Dance school business plan ready with calculations. Possible Problems of the Dance Business

famous movie"Let's Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez reflected a completely normal Western countries a picture when the main visitors to dance schools are not children (as was customary in our country in the 90s of the last century), but adults. Moreover, both young people from 18 to 25 years old, and people who are quite accomplished, 30-40 years old. Today, the picture is changing dramatically in our country. Interest in sports and active lifestyles is growing, and dancing is one way to provide them. The dance school business plan presented by us will indicate the main nuances of creating a dance school from scratch. This example will help you make your own planning.

Rationale for the business plan

The opening of a dance school is being considered in a large regional center. This business has great prospects here than in small towns. However, even cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people can provide some demand, especially if there is a lack of active recreation enterprises.

We note that the direct competitors of our business will be other schools, of which there are more than 20 in the city. We also note that there is indirect competition with active recreation enterprises:

  • Sports sections for children and adults.
  • Pools.
  • GYM's.
  • yoga studios.
  • Climbing walls.

The main risks of our enterprise will be:

  • Poor choice of location for the school.
  • Wrong selection of dance courses.
  • Low qualification of teaching staff.

To prevent the first risk, it is supposed to carefully analyze direct and indirect competition. The room is selected in the maximum possible removal away from direct competitors and, if possible, away from indirect competitors. At the same time, it should be sufficiently passable.

Since it is planned to create a school with a focus on the middle class, sleeping areas will be a priority. Renting a room in the city center will cost much more.

To prevent the second risk, it is planned to study the offers of direct competitors, as well as the market of other regions. For a balanced offer, the most popular dance styles for all regions are selected:

  • Classic dance.
  • Latin American dances.
  • Hip-hop.

In order to attract customers with a unique offer, it is planned to introduce courses on dance direction, which is not yet common in its region, but is popular in others. Experts recommend introducing bright and incendiary dances with a sports bias: jazz-funk, zumba, contemporary, pole dance and others. In fact, the directions of modern dance - great amount Which one to choose is up to the creator of the school. Everything rests only on the third risk. It is difficult to predict in advance which of them will "shoot".

The low qualification of teachers is one of the traditional problems for the entire field additional education to which dance schools belong. This risk is planned to be covered by the fact that the founder of the school is himself a qualified dancer and has regalia that will not only help in his work, but will also be used for marketing purposes.

In addition, the creator is expected to undergo additional training under the programs of the future dance school in the capital. This will give the opportunity to conduct lessons for the first time and train teachers.


For registration of business, a form is chosen entrepreneurial activity IP, since there will be no co-founders, and the creation of a network of schools in the near future is not planned.

As a taxation regime, the simplified tax system of 15% is chosen, since the cost of staff salaries is quite significant.

85.41.2 "Education in the field of culture, including dance mugs And studio".

90.01 "Activities in the field of performing arts, including the organization and staging of ballet performances" is selected as an additional OKVED. This is necessary in order to take part in various promotional and other events on commercial grounds in the future.

No special licenses are required. However, it needs to be approved in due course training programs for institutions of additional education. For these purposes, 20 thousand rubles should be allocated.

Since the area in the finished premises is rented, additional passage of the SES commission and the fire service is not required.

Room search

For the effective functioning of a dance school, a room is required. The following zoning is expected:

  • Dance hall (combined with the reception area, reception desk and relaxation area): 100 sq. m.
  • Dressing room, shower room and bathroom with division into male and female parts: 20 sq. m.

We found and rented a 120 sq. m in the basement of a residential building not in the central area of ​​the city worth 15 thousand rubles a month. When selecting a room, we focused primarily on the physical condition of the room: no leaks, availability of documents, no problems in the communal part (operability of water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating systems).

Since an essential component of the initial investment is the repair of the premises (the cost of which cannot be returned upon moving), maximum attention is paid to the selection of the premises. A mistake will be very costly. For the same reason, a long-term lease agreement is concluded with the landlord for a period of 3 years. The agreement also includes a clause on the priority right to buy out the premises in the event that, after the lease expires, the landlord decides to sell it.

It is planned to pay 3 months of rent in advance.

In total, the launch will require 45,000 rubles.

Monthly payment starting from the 3rd month will be 15,000 rubles.

