Patterns on the windows lesson in the preparatory group. Synopsis of OOD in the preparatory group "Frost patterns" (decorative drawing)

Synopsis of GCD " Frost patterns»

in preparatory group

Purpose: To form the artistic taste of children, develop creative potential, thanks to the ability to see, notice the beauty of nature.


To enrich the cognitive level of children in the field of natural phenomena;

Teach children to work carefully;

Develop Creative skills children - to reflect in the drawings the characteristic signs of the season (winter patterns on the window) in an unconventional way drawing - scratching - improve visual control over the creation of a drawing, develop imagination, fantasy;

To form the ability to observe - to see the unusual in the ordinary;

Cultivate love for nature, for beauty, for artistic word, to music, to educate emotionality, activity, a sense of association.

1 part. Sounds music from the album "Seasons" by M. Tchaikovsky (melody on the theme "Winter" - a blizzard, a snowstorm howls - "sings")

Educator: Children, what did you imagine while listening to this music? (children's answers)

Educator: When (at what time of the year) does such a natural phenomenon occur? (children's answers)

Educator: what mood, what feelings does the nature of this music evoke in you? (children's answers, feelings of sadness, sadness, loneliness)

Educator: A storm, a snowstorm, a blizzard, a blizzard, howls - all this happens, as you already said, in winter. But in winter there are many pleasant and beautiful moments. What makes you happy in winter? (children's answers)

Educator: I will make a riddle, having guessed which, you can name another beautiful phenomenon of winter time:

Grabbed by the cheeks, by the tip of the nose, but who is it - that's the question,

All this makes ... frost! (children's answer).

Listen to what poem Lisa learned:

Invisible, carefully he comes to me

And he draws like an artist, he designs on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow, here is a palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws with white paint alone!

I look - do not come off: the branches of the line are tender!

And the artist is happy to try, even brushes are not needed. (A. Brotsky).

Educator: What do you think, what kind of drawings are we talking about in the poem ...

Let's take a closer look at these "frosty drawings".

Slide show "Patterns on the winter window"

Guys, what did you see? (what images). (children's answers)

Educator: (I summarize) Beautiful, fluffy, carved, crystal twigs ...

And here is a poem that Varya learned:

Santa Claus breathes on the windows,

On the glass of the picture he writes:

Arrows, towers and flowers of unprecedented beauty!

From what crystal fairy tale

Did he get those paints?

Foliage shines with sparks, laces are silvering ...

Wow, what a beauty.

Guys, tell me, please, how do you get such beautiful patterns- lace? (children's answers)

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. The icicles are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the winter sun!

Guys, unfortunately, we can admire these snowy laces only in winter. What can we do to keep a piece of winter with us forever?

In what way do you think this can be done? (children's answers)

Guys, today I want to turn you into little frost helpers, and Lida will help me with this. She will show how you can draw beautiful patterns and pictures, like a real Frost. For this we will not need any paints, brushes or pencils. We will draw, and not even draw, but scratch out our drawings with such sticks.

Lida's story and demonstration of the "scratch" technique.

Look how Lida does it, what a miracle - white patterns appear from under the blue paint. This drawing technique is called GRATTAGE.

I have prepared for you these little frozen windows. Now sit down at the tables and try painting your window. Try to be called real frost helpers.

(Children's work, MUSIC)

Educator: Children, what beautiful patterns you got! How real! Polina What word would you like to call these patterns? 2-3 children

(original, fabulous, magical, enigmatic, mysterious)

Guys, let's stick your windows on the house and even in summer we can admire winter patterns,

Well done, you really can be called real little helpers of frost. How beautifully you painted your windows! Even the mood has risen. What feelings are you experiencing right now?

(children's answers, joyful, cheerful, cheerful, feelings of admiration, happiness)

Educator: And remember your mood when listening to music ...

It has changed. What changed your mood? (children's answers)

What did you learn new today? What did you like the most?

I really liked your work. I think everyone who sees your drawings will cheer up, which means you brought joy to people.


