Perform a waltz or dance. How to dance the waltz? How to dance the waltz: Viennese, wedding

Changeable fashion sooner or later affects all areas public life, from appearance before pastime. And yet things remain unchanged in their value, like classic literature, symphonic music and ballroom dancing. Like a good mature wine, they reveal their meaning and significance over time, they show real charm. And even if they were once no less fresh and amazing than modern innovations and trends, but over the years and even centuries it has become obvious where real style and what is transient. Eternal values ​​are eternal because over time they do not lose their attractiveness or relevance. It is no coincidence that to this day not a single solemn event, be it a city ball, graduation party, wedding or awards ceremony, is complete without the sounds of a waltz, to which graceful couples whirl.

Waltzing is a whole science for any of our contemporaries, although even for our great-grandfathers it was the same common process as a disco for today's teenagers. And yet everyone should learn how to dance the waltz correctly, regardless of age, taste and lifestyle. If only because it is a sign of a good upbringing and strong cultural code necessary for every educated person. And in general, everyone turns up at graduations and weddings at least occasionally, and why not prepare in advance so as not to lose face when it sounds nice music, and the host will invite those present to the dance floor. And although serious training requires long training sessions and classes with a choreographer, you can already understand the essence of the waltz, take an interest in its theoretical background and the basic rules of dance. What we suggest you do before learning how to waltz correctly.

Waltz: types, history and modernity
The Waltz and its variations are not as old a dance as one might think. And although it is considered to be a prototype folk dances Czech Republic and France, the first dance movements similar to the modern standard came into fashion already in late XVIII centuries on the territory of Austria and, thanks to its entertainment orientation, quickly spread to other European countries. Even then, the waltz acquired the status of the main ballroom dance, but no one even thought about its modern meaning and versatility. On the contrary, until the beginning of the 20th century, the ¾ waltz rhythm accepted today did not even exist, and at the same time several forms existed, the size of which was 2/4, 5/4 and even 6/8. And even today there is no single strict restriction on the concept and performance of the waltz, and in general sense this concept is interpreted as a general name for ballroom dancing in a closed position. But it was the waltz in ¾ time that became the standard and model for creating not only its own varieties, but also other ballroom dances.

In order not to go into details that are important mainly for professionals, we note that all waltz forms known and performed today can be divided into two groups: fast and slow. On the international competitions the standard of the waltz with closed dance positions is adopted (the minimum distance between the bodies of partners, allowing movement), but you can dance it in an open position, if we are not talking about a strict set-off. For example, the European program of ballroom dancing competitions includes as many as seven movements of the Viennese (fast) waltz, as well as slow and figured waltzes. They differ in the number of musical beats per minute, that is, in rhythm, and outwardly this is manifested in the smoothness of movements. Thus, it can be called separately:

