Who is Dakota's husband. Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky: love story, wedding

Some time ago, rumors spread on the Web that Vlad Sokolovsky was cheating on Rita Dakota. The surprise of the fans of the couple knew no bounds, because from the outside their family seemed perfect. And not so long ago, young people became parents for the first time - they had a charming daughter, Mia. Rita got acquainted with the information, which received wide publicity, and decided to shed light on the speculation of the public.

According to Dakota, the rumors about Sokolovsky's betrayals are not true. Rita stated that they were distributed by a mentally ill person - the wife of her childhood best friend, who, in turn, is the son of her mother's good friend. The woman works as a housekeeper for Sokolovsky and Dakota.

“I don’t know the exact diagnosis, but there is some form of schizophrenia. At first, she wrote to me on all social networks that I should be friends with her. Then she began to speak resentfully and evilly in the vein of “for the sake of your childhood friendship with my husband, you are obliged to add me and answer my messages, otherwise you will regret it,” and when I blocked her, then not quite funny things began: he began to threaten, really,” Rita said.

Offended by Dakota, the girl began to invent news about her and distribute them on the Internet. Communicating with the haters, she presented herself as a person from the close circle of Rita and Vlad, and to prove her words, she showed photographs from her personal archive.

“At first, a person spread rumors that I was sleeping with my manager (my best friend and the locomotive of my project), and when I got pregnant, a new trick went on - “Vlad is cheating,” the singer said.

Rita Dakota decided not to leave such gossip unattended and turned to experts to find out who their author was. “Confused, we received complete evidence that it was her (thanks to our IT people, they expose cybercrime),” the artist said. According to Rita, she is tired of such "compromising evidence" that regularly pops up on the Web. Therefore, Dakota would like to punish the author of the rumors, but the singer is upset that this will affect close friends of her family.

“Legally, we can easily sue her, and of course we will win. And the “moral damage” for attempts to denigrate and tarnish her reputation will in fact not be paid by her - an unemployed and sick girl - but by my friend and my aunt. They cry and shrug: neither the husband nor the mother-in-law can shut her up. The person is sick, a vicious circle, ”Rita shared.

Dakota asked the fans what she should do in this case - continue to tolerate the behavior of an abnormal person or still punish him. Most of the artist's followers came to the conclusion that Rita should not put up with such an attitude. Fans of the young woman also wrote that they were shocked by her story. “The story is reminiscent of the film “Ingrid Goes West”, “If nothing is done, she will never stop”, “Maybe send her for treatment?”, “Tin. And what is she trying to achieve?”, “Such people are sorry. She needs therapy,” commented on the Internet.

In the family of singers Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky replenishment: the couple had a girl, who was given the name Mia.

As it became known, Vlad and Rita became parents on October 23 at 19:35. Young people had a girl 52 cm tall and weighing 3 kg 280 grams.

Rita Dakota explained that she and her husband decided to wait two days before announcing the addition to the family. “And today we decided to tell everyone who was waiting for the cherished news, who has been with us in thoughts and soul all the last time,” she wrote.

Rita Dakota in the hospital

Posted by RITA DAKOTA (@ritadakota) Oct 25, 2017 at 6:02 PDT

For the first time, Rita Dakota's pregnancy became known at the end of May. Then the couple gave a frank interview to reporters, in which they talked about the upcoming replenishment in the family. According to the artists, the child was conceived during their trip to Bali. As it turned out, Rita had long dreamed of becoming a mother. At the same time, the singer and musician noted that she did not like the phrase "planned child."

After Dakota decided to talk about the future baby, she began to keep a diary on Instagram, in which she talked about her preparation for an important event. The performer not only shared her emotions and consulted with subscribers, but each time noted which week of pregnancy she was in.

Some time before the replenishment in the family, Rita stated that her relatives were constantly being called with questions about the appearance of the baby. Dakota turned to the public with a request to put them alone and said that she herself would tell about the birth of her first child. The artist tries to be as open as possible with her audience. By the way, a few weeks before the long-awaited event, the singer did not limit her activities and continued to do her usual business: “I just started my 40th week, and I didn’t give birth. She didn't even go to the hospital. On the contrary, yesterday they wrote songs and shopped, today at the cinema, tomorrow at 15:00 to the beautician. Thank you for your experiences, for compassion, for caring. But do not get ahead of events and do not put pressure on a pregnant woman. I promise that as soon as it happens, you will be the first to know about it, we have always been as open as possible with our audience, we were not ashamed and did not hide our personal lives ... Our happiness loves sincerity, openness and honesty, inspiring other people to their own ".

