What female name is combined with the patronymic andreevna. What does the patronymic Sergeevna mean

In this article we will talk about how not to make a mistake in choosing a name for a girl. It turns out that the middle name of the baby is of no small importance in this matter.

Thinking about what to name a daughter worries future parents quite often - not everyone makes a decision right away. And doubts can be understood, because a little man who has not yet been born will have to bear this name all his life.

If you are also puzzling over this question, try starting from the patronymic of the crumbs - this advice helps a lot.

Name and patronymic combination table for girls

We bring to your attention tables with combinations of female names and patronymics:

IMPORTANT: Strive to proceed from the principle of opposites - so, choose a soft maiden name for a solid patronymic. For example, Yulia Sergeevna. But if the name of the father of the child is soft in sound, it is not bad to balance it with a firm name - for example, Vera Ivanovna.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some more combinations:

Alexandrovna Maria, Daria, Anastasia, Ekaterina, Xenia, Evgenia, Julia, Olga, Victoria, Elena
Alekseevna Anastasia, Ekaterina, Daria, Maria, Tatiana, Anna, Elizabeth, Alena, Irina, Victoria
Arkadievna Anna, Anastasia, Elizabeth, Sophia, Alina, Polina, Alla, Barbara, Oksana, Inna
Arturovna Christina, Diana, Karina, Alina, Ani, Elina, Angelina, Yana, Milena, Inna
Borisovna Xenia, Julia, Evgenia, Alla, Anna, Olga, Natalia, Polina, Sophia, Yana
Valentinovna Elena, Tatiana, Anna, Marina, Olga, Valeria, Elizabeth, Julia, Alina, Kira
Vitalievna Irina, Julia, Victoria, Alena, Valeria, Christina, Margarita, Marina, Anastasia, Svetlana
Gennadievna Olga, Christina, Polina, Galina, Valentina, Natalia, Larisa, Julia, Diana, Nadezhda
Georgievna Polina, Tamara, Anna, Mariam, Nina, Sofia, Christina, Maria, Elena, Lydia
Danilovna Daria, Olga, Ekaterina, Maria, Polina, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Christina, Irina
Denisovna Anastasia, Daria, Victoria, Alexandra, Christina, Valeria, Alena, Alice, Polina, Barbara
Egorovna Daria, Polina, Alexandra, Anastasia, Varvara, Valentina, Lydia, Arina, Anna, Evdokia
Ilyinichna Anastasia, Maria, Polina, Elizabeth, Daria, Alexandra, Sophia, Barbara, Alice, Margarita
Konstantinovna Alexandra, Anna, Elena, Sophia, Ekaterina, Kira, Natalia, Daria, Xenia, Julia
Leonidovna Maria, Olga, Polina, Elena, Elizabeth, Anna, Margarita, Vera, Valeria, Lydia
Lvovna Maria, Alice, Evgenia, Elizabeth, Anna, Zoya, Margarita, Sophia, Lydia, Natalia
Maksimovna Polina, Anastasia, Ekaterina, Daria, Alexandra, Elizabeth, Xenia, Valeria, Ulyana, Margarita
Mikhailovna Maria, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Daria, Anna, Sophia, Julia, Evgenia, Tatyana, Elizabeth
Nikolaevna Maria, Natalia, Olga, Tatyana, Elena, Anna, Alexandra, Julia, Xenia, Irina

Name for a girl by patronymic Sergeevna

Patronymic Sergeevna will give its owner not only love for the beautiful, but also absent-mindedness, confusion in some life moments.

The latter characteristics are often found in creative individuals, but it will still be useful balance a scattered patronymic with a hard name. Examples of such names:

  • Love
  • Valentine
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Zinaida
  • Kristina
  • Sofia
  • margarita
  • Marina
  • Pauline
  • Yaroslav
  • Tamara
  • Tatiana

IMPORTANT: These names are able to give their owner the extremely necessary accuracy and composure.

Particular preference should be given to those options that start with a vowel - for example, Alla Sergeevna, Yaroslava Sergeevna. By ear, this combination is perceived wonderfully.

