When is the separator ь written? Separating soft sign (b) - Knowledge Hypermarket

In Russian, soft and hard signs have one common function - dividing.

1. Divider Kommersant written before vowels E, Yo, Yu, I after Russian or foreign prefixes ending in a consonant or in compound words, where the first part is two-, three-, four-, and the second part begins with E, Yo, Yu, I. For example, corrosive, subjective, two-tiered.

REMEMBER: courier, four-act.

2. Divider b written before vowels E, Yo, Yu, I, I inside the word. Found in foreign words b before O, for example: blizzard, dress, nightingales, battalion.

3. b used to denote softness at the end of a word: shampoo, stone; after L before other consonants (except L): balm, glazier; after a soft consonant before a hard one: letter, nanny; in numerals (denoting tens and hundreds) from 50 to 80 and from 500 to 900: eight hundred, seventy.

REMEMBER: b not written in combinations H and SCH with other consonants, combined letters HH, ZN, SN, NT, ST, ZD: babysit, nocturnal, monkey.

1. b is used to denote grammatical forms:

at the end of third declension nouns: mouse, rye;

at the end of adverbs ending in hissing: all the way, backward, jump, backhand(BUT: already, married, unbearable);

in the indefinite form of the verb : wash, love;

in the 2nd person singular of the present and future tenses: eat, write;

in the creative case: children, eight;

in particles: only.

Task 1. Rewrite the words, insert the missing letters.

1) to ... caustic, 2) from ... to reveal, 2) from ... to yat, 4) white ... floor, 5) piano ... yano, 6) ad ... jutant, 7) n ... juance, 8) nine ... yu, 9) head ... southern, 10) interview .. yuer, 11) wasp ... lamprey, 12) p ... edestal, 13) film ... capacious, 14) warm ... capacious, 15) trans ... European, 16) third ... annual, 17) three ... tiered, 18) four ... storey, 19) pass ... jans, 20) champagne ... he. 21) without ... nuclear, 22) variation ..., 23) bondage ... ero, 24) in ... reality, 25) injection ... injection, 26) from ... yang, 27) postal ... he, 28) mouse ... yakov, 29) fel…eton, 30) inter…linguistic, 31) once…unified, 32) with…emochny, 33) feld…jaeger, 34) four…tiered, 35) kan…he, 36) man…chzhur, 37) district… e, 38) hugs ... hugs, 39) con ... yuktivit, 40) drive ... drive.

Topic: Text analysis.

Exercise #1

Last year I was in trouble. I was walking down the street, slipped and fell... I fell badly, worse than ever: my face on the curb, I broke my nose, I smashed my whole face, my hand jumped out in my shoulder. It was about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, on Kirovsky Prospekt, not far from the house where I live.

With great difficulty he got up - his face was covered with blood, his hand hung like a whip. I wandered into the nearest entrance 5, tried to calm the blood with a handkerchief. Wherever there, she continued to whip, I felt that I was in a state of shock, the pain was getting stronger, and something had to be done quickly. And I can’t speak, my mouth is broken.

Decided to turn back home.

I walked down the street, I think not staggering: I walked holding a bloody handkerchief to my face, my coat was already gleaming with blood. I remember this path well - about three hundred meters. There were many people on the street. A woman with a girl walked towards me, some kind of couple, an elderly woman, a man, young guys, all of them at first looked at me with curiosity, and then averted their eyes, turned away. If only someone on this path came up to me, asked what was the matter with me, if I needed help. I remembered the faces of many people - apparently, with unaccountable attention, a heightened expectation of help ...

The pain confused my consciousness, but I understood that if I lay down on the sidewalk now, they would calmly step over me, bypass me. We have to get home.

Later I thought about this story. Could people take me for a drunk? It seems to be no, it is unlikely that I made such an impression. But even if they took me for a drunk ... They saw that I was covered in blood, something happened - fell, hit - why didn’t they help, didn’t at least ask what was the matter? So, to pass by, not to get involved, not to waste time, effort, "this does not concern me" has become a familiar feeling?