Organized educational activities with children of the kindergarten preparatory group

(chapter educational program"artistic creativity")

Theme: "Frost patterns".

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music".

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-exploratory, playful.

Purpose of the event:

To give knowledge about the non-traditional technique of the image "photocopy" - drawing with a candle or wax crayon - and salt painting.



Teach children to draw frosty patterns on windows.

Develop the ability to choose color scheme colors to match the winter mood.


By using non-traditional technique drawing to develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity.

Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills fingers and hands.


Cultivate interest in unconventional drawing, Creative skills.

Methods and techniques:

Game situation, using the artistic word.

Demonstration and explanation of the educator.

Supervision of children's work.

Analysis of the work of the educator and children.

Materials and equipment:

Thick sheets of paper of the same size, designed in the form of a window; gouache, wax crayon white color, brushes, jar of water, palette, salt.

IIntroductory part.

1. Organizational moment.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "January" (Seasons) sounds.

2 .Introduction of the game moment.

Guys, what season did Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky reflect in his work?

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package, and in it a box. I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Well done boys.

The teacher opens the box.

Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:

Twig lines are gentle!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Of course, Frost.

IIMain part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Let's see what else is in the box?

The teacher takes out pictures of frosty patterns from the box. Children, together with the teacher, examine them.

Look carefully at these drawings, what did Frost draw on them?

Guys, tell me, please, how do you get such beautiful lace patterns on glass?

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. The icicles are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snowy laces in winter. But in order for a piece of winter to always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

2. Palchik gymnastics: "Here are my helpers."

- Before starting work, I propose to stretch our fingers and perform finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way.

One, two, three, four, five.

They don't fit again.

Work a little

We will let them rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

3. Display and explanation of the work.

You have window blanks on your tables. You need to draw frost patterns on them. And we will do it in an unusual way. I will introduce you to non-traditional technique images "Photocopy" and salt painting.

The Photocopy technique is drawing with a candle or white wax crayon, and salt painting enlivens the drawing, making it sparkle and shimmer.

We will draw according to the plan:

Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.

Draw with white wax crayon.

Evenly cover the drawing with blue or purple watercolor.

Let the painting dry a little.

Sprinkle the pattern with salt and let dry.

4. Independent work of children.

The children draw on their own. The teacher provides individual assistance.

5. Dynamic pause.

Well done! What beautiful frosty patterns you got. It takes some time for them to dry. And while we rest with you. Let's go to the palace and imagine that we are snowflakes.

We are funny snowflakes

We spin in the air.

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And he raised all the snowflakes.

Twirled, flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

IIIFinal part.

1. Analysis of children's work.

A painted house without windows is hung out.

Guys, do you like this house?

What is missing from him?

I propose to resettle your beautiful windows in this house.

The children fix their windows.

Look what beautiful house we got it. And what frosty patterns on the windows. They are so shimmery, so sparkling. Even Santa Claus, I think, will definitely like it.

Municipal Preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 12 of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region.


organized educational activities with children

group preparatory to school №3

(section of the educational program "Artistic creativity")

Educator MDOU No. 12: Belova T. P.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.




Organized educational activities with children of the kindergarten preparatory group

Topic: "Frost patterns".

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music".

Types of children's activities:productive, cognitive-exploratory, playful.

  1. Purpose of the event:

To give knowledge about the non-traditional technique of the image "photocopy" - drawing with a candle or wax crayon - and salt painting.

  1. Tasks:


  1. Teach children to draw frosty patterns on windows.
  2. To form the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints corresponding to the winter mood.


  1. With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity.
  2. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands.


  1. Raise interest in non-traditional drawing, creativity.
  1. Methods and techniques:
  1. Game situation, using the artistic word.
  2. Demonstration and explanation of the educator.
  3. Supervision of children's work.
  4. Analysis of the work of the educator and children.
  1. Materials and equipment:

Thick sheets of paper of the same size, designed in the form of a window; gouache, white wax crayon, brushes, jar of water, palette, salt.

I Introduction.

1. Organizational moment.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "January" (Seasons) sounds.

2.Introduction of the game moment.

