A travel quiz through modern fairy tales. Literary quiz "Journey through fairy tales"

Qualifying round

1. Which yacht had two letters knocked down and the name of the yacht changed beyond recognition? What book was it and what author?

(Nekrasov. "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel." It was "Victory", it became - "Trouble")

2. Who, where and why suddenly saw each player on the football field with a ball?

(Volka, Zhenya and Hottabych. L. Lagin.

"Old Man Hottabych")

3. What stories are included in the trilogy of E. Veltistov?

("The Adventures of Electronics", "Ross the Elusive Friend", "Conqueror of the Impossible")

4. What was the name of the main character in Stevenson's Treasure Island?

5. In one very famous work main character says about himself that he is the most truthful person in the world. What was his name? What is this work?

(R. Raspe. Baron Munchausen. "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen")

6. In the book by J. Verne "Children of Captain Grant" the characters went in search of the captain and his team. What was the name of the yacht?


(N. Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

8. M. Reed has a book where the name of the main character is included in the title of the book. What is this name and what is the name of the book?

(Oceola, "Oceola the Seminole Chief")

9. In what famous educational institution was J. Swift's hero Gulliver trained in his youth?

(In Cambridge)

1st round

(Three winners of the qualifying round participate in all rounds).

What was the name of the ship on which the main characters of Stevenson's Treasure Island returned home after all their adventures?


3rd round

In the book of the well-known writer A. Volkov, one sorceress was afraid of water and did not wash her face for 500 years. What was her name?


The final

In E. Veltistov's story "The Adventures of Electronics", the characters were in the circus. There was a trained bear. What was his name?

Super game

In the book by J. Verne “Children of Captain Grant”, a strange passenger was on board the yacht. What was his name?

(Jacques Paganel)

Game with spectators

In K. Bulychev's fantastic story "One Hundred Years Ahead", the characters flew to collect rare animals for the zoo. What was the name of the ship on which they did this?

Sector "Alternative"

1. What was the name of Dunno's friend?

2. The surname of the protagonist of one of Nosov's works.

3. Surname of the professor who created Electronics.

5. Who invented the Mitya tractor in Ouspensky's book "Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat"?

Quiz on the book of N.N. Nosova

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

"In the footsteps of shorties..."
Target: Organize work on the formation of reader interest

through a quiz.

  • Contribute to the formation of junior schoolchildren ability to consciously read texts;

  • To promote the development of communication skills: participation in a dialogue, construction of monologues; emotional responsiveness when reading works of art;

  • Contribute to the education of interest and respect for national culture.

You have read the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends".

Who are the characters in this book?

The shorties made a very dangerous journey. And today we will also go to a distant, but very interesting trip.

- Who knows where?

- Why so many options?

You and I are setting off “In the footsteps of shorties ...”, but who knows what we will travel on? Yes, indeed we are going on a balloon trip. But, as you can see, we have three teams, which means we also have three balloons (give teams helium balloons of different colors)
But in order to take your place in the basket, each of you must answer the question. (Members of each team stand up in turn, each answers one question and they give him a ticket)

1. How tall were the shorties from the Flower City?

(with a small cucumber)

2. How did Medunitsa treat her patients? (with honey)

3. What street did the characters in the book live on? (St. Kolokolchikov)

4. Why did Vintik and Shpuntik go to Zmeevka? (for tools,

to fix the car in the Green City)

5. What was lying around Znaika's room? (books)

6. What is a bormotograph? (talking machine)

7. What did Pulka's gun shoot with? (by traffic jams)

8. What song did the kids from the Flower City give to the kids

from Green at the ball? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

9. The name of Dunno's best friend. (Gunka)

10. How was Dunno able to get into the ward with his friends? (when

Lungwort went to warm Sineglazka's forehead, Dunno put on

robe, cap and goggles)

11. What professions did Dunno try on?

12. What was unusual about the car invented by Shurupchik?

(8 wheels - could ride as usual, could upside down, on its side -

to avoid accidents)

13. What was the name of Pulka's dog? (Bulka)

(artist, musician, poet, driver)

14. He stood in front of every house in the Green City. (the fountain)

15. What music. Did Dunno like the instrument most of all?

(trumpet playing loudly)

16. On what musical instrument play in Green City?

17. How did Dr. Pilyulkin treat his patients? (iodine)

18. Which of the babies needed to stay in the hospital?

(Pulque - he sprained his leg)

19. How many shorties flew in a balloon? (16)

20. What did they do in the Green City from watermelons? (got sweet juice)

21. What did Vintik and Shpuntik's car run on?

(on carbonated water with syrup)