Pondering, he recalled these people with bitterness, at first he was angry, accused, perplexed, indignant, but then he began to remember himself. And he looked for something similar in his behavior. It is easy to reproach others when you are in a situation of distress, but you must definitely remember yourself, I can’t say that I had exactly such a case, but I found something similar in my own behavior - a desire to move away, evade, not get involved .. And, having convicted himself, he began to understand how familiar this feeling had become, how it warmed up, imperceptibly took root.

Unfortunately, our copious conversations about morality are often too general. And morality ... it consists of specific things - of certain feelings, properties, concepts.

One of these feelings is the feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even seems to be rejected by our life. Something peculiar only to former times. "Sister of mercy", "brother of mercy" - even the dictionary gives them as "outdated." , that is, obsolete concepts.

In Leningrad, in the Aptekarsky Island area, there was Mercy Street. They considered this name obsolete, renamed the street into Textile Street.

To withdraw mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. This ancient, necessary feeling is characteristic of the entire animal community, the bird community: mercy for the downtrodden and injured. How did it happen that this feeling overgrown with us, died out, turned out to be neglected? One can object to me by citing many examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, and true mercy. Examples, they are, and yet we feel, and have long been, the decline of mercy in our lives. If it were possible to make a sociological dimension of this feeling.

I am sure that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think that this is innate, given to us along with instincts, with the soul. But if this feeling is not used 5 , if it is not exercised, it weakens and atrophies.

Task for the exercise:

Read the text from D. Granin's book "Fulcrum". The article is called "On Mercy". Is this text reasoning? Name the main features of the text and this type of speech, prove your opinion.

1) What is the main thesis of this text? What arguments are used to prove it? Are they enough? What is the conclusion? Do you agree with this conclusion?

2) What types of speech, besides reasoning, are used in this text?

We repeat the spelling.

1. Final consonants in prefixes (except for prefixes on h-c) over-, under-, pre-, before -, from-, about- are always spelled the same, no matter how they sound: train - grind, incision - inscription.

2. Attachments without-, air-, from-, bottom-, times-, through-, through- spelled with a letter Z before vowels and voiced consonants, and with a letter FROM before voiceless consonants: tasteless, heartless, outlook, extremely, excessively.

3. In consoles times- (ras-) or roses- (ros-) spelled under stress O, written without stress BUT: search, look for, painting, painted.

Exception: investigative .

REMEMBER: calculation, prudent, calculate, pay off, quarrel.

4. Prefix With- written before voiceless and voiced consonants: cut down, knock down. In words here, building, health, no zgi Z included in the root.

Fill in the missing letters in the words:

and…following; ra ... to know; be…cherished; be ... coven; and ... flow; ra ... reduced; be…mortal; ra ... to provoke; ra ... trample; and ... scoop; r ... write-off; r ... detective department, r ... looking for a book, give r ... a list.

We repeat the spelling.

Prefixes pre-, at- differ in meaning:

a) prefix pre- close:

* to the meaning of the word "very": lovely;

* to the meaning of the word "in a different way": transform, reshape;

* denotes an action reaching the ultimate degree: surpass;

b) prefix at -:

* indicates spatial proximity: coastal;

* joining or approaching: approach, approach;

* performing an action in an incomplete amount: cover up, lie down;

* bringing the action to the end: swim, teach;

* an action performed in the interests of the subject: to appropriate, to pocket.

It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of words:

REMEMBER: pursue, neglect, claim, obstacle, pretender, prestige, president, prerogative, punctuation marks; pretend, privilege, private, priority.

Exercise. Write out the phrases, fill in the missing letters.

1) to ... give in to dreams, 2) to ... adapt to circumstances, 3) a picture without pr ... beauty, 4) to misunderstand, 5) to ... give ridicule, 6) signs of pr ... kicking, 7) pr ... to be given to memories , 8) pr ... walking phenomenon, 9) pr ... tame the beast, 10 pr ... bizarre drawing, 11) pr ... twist, 12) pr ... block the road, 13) pr ... increase danger, 14) pr ... draft horse .

Shooting, entrance, hugs, announcement, detour, immense, disheveled, furious, move in, drive up, cower, unite, ate.


Write down suggestions. Underline the words with a separating hard sign (ъ).