  1. viennese waltz- He's fast. This type of waltz is striking in its swiftness, when the couple constantly changes the direction of the turns, then to the right, then to the left, quickly spinning, changing the pace. It is impossible to perform these steps well without a deep mutual understanding and feeling of partners. At the same time, it is the Viennese waltz that is considered the most conservative form and zealously preserves ballroom traditions since 19th century. The Viennese waltz does not allow for mannerisms or strong body bends - on the contrary, the dancers' bodies should be tense, toned and strictly graceful.
  2. Slow waltz, also known as the Boston Waltz and the English Waltz, is considered to be completely independent dance. Only a beginner can confuse it with the Viennese waltz, because both the tempo and even the sound of the music of these dances differ from each other. AT slow waltz the movements of the partners are coordinated, but not simultaneous, but sequential: the partner repeats the movements of the partner with a delay of one measure. This requires great discipline and precision of movement from both dancers.
  3. Argentine waltz- the most democratic type of waltz, combining elements of fast waltz and argentine tango, but keeping the tempo at ¾. This ballroom dance can be found under the name of the tango waltz, but outwardly it still looks more like a classical tango than a waltz. The Argentine waltz is much rarer than the two classical forms, so beginner dancers should pay more attention to them than to the Argentine waltz.
How to learn to dance the waltz: lessons for the prom and wedding
Perfectly aware of the fact that dance, like any other form of bodily self-expression, cannot be taught in absentia and in words, we will still take the liberty of introducing you to the basics of this art. If only because a correct understanding of the essence and fundamental principles of any process is already the key to its development and subsequent improvement. You can take a full course of study or take a few lessons from a choreographer-teacher, and you can’t even do without it if you want to dance easily and confidently. But in any case, you will come across certain points that you will learn about during classes. In order to be ready and mentally tune in for the upcoming workouts, remember and use these tips:
  1. Waltz is pair dance so you can't do without a partner. To start learning, anyone can play this role: ask friends, relatives or even parents for help. The gender of your "training" partner does not matter, the main thing is that he performs the necessary movements according to the position in the figures.
  2. Choose music for classes that suits your taste so that you enjoy listening to it and want to continue training. Melodies corresponding to the rhythm of one or another type of waltz are not difficult to find and download on the Internet; there are many collections for dancers and students. Turn it on and listen to it even when you are not going to dance - just get used to the sounds, their modulations and tempo. Then it will be easier to join the flow of movements.
  3. The earlier a skill is formed, the faster and stronger it is learned, therefore, if you want your children to have no problems with learning ballroom dancing in the future, invite them to study the waltz with you or in a separate children's / teenage group.
  4. A large number of training videos are available both for sale and freely available on the Internet. If by type of perception you are visual, then you can use them. Such video lessons are a bit like morning aerobics on TV and help you get an idea of ​​​​how this or that should look like. dancing figure in move.
  5. Find a suitable place to train: it can be a rented specially equipped gym or just a fairly spacious room in your house. The main thing is that there is a mirror large enough on the wall that allows you to see yourself in full height and on the move.
All of these recommendations are good if you have time to prepare. They can be used by high school students who already know what to graduation party they have to perform a farewell waltz. They will also come in handy for newlyweds who plan to decorate their celebration with a beautiful and gentle waltz, which will be a wonderful gift for guests and each other. All these situations involve pre-training and the opportunity to contact a teacher, while improving your results with home workouts. But what if the need to dance the waltz took you by surprise? At a party or at a corporate event, you were invited to dance, it is inconvenient to refuse, and the orchestra is already playing the first chords. The main thing - do not get lost and do not be shy, you are not a professional dancer and are not required to thoroughly master the waltz technique. Just remember these prompts and follow them as best you can. In most cases, this will be enough to dance the waltz:
Having learned these tips and not being too lazy to spend time and effort on conscientious training, you will get every chance to become the king and / or queen of the ball, even if you have never been fond of ballroom dancing before, and the waltz in particular. Moreover, it is no coincidence that the waltz is considered one of the most popular and beloved dances in the whole world. With the right attitude, as well as an easy and relaxed technique, he is able to bring real pleasure to both dancers and spectators. So leave doubts and fears and finally learn how to waltz correctly. It does not matter how often you happen to use this skill in practice. The main thing is that to the sounds of this harmonious, flowing music you will feel confident and free, develop and emphasize your plasticity and grace. And do not doubt that today and tomorrow, and even years later, the waltz will remain a beautiful, gentle and romantic dance that attracts attention and arouses the favor of people with good taste.

Anyone who has not danced the waltz at least once in their life has lost a lot. But do not be upset! It's never too late to learn new things! The most important thing in this business is diligence and desire. Val is danced at school evenings, concerts in memory of heroes, weddings and carnivals, at various concerts and performed at dance tournaments. It brings pleasure and gives everyone a great mood!

Step-by-step dance technique training

With the help of a waltz, you can express your feelings, open up, give your emotions to your chosen one. To learn how to dance the waltz beautifully, it is better to sign up for training courses, so the trainer will be able to control your movements and suggest how to perform unyielding movements.

Of course, you can independently master the waltz technique, the main thing is to be assertive, patient, learn and improve. First of all, you need to study the tempo of the waltz, listen to the music. View interesting videos lessons, immerse yourself in the dance with all your heart.

Attention! During training, you can not make sudden movements; before they start, it is advisable to perform a warm-up to the music of the waltz.

How to learn to dance? Learning the movements

Waltz is based on 2 movements. Once you master them, you can move on.

Turn. When a couple dances a waltz, then the turn is carried out 360 degrees, it is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Face the line of dance, feet in position 3, then take one step forward, starting with the right foot. This will be the time.
  2. After a step is taken with your left foot and you turn to the right, these are two
  3. When turning, you turn your back to the line of dance.
  4. Pull your right leg towards your left leg, put it in position 3. This is the final step.
  5. The movement is fixed.

This is a half turn, which means you turn 180 degrees, all movements should be done on half toes, and at the end of the measure, stand on your entire foot. On pumping the turn, you need to do a light squat.

All movements should be smooth, gliding and graceful.

The second half of the turn will be performed as follows:

  • standing with your back to the line of dance in position three from the left foot, we begin to step to the side, this is one;
  • until we turn out, and on the 2nd right leg we put the eversion;
  • now you need to gently turn on your toes to the right side and, on the count of three, become facing the line of dance.