22. How did Dunno, by mistake, hit Sineglazka? (ruler)

23. What is the real name of the poet Tsvetik? (Pudik)

24. Who bred the sweet variety of watermelon? (Straw)

25. What happened to Confusion at high altitude?

(an icicle has grown on the nose)

26. What were parachutes made of? (from dandelions)

27. Why when building hot air balloon Znayka divided everyone into

two groups? (the first one made a grid, the second - a basket)

28. Who was the first to draw Dunnowhen he wanted to become

an artist? (Gunka)

29. What was made from reed stalks in the Green City?

(water pipes)

30. What was the balloon made of? (from rubber - juice spec.

flowers that grew in the Flower City)
Along the way, we will make stops at which tasks prepared by shorties await us.
You are ready? Are you scared?

So, you need to go!

Let's say together: "One - two - three

Our ball fly - fly!
Here we are in the air. Are you afraid to fall? Very well. But still, so that we all have more fun, because it’s still far from the first stop, I suggest you play.

The game is called "GUESS-KA"
I read the description, and you have to say who or what it is.
1. From reading books, he became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose, he completely looked like a professor. (ZNAYKA)
2. He always wore a white coat and wore a white cap with a tassel on his head. (DOCTOR PILYULKIN)

3. Wearing a blue gown of lustrous silk, with the same silk sash tied at the back with a bow. She had blue eyes and dark hair tied in a long braid. (BLUE-EYED)
4. He knew how to make magnifying glasses from fragments of broken bottles. When he looked at various objects through magnifying glasses, the objects became larger. (STEKLYASHKIN)
5. He appreciated pockets in suits. The more pockets, the better the suit was considered. (DONUT)
6. He wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. (DON'T KNOW)
7. It has four wheels on the bottom and four on the top. All of them are set at an angle, thus preventing the possibility of any accidents. (EIGHT-WHEEL PISTACHIO-COOLED STEAM CAR)
8. He was very fond of sparkling water with syrup, he was very polite. He liked being called by his first name. (SIROPCHIK SAKHARIN SAKHARINYCH)
9. This small dark spot moved quickly along the ground, as if running after a balloon. It jumped over the river, moved through the tops of the trees. (SHADOW FROM BALL)
10. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called "hoodie". In it, he stood in front of an easel with a palette in his hands. (TUBE)
11. He was always in a hurry and did not like to waste time, he came up with a special suit for himself, in which there was not a single button. (TOROPYZHKA)
12. They lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. (BOOKS)
13. They looked like each other. Both were wearing leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. (SCREW AND SHPUNTIK)
14. He always wore plaid suits. And he had plaid trousers, and a plaid jacket, and a plaid cap. Seeing him from afar, the short men said: “Look, there is a chessboard coming” (SIROCHIK)
15. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. (CHAFER)
So we did not notice how we flew up to the place of our first stop.

Three words will appear in front of you, and your task is to find the “extra” and explain why.
1. Chanterelle, Squirrel, Zainka (babies from the Green City)

2. Lungwort, Snowflake, Pilyulkin (several possible

options: doctors, babies)

3. Cog, Shpuntik, hasty(mechanics)

4. Floral, Green, summer(names of cities)

5. Cucumber, orange, Arbuzovaya (names of rivers)

6. Peresvetik, Flower, Gemstone (poets)

7. Shpuntik, Screwdriver, washer(mechanics)
We take our places balloons. Fly further?

And so that the time in flight flew by unnoticed, I suggest you play. The game is called "Rhymes"

What is a rhyme? (consonance of endings)
Now verses will appear on the slide, but some words are missing. Your task is to choose the right rhyme.
1. Znayka went for a walk to the river 3. At the Avoska under the pillow

Jumped over (sheep) Lying sweet (cheesecake)
2. Hurry was hungry 4. And everything is available, ehma!

Swallowed the iron (cold) Now for our (mind)

5. Leave in order, I caught (a mosquito)

Get on (charging) Ta-ta, ta-ta, ta-ra-ra!

Start the day by charging Komarishka I (I love)

Accelerate by movement (laziness) Tru-lu-lyushki, labor-lu-lu!

But the mosquito was sad

Brave travelers It's a pity for the mosquito.

We meet with warmth! No, I'll get myself

They went with a big Better (ant)

Air (balloon)

And they returned - hurrah!

Already without any (ball)
6. I walked in the forest, I walked in the meadow

With your good (friend)

We climbed the bumps

Admired at (flowers)

Suddenly met a frog

And hurry home (rushed)

We ran home

And they said (oh!)