1. From the frost, the leaves on the trees shriveled. 2. Rosehip bushes seem to be on fire. 3. In the summer I traveled all over Crimea with my parents. 4. We put each other in a strong hug. 5. Quiet! Filming is underway. 6. Children from all over Ukraine came to the competition.


Listen to the words. Write words with a soft sign (b) into one

column, with a solid sign (b) - in another.

Sparrows, feathers, detour, drinks, ate, wolf, stakes, drive up, edible, announcement, health, leaves, shooting, friends, furious, edible, bunches, joy, blizzard.


Separate selected words for hyphenation.

There was a fire in the neighboring house at night. A firestorm erupted. enraged flames were pouring out of the windows. came together several fire engines. The first one was at the entrance. The second circled around the house. The third entered the yard. Water fountains are beating. The smoke corrodes the eyes. Fire surrenders. The screams of firefighters are heard. They saved people's lives and homes. You can't play with fire!


It's good to wander through the autumn forest!

There's a fly agaric hat blushing. it inedible mushroom. And here are my favorite oils. There is a boletus flaunting. And here are the red foxes. All of these mushrooms are edible. They are loved by both people and animals. Have you ever seen eaten mushroom stalks? This squirrel cooks edible for the winter. It will be cozy for her in a warm hollow in a cold snowstorm.


It is still warm, but a thin web is already twisting in the air. Bird voices are still heard. Les thought about it. This is how a person thinks departure on a long journey. Leaves soon shrink, will fall off. The blizzard will cover the paths. It will be like this all winter. And then the spring wind will announce that it is warm.

44 words. (According to E. Gladchenko)


VOCABULARY AND CREATIVE DICTATIONS 1. Translate Ukrainian words into Russian. 2. Put stress in words. Kropiva, otaman, besida, shine...

The letter Ъ - "solid sign" - is the 28th letter of the Russian alphabet. In modern language, a solid sign does not denote a sound and serves as a kind of guideline for the correct pronunciation of a number of words. Nevertheless, the solid sign is one of the symbols that formed the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet and to this day have come a long and difficult path along with the development of the language.

Words with a solid sign: a bit of history

The solid sign has been known in Cyrillic graphics since ancient times. In the Old Russian language, the letter had a different name - "er" and in some roots could be pronounced as "o", and was also written at the end of words ending in a consonant, and after a prefix to a consonant before the root starting with a vowel. This practice continued until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1918, during the reform of Russian spelling, the writing of a hard sign at the end of words ending in a consonant was abolished. Today, words with a solid sign in Russian are characterized by a total of more than 140, and the use of this letter is clearly regulated. Let's talk about this in more detail.

The main groups of words with a solid sign and their spelling norms

The modern Russian language uses the symbol "Ъ" as a separator. A solid sign is used after consonants before iotized vowels e, e, u, i, mainly at the junction of morphemes.

Solid sign between prefix and root

1. After prefixes ending in a consonant, before a root starting with a vowel, and in words with native Russian prefixes ( eat, departure, detour, cringe, sarcastic), and in words with borrowed prefixes ( counter-tier, sub-core, trans-European).

2. A separate group consists of borrowed words with a solid sign, starting with combinations of ob-, sub-, ad-, ab-, diz-, inter-, con- and others, which were originally prefixes, but in modern Russian are identified as part root: object, subject, adjutant, abjuration, disjunction, interjection, conjuncture.

Solid sign between parts of compound words

1) before the second root after parts of two-, three-, four- ( two-tier, three-anchor, four-capacity);

2) such words with a separating hard sign are separately distinguished, such as courier and pan-European;

3) if we are talking about the spelling of complex abbreviated words with a similar structure, then a solid sign is not used in them: spetseda, hostess, military lawyer, state language and others.

Solid sign in proper names and their derivatives

There are a number of nouns and their derivatives (names of people and geographical names), where a solid sign is also used: city Kizilyurt, village Torjal, lake Jyväsjärvi, painter Guo Hengyu.

Thus, words with a solid sign in modern Russian are a separate group with their own regularities in spelling. Unlike a soft sign, which can be used several times in the same word, there can be only one hard sign in one word. The above cases of using a hard sign are clear rules that must always be observed. In situations not discussed in this article, under similar conditions, a separating soft sign is used.