But if you want to place special emphasis on determination and purposefulness, then you need to choose the option with a consonant at the beginning - Margarita Sergeevna, Zinaida Sergeevna.

Girls with a patronymic Sergeevna are absent-minded, so you should choose a solid name

Name for a girl with a patronymic Alekseevna

From crumbs with this patronymic grow calm, balanced, non-conflict girls. They are extremely sociable, responsive, easily establish contact with others. The willingness to lend a helping hand makes these people the most pleasant to communicate with.

However, there are also "pitfalls" - a happy personal life does not always accompany such girls. Maybe it's just their unpretentiousness, indecision. In this regard, it is worth choosing solid names:

  • Anastasia
  • Alexandra
  • Angela
  • Barbara
  • Galina
  • Claudia
  • Larisa
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Svetlana

Girls with a patronymic Alekseevna suffer from indecision

Names for girls Russian patronymic Andreevna

One of the main features of girls with such a middle name is indecision. Even in adulthood, Andreevna prefer to retire from time to time, showing timidity.

IMPORTANT: Especially indecisiveness is characteristic of summer girls, who since childhood do not really like noisy games, the presence of a large number of people nearby.

Despite the fact that such girls are characterized by friendliness, thriftiness, and hospitality, give them a little determination is still worth it. You can do this by choosing the following names:

  • Diana
  • Elizabeth
  • Irina
  • Claudia
  • Larisa
  • Ludmila
  • Maria
  • Natalia

Girls with a patronymic Andreevna are extremely indecisive

What female names are suitable for the patronymic Evgenievna

Unlike previous options, Evgenievna purposeful enough. But at the same time, careerism is not their quality, as this is hindered by exceptional responsiveness and kindness.

Such girls are very charming, funny and talkative, due to which convergence with others does not cause problems.

  • Alina
  • Marina
  • Alexandra
  • Valeria
  • Daria

Girls with a middle name Evgenievna are extremely funny and charming

The girl's patronymic name is Borisovna

The name Boris, due to the presence of the letters "b" and "p" in it, is associated with masculinity, activity, strength, mobility. Indeed, girls with such a patronymic are quite active and purposeful.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that such a bright nature attracts the attention of others, Borisovnas are distinguished by irritability, vindictiveness, unpredictability and inconsistency.

Such girls can be good friends, but friendship for them is a rare phenomenon. They can be great housewives, but stay-at-homes are unlikely.

In a word, it is quite difficult to predict the behavior of such women. Consequently, bring some harmony what the following names are suitable for:

  • Olga
  • Pauline
  • Ludmila
  • Natalia
  • Elena
  • Svetlana

Preference should be given to short names, since the patronymic itself is long. For example, Elizaveta Borisovna or Anastasia Borisovna sound tiresome. But Nina Borisovna or Anna Borisovna is a completely different matter!

Girls with patronymic Borisovna often suffer from irritability

Women's names to the patronymic Vasilievna

At first glance, it may seem that Vasilyevna is the embodiment of calmness and poise, complaisance.

However, upon closer acquaintance, it becomes clear that such girls not devoid of cunning, stinginess, envy, pride and love of intrigue.

IMPORTANT: As a rule, in extreme situations, Vasilievnas think only about themselves, so it is highly desirable to somehow soften the patronymic.

Suitable options:

  • Lily
  • Olesya

Girls with patronymic Vasilievna are quite cunning

Female names consonant with patronymic Aleksandrovna

The daughters of Alexandrov will be freedom-loving, independent natures, loving to get involved in a dispute. The actions of such girls are most often dictated by emotions, and not by reason.

IMPORTANT: A special obstinacy is inherent in winter Alexandrovnas.

Girls with this middle name are different rare diligence, purposefulness, self-esteem. It is unlikely that they will complain to others about their failures and problems.

It's all great, but in their personal lives, such girls hard to be happy because of an excessive craving for being in the spotlight, because of "pulling the blanket over yourself."

You can correct this with the following names that will give their owners more femininity:

  • Catherine
  • Marina
  • Irina
  • Svetlana
  • Natalia
  • Pauline
  • Ulyana

Girls with patronymic Alexandrovna rarely listen to other people's opinions

Female names combined with patronymic Yurievna

Yurievna is the embodiment of unpredictability. Today they carefully calculate the home budget and save, and tomorrow they turn into a spender. They seem adamant, but it is quite easy to influence a change of point of view.

