The playing field is active. Board game Activity (New words)

Have you ever tried to use gestures to show how an alarm clock works? How about drawing a synchrophasotron on a piece of paper? And all this in a minute... Unusual wishes, isn't it? But we are not looking for easy ways and will try to do something similar! Today on the Pink Sofa is the demonstrative drawing board game Activity.

A large custom box with an image of an artist drawing something terrible, a gentleman scratching himself, and a lady who has an idea in her mind and is trying to convey it to others. The caption reads: "More than five million games sold." There are no defenders of nature on them - this is how many trees have been cut down. Horror….

Organizer for five decks of cards, compartments for hourglasses and chips. All this is covered by a colorful playing field and rules in Russian. Let's take a closer look at what a hectare of forest was transferred to.

A motley path runs from the starting cell to the finishing square - on 49 segments of a kind of snake, three types of pictures are drawn against the background of one of six colors. On the right, three places are allocated for decks of cards.

There are a lot of cards in the game - 440 pieces, and each contains 6 tasks. On the backs of the cards are drawn numbers, which, according to the publisher, characterize the complexity of the tasks: the higher the number, the more difficult it will be for the players to solve the task assigned to them. The authors immediately offer to disagree with them in such a classification - we will follow the recommendations.

Four wooden pieces of different colors - each team will receive their own talisman and will advance it to the finish line. The hourglass measures a minute of time during which the players must complete the task assigned to them.

Let's guess the unguessable.

First, you need to break into teams consisting of at least two players - it is desirable that one is brainy, and the second is emotional. Then it will be more fun.

Approximately this is how my volunteer assistants are sitting in the photo. Give each team a stack of pieces of paper, a pencil stub, and seat the players of each team opposite each other.

Place the chips in the starting position, separate the stacks of cards and shuffle them according to the numbers on the backs. Then place them on the playing field in the designated areas. Place the hourglass next to the most goggle-eyed player.

Let's start with...

One of the players of the first team (executor) takes one card from any pile in such a way that the member of his team sitting opposite does not see this card. Then you need to look at the position of the chip on the track and select a line on the map that matches the icon with the "snake" sector, on which it stands in this moment team token.

In the first round, you can choose any task.

If this is an image of a drawing, then you need to draw what is written on the card and show it to the player of your team sitting opposite. His task is to guess what is indicated on the card. After the answer, the card must be shown to everyone so that it is clear whether the answer is correct or not.

Everything is obvious here - Nyonin's favorite construction material for an individual nest. It turns out that the task is completed, and the team chip moves forward by the number of sectors indicated on the back of the card with the task.

That is, three divisions. Keep in mind that everything is given a minute, and players from other teams vigilantly monitor the allotted time. If you managed to meet the minute interval and solved the task, move along the track. If not, to the laughter of the rest, pass the right to move to the next team.

And one more thing - if someone else's chip is already on the cell, then feel free to move it one space back - how lucky you are and how unlucky they are...

If the team was lucky enough to be on a cell with pantomime, then the performer needs to do everything with the help of gestures and improvised objects so that his ally can guess what is indicated on the task card.

This is how, according to Nyonya, a thermos looks like. Yeah ... Personally, I imagined it differently ...

The third option is to explain in words, without naming the subject, what it is.

For example: electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere, manifested by a bright flash of light and thunder.

- « STE was torn apart by someone who ate too much popcorn and was holding confetti!»

For such an answer, you definitely won’t get anything, but if you say “lightning”, you will bring the team some victory points.

By the way, in case of violation of the rules, you, under the whistle and hooting, will lose the right to move, and the universal shame falls on the heads of the players of your team.

There is also an "open round" - it occurs when the word is colored red. This is the only chance for all teams to participate at the same time, guessing the task of the performer.

Traditionally: reached the finish line - drink champagne (cocktail, tea, milk, curdled milk, etc.) and look with an annihilating look at rivals crying with burning tears.