The famous Soviet-era linguist Lev Uspensky calls it the most expensive letter in the world. In his work on the origin of words, you can see how he relates to it. According to him - "she definitely does nothing, does not help anything, does not express anything." A pertinent question arises - how did the letter b appear in the Russian language, and what role was assigned to it by the creators?

The history of the appearance of the letter b

The authorship of the first Russian alphabet is attributed to Cyril and Methodius. The so-called Cyrillic alphabet, which was based on the Greek language, appeared in 863 after the birth of Christ. In their alphabet - a solid sign was number 29 and sounded like EP. (before the reform of 1917-1918 - the 27th in a row). The letter Ъ was a short semi-vowel sound without pronunciation. It was placed at the end of a word after a solid consonant.

What then is the meaning of this letter? There are two plausible versions of this explanation.

The first option concerned the Old Slavonic letter itself. Since there were simply no spaces familiar to us at that time, it was she who helped to correctly divide the line into words. As an example: "to God's chosen king."

The second explanation is associated with the Church Slavonic pronunciation of words. It was ER that did not muffle the voiced consonant when reading the word, as we see in modern Russian.

We pronounce the words flu and mushroom, which are different in meaning, the same way - (flu). There was no such sound phonetics in the Old Slavonic language. All words are spelled and spoken. For example: slave, friend, bread. This was explained by the fact that the division of syllables in the Old Slavonic language obeyed one law, which sounded like this:

“In the Old Church Slavonic language, the ending of a word cannot have consonants. Otherwise, the syllable will be closed. What cannot be according to this law.

In view of the above, we decided to attribute EP (b) at the end of words where there are consonants. So it turns out: Deli, Traktir, Lombard or Address.

In addition to the above two reasons, there is also a third. It turns out that the letter b was used to denote the masculine gender. For example, in nouns: Alexander, magician, forehead. They also inserted it into verbs, for example: put, sat down, (past tense masculine gender).

Over time, the letter b performed the function of a word separator less and less often. But the “useless” Kommersant at the end of the words still held its positions. According to the aforementioned linguist Uspensky L.V. this little "squiggle" could take up to 4% of the entire text. And this is millions and millions of pages annually.

18th century reforms

Anyone who believes that the Bolsheviks made a control shot in the “head” of the malicious letter Kommersant and thereby cleansed the Russian language of church prejudices is a little mistaken. The Bolsheviks in the seventeenth year simply "finished off" her. It all started much earlier!

Peter himself thought about the reform of the language, especially about Russian writing. An experimenter in life, Peter has long dreamed of breathing new life into the "decrepit" Old Church Slavonic language. Unfortunately, his plans only remained plans. But the fact that he moved this issue off the ground is his merit.

The reforms that Peter began from 1708 to 1710 primarily affected the church font. The filigree "squiggles" of church letters were replaced by common ones. Letters such as "Omega", "Psi" or "Yusy" have gone into oblivion. The familiar letters E and Z appeared.

The Russian Academy of Sciences began to think about the rationality of using some letters. So the idea of ​​excluding Izhitsa from the alphabet arose among academicians as early as 1735. And in one of the printing publications of the same academy, a few years later, an article was published without the notorious letter Ъ at the end.

Control shot for the letter b

In 1917, there were two shots - one on the Aurora cruiser, the other at the Academy of Sciences. Someone believes that the reform of Russian writing is the merit of the Bolsheviks alone. But historical documents confirm that in this matter, tsarist Russia also moved forward.

In the first years of the 20th century, Moscow and Kazan linguists were already talking about the reform of the Russian language. 1904 was the first step in this direction. A special commission was created at the Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to simplify the Russian language. One of the questions on the commission was the notorious letter Ъ. Then the Russian alphabet lost "Fita" and "Yat". New spelling rules were introduced in 1912, but, unfortunately, they never passed the censorship then.

Thunder struck on December 23, 1917 (01/05/18). On this day, People's Commissar of Education Lunacharsky A.V. signed a decree on the transition to a new spelling. The letter Ъ - as a symbol of resistance to the Bolsheviks, let out its last breath.