Payment of utilities and telecommunications per month will be 10,000 rubles per month (according to the average annual calculation).

Cosmetic repairs and purchase of equipment

The main condition for a dance school is high-quality and at the same time comfortable floor covering for clients. As a coating, a laminate of a high wear resistance class is selected. Serious attention is also paid to the organization of artificial lighting.

Estimated cost estimate repair work presented below:

For the work of the dance school, the installation of a high-quality acoustic system is required. It is also planned to equip a recreation area with a sofa, a widescreen TV for watching educational videos, a refrigerator for storing drinks, a microwave oven and a kettle for the needs of teachers. The administrator needs a reception desk, a chair, a laptop, an MFP, a telephone.

Costs for optional equipment indicate in the table:

Personnel and staffing

When starting our business, it is planned to conduct 4 dance groups. 3 teachers are invited to work with groups classical dance, Latin American dances (salsa, rumba, cha-cha-cha, tango) and hip-hop. In addition, it is expected that the founder and head of the school will lead author's course pole dance and female strip plastics, which have analogues in the city in this moment does not exist.

Since it is expected that at first the attendance will not be too high, it is planned to set the load in 1 group with a frequency of 2 classes per week. To attract customers, a convenient attendance schedule is established with working Saturdays and Sundays and a day off on Monday.

An indicative schedule of classes is drawn up:

Day of the week / Time 10:00-12:00 12:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-18:00 18:00-20:00
Tuesday Hip-hop (adults)
Thursday Strip plastic (adults)
Friday Classical dances (teenage group) Pole dancing (adults)
Saturday Hip-hop (adults) Strip plastic (adults) Modern dances (teenage group)
Sunday Classical dances (adults) Latin American dances (adults) Pole dancing (adults)

According to this schedule, it is planned to hire two teachers in classical and modern dance, who will lead 2 groups (teenage and adult) and one teacher for Latin American dances under a contract for the provision of services in combination.

A piece-rate form of payment is assumed, based on the indicator: 1,500 rubles per lesson for adults and 1,200 for teenagers.

An administrator is also invited to the state, who will work 6 days a week according to the school schedule (plus an hour before and after classes, in total a standard 40-hour week). Its functions also include preparing the premises for classes and cleaning after classes and during breaks.

Marketing and Advertising

The business concept does not plan significant advertising expenses during the work. At startup, the following methods are planned:

Total: 70,000 rubles.

Of the fixed costs, the costs of targeting in social networks and contextual advertising of Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct are planned: 10 thousand rubles per month.

It is also planned to launch three permanent promotions:

  • "The first lesson is free." To attract those who have not yet decided whether to practice, choose between several options for outdoor activities or have not decided on the dance group they would like to join.
  • "Bring a friend, get a discount." If a regular client brings a new member to the group and he purchases a monthly subscription, he receives a 10% discount on the subscription for the next month.
  • "Wholesale is cheaper." When buying a subscription for 3 or 6 months, a 5% and 10% discount is provided, respectively.

Expenses and income

Starting costs

The general table of starting costs looks like this:

It is planned to allocate 250,000 rubles from own funds and 515,000 rubles of credit at 15% per month for 3 years to start the business. The monthly payment will be 17,853 rubles (calculated using a loan calculator under standard conditions).

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 3rd month looks like this:


Because it takes time to develop a dance school and reach significant attendance, the first year's return will be calculated based on an attendance of 6-8 people per group. The attendance of strip plastic and pole dancing classes is expected to be slightly lower in the first year, since this direction in the city is not yet widely known.

There are plans to increase attendance in the future. Each teacher is able to simultaneously lead a group of at least 15 people.

Payment for classes will be made by subscription for a month, the cost of classes missed due to the fault of the client is not refundable.

The estimated cost of subscriptions and income will be:

Calculate the difference between income and expenses to calculate tax:

237 600 – 152 933 = 84 667.

We calculate the tax payment:

84,667 x 0.15 = 12,700 rubles.

In accordance with the law, we are entitled to a tax deduction of the amount of unified social tax for ourselves and employees, but not more than 50% of the tax.

We receive the final tax payment, taking into account the deduction of 6,350 rubles per month.