Laughing contentedly.

« After all, poseurs - shoo away, the review is over, not only did you win, but now you demand a new batch ...»

Excellent and easy game for a fun time. It all depends on the mood of the players, so get the Activity off the shelf in moments of "universal happiness and fraternization." In this case, you will get a lot of pleasure, both with your family and with friends and acquaintances. A lot of emotions, laughter, excitement - my friends played all night in nature in a compact version and came to their senses only in the morning.

There are no tactics, no strategy, no need to "boil" your brains, calculating the stock price ten moves ahead - this is a game for relaxation and emotions, which can be put on a par with the Dixit game and which will suit any company of cheerful people.

« Okay, I'm going, I'm going. And Nenya, with bulging eyes, is sitting all tense - is this indigestion or something? Factory caretaker? And who would have thought...»

Before buying, be sure to try the board game in the Igroved store, whose sellers will provide expert advice in the selection and selection of the product you are interested in.

"Activity" is a game for communication. It is based on the exchange of ideas between players. The game uses all the usual forms of communication: facial expressions, verbal and graphic descriptions. The game becomes more difficult as it develops, and who will be the winner can only be determined in last moment. The game can be played by 2, 3, or 4 teams with a minimum of 2 players per team. The rules of the game for three players are given below.

playing field

Chips begin their movement on the playing field. There are 49 game cells on the field, and special cells, marked with the numbers 3, 4, 5, where cards with the corresponding number are placed. Each field has its own color scheme with a special character. The color scheme indicates which topic should be presented, and the symbol on it shows a specific form of communication that the drawings in the center of the field demonstrate (Drawing, Explaining and Pantomime).


The number on the card with a number indicates the difficulty of a particular card. Cards number 3 are the easiest, cards number 4 are more difficult, and as for cards number 5, these are the cards with the maximum difficulty. Although, we are sure that all this is quite subjective. The drawings that are presented on the cards are in color and with special symbols. All these colors and symbols correspond to the colors and symbols on the playing field. The background color indicates which theme should be presented. This means that if the players of one of the teams hit the field, which is colored yellow, and the “Draw” symbol is indicated on it, then this topic must be selected on the map, then drawn. If the theme color is red, then it should be "Open Round". But we will talk about this a little later!


The hourglass is one minute long. After the player looks at the card and memorizes the word, the clock is turned over and the countdown begins. The team must give the correct answer within one minute. The other team must watch the hourglass. If the team guesses the correct answer before the expiration of one minute, the team chip will move the number of steps indicated by the number on reverse side cards. If the team fails, then the chips of this team remain in place and the turn of the move passes to the other team. The player chooses a card of any complexity and the game continues.


Players are divided into teams with equal amount players on each team. Each team must consist of at least two players (special rules for playing three people are given below). Each team places its chip on the initial playing field (let's call it START). The decks of cards are shuffled and placed "face down" on the playing field specially assigned to them, according to the digital prescription!

The game

The game starts with the first player of the first team. He takes the top card from any deck (3, 4 or 5) in such a way that none of his team members can see it. When the game has already begun, the player must present the topic that is prescribed to him by the card, and in the case of the beginning of the game, when the chips of all players are on the initial field, each player has the opportunity to first choose the topic of interest to him. The "Executor" has only 10 seconds to complete this task. If he did not succeed, then the turn of the move passes to the other team. The transition of the move will be carried out until the players of one of the teams correctly guess the word in the prescribed seconds. If the game does not play an "Open Round", then the player who started first shows this card to all players of the other team so that they can check the correctness of the answer of the opposing team. The "performer" does not have to accurately tell the players of his team the topic, but must explain it in such a way that they can guess it. The "performer" must always follow the following rules, which will help his team know what exactly is written inside the card.

Board game"Activity" - universal entertainment for people different ages. Gambling, fun and enthusiasm are the obligatory attributes of Activity. Simple and interesting rules Activity games will be understandable even to a kid. In front of the teams is a playing field, cards of varying complexity with a set of phrases and an hourglass.