Rita Dakota (real name - Margarita Gerasimovich) was born on March 9, 1990 in Minsk. The family lived in a poor area of ​​the city, but the girl's parents tried to ensure that their daughter did not feel lack of anything. As a child, the girl walked for a long time with the guys from the yard, preferring to play the Cossack robbers and other “boyish” games.

Young Dakota dreamed of creating music since childhood. She sang songs for neighbor grandmothers, secretly dreamed of becoming a famous composer. The girl wrote her first poem at the age of five. It was dedicated to toys and was called The Steadfast Little Soldier.

Rita Dakota on stage

The mother of the future singer noticed her daughter's talent, and when she was seven years old, she sent her to a music school. At the entrance exams, Rita sang the song "Moscow Evenings". After some thought, the girl was enrolled in piano lessons, and she studied vocals as a free student, joining the school choir. Musical education was easy; together with other children, Rita performed at international festivals and competitions.

At the age of eleven, Dakota became the author of her first song. She wrote her first serious composition, being inspired by the French film "Leon" and the composition "Shape of my heart" by the British musician Sting. She performed this song with a school friend at the graduation party in the fourth grade.

Already at the age of fourteen, Dakota was actively writing songs for her punk band and selling musical sketches to radio stations. In order for the girl and her business proposal to be taken seriously, she had to take one of the adults with her.

After school, Rita planned to enter the music school named after, and learned about the outstanding vocal teacher Gulnara Robertovna. The teacher helped to record demos of Dakota's songs in order to maintain copyright on them. At the same time, Rita became interested in graffiti and learned to draw. Then graffiti artists from Portugal visited Minsk, they saw the singer's drawings and described them as "dakotat". The girl liked this word so much that she made it her pseudonym.

The first steps in her creative biography were participation in the Belarusian talent competition "Star Stagecoach" in 2005. However, the project did not bring the girl victory, since the jury of the competition accused the singer of lack of patriotism due to the performance of the song in English.

Such an event almost became an obstacle for Rita on the way to achieving her goal, but the girl continued to fight. She firmly decided to realize herself on stage.

The fateful moment for her will be participation in the large-scale Russian reality show "Star Factory". It is the television musical project "Star Factory" that opens up new opportunities for Rita.

"Star Factory"

In 2007, her active professional growth began. A 17-year-old girl came from Minsk to the Moscow casting of the next season of the Star Factory simply because she wanted to present CDs with her music to famous Russian producers. The Belarusian girl did not at all dream of becoming one of the "manufacturers", but in the end she was taken to the project - she even became its finalist.

When the casting for the Star Factory-7 project was announced, the singer's friends offered her to sell or even donate several of her songs to the contestants for the sake of advertising. If not for the support of friends, Dakota would have abandoned such an idea. The judges favorably reacted to the singer, she went through all the tours and got into the television version of the project.

On the show, Dakota performed exclusively her own songs, and also wrote compositions for other participants. Her hit "Matches" was downloaded from the Internet more than a million times. A bright image, strong vocal abilities and interesting songs made Dakota one of the most memorable in the show.

After the "Factory" Dakota lacked money and the support of friends, she was disappointed in the Russian show business. Then the girl decided to end her career as a pop musician and engage exclusively in songwriting.


Gradually, Dakota disappears from the screens and creates an independent rock band Monroe. She does not hide her reason for leaving show business, declaring some kind of injustice:

“When I realized that this is a cruel, dishonest, “ostentatious” world, in which there is no place for music, but there are only gossip and deceit, I decided to leave the stage as an artist.”

In the future, the Monroe rock band became a regular participant in the Kubana and Invasion festivals. Together with the group, the girl toured the country, gathering full houses in different regions of the country.

The singer chose her image to match the music - rather bold and aggressive. Dreadlocks, bright makeup, tattoos - Dakota was even called Russian.

“The main thing is not our shell and musical tastes, but what we have inside. Inside, we are absolutely identical, ”Rita admits in an interview.

In 2015, Rita Dakota became a member of the Main Stage musical project on the Russia-1 TV channel. Her mentor on the project was a well-known producer who was in charge of the pop and pop-rock directions on the show. The singer performed exclusively her songs, which helped her reach the semi-finals of the competition.

However, the most popular for the performer is not participation in various competitions, but the track “Half a Person”, which was released in 2016. Immediately after the release of this composition, her fans were delighted with the new creation. It was this song that prompted Rita to work on new albums, audio recordings and videos.