IMPORTANT: The increased emotionality of such girls is to blame. In a fit of emotions, Yuryevna easily overestimates her abilities, stubbornly turning a blind eye to her shortcomings.

Of course, the desire to take your place in life is commendable. Pronounced strong-willed qualities and liveliness of character often attract others to Yuryevna, but it is important at the same time to maintain such a mood, not allowing emotional fluctuations. And the following names will help in this matter:

  • Alevtina
  • Angela
  • Antonina
  • Galina
  • Daria
  • Zinaida
  • Larisa
  • Lydia
  • Love
  • Olga
  • Raisa
  • Tamara

Women with patronymic Yurievna are very emotional

Name for the girl to the patronymic Mikhailovna

To such girls from childhood there is a catastrophic lack of ability to defend one's opinion. It is safe to say that the only person they can out-argue with is identical in character.

Of course, the ability to forgive and compromise makes such women enviable wives, mistresses and colleagues, but everything is good in moderation.

They obviously won’t be able to stand up for themselves, as well as understand that people don’t always tell the truth. So girls who are overly exposed to the opinion of society it is better to bear the following solid names:

  • Alexandra
  • Barbara
  • Clara
  • Lydia
  • Marina
  • Martha
  • Raisa
  • Rimma
  • Tamara
  • Kristina

Girls with patronymic Mikhailovna cannot defend their point of view

Name for a girl by patronymic Ramilevna

Since the girl with the patronymic Ramilevna will grow up in a Tatar family, it is best choose some national name. It is unlikely that Anna Ramilevna or Elena Ramilevna will sound harmonious. We offer a list:

  • Dinara
  • Fania
  • Safina
  • Elmira
  • Leila
  • Liana
  • Aigul

For patronymic Ramilevna, it is better to choose a national Tatar name

How to name a girl with a patronymic Ivanovna?

Ivanovnas, despite the Russian patronymic, look like English women- the same outwardly unshakable calm, stability in actions and thoughts, a certain amount of isolation. However, if you take a closer look, you can see that Ivanovnas are quite responsive, and at times even impulsive.

The disadvantages of such natures include incredulity which can ruin everything. In order to strengthen the firmness of character, it is recommended to give preference to the following names:

  • Valentine
  • Daria
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Irina
  • Claudia
  • Love
  • Maria

A woman with a patronymic Ivanovna needs to maintain her natural calm

Choose a name for a girl by patronymic Pavlovna

Pavlovnas are generally kind, cheerful and sociable. At times, resentment or stubbornness wakes up, however, this happens mainly when they are limited in some way.

Despite the fact that the Pavlovnas quickly get carried away with something, they just as quickly cool down to passion. And despite the natural diligence, without interest in someone or something, nothing will come of it. This feature complicates life in order, so it is recommended choose names that will strengthen the firmness of character:

  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth
  • Zinaida
  • Sofia

The attention of a girl with a patronymic Pavlovna is very easy to distract from something

Women's names combined with patronymic Olegovna

Olegovna - young ladies are quite impulsive, rarely guided by reason when making decisions. This property is especially pronounced in childhood. With age, it may disappear, but this is not a fact.

But what is also characteristic of an adult lady is exorbitant stubbornness. Of course, it can turn into a plus when defending your opinion. But the problem is that Olegovna is not inclined to listen to others and recognize any authorities, and this is not always good.

IMPORTANT: The winter Olegovnas are especially capricious. Their patronymic especially needs to be corrected by the name.

In order to protect the daughter from committing rash acts in the future, you should choose a name that would contribute to mitigation:

  • Antonina
  • Natalia
  • Sofia
  • Tatiana

A girl with a patronymic Olegovna from childhood does not recognize authorities

Of course, it will not be possible to specially select a patronymic for the baby, since fathers are not selected by name. But it is entirely within your power to strengthen or balance any properties donated by the patronymic. In addition, it is necessary that the name and patronymic sound harmoniously - and then harmony may well await the baby in the future.