Guys, what season did Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky reflect in his work?

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package, and in it a box. I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Well done boys.

The teacher opens the box.

Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:

Twig lines are gentle!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Of course, Frost.

II main part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Let's see what else is in the box?

The teacher takes out pictures of frosty patterns from the box. Children, together with the teacher, examine them.

Look carefully at these drawings, what did Frost draw on them?

Guys, tell me, please, how do you get such beautiful lace patterns on glass?

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. The icicles are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snowy laces in winter. But in order for a piece of winter to always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

2. Finger gymnastics: "Here are my helpers."

- Before starting work, I propose to stretch our fingers and perform finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way.

One, two, three, four, five.

They don't fit again.

Work a little

We will let them rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

3. Display and explanation of the work.

You have window blanks on your tables. You need to draw frost patterns on them. And we will do it in an unusual way. I will introduce you to the non-traditional photocopy painting technique and salt painting.

The Photocopy technique is drawing with a candle or white wax crayon, and salt drawing enlivens the drawing, making it sparkle and shimmer.

We will draw according to the plan:

  1. Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.
  2. Draw with white wax crayon.
  3. Evenly cover the drawing with blue or purple watercolor.
  4. Let the painting dry a little.
  5. Sprinkle the pattern with salt and let dry.

4. Independent work of children.

The children draw on their own. The teacher provides individual assistance.

5. Dynamic pause.

Well done! What beautiful frosty patterns you got. It takes some time for them to dry. And while we rest with you. Let's go to the palace and imagine that we are snowflakes.

We are funny snowflakes

We spin in the air.

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And he raised all the snowflakes.

Twirled, flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

III Final part.

1. Analysis of children's work.

A painted house without windows is hung out.

Guys, do you like this house?

What is missing from him?

I propose to resettle your beautiful windows in this house.

The children fix their windows.

Look what a beautiful house we have. And what frosty patterns on the windows. They are so shimmery, so sparkling. Even Santa Claus, I think, will definitely like it.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region."

organized educational activities with children

Group preparatory to school No. 3

(section of the educational program "Artistic creativity")

Educator MDOU No. 12: Belova T. P.

Synopsis of organized educational activities for cognitive development

Winter meeting. Winter patterns on the windows. (preparatory group)

continue to get acquainted with seasonal changes in nature; learn to compare windy weather with calm, notice the beauty of nature and reflect it in stories, drawings.
Integra ce
<<Коммуникация >>, <<Познание>>, << Музыка>>, <<Чтение fiction>>, <<Художественное творчество>>.
V i d e s o f ch ildren's activi ties:
cognitive-research, communicative, perception of fiction, musical and artistic, productive.
P lanned results:
knows characteristics the winter season and correlates with this period the features of the life of animals, plants and natural phenomena; talks about the signs of winter, using synonyms in speech; analyzes the content of the poem, highlighting fragments about the signs of winter; responds emotionally to a piece of music heard; determines its mood and character, knows the names of paintings and poems, the names of artists and poets who created works about winter; independently performs drawings of winter patterns.
M a t e r i a l and equipment:
illustrations winter nature: gouache; recording of the play by P. I. Tchaikovsky<< Времена года. Январь>>; gouache paints cold colors and shades; brushes; reproductions of paintings by K. Yuon<<Зима в лесу>>, I. Grabar<<Зимний пейзаж>>.

Introductory word of the educator.
-Repeat after me the lines from the poem. White hats White hare On white birches, On white snow, White pattern On white forest On branches from frost, I run on skis - What time of year is this passage from the poem about? We were invited by the Snow Queen
2. Conversation about winter.