Now you need to fix the turn, keep your body weight on your left foot. After the body gets used to the movements, it is necessary to add tempo when performing this dance movement.

Was the first part of the training successful for you? Well, now you can move on to the dance in pairs. The girl starts the movement with the right foot, and the guy with the left, standing with his back to the line of dance. It turns out that she dances the first half of the turn, and he dances the second.

  1. On the initial stage you don’t need to shine with your knowledge and increase the pace of the dance, it is important to carefully monitor your legs in order to prevent the slightest mistake.
  2. In the dance, it is necessary to move forward to the line of dance, not to go in cycles in performing two parts of the turn, the movements should be smooth and sincere.

To study the waltz, it is enough to devote one hour a day, you need to carefully study the rhythm and move to the beat, mentally counting: one-two-three. In order for the dance to be harmonious, you need not be shy about your partner, touch him, gently hold his hand.

Do not confuse the position of the legs, with the right foot you go forward, and with the left - back and to the left. If the partner started dancing from the left foot, then the partner needs to pick up the beat and continue the dance from the right.

Nuances when performing a waltz


The right one is stretched forward, and the left one lies on the girl's waist, and she, in turn, freely puts her hand on the partner's shoulder.


Even if you are not yet confident in your movements, you should not concentrate on your legs, this is not accepted in the waltz, it is better to mentally count this way and try to easily rearrange your legs.


Raised high, directed away from the partner so that the dancer sees his right temple.


A delightful smile should always be on the face, without teeth, but with a sweet closed mouth, radiating warmth, light and spiritual harmony. And it’s okay that you step on your foot, this happens in dance, especially in the first lessons.


It should be comfortable and soft, uncomfortable shoes can spoil the mood and the whole dance, as well as hurt the partner, with a carelessly performed turn.


You need to learn to feel every movement of your partner, then you will not have discord in movements.

These are the secrets of proper waltzing open to you. When you learn the waltz technique, you will stop running out of the room at the first sounds of a Strauss piece, but will feel a taste for elite balls, elegant tuxedos and lush evening dresses.

Important: in order to effectively master the skill of waltzing at home, you need to download a training video from step by step lessons dance techniques. Choose a partner with whom you can relax and feel the real rhythm of the waltz.

Good luck beginners!

Life is changing, views on music and fashion are changing, but the waltz has always been and will forever remain one of the favorite dances of the whole world. To comprehend the mystery of performing a waltz, you need to work hard on yourself, feel the melody, and not be embarrassed by your partner.

Let your heart beat to the rhythm of the waltz, and let your soul fly into the air like a singing bird. According to doctors, the waltz has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, so we strengthen not only skills dance art but also your health!

Waltz is the most famous dance of all time. It does not age, despite its age. The whole secret of its enduring popularity lies in the fact that the waltz is both beautiful and not so difficult that everyone can learn how to dance it. And since this dance often accompanies us at various events, both solemn and entertaining, everyone should know how to dance the waltz correctly. And do not even doubt the usefulness of this knowledge!

What is a waltz? Origin of the dance

Despite the fact that the waltz has existed for more than two hundred years, it still cannot be called an ancient dance, which are considered to be polonaises, sarabandes and minuets. However the exact date the origin of the waltz is impossible to name. The history of its origin, however, is also very vague. There are several versions of the origin of this amazingly beautiful dance. According to one of them, its progenitor is considered to be a swift walzer - a dance originally from Germany. According to another, a landler, who was popular among the peasants of Austria and Germany. Both of these dances had a three-part meter, were performed in pairs and in a circle.

It is safe to say that the waltz came to us from the lower strata of the population, having previously been a dance of peasants and bourgeois. Very soon he migrated to the bourgeoisie, where he gained unprecedented popularity. He quickly fell in love and began to dance at all kinds of secular balls and receptions. Everything would be fine if it were not for the strong criticism of this dance, especially from the clergy, who considered it depraved and unacceptable in a decent society. And maybe he would have disappeared altogether, unable to withstand the pressure of critics, if he had not been "picked up" by Strauss and other composers of the era of romanticism.

The era of romanticism

In Europe, the era of romanticism began, which was marked by completely new trends in the field of art, music and poetry. Many famous composers of that time they begin to create in this direction, creating gentle lyrical music. Schubert, Liszt, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Hoffmann, Rossini - they are all followers of romanticism. Johann Strauss, famous Viennese composer, also began to write music in this direction. His famous waltzes is a treasury of world culture and its pride. In addition to the fact that the music of this direction was very soulful, it also appealed to folklore, to what was popular among ordinary peasants.