We choose a name for the girl compatible with the patronymic. Ideal and unsuccessful combinations.

Choosing a name for a child is a very painstaking and thorough process. After all, the selection of a name begins when the child is still in the womb, and therefore you do not know either the facial expressions, or the charisma, or the preferences and habits of the child.

In addition, there is a whole trend that claims that the name sets the tone in the future life, and I would like the daughter to be happy and grateful for the choice of her parents. In this article, we will give examples of the most popular female Russian names, as well as their combination with a patronymic. After reviewing our selection, you will greatly simplify your path to creating the perfect name.

The combination and compatibility of the name and patronymic for girls: table

We give an example of the most common male names in our country and the selection of girls' names for them in such a way that the name and patronymic are combined in pronunciation and melodiousness.

Papa's name Appropriate name for a daughter
Artem Nina, Nika, Love, Larisa, Marina
Andrew Svetlana, Julia, Ekaterina, Irina, Anna
Anton Susanna, Anastasia, Hope, Lilia, Irina, Vera
Bogdan Buzhena, Vozhena, Xenia, Oksana, Lesya, Natalya, Yana
Vadim Marina, Nina, Irina, Galina, Lera
Valery Lyudmila, Lydia, Elena, Christina, Claudia
Ivan Alexandra, Stanislava, Maria, Vera, Vladislava, Angelica
Basil Ella, Emma, ​​Polina, Marta, Elizabeth, Alesya
Victor Angelina, Anastasia, Margarita, Svetlana, Tatyana
Vladimir Elena, Margarita, Anastasia, Mirra, Melena, Lydia
Denis Ulyana, Julia, Valeria, Maria, Ksenia, Victoria
Dmitry Lilia, Tatyana, Svetlana, Mirra, Karina, Daria
Evgeniy Galina, Tamara, Tina, Karina, Elena, Inna, Tina
Igor Valentina, Isabella, Kira, Love, Nona, Polina
Kirill Daria, Taya, Erica. Ulyana, Marina, Natalia
Nicholas Veronica. Zoya, Elena, Polina, Olga, Xenia, Oksana
Konstantin Alice, Anna, Kira, Elizabeth, Milana, Raisa
a lion Eva, Irina, Alesya, Milan, Natalia, Julia, Faina
Alexei Angelina, Mirra, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Lada, Diana, Elena
Maksim Anna, Vera, Galina, Oia, Dala, Emma, ​​Elena, Rema
Michael Hope, Alla, Mirra, Stasya
Oleg Oksana, Ksenia, Svetlana, Maria, Larisa, Zhanna
Novel Daria, Evgenia, Diana, Elizabeth, Mirra
Alexander Polina, Irina. Galina, Anna, Alice, Alina and many more names, because patronymic universally
Semyon Antonina, Valentina, Vera, Lyudmila, Tatyana
Sergey Julia, Stasya, Maria, Marina, Alesya
Anatoly Inna, Margarita, Xenia, Oksana, Claudia, Mlada
Fedor Tamara, Svyatoslava, Christina, Tatyana Angelina
Edward Elvira, Anna, Inna, Love, Margarita, Violetta
Yuri Galina, Olga, Nona, Hope, Inna
Jacob Ulyana, Tamara, Nona, Eva, Daria, Valentina

Name for a girl with a patronymic Alexandrovna

When choosing a name, patronymic plays an important role. You should remember the rule - the more vowels in the patronymic, the less they are in the name and vice versa. But at the same time, the patronymic Alexandrovna is considered universal and many names fit it. Patronymic Alexandrovna softens any name and makes it gentle and melodious.

An example of softening a name with a patronymic: Karina Alexandrovna, Regina Alexandrovna, Varvara Alexandrovna, Regina Alexandrovna, etc.

At the same time, light, gentle names are also suitable: Angelina Alexandrovna, Inna Alexandrovna, Maria Alexandrovna, etc.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Alekseevna

Another common male name that most female names fit.

Example: Natalya Alekseevna, Marina Alekseevna, Nadezhda Alekseevna, Galina Alekseevna. But Kira Alekseevna categorically does not fit.

