Courses of the author's doll. Doll making courses

Do you consider yourself a creative person, an adherent of beauty and art, and want to learn a profession that will fully suit you, bring joy to the people around you? A profession that will allow you to realize yourself in creativity. Then I recommend that you visit doll making courses.

Agree that making dolls is a very exciting activity, you can be convinced of this from the first lessons on the courses. In the process of learning, you will learn about what types of plastic are, learn about the properties of a particular type, master the intricacies of working with each of them. Once you've gotten a little familiar with plastic processing technology, you'll be looking forward to showing off your first creation to family and friends. puppet art.


10980 rub

29910 rub

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Agree that making dolls is a very exciting activity, you can be convinced of this from the first lessons on the courses. In the process of learning, you will learn about what types of plastic are, learn about the properties of a particular type, master the intricacies of working with each of them. Once you've gotten a little familiar with plastic processing technology, you'll be looking forward to showing off your first piece of doll art to family and friends.

Making dolls is a very complex process, fraught with many secrets, which you will learn about as part of the course. First, you will learn how to create blanks for the head of a future doll, make the correct markup. This is necessary so that the future doll looks as realistic as possible, has the correct facial features. In the process, you will create not just dolls, but almost living creatures that can express emotions that have a piece of your soul. This is precisely the secret of a true master of puppetry. That is, the doll should not be just a piece of plastic, vaguely resembling a person, it is a unique work endowed with its own features.

The training in the courses gives a very importance all kinds of little things, such as eyes, nose, ears, other small elements. And this is not surprising, because it is precisely such little things that give the finished image a perfect look. appearance. The author's doll school provides you with all the necessary information that will be useful to create just such elements.

So, the head of the future doll is created. Now you can start making the body. The body must be in proportion to the head, only in this case the doll will be symmetrical and realistic. Teachers of the school of the author's doll will teach you how to create the frame of the doll's body, correctly calculate its dimensions. The doll is ready. However, in order to give it a finished look, clothes are needed. You can also learn the basics of creating a doll wardrobe in our courses.

Department of Design at the Institute Additional Education invites you to doll making courses. Do you think that the acquired knowledge and skills can be useful only to those who cannot imagine life without needlework and create gifts for loved ones with their own hands? In fact, making dolls today is not just a hobby. You can make good money doing what you love. Author's works are valued much higher than spineless and personalityless dolls from the store. That is why training will pay off quickly!

Doll sewing courses at our department are different:

An opportunity for the manifestation of all your talents - creating each doll, you will put a piece of yourself into it, you can easily make it characteristic (sweet and gentle or strict and restrained);
. using author's methods - special training programs take into account different level students and allow you to make classes interesting for everyone;
. constant support of experienced professionals - each teacher is not just a theorist, but a practitioner who himself is engaged in the creation of amazing masterpieces endowed with the features of a living person; professionals will share with you the secrets and subtleties, help make all processes simpler and more fun;
. comfortable atmosphere - all classes are held in small groups, which allows you to freely ask the teacher any questions, actively communicate and share experiences.

Our doll sewing courses will help you understand special art, unique, unique results of which you can be proud of. Now you will not have a question: what to give to loved ones? After graduation, you will not face the problem of lack of funds. Realized dolls will always bring a good income.

Doll sewing courses introduce you to general terms, will help to study the features of image formation, detailing. You will get all the skills to create skeletons, torso, legs and arms, face. You will be able to sequentially collect the doll and even sew clothes for her.

  • types of dolls;
  • familiarity with the types of plastics and the technology of working with them;
  • familiarity with auxiliary tools and technology for working with them;
  • preliminary work with sculptural clay.

Getting started, the image of the future doll:

  • foil head blank;
  • head shaping, marking;
  • nose plastic;
  • lip plastic.
  • cheekbone plastic;
  • eye plastic;
  • image formation;
  • facial expressions (laughter, crying)

Continuation of work on the plasticity of the head:

  • modeling technique open mouth;
  • teeth, tongue;
  • plastic of the auricles;
  • neck shaping, head tilt.

Hand plastic work:

  • frame preparation;
  • molding workpiece;
  • plasticity of hands;
  • the formation of a conceived gesture.

Work on plastic legs:

  • frame preparation;
  • molding workpiece;
  • plastic toes;
  • plastic legs in a shoe.


  • markup;
  • lecture "Methods of sticking hair";
  • practical lesson;
  • hair shaping.

Types of frames for dolls:

  • familiarity with different types of frameworks;
  • calculation of the size of the frame relative to the head;
  • production of wire frames;
  • body shaping (chest, buttocks).

Assembling the naked doll:

  • preparation of blanks for connection with a soft body;
  • connection and fastening;
  • formation of a pose and removal of patterns for clothes;
  • lecture: "How to sew for dolls, a selection of materials for sewing."

Clothes for dolls:

  • Practical lesson.