(An anagram is a task in which you need to make a word out of letters)
K I B Yu T (Tube) K L P A U L (Pulka)

K U N S I P T (Shpuntik) C M D A E U I N (Medunitsa)

Y K A Z E N N A (Dunno) L G S Ya U (Guslya)

V I C K E T (Tsvetik) Y N Z A A K (Znayka)

(slide check)

Our flight continues, and so that it is not boring, I suggest you play "Tic Tac Toe"
I will read out the phrase, if it is correct, in your opinion, then you raise a sign with a cross (X), if it is not correct, raise a zero (O) Immediately check on the slide .
1. Dunno and Gunka lived on Kolokolchikov Street. (O)

(Gunka lived on Daisy Street)
2. Once a cockchafer flew into Dunno and hit him on the

back of the head. (X)

3. Dunno read only by syllables, but he knew how to write - in printed

letters (X)

4. Dunno really enjoyed playing the drum (O)

5. The only thing Dunno could learn was to drive

car (o)

6. Kids made parachutes from dandelion fluff (X)

7. To go on a trip, Vintik and Shpuntik decided

make a balloon (Oh)

8. The best Donut suit had 17 pockets (X)

9. Toropyzhka and Dunno were the first to get into the basket, but they

drove Znayka (X)

10. The higher the shorties climbed in a balloon, the

it was getting warmer. (O)

11. Sineglazka brought out a sweet variety of watermelons (O)

12. In the house at Shurupchik everything was on the buttons (X)

13. Medunitsa was the first to discharge Tube and Guslya from the hospital (X)

14. Shpuntik invented a talking machine for Tsvetik (O)

15. The kids went home to the Flower City by car (O)

16. Bulka returned home a few days after

kids flew away in a balloon (X)

We've reached the next stop "MADE KINO"
Distribute envelopes with cards. The task of the participants is to establish a connection - to make chains.





And it's time for us to go. We rise high, high and fly above the clouds. Are you not cold? Strange, because the higher you go, the colder it gets. Let's get warm.
flew, flew on sky ball,

By the balloon flew into the sky.

But we know before sky ball

No way not flew.
(Further, each word in this poem is replaced by a gesture in turn.

At the very end, everyone should recite this poem in silence - only with gestures, only particles, prepositions and conjunctions are pronounced)

And you and I didn’t even notice how we went down and ended up in "POTELYALKINO"

- What is this interesting name?
When the shorties fell, they lost various things. Your task is to determine who owns the thing that will appear on the screen.

Lost items slide

dandelion pen and paper

thermometer blue hat and green tie

gun bone

pipe brush and paint

spyglass tool kit

In "Poteryalkino" there is a local attraction - "WHY TREE" (SLIDE)
Each leaf of this tree has a question written on it.

- Can you guess which one? (SLIDE)

Everyone who arrives at "Poteryalkino" must go to this tree and answer questions. This tree has also prepared questions for you and me.
Questions that begin with "Why?"
1. Why is the river called Cucumber? (cucumbers grow along the banks)

2. Why did any business that Dunno took on come out of him

inside out? (did not like to work, wanted to learn everything at once,

without any difficulty)

3. Why didn't anyone like the portraits made by Dunno?

(I portrayed everyone in a funny and ridiculous way)

4. Why do toddlers dream about going on a trip?

(Znayka told them about various travelers with whom

incredible stories and adventure)

5. Why did Gunka and Dunno quarrel? (Dunno did not want

to make Gunka friends with the little ones)
6. Why, after the departure of the balloon, all the kids suffered on

Flower's hands? (he composed poems that everyone liked very much)

7. Why Dunno thought they were flying upside down? (the clouds were down

under basket)

8. Why did Znayka take the knife from Avoska? (he cut a hole in the bottom of the basket,

through which the sand scattered by Neboska was supposed to pour out)

9. Why, apart from Znayka, no one else jumped out of the basket with

parachute? (the ball began to rise up again - it became easier)

10. Why did kids and babies from the Green City live separately?

11. Why did Medunitsa not want to discharge Pilyulkin? (he taught her, she

wrong methods of treatment, it makes the healthy sick)

12. Why Tube considered portraits to be true works of art

Snowflakes and Blue-Eyes, and the rest are hack-work? (the kids wanted

look better with big eyes and small mouth, tube made

templates and drew everyone almost the same)

13. Why did the kids from Zmeevka think that they were on the road to the Green City

settled a hundred-headed dragon? (the kids went there and did not return)

14. Why Dunno decided to always be friends with babies? (only they


15. Why Dunno after returning home instead of playing with

everyone, sat down at the table and began to read and write? (he promised

Sineglazka to write letters)
You also completed this task. But, unfortunately, this was our last stop and it's time for us to return home.
We take our seats and go. And in order not to get bored in flight, we will sing the song that the shorties sang at the farewell ball.