Names are also suitable: Lilia, Inna, Veronica, Lilia, Ivan, Uliana and others.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Maksimovna

Maxim is a double name, we have it for men, but in Western countries they call girls. Due to the duality, hardness and softness at the same time, the patronymic Maksimovna goes well with hard or specific names.

For example: Galina Maksimovna, Roza Maksimovna, Miroslava Maksimovna, Elizaveta Maksimovna, Tatyana Maksimovna, Margarita Maksimovna and many others.

But from Henrietta Maksimovna, Eleonora Maksimovna, etc. it is better to refrain, as they are difficult to pronounce and it will be difficult for children during their lives.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Denisovna

The name Denis is interesting in sound, but at the same time, Denisovna is very difficult to choose a name for her patronymic. There are two directions for choosing a name: simple and singing or rare, and then the combination is extravagant and bright.

Example: Anna Denisovna, Inna Denisovna, Maria Denisovna, Lesya Denisovna or Milana Denisovna, Evelina Denisovna, Arina Denisovna.

In our country, every 14-15 boys are called Eugene, because the name is melodious, beautiful and has many petting and short forms. Zhenya's daughters can be called both simple and complex exotic names, because almost all names fit the middle name Evgenievna.

Example: Svetlana Evgenievna, Inna Evgenievna, Kristina Evgenievna, Marina Evgenievna, Elina Evgenievna, Rada Evgenievna, Diana Evgenievna, Olga Evgenievna.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Olegovna

The name Oleg is associated with a title, a big name and fame. Names under the patronymic Olegovna should be chosen appropriately. Beautiful, bright, memorable.

Example: Slavyana Olegovna, Bozena Olegovna, Yarina Olegovna, Polina Olegovna, Ulyana Olegovna, Bogdana Olegovna, Svetlana Olegovna, Olesya Olegovna, Miroslava Olegovna.

After Allegrova's song "Hello Andrey", the popularity of the name broke all records and held on to a record high for several more years. Today, those same Andreys are already ready to become fathers themselves and, therefore, it is worth choosing the same playful and beautiful name for their daughter.

For example: Milena Andreevna, Veronika Andreevna, Anna Andreevna, Diana Andreevna, Irina Andreevna, Svetlana Andreevna, Inna Andreevna, Yuliana Andreevna, Ekaterina Andreevna, Natalia Andreevna, Alisa Andreevna.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Konstantinovna

The name Konstantin sounds proud, firm and courageous. And the patronymic Konstantinovna is just perfect for combining with gentle female names.

Example: Elena Konstantinovna, Arina Konstantinovna, Yana Konstantinovna, Maya Konstantinovna, Nona Konstantinovna, Zoya Konstantinovna, Avrora Konstantinovna.

For patronymic Yurievna, names are suitable, where a proportional combination of vowels and consonants. For example: Louise Yuryevna, Marina Yuryevna, Anna Yuryevna, Veronika Yuryevna, Elina Yuryevna, Victoria Yuryevna, Lyudmila Yuryevna.

Simple and sonorous female names are suitable for Sergeevna's patronymic. With this patronymic, it is not recommended to practice searching for complex and rare names.

Example: Inna Sergeevna, Anna Sergeevna, Vera Sergeevna, Lilia Sergeevna, Sofia Sergeevna, Olga Sergeevna, etc.

Sometimes more complex variations are suitable, but be sure to check them for consonance, ask relatives and friends how it sounds, and only then make a decision. For example: Margarita Sergeevna, Kristina Sergeevna, Adrianna Sergeevna.

Name for a girl with a patronymic Kirillovna

The name Cyril is soft at the beginning and deaf at the end. Names for patronymics should be chosen tender and open. For example: Sofa Kirillovna, Inna Kirillovna, Victoria Kirillovna, Daria Kirillovna, Arina Kirillovna, Milana Kirillovna, Yulia Kirillovna, Asya Kirillovna, Diana Kirillovna.

Names for girls with patronymic Antonovna

An open melodious patronymic, to which all sorts of female names are suitable. Example: Anna Antonovna, Oksana Antonovna, Natalya Antonovna, Elizaveta Antonovna, Lyudmila Antonovna, Veronika Antonovna, Milana Antonovna and many others.