In the board game Activity, one team player must explain to another the phrase written on the card using a certain method (pantomime, drawing or oral description) for one minute, until the top bowl of the hourglass is empty. The explanation method is determined by the type of playing field on which the team's token is located. If the second player guesses the word combination, then the team chip moves forward by the number of cells determined by the level of complexity of the word combinations in the card (than harder phrase, the further the command moves).

As in all others, in the Activity board game, the team that first went through the entire field wins. Only a member of the team conducting explanations solves the phrase, but there is an exception. If the phrase is written in red, then the players of all teams have the right to solve it.

If you think that the Activity board game is too simple, and you only have to guess the words to win it, then you are mistaken. The ability to select cards of different levels of complexity allows you to use diametrically opposed types of strategies. You can be aggressive by choosing the hardest cards. With such behavior, the team runs the risk of remaining in place without guessing the word combinations; if successful, the players can be rewarded with leadership. Another variant of the strategy can be called the quieter you go - you will continue. This behavior of the participants in the board game Activity provides for guessing the simplest phrases in the hope of an opponent's mistakes. Also, to win, participants should go to various tricks. For example, you can decide on the most convenient type of explanation for the team (pantomime, drawing, or oral description) and choose the complexity of the card, and hence the number of moves, so as to get to the cell with the type of explanation you need.

This game harmoniously merges into any party. It does not require the players to understand the rules for a long time and delve into the essence, you do not need to pay attention to the game table every second. Board games for children and adults Activity encourages communication and fun, which means that your party will definitely succeed with this game!


  • playing field;
  • 4 team tokens;
  • 330 cards;
  • hourglass;
  • rules of the game.

"can be called a game that is suitable for entertainment in absolutely any company: whether it's a simple meeting with friends or a stormy party with a lot of people. It differs from many other games in that the number of players here is really huge, and the more of them the more interesting: the main rule is that all participants can fit in one room :). The game does not contain any heavy rules, it is assimilated in the first minutes and gives everyone a unique experience.

Number of players: 3-16

Description of the game Activity

Your goal is to try to explain the words that can be found on the back of the task cards. Three methods are used for explanation: pantomime, synonyms and drawing. To try to explain what the word on the card each player has one minute - the success of the team depends on how you can explain and gesticulate, how developed your imagination is.

In there are tasks that all teams can guess, thereby gaining points for themselves.

How to play?

The point of the game is to move around the playing field. The chips of each team are placed on the starting point and the one who first reaches the end of the field is considered the winner. Before each move, you are given the opportunity to choose how difficult the task will be, and after completing it, you move your chip forward by the required number of spaces. For difficult tasks, more points are given, but the easy ones are usually quickly guessed by the team, so you need to think, maybe the saying “quieter you go further will come in handy” here. Therefore, it is up to you to decide which principle to follow, because in war, as they say, all means are good :). If you correctly use a good strategy, then victory will undoubtedly be in your pocket.

Activity game, cards

Pretty in the game a large number of special cards. On each card, or rather on its reverse side, there are several interesting, and sometimes even funny words and phrases, opposite which it is indicated by which method they need to be explained. The cards are made of high-quality material, and the words on them were most likely invented by very funny people, so you definitely won't be bored!

What are the tactics to win?

  • To win, most importantly, it is necessary to soberly assess the potential of each player. After all, not all people are alike, someone is better at drawing, someone is a master of pantomime, and someone just knows how to talk a lot. If you have a rather difficult task on the card and you know for sure that you have a person who will help you score points by competently working it out, then feel free to choose. If everything is bad, then it is better not to take risks and move slowly, you will take yours anyway.
  • The second clue to you is "special sign language". Before the game, it is very important to agree with the team how you will designate the special things on which success in the game depends. For example, how to show a sign "forget everything I explained before, I'm starting over" or "move in the same direction."
  • It happens that it makes sense to choose a simpler task on the card in advance, even if you could solve a more difficult one: if the chips collide at one point, then the one that was first on it (that is, the chip of the enemy team) returns one turn back. This gives you a lot of variety in tactical ways for both teams.