Thus, the net profit will be:

84,667 - 6,350 = 78,317 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(78,317 / 152,933) x 100 = 51.21%.

This profitability for the dance school can be considered acceptable, taking into account loan repayments and the low efficiency of the useful use of the premises. The plans are to increase profitability to at least 100%.

The profit is planned to be distributed into 3 equal parts:

  • 34% - personal income of IP.
  • 33% - return of personal expenses.
  • 33% - additional bonuses for staff and business development costs.

Let's calculate the payback period of personal investment:

250,000 / (78,317 x 0.33) = 9.67 months.

From the 11th month it is planned to send this amount for early repayment of the loan. The investment will fully pay off at constant rates in about 27 months. But we assume that the period will be reduced if the planned increase in dance school attendance is achieved.


A dance school is a great business for someone who understands dance himself and is ready to put all of himself into this business. And our dance school business plan with calculations will help you create your own based on your own indicators.

We see that the profitability of the enterprise at the first stage will not be too high, and one of the key income items is the remuneration of personnel. If the creator dance studio at first will perform only administrative functions, it will be impossible to achieve the planned indicators.

However, already in 2 years, subject to early repayment of the loan, an exit is expected net profit to the level of 150-200 thousand rubles. For this, it is planned to invite additional teachers, more efficient use of the rented space by subleasing the premises for aerobics or fitness classes for pregnant women in the unoccupied dance classes time.

It is also possible to open dance group for younger groups in the morning: 5-6, 7-8, 9-12 years old. This will require a qualified teacher.

Despite a sufficient number of dance studios in the cities of Russia, the entrance for new players is still open. This business can be very profitable, due to the growing interest of young people (and not only) in dancing. Move your body vigorously office workers, lawyers, managers, state. employees, students and so on.

The fact that everyone wants to learn dancing today more people, no doubt. According to the statistics of Yandex search queries, the phrase: “dance school in Moscow” is searched for by about 6800 people every month, in St. Petersburg- 5,900 people:

People have an interest, and this can be seen from requests in other large cities of the Russian Federation. The presence of a dance studio on the Internet (website) is an important point that an entrepreneur should consider. With the help of a well-designed website, you can attract a significant audience of customers to your dance studio.

Business registration

This activity is not subject to licensing. The organizational and legal form of a dance studio can be as an individual entrepreneurship ( individual), and a limited liability company ( entity). If the case is opened by one person, then the IP will be the most suitable options (minimum documents). When organizing a dance studio by several persons (partners), it would be preferable to register a legal entity. When filling out an application for registration, you can specify OKVED 93.04 - "Physical and recreational activities."

As a taxation system, the most suitable option would be the simplified tax system - a simplified taxation system: 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.


The premises for opening a dance studio must be at least 100 sq. m. The cost of renting such areas in the regions starts from 500 rubles. per sq. m. For a room in a hundred square meters you will have to pay at least 50 thousand rubles a month. Most often, rent costs far over 100 thousand rubles.

Where will the studio be located? residential area or in the city center special significance does not have. In a residential area it may be even better. The rental price here is much lower, and there may be more free space. AT good school dancing people will come from the other end of the city. The main thing is the availability of convenient access roads and parking.

Particular attention should be paid interior design studios. Mirrors are the main accessory of the dance studio. They should be installed on the entire wall, so that the dancers observe themselves in full height. The floors in the dance studio should not be slippery so as not to harm the health of visitors. The best coating for the dance floor is linoleum or natural wood.

Professional teachers are the key to success

The popularity and fame of the dance studio, to a greater extent, depends on the professionalism of the teachers. It is not easy to find a good teacher, a real professional in his field.

Formation good team- the main difficulty of this business. It can take 3 months or more to find employees.

Feedback on the work of teachers of one of dance clubs Ufa - this is what you need to strive for:

Portrait of an ideal dance club teacher: a cheerful and energetic person who can not only dance, but also does it beautifully. At the same time, it is desirable that the teacher knows several directions of dance at once, so that it is always possible to replace unprofitable directions with profitable ones.

Teachers' salaries can be either as a percentage of the cost of teaching a group (from 20 to 50%) or fixed for each lesson ($30 - $40).

