How to wash a pillow: ways and options. How to wash feather pillows in the washing machine?


Good dreams come to those who sleep in a soft and comfortable bed. Beautiful and fresh-smelling bed linen gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

Some housewives believe that changing sheets and pillowcases is enough to ensure a clean and pleasant environment. appearance. But duvets and pillows also absorb odors and dirt, so they need to be laundered from time to time.

Choose the right way to clean your pillows and give them a new life.

Pillows do not get dirty too quickly because they are protected from the outside by pillowcases. But over time, dust and sweat penetrate deep into and gradually pollute the pillowcase, and after it the internal filling. The fabric of the bedclothes becomes stale, acquires a yellowish tint. Unsympathetic spots appear on it. The pillow stops springing, becomes flat, and the filler rolls in lumps.

Pillows should be washed at home 2-3 times a year. People who are allergic to dust mites are advised to do this even more often, every couple of months, especially if they use feather bedding.

Processing such things is a troublesome business, this process at home can take a lot of time. If this does not suit you, or you are afraid of spoiling the product due to inexperience, you can take it to dry cleaning.

Almost all types of pillows are suitable for dry cleaning, you just need to specify the type of filler when placing an order. Dry chemical treatment using modern technologies, helps to clean any textile from dust and dirt. Feather or synthetic fibers become light, airy and safe to use.


The rules for washing pillows depend on what kind of filler they contain. You can find out if you open the seam a little and look inside.

If the sewn-on label is preserved, it indicates detailed information on the composition of the filler.

The following main groups can be distinguished:

  • feather;
  • synthetic;
  • with organic filler;
  • orthopedic.

Natural fluff is a high-quality and popular filler. These pillows keep you cool in summer and warm in winter. The feathers are softly springy and easily return to their shape, air is kept between them, and the pillow “breathes”. On the other hand, downy products become denser over time, they no longer properly support the head. They absorb moisture, and therefore require daily drying. The cost of a quality down-feather mixture is quite high.

Now feathers are increasingly being replaced by synthetics. Artificial materials have many useful properties, they:

  • easy to care for;
  • cheap;
  • hypoallergenic.

Thin white fibers do not absorb odors, store heat well.

But sintepon pillows relatively quickly lose their elasticity. To eliminate this drawback, polyester fibers are twisted into balls and treated with silicone. The material consisting of such balls is called holofiber. It holds its shape better, which can be easily restored by shaking the pillow well.

Pillows with natural fillers and orthopedic pillows have a healing effect during sleep. The variety of materials for them is very large, both in terms of their effect on the body, and in terms of type and quality. Most of them cannot be washed. But if you are still willing to take a chance, carefully study the composition and properties of the materials. If possible, limit yourself to surface cleaning.

How to wash?

Most pillows can withstand processing in washing machine. But to keep their shape, washing by hand is preferable. The choice of mode, detergent and drying method has great importance to achieve the desired result.

Preparation rules

It is not always possible to simply load the drum of the machine and press the start button. The main thing is to determine the type of filler and check the information on the washing conditions on the label. Synthetic pillows wash without removing the cover, which does not require special preparation.

Products with natural filling, for which water is contraindicated, it is better to immediately replace them with new ones.

Down pillows require serious preliminary work. Down and feather are removed and washed separately.

For machine washing, you will need fabric bags where the filler is placed. You can sew them or take old pillowcases. Gauze can not be taken, through it the feathers will penetrate into the washing machine and clog it.

For hand washing, you will need a large basin with soapy water and a sieve for washing.

The seams are opened indoors, otherwise, from any breath of air, the fluffs will scatter throughout the district. The feather is laid out in bags, and they are tightly sewn up. The looser the down lies in the cover, the better it will wash and dry faster. The old pillowcase can be cleaned separately, but it is better to prepare a new one. To prevent the sharp tips of the feathers from coming out, a dense fabric is used, most often it is teak.

What detergents can be used?

Detergents for pillows are suitable for almost any:

  • powders;
  • gels;
  • soap;
  • shampoos.

Soap for children or laundry is rubbed on a grater for quick dissolution in water. The powder is not very suitable, it contains large particles that dissolve slowly and are poorly washed out of the fibers.

For washing materials of animal origin - feathers, down and wool - it is recommended to use special gels.

