Lupin and Tonks (Teddy).

Concerning professional achievements, then Harry leads the Aurors, and Ginny became a correspondent for the Daily Prophet.

The play Harry Potter And The Cursed Child tells about the adventures of Harry's middle son, Albus Severus. He and his friends find the latter and try to save Cedric Diggory. However, by intervening in the past, the children accidentally ensure that Voldemort remains alive and seizes power in the present, and Ron and Hermione do not marry.

Trying to return everything to its original state, Albus learns that the Dark Lord has a daughter, Delphi, who is trying to save her father from death. To stop her, Harry, his wife, friends and Draco Malfoy go back in time and prevent events from changing.

All parts that have been filmed

  • "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone", year 2001.
  • "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", 2002.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, 2004.
  • "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", 2005.
  • "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", 2007.
  • "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", 2009.
  • "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Part 1. (2010).
  • "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" Part 2. (2011).

Daniel Radcliffe as Harry

The main character of the series of novels by JK Rowling in the film epic was played by British actor Daniel Jacob Radcliffe. Like all children of the late nineties, Daniel enthusiastically read novels about a young wizard, and when he found out about the ongoing casting, he gladly took part in it and got the main role. Already after the release of the first picture about a young wizard, the actor who played Harry Potter became world famous. While Daniel starred in the franchise, he practically did not participate in other projects. The exception was the picture about the son of Rudyard Kipling - "My Boy Jack".

After Harry Potter, Radcliffe began to drink a lot, but was able to overcome his destructive passion and return to the profession. His most famous works recent years: the series "Notes of a Young Doctor" (based on the work of M. Bulgakov), the thrillers "The Woman in Black" and "Horns", as well as the films "Victor Frankenstein" and "The Swiss Army Knife Man".

Interesting facts

  • Harry Potter's birthday - July 31, 1980
  • This hero has dark hair, emerald eyes and a slim build.
  • After the first overthrow of the Evil Wizard, the poor orphan became his random Horcrux, which the villain himself had no idea about, and therefore dreamed of killing Potter.
  • Before the Horcrux inside Harry was destroyed, the boy had the ability to understand and speak snake language.
  • First Magic wand the hero had a phoenix wing as its core. Interestingly, the Dark Lord's wand was made from the feather of the same bird. After the boy disarmed Draco, the Elder Wand also began to obey him (Malfoy had previously taken it from Dumbledore in a duel). In the movie, in the finale, Harry breaks the most powerful wand, depriving her of power. However, in the book, the hero returned the almighty wand to Dumbledore's tomb, believing that when he dies a natural death, the artifact will lose its power.

  • The scarred boy's patronus is a stag (like his father's).
  • There are several scars on Harry's body. The most famous is a trace from the spell of the Dark Lord (in the form of lightning). On the guy's chest there was a round mark from the Horcrux medallion, which he had to wear for a long time. Also on one of the hands there was a scar from Nagini's teeth, and on the other the inscription "I must not lie" was burned out (the consequences of the punishment of Dolores Umbridge).
  • Unlike the film adaptation, the book mentions not two, but four broomsticks of the protagonist. The first was a toy (given to Harry Potter for his first birthday by his godfather). The second ("Nimbus 2000") was a gift from the Dean of Gryffindor - Minerva McGonagall. The third (“Lightning”) was again presented by the godfather. And the fourth was a cute Christmas present from Nymphadora Tonks.
  • J.K. Rowling made a lot of plot holes when she worked on the Harry Potter series. The biography of many heroes contains inconsistencies. One of the most notable of them is the cause of the death of the Dark Lord. It is not clear why the one who obeyed Harry did not destroy He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named at the moment when he first used the killing spell on Potter.
  • Actor who played Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe suffering from dyspraxia. Because of this, he cannot tie his shoelaces. Maybe that's why Ginny does it instead of him in the movie.