That is why this dance became instantly popular, and every self-respecting nobleman began to learn how to dance the waltz, which very quickly won the hearts of millions of people. Queen Victoria especially fell in love with him, who patronized this dance at social events.

Waltz types

In fact, there are many varieties of this wonderful dance that are not so well known to the general public. Let's stop only on some of them.

  • Viennese waltz - a waltz from the times of Johann Strauss, light, swift and graceful, characterized by a fast pace.
  • The Boston Waltz, on the other hand, is danced slowly and gracefully.
  • Argentine waltz is a mixture of tango and waltz in the spirit of Mexican passions.
  • Figured waltz - this dance has already been created for professional dancers performing at various competitions and competitions. For those who are just starting to think about how to dance the waltz, this type is not suitable.

All these types of waltz are united by a three-part meter and a common outline of the pattern, which is complemented by different elements, depending on the type of dance.

Learning to dance the waltz

Probably every cultural and educated person must know how to waltz. However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. Everything is decided by practice, which will quickly lead to the desired results. It is desirable to get an internship in dance studio, with an experienced teacher and a partner that will be right for you. The choice of the latter is especially important, otherwise the idea may not come true. You should be comfortable with this particular person with whom you should act in unison. You must feel it as yourself.

So, you need to understand what position the body should occupy, and master the basic figures. The body should take the initial stance. For a partner, this is: a straight back, a slightly turned head to the left. For the partner: a slight bend of the back, while the arms from the elbow to the elbow form a cross with the back, gracefully fall on the partner's arms. The position of the body is very important for the execution of the basic figures, so you must always make sure to return to the starting position again and again.

How to dance the waltz: scheme

Waltz is not difficult to learn how to dance, you just need to understand the principle of movements. There are several basic figures, having mastered which, you will understand how to dance the waltz.

So, the change from the right foot is performed as follows: first, a step is taken forward with the right foot, which springs a little, and a slight rise occurs. On the count of two, the left leg moves to the left, and the body deviates slightly to the right. At the last count, the right foot is attached to the left. Then there are 3 more movements, but already back: the left naga steps back with a slight rise, the right steps to the right, and the body deviates to the left, at the expense of "three" the left foot is attached to the right.

There is also a change from the left leg, which is performed similarly to the previous one, only the legs change: from the left to the right, and vice versa.

In addition to these two figures, there are also turns: right and left. The principle of turns is absolutely the same as for changes, but only at the expense of "two" a small turn appears on the supporting leg.

How to learn to dance the waltz on your own

It is possible to master the waltz on your own, although it is still easier to do it with a mentor who will determine the first step. First level learner and his abilities, and also choose a comfortable pace of learning. But if for some reason it is not possible to find a teacher, then various training video aids will come to the rescue.

So, stock up on time and patience, watch in a relaxed atmosphere various training lessons explaining how to dance the waltz. After that, it is advisable to start training in front of the mirror. To begin with, you need to choose slow music in order to carefully work out all the details, and only then put compositions with a faster pace.

We dance the wedding waltz

The dance of the young has long become traditional at wedding celebrations. It looks very touching, beautiful and solemn at the same time. It is very pleasant later, when watching the video footage of the wedding, to remember dear, precious minutes and experience the same joy again. However, to know how to dance a wedding waltz, you need to prepare for this event in advance. A couple of lessons will not be enough, because the wedding takes a lot of strength, both mental and physical, young people can get worried and forget all the figures. In addition, this dance is also a pair dance, in which partners are responsible for each other and for the final result.

As wedding waltz any type can perform: Viennese, waltz-Boston, and waltz-tango. The choice depends on the preferences of the young and the pace of learning. In any case, the waltz will greatly decorate this unforgettable and important day.


It is good that, despite the abundance of various modern dance, those species that have already existed for a long time are not forgotten. They are remembered, loved and willingly danced. The waltz is included in the mandatory program at many festivals and competitions of various levels, decorates any evening and pleases the hearts of people.

How to dance the waltz?

Dancing. What better way to reflect your personality and express yourself? We often see people dancing. Many of them do it well. If you see that a person moves beautifully and harmoniously, it means that he owns the dance technique. Today, we will just touch on this very moment. We will figure out how to dance the waltz correctly, how to learn it.

How to dance the waltz - rules and movements

Enough difficult task- talk about how to dance the waltz, but the video on the page will help a lot. Waltz is a dance that a couple dances. We have a partner and a partner. It so happened that the partner controls the movements of the partner. However, the partner also needs to know what to do. Let's look at how we stand as a couple.