Karaoke with a video for the song "A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass"

Summing up, awarding the winners.

Target: development of attention, memory, speed of reaction.

Description. At a fairly fast pace, children are invited to answer quiz questions on fairy tales.

The real name of the Frog Princess. (Vasilisa the Wise.)

The name of the girl to whom the cow said: "Red maiden, get into one ear with me, and get out into the other - everything will work out." (Havroshechka.)

The name of the naughty brother Alyonushka. (Ivanushka.)

Who helped the bunny drive the fox out of the bast hut? (Rooster.)

Who pulled the turnip in front of the Bug? (Granddaughter.)

What is the name of the most famous collection Arabian tales? ("Thousand and One Nights".)

In which fairyland does Humpty Dumpty live? (Through the looking glass.)

Favorite mushrooms of Baba Yaga. (Fly agaric.)

Who managed to collect quitrent from the devils? (Balde.)

Who flew on a cannonball? (Baron Munchausen.)

The most famous policeman in the world. (Uncle Styopa.)

Who has the Frog Princess become? (To Vashshshsu the Beautiful.)

What was the name of the boy who lived with toy animals: a bear cub, a donkey, a pig, a rabbit, an owl and others? (Christopher Robin.)

The most unfortunate bird from Andersen's fairy tale. ( ugly duck.)

Parsley, Cornflower, Horsetail, Gingerbread Man, Insect, Morel, Titmouse - whose names are these? (Gnomes.)

The nickname of the rat from the tale of the adventures of Pinocchio. (Shu-shara.)

Who traveled to the country of the Lilliputians and to the country of the giants? (Gulliver.)

The heroine who became the wife of an elf. (Thumbelina.)

Who managed to make Princess Nesmeyana laugh? (Emele.)

A bird whose feathers glow bright light. (Firebird.)

Multi-headed fire-breathing dragon. (Dragon.)

The hero who was placed on the spire of the high tower. (The Golden Cockerel.)

In which fairy tale is there a milky river with jelly banks? ("Swan geese".)

Where did the surviving kid from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" hide? (In the oven.)

. “I don’t have a mustache, but mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth - I’m not afraid of anyone!” What fairy tale is this from? scary beast? ("Hare-brag".)

What flowers did Kai and Gerda grow? (Roses.)

Fairy tale with fruit and vegetable inhabitants. ("The Adventures of Cipollino.")

What was the name three bears from the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Mikhal Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

What were the names of the two frost brothers from the fairy tale "Two Frosts"? (Red nose, Blue nose.)

The heroes of which fairy tale lived by the very blue sea in a dilapidated dugout for exactly thirty years and three years? (Heroes of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)

What fish did Emelya catch? (Pike.)

What bird did Thumbelina save? (Swallow.)

What did the fox feed the crane? (Semolina porridge.)

The name of the sweet tooth who lives on the roof. (Carlson.)

Which cat on the farm had a cow named Murka? (At Matroskin's cat.)

The name of the boy who, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned into a dwarf little man and traveled with a flock of geese? (Niels.)

Who ended up being the Ugly Duckling? (Swan.)

For what flowers did you go to the forest under New Year the heroine of the tale "Twelve Months"? (Behind the snowdrops.)

Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow.)

How tall was the Little Humpbacked Horse? (Three inches.)

In which village does Pechkin deliver mail? (In Prostokvashino.)

What did Winnie the Pooh give Eeyore for his birthday? (A pot without honey.)

What was the name of Pinocchio's father? (Carlo.)

What is the name of the net in which the goldfish got caught? (Seine.)

What was the name of the goose that Niels traveled on? (Martin.)

What title did the Lemon from the fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino" by G. Rodari have? (Prince Lemon.)

From what tool did the soldier cook the soup in the Russian fairy tale? (From an ax.)

What was the name of the son of Tsar Saltan? (Guidon.)

Nickname of the poodle Malvina. (Artem.)

What color is Malvina's hair? (Blue.)

In which fairy tale does winter meet summer? ("Twelve months".)

The name of the city where the stranger lived. (Floral.)

What word did Kai make out of the ice cubes? (The word "eternity".)

The cat's name is Freken Bok. (Matilda.)

What time was Cinderella supposed to return from the ball? (At 12 o'clock at night.)

Appliance, distinguishing feature Carlson. (Propeller.)