Despite the fact that about two decades have passed since the publication of the debut novel about the young wizard from Privet Street, this story continues to excite to this day. Particularly ardent fans, inspired by the world of Harry Potter, compose their own fan fiction about the adventures of this hero. Who knows, perhaps in the distant future, based on one of these works, a new movie about a hero named Harry Potter will be made. Biography of the beloved by millions fairy tale character thus continue.

Fred and George Weasley

Fred and George Weasley were played by twin brothers Oliver and James Phelps. Oliver, who is 13 minutes older than his brother, recently got married and is now completely absorbed family life. James continues to audition and has already starred in the television series Silent Witness.

Argus Filch

David Bradley played Argus Filch in all 8 Harry Potter films. During these 5 years, the actor played a role in the film "The First Avenger" and the television series "The Strain" and "Game of Thrones".

Dudley Dursley

Harry Melling, who played the annoying Dudley Dursley, has seriously lost weight and is now acting in television series.


Ralph Fiennes managed to become famous long before his role as Voldemort, because he starred in such cult films like Schindler's List and The English Patient. After Potteriana, the actor also did not sit without white: starred in "007: Skyfall" (2012), "Wrath of the Titans" (2012), "Grand Budapest Hotel" (2014), "007: Spectrum" (2015) "Long live Caesar!" (2016).

Minerva McGonagall

The acting career of the famous Maggie Smith has been going on for more than 60 years, she is a two-time winner of the Oscar and more than 40 other awards! Smith suffered breast cancer, which overtook her during the filming of the fifth part of Harry Potter, but despite the seriousness of the situation, the actress did not interrupt her participation in the filming. The 81-year-old actress is not only actively involved in charity work, but also recently starred in the television series Downton Abbey and in the film Lady in the Van.

Rubeus Hagrid

The role of the keeper of the keys and the forester at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was played by Scottish comedian Robbie Coltrane. After filming in the Harry Potter films, Robbie only voiced a character in the cartoon Braveheart and played a small role in the film Great Expectations.

Severus Snape

Undoubtedly, one of the most memorable characters in the Potteriana is Severus Snape. Yes, he was an antagonist, but he managed to charm everyone with his mystical mystery. Unfortunately, the actor Alan Rickman, who played Snape, is no longer with us. He was an incredibly charismatic and talented artist. Since completing filming in the Harry Potter saga, Rickman has had roles in films such as The CBGB (2013) and The Romance of Versailles (2014). And in 2012, he secretly married Rima Horton.

Neville Longbottom

Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom, went from an ugly duckling to a real swan. True, this transformation has not yet brought the expected success in his acting career. Lewis is still filming in television series, and in 2012 he played one of the main roles in the film "Wasteland".

Luna Lovegood

Evanna Lynch as Luna starred in 4 parts of the saga. The actress got this role, bypassing 15,000 contenders! Lynch is now a member of the Board of Advisors in non-profit organization"The Harry Potter Alliance", promotes healthy lifestyle life and advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Moreover, the girl starred in several more films.

Draco Malfoy

The role of Draco Malfoy did not become a debut for Tom Felton. At the age of 10, at the suggestion of an actress, a close friend of Tom's parents, the boy got into a film studio, where he met with an agent, and two weeks later got a role in the film "Thieves". After filming in Harry Potter, Felton's filmography was replenished with many other films. In 2016 alone, 6 more new films with the participation of this actor are released.

Ginny Weasley

The role of Ginny Weasley truly glorified the young Bonnie Wright. This actress has blossomed over the past few years. After the completion of the saga, Wright graduated from the University of the Arts London, played in the films Philosophers: A Lesson in Survival (2013) and Who Killed Nelson Nutmega? (2015), and even shot 2 video clips herself.

Ron Weasley

Rupert Grint, who played the role of Ron Weasley, recently turned his attention to theater stage and made his debut on Broadway in the production of "It's Only a Game", where he was accompanied by Matthew Broderick. And in 2013, he starred with Alan Rickman in the movie The CBGB.