"Assortment of Dances"

A dance club should offer as many modern, fashion dances. Here, as in a gift shop, the assortment is important.

Most popular destinations dances that are taught in dance studios are: “break dance”, “go-go”, “light fitness”, “street dance” (“ hip hop”, “House”, “Tecktonik”), oriental dances, strip plastic, wedding dances. In addition, you can earn individual lessons, body shaping, etc.

Additional interest among clients may be caused by classes in special groups:

  • dancing for adults (from 16 years old),
  • dances for children and teenagers (from 5 to 16 years old),
  • classes for expectant mothers (yoga for pregnant women),
  • staging of wedding dances,
  • choreographic studio,
  • dance classes for parents and kids (from 3 months to 1.5 years).

How much do dance studios earn?

The average price of a subscription for 4 classes in the regions is 800 rubles. A monthly subscription to all areas of dance can be taken for an average of 1,500 rubles. In Moscow, prices are slightly higher. In fact, the profitability of a dance studio begins with the purchase of 80-100 monthly subscriptions. The average load of promoted clubs implies a monthly lesson of at least 15 groups of 20 people, which in monetary terms means a monthly revenue of 450,000 rubles.

How to develop a dance studio?

The most effective advertising channel for promoting a dance studio is women's magazines. Here it is important not to miscalculate with the age of the target audience and the theme of the magazine. The best category is girls aged 17 to 25, exactly at this age they are more interested in dancing.

You can't discount your own website either. It will take at least 2 thousand dollars to create and promote a good website, but the costs are justified. A lot of goods and services are found through the search engine today.

A good effect for the growth of the customer base can be given by promotions and discounts. For example, you can give a free lesson to anyone who brings their friend to the dance studio. They brought 8 friends - here's a month of free classes for you. In addition, those who have doubts (those who are not ready to immediately buy a subscription) can be offered the first 30-minute lesson for free.

Dancing - popular view sport, which for some remains part of a hobby, and some devote their whole lives to this. In large cities, specialized studios are increasingly opening up, where anyone can relax and get a boost of pleasure. Dance courses are so popular that it can be a good income and even. How to open a dance school from scratch? Few people know about it.

Dance school profitability

before submitting the relevant documentation. Everything should be well thought out. In order not to be distracted from the thought process for cooking, you can.

Of course, a dance school as a business can be a good source of profit. It is impossible not to take into account the disadvantages of such an event. To understand the pros and cons of this business, you should look at the table.

Positive moments from the dance studio Disadvantages of a dance school as a business
small, you just need to find a room and find specialists It is necessary to rent a large area in the city center or on the basis of a sports complex
Profit will be stable throughout the year, the peak of employment falls on autumn, winter and spring Big competition if you open a school in a big city
AT summer time years, you can hold classes in open areas - this will save money on rent and allow you to stand out from competitors Reduced demand for the service in cities with a population of less than 500,000
The turnover of the client base, on average, a person is actively engaged in 2-3 months

The dance school is an interesting entrepreneur who wants to receive a stable income from their business. The studio pays off within a year, but you need to be attentive to the teachers of the institution.

Documentation of business

In an ordinary dance studio, diplomas are not issued, so licenses for educational activities are not needed. Any entrepreneur must register to open a business. Before you open a dance school, you have to register as an individual entrepreneur. The action can be completed if you plan to rent a small room (up to 80 sq.m.). This option is suitable for dance teachers who wish to open own business. To open a sole proprietorship, the following documents are required:

  • photocopies of all pages of the passport;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • an application in the appropriate form with the seals of a notary.

If a person wants to understand how to open a large format dance school or organize it, then it is better to create an LLC. To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  • application in the form, confirmation of the authorized capital;
  • receipt paid at the bank;
  • charter of LLC;
  • copies of passports of all founders, certified by a notary.

OKVED dance schools 92.34.2 - activities of dance floors, discos, dance schools. In this case, it is not necessary to use a cash register, it is enough to keep strict reporting forms.

Dance school room

Before you open a dance school, you have to acquire a platform. The success of the entire business depends on a well-chosen premises. Here are the main points that you should pay attention to the future owner of a dance establishment:

  • ventilation - if the studio is stuffy and the clients feel uncomfortable, they will stop attending this school;
  • the presence of locker rooms and shower rooms is an important point, as people need to put themselves in order after intensive training;
  • the presence of mirrored walls and high-quality flooring;
  • good lighting and air conditioning in every room.