What is included in the "box"?

  • The field for the game, on which all teams move their chips, the team who first gets to the finish line wins;
  • 4 chips different colors for each team (you can play starting from two teams, each of which must have at least two players or from four teams, the number is already unlimited there);
  • 440 cards with various tasks (each contains 6 words and phrases);
  • Game rules, translated into Russian;
  • An hourglass that will help players calculate the time for each move.

Is it possible to play with three?

Yes, of course, only there will be a slightly different system, points will be given to both those who guess and those who guessed correctly. True, the time of the games will be almost half as long, but the interest does not fade from this 🙂

What age is the game intended for?

This game set was chosen for adult company, for those who want to relax in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere, recharge with positive. There are other sets, for example "for children" and "for kids", which differ in plot, pictures and difficulty levels.

Why should you buy the game Activity?

Buy is the duty of every self-respecting sociable person. If you like to organize various gatherings with friends and just relax in a good company, then this game is definitely for you. Once you start playing it, you won't regret this purchase for a minute. The game is included in the rating of the most popular board games. Thanks to various ways of explaining words, you almost never get bored, there are a lot of cards with words, so this game will last for a “long time”.

Rules of the game Activity

aimed at promoting communication between people. It is based on the idea of ​​sharing ideas between participants. In the game, you can use standard types of communication: facial expressions, verbal gestures and graphic descriptions. As we move towards the end, it gets harder and harder. To play, you need to have 2, 3 or 4 teams and each must have at least 2 people. It is also possible to play with three players, more on that below.

playing field

You will have to move around the playing field. There are 49 cells on it, and special places on which the numbers 3, 4, 5 are affixed are intended for cards with the corresponding number. Each field has its own color and is indicated by distinctive symbols. The color will tell you how to proceed and which topic to choose, and special symbols will indicate which method will be used to explain.


Difficulty on maps is determined by a number. Here it all starts with 3, they are the simplest, then 4 goes - it’s already more difficult there, but the number 5 already indicates that the task will not be easy and you will have to sweat. Although you should not bother too much with this, it happens that even with 5 the task is quite easy, it all depends on the team. All these colors and symbols correspond to the colors and symbols on the playing field. The drawings on the cards come with special symbols. The background color will indicate what theme will be presented. For example, if the command hits yellow, where the “drawing” symbol is depicted, then the corresponding topic with the same symbol opposite should be selected on the map. It happens that the color falls red, this indicates that now there will be an open round, but more on that below.


The time during which the sand is poured from one bowl to another is exactly 1 minute. The player has a few seconds to look at the card and memorize the word, then the clock turns over. His team members have 1 minute to try to guess the word. So that the opposing team does not get bored, they are given a responsible task - to watch the clock. If 1 minute has not yet expired and the players guessed the correct answer, then the team will receive a number of steps in the piggy bank, which will be equal to the number indicated on the card. If the team does not have time to guess the word, then nothing actually happens and the chip remains stationary in the same place, and the right to move is given to the opponents. They can choose the card they like in terms of complexity and continue the game.


One of the rules is that the number of people in a team must be the same. At least two people must make up one team. All teams put their chips on the start of the playing field and the fun begins. The cards are carefully mixed and placed face down on the table so that the front part is closed and the participants cannot see the words.