A tree adorned with a golden chain. (Oak.)

Wash basin Chief. (Moydodyr.)

Terrible robber, enemy of Aibolit. (Barmaley.)

The name of the fairy tale in which the girl managed to destroy evil spell superimposed on a handsome prince turned into a monster. ("The Scarlet Flower".)

Quiz "Journey to the world of fairy tales" for primary school.

Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Regional Public Institution "Zheleznogorsk Center for Social Assistance", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Description: The importance of fairy tales in the upbringing of children cannot be overestimated. Accumulating in themselves the wisdom of previous generations, they truly acquire magic power: teaching, developing, healing. Fairy tales influence the formation of a child's thinking, his behavior throughout childhood. A fairy tale is a tool of unobtrusive learning. It is no secret that children best perceive information presented in a playful way. Fairy tales are rightly considered the most powerful tool for teaching children. The thing is that they give so-called indirect instructions. Children think in images, it is much easier for them to imagine a situation from the outside, where the main characters are fairy-tale characters. It is on the example of the heroes of fairy tales that important life information is best absorbed.
Purpose: I offer you a quiz for primary school children on the topic "Journey to the world of fairy tales." This material can be used by teachers, educators, parents.
- strengthening the knowledge of pupils about fairy tales, fairy tale characters and magical items.
- develop thinking, observation, ingenuity, speech, emotional sphere;
- to form responsibility, ability to work in a group and independently.
- exhibition of fairy tale books, fairy tale objects ( The Scarlet Flower, pocket mirror, needle, washcloth, shoe, pea, arrow, egg, hat), children's drawings based on fairy tales, cards.

Quiz progress:

presenter: Good afternoon guys! Good afternoon dear guests! Today we will take a trip to wonderful world fairy tales.
Where does the joyful and exciting world of childhood begin? From mother's lullabies, from father's strong hands, from the smell of grandmother's pies.
And, of course, fairy tales. With the help of fairy tales, we get to know the world, learn to distinguish between good and evil, truth and lies ...
Fairy tales are you and me, our characters, outlook on life, the pursuit of happiness and harmony.
Truly wise is the one who does not part with a fairy tale all his life, because you do not get tired of admiring their beauty, and you comprehend the depth of a fairy tale only over the years.
- What is a fairy tale?
(A fairy tale is a work of oral folk art, narrative, fiction, fiction, sometimes with the participation of magical powers.)
- What are fairy tales?
(Folk and copyright).
- Name folk tales ...
(children's answers)
- Name the author's fairy tales ...
(Answers of children and display of portraits of storytellers).
- What is the name of the famous Russian writer and storyteller.
(A.S. Pushkin.)

Everyone loves fairy tales
Loved by adults and children
They love to listen and watch
Fairy tales can warm the soul.
1 round. "Complete the name"
Presenter: A game for warming up, including children in a game situation. I call the first word of the name of the fairy-tale hero, you continue.
Koschey - Immortal
Vasilisa - wise
Karabas - Barabas
Elena - beautiful
Sister - Alyonushka
Brother - Ivanushka
Tiny - Khavroshechka
Serpent - Gorynych
Ivan - Tsarevich
Finist - clear falcon
snowy - Queen.

Round 2 "Who gave useful advice
1. Don't open doors strangers. (Seven kids)
2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take regular showers. (Moidodyr)
3. Ate, wash the dishes after you. (Fedora)
4. Do not walk through the forest alone. (Red Riding Hood)
5. Help friends in difficult situations. (Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale "Geese Swans")
6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and do not talk while eating. (The hen from the fairy tale "The Bean Seed")
7. Do not fulfill the requests of unfamiliar people. (Kolobok)
8. Drink only clean water. (Brother Ivanushka)
9. Once in a difficult situation, do not panic, but try to find a way out of it. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" and Gerda)
10. Study well. (Pinocchio)

3 round. "Comic Quiz"
Presenter: Here you need to guess fairytale heroes humorous quiz.

1. What is the achievement of a magical fabulous appetite? (Self-assembly tablecloth)
2. What is the fabulous flying machine? (Mortar)
3. Which fairy tale describes the life of a friendly communal family? (Teremok)
4. What is the name of the king who lived so long ago that no one remembers about it? (Peas)
5. What is the most reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations? (ball, arrow)
6. What is the name of a high-ranking person whose smile was fabulously expensive? (Princess Nesmeyana)
7. What is the name of the detail of a woman's dress, in which rivers, lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment? (Sleeve)
8. Which fairy tale contains a recipe for making a dish out of a carpentry tool that is outlandish in taste? (Axe)

Well done boys!
Round 4 "Let's think about the story"
Presenter: There are two stories: "Cockerel - Golden Scallop" and "Kolobok"
Each team on a fairy tale.
The following questions must be answered:

- How many characters are in the story?
What words are repeated most often?
- What is the conclusion from the tale?
"Cockerel - golden comb"
- 4 heroes: cockerel, cat, fox, thrush.
- "Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb."
Oil head, silk beard
Look out the window, I'll give you peas.
- Conclusion: "Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends."