Buy or rent a space? This question is asked by everyone who is faced with the opening of such a business. According to experts, it is profitable to acquire ownership only of premises with an area of ​​​​less than 150 square meters. meters. In other cases, it is better to conclude a lease agreement for several years in advance.

The profitability of a business depends on many factors

Studio Promotion

A competent business organization will allow you to receive a stable monthly profit in the amount of 100,000-200,000 rubles. The following factors strongly influence profit:

  1. Competitiveness- it is difficult for beginner schools to reach a stable income, since the client base is small. In this case, franchises are well justified. famous studios dancing.
  2. Location- also a decisive indicator, since people are not ready to go to the outskirts of the city to learn a waltz or modern dance.
  3. Variety of dance programs- everyone wants to choose, so it is necessary to staff the staff of teachers as much as possible, focusing on popular types of dances.
  4. Organization of the process- you need to create a friendly environment, hold some kind of student meetings, offer participation in competitions and hold special outdoor activities. People should look forward to visiting a dance school.
  5. Advertising company- the main focus is better to do on the Internet resources. Colorful virtual banners in thematic blogs are sure to bring potential customers. It is also relevant to contact some popular blogger and give him a monthly subscription with the condition of reviewing the school in a positive way.

Of course, all this requires a lot of time and effort if you want to get a good result in a good monetary value. Another great idea is to purchase a franchise for a dance school.

It is profitable to open a dance studio only in big cities

The sample business plan that you can download for free at the end of this article is not a working one. It was created for informational purposes only. How to create your real, working business plan with minimal costs, a real and successful entrepreneur will tell you in this article based on his experience:

Marina Nefedova, an entrepreneur from the Lipetsk region, the founder of a dance school, tells. On the basis of the village club, Marina has created a rapidly growing dance center. The area of ​​the premises is 100 sq. m. The lease is issued with the right to purchase, for a period of 5 years. The school has a personal fitness trainer, 2 dance, ballroom and sports teachers. Income per month, excluding rent, today is about 150,000 rubles.

Dance studio business plan. How it all started

I was born in a small town. After graduating from a local school, she went to study in Moscow, where she entered the university at the faculty of choreography.

I graduated from the university, I was already going to conquer the capital, but I had to urgently return to the village, as my elderly mother became seriously ill.

Moscow is such a city where everything is quickly forgotten - acquaintances, connections, everything flows and changes with time. Going back and starting over was not realistic.

And then I suggested to the head rural settlement, equip an empty building former club, to the dance school. Naturally, such a proposal was met with enthusiasm, since until that moment, there was not even a House of Culture in the village.

No paperwork was required from me, except for official employment as a teacher (so far the only one), the head of the administration, she did everything herself.

The club was slightly renovated and soon, the newly appeared class was animated by the chirping of the children. I taught them how to dance, and in the evenings, I earned money by leading a group for those over 20.

There were a lot of applicants, the money I earned, I put aside and gradually, I accumulated a fairly decent amount.

I thought, why not rent this building and open it private school dancing? It was about the reconstructive expansion of the building and its transformation into an elite dance center.

The accumulated funds, of course, would not be enough for me, and I decided to take a subsidy, state support for small businesses. However, I understood that the offered 58 thousand rubles would be enough for me only for floor paint.

Therefore, I went to the city administration with a request for an increased amount of 300,000 rubles. Such money is given out only in conditions of tough competition, but I had a solid support, I was supported by the whole village, together with the head.

What documents are required to receive an increased subsidy

In order to receive funds, I had to do the following:

  • Register in the CZN;
  • Get registered with the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Submit a well-written business plan.

The first 2 points are not a problem at all, but I had no idea how to draw up a business plan.

I only knew that it should contain the following points:

  • the purpose for which I am asking for funds;
  • accurate calculation of upcoming expenses;
  • business development feasibility forecast;
  • the approximate time for which I will pay back the money received.

This information was very interesting to me, but where can I get this economic program?