In February 2017, information appeared in the media that Rita was seriously considering the possibility of leaving Russia. It can change from cold and overcast weather to a warmer oceanic climate in Bali. The famous singer really liked the rest at the popular resort. Online Instagram the girl has repeatedly published photos in a swimsuit on the beach of a beautiful island.

Rita Dakota realized that Bali has become her almost native place: there she not only enjoys her vacation, but lives fully.

Personal life

On the TV project "Star Factory-7" Rita Dakota met a young musician who will become her husband in the future. The love story of Rita and Sokolovsky deserves special attention. The couple met in 2007 at the Star Factory. Initially, they were good friends and even called each other "brother" and "sis".

At the seventh "Factory" Vlad Sokolovsky, together with creates a duet "BiS", which is becoming quite popular. The new team won first place in the charts of radio stations and famous music channels. Blue-eyed and blond Vlad became recognizable in Russian show business and gained a huge army of lovers in love. At that time, Rita and Vlad had absolutely nothing in common, since they did not take part in projects together, and also only occasionally crossed paths at large secular parties.

A few years later, at the birthday party of a mutual friend, the young people met. Years passed, Rita and Vlad changed noticeably, matured and looked at each other differently. The romance between them developed rapidly, and soon they completely amazed their fans with the news of the upcoming wedding.

In 2015, a man proposed to his beloved while on vacation in Bali. Rita, after not very long deliberation, agreed to become his wife, and her first photo in a wedding dress appeared on Instagram. On June 3, 2015, the couple got married in one of the capital's churches, and five days later, the lovers played a luxurious wedding.

In April 2017, the couple's friends revealed that Rita was pregnant. October 23, 2017 Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky became parents. in a Moscow maternity hospital, a girl named Mia. Young parents talked about their emotions on the Youtube channel.

Rita Dakota now

Rita and Vlad in 2018 continued to maintain their blog, in which they shared the details of their personal lives and creativity. The young family showed footage of rehearsals, friendly gatherings, travels, shared joyful events (whether it was paying off a mortgage or Mia's first successes). The Sokolovskys gave the impression of a successful and ideal family.

In August 2018, fans were shocked. Rita Dakota on her Instagram announced that she was divorcing Vlad because of his many betrayals from the wedding to the last days.

The girl expressed resentment due to the fact that a lot of mutual friends and relatives knew about her husband's betrayals. At the same time, many of them, including Sokolovsky's father, covered up Vlad's betrayals.

At the moment, the couple have already divorced. The divorce process was difficult to call simple, ahead of them was the division of property, since Vlad refused to voluntarily leave everything to his wife and daughter. Represented the interests of Dakota in court. According to Ekaterina, up to this point she had been performing the task of tacitly solving the problem. But the plans to “negotiate behind the scenes and peacefully” did not materialize. Gordon blamed Sokolovsky for this, noting that it was difficult to trust "the one who lied so much." As a result, the newly acquired apartment of the ex-spouses was rewritten to Mia, and Rita is no longer related to the once family business (the network of grill bars "Brazier").

The loudest divorces of Russian show business

The couple risks their careers for a long vacation. Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota had to fly away from the island and return to Moscow to continue their creative work and work projects. But at the last moment they decided that they would stay in Bali.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota
Photo: Instagram

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota decided to spend the winter in Bali this year. Yesterday, the couple was supposed to fly to Russia with their daughter Mia. Young parents shared with subscribers their emotions from the fact that the long-term vacation came to an end, and were already looking forward to returning home.

“So our endless travels are coming to an end and, of course, this is insanely sad at heart, despite the fact that there are relatives in Moscow, and a lot of interesting projects and things to do! We will have to deal with this and accept it as always with an open heart, ”Vlad wrote on Instagram the other day.

However, at the last moment, the couple changed their minds about flying back and did not go to check in the flight. Sokolovsky announced his decision on his social media page.

“So today it looked like making a rather difficult decision for us! Namely, to stay on our island for a while. The decision was made very abruptly, due to various, including personal circumstances," Sokolovsky said.

According to Rita, they did not change the tickets, but simply decided not to fly and do not even think about the approximate dates of returning to their homeland. It is interesting that Vlad and Rita remained in Bali, despite the difficulties that accompany their life in the tropics. First, the villa where they lived was robbed, then the rice fields burned, the couple had to change their homes because of the smoke, and then the singer “caught” a dangerous virus.

There were also other troubles, and although the vacation of the star couple definitely cannot be called "cloudless", they still decided to extend it.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota on vacation in Bali
Photo: Instagram

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