An all-purpose powder containing enzymes and whitening agents that breaks down the natural structure of these fibers. Delicate washing is carried out using a liquid detergent or shampoo, if there is no gel for wool.

How to wash a synthetic winterizer, holofiber and bamboo at home in an automatic machine?

Machine washable for different pillows. Having a washing machine will save you time and effort.


Several covers with fluff are placed in the washing drum at once. So the load is distributed evenly, and the machine will vibrate less during the spin cycle.

  • If the machine has a special mode for down products, you need to select it.
  • Otherwise, select the program for hand or delicate washing.
  • Feather requires a low water temperature of 30-40°C.
  • The extra rinse function will help to completely remove the detergent.

It is better to wring out the down filler at low speeds, from 400 to 600. To speed up the drying of the down, a double spin is programmed.


The product filled with bamboo fibers can be washed in its entirety. Check that the seams of the cover are intact so that individual fibers do not fall into the water. We select the parameters for gentle processing:

  • delicate mode;
  • temperature 30°C;
  • spin speed 400-500 rpm.

Rinsing should be plentiful and repeated. The detergent remaining inside sticks the fibers together. Program the double rinse function.


These pillows are filled inside with small balls of polystyrene. This material is strong enough and not hygroscopic. It can be washed in the machine without any problems. Recommendations:

  • minimum temperature;
  • careful mode;
  • without pressing.

You can open the seam and wash the pillowcase and balls separately. Be careful, plastic balls instantly fly around and stick to everything.

If you want to wash the entire product, place it in an additional cover. This eliminates the possibility that the balls will jump out through unnoticed holes.


To determine if the pillow has lost its properties, its center is slightly pressed down. If the original shape is easily restored, the product can be washed and reused. The remaining crumpled middle says that it is time to replace it.

Pillows made of synthetic winterizer and polyester fibers tolerate machine washing well.

There is no need to remove the filler from the case. Regular requirements:

  • gentle mode up to 40°С;
  • liquid detergent;
  • extra rinse.

Hand wash down, latex and synthetic pillows


To hand wash feather pillow, it is worth stocking up on diligence and time.

  1. The feather, taken out of the ripped apron, is laid out directly in a soapy solution of 40-50 ° C. It is important that the fluff floats freely in the basin or bath. It is left to soak for 2 hours.
  2. Dirty water is drained, and the pen is washed under running water. It is convenient to do this in a colander, and spread the wet mass on a wire rack.
  3. Prepare a clean soapy solution and again thoroughly wash the pen with your hands.
  4. The clean fluff is finally rinsed and wrung out by hand.


For hand washing, bamboo fibers are poured into the basin lightly warm water(about 30°C) and add detergent. In this solution, the thing is soaked for 1-2 hours, then washed.

Stains on the cover can be cleaned with a brush.

Rinse the bamboo pillow many times until the water runs clear. You don’t need to wring it out, you can just put it on the grate so that the water is glass.

With buckwheat husk

For pillows with buckwheat husks, washing is strictly not allowed. At most, they can be cleaned from the outside with a brush. But buckwheat husk does not need to be washed, since it practically does not get dirty. You can wash the cover, after pouring the contents out of it.

This does not mean that such pillows do not require care at all. They are advised to dry and air regularly. Solid particles inside rub against each other, and to remove the resulting dust, once a year the husk is sieved through a sieve.


You can wash the anti-stress pillow with your hands without any problems, most often it is filled with polystyrene balls. If the balls are clean, wash only the pillowcase.

If the dirt has penetrated inside, they can be poured into a basin with soapy water and washed by hand. Please note that the balls are easily electrified, scatter around and cling to everything.

A small pillow can be washed without opening. To do this, it is soaked in a detergent solution, lightly squeezed and rubbed with your hands, and then rinsed well. To allow excess water to drain, the product is laid out on a wire rack.


Pillows with holofiber are best processed by hand so that the filler inside does not lose its shape. They are briefly soaked in warm water with detergent, then washed gently. Rinse until the water runs clear. It is not recommended to squeeze and twist strongly.

If the pillowcase is heavily soiled, it can be washed separately.

Synthetic filling is easy to remove, it will not scatter like fluff. In this regard, these pillows are much easier to handle than feather pillows.