Misha, Mikhail is a fairly common name, and any common female name will automatically turn a child into “one of many”, and now we are all striving to achieve individuality and originality. Therefore, it is optimal to name: Milena Mikhailovna, Alexandria Mikhailovna, Emilia Mikhailovna, Karina Mikhailovna, Karolina Mikhailovna, Elina Mikhailovna, Eleonora Mikhailovna and others.

What is the name of the girl suitable for the patronymic Dmitrievna

Dmitry is a tough-sounding name, so for femininity, choose a singing name for your daughter. For example: Lilia Dmitrievna, Anna Dmitrievna, Olga Dmitrievna, Malena Dmitrievna, Lucia Dmitrievna, etc.

Names of girls combined with patronymic Vitalievna

Vitaly is an open soft name and both soft and closed, hard names are suitable for him. We recommend to name: Varvara Vitalievna, Sofia Vitalievna, Polina Vitalievna. Ksenia Vitalievna, Kristina Vitalievna, Alisa Vitalievna, Olga Vitalievna, Eva Vitalievna, Yulia Vitalievna and others.

The patronymic Romanovna is rare and many associate with the last imperial family of Russia. This gives the patronymic nobility and aristocracy. We propose to name the girls: Anastasia Romanovna, Ekaterina Romanovna, Elizaveta Romanovna, Margarita Romanovna, Veronika Romanovna and others.

Name for a girl by patronymic Viktorovna

Victor is a noble but tough name that needs to be diluted with a singing female name. For example: Valentina Viktorovna, Anna Viktorovna, Amalia Viktorovna, Matilda Viktorovna, Veronika Viktorovna, Yulia Viktorovna, Elena Viktorovna.

Names for girls to patronymic Igorevna

There are so many names suitable for Igorevna’s patronymic that you can’t even count everything. We offer only a small selection: Inna Igorevna, Agripina Igorevna, Alisa Igorevna, Yana Igorevna, Olga Igorevna, Inessa Igorevna, Svetlana Igorevna and many other names.

The name Eduard is very specific and choosing a name for the middle name Eduardovna is a very difficult task. For example: Arina Eduardovna, Ekaterina Eduardovna, Maria Eduardovna, Natalya Eduardovna, Elena Eduardovna, Zlata Eduardovna, Kalina Eduardovna, Sofia Eduardovna.

What is the name of the girl with a patronymic Andrianovna

Another rare name is Andrian, it is sublime, sonorous and obliging. Andrianovna must have a bright aristocratic name.

Example: Yuliana Andrianovna, Anna Andrianovna, Nika Andrianovna, Vasilisa Andrianovna, Alexandra Andrianovna, Miroslava Andrianovna, Milana Andrianovna, Irina Andrianovna.

What is the name of the girl suitable for the patronymic Ivanovna

Another very common name that has already filled a certain Oksky. But choosing rare and complex names under the patronymic Ivanovna is categorically not recommended. On the contrary, look for inspiration in simple, unfairly forgotten Slavic names.

For example: Agnia Ivanovna, Anisya Ivanovna, Anna Ivanovna, Bazhena Ivanovna, Bogdana Ivanovna, Vladlena Ivanovna, Dana Ivanovna, Dobrynka Ivanovna, Zhilena Ivanovna, Zlata Ivanovna.

Names for girls with patronymic Stanislavovna

Despite the dryness of the name Stanislavov, the patronymic is quite melodious, and under it you can pick up a lot of female names. For example: Margarita Stanislavovna, Karina Stanislavovna, Kira Stanislavovna, Elena Stanislavovna, Yana Stanislavovna, Anastasia Stanislavovna, Svetlana Stanislavovna and many other names.

Patronymic Valerievna can be called universal, because 90% of names, both common and rare, fit under it. Example: Anna Valerievna, Veronika Valeryevna, Galina Valeryevna, Daria Valeryevna, Nadezhda Valeryevna, Sofia Valeryevna, Evgenia Valeryevna, Natalya Valeryevna, Agripina Valeryevna.