- select the characteristic features for the subject, using questions. Winter (what?) ... (cold white, snowy). Snow (what?) ... (loose, sticky white). Frost (what?) ... (burning, strong, crackling). Wind (what?) ... (piercing, sharp, strong). Trees (what?) ... (naked, sleepy). Days (what?) ... (short, cold, clear). What colors does winter use? What do you think winter smells like? When does winter come? Guess the riddles and name the winter months. Name it guys
A month in this mystery. His days are shorter than all days, Longer than all nights. On the fields and on the meadows Snow fell until spring. Only our month will pass - We meet New Year. (December.) - In Russia, December was called jelly. December bridges, December nails. December is rolling. Pinches ears, pinches nose. Frost creeps into boots. If you splash water, it will fall Not water already, but ice. Even the birds do not fly: The bird freezes from the frost. The sun turned to summer. What do you say for a month it? (January.) - January was called the cut, as it cuts the winter into two halves. Snow is falling in bags from the sky, Snowdrifts are standing from the house. That snowstorms and blizzards flew into the village. At night the frost is strong, In the afternoon, a drop is heard ringing. The day has increased noticeably Well, so what month is it? (February.) - February was called fierce, because a lot of snow falls, there are severe frosts, there are often snowstorms. - What signs of winter did you learn from the riddles about the months? Sometimes there are thaws in winter. How do you understand the word<<оттепель>>? Sometimes the sun will shine. The wind will blow from the south and bring a thaw. The snow will melt. It will become wet, it will be easy to mold. Icicles appear on the roofs. And after the thaw, frost will hit and a hard crust will form on the snow -<<наст>>, icy roads. A fluffy snow fringe is formed on trees and wires - frost. At the same time, everything around becomes surprisingly beautiful, the trees are especially beautiful. What are snowflakes? What do they look like? The quieter the frosty weather, the more beautiful the snowflakes falling to the ground. At strong wind their rays and edges break off, snowflakes turn into snow dust. Snowflakes falling to the ground warm days, stick to each other and form
large flakes. What is the name of the phenomenon when snowing? (Snowfall.) Often during a snowfall the wind blows and then the snow rushes through the air, lingering near houses, fences, sweeping large snowdrifts. What is the name of this phenomenon? (Snowstorm.) I suggest you listen to the work<<Зима>> Vivaldi. Close your eyes and imagine winter picture. What did you present? Give examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature. (Thaw, ice, snowfall, blizzard, frost - winter phenomena.) -Listen to a poem by Sergei Yesenin<<Зима>> and remember all the characteristic signs of winter that we talked about. Now autumn has flown away, On glasses of wondrous beauty. And winter came. Everyone fixed their eyes, As if on wings, flew Looking at it. From a height Invisibly suddenly she. It's snowing Here the frosts crackled Flashes, winds, And fettered all the ponds. Lies down with a white veil. And the boys screamed Here the sun is flashing in the clouds, Hey<<спасибо>> for the work. And the frost on the snow sparkles. Here come the patterns

Drawing winter patterns on the windows.
The play by P. I. Tchaikovsky sounds<<Времена года. Январь>>. -Guys, pay attention to the music that sounds. This piece of music was written by the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky and is called<<Январь>>. The music is quiet and calm. Under such music, it is best to consider paintings with winter sketches. To depict winter, artists use pure, cold tones. Consider a reproduction of Yuon's painting<<Зима в лесу>>. Hear the bells sound, the snow creaks under the runners. Where was the man going? Maybe he looked after the Christmas tree for the New Year or decided to feed the animals? After all, it is so difficult for them in the winter in the forest. Silence. A man's song can be heard in the distance. - And here is another very interesting picture <<Зимний пейзаж>> (I. Gribar). The frosty sun shines brightly on us. The shadows from the trees fall on the snow. The sky is clear and blue. Let's take a closer look. Maybe a cheerful bunny will run between the Christmas trees. Beautiful, isn't it? How similar and at the same time different is nature. - But not only artists have paid and are paying attention to the wonderful color of winter. Many writers and poets describe the beauty of Zimushka in their works. Fluffy white snow Whirls in the air And quietly falls to the ground, lies down. And in the morning the field turned white with snow,
Like a veil All dressed him. A dark forest that covered itself with a wonderful hat And fell asleep under it Strongly, soundly. This wonderful poem was written by the poet Ivan Surikov. He probably would not have been able to write this poem if he could see the unusual in the most ordinary things. And you guys. Do you like winter? Why? (You can also go sledding, play snowflakes, and make a funny snowman.) Have you noticed how amazing patterns frost decorates the windows of houses? One of his cold breaths on the window, and in an instant the glass is decorated with icy curls, similar in shape to Khokhloma painting. Only this painting is not gold, but white and blue. Today you, like real frost wizards, will decorate the windows with a pattern. Draw Santa Claus patterns on a white sheet of paper. What colors will you use? (Blue, purple, cyan.)