Orthopedic pillows are designed to properly support the head and neck during sleep, so keeping their shape is especially important for them. Products made of polyurethane foam are not recommended to be washed even by hand. At most, they are rinsed with water, always cool, and wiped with a sponge with detergent. Memory foam pillows are not washable. The fragile foam bubbles are destroyed by this treatment.


For natural wool, manual processing is preferred. It is better to take a liquid gel specially designed for woolen products. It must be diluted in water at a temperature of 30 ° C. From too hot water wool shrinks, and the product loses its shape. The pillow is soaked for 10-15 minutes, and then gently washed, without much twisting. It is important to rinse it well so that no detergent remains on the fibers.


Hard and resilient horsehair pillows are relatively easy to care for. Horsehair does not absorb moisture and unpleasant odors. There are many air voids between the fibers, so that dampness does not form inside, microorganisms do not start. Like woolen products, these pillows are washed in non-hot water with wool gel.

If necessary, you can also use a washing machine with a mode for wool without spinning.

latex pillows

Latex pillows are made from natural or synthetic latex. Natural latex is not recommended to be washed, it cannot even be wetted with water. Such a pillow can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth, and then blotted with excess moisture and dried well.

Products made of artificial and mixed latex are said to withstand even machine washing.

So, if you want to use your pillow for a long time, it is better to limit yourself to rubbing or a quick rinse in warm water.

How to dry different types of pillows

After washing, it is necessary to dry the pillow very well, otherwise the filler sticks together into lumps and acquires a musty smell. Products that have been processed as a whole are laid out in a ventilated place on a grate or floor dryer. From time to time they are turned over, beaten and shaken to evenly dry the internal contents.

Feather pillows can be hung on a clothesline. In hot weather, in the breeze, the fluff dries quickly enough. Synthetic pillows also dry on weight in a short time. The filler in them may shift slightly, but this can be easily corrected by shaking. In extreme cases, it is taken out and fluffed with hands and a comb with rare teeth.

If the fluff and feathers were washed separately, then the covers are first rolled up in old sheets and towels to remove excess moisture, and then laid out in a sunny, air-blown place. Covers are regularly stirred and turned over, and the resulting clumps of fluff are kneaded with hands.

Fluff tolerates machine drying well, but this process must be controlled and wet lumps should be manually sorted out periodically. At the end, the pillow is fluffed up to fluff the dried feathers.

Pillows with natural fillings, such as wool or bamboo, are dried in a horizontal position, while avoiding direct sunlight and high heat.

Secrets of successful washing

Some little things make washing easier and more efficient. For example:

  • Down products are best washed in the summer. They will dry much faster in the sun and acquire a pleasant fresh smell.
  • When washing down in the bathroom, close the water drain hole with a protective grille. Otherwise, fluff that slips into the pipe will clog the sewer.
  • For automatic drying or washing, place 2-3 balls in the drum to tennis. They enhance the effect of washing and break up clods of fluff.
  • You can add a few drops of lavender oil, orange oil, etc. to the rinse water. Natural aromas not only soothe and create a pleasant atmosphere, but also repel ticks.

Washing a pillow at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Among the variety of ways, there will surely be one that you can implement on your own.

After washing, it is nice to put on a new pillowcase or an elegant pillowcase. Choose the fabric according to your mood or in accordance with the interior. The result will be a sound healthy sleep on a comfortable and beautiful pillow.

The video tells how professionals clean pillows.

Feather pillows are loved for their durability and softness. They, unlike artificial ones, do not bunch up, but serve as an excellent haven for dust mites. And if our great-grandmothers knew only one way to clean the pillow - freezing (or drying in the sun) of its contents, then modern housewives can resort to the help of technology. How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine and is it worth it?

Large pillows (their size exceeds 60-65 cm) are washed by gutting and dividing the pen into 4 groups. The mini pillows are machine washable.

  • Feather filler for washing is placed in a self-sewn bag, and sewn tightly (the knot may untie). The best materials for him - chintz, thick gauze, Chinese factory teak. A good old pillowcase will do.

Our advice: so that the down and feather do not scatter around the apartment during the shifting, periodically moisten your hands with water.