In order to speed up the funeral of everything that was connected with the "tsarist regime", on November 4, 1918, the Bolsheviks issued a decree on the removal of the letter Ъ from the printing houses of the matrix and letters. As a result of this, the spelling miscarriage of the Bolsheviks appeared - the apostrophe. The separator function was now played by a comma (up, down, exit).

One era ends, another begins. Who would have thought that the small letter b would become so big and important in the confrontation between the two worlds, white and red, old and new, before and after the shot!

But the letter b remained. Remained just like the 28th letter of the alphabet. In modern Russian, it plays a different role. But this is a completely different story.

Class) is difficult to understand and is not assimilated by all students firmly and for a long time. This article provides an accessible and detailed description of the procedure for studying the rule for writing words with a separating "b", as well as examples of tasks to consolidate the acquired skills and abilities.

It is advisable to divide the study of the topic into stages:

  1. Problem statement. The words are written on the board: monkey, pyut, sparrows, clapping, blizzard. Students are invited to read the words, to find a discrepancy. As a result of reasoning, students conclude that the proposed words lack a soft sign. Further attention is focused on the role of the soft sign in these words, in other words, why it is needed here. The students should answer that in these words the soft sign separates the vowel and consonant. In such cases, "b" is called a separator.
  2. It is equally important for students to be able to find the separating "b" in words and understand what function it performs in the word. In a practical way, we reveal the difference in the pronunciation of the syllables pya - pya, nu - nyu, le - le, bi - bi. In the second case, our lips "smile" a little wider. The conclusion is made: syllables containing a separating soft sign are more difficult to pronounce, with overcoming a certain barrier. And what is this barrier? Students indicate the presence of a sound [y '] between a consonant and a vowel. Next, you need to consolidate the acquired knowledge using motor memory. With the help of the hand, let the students show the road along which some one needs to go. Syllables in which there is a dividing soft sign will indicate bumps. The route may look something like this: ti - not - lya - pya - syo - vya. Then you can arrange a competition among students to determine the most experienced racer.
  3. Observing the suggested words (night, sews, sons, Sunday, streams) will allow students to determine the place where a dividing soft sign is required.

Rule: "The separating "ь" should be written inside words after consonants before the vowels i, e, u, ё, and".

For a strong memorization, the rule must be drawn up in the form of a reference table.

To consolidate what we have learned, we use the following exercises:

1. We write down syllables with and without a dividing b and without it under dictation.
Nu, nye, pya, rye...

2. We train to pronounce words with a separating soft sign. Pure tongues:

The weaver weaves fabrics on Tatyana's dress.

On the road Daria saw Marya. Daria Rada Marya. Maria Rada Darya.


They take cities with skill.

Himself from a sparrow, and a heart from a cat.

[l'is'ty'a] - leaves

[night'y'u] - at night

I whitewash the walls. - Buttons were sewn to the new linen.

A hungry beast is always fierce. - It often rains in autumn.

We are happy dear guest. - Invite our guest here.

5. We form adjectives:

bull - bullish;

dog - canine;

crow - crow;

fox - fox.

6. We practice in the formation of words with a separating soft sign according to the model:

friend - friends;

sparrow - sparrows;

chair - chairs.

7. We form patronymics from proper names according to the model:

Yura - Yurievich, Yurievna;

Ilya - Ilch, Ilyinichna;

Valera - Valerievich, Valerievna.

8. We find and underline words in the texts with a separating soft sign.

9. We distribute words with a soft sign in 2 columns. In the first we write words with a separating soft sign, in which "b" will denote the softness of the consonant, in the second - to separate the consonant and vowel.

10. Write down with commentary and solve riddles:

Around the water, but with drinking trouble. (Sea).

Who gets up in autumn and spring? (Bear.)

11. Self-compilation by students of small vocabulary dictations that will contain words on the learned rule.

Example: sitting by the fire, sparrows are twining, along the branches of trees, playing by the stream, showered with flakes, covered in ice, nightingale singing, bird calls, drinking water.

12. We read the text and write it down from memory:

Bird friendly family wears boughs for housing. The sun will warm - the housewarming will celebrate.

13. We read, write down and explain the meaning of phrases:

at a snail's pace

our little brothers

Performing the proposed exercises, children will consolidate their knowledge and remember forever how words with a separating soft sign are written.

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