- 7 heroes: grandmother, grandfather, gingerbread man, hare, bear, fox, wolf.
“I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man;
- Conclusion: do not forget about caution with cunning (simplicity is worse than theft).

Round 5 "Who is faster?"
What did the fox feed the crane? (porridge)
- What did the cockerel choke on? (bean seed)
- Who helped the sister save her brother in the fairy tale "Geese-Swans"? (Mouse)
- Who was frozen by Frost - Blue Nose? (Merchant)
- What did the parents promise to buy their daughter at Gusi-Swans? (Handkerchief)
- Who saved the Snow Maiden in the fairy tale "Girl Snow Maiden"? (Bug)
- Who helped Tiny - Khavroshechka to do the work? (Cow)
- On whose bed did the girl fall asleep in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (on Mishutkina)

Round 6 "Questions from the casket"
1. What word should Kai have put out of the ice in the fairy tale “ The Snow Queen? (Eternity)
2. What I wanted to buy Tin Woodman? (Heart)
3. A very true thing (Mirror talking)
4. Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor)
5. What is the fairest wish the girl made in the fairy tale "Flower - Seven-Color"? (Cure the boy's legs)
6. How tall was the girl sleeping in the nutshell? (Thumbelina - 2.5 cm)

Round 7 "Guess the fairy tale by the reference words!"
Presenter: Each team is asked a question in turn.
Donkey, hat, boots, field, castle ("Puss in Boots")
Road, robbers, music, friendship The Bremen Town Musicians»)
Pumpkin, prison, taxes, tears, generals ("Cipollino")
Herd, torch, creepers, wolf, boy ("Mowgli")
Grandmother, pies, forest, lumberjacks, rope ("Red Riding Hood")
Nora, wing, elf, flower, swallow, harvest mouse ("Thumbelina")
Brother, sister, apple tree, geese, Baba Yaga, stove ("Swan geese")
Sun, snow, glass, mirror, morning, rose, deer ("The Snow Queen")
Swan, egg, dream, water, duck, frost ("Ugly duck")
Rose, ratchet, nightingale, pot, princess ("Swineherd")
Rooster, seed, cow, blacksmith, chicken ("Cockerel and bean seed»)
Hollow, witch, dog, cradle, tube, princess ("Flint")
Grandmother, granddaughter, mouse, chicken ("Fear has big eyes")
Sea, wind, magical drink, pain, prince ("Mermaid")

Round 8 "Say one word"
1. A fabulous coachman with a long tail. (Rat)
2. What did the fairy make a carriage for Cinderella from? (From a pumpkin)
3. How many years did the old man fish until he caught goldfish? (33)
4. Quantity tin soldiers? (25)
5. Did you bite women in the eye, then in the nose, and even the prince? (Mosquito)
6. What is the name of the girl that the hurricane threw into magical land? (Ellie)
7. In what fairy tale dirty dishes decided to run away from her mistress? (Fedorino grief)
8. The woman who made the first flight? (Baba Yaga)
9. The name of the boy who was carried away by wild swans? (Ivanushka)
10. Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the wife of the prince? (Frog)
11. Secret spy Shapoklyak? (Rat Larisa)
12. What was the name of the boy whose heart turned to ice? (Kai)
13. The man who used a frying pan and gloves as an outfit? (Scattered)
14. In what city did the dunno live? (in flower)
15. He heals everyone and sits under a tree? (Aibolit)
16. What delicacy did Carlson prefer? (Jam)

Round 9 "Secret Chest"
Presenter: The chest contains various fabulous items. Based on the description of the item, guess what is in the chest.
1. With the help of this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle)
2. This thing can hide you if you put it on your head. (Invisible hat)
3. Because of this subject, grandfather and woman cried after the trick of a small animal? (Golden egg)
4. Tossed and turned all night because she disturbed her sleep? (Pea)
5. This item told the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)
6. The thing that the crocodile ate? What is the name of the fairy tale? (Washcloth. "Moydodyr")
7. Did this object fly right into the swamp and fall near the frog? (Arrow)
8. She lost it at the ball? (Shoe)

10 rounds Quiz "How much?"
1. How many fairy-tale heroes pulled a turnip? (Six)
2. How many months did you sit by the New Year's fire? (Twelve)
3. How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians? (Four)
4. How many eyes does Bastinda have? (One)
5. How many kids did the wolf kidnap? (Six)
6. How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read? (Four)
7. How many times did the old man ask the goldfish? (Five)
8. How many gold coins did Karabas Barabas give Pinocchio? (Five)
9. How many heroes offered Thumbelina to marry? (Four)
10. How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor? (Five)
11. How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep? (One hundred)
12. How old is Gena the crocodile? (Fifty) .