  • If the washing machine has a washing mode for downy products, then great. If not, set the temperature to 30 degrees, extra rinse and maximum spin. To evenly distribute things, put a couple of towels or a few tennis balls. Detergent must be liquid: you can use a special one, although both dissolved laundry soap and a detergent for delicate washing are suitable. For rinsing, you can add fragrance or natural essential oils(cypress, lavender, etc.).
  • There are several ways to dry: in direct sunlight (the pillow is hung around a corner and its contents are whipped every 2-3 hours), on a central heating radiator, in a dryer at 30 ° C, on a flat surface near a heat source, and even in an oven at 80- 90°C. Perfect option- on the balcony under the rays bright sun(ultraviolet will disinfect the pen).

A clean feather is transferred to a new breastplate, it is sewn up. Once the feather is evenly distributed, the pillow is ready for use.

Option two: the machine only squeezes

  • The dirty feather is taken out of the pillowcase, divided into parts, after which each is transferred to a container and soaked in a solution washing powder- for 60-80 minutes.
  • Dirty water is drained, the feather is transferred to a colander, washed thoroughly, and wrung out.
  • A clean feather is laid out on chintz pillowcases, sewn up and transferred to a wringing machine.
  • Drying (see option one).

Option three: hand washing (the most troublesome)

There is an opinion that feathers stuck together in a dense lump cannot be washed off (this is exactly what happens in a washing machine). Its adherents wash the pen by hand, without spinning in a centrifuge.

  • The pen is placed in a bag, he - in a spacious basin. The filler is sprinkled with wool powder or finely grated laundry soap, after which the bag is filled with water and the pen is soaked for about an hour. The feather is then stirred by hand or with a slotted spoon until the water is dirty. After changing the water, washing is repeated again in soapy water. Without detergents, the pen is washed 4-6 times.

The bag is sewn up and hung over the tub. When the water stops dripping, the feather is evenly distributed (without ripping) and dried for several days according to the previously given recommendations. It remains only to connect the feather from all the bags in a new pillowcase.

Periodic cleaning is required for all sleep accessories, including pillows. They accumulate dust, particles of the epidermis, sweat and other contaminants. This leads to a loss of aesthetic appearance, deformation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The filler of some pillows can be a breeding ground for germs and mites. In addition, pollution can cause respiratory or contact allergies, especially in young children. We will figure out whether it is possible to wash the pillow in the washing machine and how to wash it correctly.

The answer to the question of whether the pillows are washed in a washing machine depends on what kind of filler is inside the cover. Their main types are:

  • down and feather;
  • synthetic;
  • organic.

Down and feather pillows are made from raw materials obtained from waterfowl- ducks, geese, less often - swans and eiders. The more down component the pillow contains, the softer it is and the better it keeps its shape. Such bedding is resilient, elastic, they pass air well and absorb moisture. With proper care, they can last a long time. Disadvantages - difficult cleaning and high allergenicity.

Synthetic products are made from various materials. The most popular are synthetic winterizer and holofiber. Polyester, fiberlon, interlining, comforter, foam polystyrene balls (anti-stress pillow) and other fillers are also used. Synthetic pillows hold their shape, do not cause allergies, do not absorb odors, and are easy to wash. But they are worse than natural ones, they let air through and absorb liquid, and they can also become electrified.

As organic fillers are used:

  • buckwheat husk - is highly durable, adapts to the shape of the head, does not lead to sweating;
  • bamboo - characterized by high hygroscopicity, hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties;
  • sheep wool - saves heat, allows air to pass through, has a healing effect on muscles and joints;
  • horse hair - supports the head and retains elasticity for a long time.

The last two materials are usually combined.

Important: Do not clean pillows with buckwheat husks and chicken feathers in the washing machine. The only way processing of these fillers - drying us in the sun or in special chambers. Also, do not wash your own memory foam pillows.

Caring for feather pillows


How to wash feather pillows in the washing machine? It is not advisable to send them completely to the drum, otherwise the filler may clump, and it will be more difficult to dry it. It is recommended to wash down and feather in parts.

Several fabric covers (bags) should be prepared - 4-5 for a pillow medium size. They can be made from cotton fabric or use old pillowcases. It is important that the material does not have holes. It is undesirable to take gauze - feathers can crawl out through the holes and contaminate the filter of the machine.

Then you need to open the pillowcase from one end and carefully fill the covers by ½ (you can’t stuff them tightly). No need to make sudden movements or pour out all the filler at the same time. This can cause fluff to fly around the house. open end the filled cover should be sewn up.