The game

The first player of the first team is given the right to start the game. He needs to draw one card from three decks, he must make the choice himself, depending on the level of difficulty. While the game has started, the player must inform everyone about the topic that is intended for him by the card, and at the very beginning, when the chips are in the first zone, all participants are allowed to choose their favorite topic. The "Executor" has 10 seconds left to complete this task. If he failed to do so, then the right to walk goes to the second team. This will continue until one of the players meets the due time and will not guess the word. If the "Open Round" is not involved during the match, then the first starting participant confirms the correctness of the team's answer and shows his card to the opponents. The “performer” does not have to accurately reveal the topic to the members of his team, but is obliged to explain it so that they themselves guess. The "performer" is obliged to constantly comply with the rules that will direct his friends to Right way to find out what is actually written inside.

Company game

- A game for a company in which the number of people can be large from 3 to 16. The main thing in the game is to explain in the required way what kind of word is on the back of the card, it can be a drawing, pantomime or synonyms. They play in several teams, but so that each has at least two players. If you correctly choose an explainer, then guessing the words will be easier, fun is guaranteed in any case!

The authors:

  • Ulrike Catty
  • Paul Catty
  • Hans Fuhrer

saw the light in 2002.

Perhaps few people have heard of this tabletop, but, for sure, almost everyone has played games very similar to it for companies. Crocodile, Contact or Hat. Actually, Activity it does not differ much from them, in this game you also need to explain to your comrades the meaning of various words and the one who can do it more successfully will be the winner.

Educational fun team game for big company. The aim of the game is to score more points than the opponents.

Game Composition

The game includes a cardboard field on which there are special places for cards, as well as colored cells with special symbols. In addition, in the box you will find multi-colored wooden pawns, as well as a bunch of cards. Cards have numbers on their backs indicating difficulty (3 being the easiest, 5 being the hardest). Each card contains different words and phrases, colors and symbols. In addition, the game includes an hourglass.

Preparing for the game

Players are divided into teams with an equal number of players in each. The chip of each team is placed on the start cell. The decks of cards are shuffled and placed face down in designated spaces on the board. In addition, teams will need paper and a pen. The starting team chooses a player who will explain the word. In the next round, this player will be replaced by another player from the same team.

Game process

The first player of the first team takes the top card from one of the 3 decks (difficulty 3, 4, 5) so that no one from the team sees what is written and depicted on it. Then that player must explain the word written on the card to their team. In the first round, the player himself chooses the method of explanation, because all the pieces are in the starting position.

Later in the game, the way of explaining will be determined by the chosen card and pawn (the player chooses the word on the card opposite the picture on which the pawn of his team is located). The player explaining the word has only 10 seconds to complete their mission. If in 10 seconds he fails to intelligibly explain the word, then the turn of the move passes to the other team. The transition of the move is carried out until one of the teams guesses the word in the allotted 10 seconds.

The ways of explanation in the game are as follows: you can draw a word, show it with gestures or explain it in other words. Naturally, in all three ways there are strict rules, for example, you cannot write numbers or words when drawing, or say anything when showing gestures. Violation of the rules results in the transfer of the move to the other team. Accordingly, for a correctly guessed word, the team receives points (points are equal to the complexity of the card).

There are also several special situations in the game where the rules of the game change slightly. It makes no sense to go into them in detail, but this is, for example, a card on which both teams guess the word at once (when guessing, they get more points than usual), shifting the opponent's chips back one cell, etc. The game ends as soon as the chip of one of the teams reaches the last cell on the field.

This game can be compared to many party games, but it is much more logical to compare it to all famous games Crocodile, Contact, Associations, etc., that is, those games where the task of the players is to explain certain words different ways- gestures, words, a certain letter, etc. Excellent fun game, which you can play many times and every time it will be new for you. The only disadvantage of the game is that some words are quite complex and not always young players of 12-14 years old can cope with them. The advantage of the game is its mobility, as well as the ability to add your own words and phrases to it. In addition, it is pleasing in this game that it develops creative thinking, therefore, if you remove the most complex words and expressions, it will be very useful for children to play it.

Game Ingredients:

  • playing field;
  • 4 chips;
  • 440 cards (6 words and phrases on each);
  • hourglass.
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