Quiz game "Journey to the country of the Russian language."

Objectives: to form interest in the Russian language through playful and entertaining material;

generalize and test the grammatical knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

develop speech, logical thinking, memory, imagination;

learn to work in groups.

Equipment: computer, presentation, task cards, certificates.

Guys, today we will make a trip to the country of the Russian language and determine the team of experts in the Russian language.

Our event motto:

“Whoever doesn’t study anything is always whining and bored”(R. Sef)

Our language is the language of labor and light,
It is wide and clear and great.
The planet listens with excitement
Pushkin's immortal language!

Your answers will be evaluated by an honest and friendly jury.

Jury presentation.

Rules: the game is played between teams "Knowing" and "Why".

For discussion of each question certain time.

At the end of it, each team must tell the jury the answer.

Team rules:

Work together, all together;

Be able to listen to your friend;

Do not offend a friend who made a mistake;

Don't laugh at a team that is losing;

Don't get angry if you lose.

Our journey begins.

Grammar, grammar!

Science is very strict.

Grammar textbook

I always take it with concern.

She is difficult, but without her

Life would be bad!

Do not send a telegram

And don't send a postcard

Even my own mother

Don't wish happy birthday.

Sending congratulations

Remember the rules of declension

Gender, number and cases -

Keep it firmly in your memory.

And prefixes and particles

Like little animals.

They want to frolic

Deceive students.

Love you grammar!

You are smart and strict.

You my grammar

I'll get by a little.

Exercise 1. "Say one word."

(instead of a phrase, you need to name one word that denotes an object - a noun; for example: a brave person is a brave man)

TALKING PERSON - talker, talker;

LAZY MAN - lazy, sloth;

A WISE MAN is a wise man;

GOOD PERSON - good-natured;

RICH MAN - rich, rich man;

A ROUGH MAN is a rude person;

A STRONG MAN is a strong man;

A MERRY PERSON is a merry fellow.

Task 2."A riddle within a riddle".

(read the riddle, fill in the missing letters and write the answers)

1. Sits de. . one hundred shu. dressed.

Who undresses him

That tears prol. vaet.

2. On p. Liane l. sleep

Under the mighty sleep

The old man stands

It has a brown cap on.

Task 3. "Rebuses".

Task 4. "Make words."

Each team must make a word from these letters.


Answer: pencil, pen, brush, bucket. ( superfluous word bucket)


Answer: glue plasticine paint wind. (extra word - wind)

Task 5."Comparison".

Hungry like ... (wolf).

Cowardly as...

Heather how…..

Stubborn like…..

It's like ... (fish).

Talkative as ... (magpie).

Fizminutka - the game "On the contrary"
- You've done a good job, let's have a rest. Get up. I call an action and you do the opposite action.

1) Put your hands down.
2) Raise your hands up. 2 p.
3) Raise your head.
4) Lower your head. 2 p.
5) Turn the body to the right.
6) Turn the body to the left. 2 p.
7) Close your eyes (open) 2 p.
8) Look into the distance.
9) Stand up.
10) Sit down.
11) Lower your right (left) hand.
12) Lower your left (right) leg.

Task 6. "Lost Letters"

1. We came to the garden,

We look: the cap grows there. (turnip)

2. Breaking the silence

Forks howl at the moon. (wolves)

3. Donut likes to gnaw grain, -

It is very tasty! (mouse)

4. In the morning, grandmother to the shirt

Nailed my pockets.

(sewn on)

5. Thunder was quiet, silent.

The cap was beautiful. (dwarf)

6. On yellowed grass

The lion (forest) drops its leaves.

7. They say one fisherman caught in the river

shoe, but then he

A house (catfish) was caught on the hook.
8. The bug did not finish the booth (bun),

Not hunting, tired!

Task 7. "Words play hide-and-seek."

Find the words that are hidden. Look at the word and answer the question:

What is the field where buckwheat grows?

What dish does the cook prepare?

What flower was awarded to the champion?