How to wash pillows in a washing machine? Stages:

  • Load no more than 2-3 covers with fluff into the drum. If you put more, the washing quality will deteriorate.
  • Pour a liquid preparation into the detergent compartment - gel for baby clothes or a special composition for fluff. They are better rinsed out of fibers compared to powders. If a dry detergent is used, it should be poured 2 times less than is customary for such a volume of washing.
  • Select the "Delicate wash", "Hand wash" or "Duvet" mode. It is important that the temperature does not exceed 30 ºС, and the number of revolutions during spinning is 400. It is advisable to set an additional or intensive rinse. Start washing.

How to wash pillows in a washing machine with balls? It is necessary to act according to the described scheme, but while loading the drum, put 2 special PVC balls or tennis balls into it. They will constantly whip the fluff, preventing it from clumping.

Note: If the filler is heavily soiled, it is recommended to soak the bags with it for 2 hours in a special solution before washing in the machine. To prepare it, dilute 4 teaspoons of ammonia (3%) and a few milliliters (cap) of washing gel in 5 liters of water.


Can a feather pillow be washed in a washing machine? As it turned out, this is quite real. But after cleaning, dry the filler very carefully. Washing is best done in the summer heat. In wet fluff, the process of decay can begin, and mold can form.

When the wash of down and feather covers is over, they should be laid out on a terry towel and rolled up to squeeze out excess moisture. Further drying should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, on a balcony or outside in direct sunlight. In the latter case, the filler is additionally disinfected due to ultraviolet radiation.

Drying can be done in several ways:

  • hang the bags on a clothesline;
  • pour all the filler onto a horizontal surface in a thin layer, laying a hygroscopic fabric (care should be taken that the fluff is not blown away by the wind);
  • use the drying option washing machine(no more than 30 ºС).

In any case, you need to periodically shake the feathers and disassemble the resulting lumps with your hands. Absolutely dry filler should be poured into a clean pillowcase (washed and ironed or new) and sewn up. It is advisable to carry out such cleaning at least once a year.

Washing pillows with synthetic fillings

How to wash pillows in the washing machine if they are filled with synthetic material? They are much easier to clean than down products. In most cases, they are not deformed in the machine. The exception is old (more than 4-5 years old) or low-quality pillows.

Before washing, it is advisable to carry out the following test. Lay the product on a flat surface and place a heavy object in its middle for 30 minutes. If, after its removal, the dent is quickly leveled, synthetic fibers have a sufficient degree of elasticity, they will restore their shape after cleaning. Otherwise, the pillow cannot be “reanimated”, it is better to replace it immediately.

How to wash padding pillows in a washing machine, as well as products with other non-natural fillers? Cleaning steps:

  • Remove the pillow from the pillowcase and put it in the drum. It is better to place a product with small synthetic balls (“anti-stress”) in an old pillowcase so that if the pillowcase is accidentally torn, they do not get into the machine.
  • Pour liquid detergent into a special compartment.
  • Select the "Delicate wash" or "Hand wash" mode. The water temperature should not exceed 40 ºС. Spin can be maximum - up to 1000 revolutions to remove maximum moisture. The exception is anti-stress pillows, the upper limit for them is 400 revolutions, but it is better to do without spinning at all.
  • Set to double or intensive rinse. Start washing.

As with cleaning down, you can put balls in the drum. Dry the product in the sun or in a room that is well ventilated. It is better to place it on a horizontal surface.

How to wash holofiber pillows in a washing machine? Their cleaning is carried out in the same way. Then the filler should be leveled by hand. Hollofiber of poor quality after machine washing may turn into lumps.

Washing bamboo, wool and horsehair pillows

How to wash bamboo pillows in the washing machine? The product can be placed in the drum without additional covers. It is important to make sure that there are no holes in the pillowcase through which the filler can crawl out.

The optimum water temperature is 30-40 ºС, spinning - up to 400 revolutions, rinsing - double. It is advisable to use a gel-like detergent in a small amount. Do not use bleach or aggressive cleaners, otherwise the fibers will lose their properties.

You can dry a bamboo pillow only on a horizontal surface under the sun or in a ventilated area. It should be shaken periodically. If you hang the pillow vertically, fixing it with clothespins, the filler is deformed.