How to stand and hold hands

Partners must touch bodies. Namely, their centers. The tightest contact is in the abdomen. Get as close to each other as possible. The partner should stand with a slight offset. If you mentally divide the partner's body into halves, into the right and the left, then the partner should be on the right side of the partner. The knees are slightly bent, but not much. Now let's talk a little about our hands to learn how to waltz. Right hand partner supports the partner's left shoulder blade. The partner puts his hand on the shoulder blade and supports the partner's back. You do not need to pull the partner's body towards you, as this is wrong. It is enough just to keep your hand in good shape and give freedom to the partner's movements. Ideally, the partner's left hand forms a single line with the shoulder. That is, the arm must be raised to such an extent that it is at shoulder level. Naturally, the arm is bent at the elbow. Left hand partner does not lay all the weight on the partner's hand. It is not right. The partner leads the partner, but does not wear it. The partner must hold the hand with her muscles. The hand is held by the middle of the partner's shoulder. Above the elbow, but below the shoulder. No need to cling to a partner, you just need to keep your hand in good shape.

Now let's talk about other hands. The partner holds his left hand also at shoulder level. Thus, we will get a very beautiful and stretched position in a pair. The left hand is bent at the elbow and holds the partner's hand. The partner is holding the partner's hand. Her arm also forms a single line with her shoulder. As a result, we get a closed system, which should be sufficiently rigid, but not clamped. This is the top. Now consider what you need to do with your feet.

How to move in a waltz

In any dance, count and rhythm are important. This will also allow you to dance the waltz well. The waltz should be counted three beats per measure. That is, "one-two-three", "one-two-three". In what follows, we will use this principle. Let's try to dance a movement called "small square". This is the partner's party. On the count of times, take a step forward with your right foot. For two, put your left foot on your right foot and rise on your toes (do not unbend your knees to the end, as you can fall). The movement of the second leg to the first and the rise to the toes occurs simultaneously. On the count of three, go down to the starting level. Two legs together. This is the first part of the movement. Further. For the count of times, take a step with your left foot exactly to the side. To the left, of course. On the count of two, pull up the other leg and rise on your toes. All of this is slick. And on the count of three, go down. Legs together. The third part. Take a step back with your left foot counting times. On the count of two, bring your right leg up and up on your toes. Do it smoothly. Drop down for a count of three. Legs together. And the last part of the movement. Take a step straight to the side with your right foot counting times. Pull up your left leg and rise up on your toes. Do it smoothly. Get down to the original level. Legs together.

The part of the partner exactly repeats the part of the partner. The only difference is that the partner starts moving back with her left foot. That is, she begins to dance a small square from the third part of the movement. All recommendations for implementation are also suitable for a partner. This will allow you to learn how to waltz.

Try dancing it first separately and then together.

There are many styles of dance. And each of them is charming in its own way. But ballroom dancing is especially striking in its grace. But to master them, you need to seriously work hard.
And if it is not necessary for everyone to be able to dance samba or rumba, then it is advisable to study the waltz. Neither school evenings (especially graduation) nor serious parties can do without it.

At the ballroom dance school, they will show you how to dance the waltz, the scheme of which is not so complicated. It's all about the right ability to put your foot in a twist, hear the music and smoothly move three-quarters under it.
The waltz scheme itself includes turns and a track. If you master the right turn, then coping with the track is a couple of trifles. But you should not learn to dance the waltz immediately in tandem with a partner - start with solo movements.

Waltz, steps scheme:

It is not for nothing that movements in a waltz are called a scheme. There is a line of dance that the dancers must adhere to. A full turn goes on two cycles. The first measure (one, two, three) the dancer begins by moving his right foot along the line, turning his back to this line by the beginning of the second measure.
During the second part of the turn, the waltzer returns to his original position, facing the line of dance, thus completing a full 180-degree turn.

Having carefully studied the scheme of the movement of the right turn in a solo performance, you can risk doing the same with a partner. In this case, the girl should face the line of dance, and the guy - with his back. For the partner, the movement starts from the first half of the turn, for the partner - from the second. And here the main thing for beginners is not to get confused in their actions.
But when the right turn is fully mastered, you can begin to study the left turn. The scheme here is the same, only the movements occur in a mirror image.

Waltz dance, learn:

As for the above-mentioned track, it's just a way to move from one section dance hall in another (do not waltz all the time in one place). The partners also move that account “one, two, three” in small steps, slightly rising on tiptoe. And then they waltz again, performing turns.

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