Dolls are not only an indispensable attribute of little girls' games, but also a collectible item for quite adult "uncles and aunts", if we are talking about such an object as an author's doll. It can take the form of typical children's dolls, animals and birds. The process of making a doll is quite painstaking, it requires a lot of time from the creator. However, your labors will not go to waste, because decent job has a decent price. Wealthy collectors are willing to pay large sums money for such a hand made craft.

The most responsible in this matter is the search for a distribution channel for their products. To do this, you need to advertise on the Internet or the local press, advertise yourself through word of mouth. However, not only those who want to make money on this business come to our courses for making an author's doll. Initially, people are attracted by a keen interest and sincere love for creating dolls with their own hands. Students of courses do not even think about the fact that in this way you can earn good money. They just look for an outlet for their creative energy and try themselves in this business, and only then, through a combination of circumstances, the dolls are noticed by others and the business begins to gain momentum.

Making an author's doll requires perseverance, desire, as well as experienced teachers who will tell you about all the intricacies of the process of creating an author's doll. Unique program, developed by our teachers, covers the whole range of topics that you need to know for self-manufacturing handmade dolls. We are always glad to any of your questions. Teachers will be happy to answer your question and shed light on any unclear situations.

Training in making an author's doll is carried out in well-equipped classrooms. Each workplace has everything you need to successfully comprehend new knowledge: from teaching aids to decorative elements to decorate the doll. You can sign up for classes by phone or during a personal visit to the UC office. We are always glad to see you.

Time and schedule of classes for the course of the author's doll:

  • Types of dolls.
  • Basic materials and tools for work. Types of plastic.
  • Auxiliary materials.
  • Sculptural plasticine in the manufacture of dolls.

Beginning of work. We create an image of a doll.

  • Making a head model from foil.
  • Markup of this model.
  • Sculpting of the nose, lips.

Continued detail.

  • Formation of cheekbones and eyes.
  • Giving integrity to the image.
  • Facial expressions that show emotions (laughter, tears, surprise).

Final touches on the doll's head. Facial expression.

  • Modeling the open mouth, teeth and tongue of the doll.
  • Modeling of the neck and auricle.
  • Head position and tilt.

Doll hands.

  • Creation of a frame-base for hands.
  • Hand preparation.
  • Sculpting hands, creating the necessary gestures.

Doll legs.

  • Leg frame assembly.
  • Formation of leg blanks.
  • Sculpting the legs in different shoes, as well as the foot and toes.

Making an author's doll

Characteristics of puppet design training:

The world of creativity is the most interesting of the worlds, giving the artist the opportunity to express himself in the created work. The doll has a special role in creativity. The likeness of a person in a toy, when individually made, it also expresses the soul of its creator. AT modern society the doll has acquired a new meaning: dolls are collected, dressed up in exquisite clothes according to the style of expensive shop windows, transformed into famous politicians and showmen, sell at auctions.

Making dolls is becoming a fashionable activity and profitable business for craftsmen who create handmade toys

Making dolls is becoming a trendy and profitable business for craftsmen who create handmade toys. Many people dream of learning how to create copyrighted works. The organizers of doll-making courses at our school of author's dolls offer to make this dream come true.

The program of classes will be of interest to those who love art, needlework, have artistic abilities and just want to learn how to create masterpieces of puppet art with their own hands. Teachers will give students a tour of the types of dolls and the materials underlying the technology of their manufacture, they will teach how to use different kinds plastics and auxiliary tools. From the basics of working with sculptural clay will begin entertaining journey to the skill of making dolls. Master teachers will teach you how to choose and prepare a frame, sculpt a blank, make markings on the blank and form details, creating the image of a future doll. Students of the author's doll courses will have to comprehend the art of doll plasticity in the formation of facial features, facial expressions, the figure of a doll, learn how to properly fasten hair and create a hairstyle, connect and fix doll parts, and also learn the secrets of creating doll outfits. The training program is built on exciting practical exercises, during which author's models of dolls gradually appear in the hands of listeners.

Graduates are awarded a certificate of mastering the craft of making author's dolls and are given the opportunity to continue improving the acquired skills in design, theater workshops, by organizing individual employment in the manufacture of souvenirs. In addition, each of the course participants acquires a hobby for the soul: the ability to create unique author's works that can become original gifts handmade, as well as decorations for exhibitions, design projects.

Duration of doll making courses:

48 academic hours (3.5 weeks)
Classroom study: 40 academic hours
Independent study: 8 academic hours

Class schedule for doll making lessons:

Classes are held 3 times a week for 4 academic hours.

Puppet Design Course Hours:

Morning groups: from 9-00 to 12-00;
Day groups: from 12-00 to 15-00 and from 15-00 to 18-00;
Evening groups: from 18-30 to 21-30;
Weekend groups: from 10-00 to 13-00.

The nearest group of courses of the author's doll:

morning group:17.11.2017
day group:16.11.2017
evening group:22.11.2017
weekend group:18.11.2017

Location of classes:

Mayakovskaya metro station, Park Kultury metro station, Oktyabrskaya metro station, Lubyanka metro station, Novoslobodskaya metro station, Chekhovskaya metro station...
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