Floor drying a good place for drying pillows filled with bamboo fiber

Wool and horsehair items are cleaned using liquid cashmere or wool cleaners. Speaking about whether it is possible to wash pillows in an automatic machine of this type, it is important to note that the optimal washing modes are “Wool” and “Hand” at a temperature not exceeding 30 ºС without spinning. Drying is recommended in an automatic dryer or outdoors in the sun in a horizontal position.

Regular cleaning of pillows is the key to good rest and prevention of respiratory allergies. Most fillings are machine washable. At the same time, it is important to choose the right mode of operation and a high-quality detergent, preferably a gel-like one. In case of severe pollution, it is better to entrust the pillow to professionals. In dry cleaning, it will not only be washed the most in a safe way, but also irradiated with ultraviolet light to destroy pathogenic flora.



Despite the popularity of synthetic materials, down filler for pillows has been and remains one of the most popular. Such products are distinguished by lightness, softness, elasticity, breathability and hygroscopicity. The disadvantage of down pillows is the possibility of reproduction of ticks in them. To avoid this, you should clean the product periodically: at least once a year. Let's figure out how to wash a down pillow at home.

Can down pillows be washed at all? Wet cleaning of products is allowed, but this process is laborious. You should prepare for it.

If hand washing is planned, the filler must be removed from the pillow. It is required to open the breastplate (one seam at a time) and carefully transfer the fluff into a dry plastic basin. It is important not to make jerks so that it does not shatter.

Work must be carried out in a closed room so that the draft does not scatter the down filler throughout the house. There should be no children and animals nearby, as well as household appliances, which can clog fluff.

When using a washing machine, you need to sew an additional pillowcase (pouch) in which the pillow will be wrapped before being sent to the drum. A pouch is required to protect the drum from lint if the main padding is damaged. It should be made of thin but strong cotton fabric without holes. You can also use a special bag for washing things in a typewriter.

In addition, for machine washable pillows, you should purchase special PVC balls with small spikes. They have an additional mechanical effect on the fluff of the pillow during the rotation of the drum, preventing clumping. Instead of balls, you can use tennis balls (2 pieces are enough).

Tip: If the pillow is many years old and has never been washed, it is advisable to take it to a dry cleaner. Old down can completely collapse after getting wet.

Basic washing methods

So, how to wash a down pillow? There are 3 main cleaning methods:

  • handwash;
  • machine;
  • steaming.


Stages of work:

  1. Pour water at a temperature of 40 ºС into a large basin or bath. Dissolve detergent in it. A gel-like laundry detergent, baby shampoo or shavings from baby soap. The amount of the drug depends on the volume of water.
  2. Put down in soapy water. At big size pillows it is better to divide it into several parts. It is important that it floats freely, and does not lie in a layer. Leave the filler in the water for 1.5-2 hours.
  3. Collect some of the fluff with a colander and rinse under running water. Transfer to clean water with detergent. Process the entire filler in this way. Rub it a little with your hands. Again, gradually collect the fluff in a colander and rinse under running water.

Important: When draining water after washing, close the hole in the tub or sink with a mesh so that the fluff does not clog it.

How to wash a down pillow differently? A less time-consuming way to hand wash is to transfer all the fluff to a large pillowcase (as for machine processing), soak it for several hours in soapy water and rub it with your hands. Rinse the pillow filler in parts under running water in a colander. This washing option takes less time, but can lead to fluff sticking together.

Machine wash

How to wash a down pillow in a washing machine? Procedure:

  1. Place the pillow in the prepared pillowcase. Close the free end carefully. Put the product in the drum along with balls or tennis balls.
  2. Pour a small amount of powder (about 50 g) into the detergent drawer. If possible, it is recommended to use liquid or gel-type machine wash products, as they rinse out better. You don't need to add conditioner.
  3. Set the mode "Delicate wash", "Hand wash" or "Duvet". The optimum temperature is 30-40 ºС, spinning - up to 400 revolutions, rinsing - double or intensive.

Note: Washing a down pillow in the washing machine may require ripping out the main pillowcase and placing the down in several small, pre-prepared bags, if the pillow itself is large enough. Also, the division of the down into parts contributes to a better washing of the filler, and therefore it can also be used for small pillows.


How to quickly wash down pillows at home? If you have a steamer, steam cleaner or iron with a vertical steam function, you can treat the product with hot steam.