Who scared the ground beetle?

Remove the letters denoting voiced consonants and get the word.



Task 8. "Make new words"

Make up a new word by replacing only one letter in the given word:

TANK - (side, bull, beech, poppy, cancer), POINT - (night, daughter, barrel, cloud)

COM - (scrap, lump, house, volume), BABY - (grid, branch, label)

Task 9. "Collect a proverb."

Make a proverb out of syllables.

Ho, shay, ro, kni, ga, shiy, friend, beam ( Good bookbest friend.)

Who knows a lot, he is ready to eat (He who reads a lot knows a lot.)

Competition for fans.

Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root,

Talks to us

Patient language (book).

Black, crooked, mute from birth,

They will stand in a row - now they will speak.

Black Ivashka, wooden shirt,

Where will he hold his nose,

Puts a note there. (pencil).

white bunny

jumps on the black field. (chalk and board).

New house I carry in my hand

The doors of the house are locked.

Here the tenants are paper,

All are terribly important. (briefcase).

that there is one thing in man,

And the crow has two

It will not be found in the fox,

And in a man three times. (letter O).

What is at the center of the word "earth"?

(letter m).

What is a 5 letter word

meets five O? (Again).

How does day and night end?

(soft sign).

That's how many miracles, guys, in the Russian language. It's very important to know native language to write and speak correctly. To improve speech literacy, read more, do not let the word get ahead of your thoughts. Think before you speak.

Here the game is over
It's time to know the result.
Who worked the best
And did you excel today?

Summing up, awarding.

Thank you all for your attention
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition
Ensuring success.
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short:
We say goodbye
Until happy new meetings!

Task 11. "Verbal portraits."

* Once upon a time in a village there was a little girl, so pretty that there was no one better than her in the world. Grandmother gave her a hat ...

(Ch. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood")

* She is so beautiful, so beautiful. Her eyes sparkle like stars, but there is neither warmth nor light in them ...

(G.-H. Andersen "The Snow Queen")

* The moon shines under the scythe.

And in the forehead a star burns:

And she is majestic

Acts like a pava

And as the speech says,

Like a river murmurs.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan")

* A little sad man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face is covered with powder, as white as toothpowder...

(A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Buratino", Pierrot)

* Meten on the barn, scraped on the bottom of the barn,

Mixed with sour cream

Planted in the stove, chilled on the window,

He left his grandfather, and left his grandmother ...

(Russian folk tale"Kolobok")

* In a wide-brimmed hat. He walks with a beautiful hurdy-gurdy around the city. Singing and music earns his bread ...

(A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio", dad Carlo "

* A boy in a bright blue wide-brimmed hat, canary-colored trousers and an orange shirt...

(N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno")

* Attention! Looking for a six year old boy. Very independent, loves animals. A cat and a dog can be with him. Both are inbred. No fixed abode...

(E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat")

Task 12. "Correct the mistakes."

given a sentence or words with spelling errors; you need to find mistakes, correct them and explain the spelling in which mistakes were made)

I am silent, wide, clean, Marsky, speech, call, notebook, clothes, Irochka, sparrows, stockings, guys, Vova, garden, snigir.

Task 13. "We populate the house."

(read the words, put them in houses so that each syllable has its own window)

They wash, line up, whistled, smiled, recognize, song, looked around, lights, dining room.

Task 14. "From Khobot to Chirikin."

(in some fabulous state, there lived-there were animals called ...; guess what animals are hiding under these names)

TROB - elephant, SHELL - turtle,

ALARM CLOCK - rooster, REPEAT - parrot,

GAVCHIK - dog, PORKHAIKA - butterfly,

DARUKHVOSTKA - lizard, BUCK-EYE - frog (toad),

DVUHump - camel, SETKIN - spider,

LONG-SHEETS - a giraffe, STUKALO - a woodpecker,

Claw - cancer, VEST - zebra,

THORN - hedgehog, FAT PUZZ - hippopotamus,

LEAF BEAT - caterpillar, FOUNTAIN - whale,

MEDONOSKA - a bee, BERLOGIN - a bear,

MEOW is a cat, CHIRIKIN is a sparrow.

NIGHT OWL - owl,

3. Summing up, awards.

9 competition "Folk Wisdom"
- I will read the proverbs, and you find the missing words.
1) Learning is light, not learning -
2) Know more, speak -
3) Do not have a hundred rubles, but have -
4) Do not be afraid of a smart enemy, be afraid of a friend -
5) The best thing is new, best friend -
6) old friend, better than new
7) You can’t even pull out a fish without difficulty -
8) Measure seven times, once -

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