Name for a girl by patronymic Pavlovna

In the patronymic Pavlovna, there are notes of airiness, romanticism and inner harmony. The name should be given no less beautiful and harmonious, for example: Anna Pavlovna Alexandra Pavlovna, Ekaterina Pavlovna, Elena Pavlovna, Natalya Pavlovna, Sofia Pavlovna, Vasilisa Pavlovna, Milan Pavlovna, etc.

Names for girls Russian patronymic Ilyinichna

But under the patronymic of Ilyinichna, it is not easy to choose a female name. We give a short but most consonant list: Marianna Ilyinichna, Alisa Ilyinichna, Liya Ilyinichna, Svetlana Ilyinichna, Lidia Ilyinichna, Varvara Ilyinichna, Alexandra Ilyinichna, Anna Ilyinichna, Natalya Ilyinichna.

Names of girls suitable for patronymic Nikitichna

It is best to choose the same significant and bright names for such a name. Example: Anfisa Nikitichna, Leah Nikitichna, Yuna Nikitichna, Emilia Nikitichna, Amalia Nikitichna Adrian Nikitichna, Valentina Nikitichna.

Video: What is the name of the girl? NAMES FOR GIRLS IN 2017

Version 1. What does the patronymic Sergeevna mean

The meaning of patronymic Sergeevna option 1

Tactful, well-mannered and talented people. Great optimists, despite frequent failures in their personal lives. They get married several times. Loved by friends. Very punctual and meticulous. The company is cheerful, sociable.

They have a somewhat loose nervous system, they are vulnerable and overly sensitive. They never impose their point of view, but it is extremely difficult to convince them. The meaning of patronymic Sergeevna option 2

She is a rather calm woman. Sergeevna is very hardworking, you can entrust any business, as she is punctual and accurate. A good hostess, only in marriage she rarely has happiness, but she does not despair and does not lose her inherent good spirits. Marries several times.

The company is cheerful, sociable. Sergeevna is easily injured, overly sensitive - her nerves are naughty. He never imposes his point of view on anyone, but it is extremely difficult to convince her.

"December" Sergeevna is brave. In the house, all the worries are on her shoulders. She doesn't care who she's friends with, as long as she's a good person. She fails a lot, but she is an optimist and always reassures herself that everything will be fine. In the family, Sergeevna does not create conflict situations, she is patient, consults with her husband. At work, he does not make claims, does not envy his colleagues. Helps when employees come to her. She moves slowly in the service, not a careerist, she talks calmly, but is not quite sociable. She usually gives birth to children of different sexes.

For example, Evgenia Sergeevna, "April". Calm, tries to do good to loved ones. He quickly converges with people and quickly breaks up, although he later regrets it. At home, she takes care of everything herself, as she is proud and does not want to beg anyone. She marries once and, if she diverges, does not marry again. She has a son. Likes comedy films, but reads little.

Born in February - also not conflict. Friends respect her for her responsiveness and dependability. He believes in God and does not hide it. He watches serial films and sometimes cries from experiences. Sergeevna dresses modestly, but with taste, does not stand out in the company. Observant.

Sergeevna, born in the summer, is prone to depression, often with age she develops heart disease. It cooks deliciously, preserves well and without salt.

The "winter" character is complex, suffers from stress. Often invents diseases that she does not have. Sergeevna is an intelligent worker, can be a leader. She has a way with people.

Table of declensions of patronymic Sergeevna by cases

case Question declination Prepositions
Is there anyone? Sergeevna
No one? Sergeevna with, at, from, to, from, without, for, around, about, near, except
Glad to whom? Sergeevna to, by, thanks to, in spite of, according to
I see who? Sergeevna under, for, about, through, in, on, in
Satisfied with whom? Sergeevna with, with, behind, over, under, between, before
Thinking about who? Sergeevna in, oh, about, on, at, by

Patronymic Sergeevna in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the name, then the patronymic Sergeevna in Latin letters, and only then the surname. You may need to write Sergeevna’s patronymic in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Your version of the meaning of patronymic Sergeevna

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Each person is well aware that if you call him by his name, it causes in him a certain feeling of himself, which greatly affects his daily actions and choices made in life, which leads to movement either according to the best scenario or worse. And this is clear to anyone.