  1. Hang the pillow with clothespins on a clothesline.
  2. Carefully process it with a steamer on both sides. Repeat all manipulations twice.
  3. Spread the fluff of the pillow with your hands and lay the product on a horizontal surface until completely dry.

Steam treatment of the pillow will not achieve such cleanliness as washing, but it will remove the smell, destroy mites and pathogenic flora, and also refresh the pillowcase and filler. Its advantage is the minimum expenditure of time and effort.


After washing, it is important to dry the down pillow thoroughly. It is better to clean in the summer so that the product can dry in a maximum of 2 days. Otherwise, mold may begin to form, accompanied by an unpleasant odor and the appearance of black dots on the filler or pillowcase.

If the pillow was washed in the machine as a whole (or in small covers), it should be hung on a rope outside in the shade or under the scattered rays of the sun. In addition, a room that is well ventilated is suitable. Every 2-3 hours, the product must be shaken and rotated so that the fluff does not cake. If cleaning was carried out in the cold season, the pillow can be placed near the heater (but not on it) or dried with a hairdryer, but no more than 10-15 minutes at a time.

One way to dry a pillow is to hang it on a clothesline.

After hand washing, the filler should be spread out on a horizontal plane in a thin layer, laying paper or several layers of absorbent cotton fabric. You need to dry the fluff in a room where air circulates freely and penetrates sunlight. It is important to protect it from gusts of wind and drafts. Such manipulations can also be carried out after machine processing, pulling out the filler from a wet pillow.

Drying takes several days. The fluff should be periodically shaken and disassemble the lumps with your hands. After complete drying, it must be put in a clean pillowcase (washed or new) and sewn up. When making a new pillow cover, it is recommended to rub its inner surface with a thin layer of laundry soap so that the down filler does not get dirty so quickly. But this advice is not suitable for people with a tendency to respiratory allergies.

In order for the pillow to serve for a long time, and it was pleasant to rest on it, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Beat the product every morning, carefully transferring it in your hands. Due to this, the filler is saturated with air and retains its elasticity for a long time.
  2. Once every 1-2 months, take the pillow out into the open air so that it is ventilated. You should not place it under the scorching sun, it is better to choose a shady, but well-ventilated place. In winter, the product can be kept in the cold for several hours.
  3. Every time you change bed linen lightly knock out the pillow to get rid of dust. Use a flat plastic clapperboard.
  4. If the pillow is not used long time, it must be dried and placed in a fabric cover. Do not use a plastic bag. The product must "breathe".
  5. In order for the pillowcase to become dirty more slowly, it is worth putting on an additional one made of thin chintz under the main pillowcase.

Washing down-filled pillows is laborious, but necessary work. Wet cleaning once a year allows you to preserve the properties of the product and protects against the development of pathogenic microbes and mites inside it. If it is not possible to do laundry at home, you should use the services of companies involved in cleaning and drying fluff.



Feather pillows have not lost their relevance for many years now - it is comfortable and pleasant to sleep on them. But they require careful care and attention. In this article, we will cover such a topic as washing feather pillows in a washing machine. You are probably wondering: “Can pillows be washed?” Yes, these products are completely washable, you just need to do it right.

Washing pillows at home

In order to properly wash the pillow, you need to adhere to certain rules. And the first thing, taking up such an activity as washing a pillow, find out what type its filler belongs to.

It comes in 3 types:

  • fluff or feather;
  • synthetic (holofifer, synthetic winterizer, etc.);
  • organic - dry herbs, horse hair, buckwheat or other husks.

Important! You can only wash the first 2, while the third is simply replaced at the end of the service life.

Feather pillow

This type of product is very difficult to clean. If the pillow has not been cleaned and washed for a long time, then it is better to take it to a dry cleaner and trust the professionals. There they will do all the necessary procedures, such as:

  • removal of debris, dirt, fragments of feathers, various foreign objects (sometimes even needles that are carelessly left unattended get there);
  • removal of dust mites and other harmful microorganisms will be destroyed by ultraviolet light;
  • washing, drying, replacing the bedclothes or pillowcases.

Important! You will get a clean, disinfected and fresh-smelling pillow. If for some reason you do not want to dry-clean your product, and do not know whether feather pillows can be washed, we will answer you - you can and should do it. You can wash the feather pillow either by hand or in the washing machine.