Hermione Granger

The arrogant know-it-all Hermione Granger has developed over the years into a beautiful young woman. Emma Watson's acting career, unlike many of her colleagues in Harry Potter, has developed in the most successful way. She not only played roles in such sensational films as "7 Days and Nights with Marilyn", "Noah", "Eclipse", but also became an ambassador good will UN.

Harry Potter

The most famous wizard in the world, Harry Potter, aka once the richest teenager in the UK, Daniel Radcliffe continues to act in films. His recent credits include the role of Walter in Illusion of Deception and Sam in turning point". The actor is actively involved in charity work and opposes homophobia.

The UN, prison, director's chair and prominent lips - what the actors who played young wizards in the Harry Potter films have come to.

Daniel Radcliffe - Harry Potter

The role of the Boy-Who-Lived brought Daniel Radcliffe more than $100 million and the opportunity to be guided solely by his own instinct when choosing projects. The actor literally grew up on the set of a major Hollywood franchise, and therefore, at the end of it, he turned to the most diverse projects - from Broadway musicals and dubious horror films to a series based on Bulgakov's stories and the role of a very spiritual corpse. Occasionally, Radcliffe also appears in projects designed for a mass audience, such as the sequel Illusions of Deception. Daniel likes to say that he is interested in directing, and he does not mind dying right on the set in front of the camera. Now the 27-year-old actor can be seen on the stage of London's The Old Vic theater in the production of "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead" based on the play by Tom Stoppard.

Emma Watson - Hermione Granger

Rupert Grint - Ron Weasley

Tom Felton - Draco Malfoy

A platinum blonde with a spiky look in Harry Potter, in real life Felton is an open guy with a good-natured smile. However, he is still offered rather villainous roles: in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, he played the brutal security guard Dodge Landon, in the TV series Murder in the First Degree, he played the suspected murderer of Silicon Valley prodigy Eric Blunt. In the third season of The Flash, he finally got a controversial character, Julian Albert.

Matthew Lewis - Neville Longbottom

The performer of the role of the clumsy but brave fat man Neville Longbottom became the hero of the news, radically changing his role: after the end of filming in Harry Potter, Lewis turned into a muscular macho. However, the changes did not bring huge dividends in terms of career. Having played a soldier in a successful London theater production"Our Boys", the actor continued with small roles on television, joining the cast of Ripper Street, and appeared in the melodrama Me Before You as Patrick, the boyfriend of the main character, Louise. Soon he can be seen in the film "Ultimate" with Margot Robbie.

Sean Biggerstaff - Oliver Wood

Landing the role of Oliver Wood thanks to the peculiar patronage of Alan Rickman, Biggerstaff dropped out of the franchise after the second film (his character was cut from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban due to a time limit), to the disappointment of many. Sean still acts (most often in his native Scotland) and plays in the theater, and for his role in the film "By Mutual Agreement" in 2007, he received the Scottish Academy of Film and Television Award as the best actor.

James and Oliver Phelps - Fred and George Weasley

The Weasley twins continued acting career, and often they are removed together. For example, in the film Own Worst Enemy (“Your Worst Enemy”), they got the roles of twin constables. However, their filmography cannot be called remarkable. Films with the Phelps rarely left the territory of their native UK. The brothers, like many of their colleagues at Hogwarts, are actively involved in charity work.

Bonnie Wright - Ginny Weasley

Jamie Waylett - Vincent Crabbe

Malfoy's loyal henchman, Crabbe was clearly a guy with criminal inclinations, and Waylett, alas, turned out to be similar to his character. In 2009, he was caught growing marijuana at his mother's house in London and ended up in a correctional facility for young offenders for six months. In 2011, he was arrested again, but for participation in the London pogroms. Then he was not sent to jail, but in March 2012 he was sentenced to two years in prison for theft.