Where to get a working business plan

The gray shabby walls of a city consulting company surprised me a little. Surprise intensified when an employee of the organization, drinking coffee from a mug with chipped edges, told me the amount for which they agreed to help me - 40,000 rubles.

Of course, this cosmic cost for the project, the profitability of which was still a huge question, did not suit me.

I had to do something, so I first downloaded the free 2012 version from the internet.

I went shopping and roughly calculated the cost of repairs, the amount of rent, prices for equipment, furniture and salaries for future employees.

Then, I simply replaced the obsolete numbers in the free version of the template and roughly calculated the required amount.

Satisfied with the result, I went online again and bought more modern version business plan for only 350 rubles.

After that, I printed out a copy of the document and rushed on the last bus to Moscow to visit a friend from the university, an analyst by education and vocation.
They welcomed me warmly.

After about a day, we finished the calculations and data entry. A friend refused to take money from me, so I got the business plan for only 350 rubles, not counting the travel expenses, which I did not regret at all.

Business status today

I was given a subsidy and now my school is one of the most prestigious in the region. They even come to me from neighboring cities to take dance lessons before wedding waltz or simply, in the desire to learn how to move rhythmically to modern music.

I managed to lure a personal fitness trainer from the region to my job, I also hired 2 teachers for ballroom and sports choreography.

Of course, I did not abandon my pupils, junior group I still do it, completely free.

Thanks to a perfectly designed business plan, according to a template downloaded from the Internet, the school generates income in the amount of 150,000 rubles per month.

Raisky dance school

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the dance school business plan:

business plan for opening a dance school

Resume-description with a budget

Your attention is presented to the business plan for the implementation of the project "School of Dances" with a two-year cash flow.

So, knowing the idea of ​​the project, we can identify the main goals:

  • Providing the public with the opportunity to attend dance classes to meet the needs of movement and communication;
  • Creation of a profitable enterprise that brings a stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

The project is financed with the help of a commercial loan in the amount of 2,650,000 rubles at 17.5%.
The nature of the enterprise: the company provides the opportunity to teach dance.
Payback period: about 2 years.
Estimated income received by investors: 180553.33 rubles.
The repayment of the loans taken starts from the first month of the project launch and continues until the moment of full repayment.
Conditional life cycle project: 2 years.
Economic benefit from the launch and implementation of the project throughout the life of the project itself: 27972093.5 rubles.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of services of dance schools in Russia

Distribution of space required for a dance school

To open a school, you need a room with all the necessary equipment.

For a small school, the room should be from 150 sq.m. of which:

  • Hall (15-20 sq.m);
  • Shower (15 sq.m);
  • Lounge (20 sq.m);
  • Dressing room (15 sq.m);
  • Dance hall (<80 кв. м).

For the profitability and payback of the project, the rental rate should not be higher than 65-90 thousand rubles per month.


To be productive, you must have:

  • Full air conditioning system, ventilation grilles;
  • Souls;
  • Lockers for things, with the possibility of closing with a key;
  • Changing rooms;
  • mats;
  • Choreographic machine;
  • Mirror on the entire wall;
  • Several coolers;
  • At least 1 music center;
  • Furniture for school equipment: hangers, chairs, reception desk, locker room furniture;
  • Floor covering (!) Ideally, unpainted parquet.

Also, do not forget, in addition to equipment, you need to have 2-3 professional teachers who can actually teach your clients, otherwise the enterprise will not bring the expected income.

Table number 2. Growth of Dance School Market Participants in Russia


Of course, you can teach all kinds of dances in your studio. But it is still recommended to choose a priority direction, starting from which, potential clients will choose your studio for themselves.

You can develop several directions at once, but only one should be the main one.

There are several directions in the modern world:

  • Eastern dance. In particular, belly dancing;
  • Classical dances. A look that will never go out of style. Includes: cha-cha-cha, Viennese waltz, classical waltz, square dance, mazurka, minuet, quickstep, charleston;
  • Latin American group. Incendiary, “hot” dances, such as: rumba, samba, Argentine tango, salsa, jive, bolero;
  • Modern dances. The name speaks for itself. The group includes: break, hip-hop, r'n'b, new style, club-dance, house, girls style, L. A. Style, break-dance.

Remember, for each direction you will need several professionally trained teachers.

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