Summary of the lesson.
- Consider all the drawings and choose the most expressive and most accurate. Explain your choice.

Natalya Semenova

Goals: teach children draw frosty patterns in the style of lace; expand and diversify the figurative range (creation of a situation for the free, creative use of different decorative elements - dots, circle, curl, leaf, petal, wavy line, etc., improve the technique drawing with the end of the brush.

Equipment: Vologda lace or photographs with their image, bobbin, white gouache, brushes, napkins, easel, blue cardboard or of blue color.

Lesson progress

1. Conversation on the topic

The stand contains Vologda lace or photographs with their image, plot pictures on the topic.

Educator. Look, guys, what a beautiful napkin I brought to class today. It is not sewn from fabric, it is woven from threads. Vologda craftswomen make such unusual products. Their hands work quickly, sorting through the bobbins, and such airy laces appear. let's consider patterns on Vologda lace. Here we can see circles, dots, curls, straight lines and wavy lines, petals. This pattern doesn't remind you of anything? What? Listen to riddles hints:

Have you seen the winter picture?

I am always there!

Like my sister Ice,

I am frozen water.

Look, I'm carved

Like a lace doily.


An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted

On my palm.


Fluffs are falling from the sky

Having fluffed up the rays-villi.

It's ballerinas circling

snow white (Snowflakes)

And at night it suddenly became very cold, and in the morning on the windows we saw amazing … Frost patterns. And indeed, patterns lace reminds us of winter: stars of snowflakes, unusual branches in hoarfrost. This is probably why this craft was born in the North, on the long evenings of the Russian winter, when women talked, sang and wove lace, and frost painted there are fantastic flowers and leaves on the windows.

2. Demonstration of working methods

Educator. Today in class we will draw patterns that we see on our windows. To do this, take a piece of blue or blue cardboard to patterns stood out well on it. First curls, dots, circles and other elements pattern let's outline pencil. Let's see how beautiful our drawing turned out, and if we like it, let's proceed to gouache painting. You can start drawing frosty patterns immediately with gouache, even in this case, the drawing must be thought out in the mind, to imagine where which element will be located. Only then will our picture turn out to be beautiful, such as the lace that Vologda craftswomen weave or Grandfather draws on the windows Freezing. What color gouache should I take for drawing? Of course, white.

3. Finger gymnastics "In winter"

Fluffy snow lay on the branches. We depict tree branches with our hands, spread our fingers

And all the kids run for walks. Index and middle fingers both hands "run" on the table like legs

Sculpt a woman under the window, Sculpt an imaginary snowball with both hands

Together they roll a snowball. Circular movements hands

Skiing, sliding on the table with palms back and forth

Sledge Put hands together, thumbs down, move forward from chest

And put the palm skates on edge and slide them back and forth on the table

They race.

4. Practical part

Children's drawings on a given topic under musical accompaniment(A. Vivaldi "Seasons" (Winter)

5. Summary of the lesson

Educator. Look, guys, how many new windows have appeared in our group! And on each unique patterns. Here is Grandpa Frost will be happy that such wonderful artists are growing among you!

Frost creeps in a pattern on glass

And skillfully weaves lace without knitting needles.

Here is a miracle - a fairy tale grows on the window -

Winter introduces fantasy boldly!

You will not find two similar windows.

Each drawing is personal.

And every kind is good in its own way!

Freezing– the artist is very unique!

What is meaner frost - the more fabulous pattern!

You just try to see everything!

Spread your wings, feel the space

And try to find yourself in a fairy tale!

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