Joshua Herdman - Gregory Goyle

Goyle, another of Malfoy's bodyguards, had a different fate. After Harry Potter, Herdman, the son of actor Martin Herdman, continued acting, albeit rarely. And in 2016, he began his career as a mixed martial arts fighter. In the next couple of years, he can be seen in several films at once, the most notable of which is the new Robin Hood with Taron Egerton. However, apparently, Joshua has a very small role there.

Alfred Enoch - Dean Thomas

Enok's most notable project in recent years has been the series How to Get Away with Murder, where the actor played the lead role of a law student at the center of a crime investigation. However, after the role of Dean Thomas, Enoch did not sit idle at all. He studied Portuguese and Spanish at Oxford University, acted in the theater in productions of Shakespeare and not only. Finally, it was Enoch who was the bloody guardsman in the episode "The Sign of Three" of the TV series Sherlock.

Luke Janblad - Lee Jordan

Cathy Leung - Zhou Chang

Ravenclaw student Zhou Chang became Harry Potter's first girlfriend. In 2012, Kathy Leung made her debut on the London stage in the play "Wild Swans", entered the acting department The Royal Conservatory of Scotland and now continues to act in films and play in the theater. She can be seen in The Foreigner with Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

The main wizard is doing well, despite the risk of remaining a hostage to one role. But what is there to tell, everyone already knows everything: the guy abruptly left the image of an orphan magician, playing in the erotic play "Horse" on Broadway, and then tried the most different images in the movies: homosexual writer Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings, Mikhail Bulgakov's alter ego in Notes of a Young Doctor, a monster in love in the horror movie Horns.

Emma Watson

The disheveled Hermione managed the impossible: to show the world her awakened sexuality as delicately as possible, without going into a gap, to get higher education at Brown University with a film career in mind, and launch a global campaign for gender equality, He for She, without losing the charm and filming offers from men's magazines. This summer, the psychological thriller "Return" is released, starring Watson, where her character accuses her father of sexual abuse.


Rupert Grint

Freckled red-haired Rupert Grint, who played Harry Potter's unlucky best friend, slowly continues to work in films, not caring about the scale of projects and fees: one of the richest people in the UK can afford it. And together with his best friend from real life Grint took part in the fashion campaign of the brand Band of Outsiders. By the way, oh best friend written below.

Tom Phelton

Yes, the worst enemies on the script, outside film set- do not spill water. Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy's mischievous boy, even wears a T-shirt with a declaration of love for Rupert Grint! You can see the matured Draco in the American TV series Murder in the First Degree.

Matthew Lewis

Who exactly surprised everyone was the clumsy Neville Longbottom, or rather, Matthew Lewis who played him. Under the contract, the guy was not allowed to change his appearance during the entire period of filming, and while his colleagues were prettier, he remained the same nondescript mattress who only dreamed of parties with girls. It is not surprising that the guy came off for everyone after the last double. True, the handsome actor’s acting career stalled: Lewis’s last film role was in 2013 in the movie Sweet Shop, and the actor appeared on stage in 2012. The drama Me Before You is coming soon, where we can see the updated Matthew in action.

Harry Melling

minor hero Potter, who played Harry Potter's spoiled cousin, tried his hand at TV on Just William five years ago, but he's more into stage acting. Now Melling is busy in the productions of the Royal Theater in Plymouth.

Oliver and James Phelps

The restless Weasley twins, after the completion of filming, stopped dyeing their hair red and walking in pairs, but the guys still continue to work together: this year the drama Hamlet with the participation of the Phelps is released in the cinema.

Bonnie Wright

In 2015, Miss Wright releases four films at once, however, all projects are local and small. The most notable film in Wright's post-Potter career to date is the 2013 fantasy thriller Philosophers: A Lesson in Survival.

Evanna Lynch

Almost all of her youth, actress Evanna Lynch suffered from anorexia, which was helped by the writer JK Rowling, who actively communicated with child actors during filming. In addition to recovery, the Harry Potter project gave the actress and new color hair: Evanna didn't go back to her natural dark shade after filming wrapped. This year, in her native Ireland, the actress releases her first film, where she the main role"My name is Emily."

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