Washing pillows in the washing machine

To wash the product in the washing machine, you will need covers for washing down and feathers. If these are not at your disposal, you can sew them yourself.

  1. The cover should be as wide as a regular pillowcase and 2 times longer than it.
  2. For sewing, you can use a regular non-dense fabric. You can’t use gauze for these purposes - down and feathers can get out of such a cover and clog your car.

To wash the pillow without incident, follow the rules below.

  1. Spread the pillowcase and carefully pour the contents of the pillow into the laundry cover prepared in advance. This should be done in a draught-free room. strong currents air, otherwise the contents of the bedclothes will simply scatter across the floor.
  2. Divide the contents of the pillow into two covers. In such conditions, the feathers extend better, and there will be a uniform load on the machine drum.
  3. Sew up covers.
  4. Check their integrity.
  5. If you are washing everything in one case, then put a couple of towels in the drum to evenly distribute the load. You can also place special balls for washing down products there so that the feathers do not get lost in a lump.
  6. Set the water temperature to no more than 30C.
  7. If your machine has a down wash mode, then select it. If this is not available, select the delicate mode with an extra rinse.
  8. After washing, set the maximum spin mode.

Washing by hand:

  1. Spread the feather product. It is best to do this in a draft-free room.
  2. Pour warm water into a tub or large container.
  3. Dissolve the detergent in the container. It can be any product, but we recommend a soap solution.
  4. Lower the base of the pillow in parts into the water. This is done so that the feathers do not stick together, and it is easier for you to dry them.
  5. Leave everything for a couple of hours - during this time all smells and dirt should go away.
  6. Gently stretch the feathers with your hands.
  7. Drain using a colander or sieve dirty water and wring out the feathers.
  8. Rinse your pillow filler under running water for a couple of minutes.
  9. Soaked feathers should be washed well again in soapy water.
  10. Rinse them and, using the same colander or full, drain the water, then wring out the fluff with your hands.

Product drying

To dry the fluff, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Spread the wet down on newspaper or absorbent paper indoors on a sunny side.
  2. Make sure there is no draft, otherwise the fluff will fly around the room.
  3. Whisk and turn occasionally to dry evenly.
  4. Drying of the filler can take from several days to a week.
  5. After the feathers have dried, stuff them with a new or well-washed old pillowcase and sew it up.

In conclusion, we want to add a few topical tips for washing down products:

  1. It is better to wash in late spring or summer, as the warm air prevailing at these times of the year favorably affects the drying time of the product.
  2. If you are not using a colander when hand washing, then cover the drain hole with a mesh so as not to wash the lint down the drain and clog it.
  3. Tennis balls in the automatic machine will constantly fluff up and keep it from sticking together during the washing process, add a couple and you will not regret it.
  4. We recommend that you clean your pillows at least once a year, and to make them less dirty, put them in 2 chintz pillowcases after cleaning.
  5. If you decide to change the bedclothes, then rub its insides with laundry soap. Due to this, the base will be less contaminated.

Synthetic pillow

If in your arsenal there are not only the usual feather pillows, but also modern products with synthetic filler, then it is necessary to approach the washing process also in different ways. Washing this type of pillow is not difficult, it can be done in just a couple of steps. To do this, you need to test the suitability of the filler and, if it is satisfactory, wash the product.

Suitability test:

  1. Lay the pillow on a horizontal surface.
  2. Place a heavy book or any other object of the same weight on it.
  3. Wait a while for the pillow to sag.
  4. Remove the item.

Important! Watch carefully: if the pillow quickly changed its shape to its original shape, then such a pillow can be washed, it will last for some more time. Otherwise, it is better to replace the filler with a new one.


After successfully passing the test, you can start washing:

  1. Take a closer look at the instructions on the label - take into account the manufacturer's recommendations regarding temperature, detergents, spin.
  2. Put the product in the washing machine.
  3. Select the gentle mode according to the instructions (usually it says to use warm water and liquid detergent).
  4. Add extra rinse and maximum spin.
  5. After washing, dry the product in a warm, well-ventilated area.

As it becomes clear from the above, washing down pillows at home and products with synthetic filling is not as difficult as it might seem before. Follow the instructions in this article, follow the tips and your downy products will protect your sleep for more than one year.

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