If you choose a name for a girl by patronymic, a logical question arises - how is the child himself taken into account.

The fulcrum in choosing a name is the person himself, whose fate you want to alleviate. The name must be selected for a specific child, his personality, life task, and not for dad.

When choosing a name for a child, one must concentrate on the child and the effectiveness of the impact of various names on the condition, character and fate of the baby. The correct name will correct the character, condition and life, and the wrong one can worsen. A name is not just a word. A name is a certain meaning, information, association, wave, vibration that affects both the consciousness and the unconscious of a person.

If you take a name just like that, then the consequences can be unpredictable. Sometimes parents take the names of successful acquaintances, relatives, prominent people. Assuming the kid, like that successful person, doesn't go missing with that name. But the individualities, characters, weaknesses and strengths of people are different, which means you need a different name to correct your fate and character. This is how a blindly borrowed name can harm your child.

How to name a girl with a patronymic Andreevna - you can take popular options:

1. Sofia Andreevna
2. Maria Andreevna
3. Anastasia Andreevna
4. Anna Andreevna
5. Daria Andreevna
6. Victoria Andreevna
7. Elizaveta Andreevna
8. Varvara Andreevna
9. Polina Andreevna
10. Alisa Andreevna
11. Ksenia Andreevna
12. Ekaterina Andreevna
13. Alexandra Andreevna
14. Veronika Andreevna
15. Arina Andreevna
16. Vasilisa Andreevna
17. Valeria Andreevna
18. Milana Andreevna
19. Uliana Andreevna
20. Eva Andreevna
21. Margarita Andreevna
22. Kristina Andreevna
23. Alena Andreevna
24. Vera Andreevna
25. Taisiya Andreevna
26. Alina Andreevna
27. Kira Andreevna
28. Diana Andreevna
29. Yulia Andreevna
30. Olga Andreevna

But choosing a name without analyzing the impact on the child's personality is like choosing software for a device based on packaging, without taking into account the essence of a particular device. Or how to make a roof for a house without taking into account the size and weather conditions of the place where the house will be, simply according to the principle “I want it this way”.

But what underlies this “I want”, what kind of knowledge, understanding of the mechanics of the influence of the name on the conscious, unconscious, character, aura, fate. And score real the consequences of the name in life ... the same responsibility.

To choose the right name, you need to set a task - what do you want to develop in a child through a name. For example, improve health, protect against generic problems, enhance certain qualities. Next, you need to look at the strengths and weaknesses of the aura of the child and parents and select a name that “covers” the weaknesses as much as possible and protects from external negative influences and potential problems. When choosing a name, it is important to consider the purpose of a person and his place of residence.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from alleged problems and help him reach his potential to the maximum. And do not pick up a "melodic" name for a patronymic.

Approach the assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate consciously.
Give your daughter a name that positively affects her character, condition and life.

    1. Find out how the future will change depending on the possible names of your child.

    2. Find out how the name affects the health, energy (aura), character and fate of the baby.

    3. Eliminate the risks of possible harm (in 70% of cases, names give harm in life).

    4. Control the child's future not only through external forms (upbringing, education, profession).

    5. Give your child an inner source of strength and positive qualities and abilities.

The woman bearing the patronymic Sergeevna is tactful, quite punctual, loved by her friends. Has great talent, ability; artistic. Such women often marry several times. It can be difficult to convince Sergeyevna, but she rarely imposes her opinion.

Sergeevnas are very vulnerable, compassionate and sensitive to any little thing. Many things make them upset. Sergeevnas, born in winter, are brave, take all the housework on themselves. If something doesn’t work out for them, then the Sergeevnas look at failure with optimism, sincerely believing that everything will be fine. They only make friends with good people, not with everyone in a row.

They are very kind, in the family they listen to the opinion of their husband, they do not complain at work, they are friendly with colleagues. They are rarely careerists, often helping employees if they ask for it. Sincerely believe in God, do not try to hide it. Sergeevna - lovers of TV shows, they may even cry because of the touching plot. They dress well. They are not the center of attention in the company, but people love and respect them. Summer Sergeevnas are excellent cooks, often in a depressed state, which leads to the development of heart disease at a later age.

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